energy plants. The influence of the word on the development of plants. The influence of words on water

Article by Alexander Kuznetsov.

The value of human energy in communication with plants.
It would seem that mood - what is important here?

Modern quantum physics determines that a person is much more complex than previously thought. Scientists have found that our thoughts are material, they build our worldview and determine our life. And a bad mood, irritability, negative thoughts can even cause a disease of the human body. Changing the way you think is not an easy task, but it is necessary for your health and the health of the plants around you. Try to look at the world around you with kindness and attention, do not skimp on a smile and a kind word addressed to people, plants, or wildlife. All this positive energy will be returned to you like a launched boomerang. Start the evil - the evil will return, start the good - the good will return. Don't forget about it. That is why the most effective action is provided by those health systems in which three components are incorporated: positive thoughts, health exercises and herbal (plant) treatment. In addition to substances useful for the body contained in plants: vitamins, phytoncides, extractives, etc. (more than 200 active compounds in total) that perform nutritional and protective functions, the energy aspect of their impact is also important. This effect is based on the fact that plants are able to absorb and transmit the information that every cell in our body needs to maintain life. Energy is information.

Homeopathy can serve as an example of information (energy) impact on the human body. (Homeopathy was officially recognized as a medical practice in 1997.)

Many people think that taking a medicine at a "homeopathic dose" means taking a very small dose of the medicine. In fact, a homeopathic preparation often does not contain the original herbal medicinal substance, only a few molecules. Such a homeopathic preparation transmits only information about the medicinal properties of the plant, which is recorded on water or sugar. The greater the dilution of the homeopathic remedy, the stronger its effect. And the use of homeopathic medicines proves that when taking such medicines, only information about the substance is introduced into the body, and not the substance itself. Information (energy) from plants and their tissues, plant substances (compounds) is read by water and sugar, stored and transmitted to our body as information of the basis of life - vital energy, or natural harmonious vibrations.

But there is also a feedback between a person and plants through psychic energy (the energy of our thoughts). Thoughts are mood, spoken thoughts (words) are vibrations. Therefore, our thoughts (mood), or words (sound vibrations), as well as music (also sound vibrations), can influence the growth, development and well-being of plants. Here are some examples of such influence.

1. Pleasant, harmonious music promotes the growth and development of plants and their productivity (increases yield). The experiments of scientists have shown that when classical, spiritual, folk music or singing is played in the presence of plants, they grow much better. "Heavy" music - rock, punk, techno - has a very bad effect on plants, up to their withering.

2. Plants love communication, you need to talk with them. Plants react very actively to sound vibrations of good affectionate words addressed to them. Bad words or threats spoken against plants depress them greatly; or intent to harm them. Therefore, before you prune plants (cut leaves, flowers or mustaches), be sure to talk to the plants, calm them down, explain your intentions to them, and ask permission to do this. Otherwise, the plants will remember you as a source of threat, and will react negatively to your every approach to them. And you will become a source of negative influence on plants.

3. Plants love to be stroked. But stroking plants does not mean touching the leaves or the stem with your hand. You need to run your hand through the air along the surface of the leaves and stem, at a distance of 5-10cm. Such manipulations feed the plants with vital energy. Scientists suggest that plants absorb human energy, filling their "essence" (aura, or energy shell) with it when necessary. This is not energy vampirism, but the need to obtain information. Although there are plants - energy vampires (tropical), they emit intoxicating substances that cause drowsiness in a person passing by. A person, feeling tired, sits down, and the plants take energy from him.

Before “stroking” the plants, the hands must be activated so that they become more sensitive and energetically charged. To do this, stand up straight, close your eyes, rub your palm against your palm several times to warm your hands. After that, begin to slowly spread your arms to the sides, keeping your palms parallel. Depending on the degree of your sensitivity, you may feel at the same time that thin energy strings are being pulled between your hands. Then begin to bring your hands together, while you can feel a slight resistance. After repeating this several times, you can start stroking the plants with activated hands. Try stroking the plant every day in the manner described above, and you will see that it will grow better; but you yourself will not experience a deterioration in well-being or malaise. But if this happens, stop such experiments, then you have a very weak energy. Try to correct it with the energy of biodynamic plants, such as cedar, for example, or others.

What is plant energy and how cosmic energy and the energy of the Earth affect the development of plants should be discussed separately. In part, we have already touched on this issue in the course of discussions about chronal energy, and its particular case - orgone (life) energy. But what is its practical significance?

Miscellaneous. For example, we now know what the aura of plants is. This is part of the chronal radiation of a certain spectrum. In other words, an energy field that surrounds a person, an animal and a plant. So what? So, plants with their energy field (aura) are able to influence (radiate, influence) other organisms. And also to capture (perceive) the energy of organisms, including other plants, and cosmic (direct and reflected). And this knowledge already has practical value.

If the plants are next to each other, then their auras (energy fields) are in contact. And they can create real energy flows. They can have both positive and negative impacts. For example, if you put a yucca next to a cyclamen, then the cyclamen will soon wither, unable to withstand the aggressive energy of the yucca. Not only in nature, or a garden, many plants prefer to grow surrounded by their own kind, but also in a house or in a greenhouse. For example, violets (cyclamen) develop better if many pots are placed side by side, if they are surrounded by a large number of their relatives. They support each other with their energy, forming a single aura over their community.

The communicative connection of a plant with people also occurs at the level of the aura. With the positive attention of a person, the aura of plants increases, there is an accumulation (accumulation) of energy. That contributes to increased growth, flowering and even protection from diseases. The manifestation of anger and swearing in the immediate vicinity of plants, wherever they are, can even lead to wilting. We have already touched on this issue. But studies by scientists show that plants react more strongly and faster to negative emotions than to positive ones. These studies (Baxter and Bose) also help to explain the nature of the special ability to communicate with plants: people with positive thoughts evoke a positive response from the plants they are engaged in. Those who insincerely "love" plants will hardly be able to succeed as a gardener and florist. Plants feel love. They cannot be deceived.

The aura of plants, like a person, consists of several "layers" (frequency levels). The plant gives out a lot of energy vibrations, of varying intensity. Inside these layers there is an energy raster (the body of the plant itself), which can absorb energy, store it and release it. Each energy layer has its own frequency - like different radio transmitters. And the closer the vibration frequency of the aura of plants to the frequency of vibrations of our own aura, the more sympathy we feel for the plant, and the greater the healing effect it has on us. Some people are able to see the aura of humans and plants. They perceive the aura of plants as a color cloud. The more subtle the perception of these people, the more accurately they can determine the energy level of plants and draw conclusions about their healing power, specifically for each person. Some people feel the energy of plants with their hands, holding their hands near the plants. But most people perceive energy fluctuations intuitively. This determines our likes and dislikes for certain plants. But this is not important in itself.

The ability of such people to see the aura is of practical importance. One thing we have already touched on is the selection of medicinal plants. But while examining fruit plants for the healing effect of their fruits on humans, such people with psychic abilities discovered amazing facts that we do not attach and did not attach importance to.

It turned out that the energy of grafted plants is distorted, or defective, defective. Only seedlings, and only those grown without transplantation, immediately in a permanent place, have the most powerful and ideally "correct", not distorted aura. This means that such plants better capture cosmic energy, the energy of the earth and man, and, accordingly, their fruits have a greater energy charge, that is, they are more useful, and even medicinal. The monks knew about this, and they planted gardens only with seeds, immediately in a permanent place. What is the reason for the distortion of the energy field - the aura of grafted and cloned plants (grown from a part of the plant - branches, cuttings, buds). This is due to the confrontation of the energy phantoms of plants. What it is? A phantom is an energy memory, or a spiritual (energy) shadow. If you remove a part from a plant, for example, a branch, crown, there will be no branch or crown itself, but its shadow will remain, and will radiate energy, albeit weakened. What is most surprising is the memory not only of the plant itself, its biofield, but also of time (age). What gives such understanding? It explains many phenomena. For example, why grafted plants with cuttings from a fruit-bearing tree enter fruiting time earlier, although the stock is young for this. The cutting, as part of the plant, has not only a phantom energy memory of the entire plant, but also information about its age. But plants grafted with a kidney begin to bear fruit later, grafted with a cutting. Their energy memory is weaker and is suppressed by the energy memory of the rootstock, which, as a rule, has not yet entered the fruiting season, has not passed the juvenile (young) period. Sometimes, due to the energy incompatibility of the rootstock and scion, grafting is not possible at all, due to the complete antagonism of their phantoms (energy memory). For example, when grafting an apple tree on an apple tree, southern varieties on Siberian, some varieties of pear on an apple tree. Grafting an apple tree onto a pear is better, although the energy of the pear is stronger. Etc.

A person has to choose whether to use this knowledge for the benefit of people and Nature, to improve the quality of life, or to leave it unclaimed. So make your choice in this matter, whether to live in harmony with Nature and the Forces of Nature, or continue to destroy it, and therefore yourself. There is no time left to think, it's time to make a decision.

Recently, both on television and among acquaintances, we often hear about psychic energy. There were books, popular science films, telling about the properties of psychic energy, about thought as its manifestation, about the influence of thought on everything around. The Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto, for example, writes about the influence of information on the structure of water. Domestic scientists are investigating the influence of psychic energy on the process of seed germination and on the change of plants. All this is very interesting, but it is impossible to find information about the latest discoveries in school textbooks. Meanwhile, this knowledge is very important for a person: after all, if a person’s thoughts and feelings really have such a strong influence on the whole world around, then how carefully one should use them. S. N. Roerich said this very well in the last century: “In the future, perhaps we will be able to measure the energy of our thoughts and perhaps we will understand that everything is filled with thoughts and thought is imprinted on everything around. And then we will understand that we must watch our thoughts, that we must not dissolve, but must remember that even the walls have ears, eyes that see, hear and can repeat everything.

1. The concept of psychic energy

Scientists call psychic energy "the activity of non-material, or ideal, phenomena of the psyche, possessing information that is concentrated at its different levels - consciousness, preconscious and subconscious". The nerve centers of a person emit energy with every thought, with every feeling.

Academician Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev, a neuropathologist and psychiatrist, a specialist in the field of anatomy and physiology of the brain, a psychologist and teacher, a prominent public figure, the author of more than 600 works “On experiments on “mental” influence on the behavior of animals,” was engaged in the study of psychic energy. “We have to admit the possibility of transferring the mental influence of one individual to another with the help of some kind of radiant energy,” the scientist claims.

In 1920-1923, a whole series of studies were carried out by V. Durov, B. Kazhinsky and A. L. Chizhevsky. In these experiments, a person was placed in a Faraday chamber shielded by sheets of metal, and the dog or person was mentally affected. A positive result was achieved in 80% of cases.

In 1923, B. Kazhinsky, in his book "Transmission of Thoughts", proposed a scheme for a device capable of capturing and registering mental brain psi-radiations.

In 1924, V. Durov, Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Laboratory of Animal Psychology, published the book "Animal Training", in which he talks about experiments on mental suggestion.

In 1925, A. L. Chizhevsky wrote two articles on mental suggestion: “On the transmission of thoughts at a distance” and “From astrology to space biology”.

A currently developing branch of medicine called vibrational medicine studies subtle energies, high frequency vibrations, their interaction with molecular structures and the role they play in maintaining the homeostasis of the whole organism. In Vibrational Medicine, Dr. Richard Gerber sees the human being as a collection of complementary energy fields that interact with the physical body at the cellular level. “Man,” he believes, “depends, like all living beings, on the elusive life force that determines his integrity and viability.”

The German physicist Fritz-Albert Popp, who was engaged in cancer research in the late 60s, was interested in the question: “why does one chemical substance produce cancer cells, while another, absolutely identical in chemical composition, does not?” .

Popp found that under the influence of ultraviolet radiation of different intensities, identical biochemical substances behaved completely differently at the molecular level. Popp decided to study this question at the cellular level, because he realized that here one could find the key to understanding the communication links between cells in the body.

Since in physics the smallest particles of light are called photons, he called the radiation of living cells "biophotons". According to Popp, they are carriers of information, and their task is to tell each cell in a timely manner what is happening in the organism as a whole, just as it happens in the organisms of all other living beings.

In addition, Popp found that the radiation of cells can be compared to a laser beam. Laser beams are known to be used in information technology to transmit information. With the help of the study of the communication links of plants - Popp came to his first results by studying the cucumber - completely new scientific positions were revealed. In accordance with them, the wave information fields of a person, animal or plant are the light of life that is emitted by every cell.

Thus, scientists began to approach a person as an energy system that not only produces its own energy, but also accumulates energies from outside and transforms these energies.

Today, science has the opportunity not only to speak theoretically about more subtle energies, but also to record and study them practically thanks to the Kirlian effect, which got its name from its discoverers - the Russian inventors of the Kirlian spouses. An image in the Kirlian method is formed due to the glow of a gas discharge that occurs near the surface of an object placed in a high-intensity electromagnetic field.

Thus, we learn that psychic energy is a synthesis of all human nervous radiations. Every cell of our body radiates, the brain radiates, the heart radiates, and scientists are increasingly calling this total radiation field around a person an aura.

2. Influence of human psychic energy on plants.

2. 1. Energy vibrations of plants

What is it, energy vibrations of plants? Can they be seen, felt, or scientifically proven to exist? How do they affect people? Are there other areas where plant energy fluctuations matter?

Energy fluctuations are understood as an aura that surrounds any living being, including a plant. This "energetics", according to scientists and confirmed by the Kirlian images of plant radiation, does not manifest itself in all plants in the same way.

Scientists say that the aura of a plant consists of many layers. Within these layers is an energy raster. He can absorb energy, store it and release it. “Each energy layer has its own frequency - like different radio transmitters. And the closer the vibrational frequency of the aura of plants to the frequency of vibrations of our own aura, the more sympathy we experience for this or that flower. The plant, which is located directly next to us, offers us a whole range of energy vibrations that penetrate our aura with varying intensity, ”writes Julia Kreis.

Kirlian studies of energy vibrations of plants have shown that these radiations are very diverse: the rose has the so-called aura of soft outlines, there are no sharp rays, which corresponds to its gentle, subtle, aristocratic character; nettle has thin, sharp rays directed in all directions; it seems to me that they reflect its “sharp”, “prickly” character (Fig. 1).

Julia Kreis classifies the energy vibrations of plants and talks about the impact that these vibrations can have on a person, thus:

Wave vibrations.

They come from the center of the plant in all directions. Neutralize negative factors such as shock and fear.

Fan-shaped vibrations.

The energy unfolds like a fan - from the roots to the tips of the leaves. In the room, it functions like a slowly spinning fan, distributing energy to those places where it is needed.

Cloud fluctuations.

Spread like a cloud in all directions. Such a plant gives off a large amount of energy and is therefore well suited for people expending a lot of energy or convalescing.

Fountain vibrations.

A strong concentrated energy emanates from the stem of the plant in the form of a fountain, then descends and rises again. Healthy plants form an energy cycle.

Wind vibrations.

The force of rotation of vibrations gives an impulse to love of life to people, and animals, and other plants. Therefore, such plants are quickly depleted and need regular rest.

Cloud fluctuations.

An even, smooth energy that suits everyone. Such plants are accumulators of power. They should not be in close proximity to plants with arrow-shaped or prickly energy.

Spiral vibrations directed upwards.

Energy flows from the roots of the plant into the stem, spiraling around it, to the tips of the leaves and flowers, enveloping the flowers in wide circles.

Spiral vibrations directed downwards.

Energy is concentrated, condensed in the plant and stored in it. Such plants are useful for people who have difficulty concentrating and making decisions.

Spiky, sharp vibrations.

For many people, they act unpleasantly, up to the appearance of a feeling of threat. Plants whose oscillations are of this type should stand at least one meter from the working or sleeping place. Sensitive people, sick people and children can suffer from this kind of energy.

We did not find a description of what energy vibrations emitted by specific plants in the literature. But at Eva-Katarina Hoffman, we found useful information for ourselves about what kind of energy the most common indoor plants have. Dieffenbachia successfully cleans the air of toxic substances and radiates energy that contributes to better concentration. Aechmea emits energy pulses like arrows and can act as a stimulant. Decorative bamboo provides good energy in the house, affecting people and animals. The energy of its vibrations is very subtle and high, so it enhances our creativity and sensitivity. The potted rose opens our hearts, it has the finest and highest vibration of all plants, especially during the flowering period. Fern acts on the nervous system as a cleansing filter, it is a particularly good companion for people who are engaged in mental work.

2. 2. How plants read minds.

The interaction of a plant with people, according to scientists, occurs at the energy level. With positive human attention, the aura of the plant increases, energy is accumulated, which contributes to increased growth, lush flowering, and greater protection of the plant from diseases. Manifestations of anger and swearing in the room in which the flowers are standing lead to a sharp decrease in the aura of the plant. This effect becomes even stronger if the swearing is applied to the plant itself, and can even lead to its withering.

This position was proved by Baxter's experiments. Dracaena, a well-known and universally loved houseplant, which is often used to decorate apartments and offices, was the subject of his research. He found that plants can "read" people's minds.

Baxter came up with the idea to connect the dracaena growing in his office to a lie detector. He knew from experience that people have the strongest reactions when they are in danger. In order to scare the plant, he decided to set fire to a dracaena leaf. But just as Baxter thought about it, the lie detector reacted. He asked himself if the plant had really sensed the danger and brought matches to make the experience more obvious. After many documented experiments, Baxter established that the dracaena reacted precisely to his thoughts.

Similar results were obtained by the Indian researcher Yagadis Bose, who was able to establish that plants have a kind of system that responds to stimuli, which can be compared with the nervous system of humans and animals.

Interestingly, in the studies of Baxter and Bose, it turned out that plants reacted more strongly and faster to negative emotions than to positive ones.

Having become acquainted with the description of such studies, I decided to conduct an experiment with plants myself.

On the same day, two identical sprigs of geraniums were plucked and placed in containers of water so that they could sprout. It was planned to then transplant them into pots with earth. The experiment has begun!

I spoke affectionately with the first flower, saying how much I love it, how beautiful it is, the most wonderful, how it makes me happy.

The second was suggested that he was ugly, disgusting, terrible, ugly. She often called him the insulting "fool".

The results became noticeable already on the 5th day. The first, “beloved”, flower has already had roots, the second, “unloved”, has no processes. After 3 days (on the 8th day of the experiment), sparse tendrils appeared, weak shoots of the “unloved” flower, while in the first they reached a length of 2–2.5 cm.

Thus, the hypothesis was confirmed that the thoughts and words of a person have a strong impact on the plant world.

After 23 days I took two buckets and earth. I planted a flower in bucket number 1. The “unloved” flower had short roots - about 0.5 cm, but the stem was strong and green. I planted a “favorite” flower in bucket No. 2, its leaves are juicy, green, not a single leaf fell off, the root is about two cm, the stem is strong, green. Over the next few days, leaves began to fall from the "unloved" one, the stem began to darken.

I decided to complicate the experience. I changed the flowers in places: “unloved” will become “favorite”, and vice versa. At first, there were no changes, but then the flower, which had previously grown magnificently (the former “beloved”), began to fade, the leaves turned yellow. The same one, which lagged behind in development, since it received little love and attention, despite the fact that it changed its attitude towards it, remained unchanged: there were two leaves on the blackened stem, it was not possible to revive it quickly. I continue to communicate with him, I say affectionate words, I communicate like with a small child. I go to him several times a day with good thoughts. I don't see any change yet, but it doesn't get any worse either.

We carried out the second stage of the experiment with grains. Three groups of wheat grains were taken. The first group was told kind and affectionate words, for example: “I love you!”, “You will run into me!”, “You are magnificent!”, “My beautiful ones”. Anger was poured out on the second group: “I don’t love you”, “you are disgusting, disgusting”, “good for nothing”; the third group of grains lay on the sidelines, no one paid attention to it. Two days later, the second group began to rise, which "listened" to rude words. The next day, the first group ascended, those who were admired. But only the third group of grains, left without attention, did not rise in any way. When the fourth day of the experiment came, they finally ascended, but later than everyone else. Today is the eleventh day, I continue the experiment, the longest and strongest sprouts are in the group to which the attitude was negative, the wheat sprouts that received a positive charge are slightly shorter, in last place - left unattended.

The third stage of the experiment was also carried out with wheat in order to identify the effects of radiation from household appliances on plants. I took a handful of grains, put them on plates, poured some water. Then I placed them in different rooms with the same lighting. I put one group on a shelf away from household appliances, and put the other near the computer, and left my mobile phone next to the plate at night. I didn’t talk to the grains, I just periodically added water to keep them moist, and put them back in their places. This went on for three days. On the third day in the evening, I put them side by side and compared. Luckily, everything turned out the way I thought. The wheat, which was far away from household appliances, sprouted, and the sprouts turned out to be much longer than the sprouts of the one that was always next to the computer.

1. Working on the theoretical part, I learned about psychic energy, how it affects the environment and the person himself. I learned about the energy of plants, that it is impossible to leave plants with different vibrations nearby or in the same room, they can harm a person or other plants, as well as about the influence of psychic energy on plants.

2. Working on the practical part, I was convinced that the thoughts, feelings and words of a person really affect the plant. This influence is very powerful.

3. My classmates also participated in the experiment. As a result, we realized that the whole world around us is interconnected, everything must be treated with soul and then everything will become much better. Even if plants and grains react to the thoughts and words of a person and let you know about it, then how carefully you need to treat a person! Treat the way you would like to be treated. We realized that we should enjoy life, joy and love are beneficial to the world. According to the law of energy exchange, the energy of good returns someday to its source.

So how can you learn about the nature of the invisible, subtle influence of a plant on the energy of space and people? Speaking about this effect of plants, I will use my observations, experience with plants and the miracle science of astrology, which gives the keys to understanding any phenomena of our life.

So how can you learn about the nature of the invisible, subtle influence of a plant on the energy of space and people? Speaking about this effect of plants, I will use my observations, experience with plants and the miracle science of astrology, which gives the keys to understanding any phenomena of our life. This science is complex, cannot be explained in a nutshell and can not be mastered by everyone.

This system of correspondences will give clues to the secrets of indoor plants. The leaves of any plant, even modified thorny leaves or tendril leaves, are ruled by Mercury. It is the leaf that is the main organ of photosynthesis, during which oxygen is released, it is in the leaves that all the processes that make energy and carbon available to living organisms take place, it was the photosynthesis of ancient plants that gave mankind energy fuel, all life on Earth depends on photosynthesis, that is from leaves. And above all, leaves should be given special attention, speaking about the influence of plants on our life and the state of the atmosphere.

Speaking about the dependence of the life of earthly inhabitants on photosynthesis, on leaves, we must remember that life is movement. In astrology, movement is associated with the air element, with its signs and, above all, with the mobile Mercury. It is this one, closest to the Sun, that makes the leaves turn towards the light, form a leaf mosaic and communicate with the outside world, exchange energy with it. (Remember the sociability of the glorious god of trade and eloquence!) From the school science course, we know that plants purify the atmosphere, fill it with oxygen. But astrology says that Mercury has no cleansing properties, it only sets substances in motion, speeds up life, and at the same time can clog space. Having studied the process of photosynthesis, we understand that plants release oxygen into the atmosphere only as one of the waste products of life. Mercury controls the leaves of plants so powerfully that all their functions coincide with the qualities and tasks of s. Knowing the aspects of life and the functions of the organs controlled by Mercury, we can talk about the secret, not yet proven by rational science, but felt by subtle devices and sensitive people, the properties of leaves.

Mercury is associated primarily with the mental plane - the plane of thought and the way it is expressed - , therefore, the leaves of plants affect the process of thinking and speech of a person, and also clear the space from the energy of human thoughts and words. We are constantly thinking about something, talking about something. No feelings may arise in a person’s soul for some time, but there are always thoughts in the head. Our thoughts are not locked in our heads like in a box. If we think not about ourselves, but about something or someone, thoughts move from us to this object or being, and the thoughts of those who think about us fly to us. If we think about ourselves, about our problems, then these thoughts swirl around us. We pronounce - and its energy rushes to the object or person we are talking about, or stays next to us if we are talking about ourselves. Over time, these energies dissipate, find their place in space, but the impact that they have on our mental and physical state remains with us.

The energy of bad thoughts and words poisons the atmosphere, spoils our health; good energy warms the soul, harmonizes the work of physical organs. And here it must be said that the leaves will not swallow the energy of pure thoughts and words, because they need a product of the vital activity of the human organism - carbon dioxide. Indoor plants absorb only what is not needed, which is harmful to a person - the energy of impure thoughts and words, but emit oxygen, useful, clean energies into the atmosphere, therefore one of the secret properties of leaves is the power of a person in the formation of useful thoughts, as they influence the process of thinking and human speech. Moreover, this influence is targeted. See how diverse the shape, size and texture of the leaves are: narrow and wide, heart-shaped and oval, leathery and delicate, large and tiny - can you list them all! So thoughts and words are just as different and become "food" or the fruit of the support of different leaves.

By the appearance of the sheet, one can tell what kind of thoughts and words that litter the space, it relieves the atmosphere and in what thought processes it helps, what speeches it bestows. Lyre-shaped ficus has the largest, densest leaves among ficuses, which clear the space of the energy of exaggerating thoughts and long speeches about difficult, big problems. This ficus is needed for those who tend to think about one thing for a long time. If we knew how to talk with plants, then the ficus would tell us that "fear has big eyes," or would ask us to "change the record." It was this state of obsession and exaggeration, after long experiences and reflections, that people came to the clairvoyant, about whom we spoke a few pages earlier. Ficus not only clears the space of exaggerations and old, long-maturing thoughts, but also helps to think broadly, to link several topics together in the mind. For example, ficus is useful for scientists, researchers who combine several sciences in their work. Ficus is also good for people of art who combine several styles and trends in their work. Like the lyre-shaped ficus, only in different variations, all plants with large leaves act.

Leaves have more than just length and width. Let's talk about their thickness, fleshiness.The more fleshy the leaves, the more mundane thoughts this plant affects. For example, the fat woman has very fleshy leaves, and is popularly called the money tree. Fleshy leaves strongly connect this plant with the earth element, with the material spheres of life. Fleshy leaves are Mercury, weighed down by everyday, vain, worldly problems. And indeed, the fat woman, corresponding to the popular name, clears the space of our thoughts related to money troubles, and helps to find the right path to prosperity.When a person has a difficult financial situation, he By the way, it helps to develop hard work in yourself. And also useful for people who earn money by hard physical labor. You have already noticed that any quality of the leaves has a kind of dual nature - it cleanses from the harmful and develops the useful.

Look, small leaves, like, for example, asparagus or azalea, clear the space and our mind from petty thoughts. - and help to notice and appreciate the charm of the so-called little things in life. Variegated leaves clear conflicting thoughts - and help to unite incompatible things in the mind, to see the connection between seemingly unrelated phenomena.

Modified cactus leaves, thorns, save space from sharp, prickly thoughts and words - and develop the sharpness of the mind, help to clearly express their thoughts. Clearing the space and the mind, helping to develop certain abilities in oneself, the leaves have a beneficial effect on the physical condition of a person.

For example, large leaves are cancer prevention, cactus spines are protected from sharp muscle pains and diseases of the genital organs. We will talk about all this in detail in the following eyes. The purpose of this chapter is to generalize with the planets. Leaves, of course, are the main organ of the plant that affects space. All other parts of the plant also affect the atmosphere in the house and the human condition, but mainly the leaves have a cleansing effect. The remaining parts of the plant form the energy of the house and the person, strengthening or weakening certain energies, certain feelings and thoughts of a person. Sometimes the stem and flowers act as a probe: they inspect the space and encourage the leaves to act, sending them information about human problems, space pollution.

The stem is the support, the skeleton of the plant . AT the supporting function is entrusted to the earth element and, mainly, to one of the planets of this element - Saturn. Saturn governs the inner strength of a person, strength of character, will, strength of mind, and the plant stems under his control strengthen the musculoskeletal system and have a beneficial effect on human skin. If you have a weak character, the stem will catch it, give a signal to the leaves, and a character-enhancing influence will come upon you. Each type of stem is responsible for certain character traits, helping a person become resistant to specific negative influences of the surrounding world, but all these transforming effects of the stem (and flowers, and other parts of the plant) occur through the leaves, which are ruled by the intermediary planet Mercury.

bringing light and joy to our homes and hearts, are under the auspices of the Sun, and it is in associated with joy, love, creativity. Often, flowers do not bloom in dull people, and in cheerful people, even plants that rarely bloom at home bloom. Flowers help develop creativity, have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and chakras. The color of the flowers of a plant indicates its ability to influence a particular chakra. For example, plants with pink flowers facilitate the lower chakra - muladhara, starting from the coccyx and extending its action to the heels. Plants with pink flowers relieve heaviness in the legs, relieve pain in varicose veins. As you understand, a flower, stem, leaves do not act on a person each by itself. A plant is a single system in which all parts are connected. The strength of the stem and flowers merges with the strength of the leaves to form the character of the plant. The shape and color of leaves and flowers in a certain way affect our consciousness, subconsciousness, psyche and, regardless of our desire, change our mood, and, as you know, the state of physical organs also depends on the emotional state.

recreating nature in miniature, they are living beings with their own positive qualities. It would seem that what can be said about why housing needs living plants in the house. First, it's decoration. Secondly, rest for the eyes, mind and nerves. Thirdly, plants emit phytoncides, which improve the atmosphere in the house. Where ordinary myrtle grows, there are half as many pathogens. Lianas act similarly: vines, rhomboid rocissus, as well as Sprenger's ASPARAGUS and the so-called Chinese rose.GERANIUM absorbs waste, dampness, refreshes a musty room. At the same time, it helps to relieve internal tension. The smell of mint soothes and helps to concentrate. So those who work a lot on the computer can keep a pot of mint next to them and sniff it from time to time. These are purely physical properties of plants. Climbing home plants work like a kind of energy vacuum cleaner, all the time taking away excess energy from the premises and from the residents. It is only necessary to give them what we do not need - all our negativity. Any sufficiently tall plant, tree or vertically tied liana eliminates energy stagnation, which usually forms in the corners of rooms and is felt by us in the form of a state of despondency, desolation, and oppression. A plant placed at the head of the bed will help raise the energy of the sleeping person.

Streams of external energy, passing between the energy structure of the plant, scatter their sharp, of little use radiation. Therefore, it is not bad to place a fluffy bush at the end of a long corridor, and cover the edge of the corner with a liana, beautifully and decoratively stretched upwards. Moreover, these plants convert rough, pathogenic energy into biomass, as if they clean the premises, especially those in which there are many not quite healthy people.

By the way, tea from the leaves of passionflower and passionfruit is an effective sedative. Even intangible, alien entities such as poltergeists are gradually "drank" by these plants. GERANIUM, CHRYSANTHEME have the ability to create an energy curtain from violent energy and information exchange. In addition, they can be used to neutralize point bio- and geopathic zones. FERN ozonator room, in this regard, they are just true friends of the family.

MONSTERS and PHILODENDRONS are otherwise called defenders. Their straight and beautiful leaves are a constant source of upward energy flows. They are a mini-factory for the production of energy that is useful for housing people. SCINDAPSUS is a vine-like plant, which is also popularly called "husband". If you believe in this or you already have such experience, then before throwing the scindapsus out the window, think: "Who is it all the same: in a plant to which your husband is very indifferent, or is it still in you?" From the point of view of energy, this plant is indispensable for those who are overcome by uninvited astral visitors, including those from "That Plan". Moreover, the scindapsus immediately shows that he "ate" someone - the leaves become glossy, thick and a transparent liquid drips from them.

PEPEROMIA, TRADESCANTIA reduce the risk and course of cancer in their owner. They are more effective the larger the specimen. Plants with standing stems are the most effective. And of Tradescantia, those varieties that have thick and large fleshy leaves have the greatest strength. PALM trees are plants that are not suitable for small spaces. Moreover, streams of "cutting" energy seem to flow from their leaves, so you should stay away from them. At the same time, they are indispensable in order to destroy any energy anomaly in the room. CACTUS are famous for the fact that they protect their owner from the radiation of the TV screen or monitor. Apparently, this rumor was spread by those who sell cacti. Yes, they absorb pathogenic energy, but in a very small amount. Therefore, in order to neutralize the influence of the monitor, it is necessary to have a cactus whose root system has a volume comparable to the size of the monitor.

For plants, human love is as important as timely watering and quality soil. They will more than give you back the care that you give them every day. Plants purify the air and take away the negative energy that accumulates in the premises during the day.

The aura of plants is very complex. The more it coincides with your aura, the more sympathy you will feel for certain plants. Properly selected plants will improve not only the energy of the house, but also your spiritual and physical well-being.

Today's editorial "So simple!" will introduce you to plants that should be planted more, and plants that should be avoided.

Plant energy

vampire plants

Useful plants

Such is the list of friends and enemies. I'm sure you'll find a plant to your liking! Be sure to tell your loved ones about and always be in harmony with yourself and the world around you.

This is a real creative lab! A team of true like-minded people, each of which is an expert in his field, united by a common goal: to help people. We create materials that are really worth sharing, and our beloved readers serve as a source of inexhaustible inspiration for us!

research project

By rhetoric

Theme: The power of the word

The project was completed by:

Chernushkina Olga

Putina Svetlana

Peksheva Alina

Zakharova Sofia

Gubanova Anastasia

Churilova Karina

Project Manager:

Shevchuk Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Novovoronezh, 2016


2. The influence of words on water……………………………………………………3-6

3. The influence of words on the development of plants………………………………….7-9

4. The influence of words on a person…………………………………………….

5. Conclusion………………………………………………………………….

6. References………………………………………………………

7. Creative part …………………………………………………………………


Words can kill, words can save

In a word, you can lead the shelves behind you ...

V.S. Shefner

Most scientists associate the origin of speech with the appearance of man on Earth, with his activities. Words and their meanings have been developed by generations of people, for thousands of years. It is believed that at first there was a gesture that the ancient hunter pointed to the animal, then a cry was heard to frighten the beast. Gradually, the nature of the cry changed, sounds appeared that formed into words that had a certain meaning, a language was formed from words, articulate speech arose, which became the main means of human communication.

The word is a wave vibration that has power, both creative and destructive. "The word is the most powerful weapon of man" - these are the words of the great scientist Aristotle, which every person should think about.

Our words and thoughts create our destiny. Our distant ancestors were very attentive to their words. They understood perfectly well that with words they decide the fate of a person.

“Sin is not what goes into the mouth, but what comes out of the mouth,” says the Bible.

Words are not just an empty phrase, they have a special power that is of great and far from the last importance in a person's life.


Learn how words affect water, plants, people.

Project objectives

v Study water changes under the influence of bad and good words.

v To study the influence of words on the germination and development of plants.

v Reveal the power of the influence of the word on a person.

The influence of words on water

We decided to investigate the change in the structure of water under the influence of bad and good words.

The whole world was shocked by the work of the Japanese scientist Massaro Emoto. He did research with water and discovered the mysterious phenomenon of water memory. The energy of the spoken words is imprinted in the water!!! With what emotion they are said... But you and I are 90% water.

Emoto Masaru gathered a group of like-minded people and began to photograph water crystals in various parts of the globe. To obtain photographs of microcrystals, water droplets were placed in 100 Petri dishes and rapidly cooled in a freezer for 2 hours. Then they were placed in a special device, which consists of a refrigerator and a microscope with a camera connected to it. At a temperature of -5°C in the dark field of a microscope under a magnification of 200-500 times, samples were examined and photographs of the most characteristic crystals were taken.

Pictured is a frozen water sample taken from a lake near the Fujiwara Dam in Japan. Water has a dark and amorphous structure without a crystalline structure.

After the previous water sample was taken, Reverend Kato Hoki, senior priest of Juhouin Temple, prayed for one hour near the dam. After that, new water samples were taken, frozen and photographed. As you can see in the photo on the right, the change is striking: instead of the ugly blob from the previous sample, we see a clear, bright white hexagonal crystal within a crystal.

This photo also shows an ice crystal made from water taken from the same pond after prayer. Masaru Emoto had never before encountered such a crystal shape in any of his more than 10,000 experiments with water samples. As you can see, this is a heptagon, or 7-sided crystal. Reverend Kato explained that in his one-hour prayer, he invoked the spirits of the seven Goddesses. Good luck. (The color shown in the photo is gold, not white.)

On the left is a control shot of "raw" distilled water. Various samples of distilled water showed various formations, however, no crystals formed in any of them. Then this water was processed by attaching stickers to the bottles with various words and names of people. One of the results was the manifestation of a language difference. For example, "thank you" in English caused a different crystal formation than the same expression in Japanese.

Of great interest to healing and simply to our daily well being is the powerful effect of negative words and ideas on water crystals. When the inscription "Adolf Hitler" was attached to a container of distilled water, the results shown in the photo were obtained.

Another revealing set of shots showed the surprising difference between the crystal pattern evoked by the words "Let's do it" and the pattern from the words "Do it!" In the first case, the crystals looked like beautiful snowflakes, and in the second case, the water did not crystallize at all.

Emoto did an experiment by putting two labels on water bottles. On one "Thank you", on the other "You are deaf." The water formed beautiful crystals, which proves that "Thank you" won over "You're deaf." Thus, kind words are stronger than bad ones. The language of human communication is not artificial, but rather a natural, natural formation.

Dr. Emoto's lab did many experiments to find the word that purifies the water the most, and as a result, they found that it was not one word, but a combination of two words: "Love and Gratitude." Masaru Emoto suggests that if one conducts research, one can find a greater number of serious crimes in areas where people use foul language more often in communication.

Some more photos of Emoto Masaru's water crystals

On the left is the water of the word "Angel", and on the right is "demon"

500 people sent love energy to this water

Water of words

"You got me"

From the above examples, we see that water, like a mirror, reacts to any of our words. Negative words create ugly shapes in the water, while positive words create beautiful crystal paintings. We now have evidence that we can influence, heal and transform us and our planet with words.

Practical part

We decided to conduct our own experiment.

We took 3 glass jars, rice, water.

Rice was poured into jars, filled with plain tap water.

Banks signed (+), (-), (0)

Only positive words were said to the jar "+", such as:

joy, happiness, kindness.

The jar "-" was only spoken in negative words, such as:

evil, death, war, etc.

Bank "0" was simply ignored.

MANDATORY CONDITIONS: you need to invest your soul when you say words, try to express real emotions and "direct" them to the test object.
For example: to remember something good that pleases you the most ... and vice versa - does not please.

Trying to feel grateful for a jar of water and rice.
Also, on the contrary, the feeling of negative emotions towards another bank.

On the third bank - no attention ...

After 14 days we saw the result. The negative result was in the “0” bank, where the water fermented very much, the rice became moldy. The same bad result was in the “-” jar, the water fermented there, but the rice did not have time to deteriorate. Well, the best indicators were in the “+” bank, where the water only darkened a little, the rice did not deteriorate.

The smell of water has changed especially:

the first jar (-) - on the 5th day, a disgusting, fetid odor.

the second bank (+) - there is no pronounced smell. It seemed that sometimes (morning of the 5th day) the smell was - soft honey.

third jar (0) - smell - sharp, sour.


Affectionate and pleasant words have a positive effect on water, and its crystals take on a beautiful and regular shape. Negative words cause water crystals to become shapeless and not beautiful.

The influence of the word on the development of plants

In this part of the work, we explore the influence of the power of the word on plants. Since all living organisms develop according to the same biological laws, we investigated how the word affects the germination of bean seeds and the growth of its shoots. It should be noted that the study considers not only aspects of the negative impact of foul language, but also the impact of a kind, positive word on organisms.

We have formulated hypothesis: affectionate and pleasant words have a positive effect on plants, and negative words slow down the processes of growth, development and normal functioning.

Object of study: bean seeds and sprouts.

Subject of study: the influence of the word on the germination of bean seeds and the growth of its shoots.

The tasks set in the study were solved by applying the following methods:

1. experiment;

2. observation;

3. analysis of the obtained results.

Russian scientists led by Petr Garyaev, Senior Researcher, Department of Theoretical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, have done an interesting experiment. With the help of a special device that enhances the impact of words, the seeds of the Arabidopsis plant were “treated”. The seeds were cursed with. This effect was similar to exposure to 40,000 roentgens. From such a shock dose, DNA chains and chromosomes were torn, genes were scattered and mixed up. Most of the seeds died, and the survivors gave offspring with mutations. Moreover, regardless of whether the researchers shouted or whispered the words of the curse, the destructive effect was the same. It turns out that not the strength of the sound, but the meaning of what was said affected the plant.

After the curses, the scientists decided to test the power of the blessing. The result was amazing. Wheat grains that received a dose of 10 thousand roentgens, in which DNA, chromosomes, and genes were torn and mixed up ... after the words of blessing, they sprouted and began to develop normally.

Practical part

The research was carried out by me in February 2016. Bean seeds were chosen as the object of the study, since large seeds are convenient for the experiment. Beans have a high germination rate and growth of vegetative shoots. We germinated bean seeds in the following varieties:

1. Impact of positive words.

2. Impact of negative words.

3. Ignoring seeds.

The seeds were affected by the word every day in the evening.

For the seeds of the first option, affectionate words and words of love were used. She said that they are strong, beautiful, unique and most beloved.

Negative words were spoken over the second option.

The seeds of the third option were ignored.

MANDATORY CONDITIONS: For the purity of the experiment, the seeds of each option for exposure were taken out to another room.

Photographs were taken as they grew. The germinated seeds were then planted in the ground. As they grew, the height of the vegetative shoots was measured, and photographs of the seedlings were taken. To study the patterns of germination and growth, graphs and diagrams were built.

Research results.

Seed germination began within a day. Already on February 24, signs of germination appeared in all variants. The highest percentage of germination was observed in seeds that spoke positive words, it was 45%, and the smallest - in ignored ones, only 5%. On the third day, all 100% of the treated seeds sprouted. The scolded seeds were able to germinate only by 32.5%.

The same positive trend was observed after planting seedlings in the ground. The seedlings, which were affected by kind words, grew quite quickly and reached an average of 33.5 cm in 3 days. The scolded seedlings were depressed and were able to grow by an average of 6 cm. The worst result was for the ignored seeds.

The average growth of bean sprouts that were scolded averaged 11.5 cm. By comparison, bean sprouts that were constantly scolded averaged 2 cm per day.

seed germination schedule

Seeds under the influence of positive words.


1. As a result of the study, the hypothesis of a positive effect on the development of plants of a kind and positive word and a negative effect on the growth and development of a bad, rude word was fully confirmed.

2. A harsh word negatively affects the germination and growth of beans. Seeds that were constantly scolded took much longer to germinate, and seeds that were ignored were not even able to germinate to their full extent. The percentage of their germination was quite low and amounted to only 32.5%. The growth of these seedlings slowed down significantly and was 5.75 times less than the growth of bean shoots, which were daily “loved” and verbally caressed.

3. Affectionate words have a positive effect on the germination and growth of bean seeds. The germination rate of such seeds was 100%. Shoots grew 6 times faster than scolded ones.

Thus, experimentally, we once again proved that a huge destructive power is hidden in a bad word. And in contrast to this, the results of the study clearly demonstrate what a huge and creative power a kind, positive word has.