Barto I know. Educational and methodological material for the development of speech (middle group) on the topic: Reading your favorite poems about winter. Memorizing the poem by A. Barto “I know what I need to come up with

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Solnyshko" Morshansky district of the Tambov region

Lesson on the development of speech in the middle group

Educator: Khadeeva I.F.

Topic: Reading favorite poems about winter.

Memorizing A. Barto's poem "I know what to think of"

Purpose: Find out what program poems children know. Help the children memorize the new poem. To teach children to guess riddles, to fulfill the creative task of the educator. To develop the ability of children to draw geometric shapes with details, obtaining a complete image. Cultivate love for native nature, the ability to see beauty in any season.

Developing environment: paintings depicting a winter landscape.

Materials for the lesson: drawings for riddles, green plates, the sun, cards for modeling drawings.

Lesson progress

Educator: “Guys, today in the lesson we will go with you on a magic sleigh on a fabulous journey to the Winter Forest. The journey will be exciting and interesting. On the way, we will remember our favorite poems about winter and learn a new poem by A. Barto “I know what to think of”. The poem will give us advice - "How to get from winters to summer?"


Children: "Yes!"

Educator: "Good luck!" (Music sounds).

Guys, in order to get into the magical forest, let's guess the riddles, and then the century-old pines and spruces will part and let us into the fairy forest.

The game "Riddles and riddles"

I will give you riddles. You must guess and say what season this natural phenomenon belongs to, find a picture corresponding to this phenomenon and attach it to a magnetic board.

I lived in the middle of the yard

Where the kids are playing.

But from the sun

I have become a stream. (Snowman)

She grows upside down

It does not grow in summer, but in winter.

But the sun will bake it -

She will cry and die. (Icicle)

Blanket white

Not made by hand

Not woven and not cut,

It fell from heaven to earth. (Snow)

strange asterisk

Fell from the sky

on my palm

She lay down and disappeared. (Snowflake)

Sleeping in winter

In summer, the hives stir. (Bear)

Educator: “That's right, guys. All riddles today are about winter. Solving them, we received a pass to the "Magic Winter Forest". Don't be surprised if animals, birds and trees talk to you.

Oh, who is moving under the snow?

Children: "It's a hedgehog!"

Educator: “I really want to know at least something about winter, compare it with summer. So far, I just realized that it’s very cold in winter, because I don’t have a fur coat, and the needles don’t warm at all.

Educator: “Guys, the hedgehog sleeps just like the bear in winter, but our hedgehog specifically decided not to go to bed, he wants to look at the winter, because he has never seen winter. Let's read our guest poems about winter.

Already you, winter-winter,

Twisted and swept.

All paths, all meadows

There is nowhere for Sonechka to go.

Walking the street

Santa Claus.

Hoarfrost scatters

On the branches of birches.

Walks with a beard

White shakes,

foot stomp

There is only crackling.

It is not the wind that rages over the forest

Streams did not run from the mountains.

Frost voivode patrol

Bypasses his possessions.

Dramatization of the poem by V. Orlov "Why the bear sleeps in winter"

Bear, bear,

What happened to you?

Why do you sleep in winter?

Because snow and ice

Not raspberries or honey.

Learning the poem by A. Barto “I know what to think of”

Educator: “Hedgehog, now you have an idea of ​​what winter is. Guys, answer the question: Did you miss summer?

Children: "Yes!"

Educator: Agniya Barto, a children's writer, loves children very much and has written a huge number of poems that you love and know. She found a way to please herself and you, how to return summer in winter. Listen.

The teacher reads the poem several times. Then, together with the children, he pronounces the first part of the poem, and the second part is read by the child, who looks at the world around him through a green plate.

I know what to think

No more winter

So that instead of high snowdrifts

Green hills all around.

"Do you know?" - the teacher asks the child.

Child: "I know."

I look into the glass

Green colour

And suddenly winter turns into summer.

Face reading is repeated.

Educator: “Hedgehog, children of the middle group can perfectly distinguish summer from winter. Play with us.

Word game "Winter - Summer"

When I talk about summer - raise a cheerful sun, smile. And when I talk about winter - raise the cloud and make a sad face

The cold came, the water turned to ice.

Grasshoppers chirp merrily.

Dima went to the forest for strawberries.

On the mountain ash, look like bullfinch apples.

Under our roof, a swallow built a nest.

An icy wind blows.

The ground is covered with green grass.

Educator: “Well done, everyone. And now Hedgehog, tell a farewell poem by A. Barto.

Children read the first part of the poem, and the hedgehog the second part.

Educator: “Guys, the time allotted for the trip has come to an end. In order to return back to our beloved kindergarten "Solnyshko" we must cope with the task.

Game task "Simulation of winter"

Our task is to finish the Christmas tree, the snowman.

Guys, get in the sled. We're heading home. (Music sounds).

Purpose: to introduce children to the new poem by Agnia Barto.

Tasks: to teach children to memorize verses according to the scheme; to consolidate the ability to answer questions with a full sentence; arouse in children a desire to expressively recite familiar poems by A. Barto by heart; to form a positive attitude towards poetry; train children's visual memory.

Equipment and materials: a portrait of Agnia Barto, pictures for poems by A. Barto, a chest, sheets of white paper (for each child), green plates (for each child), a diagram of A. Barto's poem “I know what to think of”.

GCD progress:

Organizing time:

Educator: - Good morning! Guys, we have an unusual day today. We have guests. Let's say hello to them "Hello!"

Educator: - Guys, do you like books? Let's go to the exhibition. Look before you at the portrait of Agnia Lvovna Barto. She wrote not only for small children, but also for older children. Let's remember the verses together. To make it easier for you to remember, I will show pictures.

The teacher shows the first picture.

Who is it? (Bear). Why is he sad? (Children's answers)

The teacher together with the children recalls the poem.

Dropped Mishka on the floor

Mishka's paw was torn off

I still won't drop it

Because he is good

How can we help Mishka? (Sew on the paw.)

Show a picture of a bunny.

What happened to our bunny, we can learn from the poem.

The hostess abandoned the bunny

A bunny was left in the rain.

I couldn't get off the bench.

Wet to the skin

Guys, how to help the bunny? (wipe the bunny with a fluffy towel and put it on the grass under the sun).

Guys, who is in this picture? (Bull).

The goby is swinging

Sighs on the go:

Oh, the board is over

Now I will fall.

The teacher shows the following picture, which shows a truck rolling a cat).

What is the poem about the truck?

No, in vain we decided

Ride a cat in a car:

The cat is not used to riding -

Overturned a truck.

But here, guys, we remembered the poems of A. Barto. We taught these poems when we were small, but now we have grown up, and we will learn a new poem.

Physical education minute

I go and you go - one, two, three (we walk in place).

I sing and you sing - one, two, three (clap hands).

We go and we sing - one, two, three (jumping in place).

We live very amicably - one, two, three (we walk in place).

Now let's sit down at the tables guys.

Look guys, I brought you a chest. It is magical, to open it, you need to say the magic words: “Chest, open, please! ". Oh, it won’t open, please help me, let’s say together: “Chest, open, please! ".

And in the chest there are magical items that can improve mood, do you know why?

Let's see together:

Didactic game "What it looks like":

1. I have a piece of white paper in my box, find it on your plate, what does it look like? (children's answers) Now look through it, what do you see? (children's answers) So, what kind of paper? (children's answers) Correctly not transparent.

2. And this is green plastic, its color is similar to what? (children's answers)

Educator: Guys, what season is it now? (children's answers). What seasons do you still know? What season do you like the most?

Agniya Barto wrote the poem "I know what to think of":

I know what to think

No more winter

So that instead of high snowdrifts

Green hills all around.

(Now we will quietly get up and go to the window, look through the plastic out the window).

I look into the glass

Green colour,

And immediately winter

Turns into summer.

We sit down at the tables. Did you like Agnia Barto's poem? Look at the chart to memorize this verse (Speaks the verse according to the chart). Let's repeat it together.

Who can tell this verse by himself according to the scheme?

Final part:

Did you guys like the new poem?

Who can recite the poem?

What else did you like about the lesson?

Lesson summary

« Reading your favorite poems. Memorizing a poem

A. Barto "I know what to think of" »

for children of the general developmental group,

aged 4 to 5 years

Educational area : Speech development

Occupation: Introduction to fiction.

Priority : Speech development,integrates c physical development, social and communicative development, cognitive development.

Target: introduce children to the new poem by Agnia Barto.



- Find out what program poems the children know.

Help the children memorize the new poem.

Build a positive attitude towards poetry.


Develop memory, attention.


- Cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the answers of your comrades.

Preliminary work: Prepare transparent green plastic plates. Give children the opportunity to see the world around them in green. Ask the children to read their favorite poems.

Forms of work: Individual, joint activities of the educator with children.


verbal : questions for children, riddles.

Visual : a book with illustrations, a portrait of the writer A. Barto, a hedgehog

Practical : drawing"Changing Winter to Summer"

Types of children's activities : playful, communicative, motor.Individual work: Add drawing with wax crayons "Turning winter into summer"

Materials and equipment:

Demo material: portrait of the writer A. Barto, hedgehog, book with illustrations, painting with a winter forest

Handout: sheets of white paper, wax crayons.

Motivation: journey on a magical sleigh in the winter forest.

Lesson progress:


Motivational moment:

caregiver : Guys, do you want to go on a trip? (children's answers) What season is it now? (winter) And what can you go on a trip in winter? (children's answers) That's right, we will go with you on a magic sleigh on a journey to the winter forest. Get on the sled. Ready?

Children: "Yes!"

Educator: "Good luck!" (Music sounds - “Three white horses”).

Guys, we have arrived, but to get into the magical forest, you need to solve riddles, and then the century-old pines and spruces will part and let us into the fairy forest.

The game "Riddles and riddles"

Educator: I will give you riddles. Listen carefully.

I lived in the middle of the yard

Where the kids are playing.

But from the sun

I have become a stream. (Snowman)

She grows upside down

It does not grow in summer, but in winter.

But the sun will bake it -

She will cry and die. (Icicle)

Blanket white

Not made by hand

Not woven and not cut,

It fell from heaven to earth. (Snow)

strange asterisk

Fell from the sky

on my palm

She lay down and disappeared. (Snowflake)

Educator: Guys, and these riddles about the phenomena that occur at what time of the year? (in winter). Solving them, we received a pass to the "Magic Winter Forest".

II . Main part

caregiver : Guys, we arrived in the winter forest.Oh, who is moving under the snow?

Children: "It's a hedgehog!"

caregiver : Hello hedgehog!

Hedgehog: Hello guys!

caregiver : Guys, what do hedgehogs do in winter? (they sleep) Why don't you hedgehog sleep?

Hedgehog: I really want to know at least something about winter, to compare it with summer. So far, I just realized that it’s very cold in winter, because I don’t have a fur coat, and the needles don’t warm at all.

Educator: Guys, a hedgehog sleeps just like a bear in winter, but our hedgehog specifically decided not to go to bed, he wants to look at winter, because he has never seen winter. Let's read our guest poems about winter.

Children (3-4 people) read poems, including “Why the bear sleeps in winter” by V. Orlov, “It is not the wind that rages over the forest ...” by N. Nekrasov, “Shadow-shadow-sweat”.

Educator: Hedgehog, now you have an idea of ​​what winter is. Guys, answer the question: did you miss summer?(children's answers)

Educator: Agniya Barto, a children's writer, loves children very much and has written a huge number of poems that you love and know. I will read the first lines of the poem to you, and you continue (“They dropped the bear on the floor ... ..”, “The hostess threw the bunny ... ..”, “I love my horse ...”). Well done boys!

Educator: But here, guys, we remembered the poems of A. Barto. We taught these poems when we were small, but now we have grown up, and we will learn a new poem. But now let's rest a little.

Physical education minute

I go and you go - one, two, three (we walk in place).

I sing and you sing - one, two, three (clap hands).

We walk and we sing - one, two, three (jumping in place).

We live very amicably - one, two, three (we walk in place).

Educator: A. Barto found a way to please herself and us, how to return summer in winter. Listen.

The teacher reads the poem several times. Then, together with the children, he pronounces the first part of the poem, and the second part is read by the child, who looks at the world around him through a green plate.

I know what to think

No more winter

So that instead of high snowdrifts

Green hills all around.

"Do you know?" -the teacher asks the child.

Child: "I know".

I look into the glass

Green colour

And suddenly winter turns into summer.

Face reading is repeated.

Educator: Hedgehog, the children of our group can perfectly distinguish summer from winter. Hedgehog, now you understand what winter is?

Hedgehog: Thanks guys, now it's time for me to go to bed, before spring comes, I still have time to sleep.

Educator: And it's time for us to go back to kindergarten, we sit down on the sleigh, and let's go (music turns on) Well, here we are again in kindergarten. Guys, do you want to be a little wizard? (children's answers). Then I suggest you sit down at the tables and turn winter into summer. There are sheets of white paper on the tables, like white snow, and you draw summer on it, as if looking through multi-colored glass(children draw at the tables, then after everyone looks at the drawings).

III .Final part


Guys, where were we today? (in the winter forest) And who did we meet in the winter forest? (hedgehog) How did we help the hedgehog? (talked about winter)

Why did you and I turn winter into summer on sheets of paper? (children's answers)

Did everything work out for you or were there difficulties?

olga togoy
Memorizing A. Barto's poem "I know what to think of"

Program content: introduce children to new poem by Agnia Barto. teach kids to remember verses according to the scheme; to consolidate the ability to answer questions with a full sentence; arouse in children a desire to intonation expressively recite familiar verses A. barto; to form a positive attitude towards poetry; train children's visual memory.

Equipment and materials: Agnia's presentation barto, pictures to verses A. barto, sheets of white paper (for each child, green plates (for each child, scheme poems A. barto"I I know, what you have to come up with» .

GCD progress:

caregiver: Guys, we have an unusual day today. We have guests. Let's say hello to them "Hello!"

caregiver: - Guys, do you like books? Let's go to the exhibition. Look before you the portrait of Agnia Lvovna barto. She wrote not only for small children, but also for older children. Let's remember together poetry. To make it easier for you to remember, I will show pictures.

The teacher shows the first picture.

Who is it? (Bear). Why is he sad? (Children's answers)

The teacher together with the children remembers poem.

Dropped Mishka on the floor

Mishka's paw was torn off

I still won't drop it

Because he is good

How can we help Mishka? (Sew on the paw.)

Show a picture of a bunny.

What happened to our bunny, we can find out from poems.

The hostess abandoned the bunny

A bunny was left in the rain.

I couldn't get off the bench.

Wet to the skin

Guys, how to help the bunny? (wipe the bunny with a fluffy towel and put it on the grass under the sun) .

Guys, who is in this picture? (bull) .

The goby is swinging

Sighs on the go:

Oh, the board is over

Now I will fall.

The teacher shows the following picture, which shows a truck rolling a cat).

And what there is a poem about a truck?

No, in vain we decided

Ride the cat in the car:

The cat is not used to riding -

Overturned a truck.

But here, guys, we remembered poems A. barto. These poems we taught small, but now we have grown up, and we will learn new things poem.

Physical education minute

I go and you go - one, two, three (walking in place) .

I sing and you sing - one, two, three (clap hands) .

We go and we sing - one, two, three (jumping in place) .

We live very friendly - one, two, three (walking in place) .

Now let's sit down at the tables guys.

Look guys, I brought you a chest.

And in the chest are items that can improve mood, do you know why?

Let's see together:

1. I have a piece of white paper in my box, find it on your plate, what does it look like? (children's answers) Now look through it, what do you see? (children's answers) So what paper? (children's answers) Correctly not transparent.

2. And this is green plastic, its color is similar to what? (children's answers)

caregiver: Guys, what season is it now? (children's answers). What seasons do you still know? What season do you like the most?

Agnia Barto wrote a poem"I I know, what you have to come up with» :

I I know, what you have to come up with,

No more winter

So that instead of high snowdrifts

Green hills all around.

(Now we will quietly get up and go to the window, look through the plastic out the window).

I look into the glass

Green colour,

And immediately winter

Turns into summer.

Summary of the lesson:

We sit down at the tables. Did you like it poem by Agnia Barto? Look at the diagram to remember this verse(Pronounces verse according to the scheme) . Let's repeat it together.

Who can tell this the verse itself according to the scheme?

Final part:

Do you guys like the new poem?

And who can tell poem?

What else did you like about the lesson?

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