Famous phrases from 12 chairs. Quotes and phrases from the movie "12 chairs

"12 Chairs" is one of the best comedies, which was shot by the famous Soviet director Leonid Gaidai in 1971 based on the novel of the same name by I. Ilf and E. Petrov. The comedy was filmed in two series: "The Ice Has Broken" and "The Meeting Continues." The comedy premiered on June 21, 1971.

To play the role of Ostap Bender, Gaidai invited Archil Gomiashvili, and Rostislav Plyatt was approved for the role of Kisa Vorobyaninov, instead of Sergei Filippov, who was seriously ill. But Filippov assured that he was ready to act, no matter what. Upon learning of such a desire, Plyatt refused the role of Kisa in favor of Filippov, although he himself did not remain without a role. In the film, Rostislav Plyatt reads the words from the author.

G. Volchek and N. Mordyukova claimed the role of Madame Gritsatsuyeva. Mordyukova was denied this role, so it seemed to Gaidai not funny. Galina Volchek turned out to be preferable, but sound engineer Vladimir Krachkovsky offered his wife, Natalia Krachkovsky, for this role. Looking at her, Gaidai said: "Here it is, the poet's dream."

Quotes from the movie 12 chairs are very popular in society. This selection of quotes will remind you of the best moments of Soviet comedy.

How much is opium for the people?

The meeting continues! The ice has broken, gentlemen of the jury!

Maybe give you another key to the apartment where the money is?

I will lead the parade!

There are also sleeves from the vest, a circle from a donut and a dead donkey's ears.

Who do you think this powerful old man is? Don't say you can't know. This is a giant of thought, the father of Russian democracy and a person close to the emperor.

Oh, Kisa, - said Ostap, - we are strangers at this celebration of life.

Although we do not have Paris, we are welcome to our hut.

Give me the sausage, give me the sausage, fool! I will forgive everything!

Boy... Is it bad? Whoever says it's a girl, let him throw a stone at me first!

Dad, you are a vulgar person!

No time to hug, he said. Farewell darling. We parted like ships at sea.

Hit or miss. I choose pan, although he is an obvious Pole.

All smuggling is done in Odessa, on Malaya Arnautskaya street.

Here's a gray beard for you! Here's a devil in your ribs!

The first move is E2-E4, and then... And then we'll see.

Why are you looking at me like a soldier at a louse? Overwhelmed with happiness?

Half mine, half ours...

You were deceived, this is not a Mexican jerboa, this is a Shanghai leopard

Lord! Children will not forget you!

The office writes

Quotes Ellochka Cannibals

Your whole back is white (joke)

Don't teach me how to live

Boy. (In relation to all familiar men, regardless of age and social status.)

Ho-ho! (Expresses, depending on the circumstances, irony, surprise, delight, hatred, joy, contempt and satisfaction.)

Let's take a taxi. (male acquaintances)

Thick and handsome. (Used as a characteristic of inanimate and animate objects)

Quotes by Kisa Vorobyaninov

Lord! Lord! Are you going to beat us?
- And how!

Hold it! He stole our sausage!

Let's go to the rooms!

Quotes from other heroes

Dusya! You make me angry. I am a man tormented by narzans.

I can't at the source. From the source, I started having visions.

Consent is the product of complete non-resistance of the parties.

The answer is the equivalent of a thought.

There it in the swing

Coffin, he loves work

Music!!! Goose ready?

Not for self-interest, but only by the will of the wife who sent me

Birds, repent of your sins in public!

I'll give you the sausage! Take me down!

Is Vorobyaninov prowling somewhere now?

... And he went away from me, to a brothel should be

Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov

Don't think. Be quiet. And don't forget to puff out your cheeks.

Ostap hasn't eaten anything since yesterday. Therefore, his eloquence was unusual.

The art of the madmen, the cave painting or the drawing made by the tail of a defiant mule, looked like museum treasures compared to Ostap's banner.

The air is clean, and smart thoughts come into my head!

Ostap wiped his noble forehead. He was hungry to such an extent that he would gladly eat a fried chess horse.

… breathe deeply - you are excited!

The selection includes iconic quotes and phrases from the movie "12 Chairs"
  • - How much do you pickle cucumbers? - Piatak! - Well, okay, give me two! (Kisa Vorobyaninov)
  • This is a May-spoiler, this May-sorcerer breathes fresh with his fan! (Kisa Vorobyaninov)
  • Ostap Bender's loud laughter was suddenly heard in the crowd. He appreciated this phrase. Everyone neighed. Encouraged by the reception, Gavrilin, without understanding why, suddenly started talking about the international situation.
  • I can't at the source. From the source, I started having visions. (Fitter Mechnikov)
  • "Nymph", swing her there, does it give goods? (Bezenchuk)
  • And your janitor is a pretty big vulgar thing. Is it possible to get so drunk on the ruble?! (Ostap Bender)
  • I'll give you the sausage! Take me down! (Father Fedor)
  • There it is in the swing. (Bezenchuk)
  • Take care of your pince-nez, Kitty - it's about to start! (Ostap Bender) 12 chairs quotes
  • Brilliant quote from the movie "12 chairs": Comrades! See everything! The amateur is beaten!
  • It is a sin to eat such cabbage in addition to vodka.
  • Mate to you, comrade grandmaster.
  • Statistics knows everything.
  • All smuggling is done in Odessa, on Malaya Arnautskaya street. (Ostap Bender)

  • Consent is the product of complete non-resistance of the parties. (Fitter Mechnikov)
  • Is Vorobyaninov prowling somewhere now? (Father Fedor)
  • Any kind of scum! Viper seven-batyushnaya! Has a secondary education!
  • Coffin, he loves work. (Bezenchuk)
  • How much is opium for the people? (Ostap Bender)
  • Birds, repent of your sins in public! (Father Fedor)
  • Speak!.. Speak, where are the treasures of the mother-in-law you killed! (Father Fedor)
  • Soon only cats will be born! (Ostap Bender)
  • Door opened. Ostap went into a room that could only be furnished by a creature with the imagination of a woodpecker.
  • Let's go to the rooms! (Kisa Vorobyaninov)
  • Hold it! He stole our sausage! (Kisa Vorobyaninov)
  • Let's take a taxi. - (Ellochka-cannibal)
  • Breathe deeply: you are excited!
  • The answer is the equivalent of a thought. (Fitter Mechnikov)

  • Here Pasha Emilievich, who had a supernatural instinct, realized that now they would beat him, maybe even kick him.
  • Well, you, the victim of an abortion, but quickly tell me who you sold the chair to ?! (Ostap Bender)
  • Kitty, I want to ask you, as an artist - an artist: do you know how to draw? (Ostap Bender)
  • But Ostap Bender, whose long noble nose clearly smelled the smell of fried food, did not let the janitor even utter a word.
  • Whoever says it's a girl, let him be the first to throw a stone at me! (Ostap Bender)
  • Don't teach me how to live. (Ellochka-cannibal)
  • Monsieur, it's not mange pa sis jour. Geben zi world bitte etwas kopek auf dem shtuk ford. Give something to the former deputy of the State Duma. (Kisa Vorobyaninov)
  • Nobody loves us, except for the criminal investigation department, which also does not love us. (Ostap Bender)
  • “Money in advance,” the fitter said, “in the morning - money, in the evening - chairs or in the evening - money, and the next day in the morning - chairs.
    - Or maybe today - chairs, and tomorrow - money? - tortured Ostap.
    - I, darling, am a tormented person. The soul does not accept such conditions.
  • We are strangers in this celebration of life. (Ostap Bender)
  • On the third move, it turned out that Ostap was playing eighteen Spanish games. On the rest of the boards, the Vasyukins used the outdated but true Philidor defense.
  • Music!!! Goose ready? (Engineer Bruns)
  • Not for self-interest, but only by the will of the wife who sent me. (Father Fedor)
  • The ice has broken, gentlemen of the jury! (Ostap Bender)
  • A week ago, an evening of the "Society for Water Rescue" was held, which was also evidenced by the slogan on the wall: The work of helping drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves. - Chapter XXXIV
  • Brace yourself! Russia will not forget you! Foreign countries will help us! (Ostap Bender)
  • Well, to hell with you! Get lost here with your chair! And my life is dear to me as a memory! (Ostap Bender)
  • A sultry woman is a poet's dream. (Ostap Bender)

k/f, 2 series, 1971

* And you have nowhere to hurry: the GPU will come for you! Ostap.
* Can't two hundred rubles save a giant of thought? Kislyarsky.
* And what, father, are suitors required in your city? Do you have brides? - To whom the mare is the bride. Ostap, Tikhon.
* Alpine begging! Holy work! Ostap.
* Without criminality. The code we must... the code we must honor! Ostap.
* Closer to the body, as Guy de Maupassant says! Ostap.
* Riot on the ship?! Ostap.
* There is a very strange custom in Berlin: they eat there so late that it is impossible to understand what it is, an early supper or a late lunch. Ostap.
* In Moscow, in the center of the city, on the site of the ninth floor, there was an adult with a higher education, completely naked. He had nowhere to go. He would rather go to jail than show himself like that. There was only one thing left: to disappear! Author.
* On that day, God sent Alexander Yakovlevich a bottle of Zubrovka for lunch, homemade mushrooms, black granular caviar, herring mincemeat, Ukrainian borscht, chicken with rice, fruit, and so on and so forth. Author.
* You have been deceived, you have been given a much better fur! It's... it's Shanghai leopards! Ostap.
* Of course, you were surprised by the early visit of an unknown man! Ostap.
* What is your political credo? - Is always! - Russia will not forget you! Ostap, episode.
* Your diamonds are almost in my pocket, and I am only interested in you insofar as I want to provide for your old age! Ostap.
* Vegetarian do not hold, sir! Episode.
* Gorgeous symbol! Separation from the people - and the fall! Viewer.
*Here's the police! Here you have the high cost of chairs for the working people of all countries! Here's to you night walks on the girls! Here's a gray beard for you! Here's a devil in your ribs! Ostap.
* All smuggling is done in Odessa on Deribasovskaya street. Ostap.
* What regiment did you serve in? Ostap.
* Do you know who this powerful old man is? Don't say, you can't know! Ostap.
* You love money more than you should. - Don't you like them? - Not. - And why do you need 60 thousand then? - Out of principle. Ostap, Kisa.
* After all, you are not my mother, not my sister, and not my mistress! Ostap.
* You flatter me, you naughty one! Kitty.
* You give me chairs, and I give you a strainer. Ho-ho? - Iron! Ostap, Ellochka.
* You are not in church, you will not be deceived! Ostap.
* You seem to have asked me about some money? - But how! For furniture, for warrants. - Oh, dove! I swear on the honor of the late father, I forgot to withdraw from the current account. Ostap, Korobeinikov.
* Gavrila was an unfaithful husband, Gavrila cheated on his wives! Lyapis Trubetskoy. Gavrila was an exemplary husband, Gavrila was faithful to his wives! He is. Gavrila suffered from gangrene, Gavrila fell ill from gangrene. He is. Gavrila served as a bureaucrat, Gavrila was a bureaucrat! He is. Although Gavrila was a firefighter, Gavrila was given a film to shoot! He is.
* Where have you seen husbands cheating on their wives? I personally don't remember this at all. Then, these are our husbands, these are our wives! Yes, absolutely not typical! Episode.
* Where bison run among the pampas, and over the baobabs the sunsets are like blood... P/f.
* Giant of thought! Father of Russian democracy! A person close to the emperor! And such petty-criminal inclinations! Ostap. This is a giant of thought, the father of Russian democracy and a person close to the emperor! He is.
* Deep... digging! Episode.
* The grandmaster gave away the elephant! - Cunning! - Rook framed! - Lures! Episode.
* Giving a bribe to an official in the line of duty - yes, this is ... article 114 of the Criminal Code! Ostap. Giving false evidence - article 321, section 3, paragraph "g". He is.
* Dengi come on, come on money! Give money, give money, I tell you!.. Ostap.
* Money up front! Mechnikov. Is it possible like this: chairs in the morning, and money in the afternoon? - Can. But money up front! Ostap, Mechnikov.
* Hold the grandmaster! Amateur.
* Hold on! Hold him, he stole our sausage! Kitty.
* Children will not forget you! Ostap.
* Dusya, you embitter me! Mechnikov.
* Uncle, give me ten kopecks! Give me ten kopecks, I tell you! Episode.
* Iron boy! Ellochka.
* We will not surrender to them alive! Ostap.
* Horror! Ellochka.
* Let's kill Mika baki! Ostap.
* Tomorrow we will be waiting for us at the safe house... an ambush will be waiting for us. Will have to shoot. Ostap.
* The West will help us, be strong, complete secrecy of contributions, that is, organizations. Ostap.
* Here Pasha, who has a supernatural instinct, realized that now they would beat him. Maybe even feet. Author.
* A sultry woman, a poet's dream! Ostap.
* And he fell in love with her, and he called her a bird on the branches of his soul... P/f.
* And with one bullet he killed both, and wandered along the shore in anguish ... P / f.
* Out of respect only for your noble origin, I am ready to work for some miserable 40%. Ostap.
* The stones, I see, are chosen with taste! Ostap.
* Kitty and Osya were here. Ostap.
* I will command the parade! Ostap.
* Competing firm! Ostap.
* The office is writing! Ostap.
* Dye "Naiad". Dyes hair in an amazing chestnut color! Ostap.
* Brace yourself! Foreign countries will help us! The complete secret of the organization! Ostap.
* Whoever says that this is a girl, let him be the first to throw a stone at me. Ostap.
* Where did you put the treasures of the mother-in-law you killed? Speak! Repent, sinner, repent! Father Fedor.
* The ice has broken, gentlemen of the jury! Ostap.
* Better times are coming soon! However, this does not apply to street children, whom I currently represent. Ostap.
* Lover is beaten! Amateur.
* Mexican jerboa! Ellochka.
* Monsieur, it's not manche pas sis jour! Kitty.
* My life is dear to me as a memory! Ostap.
* It pleases me to sell you ears from a dead donkey. Ostap. Uncle, I should add. - Ears from a dead donkey. Episode., Ostap.
* Maybe you, holy father, are a party member? Kitty.
* Maybe give you another key to the apartment where the money is? Ostap. You want me to work for nothing, and even give me the key to the apartment where the money is! He is. Twenty five! - And the key to the apartment. Kisa, Ostap. A great option: the key to the apartment where the money will be. Ostap.
* Shut up, sadness, shut up! Ostap.
* My chicken, your cockerel will come now! Ostap. Nothing, my chicken, your cockerel is healthy! He is.
* Musik, well, is the goose ready? Bruns.
* Musik, well, you don't feel sorry for your little man. Bruns.
* We will explain elsewhere. Ostap.
* We are strangers at this celebration of life! Ostap.
* I would fill your snout, but only Zarathustra does not allow! Ostap.
* Our chairs are in place, the auditor has left - we can leave. Ostap.
* Are there many of us in the city? What is the mood? - If there is an absence, I would say ... Ostap, an episode.
* Don't hit your cheeks with your ears, don't! Ostap.
* Not for self-interest, but only by the will of Queen Tamara who sent me! Father Fedor.
* Do not teach me how to live! Ellochka.
* It is not clear why, why, why I met you for no reason at all, I met you and lost my peace, it is not clear why, it is not known why ... Lyapis-Trubetskoy.
* Nervous are asked not to watch. Ostap.
* Never! Never before had Vorobyaninov stretched out his hand! - So stretch your legs, you old fool! Kisa, Ostap.
* Well, let the man sleep! Episode.
* Well, the ice has broken? - Rogue! - What? - Moved. Ostap, Kisa.
* Well, I do not believe, I do not believe! More compassionate, more music in your voice! Ostap.
* Well, you are an abortion victim! Ostap.
* Showing resistance in the performance of official duties - article 215, paragraph "b". Ostap.
* He stole, and he was ashamed. He stole constantly and was constantly ashamed. Author.
* He donated a queen to me! What to do? - Give up before it's too late! Episode.
* Give me the sausage, fool! I will forgive everything! Ostap.
* How can the name of Ostap-Suleiman Bert-Maria-Bender-bey be known in Paris! Ostap.
* Waiter, champagne! Kitty.
* Oh, they will beat us! - When they beat you, you will cry. Kisa, Ostap.
* Stool hunter! Ostap.
* Write letters! Ostap.
* According to me, at least live all your life, since you are a good person. Tikhon.
* How much is opium for the people? Ostap.
* More cynicism! People love it. Ostap.
*Let's go, let's go to the rooms! Kitty.
* Get it from Pushkin. Ostap.
* Justice sold! Episode.
* Warning: we have long arms! Ostap.
* With the modern development of printing in the West, making a Soviet passport is such a trifle that it is even ridiculous to talk about it! Ostap.
* Simple and tasteful! But living with such hair in Soviet Russia is not recommended. Ostap.
* With you, by the way, for a haircut and shaving 2 rubles. - Why so expensive? Everywhere take 40 kopecks. - For conspiracy, Comrade Field Marshal. Ostap, Kisa.
* What is the purpose of the fee? - Uh, for the purpose of overhauling the failure, so that it does not sink too much. Episode., Ostap.
* The fool himself! Fedor.
* Do we confess ourselves or will we continue to deny it? Ostap.
* Now in Europe and in the best houses of Philadelphia it is customary to pour tea through a strainer. Ostap.
* Now such marvelous weather is standing: "It's May, merry fellow, it's May, sorcerer, it blows with a fresh fan on us!" Kitty.
* Seriously, seriously! Give me a tear! Ostap.
* How old are you? - It has nothing to do with science, which I currently represent. Lisa, Kisa.
* Soon we will live in a new way and start our own candle factory, and something else! Fedor.
* Soon only cats will be born! Ostap. William Shakespeare's dictionary is an example-> 12 thousand words, a savage dictionary from cannibal
of the Mumba Yumba tribe is 300 words, Ellochka Schukina easily managed 30 words. Author.
* Like a figurine, the girl stood... P/f.
* Listen, you ladies' favorite! Ostap. Take me off, I'll give you the sausage! Father Fyodor Sorok? - A-ha-ha-ha! .. - Fifty? - Ho-ho-ho! .. Almost. Thirty eight. Lisa, Kisa.
* The union... the union of the Sword and... this, how his... yelled! Ostap.
* Calmly! I'm in charge of the job! Ostap.
* The old woman will not let you down, reliable woman? Ostap
* The old women live on full board. - These are those who were born before historical materialism? - When they were born, then they were born. Tikhon Ostap.
* A slender chocolate-colored figurine... P/f.
* Chairs must be forged while they are hot! Ostap.
* Chairs are crawling like cockroaches! Ostap.
* I count to five. Yes or no?.. Once... - Yes, Ostap, Kitty.
* Bargaining is not appropriate here! Kitty.
* I have all the moves recorded! Amateur.
* I have no less reason to believe that I alone can handle your case! Ostap
* Although we do not have Paris, we are welcome to our hut! Ostap.
* Money in the morning - chairs in the afternoon, money in the afternoon - chairs in the evening, money in the evening - chairs at night, money - chairs in the morning, in the morning ... Mechnikov. Money in the morning - money in the evening, money in the evening ... He.
* Humite, boy! Ellochka.
* Ho-ho! - Ho-ho! .. Oh-hoo! Ellochka, Ostap
* Fragile reeds made their rustle in the darkness. Two lovers ... - The reeds rustled, the trees bent. Kisa, Ostap.
* What ho-ho?.. Where is the second chair? Ostap.
* This is a robbery in broad daylight! Kitty.
* These are orphans. - Yeah, the heavy legacy of the tsarist regime. Alkhen, Ostap.
* This is typical foppishness - to rob a poor widow! Ostap.
* I invite you now to make your contributions and help the children. Only for children! And no one else you understand me! Ostap.
* I am a man exhausted by "Narzan"! Mechnikov.

And lya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov co-wrote several works. Among them, the most famous were the satirical novels-feuilletons "" and "", which tells about the adventures of the "great schemer", swindler and swindler Ostap Bender across the expanses of the young Soviet Republic.

We have selected 25 quotes from The Twelve Chairs:

He loved and suffered. He loved money and suffered from its lack.

There were so many barber shops and funeral processions in the county town of N that it seemed that the inhabitants of the city were born only to shave, cut their hair, freshen their heads with a vetetal and die immediately.

You don't drink, you don't smoke, you don't get involved in girls... Why do you need money? You don't know how to spend it.

The work of helping the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves.

Maybe give you another key to the apartment where the money is?

The ice has broken, gentlemen of the jury, the ice has broken!

Young was no longer young.

How much is opium for the people?!

Hey Kisa! You and I are strangers at this celebration of life.

I will lead the parade!

A sultry woman is a poet's dream!

William Shakespeare's dictionary, according to researchers, is 12,000 words. The dictionary of a negro from the cannibalistic tribe "Mumbo-Yumbo" is 300 words. Ellochka Shchukina easily and freely managed thirty.

Ippolit Matveyevich, almost crying, ran up to the steamer.
- Is this your boy? the caretaker asked suspiciously.
“The boy,” said Ostap, “is it bad? Typical boy. Whoever says it's a girl, let him be the first to throw a stone at me!

Don't throw a premature tantrum. If you can't help but worry, then worry silently.

Who do you think this powerful old man is? Don't say you can't know. This is a giant of thought, the father of Russian democracy and a person close to the emperor.

Soon only cats will be born!

In my head, like a child in its mother's womb, a fresh Armenian anecdote stirred softly.

The time we have is the money we don't have.

Well, you're an abortion victim. Give up, don't give up.

His whole being protested against the theft, but he could not help stealing. He stole, and he was ashamed.

I would stuff your snout, but Zarathustra won't allow it.

All smuggling is done in Odessa, on Malaya Arnautskaya street.

I'll ask you, citizen, to clear the chair.

Door opened. Ostap went into a room that could only be furnished by a creature with the imagination of a woodpecker.

Here Pasha Emilievich, who had a supernatural instinct, realized that now they would beat him, maybe even kick him.

* How much is opium for the people?

* Dusik, I will tell you as a man exhausted by Narzan!

* Well articulates, contagion! Learn, Kisa!

* Brace yourself! Russia will not forget you! The West will help us!

* Whoever says it's a girl, let him throw a stone at me first!

* Kitty, let me ask you as an artist of an artist ... Do you know how to draw?

* - Can't 100 rubles save the marshal of the nobility?
- I believe that bargaining is not appropriate here!

* I will command the parade!

* And can I give you another key to the apartment where the money is?!!!

* How much are pickled cucumbers?
- Pyatak.
- Give... Two!

* A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation.

* The ice has broken, gentlemen of the jury, the ice has broken!!

* Yes, this is not Rio de Janeiro for you!

*Let's go to the rooms!!! Hammy!!! Hammy!!!

* Well, let the man sleep!!!

* Ho-ho, boy!

* - What is this fur?
- Mexican jerboa!

* - I have all the moves recorded!
- The office is writing!

* Come back, I will forgive everything!

* Not for self-interest, but only by the will of the wife who sent me

*Dangy come on! Come on dang!

* Ostap played chess for the second time in his life

* - Lord! Are you going to beat us?
- And how!

* Consent is a product with complete non-resistance of the parties.

* But not mange pa sis jur. Giben zi peace bitte zwei mark. Serve a former member of the State Duma!

* - What is your political credo?
- Is always!

* This is May the merry fellow, this May the sorcerer blows a fresh fan on us! ..

* Hey you, abortion victim, but quickly tell me who you sold the chair to ?!

* A sultry woman is a poet's dream!

* I'll give you parabellum!

* - Well, uncle, are there any brides in your city?
- To whom the mare is the bride.
- I have no more questions!

* We are superfluous on this celebration of life

* Ostap suffered ...

* Grandmaster went e2-e4

* - They will beat ...
- Yes, and possibly feet

* Take care of your pince-nez, Kitty! Now it will start!

* - Is it possible so - chairs in the morning, and money in the evening?
- It is possible, but money - forward!

* Riot on the ship?!

* Gavrila served as a bureaucrat, Gavrila was a bureaucrat!

* Comrade Bender!

* And your janitor is a big vulgar. Is it possible to get so drunk on the ruble?

* - Barin?! From Paris?!
- Shut up, fool!

* Breathe deeply! You are excited!

* -- I was told that this is the Titanic, smuggled goods from America...!
- All smuggling is done in Odessa, on small Arnautskaya street ...

* And no criminality - we must honor the code!

* - What is the purpose of the fee?
- To repair the failure. Not to fall too far!

* From a dead donkey you will get ears from Pushkin! so far, defective!

* Radical black color

* I'm not your mother! And in my house do not sit on any knees!

* ...and we will live with you near our candle factory ...

* And let's write "Kisa and Osya were here." Let's kill Mika baki!

* Hold it! He stole our sausage!

* What kind of kitty is he to you?! This is a giant of thought! Father of Russian democracy! A person close to the emperor!

* - Vorobyaninov has never held out his hands!
- So stretch your legs, you old fool!

* Speak! .. Speak, where are the treasures of the mother-in-law you killed!

* People, repent publicly!

* I'll return the sausage, just get me out of here!

* In conclusion, followed by a memorable throw at the head of the one-eyed

* Checkers! ... brrr, that is, chess! Do you know what chess is?!

* Hold the grandmaster! Hold on!

* 30 kopecks. The debut was a success.

* But it turned out that the bourgeoisie hid jewelry in that chair. Well, they gave me a bonus - 50 rubles. Here, the suit did it

* Kidding. Don't worry, you will have money. You will eat cream margo. Batiste footcloths to wear.

* The meeting continues!

*I'll punch you in the face!

* - Lady cow!
- You're a fool!

* ...Do you know who this powerful old man is?

* And only homeless children are homeless!

* Your gopher flies to his hen on the wings of love!

* - Again, guests came to this fool early in the morning!
- Probably from the police.

* Don't hit your cheeks with your ears!

* Comrades, look, an AMATEUR is being beaten!

* Eh! Nobody loves us. Not counting the Criminal Investigation Department, who doesn't like us either. We are strangers in this celebration of life...

* And now he gets into third position and says "No!" !

* Militia representatives can be equated to children.

* Musik, is the goose ready?

* You will eat margot cream, wear cambric footcloths ...

* Smile... And now pay off the waiter and quietly leave...

* The debut is a quasi-unfantasy!