Is the Kazan Mother of God a big holiday? Moscow Sretensky Theological Seminary

This is one of the most beloved and revered images of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Russia. The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is considered the patroness of the Russian land, which is confirmed by many historical facts. Since ancient times, Orthodox people have prayed to her, asking for help and support in the most difficult times for Russia.

Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God: the history and signs of the holiday

The Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God on November 4th. This is one of the most beloved and revered images of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Russia.

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is considered the patroness of the Russian land, which is confirmed by many historical facts. Since ancient times, Orthodox people have prayed to her, asking for help and support in the most difficult times for Russia.

The Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is celebrated twice a year: in the summer - on July 21 - in memory of the appearance of the icon in Kazan, and on November 4 - in gratitude for the deliverance of Moscow and all of Russia from Polish invaders.

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God has a very interesting history. It was found in 1579 by a nine-year-old girl in the ashes of a terrible fire that destroyed part of the city of Kazan.

The fire in Kazan started in the house of the merchant Onuchin. After the fire of the merchant's daughter Matrona, the Mother of God appeared in a dream and revealed to her that under the ruins of their house there was her miraculous image, buried in the ground.

It still remains a mystery how the shrine fell under the ruins. It is believed that it was buried by secret confessors of Christianity during the Tatar rule.

At first, they did not pay attention to the words of the girl, but when the dream repeated itself three times, they began to dig and found an icon of amazing beauty on the ashes. The holy image, despite the fire, looked as if it had just been painted.

The image was solemnly transferred to the parish church of Nikola Tulsky, the rector of which was then a pious priest, the future Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Hermogenes.

The future saint, who died at the hands of the Poles for his fidelity to Orthodoxy and canonized, and compiled a detailed account of the miracles of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

The fact that the icon was miraculous became clear immediately, since already during the procession, the sight returned to two Kazan blind. These miracles were the first in a long list of cases of grace-filled help.

At the place where the icon was found, a convent was later founded, where Matrona and her mother took monastic vows.

So by the time difficult times came in Russia, the icon of the Kazan Mother of God was no longer just known, but also very revered.

Icon in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

Many lists were made from the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, and the icon itself became famous for its miraculous work - the sick recovered, the blind gained sight, the enemies were defeated and expelled.

The most famous miracles of the intercession of the Mother of God are associated with the events of the Time of Troubles. It is believed that it was the miraculous icon that helped the militia led by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and the merchant Kuzma Minin on November 4, 1612, defeat the enemy and liberate Moscow from the Poles.


At the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, a series of tragic circumstances took place in Russia, and this era went down in history under the name of the Time of Troubles. This is the era of the deep crisis of the Muscovite state, caused by the suppression of the royal dynasty of Rurik.

The dynastic crisis soon developed into a national-state one. The united Russian state collapsed, numerous impostors appeared. Widespread robberies, robbery, theft, wholesale drunkenness hit the country.

At the call of His Holiness Patriarch Hermogenes, the Russian people stood up to defend their homeland. A list of the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos - Kazan was sent from Kazan to the Nizhny Novgorod people's militia, which was headed by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin.

The militia, having learned about the miracles performed from the icon, took it with them and constantly prayed before it, asking for help. They liberated Kitai-Gorod on October 22 (November 4, according to the new style), and two days later they took the Kremlin. The next day, the Russian soldiers went to the Kremlin with a religious procession with a miraculous image in their hands.

In memory of the deliverance of Moscow from the Poles by the will of Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich, the first Russian Tsar from the Romanov dynasty, and the blessing of the Metropolitan, later Patriarch Filaret, the Orthodox Church established every year on October 22 in Moscow the celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God with a procession.

At first, this celebration took place only in Moscow, and since 1649 it has become all-Russian. It is believed that the Most Holy Theotokos took the Russian militia under her protection. The holiday was celebrated in Russia until the Revolution of 1917.

The icon of Our Lady of Kazan became the common shrine of Kazan, Moscow, St. Petersburg and all of Russia, where there were three main miraculous icons of Our Lady of Kazan - the acquired one and two lists.

One of the lists of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was brought to Moscow liberated from the Poles by Dmitry Pozharsky, who led the people's militia. Now it is kept in the Epiphany Patriarchal Cathedral in Moscow.

Traditions and signs

On this day, all people went to churches, where they prayed for their homeland, for their loved ones and relatives, so that there would be peace and tranquility in families.

After the liturgy, all believers went to the procession - with icons in their hands they walked around cities and villages, villages, which symbolized the protection of the settlement from trouble. Today they are limited to walking along the main streets or just around the church.

In the old days, women believed that on this day the Mother of God helps them. There were many protective rites used by women on this day.

For example, a birch leaf gives beauty and protects against old age. To do this, early in the morning on a holiday, women went to a birch grove, where they looked for leaves covered with frost. Having torn off a leaf, they looked into it, as if into a mirror. It was believed that after that the face would be cleansed and rejuvenated, and throughout the next year the woman would look beautiful.

This day is also considered lucky for marriages and weddings. In the old days, it was believed that on such a bright day of the triumph of the Orthodox faith, it was the right time to start a new family. Those who wished to live a family life without problems and in happiness, sought to coincide with the wedding ceremony precisely on the feast of the autumn Mother of God of Kazan.

There will be many signs related to the weather: if the earth is covered with fog in the morning, it will be warm, and if it rains, it will soon snow, if the sun shines brightly, the winter will be just as sunny.

Rainy weather on this day is a good omen. The people said that this Mother of God cries and prays for all people. She begs the Lord God for forgiveness for people and asks them to live easier, so that the next year's harvest is good, and there is no hunger.

But dry weather, on the contrary, is a bad omen. People say that if there is no rain on Kazanskaya, next year will be very difficult. And you can’t count on a good harvest at all.

Also on this day, the villagers went out to their gardens and scattered salt on the ground: "they treated them with bread and salt" so that the future harvest would be rich and plentiful. After that, they went around all the fields with the icon, and then arranged a festive meal on the ground, consisting of gifts of earth and holy water.

What are they praying for

The Kazan Mother of God is considered a miraculous icon, and prayers to her can be fateful. People believe that during any disaster, grief or misfortune, the Kazan Mother of God can cover with her invisible veil a person asking for help from all troubles and save him.

Before the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, they pray for the healing of eye and other diseases, protection of the house from trouble and fire, deliverance from enemy invasions, blessing the newlyweds, the birth of children, and family well-being.


Oh, Most Pure Lady Theotokos, Queen of heaven and earth, the highest angel and archangel and the most honest of all creatures, pure Virgin Mary, a good helper to the world, and affirmation to all people, and deliverance in all needs! You are our intercessor and intercessor, you are protection for the offended, joy for the grieving, refuge for the orphan, guardian widows, glory to the virgins, weeping joy, visitation to the sick, healing to the weak, salvation to sinners. Have mercy on us, Mother of God, and fulfill our petition, for all the essence is possible for Your intercession: for glory befits You now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.


Prayers in front of the image of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God can help you in many life affairs, and besides, they pray to Her in despondency, sadness and disasters, when there is no longer enough strength to fight adversity.
With the help of prayers before the image of the Kazan Mother of God, one can be cured of any, and especially eye diseases and even blindness, not only physical, but also spiritual.
The image of the Virgin and prayers to Her help to find the right solution to complex issues.
For many centuries, people have placed the “Kazan” icon near the crib, knowing that the Mother of God will look after the child and protect him, if necessary.
Also, since ancient times, the newlyweds have been blessed with the Kazan icon for a long and happy life. And, if the marriage falls on the day of the celebration of this icon, family life should be long and happy.

It must be remembered that icons or saints do not "specialize" in any particular area. It will be right when a person turns with faith in the power of God, and not in the power of this icon, this saint or prayer.
and .


The miracle of finding the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God happened on July 8, 1579, several decades after Ivan the Terrible conquered the Kazan Khanate.
In June 1579, there was a big fire in Kazan, which destroyed a significant part of the wooden city buildings, half of the Kazan Kremlin burned down.
The Muslims rejoiced at the troubles and said that this Russian God was angry with the Christians. But, as is usually the case with God's providence, the fire actually became the beginning of the spread of Orthodoxy in the khanate.
The fire also damaged the house of archer Daniil Onuchin, who was going to build new housing in the same place. The work has almost begun, but his daughter Matrona, who was then ten years old, in a dream had the appearance of the Mother of God herself, Who indicated the place where Her icon lay under a layer of earth, which was thus hidden by Orthodox confessors in order to protect the image from outrage by Muslims . The Mother of God ordered to find this icon, but no one paid attention to the words of the girl, the adults were busy with their own affairs.
Three times the Holy Mother appeared to the Matrona, again and again She pointed out the place where the miraculous icon was hidden. The girl still managed to persuade her mother to help in the search, and finally, together they began to dig in the indicated place. And a miracle happened, the icon was found!
All the clergy arrived at the place where the shrine was miraculously found. Archbishop Jeremiah took the newly acquired image of the Mother of God and solemnly transferred it to a nearby church in the name of St. Nicholas, and from it, having served a prayer service, the shrine was transferred by procession to the very first Orthodox church in Kazan, which was built by order of Ivan the Terrible.
Immediately, the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God began to work miracles, during the procession, two blind men, Nikita and Joseph, saw their sight.
The acquired icon of the Mother of God very soon became a popular shrine, because in this way St. Mary showed the sign of the entire Russian Church. More than once Kazanskaya showed the way to glory and victory for Orthodox warriors, defenders of the Russian land, who fulfilled their duty to God and the Motherland.

During the defense of Russia from the atrocities of the Poles, Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky began to gather an army. In Yaroslavl, Kazan soldiers also joined the militia with the Kazan icon (with its list), which they handed over to the prince. With the icon and prayers of the Mother of God, the Russian army moved in the direction of the capital. And at this time, in Moscow captured by the Poles, there was a captive Greek archbishop Arseny (+ 1626; April 13). One night a bright light appeared in his cell and he saw. The saint told Arseny that the Mother of God interceded for our Fatherland and soon, by God's mercy, Russia would be saved.
The Most Holy Theotokos took the Russian troops under Her protection, with Her help, two days later, the Poles were expelled from the Kremlin and defeated, and Russia was saved through Her intercession.

The next day after this victory, in gratitude for the help in expelling the enemies, a religious procession was performed with the miraculous Kazan icon, towards which Archbishop Arseniy left the Kremlin. In his hands he held the miraculous, preserved by him in his captivity. According to the descriptions, all the people knelt before the image of their Intercessor.

After the Polish invaders were expelled from Moscow, Dmitry Pozharsky installed the holy Kazan icon in the Church of the Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos, which was located in Moscow on the Lubyanka.
After some time, the prince began to build the Kazan Cathedral on Red Square, and in 1636, when the cathedral was erected, the shrine was moved to a new location.
November 4 (October 22, old style) was declared the day of celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in memory of the liberation from the Poles. At first, this day was celebrated only in Moscow, and since 1649 this holiday has become a state holiday.

Before the Battle of Poltava, Peter the Great prayed before the icon of the Kazan Mother of God (in the village of Kaplunovka).
In 1812, the Kazan image of the Mother of God was acquired as a patron for Russian soldiers who defended the Russian land from the French invaders. The first major military success of Russian soldiers in this war happened just on the feast of the “autumn” Kazan icon, on this day (October 22, old style) the rearguard of the French army was defeated, the Napoleonic army lost about seven thousand of its soldiers.
During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. miraculous image Kazan icon they carried it in procession in besieged Leningrad, a prayer service was served before the icon in Moscow, after which the icon was taken to Stalingrad. Where there was a miraculous icon - the enemy was defeated.

This icon is revered throughout Russia, there is not a single church where there would be no Kazan icon. This image has been revered at all times, and if a family has an image of the Mother of God that is inherited, in most cases it will be the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.
Now this miraculous icon has been located in the Epiphany Patriarchal Cathedral in Moscow.

Kazanskaya Tobolsk the icon of the Mother of God was found in 1661, is located in the city of Tobolsk in the cathedral church. The history of finding this icon is as follows.

There was a phenomenon to Hierodeacon Ioannikius who revealed to him that in the closet of the Three Saints Church, facing the wall, there is an image of the Kazan Mother of God. By the command of God, they must build a church nearby in honor of this icon, consecrate it and bring it into the new temple as a patronal one. But the hierodeacon did not tell anyone about this vision. Some time later the saint visited him again and asked him why he had not told the archimandrite about this. After this question, the vision disappeared, and the hierodeacon himself, out of fear, fell to the ground, glorified God, but was still afraid to say it, “ lest there be confusion among the people, and for fear that they would not believe". He did not say this even after the next, third vision of the saint.
And so, during the feast of the Kazan Icon, in the morning Hierodeacon Ioanniky suddenly lost consciousness and fell down. As he later told, among the people he again saw the saint, who said:

“You are reading this and why don’t you believe yourself? That image was in the ground, and this one stands in the porch facing the wall; why didn't you tell about it?"

And he shook his hand at me and said:

"From now on, be decrepit until the divine work is done."

Having said this, he became invisible, and I fell to the ground from fear, and now I am telling you.

After people found out about this, the Mother of God was immediately honored, the icon was consecrated and a church was built. At the same time, the narrator noted that up to that moment there had been rains that flooded the fields, the rivers began to overflow, as in spring, flooding houses, and as soon as they began to build the temple, everything calmed down, “bread and vegetables recovered from that time.”

Kaplunovskaya The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is located in the village of Kaplunovka, Kharkov region.
In 1689, the pious priest of this village, John Umanov, saw a gray-haired elder in a dream, who ordered him to buy from the Moscow icon painters, who would soon arrive, the eighth Kazan icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.

"From her you will receive mercy and grace"

said the old man. After the icon was acquired, the Mother of God Herself appeared to the priest in a dream and ordered to put this icon in the temple. John told the people about this, and all the people triumphantly obeyed this command.
After that, miracles began to happen from this icon.
In 1709, before the battle with the Swedes, Emperor Peter I prayed to the Mother of God for help to this very image, this icon was worn in front of all regiments. According to legend, the Swedish soldiers tried to burn down the Kaplunovskaya Church, but failed to do so. And then Carl said:

“If they couldn’t set fire to the church even without the icon, then where it is, it will be unreliable for us.”

And so it all happened, the Russian people won the Battle of Poltava.

Nizhnelomovskaya The Kazan icon appeared in 1643 near the town of Nizhny Loma in the Penza region. First, a chapel was built on this site, and later a monastery was formed here.

Voznesenskaya The Kazan icon is located in the Moscow Ascension Convent, in the Kremlin.
The icon was glorified for the first time in 1689. After the prayer service, the candle was not extinguished to the Kazan icon. She fell and a fire flared up from her, from which the lectern burned down, and the icon itself, despite the fact that it was written on the canvas, was not damaged. In 1701 there was a big fire from which the Ascension Monastery burned down, and the icon itself was not damaged at all. At the same time, she herself, in some miraculous way, first found herself among the removed icons, and then, after the fire, she, on her own, without anyone's help, again found herself in her place. In addition, many healings happened from this icon.

Pavlovskaya The Kazan icon is located in the village of Pavlovsky, Moscow province, Zvenigorod district. Her appearance took place near the village, on a tree, next to which a chapel was built.
From this icon, the first miracle immediately happened, the healing of a peasant who became very ill as a result of his sinful life. The Mother of God appeared to his neighbor in a dream and said that the patient could recover if he left sinning in his life and went to the holy well and washed himself with holy water. With great difficulty, the sick man got to this well, washed himself - and immediately recovered.

Yaroslavsky The image of the Kazan icon is located in the women's Kazan monastery in the city of Yaroslavl.
In 1588, the pious man Gerasim wished to acquire an icon of the Mother of God, after which he had a miraculous vision of the Mother of God, who said where it needed to be done and what needed to be done afterwards. When Gerasim found this icon, immediately, after he took it in his hands, he was immediately healed of the illness that had tormented him for a long time. Then he went, on the instructions of the Mother of God, to the city of Romanov, where he handed over this icon to its inhabitants with the condition that a temple be erected for it. The church was built and the icon was in it until 1604, when the Lithuanians took the city. Then the miraculous icon was transported to Yaroslavl, where a temple was erected in honor of the Mother of God, and later a monastery. The inhabitants of Romanov wanted to return the icon to themselves, and wrote a petition to Tsar Vasily Ioannovich. But the Yaroslavl people also wanted to keep the shrine for themselves. Then an exact list of the icon was made for the inhabitants of Romanov, and the miraculous icon itself is annually carried in a procession from Yaroslavl to Romanov.

In addition to these listed icons, there are many more images and lists of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, and in any of them the Mother of God will show us her love and protection before any troubles, she is our Comforter in our sorrows and rejoices with us in our joys.


We magnify Thee, Blessed Virgin, God-chosen Maiden, and honor Your holy image, and bring healing to all who flow with faith.


Every year on November 4, believers celebrate the great Orthodox holiday dedicated to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. On this day, prayers read before the shrine of the Virgin have special power. They can work real miracles.

Prayer one:

“Oh, Holy Mother of God! With hope and bright feelings for You, I carry my prayer. Do not turn your eyes away from those who pray to you. Hear our words, O merciful Virgin. Pray before the Lord and before Your Son Jesus Christ for our mistakes and sinful deeds. Don't let our country fall in the battle for a free life. Don't let soldiers die in war in bloody and dishonorable battles. Protect our homes from evil spirits and quarrels. Do not let us indulge in grief, sorrow and despondency. Give us the strength to move forward and live our lives in health, happiness and joy. Fill our hearts with love, loyalty and courage! And never leave us, O Blessed Virgin! May we praise Your Great Name. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer two:

“Oh, great Mother of God, Defender and Benefactor of Christians. You are the Queen of heavenly souls and the Mistress of humanity living on sinful earth. You pray for us, thanks to You the Lord gives us repentance and His blessing. Hear our prayers now too, for we pray to You before Your Holy Image. Do not leave our souls without Your light and warmth! Fill our hearts with virtue. Drive away malice and deceit, lies and hatred from our lives. Become a talisman for our children, illuminate their life path with righteousness. In You is our refuge. Oh, Most Pure Virgin, we glorify You, we bow our knees before You, we pray to You and honor You, Great Intercessor. Don't leave us without help. Heal from mental illnesses and bodily ailments. Get on the right path. Do not leave in terrible moments. In You is our protection, in You is our road to the Kingdom of God. We will never stop singing and glorifying Your name. May the will of the Lord be done. From now on and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

On this bright holiday in honor of the great Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, every person has a chance to take the right path and change their lives for the better, gaining the support of the Mother of God, letting Her into their hearts. It is enough just to offer sincere prayers before the face of the Holy Virgin, filling every word with goodness, love and faith. We wish you a bright and clean holiday, take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

Since ancient times, the image of the Mother of God has been famous in Russia, and the festivities associated with it, it is no coincidence that they have a special sacred meaning for all Orthodox people. Therefore, one of the most beloved and revered among the people is the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (or the feast of the Kazan Mother of God, in common parlance).

To this day, parents bless the newlyweds with this icon and which indicates the right path (or the right decision) to all those who doubt. This amazing icon also has many healing properties, but it is best known for the numerous cases of healing of believers from blindness and other vision problems.

The holiday is celebrated twice a year: 21 July and November 4 because each date has its own history.

By the way, the very origin and real fate of this miraculous icon, which gives both physical and spiritual insight, is still shrouded in mystery. But first things first!..

July 21 - the summer holiday of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

This string of amazing events began after a terrible fire that occurred in Kazan in the summer of 1579, which left many Kazanians homeless. Among the victims of the fire was the daughter of a local archer, nine-year-old (according to some sources, eleven-year-old) Matryona (or Matrona) Onuchina, to whom the Mother of God suddenly appeared in a dream, indicating to the girl the place where Her icon is underground.

Since none of the adults took the children's words seriously, in the third dream the Most Pure Virgin was angry with Matryona, threatening her with imminent death if she did not fulfill Her order. At this point, the frightened girl and her mother went with the news to the local mayor and the archbishop, but they only brushed aside the annoying visitors.

What to do?.. The Onuchins themselves had to start excavations on the ashes in the place indicated in the dream, where the icon was dug up by Matryona herself and looked surprisingly freshly painted.

How it got into the ground is the first mystery of the Kazan icon. Perhaps she was hidden there from the supporters of Mohammed by some Orthodox even before the capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible, but these are only assumptions, nothing more ...

This time, the "fathers of the city" did not blunder and immediately arrived at the place, after which they transferred the miraculous icon (through the church of St. Nicholas located nearby) to the first Orthodox church in Kazan - the Annunciation Cathedral. And it was here (literally on the way) that the Kazan Mother of God began to show miracles of healing, the first of which affected the local blind men Joseph and Nikita.
On the site of a miraculous find, a convent was founded a little later, in which Matryona Onuchina was the first to take tonsure, who became Mavra (Martha), in the future - his abbess. Matrena's mother followed her daughter.

November 4 is the autumn feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

Soon a copy of the miraculous icon was sent to Ivan the Terrible in Moscow (from where it subsequently ended up in St. Petersburg in 1737 and was placed in the Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, on the site of which the Kazan Cathedral was later erected).

It is interesting that historians do not have exact facts regarding the fate of the original, because some of them claim that it was he who was sent to Moscow, and not the list. It is only known for certain that there were two miraculous lists made.

One of the lists of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was brought to Moscow liberated from the Poles on October 22 (November 4), 1612 by Dmitry Pozharsky, who led the people's militia. This joyful event gave rise to the "autumn Kazan", which has long been celebrated at the state level.

In 1636, this image of the Blessed Virgin was placed in the Kazan Cathedral erected on Red Square (today the icon is in the Cathedral of the Epiphany). Russian rulers turned to the patronage of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God on the threshold of all critical historical events (both on the eve of the Battle of Poltava and before the defeat of the French in 1812).

The last secret of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (PHOTO)

In 1904, terrible news suddenly spread among the Russian Orthodox world: the famous icon of the Mother of God was stolen and destroyed in Kazan. This crime was taken on by a certain Stoyan-Chaikin, who later died in the Shlisselburg fortress, who committed this blasphemy in order to prove to everyone the "unholy" icon.

The accusation was based on the jewelry from the salary found in the thief's apartment and the testimony of the nine-year-old (is it an accident?) daughter of his cohabitant, who allegedly saw how Chaikin and his accomplice Komov cut icons and burned them in the oven.

Indeed, several loops, pearls, carnations and the remains of matter were later found there. But whether the Kazan icon of the Mother of God, stolen from the temple, was then burnt is not known for sure ...

So the trace of this shrine was lost ... Some believe that the original icon is in Moscow (and the copy perished in the fire), others - that in St. Petersburg, and still others - that the real icon is preserved by the Old Believers.

I really want to believe in the immortality of the relic!.. But perhaps it is no less important for all of us to keep it in our hearts?..

- one of the most revered icons in Russia. It is this icon that is usually hung by cribs and young people are blessed with this icon. Prayer before the Kazan icon helped many suffering people: the blind gained sight, and the weak were healed.
The image of the Kazan Mother of God refers to the icons of the Hodegetria - the Guide, and for many people she has repeatedly indicated the right path.

Acquisition history

After the troops of Ivan the Terrible took Kazan in 1552, by royal command, the Annunciation Cathedral of the Most Holy Theotokos was founded in the city, and after that the Kazan diocese was established.

Almost thirty years after this landmark event for Russian history, in 1579, a severe fire broke out in Kazan, which was extinguished for a whole week, and which destroyed more than half of all the buildings of the Kremlin and the adjacent city buildings. Many people were left homeless or died in the fire. Muslims used to say that the fire was a sign of the Russian God, who showed His wrath to people, because of which, as the chronicler said, "The faith of Christ became a parable and a reproach."

However, it was at this time that the Lord showed people His mercy. The Mother of God appeared in a dream to the little girl Matryona, the daughter of an archer, commanding her to look for Her icon on the ashes of the burnt house. Nobody believed the girl and did not undertake to help her. However, the girl's dream kept repeating. Then Matryona's parents themselves decided to check their daughter's words by going in search.

What a surprise it was when the place indicated by the Mother of God was indeed found an icon wrapped in a sleeve of men's clothing made of cherry cloth. The face of the Most Pure One was bright and clear, as if the icon had just been painted.

Archbishop Jeremiah reverently received the miraculous icon and transferred it to the church of St. Nicholas, from where, after a prayer service with a procession, it was transferred to the Cathedral of the Annunciation.
During the procession from the icon of the Mother of God, the first miracle was revealed, when two blind men gained sight: Joseph and Nikita.

After the appearance of the miracle, those who mocked the Orthodox faith were already hastening to the miraculous icon with a prayer - Queen of Heaven, help, enlighten, heal!

The story of finding the icon impressed Tsar Ivan the Terrible so much that he ordered the construction of the Kazan Cathedral and the founding of a convent. In that monastery, after a while, Matrona and her mother took monastic vows.

Kazan icon and the liberation of Moscow

By the end of 1611, the Muscovite state looked completely destroyed: the government was paralyzed, the Poles, who captured Smolensk and Moscow, were in charge in the capital, and Novgorod was captured by the Swedes.

In the winter of 1611, the miraculous Kazan Icon of the Mother of God returned to the Kazan Cathedral of the Annunciation. On the way, in Yaroslavl, the icon was met by a militia marching from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow. The militia was assembled by Minin, and Prince Pozharsky took command of it. Having learned about the miracles that occurred from the icon, the militia took it with them and prayed in front of it, asking for help to be sent down to them.

The Most Holy Theotokos showed Her mercy, taking under Her Protection the faithful sons of the fatherland, and with Her help Russia was saved from her enemies.

November 4, 1612(according to the new style) the militia liberated Kitay-gorod, and two days later the Kremlin itself was taken, putting the Poles to flight. This day is currently a public holiday in Russia - national unity day.

In memory of the deliverance of Moscow from the Poles, by decree of Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich and the blessing of Patriarch Filaret, it was established for the Church annually on October 22 (November 4, according to the new style) to celebrate in Moscow in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God with a procession.

Temples in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

The Kazan Cathedral, consecrated in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, was built on Red Square in the second quarter of the 17th century. The cathedral was built at the expense of Prince Pozharsky, who led the liberation militia in gratitude for the help and intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The temple was consecrated by the patriarch in the presence of the tsar and Pozharsky himself. An old legend has been preserved that the Kazan icon is not in the temple itself, but above the bell tower in the middle of the cross, and it was as if the holy icon was brought into the cathedral several times, but each time it again appeared on the bell tower's cross.

Kazan Cathedral in Saint Petersburg

The history of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg begins in 1710, when a chapel was built on Nevsky Prospekt next to the wooden building of the hospital, and later a wooden church of Our Lady of Kazan. In 1733, by decree of Empress Anna Ioannovna, a stone Church of the Nativity was laid on the site of a wooden church. Upon completion of construction, the Kazan icon of the Mother of God was transferred here from the Trinity Cathedral, and the Church of the Nativity was called Kazanskaya after this icon. Later, the church received the status of the Cathedral, which became the main temple in the Northern capital.

By the end of the 18th century, the building of the Kazan Cathedral fell into disrepair, and it was decided to build a new temple. Emperor Paul I wished that the new temple would be similar to St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome, and in 1799 a competition was announced for the project of a new cathedral building. The project of the young architect Andrei Nikiforovich Voronikhin, a former serf, won the competition. In the presence of Emperor Alexander I, a new temple was laid, the construction of which was completed in 1811.

Temples of Russia in honor of the Kazan Icon

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is revered throughout the Orthodox world, and throughout Russia there are many churches dedicated to the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. Among these temples there are both cathedrals and small churches built at the expense of believers.

Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in the village of Aleksandrovka

In the north of the Volgograd region, in the village of Aleksandrovka, there is a small wooden church in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, which was erected in honor of delivering the village from the devastating fire that engulfed the entire north of the Volgograd region in 2010.
Services in this temple are held on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays.

In this temple, through the service, you can also order prayers for you and your loved ones.

Loss of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

On the night of June 29, 1904, several robbers, led by a certain V. A. Stoyan-Chaikin, broke into the Kazan Cathedral and stole the Kazan icon along with a richly decorated riza. When the robbers were caught, neither the robe nor the most miraculous image was with them. Chaikin assured that the riza was sawn and sold to jewelers, and the icon was burned in the oven, where he threw it to check if it was really miraculous. The long-term investigation was never able to establish whether the icon was really burned or sold to the merchant Shevlyagin, who after the revolution left for England and sold it there in private hands.

In the 1960s, the Kazan icon in a precious riza really appeared in the West. This image turned out to be masterfully executed in the list already in the 20th century; but the robe on it, judging by all the evidence, is genuine - the same one that was on the miraculous missing in 1904. Orthodox Americans tried to buy this image, it was even exhibited for a prayer service in a Boston Orthodox church, where thousands of people saw it, but they failed to raise funds. As a result, this Kazanskaya, together with the riza decorating it, was bought in 1970 by Catholics, was kept for a long time in the Portuguese city of Fatima, and since 1982 has been in the Vatican.

Despite the contradictory versions about the fate of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, it is known for certain that since it disappeared without a trace, Russia has suffered many sorrows: defeats in wars and two revolutions. However, any troubled times, by the grace of God, end, and we hope that His grace will touch Russia again.


Troparion to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, tone 4

Zealous Intercessor, / Mother of the Lord Most High, / for all pray to Your Son, Christ our God, / and work for everyone to be saved, to those who run to Your sovereign protection. / Intercede for all of us, O Lady Queen and Mistress, / even in adversity and in sorrow, and in illness, burdened with many sins, / coming and praying to You with a tender soul and a contrite heart, / before Your most pure image with tears / and irrevocably having hope on Thee, / deliverance of all evils, / bestow on all useful / and save everything, Virgin Mother of God: / Thou art the Divine Protection of Your servant.

Kontakion of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, tone 8

Come, people, to this quiet and good haven, / an ambulance Helper, ready and warm salvation, the cover of the Virgin. / Let us hasten to prayer, and rush to repentance: / the Most Pure Mother of God exudes for us inexhaustible mercy, / anticipates help, and delivers from great misfortunes and evils, // Her well-behaved and God-fearing servants.

Prayer before the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

O Most Holy Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and love, falling down before Your honest icon, we pray to You: do not turn Your face away from those who resort to You, implore, Merciful Mother, Your Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, may our country be peaceful, may the Church be established His holy Yes, he will keep it unshakable from unbelief, heresies and schism. Not imams of other help, not imams of other hope, unless you, Most Pure Virgin: You are the All-Powerful Helper and Intercessor of Christians. Deliver all those who pray to You with faith from the falls of sin, from the slander of evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, troubles and from vain death; Grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thought, the correction of sinful lives and the remission of sins, so that we all thankfully sing of Your greatness, we will be made worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven and there with all the saints we will glorify the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.