All-Russian Olympiad "our heritage". Ovio "our heritage" Our heritage school tour

Since 2006, the Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University has been implementing an educational program of subject

Olympiads and creative competitions for students of state, municipal and non-state institutions of general secondary education. The program is aimed at identifying talented and gifted schoolchildren, their support in their further professional development and spiritual and moral development.

  • All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren on the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture "Holy Russia, Keep the Orthodox Faith!" (OPK)
  • O open in se-Russian and intellectual about Olympiad "Our Heritage" (OVIO)
  • Multidisciplinary subject Olympiad PSTGU "Axios" (Axios)
The children of the primary level, excluding first-graders, went through the school qualifying round with their teacher. By the sum of the points received, the very ten people who would represent their educational institution at the city tournament were determined. Having our own online personal accounts, we, school organizers, received and instructions, and, in fact, assignments. The gymnasium where I work this year provided an opportunity to show their abilities to more than one hundred and twenty children in grades 2-4. Of course, the amount of points turned out to be different and a lot of work had to be done to choose the top ten . So, competing with each other, for several days there was a qualifying tournament between the third and fourth grades. The test was carried out in strict accordance with the all-Russian regulations. While the students were completing the next task, points for the previous competition were calculated. they learn poetry non-stop quite well, erudition is at the height. There was not enough time to work with the text, and this is speed reading. Adults, let's think about: where and how do children spend their time more - playing on the phone or reading books?

Well, since I have long developed the habit of always having a camera at hand, I managed to capture the moments of the school tour.

For moms and dads, it will be very interesting what tasks were given to children easily, and which ones took longer to think about. Here is a useful link from the above site.

So, the finalists have been determined, now the students are participants in the qualifying municipal round, which will be held within the walls of 31 schools. How they arrived: with their parents, with teachers, they came by themselves, because they study at the same school. While waiting for the start of the briefing, we all gather in the assembly hall. MKU KNMC Krasnodar, talks about the regulations and forms groups that take the teachers of 31 schools to the offices, seating the children at their desks one at a time. A prerequisite is that students from the same school should not meet in the same audience. Pen, pencil, concentration - here are the main helpers of young students! All the adults wished success to their daughters, grandchildren, and sons. The doors closed and work began. On Wednesday, we, school teachers-organizers, will know everything, all the scores of our wards. Elena Aleksandrovna told her parents everything in the assembly hall. All the best to you, readers!

Among the various additional opportunities for assessing the knowledge of schoolchildren, olympiads should be singled out. They are held annually, and their winners get the opportunity to enter the desired universities due to certain privileges. What is this about? For example, about the Olympiad "Our Heritage". This is an all-Russian general education opportunity to demonstrate your own knowledge and skills, as well as try to earn quite a good “reward”.

Basic information

Our Heritage Olympiad for 2018-2019 will be held 15 times already. The project is being implemented by the St. Tikhon University for the Humanities. The rules of the procedure comply with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation regarding the procedure for holding school Olympiads.

General points

The main objectives of the event are:

  • creating the necessary conditions to support gifted children;
  • study of culture, as well as the history of the Russian Federation;
  • association of youth to preserve the cultural heritage of the state;
  • advanced training of researchers, teachers, graduate students, students participating in the Olympiad;
  • expansion of the methodological base and development of project work used during related competitions.

"Our Heritage" takes place in 4 main stages, each of which is the responsibility of its institution.

  1. School stage - educational organizations.
  2. The municipal stage is similar.
  3. Regional stage - federal authorities, educational institutions of state and non-state type and other authorities.
  4. The final stage is St. Tikhon Humanitarian University, as well as a number of co-organizers: authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, municipal and non-governmental institutions, and others.


Participants of the Olympiad can be students of grades 1-11, agreeing to such a procedure voluntarily. We are talking about municipal or non-governmental organizations involved in the implementation of general education programs. To do this, a special qualifying round for schoolchildren and representatives of universities is involved. Participants of "Our Heritage" can be both a citizen of the Russian Federation and foreign visitors or stateless persons.

The working language of the competition is, of course, Russian. All stages of the Olympiad are held in person from September 1 to May 15. To assess the knowledge of participants, information is used on a whole range of disciplines related to the history of the Russian Federation and its culture.

The tasks of the Olympiad are compiled on the basis of existing training programs implemented at the level of general, basic and secondary education. Competition quotas are determined in advance by the organizers themselves, while they are not used for the school stage.

The winners of the Olympiad are determined on the basis of all the stages that have passed it and the results entered in the final table of results. This is how the ranked list of private owners of Our Heritage is formed. In the final table, all information is listed in descending order. The list of those who managed to score an identical number of points is given in alphabetical order.

Organizational support of the Olympiad

As mentioned earlier, the Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University is the coordinator of the Olympiad. Before the start of the evaluation, a special organizing committee of the competition, a methodological commission and a jury are created. All of the listed instances have been operating in the usual composition for no more than a year.

All preparation for the Olympiad is entrusted to the Central Organizing Committee, whose chairman is the Dean of the Faculty of History of PSTGU.

The central organizing committee of the competition performs a number of the following functions:

  • development of regulations and rules of the Olympiad;
  • providing the Council of School Olympiads with relevant documents for inclusion of individual events in the List of School Olympiads;
  • ensures the holding of the final stage of the competition;
  • forms departments that monitor the proper implementation of all rules;
  • analyzes the report of the jury;
  • considers the appeals of the participants and makes the final decision regarding the allocation of seats;
  • approves the list of winners and prize-winners, and also conducts their awarding;
  • submits a report on the work done to the Council of Olympiads of the Russian Federation;
  • provides all information about the competition for free access;
  • prepares material for the consecration of the event in the press;
  • performs other functions used to achieve the main goal of Our Heritage.

What does the organizing committee do at the venues of the Olympiad?

  1. Provides local competition.
  2. Forms the exact composition of the jury.
  3. Approves a quota for the exact number of participants.
  4. Compiles lists of winners and submits them to the central body of "authority".
  5. Identifies funding sources after costing.

To prepare the Olympiad tasks, a special methodological commission is created, consisting of the composition of the PSTGU and the educational institutions of the co-organizers of the competition. She also has some responsibilities:

The work of all participants in the Olympiad is checked by a specially formed jury, consisting of the teaching staff of PSTGU and the educational institution of the co-organizers of the competition, as well as ordinary teachers and other specialists. This institution also has its own functions.

  1. Checking the work of participants and other types of tests, if any.
  2. Offer to provide diplomas to the winners of "Our Heritage" and its prize-winners.
  3. Consideration together with representatives of the methodological commission of the appeal of the participants.
  4. Implementation of other functions aimed at achieving the main objectives of the Olympiad.

The verification of the first three stages of the competition is assigned to a certain jury, which consists of pedagogical and scientific employees of educational institutions of the highest "echelon".

The work of all departments of the Olympiad is based on legality, professionalism, humanism and objectivity.

Results of the Olympics

The timing of the "Our Heritage" is regulated by the Central Organizing Committee. Only winners and prize-winners of the first three stages of the Olympiad are allowed to participate in the final competition of the Olympiad. After the announcement of the results, the participants have the right to file an appeal, the procedure for which is regulated by a special provision.

The winner of the Olympiad is the one who is awarded the corresponding diploma of the 1st degree. The winners of the competition are those who were awarded diplomas of the 2nd and 3rd degree. The originals of all diplomas are signed by the leadership of the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad. Both the original of this document and its electronic counterpart have identical legal force.

All important information about the upcoming 2018-2019 competition, the winners of previous years and the tasks of the competition can be found on the official portal of Our Heritage.

Funding for the 2018 Olympiad

Financial support for the first two stages of "Our Heritage" comes from the funds of educational institutions and departments. The third stage of the competition draws funds from municipal governments and city districts. The organizers of each of the listed stages of the educational competition have the right to create a board of trustees, thus attracting potential sponsors or patrons to the Olympiad.

Financing of the final stage of the event and the work of the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad is entrusted to the organizer of this procedure. It is important to note that the collection of any fee from the participants of Our Heritage is strictly prohibited.

It remains only to add that the winners of the Olympiad acquire not only an honorary diploma, but also receive additional privileges during admission.

Open All-Russian Intellectual Olympiad "Our Heritage"

School tour 2017/18 (grades 5-7)


1. In

A. Login

B. Nickname

B. Synonym

A. Zhitkov B.S.

B. Marshak S.Ya.

V. Nosov N.N.

G. Uspensky E.N.

A. Tale

B. Story

V. Roman

G. Tom

4. The capital of Sweden. The famous writer Astrid Lindgren lived in this city:

A. Copenhagen

B. Oslo

V. Stockholm

City of Helsinki

A. Almanac

B. Atlas

B. Catalog

G. Coloring

A. "Gelsomino in the Land of Liars", "The Adventures of Pinocchio", "The Adventures of Chipolino"

B. "Live Hat", "Dunno on the Moon", "Deniskin's Stories"

V. "Holidays in Prostokvashino", "Crocodile Gena and his friends", "Mishkina porridge"

A. Aivazovsky I.K.

B. Vasnetsov Yu.A.

V. Malevich K.S.

G. Michelangelo B.

was printed...

A. Ivan Kulibin

B. Ivan Fedorov

V. Kuzma Minin

G. Nikolai Karamzin

A. 1

B. 2

AT 3

G. 4

A. Bambi

B. Leader of the Redskins

W. Mowgli

G. Rikki-tikki-tavi


1. Six vowels fell out of the proverb, restore it:

2. How many quadrilaterals are in the picture?







4. Fill in the empty cells.

2 29 13 (BY L I N A) 10 15 1

19 12 1 (. . . . . .) 9 12 1

7. Arrange the letters in the cells so that you get the author and the bird, one of the heroines of his works.




10. Solve the metagram by writing both words in the answer

I am a folk creation

Entertainment for kids.

Replace only a letter for me -

In the teacher's hand.


Full name _________________________________ Class___________________


Libraries first appeared in the ancient East. Usually the collection of clay tablets, approximately 2500 BC, is called the first library. e., found in the temple of the Babylonian city of Nippur. In one of the tombs near Egyptian Thebes, a box with papyri from the Second Intermediate Period (XVIII-XVII centuries BC) was found. In the era of the New Kingdom, Ramesses II collected about 20,000 papyri. The most famous ancient Eastern library is a collection of cuneiform tablets from the palace of the Assyrian king of the 7th century BC. e. Ashurbanipal in Nineveh. The main part of the plates contains legal information. In ancient Greece, the first public library was founded in Heraclea by the tyrant Clearchus (4th century BC).

The Library of Alexandria became the largest center of ancient literature. It was created in the III century BC. e. Ptolemy I and was the center of education of the entire Hellenistic world. The Library of Alexandria was part of the mouseĩon (museum) complex. The complex included living rooms, dining rooms, reading rooms, botanical and zoological gardens, an observatory and a library. Later, medical and astronomical instruments, stuffed animals, statues and busts were added to it, which were used for teaching. The mouseĩon included 200,000 papyri in the Temple (almost all libraries of antiquity were attached to temples) and 700,000 documents in the School. The museum and most of the Library of Alexandria were destroyed around 270 AD.

In the Middle Ages, the monastic libraries were the centers of literacy, in which scriptoria operated. Not only the Holy Scriptures and the writings of the Church Fathers were copied there, but also the works of ancient authors. During the Renaissance, Renaissance figures literally “hunted” for Greek and Latin texts preserved in monasteries. Due to the enormous cost of manuscripts and the laboriousness of their production, books were chained to library shelves.

The invention of the printing press and the development of printing brought about enormous changes in the appearance and activity of libraries, which were now more and more different from archives. Library collections are beginning to grow rapidly. With the spread of literacy in modern times, the number of library visitors also grows.

In total, there are approximately 130 million titles of books in libraries today.

Text taken from Wikipedia

1. Clay 2. Cuneiform 3. Papyrus 4. Effigies





Workshop for copying manuscripts, mainly in monasteries.







1. In fictitious name by which the author signs the work:

B. Nickname

V. Nosov N.N.

3. Large Narrative Fiction with Complex Plot:

V. Roman

Capital of Sweden. The famous writer Astrid Lindgren lived in this city:

V. Stockholm

5. An album containing images of various objects (maps, drawings, drawings), serving for educational or practical purposes:

B. Atlas

6. Select the option where the works written by one author are indicated:

G. "Song of the Prophetic Oleg", "Ruslan and Lyudmila", "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"

7. Last name of a famous children's book illustrator:

B. Vasnetsov Yu.A.

8. The first printed book in Russia "Apostle", dated 1564,was printed...

B. Ivan Fedorov

9. The works of how many foreign writers are listed in the list: “Wild Swans”, “Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat”, “Kashtanka”, “Humpbacked Horse”, “Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof”, “Chuk and Gek "?

B. 2

10. Based on the quote, determine the title of the work: “- Having thrown off the skin, you will not fit into it again. Such is the Law of the Jungle, said Kaa.

W. Mowgli



2. How many quadrangles are in the picture?


3. What combination of letters is next?






4. Fill in the empty cells.

5. Insert the missing letter so that you can read the name of the literary genre. Write this word.

6. Define the word in brackets.

1 28 12 (BY L I N A) 9 14 0

18 11 0 (. . . . . .) 8 11 0

7. Arrange the letters in the cells so that you get the name of the famous Russian fabulist and one of the heroines of his works.


8. Guess which word is hidden in the picture (isograph):


9. Having solved the rebus, write down the title of the work and indicate its author:


10. Remembering the literary terms, solve the metagram by writing both words in the answer, which consist of 6 letters.

The first consists of combinations of the second

The first differs from the second penultimate letter

The first has a note at the end

Reading the letters in them in the order 5432, we will see in the first fortification,

and in the second sports ground.


Full name _________________________________ Class___________________


The reign of the emperors Alexander II, Alexander III and Nicholas II is the "golden years" of charity and mercy. At this time, a whole system of guardianship begins to take shape. Among the representatives of the reigning House of Romanov were real ascetics of charity and mercy: Empresses Maria Alexandrovna, Alexandra Feodorovna, Maria Feodorovna (mother of Nicholas II), Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna (now the holy martyr Elizabeth), Alexandra Petrovna (now the holy nun Anastasia of Kyiv), a close relative of the imperial family, Prince Peter of Oldenburg - trustee of the Kyiv House of Charity for the Poor, patron of the Eye Hospital. Many members of the House of Romanov built charitable institutions, shelters and almshouses at their own expense, actively patronized charity institutions.

The tradition of Russian charity was broken by the 1917 revolution. All funds of public and private charitable organizations were nationalized in a short time, their property was transferred to the state, and the organizations themselves were abolished by special decrees.

Olympiad "Our Heritage" cooperates with the Orthodox help service "Mercy".

27 service projects are located in different parts of Moscow, and some programs extend to the whole country. The “Mercy” service is a single organism, a single service to help the most disadvantaged: lonely old people, the disabled, pregnant women who find themselves without a roof over their heads, orphans, the homeless, HIV-infected.

One of the key features of the "Mercy" service is the presence of its own infrastructure, thanks to which comprehensive, professional and long-term assistance is provided to permanent wards. St. Sophia Social Home, Rehabilitation Center for Children with Cerebral Palsy, Elizaveta Orphanage, St. Spiridonievskaya Almshouse, "House for Mom" ​​and many other projects are non-governmental non-profit institutions that are part of the "Mercy" service.

80% of the service "Mercy" exists on donations, so the fate of all those whom the service helps depends on how regularly funds are received from philanthropists. The service "Mercy" has about 400 permanent wards - those whom the employees of "Mercy" take care of year after year. These are orphans who are brought up in orphanages and state boarding schools, lonely old people in an almshouse, disabled adults in a psycho-neurological boarding school, and others. In just a year, the Mercy service helps more than 20,000 people in need.

It would be great if at least once a year each participant of our Olympiad consciously refuses, for example, from buying ice cream and transfers these funds to support one of the Mercy services. .

Together we can do a lot of good things.

1. Fill in the table. Under each word, write down the corresponding word or its number from the list (1 point per match):

1. Almshouse 2. Monasticism 3. Ophthalmology 4. Home





2. Identify the word from the description (2 points):

___________________________ - transfer of land, industrial enterprises, banks, transport or other property belonging to private individuals to the ownership of the state.

3. Fill in the table (2 points for correct filling. Words must be in the correct case and written without errors):


1. Make words from the letters of the word


in accordance with the number of letters indicated in the previous cell. Words should be only nouns, common nouns, in the singular.


Maximum 10 points for each task. Maximum 40 points for work. Time to write the paper 30 minutes


1 . In 1868, the famous journal Otechestvennye Zapiski began to be edited by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, G.Z. Eliseev and Russian poet, writer and publicist, author of the poems "Frost, Red Nose", "Russian Women", the poem "Grandfather Mazai and Hares". Name it:

B. Nekrasov N.A.

2. In 1868, Samarkand was occupied by Russian troops and annexed to the Russian Empire, and became the center of the Zeravshan district, which was transformed in 1887 into the Samarkand region. On the territory of which modern state is the city of Samarkand located?

G. Uzbekistan

3. Russian ethnographer, anthropologist, biologist and traveler who studied the indigenous population of Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania, including the Papuans of the northeastern coast of New Guinea:

V. Miklukho-Maklay N. N.

4. What nickname did Emperor Alexander III receive from his contemporaries?

B. Peacemaker

5. In 1880, a monument was erected in Moscow, created with public donations by the sculptor A.M. Opekushin. To whom is the monument dedicated, to which “the folk path will not overgrow”?

G. Pushkin A.S.

6. What name did the wife of Nicholas II, nee Princess Victoria Alice Elena Louise Beatrice of Hesse-Darmstadt, take when joining Orthodoxy?

A. Alexandra Fedorovna

7. How many children were in the family of Nicholas II?

D. four girls and a boy

8. During the years of which war did the crossing of the Danube, the siege of Plevna, the defense of Shipka, the battle at Sheinovo take place?

B. Russian-Turkish

9. From the list provided, select a discovery that was made at the end of the 19th century:

B. Periodic system of chemical elements of Mendeleev

10. Select a list that lists works that appeared in the second half of the 19th century:

G. The epic novel "War and Peace", the painting "Bogatyrs", the monument "Millennium of Russia"


1. Book - key to knowledge
Another option: "Books are the key to knowledge"

2. 22

3. IBLIBAOTEK (the first and last letters are moved one letter towards each other)

In the first cell - the product of the numbers in the two previous cells, in the second - the sum of the same numbers.





9. Ruslan and Lyudmila, Pushkin



1. Fill in the table. Under each word, write down the corresponding word or its number from the list (1 point per match):

1. Almshouse 2. Monasticism 3. Ophthalmology 4. Home





2. Identify the word from the description (2 points):

NATIONALIZATION - transfer of land, industrial enterprises, banks, transport or other property belonging to private individuals to the ownership of the state.

3. Fill in the table (2 points for correct filling. Words must be in the correct case and written without errors):












































School Olympiads are various competitions that provide an opportunity to find the strongest students at the school, local and regional level. In the end, such a competition becomes all-Russian. Needless to say, at the moment, few people know the main advantages of similar competitions, moreover, almost no one ever talks about the benefits that any participant in the competition should hope for.

Today in Russia there is a fairly large list of various Olympiads, each of which has its own list of advantages. Our heritage is considered to be one of the most responsible activities for students, so in the future we will talk about it.

All-Russian Olympiad Our Heritage 2017–2018: main tasks

The declared Olympiad is considered paramount in intellectual terms, therefore today it is in rather high demand among students throughout the country. Like any similar event, the declared Olympiad has a list of its goals and objectives.

1. An in-depth study of national culture and history.

2. Unification of youth groups with a common activity aimed at studying and preserving the Russian heritage.

3. The development of project activities among the participants of the competition, as well as the expansion of the content and methodological base of intellectual competitions of this type.

4. Creating the proper conditions necessary to support gifted students in one area.

5. The competition is based solely on fair rules and principles.

The main characteristics of the Olympiad

1. The main components of the competition:

competitive (the competition consists of tasks for memory, speed of thinking and erudition);
thematic (separate parts of the Olympiad are united by a common theme, on which project tasks and special studies can be proposed).

2. Team and individual standings, which simultaneously take into account the results of all participants.

3. Availability of the competition for willing representatives of grades 1-11, regardless of the level of training.

4. Competitive part for elementary school students. The basis of the process is the adapted tasks of high school students for a couple with additional opportunities for the applicants themselves.

5. Tour for preschoolers.

The most popular topics of the Olympiad

Among the list of the most interesting topics proposed by the organizers of the event, which also showed very good results at the all-Russian level, are the following examples.

1. "History of the family - the history of Russia."

2. "65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War: school, students and teachers during the Second World War."

3. "Museum and School".

4. "The military and spiritual strength of Russia: the Battle of Poltava."

5. "Orthodox Holidays", "The Romanov Dynasty".

6. "150th anniversary of the Tretyakov Gallery". The noted competition aroused the greatest enthusiasm among the participants of the Olympiad, because even the spectators and fans of the event were delighted with it, discovering a lot of new and exciting things.

7. School tours held in the direction of "Monasteries in History". True, each of the educational institutions chose its own specifics of the provided area, depending on personal wishes.

Competition order

According to the current regulations, previously established and prescribed in the charter of the Olympiad, the following features of the competitive component are distinguished, along with the procedure for conducting it.

1. Our heritage is carried out within the time limits set by the Central Organizing Committee. Their list is posted on the official website of the event organizer.

2. The Olympiad consists of 4 separate stages, each of which has a personal list of features. We are talking about the school, municipal, regional and final or final step. Usually, only participants who are winners of the regional stage, according to the quota of the established regulations, have the right to get to the last level of the Olympiad.

3. The results of the competition are based on the individual performance of each individual participant. If any of the students does not agree with the announced result, he has the right to file an appeal, based on the results of which an additional check of the work provided by the commission will be carried out.

4. The winner can be any participant of the Olympiad, who is finally awarded with a diploma of the 1st degree. Winners receive the same awards, only 2nd and 3rd degree.

5. A complete list of all winners and prize-winners of Our Heritage can be found on the official website of the event founder.
Olympiad organizers in 2018

One of the main initiators of the described event is St. Tikhon University for the Humanities, together with the methodological group of the All-Russian Competition on the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture, as well as the informal national association of students, graduates and teachers of the “Keepers of the Sources”.

In conclusion, it only remains to add that the Our Heritage Olympiad 2017-2018 is the All-Russian competition that provides an excellent opportunity for each student to evaluate their own knowledge and skills in practice, as well as coordinate further actions to meet the previously noted requirements. I would like to hope that literally in a few years every Russian school will have its own winners or prize-winners of such a significant event.