How to easily clean grease from oven glass

When we bake any dish containing fat in the oven, its splashes are sure to settle on the walls of the oven and on the glass of its door. Fat deposits accumulate, and as a result, the oven loses its attractive appearance. To clean the glass and keep it in this condition, you need to learn how to care for it.

Basic cleansing

  1. It is necessary to prepare a paste from ordinary soda. To do this, mix soda with water to a paste-like state. The paste should not be too thick. Lubricate the glass with it from the inside.
  2. Leaves the paste on the surface for 15 minutes for a better effect. As a result of the action of soda, pollution will become softer.
  3. Take a plain dishwashing sponge that has a rough side and wipe the surface of the glass with it. The dirt will have softened by this time, and it will be possible to remove them with the harder side of the sponge.
  4. After all contaminants have been removed, the soda paste must be thoroughly washed off with a sponge so that there are no traces of soda on the surface.
  5. Wipe the door with a dry towel.
  6. To make the glass surface look perfect, use a glass cleaner. After that, your oven door will be perfectly clean.

How to remove particularly stubborn stains?

The oven must be preheated to 50 degrees. As soon as the temperature reaches the required level, the oven must be turned off. Open the door and leave for a minute. You need to wait until the door becomes not hot, but warm. Do not heat the oven above the recommended temperature, otherwise it may cause burns. This temperature will be enough to make persistent pollution become somewhat softer.

Sprinkle a little cleaner on the glass (you need to choose only safe). The tool should just cover the surface, but not gather in large clusters. Then close the door for 5 minutes.

After 5 minutes, open the oven and wipe the glass with a special glass-ceramic scraper. You can also use a hard sponge. When the stain is removed, wipe the surface with a clean sponge dipped in water.

Dry the glass with a dry towel. If any stubborn stains remain, they can be removed with a blade.

Regular care

  1. Clean the oven door more often. Choose a day of the week for this, or develop the habit of washing it out after every use of the oven.
  2. If during cooking fat spilled over the door, immediately after cooling, remove at least the strongest contamination. After that, washing the oven in the future will be much easier. After all, if fat and food particles dry out during further use, it will be very difficult to clean the door next time.
  3. If your oven is equipped with a self-cleaning function, then this function must be used at least once a month.