Can the pancreas hurt on nerves? All diseases from nerves

Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) is a serious disease that affects the digestive system and other organs. The causes and symptoms of the disease are studied by the branch of medicine - gastroenterology. Urgent surgery helps to save patients. However, the main problems of the patient are more often determined by the psychosomatics of pancreatitis.

What is psychosomatics?

An alternative direction in medicine is psychosomatics. Translated from Latin, the name means "the influence of the soul on bodily diseases." It turns out that different human organs vividly react to stress, emotions, mood.

Experts help to identify dangerous mental causes in a timely manner: psychotherapists, psychiatrists, psychologists. The results of psychosomatic research save a person from the disease, prevent exacerbations.

The science of psychosomatics operates not with conventional analyzes, but with the results of observing the behavioral reactions of patients. The psychological approach to the problems of therapy is little available to general practitioners.

The study of psychosomatics - assistance to health workers in establishing contact with patients. It has long been proven that only a trusted doctor can treat a sick person.

Common causes of pancreatic diseases

Official medicine indicates the most obvious causes leading to pancreatic pathology:

  • violation of the regimen and rules of healthy eating (long periods of hunger, overeating, alcohol abuse, the habit of fatty meat dishes, spicy seasonings);
  • functional disorders of the intestines and stomach with hyper- or hyposecretory function, biliary dyskinesia associated with unrest in a child with experienced fear;
  • chronic pathology of the digestive system, cholecystitis, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer and cholelithiasis, hepatitis, creating difficult conditions for the withdrawal of pancreatic secretion into the intestine, stagnation, contribute to the spread of inflammation;
  • the negative impact of the nervous system in the development of pancreatitis from stress, against the background of depressive states.

The reasons include everything related to "nervous soil". Who will answer how the patient should overcome his life problems in treatment?

Scientific substantiation of the psychosomatic causes of pancreatitis

Psychosomatic causes are based on the processes of excitation and oppression in the centers of the brain and the reticular formation of the hypothalamic region. Neurophysiology has proven the legitimacy of the relationship of pain in pancreatitis with the influence of emotions, such as nervous activity.

There are methods by which factors influencing the pain response are examined. They can even be measured and recorded on an encephalogram.

How to explain that not all persistent alcoholics develop pancreatitis? Why do the peoples of the Caucasus prefer spicy dishes in food and do not suffer from pancreatic necrosis?

We will obtain information if we recall the psychological behavior of each person in similar situations. In a state of discomfort (including fatigue, depression), the natural choice of the psyche is to feel sorry for oneself, to evoke the opposite emotions (joy).

It is important that at this time we do not think about the benefits or harms of the chosen measure. The diet ceases to be controlled: you want something tasty. At the same time, physical activity is reduced. Over time, this behavior will lead to an overload of the pancreas, other digestive diseases.

Psychosomatics considers important causes of pancreatitis:

  • fear;
  • anger;
  • anxiety.

The following conditions contribute to the development of pancreatitis:

  • doubts, temptations, inner struggle;
  • subconsciously attracting the attention of others (benefit from care);
  • mental depression;
  • guilt;
  • strengthening the problem by constant thoughts (self-hypnosis).

Metaphysics includes causes and concepts hitherto unexplained by modern science. It includes non-traditional medicine, forms of spiritual life.

It is interesting that the conclusions are based on the analogy of the work of the body organ and human behavior.

We will present the most popular metaphysical opinions about the nature of pancreatitis.

Opinion 1. The pancreas, by the nature of its functions, is associated with the digestion of food. Accordingly, in the transfer to a person's abilities - acceptance and assimilation of the situation. As iron is capable of self-digestion (destruction), so some people destroy, do not recognize themselves as individuals.

This is an ever-doubting, insecure, apathetic melancholic who "saws" himself. The focus of activity is not on the problem, but on oneself, lack of goals, disbelief in one's own capabilities.

Opinion 2. Pancreatitis develops due to the wrong reaction of the body to emotions. Positive emotions expand the body, negative - narrows, slows down the flow of energy, fills a person with cold.

Each of the emotions is necessary to express the state of the body (for example, anger contributes to protection). An adult is not always able to express his emotions, he suppresses them. Therefore, first there is a feeling of discomfort, then pancreatitis.

Opinion 3. The pancreas is located in the third solar plexus chakra. She is responsible for gathering experience, knowledge, relationships with people. Able to pick up the frequencies of other bodies. Based on these signals, a person subconsciously chooses the optimal tactics of communication. The chakra directs strong desires into creative energy, reveals talents. Energy failure along the way destroys the pancreas.

Opinion 4. Pancreatitis occurs as a result of dissatisfaction with life, anger, feelings of hopelessness.

Opinion 5. The reason for the destruction of the pancreas is greed. It causes a disruption in the synthesis of hormones, with unbridled greed - cancer.

Opinion 6. By forbidding oneself emotions, forcing restraint, a person increases cravings for unhealthy food. Obesity and overload of the pancreas appear.

Opinion 7. The main negative emotion is envy. It is caused by the need to have the same as others. Accompanied by increased demands and dedication.

The above options indicate the relationship of a person's personal qualities with risk factors in the disease of pancreatitis. If there is order with the personality, then the pancreas will not hurt.

Psychotypes at risk of disease

With the help of psychosomatics, psychotypes are distinguished among people that are most at risk of developing pancreatitis. These include:

  • tough strong-willed individuals who constantly control family members, employees, who take responsibility for problems;
  • weak people who experience constant fear for themselves, pity, do not have willpower, unable to deny themselves something;
  • people who did not receive proper attention and love in childhood, requiring the care and participation of loved ones, they need the disease as a means of manipulation.

Emotions characterize the experiences of the individual, feelings, attitude to reality and to oneself.

The main human emotions are:

  • fear;
  • joy;
  • anger;
  • anxiety;
  • resentment;
  • guilt.

Vital emotions include those that are associated with a threat to well-being, health or life: the fear of death, the anxious expectation of misfortune.

Some varieties can be confirmed objectively. For example, manifestations of depression are recorded in terms of blood circulation, respiration, blood composition (glucose levels, adrenal substances).

It is believed that all emotions are associated with the pancreas. Between the liver and the state of the gland there is a distribution of psychosomatic "duties": the liver contains information about the past, and the pancreas reflects the present. Her health is determined by the degree of adaptation of a person to life, communication with other personalities.

Overload is observed with unpleasant changes, feelings of jealousy, longing, sadness, and other negative emotions. The organ functionally weakens, pancreatitis is accompanied by diabetes mellitus.

Functioning is restored if the individual accepts the traumatic situation on an emotional level, stops being nervous, sets goals for himself.

What is the nature of a person with nervous pancreatitis? What to expect from him? Can it be found in a crowd?

The disease changes the psychological makeup of a person. The basis of character is will. Depending on the vital significance of motives, firmness, steadfastness, and decisiveness are manifested. Reverse traits: impulsiveness, passivity, indecision.

Psychosomatics allows you to determine the psychological portrait ("face") of a person prone to damage to the pancreas. Outwardly, they do not stand out in the crowd, but the inner world has its own characteristics.

At home, at work, these people stand out for their strong character, intelligence, purpose in life. They are constantly developing plans, they want to achieve their goal. Decide how to do it. They take care of relatives and friends, like to control situations. They blame themselves if there is trouble or problems.

Energy gives them the opportunity to work hard and fruitfully. Such people achieve leadership positions and do a good job of organizing.

Against the backdrop of vigorous activity, an active position in all matters, the “man from the portrait” has inner secrets that he hides under a mask. These include:

  • sadness;
  • experiences due to lack of love and affection;
  • need for care;
  • suspiciousness;
  • feeling guilty about others.

Psychosomatics claims that, like the pancreas, which breaks down food into final substances, healthy people must constantly "digest" the information received, develop experience. But a person from the risk group does not pay attention to this process: he thinks a lot about the situation, but does not process it into the necessary experience. Therefore, his pancreas gradually “fails”.

How to treat a disease that has arisen on a nervous basis?

It is impossible to fight the psychosomatic causes of the disease with medicines. In addition, we should not forget that with the help of psychosomatics, acute forms of inflammation of the pancreas are not treated. Science offers ways to cope with a chronic long-term illness.

First of all, you need to carefully, without hiding anything from yourself, consider your own psychological state. Turning to an experienced psychologist, the patient will be able to detect those problems of the soul, negative emotions that support the disease. No need to be offended by the advice of a doctor. Receptions in psychology are sufficiently tested and do not cause doubts.

A strong and caring person is recommended to stop patronizing their loved ones, to get into their affairs, to control someone else's life. Psychologists advise you to think about yourself, decide how to make your own life happy in the near future, alternate full-time work with relaxation and rest.

The ancient teaching of Ayurveda defines the culprit of pancreatitis as the loss of harmony in relation to man with nature and the inner world. Treatment requires the elimination of sinful thoughts and the restoration of attitudes towards oneself and the environment.

  • acupuncture;
  • hypnotherapy.

Indications for appointment:

  • increased irritability;
  • feeling of fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • constant unmotivated bad mood;
  • decrease in performance.

The scheme of non-traditional methods of Ayurveda includes:

  • water procedures;
  • own diet with herbal medicine;
  • hatha yoga.

The teaching attaches great importance to cleansing the body with the help of metal therapy, talismans, spells.

Prevention of pancreatitis on nerves

A person does not know how to perceive the world around him without irritation, resentment. We often miss moments when thoughts about serious illnesses among friends, the sight of an enlarged lymph node in a baby cause our own “far-fetched” illnesses.

It is advisable to think about a sense of proportion not only in food and not to load thoughts with “fat” goals, the achievement of which is unlikely due to education, character traits. When reading fairy tales to children, pay attention to the possibility of a happy way out of a difficult situation, and not to the fact that Ivanushka the Fool became the son-in-law of the king.

You should not give up on a dream, but first you should concentrate on solving simpler goals.

To prevent pancreatitis, it is important to avoid too strong emotions. Overvoltage occurs even against the background of a long joyful holiday. You can't go to extremes.

It is very harmful to “keep in yourself” experiences. It is better to talk about your discomfort with loved ones. Sometimes a psychologist advises to change an unloved job.

With severe stress, the most convenient way out is to “breathe” it with the help of respiratory movements. Other options:

  • take a walk on the street for at least two hours;
  • take a contrast shower.

Psychosomatics agrees with official medicine about the dangers of alcohol, therefore it rejects abuse.

The expected patients of a psychologist with chronic pancreatitis are active people who find it difficult to identify the cause of exacerbations of inflammation against the background of a clear medication. Perhaps the methods of psychosomatics will help to understand the problem and restore the functional state of the pancreas.


  1. Merzlikin N.V., Pancreatitis. – M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2014
  2. Merzlikin N.V., Pancreatitis. – M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2014
  3. Korkina M.V., Lichiko A.E. Psychiatry. M.: Medicine, 1995
  4. Lipatov V.A., Evdokimova E.M. Study of depressive reactions in patients with chronic pancreatitis. Russian biomedical journal. 2007, vol. 8, pp. 161–168.
  5. Blagovestnov D.A., Khvatov V.B., Upyrev A.V. Comprehensive treatment of acute pancreatitis and its complications. Surgery. 2004 #5 pp. 68–75.
  6. Mikhailov B. V., Serdyuk A. I., Fedoseev V. A. Psychotherapy in general somatic medicine. Clinical guide. Kharkov Prapor, 2002

Nervous pancreatitis is a disease characterized by inflammatory processes in the pancreas and a violation of the outflow of pancreatic juice against the background of overexcitation or prolonged depression. This is due to a sharp increase in the level of secretion with a simultaneous spasm of the ducts, vessels of the organ.

An attack of pancreatitis can occur at the workplace during times of severe stress.

Clinicians note that quite often patients complain of nerves. This phenomenon has a scientific justification, it lies in the close relationship between the work of the nervous and endocrine systems of the body.

The work of all endocrine glands directly depends on the state of the nervous system

During stress, the consumption of fatty foods increases, which can provoke pancreatitis. There is an explanation for the fact that a person tries to “eat something tasty” with his problems. The fact is that serotonin, dopamine, related to the hormones of joy, are released when eating delicious food, and especially sweets. That is, the intuitive craving for chocolate, in this case, is a manifestation of the instinct of self-preservation, which does not allow to fall into depression.

Chocolate promotes the production of serotonin, which is related to the hormones of joy.

Mood-lifting foods also include:

  • citruses;
  • orange fruits;
  • avocado;
  • eggs;
  • sea ​​fish of fatty varieties;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • seaweed;
  • chicken bouillon.

Attention! Happiness hormones are synthesized during physical activity, exposure to sunlight, massage, sex, laughter, even ... solving logical puzzles, calm contemplation of nature.

But the human psyche is arranged in such a way that during moral fatigue, people prefer an easier way out, going to the gym is replaced by a hearty dinner, often combined with alcohol intake. An aggravating factor is the decrease in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract during this period with a simultaneous increase in the synthesis of pancreatic enzymes.

All this suggests that nervous pancreatitis is a pathology that can be avoided with the appropriate knowledge, the desire to get out of this situation with the least loss to health.


The mechanism of pain in the pancreas due to stress should be more attributed to physiological phenomena, since the main provoking factor for inflammation is an excess of fatty, carbohydrate foods. But scientists have proven that there is another path for the development of the disease, which is caused by the so-called psychosomatic causes.

Frequent bouts of anger can trigger pancreatitis

A number of negative emotions, internal attitudes, which are the basis for the formation of pancreatitis, have been identified. These include:

  • anger;
  • greed;
  • inability to accept reality;
  • the need to keep everything under control;
  • hopelessness;
  • the need for love and support from loved ones.

A very detailed description of the psychosomatics of the pancreas and other organs is in Louise Hay's book "Heal Yourself". It contains tables of the most likely causes of pathology, as well as new settings that will eliminate or avoid the disease.

The desire to control all aspects of life leads to constant anxiety. On the one hand, a person creates for himself the illusion of order, stability, but at the same time his nerves remain in tension, not allowing him to enjoy the results of his work. Most often, such people cannot openly show their emotions for fear of losing control over them, as a result of which they accumulate negativity and anger inside themselves.

Pancreatitis, the psychosomatics of which is determined by a small amount of care and attention from parents in childhood, in adulthood can be formed as a result of a feeling of inferiority due to a lack of love. This can be expressed in a sense of material wealth, recognition of merit and talent, as well as in a constant state of hunger, turning into bulimia or anorexia.

These conditions provoke an increase in the volume of the pancreas and an increase in the production of pancreatic juice, which does not have time to completely drain into the duodenum and begins to digest the tissues of the organ itself.

The feeling of uselessness by parents can form complexes in the child, leading to diseases.


Prevention rules

Happiness is the enemy of all diseases

The main danger lies in the misunderstanding of the underlying cause of psychosomatic diseases. Therefore, when the pancreas begins to hurt, a person starts using pharmacological preparations, not realizing that the root of evil is in his head.

There is a list of methods to help avoid depression and get rid of complexes that lead to the development of pathologies of organs at the physical level. Having learned about them, you should choose the appropriate option and apply it constantly in practice.

The most effective methods include:

  • playing sports in accordance with physical capabilities and temperament;
  • yoga;
  • dancing;
  • long walks to the feeling of physical fatigue and peace in the soul;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • the use of products that enhance the synthesis of hormones of happiness;
  • repetition of suitable affirmations;
  • interacting with positive people.

Doing what you love has a truly healing property. Drawing pictures, baking cupcakes, putting together puzzles, dancing, collecting various collections and many other hobbies that bring joy will displace negative thoughts and give a feeling of inner fulfillment. After all, not a single material good can fill the soul, no matter how expensive and valuable it is.

Doing what you love to get rid of depression and complexes

  1. Laugh more often. If this is difficult to do right away, then start to force a smile. The contraction of certain muscles will start the mechanism for the production of hormones responsible for improving mood, and gradually the artificial smile will be replaced by a sincere contagious laugh.
  2. Maintain water balance. The fact is that the lack of fluid in the body reduces the synthesis of dopamine, which is responsible for a good mood.
  3. Communicate more often with children and pets. They are sincere in the manifestation of their feelings, do not lie and do not betray, so you do not need to pretend with them and you can be yourself.
  4. Never prove yourself right in an argument. Firstly, a dispute can quickly turn into a quarrel, and secondly, having won it, lose a good relationship.
  5. Do not communicate with pessimists and envious people.
  6. Learn to notice and appreciate the beauty around you.

This one will tell you how to cope with gastrointestinal neurosis.

At first glance, it may seem that these rules have nothing to do with pancreatitis. But, having eliminated the psychological causes of depression, feeling the joy of life and loving himself, a person stops consuming harmful foods, gets rid of addictions and does not “eat up” for his own weaknesses and mistakes. And already these factors favorably affect the work of all internal organs, including the pancreas.

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory-necrotic process in the tissues of the pancreas, which can be caused by various reasons. The disease is accompanied by severe intoxication, damage to almost all organs and systems, often leading to death.

Along with the traditional causes, the development of the disease can provoke negative thoughts.

What is psychosomatics

The term "psychosomatics" comes from the Latin words, which in translation mean "soul" and "body". This is a special alternative direction in medicine, which studies the psychological causes that cause the development of various diseases of the internal organs.

This science has received great importance in the study of such diseases as bronchial asthma, vegetative-vascular dystonia, panic attacks and idiopathic - occurring without apparent reason - arterial hypertension.

In many pathologies, there is a connection between personality type, psychological discomfort and the development of a very real disease, which further aggravates the human condition.

When medical examinations do not find an obvious cause of the disease, then most likely it is such psychological conditions as anger, depression, irritation or banal fatigue. In such situations, treatment with medications without working with the psyche will not lead to a positive result.

Constant nervous tension and chronic stress are dangerous not only for the mental, but also for the physical health of a person.

It is the study of the psychological causes of various diseases that psychosomatics is engaged in. Consider what is its role in the development of pancreatitis.

Reasons for the development of pancreatitis

There are two forms of this disease: acute and chronic, each of which is accompanied by certain symptoms and syndromes. The following reasons may play a role in their development:

  • Mechanical blockage or spasm of the ducts, which leads to a violation of the outflow of secretions from the pancreas. As a result, the secret stagnates and an inflammatory process develops. Such a blockage can be caused by roundworms, scars, benign or malignant neoplasms.
  • Acute or chronic intoxication due to the intake of alcohol, certain drugs, toxic substances, exposure to allergens.
  • Traumatic damage to the organ, infectious processes.

Despite the existence of more than 20 possible causes of pancreatitis, none of them is decisive in the development of the disease. So, some patients who take alcohol for a long time do not have this problem, while others develop pancreatitis after the first drink of a glass of champagne. Perhaps the whole thing is precisely in the psychological state of the patient.

Careful history taking, including questions about the psychological state, is a mandatory item when examining a patient by a doctor

It turns out that in addition to the main cause, there is always a psychological component in the development of pancreatitis, and sometimes the psychological causes of the disease come to the fore and are decisive in the development of the inflammatory process.

Scientific substantiation of the psychosomatic causes of pancreatitis

The mechanism of development of pancreatitis is inextricably linked with malnutrition and dysregulation of hormones and enzymes.

Most of the psychosomatic factors that provoke the occurrence of pancreatitis can be explained in terms of science.

Unbalanced diet, overweight and overeating. It is easiest for a person to “seize” a bad mood, depression, fatigue. No one "jams" depression with healthy vegetables and fruits. To combat psychological discomfort, people usually choose sweets, soda and other unhealthy foods. All this leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas.

Seemingly harmless sweets not only cheer up, but can also cause serious illnesses.

Alcohol. There is a separate form of alcoholic pancreatitis, which is associated with the use of alcohol and its surrogates. Although alcohol is a completely tangible cause, the problem of alcoholism lies precisely in the psychology of the patient.

Violation of hormonal regulation. All processes in the human body proceed under the influence of hormones. The brain is responsible for the production of key hormones that activate the work of all glands of external and internal secretion. The normal functioning of this organ depends on the psychological background and mentality of the person.

Sedentary lifestyle. A psychologically unhealthy person prefers to lead a sedentary, inactive life, where there is no place for normal physical activity. This leads to disruption of the work of not only the pancreas, but the whole organism.

Hypodynamia is one of the main enemies of modern humanity

How psychosomatics explains the development of pancreatitis

The psychosomatic theory of the development of pancreatitis is based on emotions that can cause illness. These are anger, fear, joy, interest and sadness. All these emotions, controlling the human mind, can lead to the development of pathology, which occurs due to various reasons:

Psychotypes at risk of disease

Psychosomatics claims that there are certain psychological types of people who should be especially wary of developing pancreatitis. This is:

  • People who did not receive affection and love in childhood. When the disease causes an increase in attention and care for their person, it soon becomes chronic. Imaginary discomfort and complaints develop into a serious pathology.
  • A strong-willed personality type who seeks to control all aspects of his life. Problems in the family or at work lead to constant self-flagellation and introspection, which results in a real illness.

The desire to control absolutely everything in life can be one of the causes of the disease

  • Weak, weak-willed people, inclined to indulge all their weaknesses and whims. This type of personality most often develops painful addictions that they cannot control, and against this background, serious illnesses develop.

Principles of treatment from the point of view of psychosomatics

Therapy of psychosomatic problems consists in serious and constant work on oneself. If, when pancreatitis occurs, experts do not find any serious reasons for its development, then you need to pay attention to your psychological background and way of thinking.

It must be remembered that in the acute phase of the disease, not a single bright thought will help the patient. Here only drug therapy or surgical intervention will come to the rescue, which cannot be delayed.

The role of psychosomatics is more aimed at preventing the disease and treating the chronic inflammatory process in the pancreas. What methods can be used:

Pancreatitis is a multifactorial disease. The cause of its development can be both an infection and a far-fetched problem. You should take care of your psychological health no less than your physical health, and then the disease will have no chance.

For possible psychosomatic causes of the disease, see the video:

depression in pancreatitis. Causes of depression in pancreatitis.

Depression in pancreatitis is normal. Have you had such a state when many things become indifferent, your mood is depressed, you lose interest in what used to bring pleasure and joy. There are deep thoughts about the meaning of life, about what you have achieved, whether you are successful or not, your life brings you joy and whether you are generally happy.

In general, it seems to me that the question “am I happy?” is asked precisely when you feel unhappy. I want to retire, to think, for some reason life seems without perspective and it seems that there is no happiness in it that they talk about and everything is just self-deception.

I want changes in the hope that everything will be better and this stupid mood will pass.

I had it in the beginning. I then thought that it was simple, or I had matured, or it was time for a change, anything but depression. I had no idea that it was depression, and even because of pancreatitis.

And it was the real one. depression due to my chronic pancreatitis. Turns out, pancreatitis generally occurs due to frequent experiences, irritations or psychological stress, which then lead to somatic (bodily) diseases, among which diseases associated with the digestive organs are in the first place.

And subsequently, during exacerbations of the disease, depression in pancreatitis can manifest itself in the same depressed mood, rejection of pleasures, joy, thoughts of hopelessness, hopelessness and loss of joy. You begin to pick your life and yourself in search of the cause of your misfortunes. I want to change, change my life 180 degrees.

But when the body is in remission (disease subsides) and you forget about pancreatitis, when you feel like an absolutely healthy person, then the joy and feeling of happiness that overwhelm you have no limit. I just want to do this, this, and this. And three-story plans appear!

But as soon as the disease even a little manifests itself, you abruptly begin to calm yourself down, to settle down. This constant self-soothing and settling down leads to an eternally stable mood, without emotions, and over time to indifference. Maybe this indifference is one of the causes of depression in pancreatitis?

Causes of depression in pancreatitis.

Depression can appear in anyone at any age. This is mainly due to the fact that the modern values ​​and needs of our society put pressure on us, and besides, they have changed a lot. After all, now many are striving for well-being, wealth, success, external attractiveness. People who have not achieved this fall into despair, hard experience their failures, which leads to the development of depression.

But depression can also develop due to psychological trauma, such as the loss of a loved one, family breakup, breakup, or a serious illness.

Depression reduces the ability to work, concentration, and in general brings a lot of suffering to both the patient and people close to him, so depression must be fought.

Someone pancreatitis appears due to depression, while others have the opposite depression due to pancreatitis In any case, you need to look for a way out. Nowadays, depression is treated both medically and psychologically.

Depression in pancreatitis usually appears at the onset of the disease. Subsequently, it expresses itself less and less. The first cause of depression in pancreatitis is the rejection of the disease.

A person with pancreatitis does not know what to do, how to live. He gets sore after every meal. The pain does not let go and he does not know how to get rid of the bottom. This pain in pancreatitis puts pressure on the psyche. It seems to the patient that his life is broken, that now he is almost an invalid, that now he will not be able to live like a normal person. All these thoughts are oppressive and lead to depression.

If you look at it purely physiologically, then during such an exacerbation of pancreatitis (and this is the exacerbation of pancreatitis through which all beginners go through and do not know what to do), indigestion occurs in the human body due to inflammation of the pancreas. Food is not digested, but beginners still eat, loading the pancreas, because they want to eat all the time!

The pancreas hurts, the whole stomach hurts. Due to indigestibility, the body becomes slagged and toxins enter the bloodstream, which reduce the functioning of all organs as a whole, including the “happiness” hormones. Plus, what a joy it is if there is a mess in the body and everything hurts. Naturally, the body reacts to this mess with a bad state, which is psychologically expressed by depression.

How to get rid of depression in pancreatitis.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that the cause of depression in pancreatitis is pancreatitis. As soon as you put your body in order, everything will improve a lot.

Secondly, you need to stop thinking that your life has failed. Stop poking around in yourself. It is these thoughts that lead to pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Stop deciding for everyone. Stop taking on everything. Stop blaming anyone or yourself for everything. Stop judging someone, God is their judge. Stop trying to control everything or anyone in particular. Stop being afraid of what they will say or think about you. This only exacerbates the disease. Relax and live for yourself!

The main thing to understand is that it is these thoughts that usually cause the development of pancreatitis, and then they gnaw as a continuation during depression due to pancreatitis.

The main cause of depression is pancreatitis! I will repeat until you understand this. This pancreatitis causes depression, gloomy and heavy thoughts, meaninglessness of life, etc.

When the body recovers, you want to live! Even physically you feel light! And the thoughts are just as light and beautiful. You begin to see and notice only the good in your life. While during illness, on the contrary, you see only the bad.

Those. to get rid of depression in pancreatitis, you need to put the body in order. Beginners need to learn everything about the disease as soon as possible, treat it, and start dieting for pancreatitis as soon as possible in order to quickly restore the metabolic process in the body.

As soon as the body recovers (and it will definitely recover, because the disease will make you live and eat as expected) and you change your thoughts in a different direction, not only depression will recede, but also pancreatitis itself.

In a word, depression in pancreatitis, especially at the beginning of the disease, is normal. We need to fix the body as soon as possible.

Statistics of depressive reactions during chronic pancreatitis.

Now, let's take a look at the results of one interesting study of depressive responses in people with chronic pancreatitis.

In 1997, Smulevich A.B. and others involved in "Diagnosis and pharmacotherapy of depression in somatic patients" conducted a study of depressive reactions in people with chronic pancreatitis and found that the frequency of depression in people suffering from chronic pancreatitis reaches 50-80%. In addition, if a person succumbs to depression, this contributes to the deterioration of the course of the disease and increases the frequency of relapses.

So, 30 patients suffering from chronic pancreatitis and 30 healthy people. The aim of the study was to study the level of depression in people with chronic pancreatitis. The main indicator was the total score, which was used to determine depression - mild (7-16), moderate (17-27 points) and severe (more than 27 points). In addition, the results were supplemented by conversations with patients in the course of which the causes, duration and characteristics of emotional deterioration were clarified.

The results of the study showed that in people with chronic pancreatitis, depression manifests itself only in mild (22 people - 73.33%) or moderate (5 people - 16.67%) form of severity, while in 3 patients (10%) depression was absent.

This means that basically depression in pancreatitis It is mild in nature and can be treated independently and with the help of loved ones. Here are some tips for relatives of patients with pancreatitis:

  1. Support comes first, even if the patient does not show interest in it.
  2. Depression is a disease in which sympathy is needed, but this does not mean that one must plunge into illness and despair along with the patient. We need to keep an emotional distance and remind ourselves that depression in pancreatitis it is a temporary emotional state.
  3. Depression does not run well in families where critical remarks are constantly made to the patient. On the contrary, it is necessary to make it clear to the patient that this is not his fault, but a misfortune that must be fought all together.
  4. Do not allow the patient to dwell on the disease. Try to bring positive emotions into yours, his and in general into the life of your family, involve him in vigorous activity, do not remove him from business.

With mild form depression in pancreatitis, usually the patient has a low level of mood, interest in what he used to have a passion for is lost, there is a feeling that everything is tired and he is tired. But a person is able to mobilize, get together, and if he is stimulated, supported, interested in him, then most often he comes out of depression.

Also, as depression is spoken and lived, its symptoms begin to weaken, go away. This suggests that depression should not be ignored and avoided, it is necessary to understand it, to soberly and reasonably assess your condition and the causes of your difficulties, to be able to go through them and let go.

Prevention of depression in pancreatitis.

In order for depression not to develop, you need to learn how to overcome difficulties, learn how to think correctly. Stop poking around in yourself, condemning no matter who, stop scrolling through situations that have long since passed a hundred times. In such cases, you need to learn how to do like Scarlet O'Hara in Gone with the Winds. She said, “I won't think about it now. I'll think about it later!" and didn't think about what I didn't want to think about. So you learn to get rid of boring thoughts.

If I have dark thoughts, I just do like Scarlet and tell myself, “I won't think about it. I’ll think about it later, when there is a need” and switch to something pleasant or dream.

Sometimes I try to distract myself with work, not to whine all day now! I do my business and depression imperceptibly disappears.

Keep healthy, in a healthy body, healthy thoughts!

That's all. I hope the article will be useful and interesting. Good luck everyone!

Did you have depression during pancreatitis? How did you get out of it and what would you advise others.

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depression in pancreatitis. Causes of depression in pancreatitis.

Depression in pancreatitis is normal. Have you had such a state when many things become indifferent, your mood is depressed, you lose interest in what used to bring pleasure and joy. There are deep thoughts about the meaning of life, about what you have achieved, whether you are successful or not, your life brings you joy and whether you are generally happy.

In general, it seems to me that the question “am I happy?” is asked precisely when you feel unhappy. I want to retire, to think, for some reason life seems without perspective and it seems that there is no happiness in it that they talk about and everything is just self-deception.

I want changes in the hope that everything will be better and this stupid mood will pass.

I had it in the beginning. I then thought that it was simple, or I had matured, or it was time for a change, anything but depression. I had no idea that it was depression, and even because of pancreatitis.

And it was the real one. depression due to my chronic pancreatitis. Turns out, pancreatitis generally occurs due to frequent experiences, irritations or psychological stress, which then lead to somatic (bodily) diseases, among which diseases associated with the digestive organs are in the first place.

And subsequently, during exacerbations of the disease, depression in pancreatitis can manifest itself in the same depressed mood, rejection of pleasures, joy, thoughts of hopelessness, hopelessness and loss of joy. You begin to pick your life and yourself in search of the cause of your misfortunes. I want to change, change my life 180 degrees.

But when the body is in remission (disease subsides) and you forget about pancreatitis, when you feel like an absolutely healthy person, then the joy and feeling of happiness that overwhelm you have no limit. I just want to do this, this, and this. And three-story plans appear!

But as soon as the disease even a little manifests itself, you abruptly begin to calm yourself down, to settle down. This constant self-soothing and settling down leads to an eternally stable mood, without emotions, and over time to indifference. Maybe this indifference is one of the causes of depression in pancreatitis?

Causes of depression in pancreatitis.

Depression can appear in anyone at any age. This is mainly due to the fact that the modern values ​​and needs of our society put pressure on us, and besides, they have changed a lot. After all, now many are striving for well-being, wealth, success, external attractiveness. People who have not achieved this fall into despair, hard experience their failures, which leads to the development of depression.

But depression can also develop due to psychological trauma, such as the loss of a loved one, family breakup, breakup, or a serious illness.

Depression reduces the ability to work, concentration, and in general brings a lot of suffering to both the patient and people close to him, so depression must be fought.

Someone pancreatitis appears due to depression, while others have the opposite depression due to pancreatitis In any case, you need to look for a way out. Nowadays, depression is treated both medically and psychologically.

Depression in pancreatitis usually appears at the onset of the disease. Subsequently, it expresses itself less and less. The first cause of depression in pancreatitis is the rejection of the disease.

A person with pancreatitis does not know what to do, how to live. He gets sore after every meal. The pain does not let go and he does not know how to get rid of the bottom. This pain in pancreatitis puts pressure on the psyche. It seems to the patient that his life is broken, that now he is almost an invalid, that now he will not be able to live like a normal person. All these thoughts are oppressive and lead to depression.

If you look at it purely physiologically, then during such an exacerbation of pancreatitis (and this is the exacerbation of pancreatitis through which all beginners go through and do not know what to do), indigestion occurs in the human body due to inflammation of the pancreas. Food is not digested, but beginners still eat, loading the pancreas, because they want to eat all the time!

The pancreas hurts, the whole stomach hurts. Due to indigestibility, the body becomes slagged and toxins enter the bloodstream, which reduce the functioning of all organs as a whole, including the “happiness” hormones. Plus, what a joy it is if there is a mess in the body and everything hurts. Naturally, the body reacts to this mess with a bad state, which is psychologically expressed by depression.

Over time, pain may not manifest itself, but depression in pancreatitis often makes you pick yourself, your life, the meaning of life. I recommend reading an article about the psychological cause of pancreatitis.

How to get rid of depression in pancreatitis.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that the cause of depression in pancreatitis is pancreatitis. As soon as you put your body in order, everything will improve a lot.

Secondly, you need to stop thinking that your life has failed. Stop poking around in yourself. It is these thoughts that lead to pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Stop deciding for everyone. Stop taking on everything. Stop blaming anyone or yourself for everything. Stop judging someone, God is their judge. Stop trying to control everything or anyone in particular. Stop being afraid of what they will say or think about you. This only exacerbates the disease. Relax and live for yourself!

The main thing to understand is that it is these thoughts that usually cause the development of pancreatitis, and then they gnaw as a continuation during depression due to pancreatitis.

The main cause of depression is pancreatitis! I will repeat until you understand this. This pancreatitis causes depression, gloomy and heavy thoughts, meaninglessness of life, etc.

When the body recovers, you want to live! Even physically you feel light! And the thoughts are just as light and beautiful. You begin to see and notice only the good in your life. While during illness, on the contrary, you see only the bad.

Those. to get rid of depression in pancreatitis, you need to put the body in order. Beginners need to learn everything about the disease as soon as possible, treat it, and start keeping a diet for pancreatitis as soon as possible in order to quickly restore the metabolic process in the body.

As soon as the body recovers (and it will definitely recover, because the disease will make you live and eat as expected) and you change your thoughts in a different direction, not only depression will recede, but also pancreatitis itself.

In a word, depression in pancreatitis, especially at the beginning of the disease, is normal. We need to fix the body as soon as possible.

Statistics of depressive reactions during chronic pancreatitis.

Now, let's take a look at the results of one interesting study of depressive responses in people with chronic pancreatitis.

In 1997, Smulevich A.B. and others involved in "Diagnosis and pharmacotherapy of depression in somatic patients" conducted a study of depressive reactions in people with chronic pancreatitis and found that the frequency of depression in people suffering from chronic pancreatitis reaches 50-80%. In addition, if a person succumbs to depression, this contributes to the deterioration of the course of the disease and increases the frequency of relapses.

So, 30 patients suffering from chronic pancreatitis and 30 healthy people. The aim of the study was to study the level of depression in people with chronic pancreatitis. The main indicator was the total score, which was used to determine depression - mild (7-16), moderate (17-27 points) and severe (more than 27 points). In addition, the results were supplemented by conversations with patients in the course of which the causes, duration and characteristics of emotional deterioration were clarified.

The results of the study showed that in people with chronic pancreatitis, depression manifests itself only in mild (22 people - 73.33%) or moderate (5 people - 16.67%) form of severity, while in 3 patients (10%) depression was absent.

This means that basically depression in pancreatitis It is mild in nature and can be treated independently and with the help of loved ones. Here are some tips for relatives of patients with pancreatitis:

  • Support comes first, even if the patient does not show interest in it.
  • Depression is a disease in which sympathy is needed, but this does not mean that one must plunge into illness and despair along with the patient. We need to keep an emotional distance and remind ourselves that depression in pancreatitis it is a temporary emotional state.
  • Depression does not run well in families where critical remarks are constantly made to the patient. On the contrary, it is necessary to make it clear to the patient that this is not his fault, but a misfortune that must be fought all together.
  • Do not allow the patient to dwell on the disease. Try to bring positive emotions into yours, his and in general into the life of your family, involve him in vigorous activity, do not remove him from business.
  • With mild form depression in pancreatitis, usually the patient has a low level of mood, interest in what he used to have a passion for is lost, there is a feeling that everything is tired and he is tired. But a person is able to mobilize, get together, and if he is stimulated, supported, interested in him, then most often he comes out of depression.

    Also, as depression is spoken and lived, its symptoms begin to weaken, go away. This suggests that depression should not be ignored and avoided, it is necessary to understand it, to soberly and reasonably assess your condition and the causes of your difficulties, to be able to go through them and let go.

    Prevention of depression in pancreatitis.

    In order for depression not to develop, you need to learn how to overcome difficulties, learn how to think correctly. Stop poking around in yourself, condemning no matter who, stop scrolling through situations that have long since passed a hundred times. In such cases, you need to learn how to do like Scarlet O'Hara in Gone with the Winds. She said, “I won't think about it now. I'll think about it later!" and didn't think about what I didn't want to think about. So you learn to get rid of boring thoughts.

    If I have dark thoughts, I just do like Scarlet and tell myself, “I won't think about it. I’ll think about it later, when there is a need” and switch to something pleasant or dream.

    Sometimes I try to distract myself with work, not to whine all day now! I do my business and depression imperceptibly disappears.

    Keep healthy, in a healthy body, healthy thoughts!

    That's all. I hope the article will be useful and interesting. Good luck everyone!

    Did you have depression during pancreatitis? How did you get out of it and what would you advise others.

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    What is the psychosomatics of pancreatitis?

    The psychosomatics of pancreatitis is a direction in medical science that studies the causes of the onset and development of this disease from a psychological perspective. Inflammatory processes occurring in the pancreas have a direct impact on the endocrine system and the digestive process. It is possible to trace the connection between psychological causes and the formation of pancreatitis.

    What is

    The psychosomatics of pancreatic diseases has a scientific basis. Pancreatic disease occurs for physiological reasons, including:

  • malnutrition;
  • failure of hormonal regulation;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • reduced immunity, etc.
  • Many people try to smooth out their problems at work, depression, bad mood by immoderate consumption of harmful products. Frequent overeating and an unbalanced diet lead to obesity and inflammatory processes in the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract.

    The brain is responsible for the production of pancreatic hormones. The impact of stress on the body will lead to a malfunction in the brain and hormonal regulation, to metabolic disorders. The described processes will negatively affect the pancreas.

    Pancreatitis is considered common due to alcohol abuse. Realizing that alcoholic beverages have a negative effect on all internal organs and damage them, a person continues to use them. The occurrence of problems of this plan is often caused by psychological problems.

    In constant stressful situations, the human immune system fails.

    The body's defense against various pathogenic microorganisms is weakened, and a person can get sick.

    Scientists have studied the negative impact on the work of the pancreas of negative emotions: anger, greed, excessive emotionality, sadness, etc. Prolonged emotional overstrain can lead to pancreatitis for reasons:

  • internal struggle;
  • experiences from childhood;
  • prolonged stress;
  • heavy load without rest, etc.
  • Stress can be caused by excessive demands, the desire to exercise constant control over ongoing events and people.

    Long-term exposure to stress can provoke the development of pancreatitis on a nervous basis.

    Inflammation of the gland can cause not only a depressed mood, but also a violent manifestation of joy and other positive emotions.

    For acute form

    Despite the fact that in any reason for the development of an acute attack of the disease there is a psychological component, it is necessary first to stabilize the patient's condition with drugs or surgery. After that, you should find out and eliminate all the causes that led to an acute attack.

    In the chronic stage

    In the chronic form of pancreatitis, psychosomatics is considered on a par with the physical examination of the patient and is used in the treatment and prevention of this disease.

    Types of people at risk for the disease

    From the point of view of psychosomatics, there are several psychological types of people who should be more afraid of pancreatitis than others.

    These include:

  • strong personalities who need to constantly control all aspects of their lives, as a result of unbearable psychological overload leads to a serious illness;
  • weak-willed personalities, inclined by their egoistic desires, whims and weaknesses to cause persistent uncontrollable painful addictions, which as a result is expressed in severe pathologies;
  • immature individuals who did not have to receive full care, affection and love in childhood fall ill and begin to manipulate the attention of loved ones.
  • Pancreatitis caused by psychosomatic causes cannot be cured with medication alone. It is necessary to reconsider the psychological state, way of thinking, your attitude to life.

    Principles of treatment of pancreatitis from the point of view of psychosomatics

    When diagnosing pancreatitis, the doctor always pays attention to the psychosomatics of the disease. Today it is no longer necessary to prove what power thoughts can have, how our body is inextricably linked with the mind.

    The following psychotherapeutic principles of treatment will help speed up the recovery of a patient with chronic pancreatitis:

  • close interaction with a psychologist to identify and work out the psychological causes of the disease;
  • reading special literature, during which a person’s introspection and the creation of positive thinking gradually develop;
  • the use of physiotherapeutic methods (acupuncture, balneotherapy, speleotherapy) contribute to relaxation, relaxation of the body, gaining peace of mind, developing only positive emotions;
  • the appointment of tranquilizers and antidepressants in difficult cases of manifestation of the disease;
  • sufficient physical activity, moderate exercise.

  • Skillfully applied psychosomatics in any case of pancreatitis will identify and eliminate the psychological causes of the disease and lead to a quick recovery.

    Can pancreatitis be nervous: psychosomatics of the disease

    Nervous pancreatitis is one of the types of inflammation of the pancreas. Other factors for the onset of the disease are alcohol abuse, malnutrition, hereditary predisposition, and related chronic diseases. What is the peculiarity of pancreatitis in the nervous mail? Overview of symptoms and treatments.

    Pancreatitis from stress: causes and symptoms

    Stress can become a trigger that triggers the inflammatory process in the pancreas. Signs of a deterioration in the well-being of the body are:

  • Pain in the upper abdomen, wearing a girdle character;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Disruptions in the digestive process;
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.
  • If you notice such ailments, you should contact a gastroenterologist.

    Can pancreatitis worsen due to nervousness? Doctors believe that in patients with chronic pancreatitis, nervous problems can lead to a relapse of the disease:

  • Increased anxiety;
  • Depression;
  • emotional instability;
  • stressful situations, etc.
  • Thus, the so-called nervous pancreatitis can be both primary and secondary.

    Increase the likelihood of developing inflammation in the pancreas:

    1. The consumption of carbohydrates and coarse fiber is minimized;
    2. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, a course of taking vitamins and sedatives is prescribed to relieve emotional stress.

      Overeating from stress threatens to turn into nervous pancreatitis. In order not to omit this, it is important to realize that the habit of "seizing" worries and fears will not bring anything good!

    3. The feeling of hunger must follow the consumption of food. You do not need to eat for the company, not experiencing the urge to satiate, or succumbing to boredom. A strict menu and meals at certain time intervals will help with this;
    4. Having a hobby is the best cure for boredom! Bring something interesting or useful into your life. It can be physical activity, section, hobby, etc.
    5. If it is not possible to prevent "jamming", replace junk food with fruits, berries or vegetables. Eat a few berries, nuts, or dried fruits instead of reaching for soda, fast food, or a roll.
    6. Contributes to the regulation of digestion and the psychological state of the patient phytotherapy. For example, herbal teas and decoctions can have a mild sedative effect. Relaxing baths and massage treatments will also help you find harmony with yourself.

      The development of pancreatitis on a nervous basis ⚕ ?

      Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) is a serious disease that affects the digestive system and other organs. The causes and symptoms of the disease are studied by the branch of medicine - gastroenterology. Urgent surgery helps to save patients. However, the main problems of the patient are more often determined by the psychosomatics of pancreatitis.

      What is psychosomatics?

      An alternative direction in medicine is psychosomatics. Translated from Latin, the name means "the influence of the soul on bodily diseases." It turns out that different human organs vividly react to stress, emotions, mood.

      Experts help to identify dangerous mental causes in a timely manner: psychotherapists, psychiatrists, psychologists. The results of psychosomatic research save a person from the disease, prevent exacerbations.

      The science of psychosomatics operates not with conventional analyzes, but with the results of observing the behavioral reactions of patients. The psychological approach to the problems of therapy is little available to general practitioners.

      The study of psychosomatics - assistance to health workers in establishing contact with patients. It has long been proven that only a trusted doctor can treat a sick person.

      Common causes of pancreatic diseases

      Official medicine indicates the most obvious causes leading to pancreatic pathology:

    7. violation of the regimen and rules of healthy eating (long periods of hunger, overeating, alcohol abuse, the habit of fatty meat dishes, spicy seasonings);
    8. functional disorders of the intestines and stomach with hyper- or hyposecretory function, biliary dyskinesia associated with unrest in a child with experienced fear;
    9. chronic pathology of the digestive system, cholecystitis, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer and cholelithiasis, hepatitis, creating difficult conditions for the withdrawal of pancreatic secretion into the intestine, stagnation, contribute to the spread of inflammation;
    10. the negative impact of the nervous system in the development of pancreatitis from stress, against the background of depressive states.
    11. The reasons include everything related to "nervous soil". Who will answer how the patient should overcome his life problems in treatment?

      Scientific substantiation of the psychosomatic causes of pancreatitis

      Psychosomatic causes are based on the processes of excitation and oppression in the centers of the brain and the reticular formation of the hypothalamic region. Neurophysiology has proven the legitimacy of the relationship of pain in pancreatitis with the influence of emotions, such as nervous activity.

      There are methods by which factors influencing the pain response are examined. They can even be measured and recorded on an encephalogram.

      How to explain that not all persistent alcoholics develop pancreatitis? Why do the peoples of the Caucasus prefer spicy dishes in food and do not suffer from pancreatic necrosis?

      We will obtain information if we recall the psychological behavior of each person in similar situations. In a state of discomfort (including fatigue, depression), the natural choice of the psyche is to feel sorry for oneself, to evoke the opposite emotions (joy).

      It is important that at this time we do not think about the benefits or harms of the chosen measure. The diet ceases to be controlled: you want something tasty. At the same time, physical activity is reduced. Over time, this behavior will lead to an overload of the pancreas, other digestive diseases.

      Psychosomatics considers important causes of pancreatitis:

      The following conditions contribute to the development of pancreatitis:

    12. doubts, temptations, inner struggle;
    13. subconsciously attracting the attention of others (benefit from care);
    14. mental depression;
    15. guilt;
    16. strengthening the problem by constant thoughts (self-hypnosis).
    17. Metaphysical causes of pancreatitis

      Metaphysics includes causes and concepts hitherto unexplained by modern science. It includes non-traditional medicine, forms of spiritual life.

      It is interesting that the conclusions are based on the analogy of the work of the body organ and human behavior.

      We will present the most popular metaphysical opinions about the nature of pancreatitis.

      Opinion 1. The pancreas, by the nature of its functions, is associated with the digestion of food. Accordingly, in the transfer to a person's abilities - acceptance and assimilation of the situation. As iron is capable of self-digestion (destruction), so some people destroy, do not recognize themselves as individuals.

      This is an ever-doubting, insecure, apathetic melancholic who "saws" himself. The focus of activity is not on the problem, but on oneself, lack of goals, disbelief in one's own capabilities.

      Opinion 2. Pancreatitis develops due to the wrong reaction of the body to emotions. Positive emotions expand the body, negative - narrows, slows down the flow of energy, fills a person with cold.

      Each of the emotions is necessary to express the state of the body (for example, anger contributes to protection). An adult is not always able to express his emotions, he suppresses them. Therefore, first there is a feeling of discomfort, then pancreatitis.

      Opinion 3. The pancreas is located in the third solar plexus chakra. She is responsible for gathering experience, knowledge, relationships with people. Able to pick up the frequencies of other bodies. Based on these signals, a person subconsciously chooses the optimal tactics of communication. The chakra directs strong desires into creative energy, reveals talents. Energy failure along the way destroys the pancreas.

      Opinion 4. Pancreatitis occurs as a result of dissatisfaction with life, anger, feelings of hopelessness.

      Opinion 5. The reason for the destruction of the pancreas is greed. It causes a disruption in the synthesis of hormones, with unbridled greed - cancer.

      Opinion 6. By forbidding oneself emotions, forcing restraint, a person increases cravings for unhealthy food. Obesity and overload of the pancreas appear.

      Opinion 7. The main negative emotion is envy. It is caused by the need to have the same as others. Accompanied by increased demands and dedication.

      The above options indicate the relationship of a person's personal qualities with risk factors in the disease of pancreatitis. If there is order with the personality, then the pancreas will not hurt.

      Psychotypes at risk of disease

      With the help of psychosomatics, psychotypes are distinguished among people that are most at risk of developing pancreatitis. These include:

    18. tough strong-willed individuals who constantly control family members, employees, who take responsibility for problems;
    19. weak people who experience constant fear for themselves, pity, do not have willpower, unable to deny themselves something;
    20. people who did not receive proper attention and love in childhood, requiring the care and participation of loved ones, they need the disease as a means of manipulation.
    21. The body's response to emotions

      Emotions characterize the experiences of the individual, feelings, attitude to reality and to oneself.

      The main human emotions are:

      Vital emotions include those that are associated with a threat to well-being, health or life: the fear of death, the anxious expectation of misfortune.

      Some varieties can be confirmed objectively. For example, manifestations of depression are recorded in terms of blood circulation, respiration, blood composition (glucose levels, adrenal substances).

      It is believed that all emotions are associated with the pancreas. Between the liver and the state of the gland there is a distribution of psychosomatic "duties": the liver contains information about the past, and the pancreas reflects the present. Her health is determined by the degree of adaptation of a person to life, communication with other personalities.

      Overload is observed with unpleasant changes, feelings of jealousy, longing, sadness, and other negative emotions. The organ functionally weakens, pancreatitis is accompanied by diabetes mellitus.

      Functioning is restored if the individual accepts the traumatic situation on an emotional level, stops being nervous, sets goals for himself.

      Psychological portrait of the patient

      What is the nature of a person with nervous pancreatitis? What to expect from him? Can it be found in a crowd?

      The disease changes the psychological makeup of a person. The basis of character is will. Depending on the vital significance of motives, firmness, steadfastness, and decisiveness are manifested. Reverse traits: impulsiveness, passivity, indecision.

      Psychosomatics allows you to determine the psychological portrait ("face") of a person prone to damage to the pancreas. Outwardly, they do not stand out in the crowd, but the inner world has its own characteristics.

      At home, at work, these people stand out for their strong character, intelligence, purpose in life. They are constantly developing plans, they want to achieve their goal. Decide how to do it. They take care of relatives and friends, like to control situations. They blame themselves if there is trouble or problems.

      Energy gives them the opportunity to work hard and fruitfully. Such people achieve leadership positions and do a good job of organizing.

      Against the backdrop of vigorous activity, an active position in all matters, the “man from the portrait” has inner secrets that he hides under a mask. These include:

    22. sadness;
    23. experiences due to lack of love and affection;
    24. need for care;
    25. suspiciousness;
    26. feeling guilty about others.
    27. Psychosomatics claims that, like the pancreas, which breaks down food into final substances, healthy people must constantly "digest" the information received, develop experience. But a person from the risk group does not pay attention to this process: he thinks a lot about the situation, but does not process it into the necessary experience. Therefore, his pancreas gradually “fails”.

      How to treat a disease that has arisen on a nervous basis?

      It is impossible to fight the psychosomatic causes of the disease with medicines. In addition, we should not forget that with the help of psychosomatics, acute forms of inflammation of the pancreas are not treated. Science offers ways to cope with a chronic long-term illness.

      First of all, you need to carefully, without hiding anything from yourself, consider your own psychological state. Turning to an experienced psychologist, the patient will be able to detect those problems of the soul, negative emotions that support the disease. No need to be offended by the advice of a doctor. Receptions in psychology are sufficiently tested and do not cause doubts.

      A strong and caring person is recommended to stop patronizing their loved ones, to get into their affairs, to control someone else's life. Psychologists advise you to think about yourself, decide how to make your own life happy in the near future, alternate full-time work with relaxation and rest.

      The ancient teaching of Ayurveda defines the culprit of pancreatitis as the loss of harmony in relation to man with nature and the inner world. Treatment requires the elimination of sinful thoughts and the restoration of attitudes towards oneself and the environment.

      Indications for appointment:

    28. increased irritability;
    29. feeling of fatigue;
    30. insomnia;
    31. constant unmotivated bad mood;
    32. decrease in performance.
    33. The scheme of non-traditional methods of Ayurveda includes:

    34. water procedures;
    35. own diet with herbal medicine;
    36. hatha yoga.
    37. The teaching attaches great importance to cleansing the body with the help of metal therapy, talismans, spells.

      Prevention of pancreatitis on nerves

      A person does not know how to perceive the world around him without irritation, resentment. We often miss moments when thoughts about serious illnesses among friends, the sight of an enlarged lymph node in a baby cause our own “far-fetched” illnesses.

      It is advisable to think about a sense of proportion not only in food and not to load thoughts with “fat” goals, the achievement of which is unlikely due to education, character traits. When reading fairy tales to children, pay attention to the possibility of a happy way out of a difficult situation, and not to the fact that Ivanushka the Fool became the son-in-law of the king.

      You should not give up on a dream, but first you should concentrate on solving simpler goals.

      To prevent pancreatitis, it is important to avoid too strong emotions. Overvoltage occurs even against the background of a long joyful holiday. You can't go to extremes.

      It is very harmful to “keep in yourself” experiences. It is better to talk about your discomfort with loved ones. Sometimes a psychologist advises to change an unloved job.

      With severe stress, the most convenient way out is to “breathe” it with the help of respiratory movements. Other options:

    38. take a walk on the street for at least two hours;
    39. take a contrast shower.
    40. Psychosomatics agrees with official medicine about the dangers of alcohol, therefore it rejects abuse.

      The expected patients of a psychologist with chronic pancreatitis are active people who find it difficult to identify the cause of exacerbations of inflammation against the background of a clear medication. Perhaps the methods of psychosomatics will help to understand the problem and restore the functional state of the pancreas.