The meaning of the name Kuzma: the origin of the name, the influence on the character and fate of a person. The meaning of the name Kuzma (Kuzya) Kuzma name meaning

Kuzma is a rare, but very interesting male name. Its owner is an energetic nature with a strong character. From this article, you will learn the meaning of the name Kuzma and its origin, as well as understand what temperament and fate its owner has.

The name Kuzma originates in Ancient Greece. It comes from the word "cosmos", which translates as "world, universe." Another translation option is "blacksmith". Previously, the name had the form of Kosma, and after that it changed and began to be pronounced as Kosma or Kozma. Now the Kuzma variant is used.

The most common short form of the name is Kuzya. Other options are Kosmik, Kuzyuta, Kosma. The church name is Kosma.

One of the most famous patrons of the name is the Monk Cosmas of Mayum. He lived in the 8th century and was a church poet in Byzantium. His creations include a large number of hymns, which are still used in Orthodox worship to this day.

Another patron was Cosmas Yakhroma, who lived in Russia and was the abbot of the Orthodox Church. He is the founder of the Holy Dormition Cosmo-Yakhroma Monastery.

In the courtyard, Kuzma acts as the ringleader and soul of the company, he always becomes the organizer of the games. Often, the boy's friends put their blame on him, and Kuzya, in turn, steadfastly takes it upon himself.

He takes punishment from his parents bravely, as he is able to look at the world realistically. But he can hold a grudge for unfair reproaches from adults for a long time.

The appearance of the child comes from the mother, while the character traits are from the father. Kuzya has an independent temperament. The boy does not make scandals out of the blue and is distinguished by inner poise and strength.

Kuzma is an enthusiastic person. Having found a business that will be to his liking, the child may be interested in it so much that he will forget about everything in the world.

Having matured, Kuzma becomes more calm. However, he can still surprise others with unexpected actions. A man is capable of a drastic change in lifestyle or a new extreme hobby, he likes to take risks.

The owner of this name is a brave man. He is still ready to protect his friends and fight for justice. But behind his firmness and determination lies a good heart.

In the character of a man, inner strength and harmony are visible. Kuzma rarely tells others about what is going on in his soul. Nevertheless, he is always ready to listen to the other person and respects his feelings.

Surrounding people are very fond of a man for his easy and relaxed manner of communication. Kuzma has a lot of friends. For his ability to support and comfort at any moment, people pay him the same coin, so a man always has someone to rely on in difficult times.

The weaknesses of the owner of this name include indifference to praise. He is very painful when someone criticizes him or jokes about him. A man achieves success when there is a person next to him who unconditionally believes in him.

Kuzma has a high intellect and a synthetic mindset. He is able to easily assess any situation. If a man clearly defines his goal and does not neglect the little things, then he will easily achieve his goal.

Since Kuzma loves diversity, he is most attracted to a career where there is an opportunity to travel and meet new people. Also, a man can find himself in professions such as a military man, a lawyer or a doctor.

If he likes his work, he will become a valuable employee. The man has a good relationship with his colleagues. As an employee, he does not like to obey someone, but he does not have conflicts with his superiors.

In relations with women, Kuzma is rather unstable and often changes companions. The first marriage is usually frivolous and ends in divorce. The second time a man marries more consciously, having carefully tested the union for feelings and fidelity.

The father loves his children and is ready for a lot for their sake. The husband always helps his wife around the house. The second marriage of a man is very happy, his family becomes the standard of love and fidelity.

The beautiful old name Kuzma endows its owner with fortitude, a penchant for adventure and an interesting fate. Such a man is a good friend, a valuable employee and a wonderful father. Author: Maria Shcherbakova

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Kuzma, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation of the name.

  • Zodiac Kuzma - Scorpio
  • Planet - Pluto
  • The color of the name Kuzma is dark red
  • Auspicious tree - jasmine
  • Cherished plant of Kuzma - peony
  • Patron named Kuzma - ant
  • Kuzma's talisman stone - antimony

What does the name Kuzma mean? Kuzma - the organizer of the world (the name Kuzma is of Greek origin).

The short meaning of the name Kuzma: Kuzya, Kuzyakha, Kuzyasha, Cousin.

Patronymic name Kuzma: Kuzmich, Kuzminichna; unfold Kuzmovna.

Day of the angel named Kuzma: The name Kuzma celebrates a name day once a year: July 14 (1) - St. Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian - brothers; they were doctors, treating the sick free of charge and converting them to Christ; helped the poor. For the faith of Christ they were stoned to death by their pagan teacher in 284.

Signs of the name Kuzma: The holy miracle workers Cosmas and Damian are prayed for success in science or at the beginning of the study of literacy. July 14 - summer Kuzma and Demyan, summer kuzminki. This is a purely women's holiday with visits, feasts, conversations and songs. In the midst of haymaking: "Kuzma and Demyan came - went to the mowing." November 14 - winter kuzminki. If a leaf remains on a tree on Kosmodemyan, then next year there will be frost. Kuzma-Demyan is a blacksmith who forges ice on land and on waters. Winter kuzminki - a girl's holiday, the beginning of winter needlework.

Optimism, courage, peacefulness, cheerful disposition, inner harmony. Fate is favorable to Kuzma. He knows how to use his potential to achieve heights in professional, social, creative activities. Kuzma loves and knows how to joke, uses this ability as a weapon against enemies.

Positive traits of the name Kuzma: Optimism, courage, peacefulness, cheerful disposition, inner harmony. Fate is favorable to Kuzma. He knows how to use his potential to achieve heights in professional, social, creative activities. The name Kuzma loves and knows how to joke, uses this ability as a weapon against enemies.

Negative traits of the name Kuzma: Kuzma sometimes lacks rigidity and integrity. In an irritated state, he is able to turn good-natured humor into sarcasm.

The nature of the name Kuzma: Kuzma is a kind, modest, talented person. Basically, he is stubborn and persistent. Doesn't show it, but doesn't really trust people. He carefully considers his actions. Kuzma is silent, patient, does not like to complain. Very obliging and hospitable.

Kuzma is a very sociable, but emotional child, if he does not like something, he will cry loudly.

It is necessary to teach him to control his emotions, to forgive insults. As a child, Kuzma is cunning, selfish, it is necessary for him to inspire a sense of pity for the weak, to teach patience if he loses.

With the right upbringing, an adult man named Kuzma is a kind person, but still sensitive, proud. Kuzma is easily influenced by friends. He is not always self-confident, although he is stubborn and persistent, sometimes he groundlessly says “no”, which is only a way of self-affirmation.

Kuzma is silent, patient, obligatory, adapts well to circumstances, loves to travel. The meaning of the name refers to professions related to travel. Kuzma loves nature, animals, can be a forester, an employee of nature reserves.

Marries relatively late, family life develops successfully. He helps his wife around the house, but does "man's work." He is unpretentious in food, does not like unnecessary things in the house, a cheerful, economic person.

Choosing a profession by name: The name Kuzma is enterprising in all matters. He is able to deeply comprehend everything that happens, responsibly treat the work being done. Kuzma has a practical mindset, a penchant for technology, is resourceful and accurate. His efforts and efforts, as a rule, are appreciated.

Kuzma's business and career: Most of the bearers of this name are drawn to household chores, they know how to preserve and increase what they have acquired. But sometimes Kuzma is naive and allows himself to be exploited.

Love and marriage of Kuzma: In marriage, Kuzma may have problems due to his criticality. The union of the name with Akulina, Valentina, Evgenia, Joanna, Maya is favorable. Complicated relations of the name are likely with Ada, Veronica, Inna, Polina, Raisa, Flora.

Health and talents named after Kuzma: Kuzma is usually a melancholic person, often not objective enough in his assessments, but he always knows where the wind is blowing from and skillfully uses this knowledge. Kuzma knows how to adapt to circumstances. Endowed with a synthetic type of mind, able to instantly grasp and evaluate the most difficult situation, but neglects the little things. When making decisions, he is able to compromise with his conscience, to neglect the norms of generally accepted morality.

Kuzma does well only what he likes, so he often changes professions. Often says more than he does. Men bearing the name Kuzma are endowed with enormous intellectual capabilities that they can realize under the condition of strict self-discipline, a clear definition of the goal. Prefer work related to travel. Kuzma is a very fickle person: today he is open to everyone, and tomorrow he closes in on himself. Kuzma feels good only when he is busy with work, in the absence of work he feels tired and depressed. In the field of health - the weak point of the body - the eyes and the nervous system.

Name Kuzma in other countries: The translation of the name Kuzma in different languages ​​​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In English it translates as Cosmo (Kozmo, Kouzmo), in German: Kosmas, Cosmas (Cosmas), in French: Come (Kom), in Spanish: Cosme (Kosme), in Portuguese: Cosme (Kozhme, Kozme ), in Italian: Cosimo (Cosimo), Cosma (Cosma), Cosmo (Cosmo), in Corsican: Cosimu (Cosima), in Catalan: Cosme (Cosme), in Hungarian: Kozma (Cosma), in Ukrainian language: Kuzma, Kosma, in Belarusian: Kuzma, Kasma.

The fate of the name Kuzma in history:

  1. Kuzma Minin (full name - Kuzma Minich Zakharyev-Sukhoruky) - a glorious figure of the Time of Troubles; Nizhny Novgorod citizen, seller of meat and fish; zemstvo headman and head of court affairs for the townspeople; was in Nizhny Novgorod "a favorite person" for honesty and "wise sense." Kuzma Minin died in 1616, "during the search" in the Kazan places on the occasion of the uprising of the Tatars and Cheremis. To his widow and only son, Nefed, the king granted new fiefdoms. The ashes of Minin rest in the Cathedral of Michael the Archangel in the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin.
  2. Kuzma Sergeevich Petrov-Vodkin (1878-1933) is a famous Russian artist. From childhood, his attention was attracted by various natural phenomena: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, eclipses of the stars. In them, he seemed to be trying to hear the pulse of the universe, consonant with the state of the soul and society. This was reflected in his work, in the creation of a special type of space construction - a spherical planetary perspective. In his paintings, the horizon line is rounded, attaching the event to a planetary significance. The name of Kuzma Sergeevich Petrov-Vodkin sounded especially loud in 1912, when he exhibited Bathing the Red Horse.
  3. Kozma Prutkov (literary mask, under which the poets Alexei Tolstoy (the largest contribution in quantitative terms), the brothers Alexei, Vladimir and Alexander Zhemchuzhnikovs (actually - their collective pseudonym), as well as Pyotr Ershov. Satirical poems, aphorisms of Kozma Prutkov and his very image ridiculed mental stagnation, political "good intentions", parodied literary epigonism.)
  4. Kuzma Trubnikov - (1888 - 1974) Soviet military leader, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Colonel General) Nikolai Romanovsky, better known under the pseudonym Kuzma Chorny (sometimes Black is used) ((1900 - 1944) Belarusian writer.
  5. Kuzma Kiselev - (1903 - 1977) Belarusian politician and diplomat.
  6. Kuzma Derevyanko - (1904 - 1954) Soviet military leader, lieutenant general, Hero of Ukraine (title awarded posthumously by decree of May 7, 2007). During the Great Patriotic War - Chief of Staff of several armies (53rd, 57th, 4th Guards). Participated in the Battle of Kursk, in the battle for the Dnieper. He made a significant contribution to the successful completion of the Korsun-Shevchenko operation. His headquarters organized the defeat of the enemy in the Iasi-Kishinev operation. Participated in the liberation of Budapest and Vienna. In 1945, he signed the Instrument of Surrender of Japan from the Soviet Union.
  7. Kuzma Andrianov - (1904 - 1978) Soviet chemist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1964; corresponding member 1953), Hero of Socialist Labor (1969).
  8. Kuzma Bilibin - (1908 - 1937) participant in the Spanish Civil War, commander of a tank platoon of an international tank brigade, junior commander, Hero of the Soviet Union.
  9. Kuzma Filatov - (1929 - 2008) Soviet statesman, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Karelian ASSR, Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR (1986-1989).


This term has other meanings, see Kuzma (meanings).

Kuzma, also Kozma, Cosma- male name, comes from the Greek. Κοσμάς - "peace".

Derived forms of the name - Kuzya, Kuzyuta, Kuzyakha, Kuzyasha, Kuzyona.

There are derivative surnames: Kuzmin, Kuzmenko, Kozmenko, Kuzmenkov.

The Saints

The patron saint is the Monk Cosmas of Maium, the Holy Grave. This saint is also called the creator of the canons to the glory of the Lord. Saint Cosmas of Yakhroma, whose name day is celebrated on March 3, is also widely known in Russia. As a youth, he witnessed a miraculous healing. The icon of the Assumption of the Mother of God shone with Divine light and a wonderful voice was heard. This voice commanded Cosmas to leave the world and take tonsure. In honor of the miraculous icon, Cosmas founded the monastery of the Assumption of the Mother of God and began to serve earnestly. He received strangers, visited the sick, healing with prayer and bringing consolation. Even inveterate sinners repented and were cleansed in spirit when Saint Cosmas addressed them with a kind word. His relics rest in the monastery founded by him and have the miraculous power of healing.

name day

According to the dictionary of personal Russian names by N. A. Petrovsky, 2000, name day:

  • January 15;
  • March 3, March 8;
  • May 1;
  • July 6, July 14;
  • August 11, August 16, August 17;
  • October 5, October 18, October 23, October 25, October 30;
  • November 13, November 14.

What does the name Kuzma mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Origin: Kuzma from the Greek - peace or decoration.

Derivatives: Kuzya, Kuzyut, Kuzyakha, Kuzyasha, Cousin.

Colour: Violet.

Main features: Susceptibility, activity, intelligence.

totem plant: Aspen.

Totem animal: Gull.

Sign: Twins.

Type: Very nervous and melancholic, like a seagull, they allow themselves to be carried away by the wind. Their totem plant, aspen, is also sensitive to the slightest breath of breeze.

Mind: They know where the wind blows from and skillfully use this knowledge. Parents should ensure that such boys actively participate in life, and do not trail passively in the tail of events. Easily influenced. Not objective, not self-confident, although sometimes they take an aggressive position.

Will: Rather weak, which manifests itself from time to time in a very peculiar way: they can, for example, suddenly change jobs, even very good ones.

Excitability: All their lives they are haunted by excessive nervousness, which adds to them some traits of a female character.

Speed ​​reaction: They try to balance excessive excitability, often saying “No” without reason, which is just a way of self-affirmation.

Field of work: They only do what they love. Their interests change rapidly, so they can move from one institution to another several times. Kuzma chooses professions related to travel.

Intuition: Too vivid imagination and intuition only increases their nervousness and anxiety.

Intelligence: Flexible. They adapt well to circumstances. They have a synthetic mindset. They cover the situation with one glance, but they should not neglect the little things, because because of this they can create problems for themselves.

Excitability: Too excitable, they want to attract the attention of parents and teachers. These people are characterized by sentimental impulses, but then they withdraw into themselves, like a snail in its house.

Moral: When developing clear and precise moral principles, they experience difficulties. They often hesitate when making decisions, they are able to compromise with their conscience.

Health: Beautiful - when they are busy with business, when they are bored, they feel oppression and fatigue. They should lead a measured lifestyle, avoid alcohol, spare the nervous system and eyes.

Sexuality: Their psyche is unstable, and this instability manifests itself primarily in the sexual sphere.

Activity: More is said than done. Kuzma is more willing to talk about his plans than to carry them out.

Sociability: Capricious - today they are open to communication, and tomorrow they close in on themselves.

Conclusion: These are people with great potential, they can achieve great success if they have a clear line of conduct, an awareness of the purpose of their actions.

See also the meaning of patronymics: Kuzmich and Kuzminichna.

Kuzma (name) is:

Kuzma (name)

Kuzma, also Cosmas, Cosmas- male name, comes from the Greek. Κόσμος - "decoration".

In other languages:

  • in Italian: Cosimo (Cosimo)
  • in French: Cosme (Kozm)
  • in Spanish: Cosme (Cosme)
  • in Portuguese: Cosme


  • Kozma Prutkov
  • Cosimo Medici
  • Kuzma Minin

Name options in Russian:

Name Meaning

The patron saint is the Monk Cosmas of Maium, the Holy Grave. This biblical person is also called the creator of the canons to the glory of the Lord. Saint Cosmas of Yakhroma, whose name day is celebrated on March 3, is also widely known in Russia. As a youth, he witnessed a miraculous healing. The icon of the Assumption of the Mother of God shone with Divine light and a wonderful voice was heard. This voice commanded Cosmas to leave the world and take tonsure. In honor of the miraculous icon, Cosmas founded the monastery of the Assumption of the Mother of God and began to serve earnestly. He received strangers, visited the sick, healing with prayer and bringing consolation. Even inveterate sinners repented and were cleansed in spirit when Saint Cosmas addressed them with a kind word. His relics rest in the monastery founded by him and have the miraculous power of healing.

see also

  • Cosmas and Damian
  • Cosma - a river in the Komi Republic
  • Santi Cosma e Damiano
  • Saint Cosmas

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Kuzma's name day Kuzma's name day January 15, March 3, March 8, May 1, June 23, July 14, July 31, August 2, August 11, August 16, September 6, October 5, October 18, October 23, October 25, October 27, October 30, November 11, November 13, November 14, November 16, December 8, December 15. Saints: Cosmas (Vyaznikov), Hieromartyr, Hieromonk; Cosmas (Korotkih), Hieromartyr, Priest; Cosmas (Magda), venerable martyr, hieromonk; Cosmas (Petrichenko), Hieromartyr, Priest; Cosmas of Asia, unmercenary; Cosmas of Arabia, Cilicia, martyr; Cosmas of Verkhotursky, holy fool for Christ's sake; Cosmas of Georgia, venerable martyr; Cosmas of Zografsky, venerable martyr; Cosmas Zografsky, reverend; Cosmas Kosinsky, Starorussky, reverend; Cosmas Maiumsky, Holy Grave, bishop (creator of canons); Cosmas Monk; Cosmas of Rome, martyr; Cosmas of Faran (Palestinian), Antioch, hermit; Cosmas of Chalcedon, confessor, bishop; Cosmas of Aetolia, Athos, Albanian, equal to the apostles, hieromonk; Cosmas of Yakhroma, reverend; Cosmas, Archbishop of Constantinople; Cosmas, martyr. The meaning of the name Kuzma Kuzma means "order" (this is a translation of the name Kuzma from ancient Greek). Origin of the name Kuzma It makes sense to start analyzing the mystery of the name Kuzma with its origin. The history of the name Kuzma has Greek roots. It came from a Greek name (Kosmas), which in turn comes from the Greek word "??????" (cosmos) - "order". What does the name Kuzma mean according to N. Zagovorova In accordance with the interpretation of the name Kuzma according to N. Zagovorova, already in childhood, its owner can turn into a gloomy, downtrodden, cursing his bitter share of a person, the only salvation for which is a sense of humor (which Kuzma, generally speaking, is not inclined to). Therefore, now rare parents risk naming their son Kuzma. Although the name is good. Kuzma is reliable, quick-witted, hardworking, cheerful, good-natured, good-natured. Unfortunately, it is this kindness that sometimes spoils his whole life - he rarely refuses to help people, so some use this and “twist ropes out of him”. Such a character often leads its owner to an addiction to drinking. In a person bearing this name, there is no aggression, he is loyal to his friends and family, ready for self-sacrifice and capable of a decisive act. Characteristics of the name Kuzma according to D. Zima and N. Zima According to the description of the name Kuzma according to D. Zima and N. Zima, he is somewhat lacking in hardness. Alas, this fact cannot be called positive, especially considering the images and associations that are associated with it. So, let's say, few people remember that one of the Russian national heroes, immortalized in a monument on Red Square - Minin - also bore the name Kuzma, but everyone knows such sayings as "Kuz'ka's mother" and "I'll take such Kuzma myself." There is, of course, also Kozma Prutkov, but his classical image is more associated with all sorts of witticisms than with any kind of respect for a person. In this regard, it is very difficult to expect that the pride of modern Kuzma will not become painful due to the excessive wit of those around him, because even if these witticisms do not have the goal of humiliating a person, still few people like it when they make fun of him. Perhaps the only salvation for Kuzma may be his own sense of humor. You can be sure that if there is no penchant for wit in his character, then Kuzma will simply disappear. Or just turn into a person with a clear inferiority complex. On the other hand, endowed with his wit, Kuzma can not only smooth out the negative aspects of his sensitive pride, but even use his rare and cheerful name to assert himself in the team. Otherwise, the energy of this name implies good-naturedness, good nature and cheerfulness, and if the issues of painful pride are successfully resolved, then it can be expected that Kuzma's life will turn out well. Although, of course, for a normal career, it would not hurt him to gain some firmness. The nature of the name Kuzma is such that in communicating with the bearer of this name, one can be advised to use their wit more carefully. If Kuzma himself is not inclined to humor, he can react extremely painfully to a joke addressed to him. If he himself is not averse to joking, then how would his reciprocal wit not hurt you yourself. In general, do not forget that you are dealing with a gentle, but very proud person. Characteristics of the name Kuzma according to B. Khigir According to B. Khigir, the boy with this name is smiling and good-natured, very calm and gentle in character. Sometimes Kuzya is distracted. Peers often laugh at him and sometimes offend, but not much. But Kuzya is not touchy and easily forgives, or even does not pay attention at all. He is unhurried, does everything slowly, but not always with high quality, because he is often distracted. For the same reason, a boy with this name does not study very well. Adult Kuzma is just as calm, slow, and accommodating. He is friendly and affable, never quarrels with anyone, does not like to argue. His slowness often irritates those around him, but this man rarely takes this into account. By nature, Kuzma is not an egoist, but he is often so self-contained that he does not see anything around him until someone draws his attention to himself. But if asked, this man will always help, but he himself rarely takes the initiative. But Kuzma has such positive features as punctuality, commitment, accuracy. A man with this name will never forget an appointment or a promise, he always keeps his word. At work, a man with this name is executive, although his slowness often interferes with his promotion, but usually Kuzma is in good standing with the management. But he is not ambitious, and for this man the main thing is that he likes his work. Kuzma is not very sociable, does not like noisy companies. This man has few close friends, sometimes one or two, or even none at all. But a man with this name does not suffer from loneliness, he may well occupy himself. A man with this name is a homebody, usually does not like to go far from home and in his free time, too, rarely gets out. He likes to watch hockey and football on TV, as well as old movies and quizzes. Kuzma reads little and mostly detective stories or adventure novels. Not too economic, but clean. Although, in order to fix something, he is forced to call the master, since he himself does not know how to work with his hands. He marries late, and more often remains a bachelor. Kuzma does not enjoy much success with the representatives of the opposite sex, and does not strive for this. It is difficult for him to get acquainted with women, he does not know what to talk about with them. Often a man with this name prefers a woman to take the initiative herself. But he needs to be familiar with her for a long time to start an intimate relationship. However, for Kuzma, sex does not matter. In closeness, he is conservative and not too sophisticated, rarely relaxed, only if a very experienced partner comes across who can stir up this man. Kuzma is often a caring husband and a kind father, he usually pampers children. His wife, as a rule, is a determined and persistent woman who leads him in everything. By old age, a man with this name often becomes squeamish. He spends a lot of time with his grandchildren. Kuzma, born in the spring, is more energetic, active, but sometimes too fussy and petty. He cannot sit idle and is constantly busy with something. He quickly meets women. This man surrounds a woman with care, but sometimes he goes too far here, becomes obsessive, so he often fails in his personal life. True, this does not upset him very much, he readily starts all over again with another woman. Kuzma, born in autumn, has a firm, persistent character. He is smart and hardworking, achieves great success in his work, is ambitious and makes a career. This man is respected by his colleagues. But work takes up most of his life, so if he marries, it's too late. But the marriage is successful. Derivatives of the name Kuzma Variations for the name Kuzma: Cosmas, Cosmas, Cosmas. Diminutives of the name Kuzma: Kuzya, Kuzyuta, Kuzyakha, Kuzyasha. Name Kuzma in different languages
  • Name Kuzma in English: Cosmo (Kozmo, Kouzmo).
  • Name Kuzma in German: Kosmas, Cosmas (Cosmas).
  • Name Kuzma in French: C?me (Kom).
  • Name Kuzma in Spanish: Cosme (Cosme).
  • Name Kuzma in Portuguese: Cosme (Kozhme, Kozme).
  • Name Kuzma in Italian: Cosimo (Cosimo), Cosma (Cosma), Cosmo (Cosmo).
  • Name Kuzma in Corsican: Cosimu (Cosima).
  • Name Kuzma in Catalan: Cosme (Cosme).
  • Name Kuzma in Hungarian: Kozma (Kozma).
  • Name Kuzma in Ukrainian: Kuzma, Kosma.
  • Name Kuzma in Belarusian: Kuzma, Kasma.
  • Name Kuzma in Greek: ?????? (Cosmas).
  • Name Kuzma in Polish: Kosma (Cosma).
  • Name Kuzma in Czech: Kosma (Cosma), Kosmas (Cosmas).
  • Name Kuzma in Bulgarian: Kozma, Kozman.
  • Name Kuzma in Finnish: Kuisma (Kuisma).
  • Name Kuzma in Occitan: C?sme (Cosme).
  • Name Kuzma in Romanian: Cosmin (Cosmin), Cosma (Cosma).
  • Name Kuzma in Serbian: Kozma, Kozma (Kozma), Kuzma, Kuzma (Kuzma), Kuzman, Kuzman (Kuzman).
Famous Kuzma:
  • Kuzma (Kozma) Minin (full name Kuzma Minich Zakharyev-Sukhoruky) - Russian national hero, organizer and one of the leaders of the Zemsky militia of 1611-1612 during the struggle of the Russian people against the Polish and Swedish intervention.
  • Kuzma Sergeevich Petrov-Vodkin is a Russian and Soviet symbolist painter, graphic artist, art theorist, writer and teacher, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation.
  • Kuzma Venediktovich Kiselyov is a Belarusian politician and diplomat.
  • Kuzma Semyonovich Kresnitsky - Soviet, Belarusian director of animated films.
  • Kuzma Nikitovich Galitsky - Soviet military leader, Hero of the Soviet Union, army general.
  • Kuzma Antonovich Gvozdev - Russian revolutionary, leader of the Provisional Government, Menshevik. Victim of the Stalinist terror.
  • Kuzma Nikolaevich Derevyanko - Soviet military leader, lieutenant general, Hero of Ukraine.
  • Kuzma Grigorevich Abramov - People's Writer of Mordovia.
  • Kuzma Ivanovich Petrulin - Belarusian topographer, hydraulic engineer.
  • Gurov Kuzma Akimovich - lieutenant general, member of the Military Council of the Southern Front, one of the leaders of the defense of Stalingrad and the liberation of Donbass.
  • Kuzma Maksimovich Kachanov - Soviet military leader, in the initial period of the Great Patriotic War, commander of the 34th Army, major general.
  • Andrianov Kuzma Andrianovich - Soviet chemist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Hero of Socialist Labor.
  • Kuzma Afinogenovich Shilnikov - Soviet mining scientist, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, rector of the Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute in 1939-1949.
  • Kuzma Filippovich Filatov - Soviet statesman, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Karelian ASSR, Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR in 1986-1989.

The meaning of the name Kuzma: the name for the boy means "order", "system". This affects the character and fate of Kuzma.

Origin of the name Kuzma: ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of the name: Kuzya, Kuzyakha, Kuzyasha, Cousin.

What does the name Kuzma mean? The name Kuzma comes from the ancient Greek Kosmas, which, in turn, comes from the word "cosmos". The name translates as "order". Another meaning is "build". As a child, a child named Kuzma is open and straightforward, but as he grows up, he learns to hide emotions. He forgives insults, but does not forget, so he has few real friends. Kuzma is talented, able to achieve a lot if he concentrates on one area.

Patronymic name Kuzma: Kuzmich, Kuzminichna; unfold Kuzmovna.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: Kuzma celebrates a name day once a year: July 14 (1) - St. Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian - brothers; they were doctors, treating the sick free of charge and converting them to Christ; helped the poor. For the faith of Christ they were stoned to death by their pagan teacher in 284.

Signs: They pray to the holy miracle workers Cosmas and Damian for success in science or at the beginning of the study of literacy. July 14 - summer Kuzya and Demyan, summer kuzminki. This is a purely women's holiday with visits, feasts, conversations and songs. In the midst of haymaking: "Kuzma and Demyany came - they went to the mowing." November 14 - winter kuzminki. If a leaf remains on a tree on Kosmodemyan, then next year there will be frost. Kuzma-Demyan is a blacksmith who forges ice on land and on waters. Winter kuzminki - a girl's holiday, the beginning of winter needlework.

The meaning of the name for a boy

What character traits determine the meaning of the name Kuzma? He is a kind, humble, talented person. Basically, he is stubborn and persistent. Doesn't show it, but doesn't really trust people. A guy with this name carefully considers his actions. Kuzma is silent, patient, does not like to complain. Very obliging and hospitable.

Kuzya is a very sociable, but emotional child, if he doesn’t like something, he will cry loudly.

It is necessary to teach him to control his emotions, not to attach importance to insults. As a child, Kuzma is cunning, selfish, it is necessary for him to inspire a sense of pity for the weak, to teach patience if he loses.

With the right upbringing, an adult man is a kind person, but still sensitive, proud. Kuzma is easily influenced by friends. He is not always self-confident, although he is stubborn and persistent, sometimes he groundlessly says “no”, which is only a way of self-affirmation.

Kuzma is silent, patient, obligatory, adapts well to circumstances, loves to travel. A man with this name chooses professions related to travel. A guy named Kuzma loves nature, animals, can be a forester, an employee of nature reserves.

The nature of the name Kuzma

Positive features: The name gives optimism, courage, peacefulness, cheerful disposition, inner harmony. Fate is favorable to Kuza. A man with this name knows how to use his potential to achieve heights in professional, social, creative activities. Kuzma loves and knows how to joke, uses this ability as a weapon against enemies.

Negative Traits: A guy named Kuzma sometimes lacks rigidity and integrity. In an irritated state, he is able to turn good-natured humor into sarcasm.

Name Kuzma in love and marriage

Does the meaning of the name Kuzma promise happiness in love? In marriage, he may have problems due to his criticality.

He marries relatively late, family life develops successfully. Family is very important to him. He helps his wife around the house, but does "man's work." Kuzma is unpretentious in food, does not like unnecessary things in the house, a cheerful, economic person.

Compatibility with female names

The union of Kuzma with Akulina, Valentina, Evgenia, Joanna is favorable. The name is also combined with Maya. Difficult relationships are likely with Ada, Veronica, Inna, Polina, Raisa, Flora.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: The guy Kuzma is enterprising in all matters. He is able to deeply comprehend everything that happens, responsibly treat the work being done. Kuzma has a practical mindset, a penchant for technology, is resourceful and accurate. His efforts and efforts, as a rule, are appreciated.

Business and career: Most of the bearers of this name are drawn to household chores, they know how to preserve and increase what they have acquired. But sometimes Kuzma is naive and allows himself to be exploited.

Name health and energy

Health and talents named after Kuzma: The meaning of the name Kuzma from the point of view of medicine. This person is usually melancholy, often not objective enough in his assessments, but he always knows where the wind is blowing from and skillfully uses this knowledge. A man named Kuzma knows how to adapt to circumstances. Endowed with a synthetic type of mind, able to instantly grasp and evaluate the most difficult situation, but neglects the little things. When making decisions, he is able to compromise with his conscience, to neglect the norms of generally accepted morality.

Kuzma does well only what he likes, so he often changes professions. Often says more than he does. Men who bear a name are endowed with enormous intellectual capabilities that they can realize under the condition of strict self-discipline, a clear definition of the goal. Kuzma prefers travel-related work. This is a very fickle person: today he is open to everyone, and tomorrow he closes in on himself. Kuzma feels good only when he is busy with work, in the absence of work he feels tired and depressed. In the field of health - the weak point of the body - the eyes and the nervous system.

Talismans of Kuzma

  • Zodiac - Scorpio
  • Planet - Pluto
  • Color Kuzma - dark red
  • Auspicious tree of Kuzma - jasmine
  • Cherished plant - peony
  • Patron - ant
  • Talisman stone - antimony

The fate of the name Kuzma

  1. Kuzma Minin (Kuzma Minich Zakharyev-Sukhoruky) - a glorious figure of the Time of Troubles; Nizhny Novgorod citizen; zemstvo headman and head of court affairs for the townspeople.
  2. Kuzma S. Petrov-Vodkin (1878-1933) - a famous Russian artist. The name of Kuzma Sergeevich sounded especially loud in 1912, when he exhibited Bathing the Red Horse.
  3. Kozma Prutkov (literary mask, under which the poets Alexei Tolstoy appeared in the magazines Sovremennik, Iskra and others in the 50-60s of the 19th century).
  4. Kuzma Trubnikov - (1888 - 1974) Soviet military leader, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Colonel General) Nikolai Romanovsky, better known under the pseudonym Kuzma Chorny (sometimes Black is used) ((1900 - 1944) Belarusian writer.
  5. Kuzma Kiselev - (1903 - 1977) Belarusian politician and diplomat.
  6. Kuzma Derevyanko - (1904 - 1954) Soviet military leader, lieutenant general, Hero of Ukraine (posthumously awarded the decree of May 7, 2007). In 1945, he signed the Instrument of Surrender of Japan from the Soviet Union.
  7. Kuzma Andrianov - (1904 - 1978) Soviet chemist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1964; corresponding member 1953), Hero of Socialist Labor (1969).
  8. Kuzma Bilibin - (1908 - 1937) participant in the Spanish Civil War, commander of a tank platoon of an international tank brigade, junior commander, Hero of the Soviet Union.
  9. Kuzma Filatov - (1929 - 2008) Soviet statesman, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Karelian ASSR, Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR (1986-1989).

Name translation

The translation, like many names, in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In English it translates as Cosmo (Kozmo, Kouzmo), in German: Kosmas, Cosmas (Cosmas), in French: Come (Kom), in Spanish: Cosme (Kosme), in Portuguese: Cosme (Kozhme, Kozme ), in Italian Kuzma: Cosimo (Cosimo), Cosma (Cosma), Cosmo (Cosmo), in Corsican: Cosimu (Cosima), in Catalan: Cosme (Cosme), in Hungarian Kuzma: Kozma (Kozma), in Ukrainian: Kosma, in Belarusian: Kasma.

Kuzma is a rare, but very interesting male name. Its owner is an energetic nature with a strong character. From this article, you will learn the meaning of the name Kuzma and its origin, as well as understand what temperament and fate its owner has.

The name Kuzma originates in Ancient Greece. It comes from the word "cosmos", which translates as "world, universe." Another translation option is "blacksmith". Previously, the name had the form of Kosma, and after that it changed and began to be pronounced as Kosma or Kozma. Now the Kuzma variant is used.

What does the name Kuzma mean? Kuzma - the organizer of the world (the name Kuzma is of Greek origin).

The short meaning of the name Kuzma: Kuzya, Kuzyakha, Kuzyasha, Cousin.

Day of the angel named Kuzma: The name Kuzma celebrates a name day once a year:

  • July 14 (1) - Holy Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian - brothers; they were doctors, treating the sick free of charge and converting them to Christ; helped the poor. For the faith of Christ they were stoned to death by their pagan teacher in 284.

Pros and cons of the name Kuzma:

What are the pros and cons that can be noted in the decision to name the child by the name Kuzma? On the one hand, this old-fashioned name may appeal to many parents. It is not bad (albeit a little unusual) combined with Russian surnames and patronymics, but does not have euphonious abbreviations and reductions (in our opinion, the abbreviations Kuzya, Kuzenka, Kuzyasha are not beautiful). Kuzma's character cannot be called unambiguously positive or negative, therefore, before choosing this name for their child, parents should weigh all the pros and cons well.

origin of the name Kuzma

As for the origin of the name Kuzma, everything is simple here - like many names, this also has several versions of its origin, although among them there is the most plausible and popular one.

So, according to the main version, the name Kuzma has purely ancient Greek roots and could come from a word meaning "peace" in translation. Although at the same time, there is an opinion that it could have come from the word "kosmas", close in significance to the translation in the form of "blacksmith".

In Russia, the first version is generally accepted. Initially, the name Kuzma sounded on the territory of Russian-speaking countries as Kosma, and in this form it existed for several hundred years. Later it was transformed into Kosma and Kozma, after which the familiar form of Kuzma already appeared.

It is worth noting that this is one of the few names that are revered in two faiths at once. So, name days are celebrated both by Catholics and in the Orthodox faith. True, in the Catholic Church there are only three days of name days (February 6, September 10, and September 26), while the rest of the dates fall on the Orthodox calendar.

Temperament and name meaning

As a child, Kuzma has a restless character. The boy is active and often mischievous. The child does not obey adults, for which he is often scolded by his parents. Of course, Kuzya will promise to behave well next time. But most likely, being carried away by a new game, the boy will quickly forget his promise.

In the courtyard, Kuzma acts as the ringleader and soul of the company, he always becomes the organizer of the games. Often, the boy's friends put their blame on him, and Kuzya, in turn, steadfastly takes it upon himself.

He takes punishment from his parents bravely, as he is able to look at the world realistically. But he can hold a grudge for unfair reproaches from adults for a long time.

The appearance of the child comes from the mother, while the character traits are from the father. Kuzya has an independent temperament. The boy does not make scandals out of the blue and is distinguished by inner poise and strength.

Kuzma is an enthusiastic person. Having found a business that will be to his liking, the child may be interested in it so much that he will forget about everything in the world.

Having matured, Kuzma becomes more calm. However, he can still surprise others with unexpected actions. A man is capable of a drastic change in lifestyle or a new extreme hobby, he likes to take risks.

The owner of this name is a brave man. He is still ready to protect his friends and fight for justice. But behind his firmness and determination lies a good heart.

In the character of a man, inner strength and harmony are visible. Kuzma rarely tells others about what is going on in his soul. Nevertheless, he is always ready to listen to the other person and respects his feelings.

Surrounding people are very fond of a man for his easy and relaxed manner of communication. Kuzma has a lot of friends. For his ability to support and comfort at any moment, people pay him the same coin, so a man always has someone to rely on in difficult times.

The weaknesses of the owner of this name include indifference to praise. He is very painful when someone criticizes him or jokes about him. A man achieves success when there is a person next to him who unconditionally believes in him.

Kuzma has a high intellect and a synthetic mindset. He is able to easily assess any situation. If a man clearly defines his goal and does not neglect the little things, then he will easily achieve his goal.

Since Kuzma loves diversity, he is most attracted to a career where there is an opportunity to travel and meet new people. Also, a man can find himself in professions such as a military man, a lawyer or a doctor.

If he likes his work, he will become a valuable employee. The man has a good relationship with his colleagues. As an employee, he does not like to obey someone, but he does not have conflicts with his superiors.

The nature of the name Kuzma

The meaning of the name Kuzma from the point of view of psychology. Kuzma is a kind, modest, talented person. Basically, he is stubborn and persistent. Doesn't show it, but doesn't really trust people. He carefully considers his actions. Kuzma is silent, patient, does not like to complain. Very obliging and hospitable.

Kuzma is a very sociable, but emotional child, if he does not like something, he will cry loudly. It is necessary to teach him to control his emotions, to forgive insults. As a child, Kuzma is cunning, selfish, it is necessary for him to inspire a sense of pity for the weak, to teach patience if he loses. With the right upbringing, an adult man named Kuzma is a kind person, but still sensitive, proud.

Kuzma is easily influenced by friends. He is not always self-confident, although he is stubborn and persistent, sometimes he groundlessly says “no”, which is only a way of self-affirmation. Kuzma is silent, patient, obligatory, adapts well to circumstances, loves to travel.

The meaning of the name refers to professions related to travel. Kuzma loves nature, animals, can be a forester, an employee of nature reserves. Marries relatively late, family life develops successfully. He helps his wife around the house, but does "man's work." He is unpretentious in food, does not like unnecessary things in the house, a cheerful, economic person.

Health and talents named after Kuzma

Kuzma is usually a melancholic person, often not objective enough in his assessments, but he always knows where the wind is blowing from and skillfully uses this knowledge. Kuzma knows how to adapt to circumstances. Endowed with a synthetic type of mind, able to instantly grasp and evaluate the most difficult situation, but neglects the little things.

When making decisions, he is able to compromise with his conscience, to neglect the norms of generally accepted morality. Kuzma does well only what he likes, so he often changes professions. Often says more than he does.

Men bearing the name Kuzma are endowed with enormous intellectual capabilities that they can realize under the condition of strict self-discipline, a clear definition of the goal. Prefer work related to travel. Kuzma is a very fickle person: today he is open to everyone, and tomorrow he withdraws into himself. Kuzma feels good only when he is busy with work, in the absence of work he feels tired and depressed. In the field of health, the weak point of the body is the eyes and the nervous system.

Energy and Karma of the name

Kuzma is a sonorous and mobile name, but, perhaps, he is somewhat lacking in firmness. Alas, this fact cannot be called positive, especially considering the images and associations that are associated with it.

So, say, few people remember that one of the Russian national heroes, immortalized in a monument on Red Square - Minin - also bore the name Kuzma, but everyone knows such sayings as<Кузькина мать>and<Такого Кузьму я и сам возьму>. There is, of course, also Kozma Prutkov, but his classical image is more associated with all sorts of witticisms than with any kind of respect for a person.

In this regard, it is very difficult to expect that the pride of modern Kuzma will not become painful due to the excessive wit of those around him, because even if these witticisms do not have the goal of humiliating a person, still few people like it when they make fun of him.

Perhaps the only salvation for Kuzma may be his own sense of humor. You can be sure that if there is no penchant for wit in his character, then Kuzma will simply disappear. Or just turn into a person with a clear inferiority complex.

On the other hand, endowed with his wit, Kuzma can not only smooth out the negative aspects of his sensitive pride, but even use his rare and cheerful name to assert himself in the team. So, in some near-elite circles, such things sometimes become especially fashionable.<простонародные>names like Dunya, Feofan, Pafnuty and others like them, including, of course, Kuzma.

Otherwise, the energy of this name implies good-naturedness, good nature and cheerfulness, and if the issues of painful pride are successfully resolved, then it can be expected that Kuzma's life will turn out well. Although, of course, for a normal career, it would not hurt him to gain some firmness.

Communication secrets: In dealing with Kuzma, we can advise you to use your wit more carefully. If Kuzma himself is not prone to humor, he may react painfully to a joke addressed to him. If he himself is not averse to joking, then how would his reciprocal wit not hurt you yourself. In general. do not forget that you are dealing with a gentle, but very proud person.

The influence of the name Kuzma on fate

Kuzma is a very demanding nature, striving for knowledge of the world around her. It has a responsible character, intuitively strives for a stable and measured life. But sometimes longing for “distant horizons” rolls over him, and he wants to drop everything and run away from the usual routine somewhere where he can indulge in creativity, spiritual improvement, and extraordinary deeds.

Greed, greed, envy are completely unusual for Kuzma. He quickly forgets insults. He tries to develop his body, good, good health allows him to do this. Patient, conscientious. Loves physical labor, nature.

Kuzma's weakest point is his painful self-esteem and self-doubt. He needs someone who will support his faith in himself, in the success of the work begun. He appreciates praise, is greedy for flattery, but it is almost impossible to deceive him with an insincere attitude. He is always interested in people close to him, his experiences are genuine. A sense of justice and honesty is developed in him unusually, thanks to this he often achieves the respect of others and their love.

The most suitable occupations for Kuzma can be the professions of a naval officer, mountaineer, polar explorer, military man, reconnaissance geologist.

The secret of the name Kuzma

Such a man is capable of extraordinary acts and has an unbalanced character. He is determined and bold. He is ready to defend justice and take risks to achieve his goals. At any moment, Kuzma can completely change his life, and therefore his friends need to be prepared for the unexpected.

Kuzma very often changes his partners. He does not make promises to women and does not become attached to them. He approaches the choice of the only one for himself very carefully. He can meet with his future wife for a long time before offering her a hand and a heart. Kuzma loves children and can painfully experience separation from them. At home, Kuzma does everything himself.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

  • Zodiac: Cancer
  • Name color: yellow
  • Radiation: 97%
  • Planets: Mercury
  • Talisman Stone: Jasper
  • plant: lily
  • Spirit animal: bull
  • Main character traits: will, excitability, activity