Why do muscles hurt without exercise. Why headaches occur during exercise

After training, pain in the muscles may occur. Sometimes it hurts to perform even the simplest actions and you don’t even want to move. Why do muscles hurt after exercise? Is this phenomenon normal and what should I do to make the pain go faster?

Muscles ache due to lactic acid

For muscle contraction to occur, energy is needed. It is formed during cellular respiration. Energy appears during the breakdown of amino acids, glucose and fatty acids and the formation of macroergic bonds of ATP. Sometimes, especially if the muscles are untrained and work very hard, there is not enough oxygen. ATP is produced anaerobically from muscle glycogen and without oxygen support, which provokes the release of lactic acid. At the same time, blood flow is difficult, it lingers in the fibers and causes muscle damage. Because of this, the muscles of the legs, arms, and abs hurt after physical exertion.

The more lactic acid produced, the more intense the burning sensation will be after exercise. When local blood circulation is restored, this acid is washed out very quickly, and the painful sensations become less pronounced, but microcracks on the muscles remain, and they can hurt for several more hours or even days.

Causes of muscle pain

Do you train regularly and did not increase the load, but pain after training appears constantly? What to do and why do muscles hurt after exercise? Unpleasant sensations in the muscle fibers can occur in the presence of various diseases in the body. So, very often after physical activity, acute or throbbing muscle pains appear in athletes who have received ruptures or sprains. In this case, you can also notice hematomas, tumors or bruises.

If your muscles hurt after exercise, it may be myositis (inflammation of muscle tissue). Provokes its appearance:

  • unusual overexertion during exercise;
  • injury;
  • viral infections.
How to avoid muscle pain after exercise?

So that lactic acid is not released and the muscles do not hurt, physical activity should be regular. Muscle pain occurs only in beginners or in athletes who have had a long break in training, and they decide to get in shape at an accelerated pace in a short time.

You can avoid discomfort by gradually increasing the load. There is an opinion that muscle pain after exercise is a sign that the muscles have worked well. But this is a delusion. Pain signals that the load was too heavy. Therefore, all exercises should be selected individually, and the weight of the shells should increase gradually. Also, so that muscle pain does not appear or is mild, always do a “warm-up” warm-up before physical activity and end up with stretching.

How to eliminate muscle pain after exercise?

If there are minor pain sensations, then it can help to eliminate them:

  • light massage;
  • tight bandage;
  • warm bath.

If you feel sick or throwing up and your muscles are sore after exercise, good (passive) rest and plenty of drink. You can also take painkillers.

Physical exercise is the key to good health and good health. Some sports, such as weightlifting, running, can trigger a headache. About the causes of discomfort caused by physical activity, read further in the article.

Among the causes that cause headaches during or after sports, note the following:

Diseases that cause headaches

The following pathological conditions can provoke cephalgia:

  1. intracranial hypertension. The main symptoms of the disease are a bursting sensation in the temples and forehead, nausea, vomiting, decreased vision. With excessive physical activity, the volume of cerebrospinal fluid in the main organ of the central nervous system increases, which provokes an increase in pressure.
  2. Hypertension. This ailment is expressed in dizziness, redness of the face, tachycardia, internal tension, as well as a throbbing headache. Often a person is unaware that they have high blood pressure. Physical activity is a catalyst for the process and can backfire.
  3. post-traumatic conditions. Concussions, injuries and bruises can provoke pain in the head when playing sports.
  4. Neck migraine. Pathology occurs when there is a violation of blood flow in the vertebral arteries. Painful sensations may appear immediately after training. This condition is characterized by the appearance of flies before the eyes, nausea, in severe cases, loss of consciousness is possible.
  5. Neuralgia. Careless movements of the neck cause a burning and shooting headache, which is unilateral or bilateral. Such discomfort is often given to the back of the head.
  6. Vascular disorders. With pathologies of the vascular system, physical activity should be moderate. Inadequate cerebral circulation can cause a heart attack or atherosclerosis.
  7. Depressive and anxiety states. Experiences and overexcitation can worsen the general well-being of a person.
  8. Osteochondrosis, spinal injuries, sprains.
  9. Diseases of the ear cavity. Otitis and inflammation of the inner ear can cause bursting and shooting pains in the head.

Risk group

Cephalgia are most susceptible to:

Mistakes in sports

The benefits of exercise are endless. Such loads have a beneficial effect on overall well-being, keep the figure in shape, and strengthen the immune system. But sometimes exercise can be harmful and worsen your health. Often, it is athletes who complain of constant headaches and dizziness.

Below are a number of mistakes that people who are actively involved in sports often make:

  • visiting the gym in a stressful state, feeling unwell, after a hard day's work;
  • uneven distribution of loads on the body, high intensity of training;
  • exercising immediately after eating;
  • non-compliance with the exercise program by people who are overweight and have heart pathologies;
  • excessive stress on the neck muscles, which provokes their weakening and, as a result, the occurrence of pulsating sensations in the head area;
  • insufficient water intake, which leads to dehydration;
  • incorrect posture, which, with excessive physical exertion, provokes pain not only in the head, but also in the spine.

Warning signs

What you should pay special attention to in case of a sudden headache that occurs during sports:

  • discomfort that was not there before;
  • intense pain syndrome;
  • severe dizziness, loss of consciousness;
  • spasms due to TBI;
  • discomfort after infectious diseases;
  • pain radiating to the neck and back.

Such manifestations require immediate examination by a doctor. The specialist will diagnose and prescribe the appropriate therapy.


If a headache after exercise occurs for the first time, it is necessary to stop training. Continuing to strain your body, you risk aggravating the condition.

The following recommendations will help to stop the pain syndrome:

If the treatment does not work, it is necessary to change the type of exercises or reduce their intensity.

Prevention of headaches during exercise

If sport has become an integral part of your life, but such an ailment as cephalgia interferes with your plans, it is recommended that you follow the following preventive measures:

  1. Before any sports exercise, you need to warm up: this way you will help the body tune in to the workout.
  2. It is important to monitor your breathing when doing exercises: you need to breathe evenly, in time with the movements. During intense exercise, it is not recommended to hold your breath.
  3. Do not immediately perform heavy exercises: the load should be gradual.
  4. Healthy foods for athletes are fruits, vegetables, berries, rice, oatmeal, yogurt, lean meats, and fish.
  5. Do not forget to eat well, because during training you burn a lot of calories. The diet should include proteins and carbohydrates necessary for the body. Doctors recommend eating 30 minutes before your workout.
  6. Regular yoga classes help to relax the back and neck, as well as relieve muscle spasms.
  7. It is important to drink as much water as possible before going to the gym, during and after exercise. The liquid has a positive effect on the vessels of the main organ of the central nervous system, lowers blood pressure, thereby preventing the development of headaches.
  8. It must be remembered that stretching the muscles of the neck and back will help to avoid tension headaches.
  9. It is desirable that walking and climbing stairs become your usual activities. So you can improve blood circulation and tone the body.


If you took the risk of changing your life and signed up for a gym, you made the right decision. However, not all physical exercises can be performed in the presence of health problems. Before starting training, it is necessary to discuss the possibility of performing certain exercises with a competent instructor. He will help you choose a training program that is right for you.

Recently, I began to notice that the guys involved in sports began to complain more and more about headaches during training. No wonder... The sport of the highest achievements requires excellent health, and if an unprepared athlete takes the bar that is currently impossible for himself, then this can turn out to be very, very sad.

1) Sharp throbbing pain in the back of the head

2) Usually comes before a failed rep in a set

3) The pain is so severe that the athlete is usually unable to continue training

4) Passes quickly enough, but just as quickly returns when lifting weights

In most cases, athletes continue training, come to the gym every day, but again the same thing - a severe headache ... What is it and how to deal with it?

Well ... I will introduce, perhaps, a new concept for some - VVD.
Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD) - a polyetiological syndrome (symptom complex) is often a manifestation of somatoform autonomic dysfunction of the heart and cardiovascular system. (c) Wiki

** If you experience the same pain during orgasms, then these are definitely problems with the vessels. (If there is no partner, then you can jerk off for the sake of experiment ... Sorry for the obscene language.)

VVD has many names: neurocirculatory dystonia, psychovegetative syndrome, vegetative neurosis, autonomic dysfunction syndrome ... It is not even considered a disease - it is not on the list of diseases.

According to statistics, people with manifestations VSD a lot - about 80%. But most of them peacefully coexist with this disease throughout their lives. For dystonia to start unsettling you, it needs a stimulus. This push can be anything: from severe stress, lack of sleep or excessive drinking - to a hormonal storm.
Why is this misfortune befalling you all of a sudden? There may be several reasons for this. I will list the main ones:

  1. acute and chronic psycho-emotional stress, iatrogeny;
  2. infections (tonsillogenic, viral);
  3. physical and chemical effects (microwave currents, vibration, ionizing radiation, brain injury, hyperinsolation, chronic intoxication);
  4. alcohol abuse;
  5. smoking;
  6. frequent use of coffee;
  7. overwork.
Well, perhaps we bodybuilders are only concerned with 3, 6 and 7 factors. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Physical activity, like doping, inevitably leads to an increase in blood pressure. After prolonged exertion, some vessels can no longer cope with such a large amount of blood.

Energy drinks, pre-workouts ... In most cases, they contain substances that constrict blood vessels.

Overtraining... Yes, yes... This insidious thing can not only reduce your muscles and reduce strength, but also harm the whole body, in this case we are more interested in blood vessels.

These headaches can last from a few days (workouts) to several months. If the pain does not stop after a week after the first attack, then it is necessary to interrupt training. Rest will have a positive effect on the vessels. Perhaps in a few weeks you will be able to start a full workout. Of course, it is advisable to go to the doctor, take the necessary pictures of the brain and blood vessels (MRI).

I'll tell you right away. I am not a medical specialist. It's just that this ailment visited me and I had to undergo a full examination and course of treatment, hence my knowledge.

Well, now my story:
I started having this pain during a period of high-intensity training, and very hard (3 times a week the whole body ... yes, yes ... I know ... I'm crazy) + then the jack came from Iherb ... The first pains began as soon as I took 2.5 stingy jack before training. Well, then it went on and on ... The pain did not stop, I could not train. Did an MRI. It turned out that the vessels are very narrowed in the back of the head .... Hmmm… jack is working… Completed a course of treatment… 10 days of injections + a month of pills… Preparations for vasodilatation. After a course of injections, I started training (imagine, I pulled for 3 weeks before going to the doctor ... strength fell of course ...). Pain does not bother ... I work out hard ... As you can see, here both the pre-workout and overtraining played their part ...

Overexertion causes frequent headaches in some people. Older people, patients with cardiovascular pathologies or pulmonary diseases are more prone to this. Reduced resistance to stress manifests itself in the form of occipital or temporal pulsation. Often, the pain in the head disappears if a person is well rested before intense exercise.

What are headaches

The most common complaint people go to the doctor with is a headache. Epidemiological studies in recent years show that more than 80% of the world's population suffer from this symptom, which causes a decrease in the quality of life and performance. Pain in the head complicates the course of many ailments, provoke depression, the development of autonomic disorders.

The most common forms of pathology are tension headache and migraine. The first is caused by sinusitis, otitis and other diseases. Tension pain often occurs during physical exertion. The risk factor is overwork, allergens, injuries and others. To cope with an attack, you just need to eliminate the cause of the pain. Migraine is a consequence of the expansion or sharp narrowing of the blood vessels surrounding the brain, and therefore requires careful diagnosis and complex treatment.

The main causes of regular pain in the head:

  1. Organic diseases of the brain. Occur due to injuries, tumors, inflammatory processes.
  2. vascular disorders. Arterial hypertension, migraine and others.
  3. psychogenic factors. Caused by mental strain due to acute or chronic stress.
  4. extraneous reasons. Exposure to drugs or chemicals, bacterial or viral infections, pathologies of various facial structures (teeth, nose, ears, eyes), metabolic disorders, cervical osteochondrosis, weather changes.

Why does my head hurt after exercise?

During muscle activity, the body's metabolism accelerates, so the need for oxygen, glucose, and energy increases. Some diseases in which metabolism is reduced or gas exchange and blood circulation are disturbed lead to oxygen starvation, which provokes pain in the head. During the period of hard work, intense exercise or heavy lifting, the brain tissue especially needs oxygen supply. If something interferes with this process, then there are headaches during physical exertion.

Diseases that cause pain

The main reason why a person develops pulling pains in the temples and the back of the head after intense exercise is the presence of chronic diseases. Among them:

  1. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system. After training, the head hurts if the heart does not provide timely delivery of the biological oxidizer (oxygen) to the blood. Resistance to physical stress is reduced in ischemic disease, symptomatic hypertension, hypertension, vascular atherosclerosis.
  2. Diseases of the respiratory system. There is pain in the back of the head during physical exertion, if the mobility of the lungs decreases, their absorption of oxygen from atmospheric air. Pain leads to vasospasm, which is provoked by chronic, acute or inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract (frontal sinusitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, and others).
  3. Endocrine diseases. Diseases that are associated with hormonal activity provoke pain in the head due to increased production of the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine. As a result, the pulse quickens, intracranial pressure rises, which provokes pain in the head.
  4. Anemia. The disease is characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin or a decrease in the number of red blood cells. This provokes a lack of oxygen, to which the brain immediately reacts.
  5. Traumatic brain injury. With a bruise or concussion, pain in the head occurs, aggravated by bending or sharp turns.
  6. Osteochondrosis. Damage to the cervical spine often causes dizziness and pain, which increase during hard physical work or exercise in the gym.
  7. Neuralgia. The disease is accompanied by pain in the back of the head, front or back of the head.

Mistakes in sports

If your head hurts after the gym, then several factors could be to blame: emotional state, fatigue, prolonged exposure to a hot or cold place. In order for the training to go without unpleasant symptoms, the following mistakes should be avoided before classes:

  • do not exercise in a poorly ventilated, stuffy room;
  • do not engage in heavy sports after a long break;
  • do not exercise immediately after eating or quickly climbing stairs;
  • do not play sports under stress, psychological disorder, severe overstrain, feeling unwell.

Symptoms to watch out for

When your head hurts after physical exertion, it threatens with serious complications if you do not seek help in time. Since this symptom is not a separate disease, but occurs against the background of another pathology, it can cause death caused by other manifestations of the disease, for example, blockage of the vessel. Don't put off seeing your doctor if you have:

  • systematic pain in the head during physical exertion;
  • the appearance of psycho-emotional deviations in the form of personality changes or impaired consciousness;
  • pain in the neck and shoulders;
  • fever, vomiting, nausea;
  • severe weakness, dots before the eyes, double vision, blurred vision;
  • numbness of half of the face.


If the causes of sudden pain that compresses the skull are eliminated in time, then you can get rid of it forever or for a long period of time. It is possible to treat headaches during physical exertion with medication and with the help of folk methods. With stress, osteochondrosis and spondylosis, throbbing pain is removed by massage techniques and physiotherapy procedures:

  1. Ultrasound. Mechanical vibrations of ultrasonic frequency help to improve blood supply to the muscles located around the cervical spine, which removes headaches.
  2. Laser. A low-frequency laser beam relieves tension in the muscles of the neck and head, restores the disturbed nervous system.
  3. Electrophoresis. Medicines, which are directed to the damaged area under the influence of a direct electric current, relieve painful symptoms quickly and for a long time.

If pain occurs due to overwork during training, then non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will help to remove them: Citramon, Aspirin, Ibuprofen. In this case, you need to stop overexerting yourself in the gym and the problem will go away on its own. If a headache during hard work or training arose for the first time, then experts recommend:

  1. Stop the activity (work) and relax. You need to rest to recuperate.
  2. Drink herbal tea with coltsfoot, St. John's wort, mint. It will have a calming effect, help to cope with painful symptoms.
  3. After training, you need to sleep in a well-ventilated room for 3-4 hours. If the headache persists, take a warm bath with a solution of sea salt or medicinal herbs (chamomile, mint, lemon balm).

Folk recipes also help to cope with headaches. Among the most effective:

  • rub half a lemon with zest and apply to the forehead for 20-30 minutes;
  • take a 10-minute foot bath with mustard (2 tablespoons) before going to bed;
  • twice within 1 hour, tap on the bridge of the nose with the phalanx of the thumb continuously from 5 to 20 minutes;
  • make a saline compress (1 tablespoon of salt per 0.5 l of water) and put on the forehead for half an hour;
  • soak rye bread in vinegar and apply to the place of the head where it hurts more for 20-30 minutes.


If there is no desire to drink medicines for headaches during physical exertion, then it is necessary to follow simple recommendations for its prevention:

  • so that the body gets used to strength training and does not react with pain, the load should be increased gradually;
  • when playing sports, watch your posture, the level of tension in the muscles of the neck;
  • do not allow dehydration of the body during physical exertion, for this, drink a glass of water without gas 1 hour before training;
  • do not eat milk yogurts, nuts, citrus fruits, bananas before hard work;
  • to avoid pain in the head during intense training, you do not need to hold your breath - you should breathe evenly during the exercises;
  • before any sport, a warm-up will help the body tune in to the load, for which moderate movements are suitable: running in place, swinging arms, head tilts.


Severe headaches that occur during increased physical exertion often prevent athletes and ordinary people from leading a normal life. The reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon lie in spasms of cerebral vessels, progressive migraine or. In older people, headache occurs due to various diseases. Various exercises, special health recovery courses will help get rid of symptoms after playing sports.

Diseases that cause pain

Throbbing or in the back of the head, the temple area often appears after intense physical exertion. During exercise, hard work or heavy lifting, the brain tissue needs oxygen. If some reasons interfere with this process, the blood flow cannot cope with the delivery of the required amount of oxygen to the soft tissues of the brain.

The main causes of headaches:

  • development of hypertension. Pressing pain in the back of the head is observed, blood pressure rises. With a hypertensive crisis, nausea may occur, sometimes vomiting with dizziness.
  • . The disease is caused by kidney diseases, tumors of the adrenal glands.
  • . The disease is characterized by thickening of the walls of the veins and arteries, a decrease in the lumens and blood permeability. Against the background of physical exertion in older people with this diagnosis, there is a throbbing pain in the back of the head, the parietal region of the head, and temples.

  • intracranial hypertension. After traumatic brain injury, stagnation of the cerebrospinal fluid occurs, which leads to discomfort in the forehead or neck.
  • Pathological narrowing of the cervical vessels, carotid and vertebral arteries. After physical exertion, such a pathology leads to the appearance of pulling sensations in the back of the head. Additionally, dizziness, sleep disturbance, hearing loss are noted.
  • (front). In this case, the headache is concentrated in the forehead area, manifesting itself more strongly with sudden movements, tilting the head.
  • Inflammation of the middle or inner ear with. There is a throbbing pain in the temple, ear, possibly fever.

Mistakes in sports

Many people cannot imagine their life without running, sports, physical exercises. However, sometimes overexertion during heavy loads causes headaches at the most inopportune moment. This is due to fatigue, emotional state, a long stay in the cold or heat before long workouts. Such mistakes should be avoided so as not to cause an attack of migraine, dizziness.

  • play sports with a strong overstrain, frustration, stress;
  • exercise when feeling unwell, or nausea;
  • perform exercises immediately after eating, quickly climbing a long staircase;
  • intensively engage in heavy sports after a long break, a long stay in the cold;
  • perform activities or heavy work in a stuffy, poorly ventilated area.

Often the cause of malaise during exercise in children is beriberi, a low level of hemoglobin. Also, headaches periodically appear in overweight people after exercise, running, long walking.

Ways to prevent symptoms

With physical exertion and intense training, a headache will not appear if you follow simple recommendations. If there is no desire to drink analgin or citramon after playing sports, preventive tips should be followed:

  • if the head breaks due to severe fatigue, it is enough to sleep for 3-4 hours in a well-ventilated area;
  • discomfort in the back of the head and temples will pass after taking a warm bath with a solution of sea salt;
  • grate half a lemon along with the zest, apply the pulp to the forehead for half an hour;
  • help remove headaches from fatigue and overstrain therapeutic herbal teas from coltsfoot, St. John's wort, lemon balm, peppermint;
  • you need to increase the load gradually so that the body gets used to strength training, running;
  • do not eat bananas, citrus fruits, nuts, milk yogurts before sports and hard work;
  • dehydration of the body should not be allowed, an hour before training you need to drink a glass of water without gas;
  • be sure to monitor the posture, the tension of the muscles of the neck.

If, when all these recommendations are followed, the discomfort in the back of the head does not disappear, an examination by a doctor is required. Only medical methods can reveal the causes of pain associated with diseases of organs, vessels, tissues.

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