Expand the phenomenon of global problems of mankind. What are global issues? Global problems of the modern world

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The growing role of world politics and relations between countries,

relationship and scale between world processes in economic, political, social and cultural life. As well as the inclusion in international life and communication of increasing masses of the population are objective prerequisites for the emergence of global, worldwide problems. In fact, this problem is really relevant in recent times. At the moment, humanity is seriously faced with very serious problems covering the whole world, moreover threatening civilization and even the very life of people on this earth.

Since the 70-80s of the 20th century, a system of problems associated with the growth of production, political and socio-cultural processes taking place in different countries, regions and in the world as a whole has clearly emerged in society. These problems, which received the name global in the second half of the 20th century, in one way or another accompanied the formation and development of modern civilization.

The problems of world development are characterized by extreme diversity, due to regional and local characteristics, socio-cultural specifics.

Studies of global problems in our country were launched with a certain delay in the period of their significant exacerbation, much later than similar studies in the West.

At present, human efforts are aimed at preventing a world military catastrophe and ending the arms race; creation of prerequisites for the effective development of the world economy and the elimination of socio-economic backwardness; rationalization of nature management, prevention of changes in the natural habitat of man and improvement of the biosphere; pursuing an active demographic policy and solving energy, raw material and food problems; effective use of scientific achievements and development of international cooperation. Expansion of research in the field of space exploration and the oceans; elimination of the most dangerous and widespread diseases.

1 The concept of a global problem

The term “global” itself originates from the Latin word “globe”, that is, the Earth, the globe, and since the end of the 60s of the XX century it has become widespread to refer to the most important and serious planetary problems of the modern era affecting humanity as a whole. . This is a set of such important vital problems, on the solution of which the further social progress of mankind depends and which, in turn, can be resolved only thanks to this progress. new science - the theory of global problems, or globalistics. It is intended to develop practical recommendations for solving global problems. Effective recommendations must take into account many social, economic and political factors

The global problems of mankind are the problems of all mankind, affecting the relationship between society and nature, the issues of joint solution of resource provision, the relationship between the countries of the world community. Global problems have no boundaries. Not a single country and not a single state is able to solve these problems on its own. Only with the help of joint large-scale, international cooperation is it possible to solve them. It is very important to realize the universal interdependence and highlight the tasks of society. This will prevent social and economic catastrophes. Global problems differ from each other in their characteristics.

Of all the totality of the problems of today's world, global issues vital for mankind, the qualitative criterion acquires significant significance. The qualitative side of the definition of global problems is expressed in the following main characteristics:

1) problems that affect the interests of all mankind and each person individually;

2) act as an objective factor in the further development of the world, the existence of modern civilization;

3) their solution requires the efforts of all peoples, or at least the majority of the world's population;

4) unresolved global problems may lead in the future to irreparable consequences for all mankind and each individual.

Thus, the qualitative and quantitative factors in their unity and interconnection make it possible to isolate those problems of social development that are global or vital for all mankind and each individual.

All global problems of social development are characterized by mobility, because none of these problems is in a static state, each of them is constantly changing, acquiring different intensity and, consequently, significance in a particular historical era. As some of the global problems are solved, the latter may lose their relevance on a global scale, moving to another, for example, local level, or disappear altogether (an example of smallpox, which in the past was a truly global problem, has practically disappeared today).

The exacerbation of traditional problems (food, energy, raw materials, demographic, environmental, etc.) that arose at different times and among different peoples is now forming a new social phenomenon - a set of global problems of our time.

In general, it is customary to classify social problems as global ones. Which, affecting the vital interests of mankind, require the efforts of the entire world community for their resolution.

At the same time, global, universal, and regional problems can be distinguished.

The global problems facing society can be grouped as follows: 1) those that can become aggravated, and appropriate actions are required. To prevent this from happening; 2) those that, in the absence of a solution, can already now lead to a catastrophe; 3) those whose severity has been removed, but they require constant monitoring

1.2 Causes of global problems

Scientists and philosophers put forward hypotheses about the relationship between human activity and the state of the biosphere. Russian scientist V.I. Vernandsky in 1944 said that human activity is acquiring a scale comparable to the power of natural forces. This allowed him to raise the question of the restructuring of the biosphere into the noosphere (the sphere of activity of the mind).

What gave rise to global problems? These reasons include a sharp increase in the number of mankind, and the scientific and technological revolution, and the use of space, and the emergence of a unified world information system, and many others.

The industrial revolution of the 18th-19th centuries, interstate contradictions, scientific and technological revolution of the middle of the 20th century, integration aggravated the situation. Problems grew like a snowball as humanity moved along the path of progress. World War II marked the beginning of the transformation of local problems into global ones.

Global problems are the result of the confrontation between natural nature and human culture, as well as the inconsistency or incompatibility of multidirectional trends in the course of the development of human culture itself. Natural nature exists on the principle of negative feedback, while human culture - on the principle of positive feedback. On the one hand, it is the huge scale of human activity, which has radically changed nature, society, and the way of life of people. On the other hand, it is the inability of a person to rationally dispose of this power.

So, we can name the causes of global problems:

globalization of the world;

catastrophic consequences of human activity, the inability of mankind to rationally dispose of its mighty power.

1.3 The main global problems of our time

Researchers offer several options for classifying global problems. The tasks facing humanity at the present stage of development relate to both the technical and moral spheres.

The most pressing global problems can be divided into three groups:

1. Demographic problem;

2. Food problem;

3. Deficit of energy and raw materials.

demographic problem.

In the past 30 years, the world has experienced an unprecedented population explosion. While the birth rate remained high and as a result of the decrease in the death rate, the population growth rate increased significantly. However, the world demographic situation in the field of population is by no means unambiguous. If in 1800 there were up to 1 billion in the world. man in 1930 - already 2 billion; in the 70s of the 20th century, the world population approached the value of 3 billion, and in the early 80s it was about 4.7 billion. Human. By the end of the 1990s, the world population was over 5 billion. Human. If the overwhelming majority of countries are characterized by relatively high population growth rates, then for Russia and some other countries, demographic trends are of a different nature. So, on the face of the demographic crisis in the former socialist world.

Some countries are experiencing absolute population declines; in others, quite high rates of population growth are typical. One of the features of the socio-demographic situation in the countries of the post-Soviet space is the persistence of relatively high mortality rates in most of them, especially among children. In the early 1980s, the world as a whole saw a decline in the birth rate. For example, if in the mid-1970s 32 children were born for every 1,000 people, then in the early 1980s and 1990s, 29. At the end of the 1990s, the corresponding processes tend to persist.

Changes in birth and death rates affect not only the growth rate of the population, its structure, including the sex composition. So in the mid-80s in Western countries there were 94 men per 100 women, while in different regions the ratio of the male and female population is by no means the same. For example, in America, the sex ratio of the population is approximately equal. In Asia, the male is slightly larger than the average; Africa has more women.

As we age, the gender disproportion changes in favor of the female population. The fact is that the average life expectancy of women is longer than that of men. In European countries, the average life expectancy is about 70 years, and for women -78, the highest life expectancy for women in Japan, Switzerland and Iceland (over 80 years). Men live longer in Japan (about 75 years).

The growth of childhood and youth ages of the population, on the one hand, the increase in average life expectancy and the reduction in the birth rate, on the other hand, determine the trend of population aging, that is, an increase in its structure of the proportion of elderly people aged 60 years and older. In the early 1990s, this category included up to 10% of the world's population. Currently, this figure is 16%.

Food problem.

To solve the most acute global problems arising in the interaction of society and nature, collective actions of the entire world community are needed. It is precisely such a problem that the global food situation is aggravating in the world.

According to some estimates, the total number of people suffering from hunger at the beginning of the 80s was 400 million, and in the 90s half a billion. This figure fluctuated between 700 and 800 million people. The most acute food problem is facing the Asian African countries, for which the priority is the elimination of hunger. Over 450 million people in these countries are reported to be suffering from hunger, malnutrition or malnutrition. The aggravation of the food problem cannot but be affected by the destruction as a result of modern economic development of the most important natural life support systems: oceanic fauna, forests, cultivated lands. The impact on the food supply of the population of our planet is exerted by: the energy problem, the nature and characteristics of climatic conditions; chronic food shortages and poverty in some regions of the world, instability in food production and distribution; fluctuations in world prices, insecurity of food supplies to the poorest countries from abroad, low productivity of agricultural production.

Lack of energy and raw materials.

It is widely believed that modern civilization has already used a significant, if not most, of its energy and raw materials resources. For a long time, the energy supply of the planet was based on the use of predominantly living energy, that is, the energy resources of humans and animals. If you follow the forecasts of an optimist, then the world's oil reserves will last for 2-3 centuries. Pessimists, on the other hand, argue that the available oil reserves can meet the needs of civilization for only a few more decades. However, such calculations do not take into account the existing discoveries of new deposits of raw materials, as well as new opportunities for discovering alternative energy sources. Somewhere similar estimates are made for other traditional fossil fuels. These figures are rather arbitrary, but one thing is clear: the scale of use of industrial power plants of direct resources is becoming such that one should take into account their limitations, due to the level of development of science, engineering and technology, the need to maintain the dynamic balance of ecosystems. In this case, if there are no surprises, there is, apparently, every reason to assert that in the predicted future, industrial, energy and raw materials resources should be enough for the needs of mankind.

It is also necessary to take into account a high degree of probability, the discovery of new sources of energy resources.

2. Ways to solve global problems

Solving global problems is a task of extreme importance and complexity, and so far it cannot be said with certainty that ways to overcome them have been found. According to many social scientists, no matter what individual problem we take from the global system, it cannot be solved without first overcoming spontaneity in the development of earthly civilization, without a transition to coordinated and planned actions on a global scale. Only such actions can save society, as well as its natural environment.

Conditions for solving modern global problems:

    The efforts of states aimed at solving major and socially significant problems are being stepped up.

    New technological processes based on the principles of rational use of natural materials are being created and developed. Saving energy and raw materials, the use of secondary raw materials and resource-saving technologies.

    The progress of scientific technologies, including the development of biotechnology based on the efficient use of chemical, biological and microbiological processes, is becoming all-encompassing.

    The orientation towards an integrated approach in the development of fundamental and applied developments, production and science prevails.

Globalist scientists offer various options for solving the global problems of our time:

Changing the nature of production activities - the creation of waste-free production, heat and energy resource-saving technologies, the use of alternative energy sources (sun, wind, etc.);

Creation of a new world order, development of a new formula for the global management of the world community based on the principles of understanding the modern world as an integral and interconnected community of people;

Recognition of universal human values, attitude to life, man and the world as the highest values ​​of mankind;

Rejection of war as a means of resolving controversial issues, the search for ways to peacefully resolve international problems and conflicts.

Only together humanity can solve the problem of overcoming the ecological crisis.

One of the most popular points of view for solving this problem is to instill in people new moral and ethical values. So in one of the reports to the Club of Rome, it is written that the new ethical education should be aimed at:

1) the development of global consciousness, thanks to which a person realizes himself as a member of the global community;

2) formation of a more thrifty attitude to the use of natural resources;

3) the development of such an attitude towards nature, which would be based on harmony, and not on subordination;

4) fostering a sense of belonging to future generations and readiness to give up some of their own benefits in their favor.

It is possible and necessary now to successfully fight for the solution of global problems on the basis of constructive and mutually acceptable cooperation of all countries and peoples, regardless of the differences in the social systems to which they belong.

The solution of global problems is possible only through the joint efforts of all countries coordinating their actions at the international level. Self-isolation and peculiarities of development will not allow individual countries to stay away from the economic crisis, nuclear war, the threat of terrorism or the AIDS epidemic. To solve global problems, overcome the danger that threatens all of humanity, it is necessary to further strengthen the interconnection of the diverse modern world, change interaction with the environment, abandon the cult of consumption, and develop new values.


Summing up, we can say that the global problem is the result of enormous human activity, which leads to a change in the way of life of people, society and the essence of nature.

Global problems threaten all mankind.

And accordingly, without certain human qualities, without the global responsibility of each person, it is impossible to solve any of the global problems.

Let's hope that an important function of all countries in the 21st century will be the preservation of natural resources and the cultural and educational level of people. Because, at the present time, we are seeing significant gaps in these areas. It may be that the formation of a new - informational - world community with humane goals will become the necessary link in the development of mankind, which will lead it to the solution and elimination of the main global problems.


1. Social science - a textbook for grade 10 - profile level - Bogolyubov L.N., Lazebnikova A. Yu., Smirnova N. M. Social science, grade 11, Vishnevsky M.I., 2010

2. Social science - Textbook - Grade 11 - Bogolyubov L.N., Lazebnikova A.Yu., Kholodkovsky K.G. - 2008

3. Social science. Klimenko A.V., Rumynina V.V. Textbook for high school students and students entering universities

Having come close to the main directions of possible ways out of the global problems of our time, we will briefly characterize their main meaning and interrelation.

Global problems are problems that affect the existence of not only individuals, but, most importantly, can affect the fate of all mankind, affect its future development. Global problems cannot be solved by themselves and even by the efforts of individual countries. They require organized and purposeful efforts of the entire world community, since "the unresolved global problems may lead in the future to serious, possibly irreversible consequences for humans and their environment."

The global problems of our time are closely related to each other. Therefore, it is very difficult to systematize them, “let alone develop a system of successive steps to solve them. Generally recognized global problems are such as: environmental pollution, problems of resources, population, nuclear weapons and a number of others.

In order to combine different approaches to these global problems, it became necessary to form a new science or a special field of knowledge, which was called globalistics, which was called upon to develop practical recommendations for solving the tasks set to reduce global problems.

The problem of overcoming the ecological crisis is the most urgent. In the process of economic activity, a person, in relation to nature, took the position of a consumer, exploiting it, and believing that all natural resources are inexhaustible. Therefore, one of the negative results of human activity was the depletion of natural resources, as well as environmental pollution. As a result, substances hazardous to human health and life entered the atmosphere, destroying it. Not only land and air were polluted, but also the waters of the World Ocean, which led to "the destruction (extinction) of entire species of animals and plants, and to the deterioration of the gene pool of all mankind."

The solution of global problems would become possible only "together". Scientific understanding of global problems took place already in the 60s of the XX century. In 1965, the Institute for the Problems of the Future was organized in Vienna. In 1965, the international foundation "Humanity in 2000" was established in the Netherlands. In 1966, the Society for the Study of the Future World was formed in Washington. And in 1968, the "Club of Rome" appeared - a non-governmental international organization, headed by A. Peccei. “In 1982, the UN adopted a special document - the World Conservation Party, and then created a special commission on environment and development. In addition to the UN, a non-governmental organization such as the Club of Rome plays an important role in developing and ensuring the environmental safety of mankind.”

The "Club of Rome" became an organization that brought together natural scientists, economists, sociologists and representatives of other specialties (the Club of Rome included D. Meadows, M. Mesarovic, A. King, J. Tinbergen, etc.), the main goal of which was "attracting the attention of the world public to global problems and to search for ways to overcome them”. It was a set of social, psychological, economic, technical and political problems, to which A. Paccei “classified overpopulation and an uncontrolled increase in the number of inhabitants of the Earth, the stratification of society, social injustice and hunger, unemployment, inflation, energy crisis, depletion of natural resources, degradation of the external environment, imbalances in international trade and finance, illiteracy and an outdated education system, a decline in moral values ​​and a loss of faith, as well as a misunderstanding of these problems and their interrelationships.

The main goal of the Club of Rome was to disseminate the results of research among the world community, in scientific, political circles, among the intelligentsia, "to exert a possible influence on the conduct of affairs in the world in a more rational and humane direction."

In the book “Human Qualities” A. Peccei wrote: “Traveling a lot, I saw how people from all over the world are struggling - far from always successfully - to solve many complex problems, which, as I was more and more convinced, promised to become even more in the future. harder and more dangerous for humanity. I did not question the need and importance of such activities as, for example, the development of the desert, the construction of a factory in one of the corners of the planet or the construction of a dam in another, solving the problems of development of individual regions and countries. At the same time, it began to seem to me that it was impossible to concentrate almost all efforts on such narrow and private projects, while ignoring the steady deterioration of the general situation in the world. Moreover, such a clear emphasis on particular problems and complete inattention to the general context, against the background and within which they arise and develop, calls into question the expediency and ultimate effectiveness of the efforts that humanity spends on solving them. I felt that I could not be honest with myself if I did not at least try in one way or another to warn people that all their current efforts were not enough and that something else must be taken, some other measures, radically different from those that are being undertaken now.

Over the past century, several ingenious ways to deal with environmental problems have been developed. These include the activities of the "green" movements, "Green Peace", "Wildlife Fund" and others. “In addition to various kinds of associations in the field of solving environmental problems, there are a number of state or public environmental initiatives: environmental legislation in Russia and other countries of the world, various international agreements or the Red Book system.”

The main measures to improve the quality of the environment are: technological, economic, legal, engineering, organizational, architectural and planning activities. Where, for example, technological ones are engaged in the development of new technologies, the creation of treatment facilities, the electrification of everyday life, transport and production, as well as the replacement of fuel; architectural and planning measures - landscaping of populated areas, zoning of settlements, organization of sanitary protection zones, rationalization of the layout of residential areas; engineering and organizational - by reducing the number of parking lots at traffic lights and unloading highways; legal - the creation of legislative regulations to maintain the quality of the environment.

The demographic problem, on the one hand, is associated with a constant increase in the population on the planet. According to statistics for 1990, its number totaled 5.3 billion people. However, it is no secret that the Earth's resources are limited, and today some countries have had to face the problem of birth control. On the other hand, the demographic problem is associated with population decline. This is a situation that can develop in a country or region, "when the birth rate falls below the level of simple reproduction of the population, and also below the death rate."

In 1969, within the framework of the UN Special Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), three World Population Conferences were held. “One of these main documents was the World Population Action Plan adopted in Bucharest in 1997 for 20 years.” In this plan, it was emphasized that "the basis for a real solution to the problems of population is, first of all, socio-economic transformations."

Philosophy can also help in assessing and understanding the essence of global problems. “The philosophical approach involves the consideration of global problems in their unity, integrity and interconnection, makes it possible to highlight the general trend of their change. The use of the ideological and methodological function of philosophy in the study of global problems contributes to the correct formulation of these issues, and considering them in a historical context contributes to their understanding as a natural phenomenon organically connected with the development of society.

Philosophy, considering the questions of the meaning of human life, focuses on the humanistic aspects of global problems. "Providing a comprehensive, systematic approach, integration of scientific research in the field of global problems, philosophy is thereby able to increase the effectiveness of the search for their solution, both in scientific and socio-political aspects."

To solve global problems, it is necessary to determine a number of priority tasks that need to be set for society and science.

The most important of them:

· The study of changes in the "quality" of the population and their relationship with the structure of society.

· Safe use of nuclear processes as the main energy resources of the future and, most importantly, the creation of controlled thermonuclear fusion.

· Creation of closed cycles, especially in agricultural technology.

· Study of the Earth's heat balance due to environmental pollution.

To date, this is a process of extreme importance and complexity, and so far it cannot be said with certainty that ways to overcome them have been found, although the time for solving all these problems is limited. “In order to solve these problems in time, we need great intellectual strength and material resources. For this, research aimed at solving these problems needs to be developed on an international scale. In order to effectively implement the results obtained, an authoritative international apparatus must be created.”

Therefore, the consolidation of international forces in resolving the most pressing issues, the coherence of actions, their coordination is necessary. In this regard, it is the states that should be entrusted with certain responsibilities in ensuring the implementation of the solution of global problems, on which the future of mankind will depend.

Modernity is a series of social problems in the development of civilization, which, however, are not limited to the exclusively social aspect, and affect almost all areas of society: economic, political, environmental, psychological. These problems have been formed over many years, which are characterized by the rapid development of various spheres of human life, and therefore the ways to solve them do not have unambiguous options.

Philosophy and global problems of our time

Awareness of any problems is the first stage in their solution, because only understanding can lead to effective actions. For the first time, the global problems of our time were comprehended by philosophers. Indeed, who, if not philosophers, will be engaged in understanding the dynamics of the development of civilization? After all, global problems require a full-fledged analysis and consideration of different points of view.

The main global problems of our time

So, he is engaged in the study of global processes. They arise as an objective factor of human existence, i.e. arise from human activities. The global problems of our time are not numerous:

  1. The so-called "negligible aging". This problem was first voiced in 1990 by Caleb Finch. This is about expanding the boundaries of life expectancy. A lot of scientific research is devoted to this topic, which were aimed at studying the causes of aging and methods that can slow it down or completely cancel it. However, as practice shows, the solution of this issue is a rather distant point.
  2. The North-South problem. It includes an understanding of the great gap in the development of northern and southern countries. Thus, in most states of the South, the concepts of "hunger" and "poverty" are still a pressing problem for large parts of the population.
  3. The problem of preventing thermonuclear war. It implies the damage that can be inflicted on all mankind in the event of the use of nuclear or thermonuclear weapons. The problem of peace between peoples and political forces, the struggle for common prosperity is also acute here.
  4. Pollution prevention and ecological balance.
  5. Global warming.
  6. The problem of diseases: AIDS, oncological and cardiovascular diseases.
  7. demographic imbalance.
  8. Terrorism.

Global problems of our time: what are the solutions?

  1. Negligible aging. Modern science is taking steps towards the study of aging, but the question of the appropriateness of this is still relevant. In the mythological traditions of different peoples, one can come across the idea of ​​eternal life, however, the elements that make up the concept of evolution today conflict with the idea of ​​eternal life and prolongation of youth.
  2. The problem of the North and the South, which consists in the illiteracy and poverty of the population of the southern countries, is solved with the help of charitable actions, but it cannot be solved until the countries lagging behind in development become developed in political and economic aspects.
  3. The problem of preventing the use of nuclear and thermonuclear weapons, in fact, cannot be exhausted as long as the capitalist understanding of relations dominates in society. Only with the transition to another level of evaluation of human life and peaceful coexistence can the problem be solved. Acts and treaties concluded between countries on non-use are not a 100% guarantee that war will not start one day.
  4. The problem of maintaining the ecological balance of the planet today is being solved with the help of political forces representing which it worries, as well as with the help of organizations that are trying to save endangered species of animals, are planting plants and organizing events and actions that are aimed at drawing public attention to this problem. . However, a technological society is unlikely to be able to save the environment at 100%.
  5. Questions about global warming have been worrying scientists for a long time, but the causes that cause warming cannot be eliminated at the moment.
  6. The problems of incurable diseases at the present stage find a partial solution offered by medicine. Fortunately, today this issue is relevant for scientific knowledge and the state allocates funds to ensure that these problems are studied and effective medicines are invented by physicians.
  7. The demographic imbalance between the countries of the south and the north finds a solution in the form of legislative acts: for example, Russian legislation encourages high birth rates in the form of additional payments to large families, and, for example, Japanese legislation, on the contrary, limits the ability of families to have many children.
  8. At present, the problem of terrorism is very acute after a number of resonant tragic cases. The internal security services of states are doing everything possible to counter terrorism on the territory of their country and prevent the unification of terrorist organizations on an international scale.

And even goes beyond its borders. Considering the heterogeneity of humanity, its activities simply cannot but be accompanied by certain contradictions. If they cover the entire planet and near-Earth outer space, then these are global problems.

peace cover all aspects of human life, affect all countries, peoples and strata of the population, relate both to the surface of the earth and to the oceans, atmosphere, space, and lead to serious economic and social losses. Consequently, the solution of these problems is the task of the whole world, requiring universal unification.

Global problems are divided into several types:

The global problems of mankind at the state and international levels are currently considered, unfortunately, as something very abstract and requiring a solution only in the distant future. As for the individual level, with rare exceptions, people take a position of neutrality, they say, this does not concern me personally. All this testifies to the lack of understanding by the masses of the degree of seriousness of global problems.

The global problems of society have several characteristic features:

  • They are universal in nature, covering the interests of all peoples (and sometimes all living things) and each person in particular.
  • In the absence of their solution, sooner or later they will lead to a global catastrophe and the death of mankind.
  • They require the joint efforts of all mankind.
  • They require an integrated, synergistic approach.

In fact, the global problems of mankind reflect the unevenness and imbalance of its development. Developing industry, man lost touch with nature, resulting in exacerbated environmental problems. The trend towards the creation of an information society and the dominance of capitalism has led to a spiritual crisis. The predominance of individualism and infantile egoism brought to the fore political, weapons and social problems. This is how causal relationships between seemingly crises in completely different areas are carried out. However, the solution of one problem will not, according to the law, cause a positive correlation of the solution of others: here a single integrated approach is required, based on the global reconstruction of the consciousness of mankind in favor of a collective way of existence, effective interaction and harmonious development in connection with nature and the next and previous generations.

Global problems of mankind. essence and solutions

Global problems are those that cover the whole world, all of humanity, pose a threat to its present and future and require joint efforts, joint actions of all states and peoples for their solution.

In the scientific literature, one can find various lists of global problems, where their number varies from 8-10 to 40-45. This is explained by the fact that along with global problems there are many more private problems.

There are also various classifications of global problems. Usually they include:

1) problems of the most “universal” nature;

2) problems of a natural and economic nature;

3) social problems;

4) mixed problems.

The main global problems include the following.

I. Environmental problem. The depletion of the environment as a result of irrational nature management, its pollution with solid, liquid and gaseous wastes, poisoning with radioactive wastes have led to a significant degradation of the global environmental problem. In some countries, the tension of the environmental problem has reached an ecological crisis. The concept of a crisis ecological region and an area with a catastrophic ecological situation has appeared. A global environmental threat has arisen in the form of uncontrolled climate change on the Earth, the destruction of the ozone layer of the stratosphere.

Currently, an increasing number of countries are beginning to join forces to solve the environmental problem. The world community proceeds from the fact that the main way to solve the environmental problem is such an organization of the production and non-production activities of people that would ensure normal eco-development, preservation and transformation of the environment in the interests of mankind and every person.

II. demographic problem. The population explosion around the world has already subsided. In order to solve the demographic problem, the UN adopted the "World Population Action Plan", in the implementation of which both geographers and demographers participate. At the same time, progressive forces proceed from the fact that family planning programs can help improve the reproduction of the population. For this, one demographic policy is not enough. It must be accompanied by an improvement in the economic and social conditions of people's lives.

III. The issue of peace and disarmament, prevent nuclear war . An agreement on the reduction and limitation of offensive arms between the countries is currently being developed. Civilization is faced with the task of creating a comprehensive security system, the phased elimination of nuclear arsenals, reducing the arms trade, and demilitarizing the economy.

IV. Food problem. Currently, according to the UN, almost 2/3 of humanity lives in countries where there is a constant shortage of food. To solve this problem, humanity must make fuller use of the resources of crop production, animal husbandry and fisheries. However, it can go in two ways. The first is an extensive path, which consists in the further expansion of arable, grazing and fishing lands. The second is an intensive way, which consists in increasing the biological productivity of existing lands. Biotechnology, the use of new high-yielding varieties, the further development of mechanization, chemicalization and land reclamation will be of decisive importance here.

V. Energy and raw materials problem- first of all - the problem of providing humanity with fuel and raw materials. Fuel and energy resources are constantly depleted, and in a few hundred years they may disappear altogether. Enormous opportunities for solving this problem are opened up by the achievements of scientific and technical progress, and at all stages of the technological chain.

VI. The problem of human health. Recently, when assessing the quality of life of people, the state of their health has come to the fore. Despite the fact that in the 20th century great strides were made in the fight against many diseases, a large number of diseases still continue to threaten people's lives.

VII. The problem of using the oceans, which plays an important role in the communication of countries and peoples. Recently, the aggravation of the raw material and energy problem has led to the emergence of the marine mining and chemical industries, and marine energy. The aggravation of the food problem has increased interest in the biological resources of the Ocean. The deepening of the international division of labor and the development of trade are accompanied by an increase in shipping.

As a result of all industrial and scientific activities within the World Ocean and the contact zone "ocean - land", a special component of the world economy arose - the marine economy. It includes mining and manufacturing, fishing, energy, transport, trade, recreation and tourism. Such activities gave rise to another problem - the extremely uneven development of the resources of the World Ocean, pollution of the marine environment, and its use as an arena of military activity. The main way to solve the problem of using the World Ocean is rational oceanic nature management, a balanced, integrated approach to its riches, based on the combined efforts of the entire world community.

VIII. The problem of space exploration. Space is the common property of mankind. Space programs have recently become more complex and require the concentration of technical, economic, and intellectual efforts of many countries and peoples. World space exploration is based on the use of the latest achievements of science and technology, production and management.

Each of the global problems has its specific content. But they are all closely related. Recently, the center of gravity of global problems has shifted to the countries of the developing world. The food problem has become the most catastrophic in these countries. The plight of most developing countries has become a major human and global problem. The main way to solve it is to carry out fundamental socio-economic transformations in all spheres of life and activity of these countries, in the development of scientific and technological progress, and international cooperation.

2) Global studies - a field of knowledge that studies the global problems of mankind.

Global problems:

They concern all mankind, affecting the interests of all countries, peoples, strata of society;

Lead to significant economic and social losses, may threaten the existence of mankind;

Can be solved only with cooperation on a planetary scale.

The main reason for the emergence (or rather, close study) of global problems is the globalization of economic and political relations! è the realization that the world is interdependent and that there are common problems, the solution of which is vital.

Dr. reasons: the rapid growth of mankind.

Great pace of technological progress

Scientific and technological revolution è transformation of productive forces (introduction of new technologies) and production relations (including the relationship of man with nature).

The need for a large amount of natural resources and the realization that many of them will end sooner or later.

"Cold War" people really felt the threat of the destruction of mankind.

The main global problems: the problem of peace and disarmament, demographic, environmental, food, energy, raw materials, the problem of the development of the oceans, space exploration, the problem of overcoming the backwardness of developing countries, nationalism, the lack of democracy, terrorism, drug addiction, etc.

Classification of global problems according to Yu. Gladkov:

1. The most universal problems of polit. and social economy. nature (preventing nuclear war, ensuring the sustainable development of the world community)

2. Problems of a natural and economic nature (food, environmental)

3. Problems of a social nature (demographic, lack of democracy)

4. Mixed problems leading to loss of life (regional conflicts, technological accidents, natural disasters)

5. Problems of a purely scientific nature (space exploration)

6. Small synthetic problems (bureaucratization, etc.)

The problem and its essence Causes of occurrence (or exacerbation) Solutions Achieved results and creatures. difficulties
1. War prevention; the problem of peace and disarmament - the world is under the threat of destruction by a nuclear war or something like that 1. Two world wars of the 20th century 2. Technological progress. Creation and distribution of new types of weapons (in particular, nuclear weapons) 1. Tighter control of nuclear and chemical weapons 2. Reduction of conventional arms and arms trade 3. General reduction of military spending 1) Signing of international treaties: on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons (1968 - 180 states), on the ban on nuclear tests, the convention on the prohibition of development, production, chemical. weapons (1997), etc. 2) The arms trade has decreased by 2 p. (from 1987 to 1994) 3) Reducing military spending by 1/3 (for the 1990s) 4) Strengthened control over the nonproliferation of nuclear and other weapons by the international community (Ex: IAEA activities, etc. international organizations), but not all countries have joined treaties on the nonproliferation of various types of weapons, or some countries are withdrawing from such treaties (Ex: the United States unilaterally withdrew from the ABM treaty in 2002); The activities of some countries give reason to believe that they are developing nuclear weapons (DPRK, Iran) Armed conflicts do not stop (Lebanon - Israel, the war in Iraq, etc.) - In a word, it is still far from perfect ...
2. Environmental problem - Expressed in the degradation of the environment and the growth of the ecological crisis - Manifested in various natural disasters, climate change, deterioration in the quality of water, land, resources 1. Irrational nature management (deforestation, resource wastefulness, drainage of swamps, etc.) 2. Environmental pollution with human waste. activities (metallization, radioactive contamination ... etc.) 3. Economy. development without taking into account the possibilities of the natural environment (dirty industries, giant factories, And all these negative factors accumulated and finally è awareness of the environmental. Problems! Conducting environmental policy at the state, regional and global levels: 1. Optimization of the use of natural resources in the process of social production (Ex: introduction of resource-saving technologies) 2. Nature protection (Ex: creation of specially protected natural zones; regulation of harmful emissions) 3. Ensuring environmental safety of the population. Success depends on the level of socio-economic development of individual countries (it is clear that developing countries cannot afford to produce environmentally friendly garbage bags) + international cooperation! 1) The existence of the problem was recognized, measures began to be taken 2) Holding international conferences and forums (UN World Conferences on the Environment) 3) Signing int. conventions, agreements, etc. (World Charter for Conservation of Nature (1980), Declaration on Environment and Development (during a conference in Rio de Zh. in 1992), Helsinki Protocol (set the task of reducing CO2 emissions), Kyoto Protocol (1997 - limited the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere gases), the Earth Charter (2002), etc. 4) Creation and operation of international governmental and non-governmental organizations, programs (Greenpeace, UNEP) 5) Strict environmental legislation in a number of countries + introduction of environmental technologies, etc. IPOs spend 1-1.5% of GDP on "environment" IPOs deduct 0.3% of GDP for "ecology" in poor countries (should be 0.7%), but little attention and funds are paid to this problem. Transfers of dirty industries are practiced, but the general condition of the Earth does not improve from this. Many developing countries are still on an extensive development path and cannot afford to spend money on "greening".
3. Demographic problem - The world's population is growing too fast (population explosion since the 1960s) food shortages, poverty, epidemics, unemployment, migration, etc. Most developing countries have entered the second phase of reproduction (ç wider use of the achievements of world medicine, small successes in the economy) Mortality has decreased, and the birth rate for 2-3 generations has remained very high Implementation of demographic policy: - Economic measures (Ex: benefits, allowances) - Administrative and legal (Ex: regulation of the age of marriage, permission for abortions) · Educational Because. to conduct demographic politics needs a lot of money, then international cooperation is needed In some countries (China, Thailand, Argentina), where demog. policy managed to reduce the population growth rate to 1% per year. Some of them are demographers. the explosion subsided (Brazil, Iran, Morocco, Chile). Basically, this problem is solved only by "advanced" from developing countries. In the poorest countries (Afghanistan, Uganda, Togo, Benin), the situation has not yet changed for the better. World conferences and forums are held on the problem of population. Organizations (UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund)
4. Food problem Human diet per day = 2400-2500 kcal (on average in the world per person - 2700 kcal) 25% of people do not get enough. protein, 40% - dot. vitamins This is mainly for developing countries (number of undernourished can reach 40-45%) 1) Population growth outstrips the growth in the production of grain and other foodstuffs (population explosion, erosion, desertification, lack of fresh water, climate factor) 2) Low social economy. the level of development of many developing countries (no money to produce or buy food) A. Extensively: Expansion of arable and pasture (1.5 billion land is in reserve) B. Intensively: Use of the achievements of the Green Revolution (see the question about the green revolution). 1) International cooperation in this field (1974 World Food Conference; World Food Council established) 2) Food aid (Ex: 40% of all food imports to Africa)

(according to UN report 2006)

5. Energy and raw materials - the problem of reliable supply of mankind with fuel, energy, raw materials This problem has always existed, especially aggravated (manifested on a global scale) in the 70s (energy crisis) Main reasons: too much growth in the consumption of mineral fuels and other resources wa) => depletion of many deposits, deterioration of conditions for resource extraction and development of deposits Add. reasons for energy. problems: the need to abandon some types of "too dirty" fuel, global competition for fuel A. Traditional Increasing resource extraction New deposits Increasing "recoverability" B. Energy and resource conservation policy (many measures, including the focus on the use of renewable and non-traditional fuels, the use of secondary raw materials) C. Radically new solutions - the use of scientific and technological progress (Ex: nuclear energy, use of hydrogen engines, etc.) Many new deposits were found (Ex: number of proven oil reserves - 10 rubles since 1950 + world resources are being actively developed) + new technologies are being introduced into production Energy saving policy is actively pursued (mainly in WIS) Ex: Energy intensity of GDP VIS by 1/3 (compared to 1970). Activities of the IAEA and other int. organizations (including coordination of international programs for the development of new types of fuel) BUT: The economy of most countries remains energy-intensive. primary resources does not exceed 1/3)