The best exercises to reduce internal fat. Visceral or "animal" fat

And good health. They go in for sports, go on diets and everything in order to remove fat accumulation. It is not easy to cope with subcutaneous reserves, but perseverance in achieving the goal invariably leads to results. A more difficult problem is how to get rid of visceral fat. To find a solution, it is worth understanding what this type of body fat is.


Visceral fat is found around the internal organs. Its task is to protect them from mechanical stress, keep them in the right position, and prevent hypothermia. Another purpose is reserve energy reserves. It is important to remember that you cannot remove all internal fat without harming the body. Its volume for the normal state is 10-15% of the total amount of lipid tissue.

To find out if you have excess visceral fat, it is enough to take some measurements. for the beautiful half of humanity up to 88 cm is not alarming. For men, the indicator is 94 cm. If the norm is close to or exceeds the limit, you can assess the extent of the threat using the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference. The normal figure for women is 0.88, for the stronger sex - 0.95. If the results of the calculations are disappointing, you should seriously take care of solving the question: how to get rid of visceral fat.


It would be useful to find out why there is a sharp increase in the volume of the inner layer. This will help to draw up an action plan to bring its quantity back to normal. So the main reasons are:

  • The predisposition inherent in the genes and the individual type of figure ("apple"). This automatically puts you at risk.
  • During menopause, women undergo hormonal changes, fats begin to be used more slowly by the body. As a result, there is a rapid accumulation of reserve stock.
  • Significant alcohol consumption by men contributes to the suppression responsible for the distribution of fat. Its excess accumulates in the abdomen.
  • Incorrectly planned diet. Sweet, starchy, salty, spicy, fatty in large quantities harms the body at any age. Calories received in excess are not consumed, but are converted into subcutaneous and internal fat.


An excessive amount of the visceral layer is dangerous for human health and can provoke a number of diseases, namely:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • the risk of a heart attack;
  • the likelihood of malignant tumors;
  • hypertension, frequent headaches, memory impairment;
  • insufficient rate of metabolic processes;
  • varicose veins;
  • allergic reactions to the usual types of products;
  • diabetes.

The list goes on, but these points are enough to understand the gravity of the situation.


You can remove excess internal fat if you use an integrated approach to change your habitual lifestyle. This will help simple rules of conduct.

SETUP A strong attitude is needed to succeed on this path. Without this, the desire will change, in a week it may evaporate and everything will return to its usual track. It's important to get set up right. If you want to maintain health for the longest possible time, you can not retreat. Celebrate even the smallest progress towards your goal. This will help keep morale up.

RATION means avoiding unhealthy foods. These are fatty foods, convenience foods, sweets, pastries, alcohol, carbonated drinks. The balanced menu includes the following products:

  • olive oil;
  • eggs;
  • dietary meats;
  • fish;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • various cereals.

It is necessary to calculate the daily number of calories necessary for the normal functioning of the body and consume it 5-6 times: breakfast, snack, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. Fractional nutrition will maintain the level of nutrients in the body, so the body will no longer need to constantly accumulate reserves. Last meal no later than 4 hours before bedtime. A small dish will help to deceive the brain, a feeling of fullness will come from a smaller serving volume.

DRINKING MODE To go through the processes in the body, a person needs to drink up to 1.5 liters of pure water, excluding other liquid products. This will help eliminate toxins and make it easier for the kidneys to work. It is recommended to start the day with a glass of warm water. You can improve the taste with a mint leaf or lemon juice.

LOADS Without removing internal fat will be difficult. If recently the lifestyle has been sedentary, then you need to start small. Hiking, refusal of the elevator will prepare the body for action. Cycling, running, swimming, jumping rope, all kinds of tilts and twists. Good results are given by exercises on the press.

It will be correct to alternate types of activities in order to work out all areas of the body. But it is worth paying attention that the duration of the workout should be at least 30 minutes. Only in this case will active disposal of unwanted accumulations begin. Pay attention to proper breathing. It is important to saturate the blood with oxygen, this will help the work of all organs.

NIGHT REST After exercise, the body needs a good sleep. Experts advise sleeping 6-7 hours. During this time, a person will fully restore strength and will be ready for new achievements. Getting up early and going to bed late is the best way to relax.

KEEP CALM Constant exposure to stressful situations leads to the accumulation of energy reserves. This happens on a subconscious level, problems get stuck, something tasty, but not useful. If you can’t cope with nervous tension on your own, then you should contact a psychologist. Sometimes it is enough to get the opportunity to speak out, and the situation will not seem so hopeless. Dancing and aerobics classes can add positive emotions and remove internal fat.


To avoid the problem, it is worth taking simple preventive measures. If they become a habit, it will save you from many health issues. You won't have to do anything new: exercise, a menu of healthy foods, quitting smoking and drinking too much alcohol. All this will reduce the risk of any excess fat deposits. Do not allow yourself weaknesses. Removing excess is always more difficult than preventing its occurrence.

If you strictly adhere to the chosen strategy, then after 10-14 days you can see the first results: your general condition will improve, centimeters in the waist will begin to disappear, your mood will improve. It is important not to stop at the first successes, but with even greater zeal to continue moving towards the intended goal.

How to get rid of internal fat in the body? Today it is a very relevant topic. Many are interested in how to remove excess body fat on their own and at home. Before you start fighting with it is necessary to consult with a dietitian.

Internal fat in a normal amount in the human body supports the functioning of internal organs, protects organs from mechanical damage, and under extreme conditions can act as a source of nutrition.

Excess in the body affects the functioning of the entire human body. Organs such as the intestines, kidneys or liver become enveloped in fat and stop working normally. As a result, serious diseases develop against the background of obesity, which can lead to complications.

There is no quick fix for obesity. It is necessary to reduce the calorie content of foods, not to overeat, to lead. Sometimes it is necessary to solve the problem of obesity with medical methods. Surgery is also possible.

The difference between visceral fat and subcutaneous fat

When eating food, a person replenishes fat reserves. With an improper diet, the body begins to accumulate reserves not in the subcutaneous layer, but around the internal organs. This layer is called visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat in a normal amount is necessary for a person, as it replenishes energy reserves and does not allow the body to freeze in winter. It does not participate in the internal processes of the body. In addition, subcutaneous fat can be removed surgically, but visceral fat cannot.

Why is visceral fat dangerous?

Visceral fat should not exceed 15% of the total number of fat cells in the body. These deposits build up around the liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines, and genitals, resulting in reduced blood flow to the internal organs. This leads to poor oxygen supply to the lungs, to heavy breathing, shortness of breath, and rapid fatigue.

Since visceral fat accumulates around the internal organs, its presence is difficult to determine. Even thin people have such deposits. At the same time, this type of fat is very dangerous, as it can make a recently healthy person disabled. In this case, doctors are powerless and cannot help the patient even by surgery.

If the fight against visceral fat is not started in time, it can lead to the following diseases and pathologies:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • infertility;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • oncological diseases;
  • attacks of suffocation in a dream;
  • osteoporosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • myocardial infarction.

Reasons for the formation of internal fat

The reasons for the appearance of internal fat in the body can be as follows:

  • excessive consumption of fatty and sugary foods;
  • insufficiently active lifestyle;
  • lack of sleep, frequent stress.

With a sedentary lifestyle, fats in the body accumulate even faster. In old age, a person loses muscle mass, the body burns calories slower and the percentage of fat increases. Hormonal changes that promote accelerated fat formation occur in menopausal women. In addition, some people are genetically disposed to be overweight, but this does not mean that they obviously have more subcutaneous fat. Proper nutrition, special exercises or other regular physical exercises can stop the process of fat deposition.

Body fat measurement

A real picture of the presence of a fatty layer can be obtained after passing tests and a medical examination. The most accurate way to measure the volume of body fat on the internal organs is an MRI of the abdominal cavity. Assessment of the presence of internal fat is also carried out using ultrasound. You can measure the percentage of body fat in the body at home. There are several ways to measure:

Method number 1. With the help of a ruler.

Forefinger and thumb should pinch the skin in several places (on the abdomen, on the back, on the hips). Then, releasing the fold, but without spreading your fingers, you need to measure the distance between the fingers with a ruler. If there is excess fat in the body, then the distance will be more than 2.5 cm.

Method number 2. The ratio of hips and waist using a centimeter tape.

You need to measure just above your belly button. Then the legs should be placed shoulder-width apart, and the stomach should be relaxed. You need to measure the circumference of the hips at the widest point. The waist circumference is divided by the hip circumference. If the result is more than 0.8, then it is urgent to start the fight against excess fat.

Method number 3. Measurement of body mass index.

It is necessary to divide the body weight by the height multiplied twice. Normal body weight lies in the range of 18.5-24.9. Example: BMI = 60 kg: (1.7 cm * 1.7 cm) \u003d 20.76.

The norm of visceral fat

Approximately 80-90% of the total amount of adipose tissue is subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat (norm) in the body in men should be 10-20%, for women - about 5-8%. With age, the amount of visceral fat increases. By measuring the waist with a centimeter tape, you can find out the degree of internal obesity. The waist for women should not exceed 88 cm, for men - 94 cm. If the measurement results are larger, then this is the first sign of exceeding the norm.

Exercises to burn excess fat

It is necessary to take measures if visceral fat exceeds the norm in the body. How to get rid at home? Proper nutrition, exercise and stress management will help.

An effective fight against excess fat is not complete without physical activity. The most effective ways in the fight against fat burning are dancing, step, running, aerobic exercise. Four times a week for 30 minutes on a treadmill - and you can achieve good results in the fight against such a problem as visceral fat.

How to get rid of at home by exercising? The following loads will help:

Exercise number 1. Run in place, raising your knees high.

It is necessary to perform the exercise for 2-3 minutes, while you need to breathe correctly, control the pace and the correctness of the exercise.

Exercise number 2. Plank.

This exercise targets all muscle groups. Although this load is quite difficult to perform, this is a great way to quickly burn fat. In the beginner's stance, you need to stand for about a minute. Over time, you should increase the time of this exercise. Be sure to keep your back straight while doing this exercise.

Exercise number 3. Running in place in plank.

Standing in the bar, it is necessary to imitate running, while pressing your knees to your chest. Beginners can do the exercise for about a minute. Over time, you should increase the time of this exercise.

How to get rid of visceral belly fat? The answer is very simple. To reduce the volume on the abdomen, you must perform the following exercises:

Exercise number 1. Press. Lying on your back, bend your knees and raise your upper body.

Exercise number 2. Twisting lift. Lying on your back, you need to bend your knees and raise your upper body with the exercise. The exercise is performed so that the elbow can reach the opposite knee.

Exercise number 3. Lying on your back, you need to raise your legs at an angle of 90 degrees. Next, you should make tilts to the right and left sides with both legs, lowering them as low as possible to the floor, but without touching.

A diet that promotes the removal of internal fat

Diet is another way to get rid of visceral fat. You need to follow a low-calorie diet. It is supposed to consume somewhere 1200 kcal / day. But in no case should you starve.

Simple rules on how to get rid of internal body fat through diet include the following points:

  1. It is important to completely switch to a healthy diet. 80% of the diet should be vegetables and fruits.
  2. The consumption of animal fats should be reduced to a minimum: butter, margarine, pork, fatty beef.
  3. Avoid light carbohydrates.
  4. It is advisable to completely abandon bakery products. Bread can be consumed only from wholemeal flour and in small quantities.
  5. You should give up alcohol.
  6. It is important to avoid carbonated drinks.
  7. You need to eat five times a day, but fractionally, in small portions.
  8. You need to drink one and a half to two liters of clean water a day.
  9. It is necessary to introduce foods that quickly burn fat into the diet: apple, celery, citrus, ginger.
  10. During diets, it is desirable to use vitamins and antioxidants to strengthen the immune system.

Great stress for the body - a rigid diet. Therefore, if necessary, you should seek the help of a dietitian. The doctor will help normalize metabolism, control hormones, tell you how to get rid of internal fat in the body. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations.

Lifestyle for getting rid of internal fat

How to get rid of internal fat? Try to lead a stress-free lifestyle. Many people begin to eat problems amid stress. It is necessary to learn to control stress and the amount of consumption of sweet and junk food during it.

Sleep is also an important factor in the fight against excess fat. It is night sleep, which is 6-7 hours, that contributes to the restoration of the body and the normal functioning of all organs and systems.

It is important to give up bad habits, i.e. drinking alcohol, smoking.

All of the above will teach you how to get rid of internal fat in the body and reduce the risk of obesity.

This article discusses an actual problem - visceral fat. What is dangerous and how to get rid of hidden fat deposits in the body - we briefly consider the main facts on this topic. What […]

This article discusses an actual problem - visceral fat. What is dangerous and how to get rid of hidden fat deposits in the body - we briefly consider the main facts on this topic.

What is visceral fat?

Visceral fat should be understood as adipose tissue, which is localized around the internal organs. Small reserves of this fat are still needed by a person, but if it accumulates in excess, it is significantly harmful to health. The main harm is the distortion of the hormonal background and compression of the internal organs.

Usually people accumulate visceral fat on the wrong diet with a significant excess of calories. They also move a little, it is unhealthy. Usually unwanted deposits accumulate in the most visible place. This problem area in women and men is the stomach.

Signs of visceral fat

Of course, it is best to consult a doctor about visceral fat. At home, you can try to determine if you are at risk. Here are the main signs that may indicate that the body contains large reserves of dangerous internal fat.

  • You need to determine your body type. Studies have shown that people with an apple body type have a higher risk of accumulating visceral fat. Pear-shaped people are less likely to store visceral fat.
  • One of the surest ways to assess the predisposition to the accumulation of internal fat is to grab the skin around the perimeter of the navel with your fingers. We must try to make a thin fold. In people with a large amount of visceral fat, a thin fold will not work.
  • A simple method is to find out your waist measurement. It is necessary to stand up straight, straighten your posture, take a centimeter tape and place it freely in the thinnest place - at the waist, approximately in the navel area. The female norm is a waist of about 80 cm, the male norm is 94 cm, this is fresh data. Previously, it was thought differently, women - 88 cm, men - 104 cm. It turns out that with a waist circumference of more than 80 cm in women and from 94 cm in men, there is a greater risk of having visceral fat.

Causes of visceral fat

The main factors associated with a set of internal fat:

  • natural aging of the body (physiologically, muscle mass decreases and the percentage of fat increases, in old age calories are burned differently and fat is deposited more easily);
  • the period of menopause in women (fat can begin to be actively deposited in unwanted places against the background of hormonal changes);
  • the predominance of sweet and fatty foods in the diet;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • psychological pressure (studies have shown that people who suffer from discrimination and are constantly depressed are more prone to gaining excess fat).

Interestingly, a person's body weight may be normal, but, despite this, the internal organs are overgrown with fat.

The danger of visceral fat

Doctors believe that some stores of visceral fat are important for the proper functioning of the body. Thanks to these deposits, internal organs are reliably protected from surrounding tissues. The thing is that large amounts of visceral fat are dangerous. The safe limit for visceral fat in total body fat is 10 to 15%. If a person gains more, this factor has a bad effect on health in general. These points are the harm of visceral fat for the human body:

  • comprehensive failure in metabolism;
  • due to overload of the legs - varicose veins;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • obesity of the heart causes myocardial infarction;
  • oncological processes in the body.

Can you get rid of visceral fat?

Of course, if you wish, you can get rid of visceral fat reserves. It is excess amounts of fat, which, in fact, are useless. They are not completely realized by the body in energy metabolism. The surest way to reduce hard-to-reach internal fat deposits is through enhanced proper training. They must be carried out regularly and competently.

Medium-intensity cardio training and aerobic exercise do not immediately burn visceral fat. The natural mechanism looks like this: training increases blood circulation in the area of ​​​​fat deposits, as a result, the body uses visceral fat as an energy source. These stocks are gradually being destroyed. At first, this transformation can proceed slowly, but, with diligence on the part of the person himself, internal fat burning is faster.

To reduce the deposits of internal fat, you need to adhere to proper nutrition and exercise.

Is it easy to get rid of visceral fat?

We hasten to please all people with the problem of visceral fat - it is easy to burn. Considering that these fat reserves are created against the backdrop of an excess calorie diet and a sedentary lifestyle, it becomes clear what the recovery strategy is. All you need to do is to improve your nutrition and start exercising properly. Losing 500 g in a week is a good result that anyone can come to.

Foods that burn visceral fat

In fact, burning internal fat only by adding the following foods to the diet is a myth. The whole secret is that you need to understand what conditions the body needs in order for it to start using fat reserves as fuel. A healthy diet that does not interfere with fat burning, but rather promotes this process, is an excellent additional tool in the fight for health and harmony. Whatever your menu, you can start to lose weight when there is a calorie deficit in the diet, that is, you need to spend a little more kcal than is consumed with food.

It is important to say about insulin - this hormone regulates the supply of excess glucose to fat reserves under the skin. For this reason, it is necessary to focus on such food that does not provoke significant jumps in insulin in the blood. That is why it is recommended to limit sweets. By themselves, fat burning foods do not work. They will benefit only if the diet is completely correct and thought out. If there are problems with excess fat and overweight, then definitely, temporary diets are not needed, only proper nutrition will help forever.

There are many nutritional systems for weight loss - a no-carb diet, a low-carb diet, a protein diet. All these nutrition systems are built on the use of foods that help burn excess fat. Common components of the menu of these diets:

  • whole grains as a source of complex carbohydrates;
  • protein products of animal origin;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • milk products.

All diets for weight loss are based on the same restrictions, these are:

  • reduced consumption of fast food or fast food;
  • refusal of fatty foods;
  • food without semi-finished products;
  • minimal consumption of sweets;
  • avoidance of fried and fatty foods.

Another important point in weight loss diets is the time of eating to create the optimal balance of BJU. Usually, meals with complex carbohydrates are consumed in the morning. Other meals are quality proteins. Fats - only useful and to a minimum. This approach to nutrition will help to properly fill the body with energy. Carbohydrates are recommended to be limited so that the processes of replenishing glycogen and energy reserves begin in the body due to the depletion of body fat.

In diets for general fat burning, the use of citrus fruits as snacks between meals is encouraged. Citruses are preferred for dietary nutrition, as they contain less fructose, which causes insulin levels to fluctuate.

As a rule, the entire daily amount of food is divided into 5-6 servings. It is convenient to cook in containers, in the morning the entire arsenal of food for the day should already be in the refrigerator. There should be 2-3 hours between meals. Proper fractional nutrition in small portions helps to speed up metabolism, maximize the absorption of products, they immediately turn into energy, without having time to be deposited in fat. You can’t drastically change the diet, severely restrict yourself in nutrition, starve for a long time, all this is harmful and will not help you lose weight.

Here is a list of foods that are appropriate in a fat burning diet:

  • oat flakes;
  • grapefruit;
  • green tea;
  • avocado;
  • chia seeds;
  • coffee;
  • foods rich in omega-3;
  • ginger;
  • pure water;
  • celery;
  • natural seasonings.

How to burn visceral belly fat?

Running is useful for weight loss, but not for everyone. If the body weight is 80-85 kg, then it is a very controversial question whether to run. Excess body weight itself is bad for the spine and knees. Running with a lot of extra pounds and errors in technique causes an overload of the cardiovascular system.

To remove visceral fat, you have to train mainly with a fat-burning pulse. Here we are talking about the pulse, which is equal to 60-70% of the limit value. Only 30 minutes of active training with such a pulse will allow you to burn 146 kcal, of which half - 73 kcal - is the depletion of fat reserves. If the training goes with a more frequent or rarer heartbeat, then the body functions differently, receiving only 35-40% of energy from the destruction of fat.

The maximum pulse for 30 years is 115-130 beats / min, and at rest it is 60-80 beats / min, in a healthy person.

The pulse for a safe cardio workout is 115-150 beats per minute, you should not go beyond this framework. If the pulse reaches 90-95% of the maximum frequency, you should pause and restore the heartbeat.

What helps burn internal fat:

  • training on an elliptical trainer;
  • Nordic or brisk walking;
  • swimming and running are also effective, but potentially dangerous for very obese people, as they increase the heart rate dramatically.

A good scheme for getting rid of internal fat in a short time:

  • one cardio workout - from 45 to 60 minutes;
  • only 2-4 cardio workouts per week (be sure to give yourself rest to recover);
  • after 2 months of preparatory cardio training, the first joyful results will appear, after which strength training is welcome with an emphasis on working out the abdominal area.

The obvious advantages of mild weight loss are immediately felt in the body. After a week of a healthy lifestyle with sports and proper nutrition, the state of health improves, vitality increases, swelling of the limbs gradually subsides, shortness of breath ceases to bother, the person looks transformed and becomes more attractive. With effective weight loss, there is no weakness and depression, on the contrary, one feels lightness and inspiration for new victories.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Visceral fat is a dangerous fat accumulation around the internal organs. Getting rid of visceral fat is a hundred times more difficult than getting rid of subcutaneous fat. The threat of visceral fat formation affects both women and men.

Visceral fat is present in the body of any person. Its safe volume is no more than 15% of the total fat mass. Such a small amount of fat is necessary to protect the internal organs of a person. Deviation from the 15 percent norm upwards is a direct threat to health.

Visceral fat: a health hazard

Excess visceral fat interferes with the processes of blood circulation and, as a result, the enrichment of the body with oxygen. There is a threat of cardiovascular diseases, cases of heart attacks are likely. The metabolic process noticeably worsens, the hormonal balance is disturbed, and varicose veins develop.

"Large accumulations of visceral fat can provoke the development of cancer."

Visceral fat: causes of formation

The most common cause of visceral fat is genetic predisposition and individual human structure. For example, women with a pear shape, which is characterized by a pronounced waist, are less prone to the formation of visceral fat than those with an apple shape.

Women at menopause are at risk for the formation of visceral fat due to a decrease in the body's production of the female hormone.

The presence of visceral fat in a man is often referred to as a “beer belly”. The constant consumption of beer really affects the accumulation of visceral fat, as it destroys testosterone, which is supposed to fight excess male fat.

An unhealthy diet provokes visceral fat accumulation, regardless of age and gender. Eating daily, we replenish our subcutaneous fat reserves, which are used by the body as an energy source. Excessive consumption of fatty and sweet foods, bakery products leads to the fact that there is no longer enough space for storing the incoming fat under the skin - the fat is distributed deeper, enveloping the internal organs.

"Visceral fat forms around the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, and genitals."

Visceral fat: calculation of the norm

To unequivocally say about the presence of dangerous visceral fat, compare individual indicators with generally accepted standards. First of all, evaluate your waist circumference. The female norm is 88 cm, the male norm is 94 cm.

If the individual measurement is within the normal range, then you can not worry about the problem of visceral fat. In case of exceeding the standard, calculate the threat coefficient.

Measure the circumference of the hips and make a calculation: the circumference of the waist divided by the circumference of the hips. A healthy result should not exceed 0.88 for women and 0.95 for men.

Visceral fat: ways to get rid of

A diet to get rid of visceral fat should comply with the following rules.

1. Refusal of trans fats. Eliminate from the diet those products that contain substitutes for natural oils. These are not only cheap spreads, but also confectionery and pastries.

2. Minimize the consumption of animal fats. You will have to forget about fatty meat, butter, lard, etc.

3. Eliminate foods with a high glycemic index (high in sugar).

4. Refusal of alcohol. The maximum that you can afford in the presence of a problem of visceral fat is no more than two glasses of wine “on a special occasion”.

A menu consisting of 70% of a fruit and vegetable set will help to successfully get rid of visceral fat. Therefore, it is recommended to choose long-term balanced diets that are close in content to vegetarian ones.

Please note that the problem of visceral fat is very often associated with the disease of obesity. If excess weight is already affecting your well-being - contact a dietitian, go through a comprehensive examination to draw up an individual diet.

Anastasia Bochina

More and more people want to look fit and attractive, so they are trying in every possible way to get rid of excess fat. However, obesity is not only a threat to your appearance, but also a serious irritant to the body.

In this case, we are not talking about subcutaneous, but about visceral fat, since the first type is absolutely not dangerous, with the exception of a cosmetic effect.

If you want to develop an effective technique for fighting visceral fat, then you need to thoroughly study your enemy.

The peculiarity of visceral fat is that it is deposited inside the serous membrane, which covers all the cavities of our body. These shells visually resemble thin connecting membranes, they are often called a film. Thus, if fat accumulates in the subcutaneous fat layer, that is, far from these films, then visceral fat is concentrated precisely inside these cavities.

Visceral fat is the reserve food of our body, energy reserves in the form of adipose tissue. Unlike the subcutaneous, which is collected in the area of ​​​​the hips, abdomen or waist, the visceral is located much deeper, surrounding all the vital organs. That is why surgeons easily remove subcutaneous fat, while they are powerless against the visceral type.

If we talk about the structure and composition of the above elements, they also differ significantly. Visceral fat is based on brown cells, while subcutaneous fat is based on white cells.

Where and why does visceral fat accumulate?

Visceral fat is located near the internal organs, so it is often called internal or abdominal fat. It is quite simple to determine the excess concentration of this type of fat, since such a violation is manifested by a visual increase in the abdomen, it moves forward, while the rest of the body remains in the same shape. Actually, imbalance in the body is the first sign of excessive amounts of visceral fat.

As practice shows, such changes in the body occur due to non-compliance with the norms of a healthy lifestyle, in particular, an unbalanced diet, lack of physical activity, bad habits and other factors. Many believe that an increase in the concentration of visceral fat is age-related. However, this factor does not play any role.

Nowadays, due to a pathologically wrong lifestyle, many young people suffer from an excess of abdominal fat. Moreover, even children are no exception.

It should also be noted that visceral fat is not a useless element, on the contrary, it performs some features :

  1. Protection of organs from injuries and mechanical damage to the external environment.
  2. It is used by the body as a reserve energy source.

The danger of visceral fat

Oddly enough, but visceral fat is extremely important for the body, because it creates a kind of pillow, which, in turn, protects the internal organs from all kinds of injuries and mechanical damage to the external environment. Signs of a healthy ratio of visceral fat to the total mass of fat cells is approximately 10-15%. That is, the concentration of this type of fat should not exceed more than 15% of the total volume of all fat cells. Unfortunately, in many cases, this proportion is violated, in some cases it exceeds the permissible norm, due to which the person's stomach begins to bulge.

  • Due to excessive load on the legs, varicose veins appear.
  • Visceral fat puts serious pressure on the heart, as a result - it becomes the cause of myocardial infarction and many other serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Exceeding the recommended concentration of this fat can become a prerequisite for the onset of cancer.
  • Failure of the hormonal background and various violations of metabolic reactions.

Let's talk about everything in more detail.

Since this type of fat is located in a fairly active place where many metabolic processes take place, visceral fat also constantly moves through the bloodstream, entering the liver. If at the norm it is not dangerous for us, then its excess can lead to serious complications with the heart. When visceral fat enters the vital gland (liver), it converts it into cholesterol, which tends to clog in the intima of blood vessels, creating clogging of the vessels themselves. As a result, a person may develop a fairly common disease in our time - ATHEROSCLEROSIS (arterial disease).

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Of course, excess cholesterol is quite harmful to the human body. However, this is an overly general concept. The fact is that this substance does not have the ability to dissolve in water, and since our blood is almost water, cholesterol cannot be in its natural form, instead, it is transported by the so-called "lipoproteins" or containers for triglycerides.

These complex compounds, which are based on protein, are divided into several types:

  • HDL - high density lipoproteins
  • LDL - low density lipoproteins
  • VLDL - very low density lipoproteins
  • Chylomicrons

So, it is a complex compound of low and very low density that is detrimental to our body. Their excess leads to the aforementioned heart problem - atherosclerosis. Of course, they, one way or another, circulate in our blood, however, due to the increase in excess weight, their concentration increases significantly, which has a very negative effect on health.

That is, not all cholesterol is dangerous, but only that which is transported by low and very low density lipoproteins.

According to WHO statistics, cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. In 2012 alone, more than 17 million people died of CVD. It is worth thinking about how to improve your lifestyle. And the main causes of heart problems are excess weight, including excess visceral fat.

In addition, the accumulation of internal fat around the vital organs contributes to the disruption of metabolic processes in the body, as well as INSULIN RESISTANCE.

To make it clear to everyone what it is, let's look at a small example. When we consume any food, our body secretes insulin, which is responsible for regulating carbohydrate metabolism and other metabolic processes in almost all tissues of our body. So, due to insulin resistance, an increased dose of insulin is thrown into the human blood, that is, sensitivity to this hormone of peptide origin is significantly reduced due to accumulated fat. Due to such an increased concentration of insulin, global complications, serious pathologies and the development of many diseases can occur. These include: type 2 diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, obesity, multiple problems with the cardiovascular system, etc.

In addition to all of the above, excessive accumulation of visceral fat disrupts the normal human hormonal background. As a result, this leads to a deterioration in potency, increased appetite (it increases due to excessive release of the corresponding hormone "ghrelin"), an increase in blood insulin levels, and similar health problems.

Also, it should be noted another danger - FATTY HEPATOSIS. This is a very common liver disease, which implies fatty liver cells.

What does all this lead to? The processing of insulin in the liver is significantly inhibited, as a result of which the level of fats in the body increases. That is, all these complications contribute to even greater problems, an increase in obesity, the emergence of many chronic diseases, and so on.

The only right way out of this situation is to start leading a healthy lifestyle and eating right in time. It is necessary to start playing sports, since physical activity favorably affects the increase in insulin sensitivity, all vital metabolic processes in the body are restored.

How to find out the amount of internal fat and determine if its norm is exceeded?

To determine whether visceral fat is normal or not, there are fairly simple ways.

For example, take a special measuring tape "meter" and wrap it around your waist. For men, the norm is about 90 - 100 centimeters (waist circumference), and for women - 90 centimeters.

If this norm is exceeded, and it is visually visible that the stomach is sticking out, you should think about going in for sports and reviewing your diet.

There is an even more accurate way to see if the norm of abdominal fat is violated, namely: to do an MRI or computed tomography. At the same time, these methods can check the condition of the whole organism.

How to get rid of visceral fat?

As a rule, visceral fat disappears along with subcutaneous fat, the only exception may be the presence of diseases of the endocrine system. Therefore, to solve such a problem, standard methods that are used for weight loss are suitable for us: diet (proper nutrition), increased physical activity, various means (fat burners).

Before using the same Carnitine as an assistant in burning excess fat, consult your doctor. You should also understand that the use of such sports nutrition is intended for people who lead an active lifestyle, work out in gyms and follow a certain diet. That is, if a person wants to lose weight and will drink carnitine, but at the same time will not lead an appropriate lifestyle, there will be no sense. In general, be sure to consult your doctor. A person may have various contraindications that should be considered.

Also, to promote the acceleration of metabolism and its health, you need to drink the necessary daily rate of water per day. It will also help speed up the process of burning excess weight, including internal.

In order to get rid of an excess of such fat, it is necessary to approach the problem comprehensively and use all methods at once, namely:

  • Combine proper nutrition and exercise.
  • Focus on a balanced diet, eat less but more often. You should not feel hungry. Frequent eating of the required portion of food 5-6 times a day will allow you to accelerate your metabolism and slightly speed up the process of burning excess fat.
  • Increase your vitamin C concentration.
  • Limit intake of fast carbohydrates and fats.
  • Avoid stressful situations and avoid sedatives that act as a sedative.

Diet to prevent visceral fat gain

Proper nutrition is the key to longevity and good health, it is never too late to review your diet. For preventive purposes, products that contain approximately the same concentration of carbohydrates, fats and proteins are ideal. From now on, a minimum of harm and more benefit is the main principle that works in the kitchen.

Unfortunately, an effective diet is not a universal recipe; on the contrary, it is compiled individually for each person. However, there are several fundamental points that are quite enough to prevent an increase in the level of visceral fat:

  • Give up fatty foods. Sweets in the form of cakes, sweets and fast food are the main enemies.
  • Your daily menu should consist of 90% of products cooked in the right way: stewing, steaming, or even better raw vegetables and fruits, without heat treatment.
  • Eat protein foods: nuts and legumes.
  • We add complex carbohydrates to the diet: dried fruits, cereals, etc.
  • Fresh vegetables, grains and fruits will provide your body with everything it needs.
  • Limit your intake of vegetable oils. The preferred ones are olive, rapeseed. Also, to get the necessary omega-3, you need to eat 2 tbsp. a day of ground flax seeds or chia seeds.
  • Fruit and vegetable cocktails with various herbs and lettuce showed themselves remarkably well. Freshly squeezed juices are also helpful. Cocktails and juices will saturate your body with vitamins and microelements, as well as cleanse your body well.

The problem of increased levels of visceral fat is not just a matter of beauty. If the body proportions of a man or woman are violated (the stomach sticks out), then you should take this problem seriously and think about going to the doctor for a check-up. Make the necessary tests regarding the state of the hormonal background, overweight and listen to the doctor's recommendations.

In any case, getting rid of such obesity is much easier than it seems, just sign up for a gym and review your diet. In no case should you let yourself go, be lazy, because we are talking about your health.