Training lesson on the adaptation of young children to kindergarten. Adaptation classes with first graders


PURPOSE: assistance in building relationships between children, parents and kindergarten staff (teachers).
(it is important to build a relationship that will create a feeling of comfort, confidence, mutual respect, mutual assistance, the ability to solve problems as they arise).

1. Forecast of the probable degree of adaptation of the child (by the number of points of psychological and pedagogical parameters for determining the readiness of the child to enter the preschool educational institution).
2. Acquaintance with the scheme for introducing a child to a preschool group (filling out an application, an acquaintance questionnaire, a readiness questionnaire, determining the child’s NPR by a psychologist, issuing a referral (passing doctors), forecasting the degree of adaptation, familiarizing teachers with the results of questionnaires, adaptation forecast).
3. Consulting parents (acquaintance with parents and the child, questionnaires, diagnosis of the child's mental disorder).
4. Consulting for kindergarten staff (teachers), familiarization with the forecast of the degree of adaptation, questionnaires, adaptation sheet, games for young children, etc. to coordinate the work of the entire kindergarten team for the adaptation of newly enrolled children in kindergarten.

2. Greeting.
3. Relaxation exercise "Group drawing".
4. Mini-test "Adaptation of young children to kindergarten."
5. The game "Naughty balls."
6. Acquaintance with the scheme of introducing a child to a group of preschool children.
7. Game "Find 3 differences."
8.On the use of observation methods.
9. The role of fun games in the development of a young child.
10. Discussion.

1. Large chairs and small tables.
2. Forms of documents: application, dating profile, readiness questionnaire, CPD, contract, adaptation sheet.
2. Sheets of paper for each and colored pencils.
3. "Chamomile" with questions and answers on the adaptation of young children.
4.10 balloons.
5. Cassette with music by A. Khachaturian "Saber Dance" from the ballet "Gayane".
6.Various attributes and accessories: scarf, scarf, beads, ribbons, brooches, etc.
7. Items brought for display d / s.

TEACHERS: enter the hall, sit on large chairs at small tables in a circle.
(remember 10 rules)
PSYCHOLOGIST: Hello! The topic of today's lesson is “Adaptation of young children to kindergarten.
-That's all behind: and family councils with a heated discussion of when the child should go to kindergarten, and whether he should go there at all, the choice of kindergarten, the collection of documents, the passage of doctors.
Finally the child is arranged.
Parents in anticipation of a new life, new opportunities. After the stress experienced, I really want to believe that all the difficulties are behind us.
If only it were so! It often happens that for many parents there comes a time of disappointment: children's tears, whims, refusals to go to preschool, endless illnesses, unspoken claims and resentment against educators.
Is it possible to avoid these unpleasant experiences? How can you help your family deal with the new situation? What is the responsibility of the kindergarten team, and what are the parents responsible for?
The model of interaction between children and the family and its results will arise in the case of organizing a soft, taking into account the possibilities of the family, the transfer of the baby from home to public education.
Let's start our lesson with a greeting.

2.GREETINGS (creating a positive emotional mood of the participants, increasing efficiency, strengthening the motivation of each participant, cohesion).
PSYCHOLOGIST: - Divide into threes (twos, depending on the number of people). After a few minutes of discussion among yourselves, you should chorus or demonstrate a short greeting that you have come up with. It can consist of just one phrase or one gesture. Is the assignment clear? Let's do it!
(teachers do the task)
- What did you feel after completing this task? (teachers answer).

3. RELAXATION EXERCISE "GROUP DRAWING" (to reduce emotional stress)
PSYCHOLOGIST: - For the next exercise, mark a piece of paper with your icon. Start drawing with colored pencils what you want. At my signal, everyone should transfer the started drawings to the neighbors on the left and receive drawings from the neighbors on the right. After that, everyone continues the already begun drawing, as if it were his own, making any changes to it. At the next signal, the drawings are again transferred to the left, others are received on the right and continue to draw. This continues until the drawing that you started returns to each of you.
While drawing, try to be aware of the feelings that arise when you see what changes the drawing you started has undergone. Everyone is free to leave or change what others have completed. Then we will discuss your impressions and reactions. Is the assignment clear? Do it!
(teachers complete the task, and then there is a discussion)

4. MINI-TEST "ADAPTATION OF EARLY CHILDREN TO KINDERGARTEN" (according to the type of "American testing" in the form of questions with answer options on "chamomile").

PSYCHOLOGIST: - In the next task, you will pull out one petal from the "chamomile" to read the question and choose from the proposed answers the correct one at your discretion.
(teachers complete the task; tell them the sources where the information on this topic came from, listen to the teachers, what literature they use)

5. GAME "Naughty BALLS" (relieving emotional stress, contributing to the further cohesion of the group)
PSYCHOLOGIST: - Divide into 2 teams, stand in a circle, hold hands. I will give you 1 ball. Your task: by any means, but without disengaging your hands, keep the balls in the air for as long as possible. You can blow on the balls, throw them with your head, shoulder, etc. The team that can hold the balls the longest wins.
(teachers perform the task to the music of A. Khachaturian "Saber Dance")
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE LEADER: the number of balls can vary from 1-5, depending on the number of participants and the time allotted for the game. During the game, teams are added 1 ball each. This activates each participant and enlivens the game.
DISCUSSION is held at the end of the game. Participants name games for young children that are similar in content to this game (“Fluffy”, “Snowflake”).
In Fluffy, children blow on a piece of fleece and keep it in the air for as long as possible. From 2.5-3 years old, you can use the collective form of the game, when the children are no longer alone, but together, the three of them hold the fluff, sitting at tables on chairs.

6. ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE SCHEME OF INTRODUCING A CHILD TO THE GROUP OF KINDERGARTEN (to coordinate the work of kindergarten specialists to pass the adaptation of newly enrolled children in a simplified form for parents, children and teachers)
PSYCHOLOGIST: - Get acquainted with the scheme of introducing a child to a kindergarten group.
1. The nurse gives the parents an application form to fill out.
2. Then she gives them 2 questionnaires (acquaintance questionnaire, readiness questionnaire, adaptation sheet) and an agreement, which are filled either at home or here and now.
4. With the completed questionnaires and the child, the parents go for a consultation with a psychologist. He looks through the questionnaires, checks the level of CPD of a child of a given age, records the results. The child's readiness points are calculated later. Based on them, the degree of adaptation is predicted on the adaptation sheet. 2 questionnaires and an adaptation sheet remain with the psychologist, the parents give the contract to the educator when they meet. Later, a sheet with a degree of adaptation is given to the teacher in the group where this or that child enters.
5. The nurse, after examining the child by a psychologist, issues a referral for medical examination.
6. Teachers, using an acquaintance questionnaire, get acquainted with information about the child and his parents (developmental features, personality, interests, inclinations, traits, additional information).
7. Get acquainted with the adaptation sheet, where teachers record the state of the child on the days of adaptation (1 2 3 4 8 16 32 64 128).
(documents are passed by teachers to each other in a circle for viewing)

7. GAME "FIND 3 DIFFERENCES" (working out observation skills, establishing contacts in communication to work with young children)

PSYCHOLOGIST: - And now we will play the game "Find 3 differences". Prepare the attributes you brought with you.
Stand in 2 lines opposite each other so that everyone has a pair. For 1 minute, you carefully examine your partner, trying to remember his appearance. Then the players of one of the lines turn away, and each participant from the 2nd line changes 3 signs of accessories (attributes) in their appearance in a certain time. When the players of the 1st line turn to face their partners, the task of each of them is to determine what has changed in the appearance of his partner in the game? Then the participants switch roles. Is the assignment clear? Do it!
(teachers do the task)
(at the end of the game, ask teachers about similar games for young children)

Psychologist: - In working with young children, it is necessary and legitimate to use the method of observation. It is necessary to devote optimal time to observation, the form of recording the results of observation - the adaptation sheet (acquaintance of teachers with the adaptation sheet: reading, explanation, transcript).
(bring the group to the realization of the need to apply the observation method in daily practice, the previous game was based on observation methods)

PSYCHOLOGIST: - And now show your homework
(after the show, teachers discuss what they saw, express opinions, share experiences)

10. DISCUSSION: teachers, sitting in a circle, pass each other a balloon, express opinions, impressions, etc.
Everyone is given a balloon at the end.

Bunakova Anna Yurievna
Teacher-psychologist of the 1st qualification category
MBDOU CRR Kindergarten No. 15 "Goldfish"
city ​​of Ozyory, Moscow region

Hello school!

Adaptation classes with first graders

(under the editorship of N.V. Pilipko)


The problem of adaptation of first-graders to school is relevant for the entire education system. Coming to school, getting into a new situation for themselves, almost all children experience and worry. This is expressed in different ways: some try in every possible way to attract attention to themselves and really attract with their mobility and not always justified activity, others, on the contrary, seem to freeze, speaking more quietly than usual, hardly come into contact with other students and the teacher. With all the variety of different manifestations of children's behavior during the period of adaptation, we can say that all first-graders in this difficult period for them need help and support from adults - teachers and parents.

What is the most difficult for first graders?

First of all, it is not easy for them to navigate in the space of the school, it is unfamiliar to them. Over time, the school will become a familiar place, but it will take some time for this to happen.

First graders do not know many rules of student behavior at school, in the classroom, and it takes some time for even the most elementary rules (for example, that you can’t shout from your place, but you have to raise your hand and wait for the teacher to ask) become familiar. As for the rules of conduct at school, their presentation may cause some resistance in children. This is due to the fact that it is far from always clear to them why they are needed, and therefore it is difficult for first graders to accept the rules and control them with the help of their behavior. Often the teacher gets the role of an external controller, regularly reminding about the rules and forced to apply sanctions to violators. In this case, most first-graders obey the rules under the pressure of external control and break them with pleasure as soon as external control weakens.

In addition, first-graders will have to get to know each other and build their relationships with classmates. Often, even after six months of study, children do not know the names of most of their classmates. All this slows down the process of adaptation, since, first of all, adaptation consists in the appearance of a feeling of familiarity and familiarity in previously unfamiliar conditions, unfamiliar surroundings.

Of course, both the teacher and parents are interested in first-graders entering school life as quickly and successfully as possible, so that a high level of internal tension gives way to a sense of emotional comfort.

Therefore, it is necessary to significantly soften and accelerate the process of adaptation of first-graders to school. To do this, it is important to give first graders the opportunity to realize what rules of behavior at school they should follow, why it is important, who are called schoolchildren. At the same time, it makes sense to provide first-graders with the information necessary to get acquainted with the school situation in a systematic way, so that the process of entering school life is smooth and consistent. A reasonable combination of play activities and learning tasks will help the first grader to more easily master the role of a student, while remaining inquisitive and active, able to use knowledge about the world around him to achieve the main, main task of learning - the child's knowledge of himself.

Target classes: helping children adapt to schooling, creating socio-psychological conditions that allow the child to successfully function and develop in the school environment.

Achieving this goal is possible in the process of implementation the following tasks:

1. Creation of conditions for ensuring emotional comfort,
feelings of security among first-graders when entering school life.

2.Creating a friendly atmosphere in the classroom as needed
conditions for the development of self-confidence in children.

3. Helping first-graders in understanding and accepting the rules of school life and themselves as students.

4. Creation of favorable conditions for children to get to know each other.

5.Organization of interaction between children as a prerequisite for the formation of skills of educational cooperation.

6. Creation of prerequisites for group cohesion of the class.

7.Creating conditions for first-graders to master the space of their class as a prerequisite for mastering the space of the school.

8. Acquaintance of the teacher with the characteristics of children in this class.

Adaptation classes for first graders are designed for 10 hours of study and cover the following topics:



Acquaintance. Acquaintance of first graders with the teacher and with each other.

School rules. Acquaintance of first graders with the rules of school life and continued acquaintance with each other.

Schoolchild and preschooler.

Why do they go to school. Awareness by children of their new status as schoolchildren.

Grade. Formation of a realistic perception of school assessment by first-graders.

We learn to work together. Introducing students to learning collaboration skills.

First class travel. Consolidation of a positive emotional attitude towards school and learning.

1. Classes are held at the beginning of the academic year.

2. Classes are held once or twice a week.

3. Numbers of classes reflect the sequence of their conduct.

4. The final lesson (Lessons 9 and 10) makes sense to conduct as
double lesson, as it is final and wears for children
festive character.

5. Classes are held simultaneously with the whole class.

6. In the section "Progress of the lesson" the proposed content of each lesson is described in sufficient detail. At the same time, the teacher, relying on his own initiative, can approach the lesson creatively, taking into account the specifics of his class.

7. When conducting classes, it is important for the teacher to rely on several rules that will facilitate the adaptation of first graders to school life. It is important to support the children's desire to take part in the discussion, their attempts to answer the teacher's questions. Even if the student's answer does not fully correspond to the content in
millet, it is worth supporting him by saying: “What an interesting opinion”, asking the guys: “Who thinks differently?”. There are no wrong answers in these classes, it is important that each child feels that his opinion is being asked in order to increase his involvement in the learning process.

Appeals to students, wording of tasks proposed in
section "Progress of classes" are psychologically verified, and the teacher should
pay attention to them, as they will help to make a touch
careful and divisive approach to the inner world of first-graders
rolling. In statements addressed to children, it makes sense to avoid negative
meaningful assessment, as many incorrect answers or behaviors
may be associated with the stressful state of children. Very important
but do not skimp on the support of children, find something in everyone, for
what can be praised, about which you can say: “I liked it ...”
8. Well, if in further work with first graders, on others
subjects, the teacher will find it possible to use the accumulated
experience during adaptation classes. This may be the rule of thumb
cheer each other on for class at the end of the school day. It may
be an emphasis on the fact that everyone in the class can be attentive
nym. This may be the use of the "But" technique (see.
tie 6) for the development in children of the skill of positive evaluation of
results of their activities.


In the classroom, various forms of work with students are used: fairy tale therapy, game tasks and exercises of a psychological nature, creative
some tasks, discussion with children of completed tasks, generalization
the results of some tasks in the form of general exhibitions and compositions,
helping to master the class space.

Lesson 1
Theme: Acquaintance

GOAL: acquaintance of first-graders with the teacher and with each other.


1. Giving children the opportunity to give their names and
creating conditions for remembering the names of other children.

2. The formation of children's attitude towards each other as an integral group - "class".

3. Acquaintance of students with the school rule: "Speak in turn."

4. Acquaintance with the space of the class, the formation of an attitude towards it as one's own class.

Teacher: Hello guys! My name is Marina Vasilievna. I am a psychologist. “I am very glad to meet you. You came to the first class
and our school will become a place where you will learn a lot of new and interesting things, get answers to various difficult questions. And, of course, here you will meet many new friends. I will help you get to know each other better, I will help you cope with school difficulties, I will help you get to know yourself better. And also we will play a lot. Guys, look around, how many guys are in the class. Maybe you don't know everyone yet, you don't know everyone. Of course, everyone has their own name, and it can be difficult to remember who's name is right away. But it's difficult
talk to a person if you don't know their name. And we will study together, and therefore you need to know all the guys in your class.

Let's get acquainted. When I say "Three-four!" - each by
team will call out their name. Come on, let's try! (The teacher commands loudly, the children shout their names.) Oh-oh-oh! ... It seems to be loud
shouted, but I didn’t hear a single name! Have you heard all the names? That's what I didn't hear.

Let's try differently. If it doesn't work out loud, let's say our names in a low whisper. (Quietly commands, the children whisper.)
Again, something is not right ... No one shouted, but still nothing is clear.
Have you heard many names? Also no?

Probably, guys, the fact is that everyone is talking at the same time. Working together is good, playing is fun, singing is great, but answering is bad:
When everyone says different words at once, you can't understand anything. Let's try to speak in turn, one at a time and listen to the names of the boys and girls of our class. Now each of you will hold a monkey in your hands, her name is Chi-chi. Who will have a monkey in their hands. He must loudly shout his name and betray the monkey to another. Thank you! Now all names are heard.

Now let's play this game: Hands up:



And now come out here those whose name begins with the letter S-, M-N-YU-D-K-E-V

And now go to the board those who are called:

Vanya, Sveta, Tanya, Dima, Kolya, Seryozha, etc.

And now this game: "Magic Chair". Children take turns going to the middle, sitting on a chair, and the rest call variants of the affectionate name of this child. The child chooses the option that he liked. Children applaud the child who proposed this option.

I hope you remember each other's affectionate names and will call each other affectionate names in class.

Guys! You are now first graders. And every first grader should know commandments of the first grader and fulfill them.

Do not take away someone else's, but do not give everything that is yours.

They asked - give, they try to take away - try to defend yourself.

Don't fight without resentment.

Don't be offended by nothing.

Don't approach anyone yourself.

They call to play - go, they don’t call - suck. It's not shameful.

Don't tease, don't beg.

Don't cry for grades. Do not argue with the teacher for grades and do not be offended by the teacher for grades. Do your homework and get good grades.

Don't sneak behind your comrades' backs.

Don't be dirty, children don't like dirty.

Say more often, let's be friends, let's play.

Cross the road carefully, do not rush.

Well, our first dating lesson has come to an end. We played great today. And now we will finish our lesson by “thanking” each other for it. Approach the one to whom you want to say "thank you" and silently nod your head, thank with a nod of your head. Good. Sit down.

Outcome. Reflection

What did you like about the lesson?

What didn't you like?

What did you like the most?

Lesson 2

Theme: Rules of school life

GOAL: acquaintance of first graders with each other and the rules of
conduct at school.


1. Creating conditions for further acquaintance of children with each other
with each other and interactions with each other.

2. Acquaintance of first graders with such rules of behavior
at school, how to “not talk to each other in class,
if it is not related to the performance of the task", "do not shout with
places, even if you know the correct answer”, “no hints
wat", "raise your hand if you want to answer a question or
want to ask you something."

3. Creating a friendly atmosphere in the classroom.


Teacher: Hello guys! Our dating lessons continue-
yutsya. Today we will try to get to know each other better and get to know each other better.
Let's go with a few school rules. So, let's begin."

Teacher: “I really want to wish good morning to everyone-everyone-
everyone, each of you. Good morning, guys! And let's play with you
Good morning game.

Good morning game

I will say the words: "Good morning ..." and call someone from our class.
Those whom I name will wave to me - it means that you heard and answered
go to hello. Shall we try? Good morning to all girls!... Good
morning to all the boys!... Good morning to all those who brushed their teeth today
would!... Good morning to everyone who likes this weather, as it is now for ok-
nom!... Good morning to everyone who loves candy!... Good morning to everyone who
wants to know what we're going to play today... Well done!"

Exercise "Sensitive hands"

“Now I will ask those who are sitting in the front row to come to me. Please stand next to me, in a line, facing the class. Well done! I will ask (name-
gives the name of one of the children) to touch everyone’s hands and determine who has
warmest hands. The child determines who, in his opinion, has the warmest hands.

“Now I will ask those who are sitting in the second row to come to me.

touch everyone's forehead. Cheeks, nose, etc. D.

The teacher thanks the children for their work and moves on to the next


Teacher: “Guys, did you pay attention to road signs? They are
tell drivers where to drive and where not to. They say pe-
pedestrians where you need to cross the road. Road signs help us
they tell the rules of behavior on the road. If you do not pay attention to
them attention - be in trouble! Does the school have rules of conduct and
what are they? What can be done and what is not always possible? Tell me what's wrong
what to do in class? (Pupils answer.) And how should one behave during the lesson? (Students answer.) So that we do not forget about the rules for learning
nicknames, school rules, we need our signs. For example, at the level
you can’t talk to each other, otherwise you can listen to everything and
learn nothing, so our class will have the following sign:
(shows Sign 1).

You and I already know that when everyone screams together,
no answers are heard, therefore, that it is impossible to shout from a place, even
if you know the correct answer, we will be reminded of the following sign:
shows Sign 2).

And you can tell other guys the answer when
the teacher asks not you? Of course not, if a friend gets used to sub-
fairy tales, he will forget how to think for himself, but is this help? About the fact that in
In our class there is no place for clues, this sign will remind us (show-
sign 3).

What to do if you want to ask or answer something
to a question? Of course, for this you need to raise your hand and wait until the teacher
ask to speak. Here is a sign that tells us about this school
rule (shows Sign 4).

Of course, guys, this is not all school
rules, there are many, and gradually you will learn them all. Today we post-
I tried to remember only a few of these rules, but they are very important
in order to study at school and to have order in the classroom.

And now listen to the story that happened in the Forest School
le, in first grade animals. On the very first day of school, the teacher
introduced them to those school rules that we are talking about today
spoke. (The teacher shows the Signs and asks to be reminded of which
each Sign speaks in the rule.) The animals listened, listened, with their heads
nodding, they say, everything is clear, but the next day ... Listen to what
came out in a lesson at the Forest School and try to notice which rules
la animals forgot. If anyone notices, raise your hand so I can see. Goto-
you? Listen!


In the morning the animals gathered in the classroom. The little bear looked sleepily
around, Bunny happily bounced on the spot, looking forward to
the beginning of the lesson, Fox looked at the animals in the classroom and remembered how
who is called. The bell rang. The lesson has begun. The teacher entered the class
greeted everyone and asked: “Who wants to help me today
give books? Before he had time to finish, the animals jumped up from their seats,
hands stretch to the ceiling, and everyone shouts with all his might that his Teacher
heard: “I want! I will help!" And the Hare and the Fox even to the Teacher
they ran up and jumped around him so that he would notice them. barely
reassured his "assistants" the Teacher.

Meanwhile, the lesson continued. The teacher said that he had prepared for
riddles and asked them to listen carefully. And the Little Bear tilted his head towards the Little Fox and listened to the Little Fox whispering to him that he
he knows my mushroom places in the forest and after school he will show the Bear cub,
where white mushrooms grow the size of chairs.

The teacher says: “Well, ears on top? Listen to the riddle:
“It flies all night, gets mice, and it becomes light - it flies to sleep in a hollow
lo. Who is it? Little bear, who do you think it is? Got up Bear-
Nok, looks around, can't understand anything. "Who is this, how
you think?" - again the Teacher asks. "It's a fox," replies
The teddy bear is the first thing that came to mind, and can not understand in any way,
why everyone is laughing. Asked the Teacher Bear cub not to distract
katsya, listen carefully and the Hare asks the answer. Hare
he can’t solve the riddle in any way and squints at his friends with his eyes, they say, help
git, tell me. Belochka felt sorry for her neighbor on the desk, she and
let him whisper: “Co-va. Owl". And the Bunny is spinning with its ears,
tries to hear, but just can’t make out the words, it’s too quiet
The squirrel speaks.

"Well, then, do you know the answer?" - The teacher asks. "Yes. This is
fox, ”said the Hare what he heard from Squirrel’s mumble
tanya. And the animals laughed again. Yes, only fun in this story
there was not much, because they didn’t have time to teach the animals a new lesson-
Xia, nothing interesting to know. Why did it happen? About what
did they forget the school rules?

What was the story about?

Now we will do an exercise that will help you better understand what rules of conduct are adopted in our school. I will ask you questions, and you, having thought well, answer them.

Sample questions:

    What do I do when I'm late for school or a lesson?

    How can I be punished for being late?

    If I have to leave a class for any reason, who do I arrange to do so with?

    What should I do if I feel unwell?

    I have lost my textbook. What should I do?

    What should I do if another student threatens me?

    How can I get an appointment with the school psychologist?

    Name the rules of behavior during the break.

    What items are not allowed to be brought to school?

    What is "bad behavior at school"?

Reflection. Parting.

Lesson 3
Theme: Rules of school life

GOAL: continued acquaintance of first-graders with each other and
with the rules of conduct during the lesson.


1. Creation of conditions for further acquaintance of the first
classmates with each other, organization of interaction
between children.

2. Creating a friendly atmosphere in the classroom.

3. Practical mastering of the rules of conduct during the lesson,
with which first-graders met in the second lesson.


Teacher: Hello guys! Listen, who do I want today
wish good morning. Those to whom I turn, show me that you will
heard: raise your hand and wave to me. Good? (The game "Good
morning". Listen. Good morning to everyone who came to school today! ..

Good morning to everyone who has red (or any other) in their clothes

Good morning to everyone who has already managed to smile at least once today -

Good morning to everyone who brushes their teeth in the morning!...

Good morning to everyone who wants to know what we will play today!..

Well done! Well, then listen to what the next game will be.

The game "Wanted ..."

“Imagine that our class has a magic radio that
transmits messages about the lost guys. But here's what's interesting: all
these guys are in our class! You just need to carefully
look around and find the one about whom the message is being conveyed. So, pay attention
nie- attention! Looking for a boy. He has dark hair, gray
eyes, a blue sweater, on the table in front of him lies a red pencil case and a white
ruler... Who is this? Who guessed, raise your hand and wait for me
I'll ask you." If the children cannot guess, the teacher gives more and more specific
a different description: what letter does his name begin with, what desk does he sit at?
child, etc. If, guessing, the children scream from their seats, jump up, etc., then it is important
but recall the rule of conduct during the lesson, showing the corresponding
howling sign. Thus, the teacher is "looking for" 5-6 students, describing
their appearance, clothes, things that lie in front of them. Desirable
also “signs-compliments”: “This girl has a cheerful smile.
This boy has a very focused look, etc.”

Exercise "Rain"

The teacher lightly taps the index finger of one hand on the palm
another. “Here the first drops fall on the ground, the rain is barely audible ...”

The teacher taps harder with two fingers. “But he became
twists stronger, but still not big: someone has not even opened

Tapping with three fingers. "The rain is getting stronger!"

Tapping with four fingers. “Well, it’s raining outside! drove everyone to
my! Everything got wet, huge puddles spilled!

Taps with five fingers. “This is a real downpour! How would-
Our school didn't drown in this rain!"

Gradually removes one finger at a time. "It's good that the rain began
Quieter... And even quieter... And yet more... And now the last drops are falling... Con-
our rain was falling!”

Exercise "What grows after the rain?"

Teacher: “Now we will play the game “What grows after the rain?”.
After the rain, for example, flowers and herbs grow, and a bench,
no matter how much you water it, it cannot grow after the rain. When I called
wu what can grow after the rain, you clap your hands. And if you
hear the name of something that cannot grow after the rain, then sit
Quietly, no need to clap. Does everyone understand? Let's try.

Mushrooms grow after the rain...

Houses grow after the rain...

Trees grow after the rain...

Books grow after rain...

Umbrellas grow after the rain...

Flowers grow after the rain...

Bushes grow after the rain...

Cars grow after the rain...

Grass grows after the rain...

Fairy tale games at school

Yes, there is nowhere to jump here! Belochka said.

Why? - objected Wolf. What about the chairs and tables in the classroom? Just right for jumping.

The squirrel was delighted with the resourcefulness of the Wolf cub. Together they staged a real race with obstacles throughout the class. When the bell rang for class, the game was in full swing.

The excited and disheveled Wolf Cub did not immediately notice the Teacher. And when he stopped, he looked around in surprise at his comrades. The squirrel also could not understand what was the matter. The rest of the students stood near their tables and looked at the mess in the classroom in confusion.

Yes, we had fun ... - the Hedgehog said calmly. - And the bell for the lesson has already rung!

I did not hear! - said the out of breath Wolf cub.

And I didn’t hear ... - Squirrel whispered.

Squirrel and Wolf cub, please put the tables and chairs straight, - asked the Teacher.

When order was restored in the classroom, the teacher announced a math lesson.

The hedgehog suggested that the children get acquainted with the textbook, with a notebook in a cage. In the notebook it was necessary to complete the first task: to count and draw the figures. Everyone coped quickly, only Wolf Cub and Squirrel did not understand the task.

And when Squirrel got completely bored, she took nuts out of her briefcase and began to examine them, play.

How did you do it, Belochka? - turned to the student Hedgehog.

But I couldn’t do anything, - Squirrel said, hiding the nuts in her desk.

But now the Hare once again explained the task in detail! Didn't you hear?

Not! Belochka admitted. - Did not hear...

What were you doing? - asked Ezh.

I played with nuts, - Squirrel honestly admitted.

Well, it's time to talk about games at school, - the Hedgehog turned to the whole class. - It is possible to play at school, but let's think together when to play, where, how and what games, - the Teacher continued.

You can jump and run! - happily offered the Wolf cub, who was still under the pleasant impression of the game with Squirrel.

You can, - agreed Ezh. - But only on the sports ground or in the gym. And in the classroom or in the hallway, such games can cause trouble. What guys?

Tables or chairs get dirty, break! - answered the Little Fox, gently stroking his desk with his paw.

The students themselves will hurt themselves or hit someone by accident! - the Hare was worried.

Yes, that's right! What else? After such games it is difficult to immediately calm down and in the lesson the student becomes absent-minded, it is difficult for him to understand, listen! - prompted the guys Ezh.

That's for sure, - the Wolf Cub and the Squirrel agreed, but together they added: - But what should we play during the rest at recess?

Everyone thought. And Hedgehog thought with the guys.

Can I play board games, checkers, chess? - asked Little Bear.

Of course you can! But if you sit for a long time in a lesson, and then you also sit at a break, your back will get tired. Yes, and moving is good for the body, - explained the Teacher.

Or maybe we should make a tennis table in the corridor and arrange competitions? - suggested the Hare.

And we will also hang a colored circle on the wall, and we will throw small Velcro balls at the target! - the Fox was dreaming.

Well done boys! Good idea! praised the teacher. - So we'll do it. And there are other interesting and quiet games: "Brook", "Slower ride - you will continue", "Putanka" and others. I will definitely introduce you to them. What can you play in class?

They don't play in class, they learn! - importantly said the Bear cub. - And then you'll miss the whole lesson! How then to learn new things?

That's right, Little Bear! Ezh agreed. - But there are games that help to learn better, to consolidate the lesson. And I will also introduce you to them.

And toys in the lesson greatly distract the student and his comrades. Got it, White?

Yes, she said quietly. - I won't do it again, please excuse me.

Of course, we forgive you, but today everyone has learned how to play correctly and relax at school based on your mistakes.

The bell rang from class. The animal boys together began to set up a tennis table in the corridor. And the Hedgehog taught everyone new games.

So fun and interesting was the first day at the Forest School.

Well done, you were attentive and you know what grows after the rain and what does not.
Teacher: “Our lesson is coming to an end today. I want to say
to everyone: "Thanks for the lesson!"

Outcome. Reflection.

Lesson 4

Theme: Schoolchild and preschooler

GOAL: children's awareness of their new status as schoolchildren.


1. Children's awareness of the difference between the status of a schoolchild and a preschooler.

2. Formation in children of realistic ideas about the rights and obligations of a schoolchild and a preschooler.

3. Consolidation of knowledge about the rules of conduct at school.

The teacher greets the children and begins the lesson with an already familiar de-
tyam greeting ritual (see Lesson 1).

The game "One, two, three - whisper!"

Teacher: "Now we will play the game" One, two, three - whisper
chi!”. Squeeze your hands into fists. I will ask you questions and you will ask me
respond, but respond in a special way. I ask a question, and you count in a whisper
up to three: one, two, three, raise your thumbs and answer in a whisper
tea. Let's try.

What time of year is it now?

- "What month is it?

What do cats eat?

What shape is the ball?

What is my name?

What grade are you in?

What is the name of your roommate?

What color are the leaves on the trees in summer?

What city do you live in? Well done!


Guys, you recently came to the first class for the first time. Say a
what are you called now? That's right, high school students, first graders. What did you do before you went to school?

How about you
then, before school, called? When you didn't go to school, you
called preschoolers.

Tell me, what is the difference between schoolchildren and
schoolchildren? That's right, schoolchildren differ from preschoolers in that
that they go to school, study in class, do their homework at home.

What do preschoolers do?

Or maybe just a child to play and run? In fact, the student can also play and run. I'll tell you a little secret: each of you can sometimes behave like a schoolboy, and sometimes like a preschooler. You just need to know when you should
behave like schoolchildren, and when you can turn into preschoolers again. Now I will name different situations, and you think about how
you need to behave in this situation - like a schoolboy or like a preschooler
Nick. Who wants to answer, raises his hand and waits for me to ask him. We
we will perform this task as schoolchildren, using the rule of sub-
outstretched hand."

(Teacher shows Sign #4 to remind you of the rule. Teacher
names the situations, and the children answer.)

-"On the lesson.

On a walk.

While preparing lessons.

At a break.

In the school cafeteria.

With friends.

In the school library."

Exercise "Lesson or change"

Teacher: “You already know that there are lessons and breaks at school. On the
During the lessons and breaks, students behave differently. Now I will
throw this ball to one of you and call different actions, and you answer
tea when schoolchildren do it - at a lesson or at a break.

Talk to friends

Ask a friend for an eraser
write in a notebook

answer teacher's questions,

prepare for the lesson

eat an apple, etc.)

Teacher: "Very good! Take your seats."

Fairy tale Picking up a briefcase

After school, all students conscientiously completed their homework, composed poems-rules. The squirrel decided to draw her nutrition rule in an album. The drawing turned out to be successful: a neat first grader at the table was depicted in colored pencils, he correctly held a spoon, elbows and a napkin, and his mouth was closed. The squirrel admired her work a little. Then she put the album into her briefcase and ran to play with friends in the forest...

At school the teacher checked the homework. The children delighted the teacher with their answers. Only Squirrel hasn't shown her drawing yet. She couldn't find the album in her briefcase.

Maybe you can tell me your rule, Squirrel? - suggested Ezh.

But without a picture it will be difficult for me to remember the rhyme! I'll find now! I definitely put it on! - Squirrel almost cried.

Okay, let's help Belochka! The teacher turned to the children.

The Hare and the Wolf Cub began to help her, pulling out the entire contents of the portfolio to the desk in order to quickly find the loss. What just wasn’t in Squirrel’s briefcase. In addition to school items, there were nuts, twigs, bows, flowers, candy wrappers and even dried mushrooms on the desk. The hedgehog and the students looked at all these treasures with interest.

Oh, here it is, my album! - Squirrel was delighted with the find.

Well, then, show everyone, Squirrel, your drawing, - the Teacher said smiling.

The squirrel boasted of her work, read a poem, but instead of the expected delight, for some reason, she saw surprise. The children continued to look at the "excavations".

What are you looking at? Belochka turned to her comrades.

How did you fit all this in your school bag? - asked Little Bear.

And my mother sewed a lot of pockets on my briefcase, that's why everything fit! Belochka continued to brag.

Yes, your mother did her best to make it convenient for her daughter to lay out school items according to departments, according to destinations: pens in one pocket, notebooks in another, books in the third ... - Ezh tried to explain to the student.

Why lay them out like that? You can, after all, in a different way: school things in one pocket, nuts in another, sweets in the third ... - Squirrel continued to insist on her own.

Of course, you can lay it out like that, but how much time did we spend searching for your album?! - objected the Teacher.

The squirrel thought for a bit. And the Hedgehog addressed the whole class:

Guys, how do you pack your portfolio so that it is convenient to prepare for lessons?

I put away notebooks and textbooks together, - Wolf cub shared his experience.

And when you put them in your briefcase or take them out, do the notebooks probably crumple? the teacher suggested.

Yes, they are crushed, - confirmed the Wolf cub.

And I put everything in order, in pockets, so that the notebooks lie separately, textbooks separately, pencils and pens in another pocket, - said the Hare.

That's right, - the Teacher praised him. “After all, we will need school items for a long time, therefore, in order to keep them as beautiful as they are, we have to take care of them.

How to take care of it? They are not alive! Belochka asked.

Correctly lay out, dress in covers, repair, treat in time. It is necessary to take care, take care of things in the same way as for living beings, then they will faithfully serve us. And if we are indifferent to our things, then they can run away, like dishes in the fairy tale "Fedorino's grief."

The guys laughed, but then looked sadly into their briefcases.

I don't want my briefcase to run away! - said the Fox.

And I do not want to! - whispered all the guys.

Then we will look after, take care of our portfolios, not burden them with unnecessary things, - the Teacher concluded the conversation.

During the break, each student checked his things in his briefcase, smoothed out the crumpled leaves in his notebooks, sharpened his pencils, and sorted everything into sections.

Outcome. Reflection.

Lesson 5
Topic: Why do they go to school?

GOAL: children's awareness of their new status as schoolchildren.

1. Continued formation of realistic ideas in children
statements about the rights and obligations of the student.

2. Formation of educational motivation.

3. Continued formation of the skills of educational co-workers


Game "Nose, floor, ceiling"

Teacher: “Guys, now we will learn a new game. She called-
"Nose, floor, ceiling" is written. In order to play it, you need to be
very attentive. Look up. What is above us
fishing? That's right, the ceiling. Let's for now-
press it with your finger and say: the ceiling. Fine. Now look
down. What is under our feet? Certainly,
floor. Let's point a finger at him and say: floor. And now every show-
puts his finger on his nose and says: nose. Now let's just say-
gem: nose, floor, ceiling. Well done!

And now I will confuse you. I will name one thing and show another
goe. For example, I will point to the ceiling, and call the nose. You are nothing
do not speak, only show what I call. Believe what
hear, not what you see. Be careful!"

Teacher: "Well done guys! You can be very careful
mi. Remember, in one of the last classes I told you a fairy tale
about forest school? Today I will tell another story about animals-per-


On a clear September morning, the animals, as usual, came to the forest
school. The warm sun shone outside, the breeze played with golden
autumn leaves. The bell for the lesson has not yet rung, and the animals are sitting
Li at their desks and talked. They liked to go to
school, and each of them wanted to become the best first grader.

I will be the best first grader ever! - said the squirrel. -
I'm the most beautiful briefcase! My mom bought it from a specialty store
zine. Look how bright it is, what beautiful pictures it has!

Indeed, the squirrel's briefcase was beautiful: new, shiny,
with metal locks and colorful pictures.

But no! - objected the hare. - I will be the best per-
classmate! I always sit very quietly in class, never anyone
I interrupt, I don’t even run during recess.

And indeed, the hare was the quietest and most obedient in everything.
class, in the classroom, the teacher never made any remarks to him.

In vain you argue, - the fox intervened, - the best first
I will be the classmate, because I have the most elegant dress! Look-
rite, what frills he has, what lace! My grandmother gave me
this dress so that I can quickly become a real schoolgirl!

Well, here the rest of the animals could not stand it, because everyone wants the most
become the best first grader! There was such a noise in the classroom!

I, - the fox shouts, - I will be the best first grader!

No, I, - the hare answers, - I will be the best!

I know what to do. Let's ask the hedgehog! He is
just, let him judge us.

All the animals liked the squirrel's offer. They rushed
look for a hedgehog. Searched, searched, barely found. And the hedgehog in the far corner of the classroom
sa sat, Some book read.

Judge us, hedgehog, - the animals say to him, - we can’t
decide which of us will be the best first grader. Here at be-
locks have a new briefcase, the fox has a new dress, the bunny is quieter than everyone else
sitting in class. Who will be the best first grader?

The hedgehog raised his head from the book, looked at the animals, glasses on his nose
corrected and says:

I can not judge your argument, I have no time. I need today
learn three more letters so that the worst first grader does not
turn out.

The animals are quiet, their heads are lowered, they do not look at each other. By-
nyali, who will be the best first grader. Here just the sound
the bell rang for the lesson. The animals ran to the desks to be real
become first-graders as soon as possible.

Teacher: “Guys, what do you think, which of the animals is the best
be a first grader? Why?"

Exercise "Why do they go to school"

Teacher: “The hare doesn’t know why they go to school. He sits and
ponders. Guys, let's help the bunny. If what he says is correct, you clap your hands. If wrong - stomp

They go to school to play.

They go to school to talk to their neighbors.

They go to school to be friends.

They go to school to write.

They go to school to learn.

They go to school to fight.

They go to school to learn something new in class.

They go to school to tell their classmates.

They go to school to show off their outfits.

They go to school to do the teacher's tasks.

Difficulties of a first grader

And now we will talk about the difficulties of the first grader. Tell me what difficulties first graders have

Who finds it difficult to sit quietly

Who finds it difficult to listen to a teacher?

Outcome. Reflection.

Lesson 6
Theme: Evaluation

GOAL: the formation of a realistic perception of school assessment.

TASKS: 1. Maintaining in children the desire to learn, overcome

2. Awareness of the opportunity to evaluate the results
its activities according to several criteria;

3. Formation in children of the skill of positive assessment
the results of their activities using the “but” method;

4.Continuation of the formation of skills of educational staff

Game "Fish, bird, beast"

Teacher: “Today we will learn a new game. She calls-
sya "Fish, bird, beast." I will throw the ball to one of you and say
"fish" or "bird" or "beast". The one to whom I throw the ball must
call a fish, or a bird, or an animal. If I say "The Beast!", who can

Teacher: “Excellent, I see that you are very attentive and know
many fish, birds and animals.

Now sit back and listen carefully. I will tell
you one more story about the forest school.


Every day the animals went to the forest school with pleasure. On the
they studied lessons, played during breaks. Lots of new and interesting
little first graders learned: how to confuse traces, what berries
you can eat, and which ones you can’t, you even learned to count to five. Only
They haven't been rated yet, they said it's too early. And finally, the teacher
Nita said that soon the first graders would start getting grades. First-
the classmates will have to draw the patterns which she will check.

Of course, all the animals were very excited and wanted to get
only good grades.

The hare really wanted to get a five. It seemed to him that
To do this, you need to hurry up and complete the task very first. On the
during the break, he carefully prepared himself, laid out pencils and pens and
was waiting for a call. Finally the bell rang and the teacher entered the classroom.
nitsa and handed out leaflets with tasks to the animals. The students took their pens and
bowed their heads over the work. The hare was in a hurry to fulfill
thread job very first. And the truth is: everything is just getting closer
rushed to the middle, and he already raised his paw and shouted joyfully:
"IM done! I've finished!". The teacher went up to his desk, picked up a piece of paper and for some reason frowned.

- “Guys, why do you think the teacher frowned

Teacher: “Guys, there are three ladders in the forest school; the red ladder is the ladder of beauty. The most beautiful works stand on its top step, and on the very
bottom - the most ugly. So, the work of the Hare is semi-
chila is not very beautiful.

The green ladder is the correct ladder
ty. On the topmost step are the most correct works, on
my bottom is the most wrong. Where can I put the work Zai-
Chonka if it is executed ugly, there are no errors in it. So, work at Zaichon-
how it turned out right.

And finally the blue ladder. This is the ladder of speed. On the
her top rung is worth the work that was done faster
all, and on the bottom - the slowest of all. Bunny did his job
the very first. The work of the Hare turned out to be correct and fast
paradise, but not pretty.

But the Fox also tried very hard. He was very afraid to do something
something wrong, so I drew very slowly, so do
he was the last one in the class to do his job. Work at Fox
turned out beautiful and correct, but slow.

The Fox Cub and the Hare looked at their grades and thought.
It turns out that every job is different. Sometimes you can do
the task is ugly, but quickly and correctly. And sometimes the work is done
eat for a long time, but it turns out beautiful and correct. And it happens that
It doesn’t seem to be quite right, but it’s beautiful and fast.”

Teacher: “This is how the Fox and the Hare met the magic
the other word "but". This word helps to find something good even in
my difficult situations. Even if something did not work out, we can
turn to the word "but". Let the letters turn out not very beautiful, for-
the word is spelled correctly. And now I'll tell you what happened to
students of the forest school, and you help them with the help of the word "but".

The hare wrote the letters not with a pen, but with a pencil, and
swarmed. (Option: but it can erase errors.)

The little fox forgot his pen at home. (But he can ask someone to ask her
sit down and meet new guys.)

The hedgehog solved the wrong problem. (But he will know more.)


Is it always necessary to speak quietly in class?

When do you answer the teacher's question?

Is it possible to talk with a neighbor during the lesson? And when do you need to ask something (pencil, pen, etc.)?

How would the classroom environment change if everyone followed the rules?

Outcome. Reflection. Parting.

What will help me learn?


    promote awareness of the importance of cognitive processes that are necessary for successful learning at school;

    promote the development of self-control, self-discipline;

    promote the formation of arbitrary activity.

Greetings. Warm up.

Exercise “Who is this? What is it?"

Get in a circle.

The exercise is designed for speed of reaction, quick wit, flexibility of thinking, it creates a favorable emotional background that allows you to quickly turn on the desired pace of work. The leader throws the ball to one of the children and offers to quickly answer the questions: Who is this? What is it? If the child does not know the answer, one of the other children can answer for him.

    Can you see what's going on outside?

    Grandpa giving gifts?

    What happens when you braid your hair?

    Trouble that happens in a notebook?

    How not to call Sasha?

    The dangerous part of a cow?

    A large sea animal with a fountain?

    The benefits of a cow?

    Worst grade in school?

    Where can you see yourself?

    The most famous marsupial?

    Doctor Aibolit's dog?

    Carlson's little friend?

    An edible hero of a Russian fairy tale?

Exercise “What will help me learn”?

Today, all together, try to answer the question “What will help me learn?”. You need to stand up if the affirmation suits you. Suggested affirmations:

    I know for sure that I can complete this task.

    I know what I already know how to do and what I still need to learn.

    I know and try to follow the school rules.

    I know where and from whom I can get help.

    I can listen carefully in class.

    I know that I can count on the help of a friend.

    I know how to take care of my health.

Which of the following do children find most important? Those who wish can talk about what else helps them in their studies.

Exercise "Rules of Conduct in the Lesson"

This exercise will help you realize that clear and concise class rules will help you learn more effectively in school.

I suggest you get acquainted with the rules that will help you effectively learn school knowledge. I will read different statements and you will have to decide if you agree with them, disagree or they are true only sometimes. After I read the statement, each of you, after evaluating how he behaves in different school situations, choose an answer and clap your hands.

I'm sitting in my seat when the bell rings for class;

I bring everything needed for the lesson;

I have time to complete the assignment in class;

I listen carefully to the teacher, answer questions in the lesson;

I memorize everything the teacher says in class;

I work with the class;

I do well in class;

I don't talk about extraneous topics in class;

I have many friends in my class;

I carefully handle school property: I don’t draw on a desk, I don’t swing on a chair, etc.;

I don’t interfere with others’ learning: I don’t pull my neighbor’s pigtail, I don’t poke a neighbor with a pencil, etc.


Discuss with the children the following questions:

- What rules are difficult for you personally to follow?

Are all of these rules mandatory?

How would the school environment change if everyone followed the rules?

Is it possible to follow all these rules all the time? Why?

Tale of Yabed

Charming fluffy Kitty appeared in the classroom early in the morning. Her large green eyes fascinated and struck with depth and beauty. Special purity, super-accuracy could be traced in the whole appearance of the new student. Each of the guys wanted to sit next to her, touch her beautiful bow, but everyone was stopped by the dismissive voice of the new girl:

Step back, Wolf cub, you remember my dress! And you, Bunny, don't look at me with your slanting eyes, I don't like that! And there’s nothing to breathe on me, Little Fox, otherwise it will become completely stuffy for me!

I see you already met? - Asked the Teacher-Hedgehog, entering the classroom.

Yes, we met, - the guys answered puzzled.

I hope you didn't offend her. - Asked the Teacher, seeing the displeased expression on the face of the Kitty.

Who else offended someone? - whispered the Hare.

Of course, they offended, - the Kitty suddenly escaped. - They touched my clean bow with dirty hands.

I think that if you, Kitty, did not like it, then our guys will no longer do this, - the teacher stopped the outburst of indignation of the Wolf Cub with his words and look.

The cub realized that it was better not to mess with Kitty now, but for a long time he could not set himself up for study.

During the lesson, Kitty's neighbors discussed in a whisper the solution to the problem. She could not stand it, she said loudly:

Hare and Raccoon disturb me with their conversations.

But we talked about the case, - her neighbors justified themselves.

All the more so, - Kitty said sternly.

A murmur of indignation went through the class.

Nothing like this has ever happened in our school! Belochka burst out.

I ask everyone to be more restrained, Master asked. - We have a very serious topic, we need to understand it.

The students obediently continued to work. At the break, Kitty was left alone, no one wanted to approach her anymore, talk and play. The teacher approached the new girl and asked:

How are you with us?

Bad, - Kitty answered with tears in her eyes. - I don't like anyone here.

I understand that it is very difficult to come alone to an established team, but we have good guys, - the Teacher reassured.

I didn't realize they were good! - sobbed Kitty.

Live, you'll see! the teacher promised.

In the meantime, all the students discussed the act of the newcomer, calling her no longer the affectionate name "Kitty", but the unpleasant word "Sneak".

The culprit herself heard this nickname and burst into tears even more.

So she needs it! - grumbled the offended Hare. - Let it not be asked.

But she doesn’t ask, - the Teacher intervened in the conversation. - She feels bad with us, because she is used to one rules of communication, and we have others. So she defends her rules in this way.

Ha, me too, good way?! We treat her with attention, affection, and this sneak! .. - the Wolf Cub continued to be indignant.

Wait to judge her, try to better understand that some people don't like too much attention either, - the Teacher explained. - Probably, Kitty is brought up in a strict family, with her snitching she clarifies her knowledge.

Like this? Belochka asked.

Well, for example, speaking of talkative neighbors, she was waiting for my reaction of approval. After all, it’s really impossible to talk, interfere in the lesson. Remember the rule? - asked the Teacher.

The guys nodded, waiting for the continuation of the explanation.

And since instead of praise, Kitty heard only my request for restraint, she had a feeling of confusion. The cat doesn't understand what's going on. Let's help her find the right way to communicate with us, - suggested the Teacher.

I wonder what we need to do? - the guys clarified.

When the Kitty, out of habit, teaches or talks to her, your task is to answer her in a calm voice, with a gentle smile, with gratitude that she noticed this. And offer to find a way or a means to fix this, - the Teacher-Hedgehog completed his thought.

And let's try! Wolf cub fired up.

I just don't know, how about a smile? I may not be able to! - the Hare doubted.

And you try! Everyone knows the good power of a smile! - suggested the little Raccoon.

The wolf cub hastened to test the new method of communication. Approaching the weeping Kitty, he invited her to play with a gentle smile. In response, he heard:

I don't play with such shaggy ones!

Help me to become as neat as you! - continued the experiment Wolf cub.

Okay, I'll try, - Kitty answered uncertainly. - And you, Wolf cub, have a comb?

Certainly! - Wolf Cub was delighted, taking out a comb from his pocket and winking at his friends.

Why are you friends with Belochka? - Kitty asked, carefully combing her new friend

She is funny! - without hesitation, the Wolf cub answered.

Yes? But to me she seems rude and frivolous, - Kitty remembered her remark.

And you tell her yourself that you didn’t like the way she called you, it’s only better when you are

alone with Squirrel, - Wolf cub advised her. - Yes, do not forget about one secret.

What is this secret? - Kitty was surprised.

A gentle smile, - answered Wolf Cub, smiling broadly at the newcomer.

And in response, the Kitty smiled at him too.

And Wolf cub has mastered this new method of communication! Belochka whispered.

Outcome. Reflection. Parting

Lesson 8


    stimulate the development of attention and memory;

    to promote the development of the ability to concentrate;

    Creating a friendly atmosphere

Exercise "Riddles".

Children are invited to remember the fairy tales they met when they were small and name the fairy-tale characters in question.

Exercise "Shop".

Mom asked her son to go to the store and buy the following things:

in the bakery - bread, cake, cookies, chocolate;

in the meat department - cutlets, chicken, sausages, sausage;

in the vegetable department - cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes;

in groceries - sugar, vermicelli, matches, vegetable oil.

Remember? Now list everything that mom asked to buy her son. Children often begin to list all the products that can be bought in the store, not those that were listed in the task. Therefore, the winner is the one who names more "correct" products.

Exercise "Listen and do."

The host calls several actions, but does not show them, repeats the task 2-3 times. It is necessary to carefully monitor that during the pronunciation of the task, the children do not complete it. Then the children repeat these actions in their movements in the sequence in which they were called by the leader.

    Turn your head to the right, turn your head straight, lower your head down, turn your head straight.

    Raise your right hand up, lower your right hand down, raise your left hand up, lower your left hand down.

    Turn right, jump, crouch, stand up.

    Raise your right leg, jump on one left leg, lower your right leg.

Fairy Tails

Various animals studied in the forest school: Squirrel, Hare, Wolf cub, Fox cub, Bear cub, Mouse, Raccoon, Kitty and other animals and birds. The animals helped each other, because each did something better than the other: the Teddy bear was the strongest, so when it was necessary to lift or move something, they called him for help. Fox was the best at logic puzzles, and he helped others cope with mathematics. Squirrel was the best at wiping the board. All the animals were friendly, and although they had disputes, a truce quickly came. Each student tried to understand and accept the other as he is. By winter, some animals changed their coats. Squirrel also changed and could not stop admiring her new outfit, and especially her fluffy tail. During the break, the animals played leapfrog, and the Hare accidentally stepped on Squirrel's tail. There was a loud scream. The squirrel began to cry, and the Hare apologized in a trembling voice:

I accidentally, forgive me, please.

No, I won't! - Belka answered with resentment.

But why? - the Hare was frightened.

Because you did it on purpose! Yes Yes. You...envy me. Because you don't have such a beautiful

fluffy ponytail!

It is not true! - shouted the Hare. - I'm not jealous, and I really like my ponytail.

But Squirrels and I have a better tail than you, Hare. Admit it! Fox intervened.

The hare does not need a long tail, - the Bear cub tried to convince everyone.

And you, Little Bear, also failed in the tail, - Squirrel and Fox shouted in one voice.

A real controversy ensued.

All animals protected only their tails. They shouted, trying to convince each other. But the bell rang for the lesson ... And the Teacher-Hedgehog entered. Looking at the students, Hedgehog noticed that there was some kind of conflict.

What happened? - asked the Teacher. - What are you angry about and why did you move to other people's places?

I will not sit with the Hare, because he has a small tail, - said Squirrel.

And I will not sit with the Wolf cub, because he offends my tail, - said the Bear cub.

So the tails quarreled you? - Ezh was surprised.

We are not friends with tailless! - shouted the Fox.

Ah, so, then, from today, "tailed" and "tailless" study in the class? -

slowly, continued Ezh. - But only you wrong shared.

Why? - the animals were indignant.

You had to be divided into large and small, into predators and herbivores, do not forget about the color of the coat, eyes and other differences. - The hedgehog carefully looked into each student's eyes. He saw there both shame, and resentment, and sadness. - And how many friends will you have after such a division? You will be alone.

All the animals were silent.

The school day continued. There were lessons, changes. But the Squirrel was no longer playing with the Hare, and the Bear cub was no longer helping the “tailed ones”.

Ridicule and insulting nicknames continued to sound. Home tailed and tailless students went different ways.

The wolf cub left the school after all. He walked slowly, enjoying the sun, the warm wind, the smell of plants, flowers...

Halfway through the road, he heard a strange sound. Similar to barking dogs. The sound was approaching very quickly, and Wolf Cub saw the angry dogs. With all his might, he took off running. The dogs were rapidly approaching him. Their hot breath was already felt, and the clanging of teeth was heard. But the house is very close! The cub made the final push. He's saved!

The wolf cub was still sitting with his eyes closed and heard how uninvited guests were moving away from his house. "Am I really alive?!" thought Wolf Cub. "The head and paws are intact. And the tail? Where is the tail? How can I be tailless?" Sobbing, Wolf Cub was horrified to imagine how friends at school would laugh at him. "What should I do? With whom should I be friends now? And with whom will I sit at my desk tomorrow?" - with these thoughts, the Wolf cub fell asleep ...

At this point, interrupt the fairy tale. Let the children guess how it might end. No comments or ratings. And after the students express their opinion, continue the tale.

Morning has come. The wolf cub was slowly approaching the school.

Come to us! - Called a friend Fox.

Lowering his eyes, Wolf cub sat down to the "tailless" beasts. There was silence in the class. "What about Wolf?

Why is he acting so strange? - thought the students. "Did something happen to him?"

In complete silence, the Wolf cub told everything that had happened to him, shared his experiences and thoughts. The tailed and tailless beasts imagined these events with horror, and then rushed to hug their friend.

Are you alive! Alive! And you are with us! And everything else doesn't matter.

Is it really only such a misfortune that can prove to you that the most important thing in the world? the teacher asked the students.

We want all the students in the Forest School to play together again, study together, helping each other and supporting each other in difficult times, - Fox answered, and all the guys completely agreed with him.

I think it's up to you to make that wish come true! - the Teacher smiled and solemnly said: -

So be it!

"It's good that we are all so different, that there is something to learn from each other," the animals thought, playing with each other and accepting everyone as they were.

Outcome. Reflection. Parting.

Final session (sessions 9, 10)

The final lesson is held in the form of a holiday, so it is advisable to conduct it during a double lesson.

Theme: First Class Travel

GOAL: reinforcing a positive emotional attitude towards
school and learning.

TASKS: I. Repetition and consolidation of knowledge and skills received
nyh in previous lessons.

2. Consolidation of a positive emotional attitude
niya students to school and learning.

3. Increasing the level of class cohesion.

1. "Map of fairyland". (Appendix 7.)

2. "Map of Friendship Island" (Fig. 5) and 3-4 small cards -
hints (Fig. 6).

3. Writing paper (according to the number of students).

4. Cassette with solemn music.

5. Pointer.

6. Prizes by the number of students (as a prize
pays any subject of school use - a pencil case, li-
neck, stand, set of pencils, etc.).


Before the start of the lesson, the teacher attaches on the board “Map of the fairy tale
ny ”and (if conditions permit) closes it with board doors, curtains
skoy, etc. At the beginning of the lesson, after the traditional greeting
quiet solemn music is turned on.)

Teacher: Dear friends! I congratulate you on the fact that our classes
school visits have come to an end. you got to know each other well
with each other, with the class, with school rules. But on this our
The adventure isn't over, it's just beginning. Today we
to go on a long journey through a fairy-tale land.
Here she is. (The teacher opens the "Map of Fairyland".) I wish you
good luck. Are you ready to hit the road? Then let's start.


So, we come to the Grove of Strangers. This test is easier
th will go to those who remember their classmates well. To you
you will need to guess who came out of the Grove of Strangers. But attention:
as soon as you guessed who they are talking about, in no case shout out
nod his name, do not point at a stranger with your hand, but just... smile-
please. I can tell by your smile that you recognized him. When will I say:

"Stranger, appear!" - the one who recognized himself, just get up from his seat. So, out of the Grove of Strangers came a boy in a blue sweater,
blond hair, gray eyes. This boy played very loudly
in "Rain" in our class and he also has a very infectious laugh.
(Thus the teacher calls a few more students from the class,
while not only describing their external features, but also attracting
experience of past classes, recalling the cases associated with these participants
ing, features of their behavior (only positive, no

Well done! We recognized everyone who was hiding in the Grove of Strangers, this
were our classmates! But maybe someone else doesn't
I remembered all, all the guys: there are so many of us! Look around: is there
any other guys whose names you don't remember? Who would like to hear
someone's name again? (One of those who did not remember is selected.) Try
ask us a riddle: who did you not remember? Tell us what it's into
dressed, what does it look like? And we will try to guess and tell you something
the name you forgot. (Thus they “remember” their classmates
Nicknames are 2-3 more students.)

And now attention! We are entering the Forest of Silence! See what's up
the sign stands at the entrance to this forest. (The teacher points to Sign No. 1, at-
fastened by him at the entrance to the Forest of Silence. The students remember him
chenie). That's right, in this forest, as in the lesson, you can’t shout and make noises.
sweep. It is very difficult. So we'll see who can do it
the thread is the rule, and who - will have to try. Now I will ask
ask questions, and it will be necessary to answer them all together, at the same time,
chorus. But here's the trick: if I hold my hands like this (open
hands palms up towards the class), then you answer with
normal volume, but don't shout! If I hold my hands like this (under-
wears them to his lips), then you answer in a whisper! And only so. And if I for-
I will give a question and fold my hands like this (crosses his arms at chest level),
then in response you should remain silent and not answer in any case! By-
try! (Questions should be such that the answers to them know
most children. For example: “What is the name of our city?”, “How
my name is?”, “Name the coldest time of the year”, “Which flower
are there sharp thorns? etc.)

Well well! What attentive guys ended up in the Magic Stra-
not! The lessons were not in vain! What test is next? Village
Clue! Guys, can you tell me in class? (The class once again
bypasses the corresponding school rule and Sign No. 3, associated with it
ny.) But in this village, Podskazka can sometimes still be prompted
but only by the rules. Here they are. The bravest and most observant will close their eyes, and I will ask a tricky question about our class, about that room in
where we are: The one I asked, if he knows the answer, will answer,
and if he doesn’t know (sometimes this happens), he will clap his hands and call the name of the one
from whom he wants to get help (his friend, for example). And only then-
yes his assistant can tell the correct answer. If in the village
someone's uninvited, uninvited, extra hint will fly in, we will
we start the game from the beginning ... (Sample questions: “How many windows are in our
class?”, “Do we have flowers in the class?”, “What color is the blackboard?” etc.)
Well done! We stayed in the village of Podskazka, none of the inhabitants
offended, did not give unsolicited clues! And so we came to the shore
seas. And what is this island? Take a closer look! (Attached on the board
"Map of the Island of Friendship", (see Fig. 5)) This is the Island of Friendship! Get on
this Island alone is impossible - only together. Now I will ask
shu go to the board of one traveler and one assistant. Way-
the pilgrim will put a pointer at the beginning of the path (the teacher points to the corresponding
the corresponding cell), and the helper will receive a Hint Card (see
Rice. 6), which will indicate where Friendship Island is hiding.
The task of the assistant is to tell the traveler which cells
where does he have to go. You can move one or two cells, but
not more. Let's try. (The teacher invites two students to the board
nicknames, one of them gives a Hint Card. The second one points to
the beginning of the way. The first (first with the help of the teacher) guides the traveler on the map to the destination: "One cell up, one
to the right, two up, etc. ”until the traveler reaches the island. Ta-
Thus, 3-4 couples work in turn at the board. Reaching
The islands are awarded class applause.)

Amazing! Well, we got to Friendship Island. And on the ost-
we decided to write a letter about how great it is here, what kind of
plants and animals. But since we do not yet know how to write quickly,
Let's draw our letter. Now I will give each row a sheet of bu-
magicians and put it on the last desk. One of those who sits there
signal (when I clap my hands) will start drawing something on the sheet -
plant, animal, bird, or maybe a person, but very soon I dream
I clap my hands, and the sheet again passes to his neighbor on the desk. That
continues to draw something of his own on the sheet until I clap again,
and then passes the sheet to the person in front. So, as soon as I
I'm sorry, start drawing. Clap again - pass the sheet further.
Started! (Each drawing is given 10-15 seconds. The teacher is attentive
follow instructions closely.)

So, we drew four (three, five - according to the number of rows)
letters about our trip. See what it tells us
first letter? What do we see in this picture? (The teacher shows
drawing for the guys, calls with them what is shown on it.) For-
great post, very interesting! (The drawing is attached to the board.)
And what happened on the second? (The procedure is repeated - figure
considered, listed what is drawn, possibly clarifying
details. Then the rest of the "letters" and creeds are considered in the same way.
back on the board.)

Here are the good guys! And we passed the tests, and drew letters! BUT
now ... (solemn music is turned on again). To everyone who has mastered
road, to everyone who coped with difficult tasks, to everyone who did not
led friends, that is, the whole 1st class (indicate the letter, if any, for example,
"1 class A") solemnly awarded the prize. But he may appear.
only to your applause! Clap your classmates and
yourself - you are all great! (The teacher to the applause of the class on-
rewards students with prizes.

Well, our introduction to the school has come to an end. But
the acquaintance is just beginning. You have to learn a lot of new
th, a lot of interesting and important. Sometimes we will remember our
magic activities and play games that will make us even more attentive
smarter, smarter, smarter! Goodbye, see you again

Ronzhina A.S.

Classes of a psychologist with children aged 2-4 years in the period of adaptation to a preschool institution.

- The manual presents a cycle of classes that will help children 2-4 years old to successfully adapt to the conditions of a pre-school institution.

Games and exercises that form the basis of classes help relieve psycho-emotional stress, reduce impulsivity, anxiety and aggression, improve communication, gaming and motor skills, develop cognitive processes, optimize parent-child relationships.

The manual is addressed to psychologists and educators working in mass kindergartens, in preschool educational institutions for children with severe speech disorders, with mental retardation, can be used by teachers of short stay groups and specialists of psychological centers that conduct group activities with children.


When entering a preschool educational institution (DOE), all children experience adaptive stress.

The adaptive capabilities of a child of early and younger preschool age are limited, therefore, a sharp transition of the baby to a new social situation and a long stay in a stressful state can lead to emotional disturbances or a slowdown in the pace of psychophysical development.

A psychologist needs to help children overcome the stress of admission and successfully adapt to a preschool, educational institution

Young children are emotional and impressionable. They tend to quickly become infected with strong, both positive and negative, emotions of adults and peers, imitate their actions. These features formed the basis for the construction of the cycle of classes.

The psychologist begins to conduct classes immediately after the arrival of children in kindergarten. It is at this moment that the kids are in a stressful state caused by separation from their parents, an unusual environment, the appearance of unfamiliar adults and a large number of children. To reduce the impact of stressful factors, it is recommended to conduct the first classes with the participation of parents. In the presence of parents, children are more likely to make contact with a teacher, a psychologist, interact with peers, participate in joint outdoor games, and are actively interested in the environment and toys. It is very important that the child acquires the first experience of his stay in a pre-school institution with the support of a loved one.


The purpose of the classes is to help children adapt to the conditions of a preschool educational institution. This determines the main tasks of the classes:

> overcoming stressful conditions in young children during the period of adaptation to kindergarten;

> training educators in methods of conducting group classes during the adaptation period;

> formation of an active position of parents in relation to the process of adaptation of children.

In parallel with the solution of the main tasks, the tasks of the integrated development of children are solved:

> decrease in impulsivity, excessive motor activity, anxiety, aggression;

> development of children's interaction skills with each other;

> development of attention, perception, speech, imagination;

> development of a sense of rhythm, general and fine motor skills, coordination of movements;

> development of gaming skills, arbitrary behavior.

Since babies often get sick and need re-adaptation after an illness (and the replenishment of the group by newly arriving children can continue throughout the entire year of study), it is recommended to conduct classes not only in the first two months, but throughout the entire academic year .

The basic means of work are a variety of games with speech accompaniment: round dances, marches, songs, nursery rhymes, rhymes, "patties" and "catch-ups". They quickly involve children in their rhythm, switch them from friendly crying to friendly clapping and stamping their feet, unite children, set a positive emotional mood. In these games, even shy, withdrawn children

gradually overcome the internal barrier and come into contact with adults and peers.


As a rule, the lesson begins with exercises that require the coordination of the actions of the whole group: children walk together, run, clap their hands on the ball, perform other tasks in accordance with the rhythm and words of the poem. These exercises create a positive emotional background, increase the speech and motor activity of children, and help to tune in to joint group work.

The main part of the lesson includes games and exercises that give children the opportunity to move intensively, freely express their emotions, and actively interact with their peers.

The lesson ends with calm, sedentary games and exercises.

In the course of practical work, it was noticed that from a quick change of plots, roles, images, kids overwork and lose interest in the lesson. Therefore, all the games and exercises included in one lesson are united by a fabulous game plot.

Each lesson is held in 2-3 stages. The set and number of modules (games and exercises) that make up the lesson vary by the teacher. He can shorten the lesson to avoid overworking the children, change the sequence of parts according to the mood of the children, and so on.

Classes lasting 10-20 minutes are held 2-3 times a week. Each of the lessons is repeated 4-5 times so that the children remember the words of nursery rhymes and songs, the rules of the games. In addition, young children love repetition, familiar games and exercises are easier for them to perceive. They perform them with great interest and joy. It is assumed that in the first lessons, the psychologist learns with the children certain parts of the script, and the last lesson is held together with the parents.

Parents are invited to attend classes for the following reasons:

> joint classes are a kind of "master class" for parents, as the psychologist shows them new means and ways of communicating with children;

> the informal atmosphere of classes contributes to more active and open communication between the psychologist and parents.

The teacher takes an active part in the lessons. He adopts the methods and techniques used by the psychologist in various situations, notes the games that the children liked the most and uses them in his work.

> The psychologist is a direct active participant in the lesson - he charges the children with his positive emotions, causes a desire to take part in the game, sets patterns for performing actions.

> Do not insist on the active participation of all children in the lesson. It is normal if at first some of the children will only observe what is happening in the group. You can start with those children who are ready to start playing.

> You should not evaluate children, seek the only correct, in your opinion, action or answer, since in this case the kids will repeat only what is required of them and will not be able to show their own spontaneous,

live and natural reactions.

> In the process of practical work, both a reduction in the number of games and the introduction of various additions are acceptable, in accordance with the age, condition, needs and individual characteristics of children. Parents of indecisive children can be invited to participate in classes not only during the first month, but also later; it is useful to recommend that they play the same games with the re-bank at home.

> The psychologist may use the session cycle as the basis of her work with young children, or may provide separate sessions, games and exercises.

We hope that the tips, exercises and games offered in the manual will help to properly organize communication between teachers, children and parents in a difficult adaptation period, make the child's stay in a children's institution interesting, joyful and useful.

Lesson 1


> creating a positive emotional mood in the group;

> developing the ability to act in accordance with the rules of the game;

> development of coordination of movements, general and fine motor skills, orientation in one's own body;

> development of visual perception (color, shape, size of objects);

> development of attention, speech and imagination.


toy ladybug (preferably round); large and small cars, nesting dolls, dolls, cubes, etc.;

black finger paint or gouache mixed with toothpaste;

sheet with the image of a ladybug (for each child).

Lesson progress

■- Greeting.

■ The psychologist shows the children a toy ladybug and says:

A ladybug came to visit us. Look how beautiful she is! Let's say hello to her.

* When drawing with fingers, it is necessary to use special paints for fingerography or add toothpaste to gouache so that the paint does not absorb into the skin and is easily washed off. ** Here and below, 0 marks the handout illustrative material given in the appendix.

Children consider a ladybug, greet her.

The psychologist offers to determine the color, shape and size of the toy, then, together with the children, counts the glasses on the skink of a ladybug.

If the children find it difficult to answer, the psychologist himself names the color, shape and size of the toy.

■ Guys, imagine that our ladybug has flown. Come on, let's try to catch her!

The psychologist, pretending to try to catch an imaginary bug, performs grasping movements above his head: with one hand, with the other, with both hands at the same time. Children repeat the shown movements.

Let's open our fists and see if we managed to catch a ladybug.

Children following the psychologist slowly unclench their fists.

Here is our bug! Give him both hands. Children following the psychologist join their open palms,

pretending to be holding an imaginary bug.

■ The psychologist tells the nursery rhyme and shows the movements. Children repeat after him.

Ladybug fly to the sky

Bring us bread, black and white, but not burnt!

Rhythmically shake hands.

Make waves with crossed hands.

They wave their hands at themselves. They clap their hands rhythmically. They threaten with the index finger.

As a rule, at the first lesson, many children are not able to repeat some movements after an adult (cross their hands, wag their index fingers). In this case, mothers, a teacher, a psychologist put the babies on their knees and, supporting their palms, do the above movements with them.

The ladybug is frozen and cannot fly. Let's warm it with our breath. Children breathe on their hands.

When teaching this breathing exercise, the psychologist may ask children to open their mouths wide and pronounce the sound “A” for a long time.

The ladybug has warmed up, let's blow it off our palms.

Children take several deep breaths through the nose and out through the mouth. On exhalation, lips are pulled out with a tube, palms are placed under cold streams of air.

At the initial stage of mastering this exercise, you can invite children to pronounce the sound “U” for a long time while exhaling.

■ And now, guys, let's turn into ladybugs ourselves.

We circled around ourselves. And they turned into ladybugs.

Ladybugs, show me your heads, noses, mouths, winglets, legs, tummies.

They are spinning. Show the named parts of the body.

Amazing! And now we will play the game "Ladybugs and the wind." The sun is shining, ladybugs are crawling on the leaves.

Children get on all fours and crawl on the floor.

An angry cold wind blew, turned the bugs over.

Children roll over on their backs, move their relaxed legs and arms.

If a psychologist observes tense, constrained, abrupt movements in one of the children, then he can help the child relieve excessive tension by stroking and lightly shaking.

A kind warm breeze blew, helped the bugs to roll over.

Children get back on all fours and crawl.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

■ - The warm wind blew harder, lifted the ladybugs into the air, and they flew away.

Children, depicting the flight of ladybugs, run slowly, wave their arms smoothly, buzz.

The sparrow is flying! Save yourself, ladybugs! Children run into the arms of a psychologist and educator.

In the parent-child activity, children hide in the arms of their parents.

The psychologist exposes paired toys in front of the children, differing in size (large and small cars, nesting dolls, etc.) and says:

Guys, the ladybug wanted to play with your toys. Help her choose small toys.

The children are doing the task.

■ - Let's draw a ladybug in the air, show how round it is with pens.

Children following the psychologist draw a circle in the air: with one hand, with the other, with both hands at the same time.

If necessary, adults can take the children's hands in theirs and show them how rotational movements are performed.

Children sit at tables. The psychologist distributes paints and sheets with the image of ladybugs.

Now let's draw black dots on the skinks of ladybugs.

Children, following the psychologist, dip their index fingers in black paint (gouache mixed with toothpaste) and paint over circles on the backs of ladybugs.

Children and adults remember what games and exercises were held in the lesson, and discuss what they liked the most.

Psychologist says:

Ladybug really liked you, but it's time to say goodbye. Goodbye!

In repeated classes, you can invite children to draw with a finger, a large brush or a foam swab: grass near a ladybug; sun at the top of the leaf.

Lesson 2


> creating an atmosphere of emotional security;

> removal of emotional and muscular tension;

> decrease in impulsivity, increased physical activity;

> development of the ability to move in the same rhythm with other children, to adapt to their pace;

> development of auditory attention, arbitrariness, speed of reactions;

> development of speech, imagination, creative abilities.


large umbrella;

a tape recorder, a cassette with a recording of rain noise, a cassette with a recording of slow, calm music; two maple leaves (for each child); yellow, red, green gouache;

a sheet with an image of an autumn landscape And I am a brush (for each child).

Lesson progress

■ Greeting.

■ The psychologist invites the children to see what is happening outside the window. He draws the attention of the kids to the signs of autumn (yellowing trees, fallen leaves, cloudy sky) and says:

Imagine that we are going for a walk in the autumn forest.

The children line up. Psychologist says:

Listen carefully to the words. Try to move together. Don't overtake each other.


They run trying

do not overtake each other.

Legs walked: top-top-top, Straight along the path: top-top-top. Come on, more fun: top-top-top, That's how we know how: top-top-top. The legs ran along the flat path, Run away, run away, Only the heels sparkle.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

The game "Rain and sunshine"

Children walk around the room, pretending to collect leaves. As soon as the psychologist turns on the cassette with the sounds of rain or gives the command “Rain!”, the children run under a large umbrella held by one of the adults and hide so that there is enough space for them. The psychologist can drum his fingers on the surface of the umbrella, imitating the sound of rain, lightly spray it with a spray bottle. (It is a great pleasure for children to watch how droplets roll down from an umbrella, to put their hands up to catch them.) The noise of the rain stops or the command “Sunshine!” sounds. - children run out from under the umbrella.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

In a Danish-parent activity, children "hide from the rain" under their parents' umbrellas.

A cassette with a recording of calm music is turned on. Children take a maple leaf in each hand. Psychologist says:

Imagine that you are maple leaves. Autumn has come - it's time for leaf fall, the wind tore the leaves from the trees, and they swirled in the air. Show how dot foxes dance in the wind.

Children, depicting the flight of leaves, move smoothly to the music.

The psychologist reads the poem and shows the movements. Children repeat after him.

Falling leaves, falling leaves, Yellow leaves are flying, Rustling under the foot,

Soon the garden will be bare.

Spin around, depicting leaves. Throw leaves up.

They walk on the leaves.

Lie down on the floor and listen to music.

Children sit at tables. The psychologist distributes paints, kitty dots and sheets depicting an autumn landscape and offers to draw leaves flying across the sky. Children, telling the poem “Falling Leaves”, apply a brush to a sheet of paper in rhythm with the verse.

Everyone is looking at the drawings, the psychologist praises the children for their work.

Children and adults remember what games and exercises were held in the lesson, and discuss what they liked the most.

The psychologist says goodbye to everyone until the next meeting.

In repeated classes, you can offer children: finish painting with a finger (foam swab, brush, pencil) an autumn leaf; dip maple leaves in a plate of paint and make prints with them on a large sheet of drawing paper.

Lesson 3

> group cohesion, development of the ability to interact with peers;

> increased emotional tone;

> development of a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements;

> development of orientation in space;

> learning to reflect in speech their location, the location of other children, objects;

> development of visual and tactile perception, speech and imagination.


big ball;

a cloth bag, a small plastic ball and a plastic cube (commensurate in size).

Lesson progress


■ The psychologist shows the children a big ball and asks them to determine its size, color and shape. The children are doing the task.

Show the shape of the ball with your hand.

Children draw a circle in the air: with one hand, with the other, with both hands at the same time.

Let's sit around the ball and tell a poem about it.

Everyone sits around the ball and puts their palms on it. Children repeat S. Marshak's poem “My cheerful sonorous ball” after the psychologist and rhythmically slap the ball first with one, then with the other hand.

The psychologist helps children who slap the ball non-rhythmically. He puts his hand on the child's hand and helps him coordinate the movements of his hand with the rhythm of the verse.

■ - Now imagine that you have turned into balls. Katya, what color will you be the ball? And you, Vova? Etc.

Children examine their clothes and name the corresponding colors.

I will play with balls - lightly slap you with a la-dot, and you will jump like balls.

The psychologist, reciting the poem “My cheerful sonorous ball”, puts his palm on the head of each child in turn. Children, feeling the touch, bounce on the spot. To the words: "do not keep up with you" - the children run away from the psychologist to the teacher (parents). The game is repeated - and the children run away from the teacher (parents) into the arms of a psychologist.

■ The psychologist offers "balls" to play hide and seek. He reads the poem "My cheerful sonorous ball." Children are jumping. To the words: “do not keep up with you,” the children scatter around the group and hide. The psychologist is looking for children. The found child must say where he was hiding (under the table, behind the armchair, in the corner, etc.).

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

■ - Guys, you played hide and seek so much fun that the ball also wanted to play with you. Close your eyes and the ball will hide.

Children close their eyes, the psychologist hides the ball. At the command of the psychologist, the children open their eyes and begin to look for the ball. When they find it, they say where he “hid.”

■ The psychologist shows the children a cloth bag containing a small ball and a cube.

There was a small ball hidden in this bag. You need to find it without looking into the pouch.

Children alternately look for the ball by touch and tell how they distinguished it from the cube.

■ Children and adults recall the games and activities they had in class and discuss what they enjoyed the most.

Psychologist says:

Our lesson ends. Let's say "thank you" to each other for a fun game. Goodbye!

In the next lesson, you can invite the children to color with a finger (foam swab, brush, pencil) the stripes on the ball

Lesson 4


> group cohesion, development of empathy;

> development of auditory attention, arbitrariness, the ability to quickly respond to instructions;

> reduction of excessive motor activity;

> learning to distinguish colors, correlate objects by color;

> development of spatial representations, the ability to display in speech using prepositions (on, under, in, for, etc.) the location of things;

> development of general motor skills;

> development of memory, speech and imagination.


painting or photograph "Autumn Forest";

toy hedgehog;

toys (bibabo dolls): fox, wolf, bear;

red, yellow and green maple leaves (for each child); red, yellow and green baskets.

Lesson progress


■ The psychologist shows the children a picture of an autumn forest. Children examine the picture, name the season, explain by what signs they determined that autumn is depicted.

Psychologist says:

Let's imagine that we are going for a walk in the autumn forest.

Children stand one after another and walk in a circle.

The psychologist tells the nursery rhyme and shows the movements. Children repeat after him.

On a flat path, On a flat path Our legs are walking, Our legs are walking. Over pebbles, over pebbles, over bumps, over bumps,

On small leaves, In the hole - bang!

They move at a normal pace.

They move in big steps.

Perform forward jumps.

They move in small steps. They squat down.

In order to develop voluntary control over actions, the psychologist draws the attention of children to the fact that they need to squat, and not just sit on the carpet or kneel.

Well, here we are in the forest. We should be met by a hedgehog... Where is he?

Children find a hidden toy and say where the hedgehog was.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

■ The psychologist examines a toy hedgehog with the children, offers to touch it. Children touch the toy with the palm of their hand, pretend to prick themselves, pull their hand away, say that the hedgehog is prickly.

The psychologist invites children to learn B. Zakhoder's poem.

What are you, hedgehog, so prickly?

This is me just in case.

Do you know who my neighbors are?

Foxes, wolves and bears!

■ The psychologist explains how the hedgehog defends itself from “their neighbors”, invites the children to play.

Children, depicting hedgehogs, crawl on all fours in a group. When the psychologist shows a toy (a fox, a wolf or a bear), the children should group and sit still.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

It is difficult for some children to comply with the condition of the game: not to move when a fox (wolf, bear) appears - they tend to run away, hide. Getting into a role will help overcome impulsiveness. Children are reminded that hedgehogs can't run like hares, can't climb trees like squirrels - but they have a reliable shelter - needles.

Psychologist says:-

The hedgehog collected maple leaves in the forest. He asks you to help him arrange the leaves correctly in the baskets.

The psychologist gives each child a set of maple leaves, puts out three baskets - red, yellow and green. Children lay out the leaves in baskets of the corresponding color.

.♦. The psychologist offers to sing a song to the hedgehog.

A child is chosen to represent the hedgehog. He sits down and wraps his arms around his knees (or lies down and curls up). The psychologist and other children stand around him and sing a song.

We walked slowly through the forest.

Suddenly we saw a hedgehog.

Hedgehog, hedgehog - we are friends,

Let us pet you. ,

Everyone leans over and gently touches the hedgehog.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

In order for each child to be in the role of a hedgehog, you can invite several children to sit in the center of the circle at once.

Children and adults remember what games and exercises were held in the lesson, and discuss what they liked the most.

Everyone says goodbye until the next meeting.

In repeated classes, you can offer children: draw (with a finger, brush, pencil) the needles of a hedgehog 0; arrange russula or flowers cut out of red, yellow and green cardboard into baskets.

Lesson 5

Merry parsley

> development of the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of other children, with the rules of the game, with the rhythm of the verse;

> consolidating children's knowledge about gender (girl - boy);

> fixing spatial representations (“top”, “bottom”);

> development of general and fine motor skills;

> development of perception, speech and imagination.

Materials: toy (bibabo doll) "Parsley";

a toy train with a long ribbon tied to it;

blue clothespin (for each boy); yellow clothespin (for each girl);

hoop, with yellow and blue ribbons tied to it

soft toy or doll (for each child).

Lesson progress

■ Greeting.

■ Psychologist says:

Guys, cheerful Petrushka is coming to visit us.

There is a “beep of a locomotive” and a teacher enters the group room, who is carrying a doll on a toy train.

"Petrushka" addresses children*:

■ - Hello, children! I am a funny toy, and my name is ... .

Children in chorus say: "Parsley!"

That's right, you guessed it! Perhaps you were waiting for me? Well, then let's play and have fun! Who wants to ride on my steam locomotive?

■ Children stand one after another, take hold of the ribbon tied to the train with one hand, walk together and sing a song.

Steam locomotive, steam locomotive, little shiny one,

He drove the wagons, as if real.

Who is on the train?

Teddy bears, fluffy bunnies,

Cats and monkeys!

■ Here we come to the country of games and entertainment! Get in a circle. Let's play with our arms and legs. Oh, where are your pens? Hiding?

The psychologist and "Petrushka" sing a song and show movements. Children repeat after them.

Where, where are our pens?

Where are our pens?

Where, where are our pens?

We don't have pens!

Here, here are our pens! Here are our pens!

Dancing, dancing our hands! Our hands are dancing!

Where, where are our legs?

Where are our legs?

Where, where are our legs?

We don't have legs!

Here, here are our legs! Here are our legs!

Dancing, dancing our legs! Our feet are dancing!

Where, where are our children? Where are our children? Where, where are our children? We don't have kids!

Here, here are our kids! Here are our kids!

Dancing, dancing our children! Our kids are dancing!

They hide their hands behind their backs.

Turn the palms up and down with the back side.

Rhythmically wave their hands in front of them.

They shrug their hands, looking at each other in surprise.

They squat down.

Rhythmically clapping their hands on their feet.

They stamp their feet rhythmically.

They shrug their hands, looking at each other in surprise.

They hide their faces in their hands.

They open their faces, smile, shake their heads.

Dancing, they turn around themselves.

Hooray! Our kids have been found! Are you fed up with my games yet? Then everything is on the carousel! Do you have tickets? Get it: girls are yellow, boys are blue.

"Petrushka" distributes "tickets" to children. Girls get yellow clothespins and boys get blue clothespins. Children independently attach clothespins to clothes. “Petrushka” addresses each of the children with questions: “What color is your ticket? Why?"

Children answer:

I have a yellow ticket because I am a girl.

I have a blue ticket because I am a boy. "Petrushka" shows a "carousel" (a hoop with yellow

and blue ribbons), invites children to approach those ribbons that match in color with their "tickets". Children choose ribbons for themselves and name their color.

Children, holding the ribbons, stand in a circle. The psychologist and "Petrushka" tell a nursery rhyme and show movements. Children repeat after them.

Barely, barely,

carousel spinning,

And then, then, then

Everyone run, run, run!

Hush, hush, don't rush

Stop the carousel!

One, two, one, two!

Head is spinning!

They go slowly. They go faster. They're running.

Go one step. Stop.

They take their hands behind their heads, tilt their heads to the right and left.

Make rotational head movements.

The game is repeated 2-3 times. So that the children do not get dizzy, the direction is reversed each time.

In the absence of a hoop and multi-colored ribbons, you can invite the children to stand in a circle and hold hands.

Guys, you rode the carousel so much fun, played that your toys also wanted to play.

Children choose toys for themselves and approach a psychologist.

The psychologist and "Petrushka" tell a nursery rhyme and show movements. Children repeat after them.

Jump, jump more fun!

Jump, jump faster!

Up, down, up, down!

And spin a little!

They jump with toys in their hands.

Raise the toy over your head, squat, put the toy on the floor.

They stretch their hands with a toy forward and spin in place.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Once a "locomotive whistle" is given.

Guys, the train is talking; that it is time for us to return. Get into the wagons quickly. Go!

Children take hold of the ribbon tied to the train, walk together and sing along to "Petrushka".

Here's a steam locomotive bought for the holiday,

This is the kind of steam locomotive they gave to the children.

Rolling, rolling long road!

Along our room, right up to the doorstep.

■ Children and adults recall the games and activities they had in class and discuss what they enjoyed the most. .

The psychologist and the children thank "Petrushka" and the train for the journey and games. Everyone says goodbye until the next meeting. Petrushka is leaving

In repeated classes, children are offered; paint (with a finger, a foam swab, a brush, a pencil) the circles on Petrushka's clothes to ride on a car-sat down with green and red ribbons, taking the "tickets" of the corresponding color.

Lesson 6


> creating a positive emotional mood in the group;

> developing the ability to coordinate their movements with the movements of other children, with the rhythm and lyrics of the song;

> testing the speed of reaction;

> development of general and fine motor skills, orientation in one's own body;

> development of tactile perception, attention, speech and imagination,


toy Santa Claus;

Christmas tree;

plastic bottles with cold, warm and hot water;

finger paints or gouache mixed with toothpaste;

a sheet with the image of a Christmas tree (for each child);

a cloth bag with the same gifts for children (“Chupa Chups”, “Kinder Surprises”, small toys, etc.).


Lesson progress

■ The psychologist shows the children a toy Santa Claus.

"Santa Claus" greets the children, asks what their names are.

Psychologist says:

Now, Santa Claus, we will introduce you to all the children.

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. Psychologist pronounces a rhyme.

In our group,

in our group

Lots of little guys. Everyone is sitting on chairs. And we have...

All rhythmically clap their hands.

The psychologist points to the child, everyone calls his name in unison.

■ Santa Claus asks the children if they know what time of year it is, what holiday they will soon celebrate. Children answer questions. "Santa Claus" praises the guys, offers to dance around the Christmas tree. Everyone stands in a circle.

The children were walking in the forest

admiring the spruce

What a spruce, what a spruce, What bumps on it.

Stomp your foot: top-top-top, And in your hands: clap-clap-clap. Step back and forth, turn around you.

They go around the tree. They raise their hands up.

Perform the “flashlight” movement with the hands.

They stamp their feet rhythmically. They clap their hands rhythmically. They take steps back and forth. They circle in place.

"Considered" "Agreed" "I approve"

Meeting of the Pedagogical Council Deputy Director Director

for educational work MBOU "Nikolo-Upsk main

MBOU "Nikolo-Upskaya Basic School No. 37"

school number 37 "________________ / Z.N. Anufrieva/

Protocol No. ___ ______________ /M.I. Vorotnikova / Order No. ____

dated "____" ____________ 2016 "____" ____________ 2016 dated "____" ____________ 2016

Department of Education of the Administration of the Tula Region

Committee on Education of the Administration of the Moscow Region Shchekinskiy District

municipal budgetary educational institution

"Nikolo-Upskaya Basic School No. 37"


on adaptation of first-graders to school education

I'm a first grader!"

2016 – 2017 academic year G.

2. Explanatory note

The beginning of school life is a serious test for most children coming to the first grade, associated with a drastic change in their entire lifestyle. Children must get used to the new team, to new requirements, to everyday duties, to adapt to school life.

Adaptation is the natural state of a person, manifested in adaptation (getting used to it) to new living conditions, new activities, new social contacts, new social roles. In its most common meaning, school adaptation is understood as the child's adaptation to a new system of social conditions, new relationships, requirements, types of activities, mode of life, etc. A child who fits into the school system of requirements, norms and social relations is most often called adapted (Bityanova M.R.).

The significance of this period of entry into an unusual life situation for children is manifested in the fact that not only the success of mastering educational activities, but also the comfort of being at school, the health of the child, his attitude to school and learning depend on the well-being of its course.

Not all children have a painless adaptation process. To assist students in the socio-psychological adaptation to schooling and the formation of UUD, an adaptation and development program “I am a first-grader!” has been developed.

Purpose of this program: promoting a favorable course of socio-psychological adaptation of first-graders to schooling.


    Formation of a positive attitude towards school, stimulation of the cognitive activity of schoolchildren;

    Acquaintance of the student with the norms of school life, promoting the acceptance of the requirements of the teacher and the rhythm of educational activities, mastering the rules of behavior in the lesson and change, the formation of personal UUD;

    The development of the emotional-volitional sphere, the promotion of the formation of arbitrariness and self-regulation of behavior, the removal of fears and emotional stress, the formation of regulatory UUD.

    The development of cognitive mental processes, the formation of cognitive UUD;

    The development in children of social and communicative skills necessary to establish interpersonal relationships with peers and appropriate relationships with teachers, the formation of communicative UUD.

    Creation of conditions for the development of group cohesion of the class team, the child's acceptance of himself as a representative of a new social community.

    Prevention of school maladjustment.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the developed program is provisions of domestic and foreign pedagogical and developmental psychology A.V. Petrovsky, D. B. Elkonin, L.I. Bozhovich, A.L. Wenger, L.A. Wenger, I.V. Dubrovina, M.R. Bityanova, M.M. Armless.

3. Forms and methods of work

The main form of work is a group lesson with elements of psychological training. The main content of group work is games, psychotechnical exercises, exercises with elements of art therapy, psycho-gymnastics, relaxation methods, productive and creative activities.

The program includes four sections:

Section 1. Introduction. Acquaintance of the student with the norms of school life

Section 2. Development of the emotional-volitional sphere

Section 3. Development of communication skills

Section 4. Final part.

Each lesson includes exercises aimed at developing cognitive mental processes (memory, attention, thinking, imagination)

The structure of each lesson includes: introduction, greeting ritual, warm-up, main part, final part, farewell ritual.

4. Planned results

Favorable course of social and psychological adaptation of 1st grade students to school; formation of UUD.

The main indicators of a favorable adaptation of the child:

Preservation of the physical, mental and social health of children;

Satisfaction of the child with the learning process. The child likes school, he does not experience uncertainty and fears;

Establishing contact with students, with the teacher;

Satisfaction with interpersonal relationships - with classmates and the teacher;

Mastering the skills of educational activities;

The degree of independence of the child in the performance of educational tasks, the readiness to resort to the help of an adult only after trying to complete the task himself.

Indicators of unfavorable psychological adaptation.

-Physiological level: increased fatigue, decreased performance, weakness, headaches, abdominal pain, sleep and appetite disturbances, the appearance of bad habits (biting nails, pens), trembling fingers, obsessive movements, talking to oneself, stuttering, lethargy, or, conversely, motor restlessness (disinhibition).

- Cognitive level, manifested in the failure of training in a program that is appropriate for the age and abilities of the child. The child is chronically unable to cope with the school curriculum. At the same time, he may unsuccessfully try to overcome difficulties or refuse to study in principle.

- Emotional level, manifested in a violation of the attitude to learning, teachers, life prospects associated with learning. Educational and play passivity, aggressiveness towards people and things, increased anxiety, frequent mood swings, fear. The child has a negative attitude towards school, does not want to go there, cannot establish relations with classmates and teachers. Poor attitude towards learning.

- Socio-psychological level: stubbornness, whims, increased conflict, feelings of insecurity, inferiority, one's own difference from others, noticeable solitude in the circle of classmates, deceit, low or high self-esteem, hypersensitivity, accompanied by tearfulness, excessive touchiness and irritability.

- Behavioral level, manifests itself in impulsive and uncontrolled behavior, aggressiveness, non-acceptance of school rules, inadequacy of requirements for classmates and teachers. Moreover, children, depending on the nature and physiological characteristics, can behave differently. Some will show impulsiveness and aggressiveness, others will be stiff and inadequate reactions.

Formation of UUD.

    Personal UUD: acceptance of the social role of the student; the formation of the internal position of the student; acceptance and observance of norms of school behavior; implementation of a moral choice with an adequate moral assessment of actions; development of independence and personal responsibility for one's actions; mastering the initial skills of adaptation in society.

2. Regulatory UUD: mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals of activity; the implementation of goal-setting as the setting of an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by students, and what is still unknown; mastering the actions of planning - determining the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions; the ability to carry out forecasting actions - anticipation of the result and the level of assimilation of knowledge, its temporal characteristics; mastering the action of control in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard; implementation of the correction action - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the standard, the real action and its result, taking into account the assessment of this result by the student, teacher, comrades; the ability to act as an assessment - the selection and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation; performance evaluation; self-regulation as the ability to mobilize forces and energy, to volitional effort (to make a choice in a situation of motivational conflict) and to overcome obstacles; learning how to solve creative problems.

3. Cognitive UUD: mastering the logical operations of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification, establishing analogies, simple cause-and-effect relationships.

4. Communicative UUD: the ability to plan educational cooperation with the teacher and peers - determining the purpose, functions of participants, ways of interaction; the possibility of posing questions - proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information; the ability to resolve conflicts - identifying, identifying the problem, finding and evaluating alternative ways to resolve the conflict, making a decision and implementing it; formation of norms in communication with children and adults; formation of the ability to ask questions; the ability to express their opinion and assessment of events; the ability to get acquainted, join the group; the ability to thank and accept compliments; the ability to express their warm feelings to another; ability to listen and hear the interlocutor; the ability to recognize one's feelings and express them; ability to agree on the distribution of roles in joint activities.

5. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the program implementation.

    To determine the level of a child's socio-psychological adaptation to schooling, the methodology "Expert assessment of a child's adaptation to school" is used (Chirkov V. I., Sokolova O. L., Sorokina O. V.).

    Diagnosis of the formation of UUD includes:

Communicative UUD

Method "Mittens" (G.A. Zukerman)

- "Who is right?" (G.A. Zuckerman)

Regulatory UUD

Methodology "Graphic dictation" (D.B. Elkonin);

Toulouse-Pyron test.

Personal UUD

- "Conversation about the school" (T.A. Nezhnova);

Test "Ladder" (V.G. Shchur);

Methodology "Determining the motives of learning" (M.R. Ginzburg)

Cognitive UUD

Methodological complex L.A. Yasyukova (tasks for diagnosing the development of cognitive mental processes).

The program is designed to work with children in grade 1.

Spatio-temporal organization

Lesson duration: 35 minutes.

Frequency of meetings: 5 times a week, for 9 weeks.

Lesson notes

Section 1. Introduction. Acquaintance of the student with the norms of school life

Lesson 1. “Introductory. Happy birthday, group!

Goals : create an atmosphere of cooperation, mutual understanding, psychological security, reveal the rules of communication in a group.

Equipment : blank for a postcard: A-4 color sheet with the inscription: “Happy Birthday, group!”; multi-colored paper petals for each child; record player; audio recordings of children's songs; colored ball.

Introduction. greeting ritual.


Warm up. Ball game.

Purpose: to introduce children to each other, to create positive motivation to work in a group.

Psychologist: "Attention! In this ball game we will try to get to know each other. Everyone stand in a circle, facing the center of the circle. Please, someone pick up the ball. In a circle, clockwise, starting from the one who has the ball, passing it, say your name clearly and loudly. While passing the ball, make eye contact with your neighbor. Started! And now, playing ball, we will get acquainted. The one who has the ball will throw it to any of those standing in the circle and at the same time call the name of the person to whom the ball is addressed. The one who mixed up the name of the addressee calls all the names of the participants in the game in a circle, starting with himself and then, clockwise. So, throw the ball to each other, while saying the name of the person to whom you address the ball.

Exercise: "The flower of communication."

Goal: creating a favorable psychological climate, uniting the class team, creating an atmosphere of cooperation .

The psychologist reminds that today is the birthday of their team. And on this holiday it is supposed to give greeting cards, and invites the children to make such a card together and call it “The Flower of Communication”.

Children are invited to stick their petals on a blank in A-4 format.

The psychologist reports that the glue that he applied to the blank is not ordinary, but “magic” and will stick the petal only if the child says what we all need to do in order for our flower of communication to grow beautiful and healthy. As a rule, children say that in order for the flower of communication to grow beautiful and healthy, it is necessary: ​​to make friends with everyone; fun to play; do not be greedy; to help each other; you can not offend each other; be polite etc.

The psychologist walks through the classroom, the children create a postcard. After that, the adult sums up: “We have now completed the first joint task and talked about what we will learn in our classes. Look how beautiful we did."

It is customary to play at children's holidays, let's play with you.

Game "Who is who? What is what?"

Purpose: development of cognitive mental processes (operations of thinking, attention, memory).

Children carefully remember that some words can be attributed to a certain class (group) on a certain basis. It is necessary to find out which groups the children know (wild and domestic animals, vegetables, fruits, trees, etc.)

“Now you all stand in a circle, I will throw the ball to each of you, and you will have to catch it and throw it back to me, say a word that refers to the group

a) domestic animals;

b) wild animals;

c) trees, etc.

But you must name the words as quickly as possible. Those guys who can’t name a word for a long time, or call it incorrectly, are eliminated from the game.

Exercise "Gifts".

Purpose: Assistance in establishing friendly relations in the team.

The exercise is performed in a circle with a ball. The teacher invites everyone to stand in a circle. Further informs that the time has come to give and receive gifts. He says: “Imagine that this is not a ball, but a birthday present that you want to give to our group. Now non-verbally show the gift, when others guess what you have guessed, pass the ball to each other along the chain.

Exercise "Bridge of Friendship"

Purpose: development of social and communication skills in children, creation of a favorable psychological climate.

The teacher asks the children, if they wish, to form pairs, come up with and show a bridge (with the help of arms, legs, torso). Then "build" a bridge with three, four, etc. The exercise ends with everyone joining hands, making a circle and raising their hands up, depicting the "Friendship Bridge".

Reading and analysis of the fairy tale "Creation of the "Forest School""(Panfilova M.A. Forest School: Correctional Tales)

The host says in a quiet, mysterious voice: Please stand in a circle and hold hands. We are one big, kind animal. Let's hear how it breathes! Now let's breathe together! Inhale - take a step forward, exhale - step back. And now on the inhale we take 2 steps forward, on the exhale - 2 steps back. Inhale - 2 steps forward. Exhale - 2 steps back.

So not only does the animal breathe, its big kind heart beats just as clearly and evenly. A knock is a step forward, a knock is a step back, etc. We all take the breath and beat of this animal's heart to ourselves

Lesson 2. "Me and my name."

Target: the formation of sustainable learning motivation against the background of a positive "I-concept" of children, stable self-esteem and a low level of school anxiety, create an atmosphere of psychological safety, give the opportunity to feel their own importance.

Equipment: relay baton, dot drawing blanks, postcard set, glasses .

Greetings. "Good mood": children standing in a circle with a psychologist greet each other shaking hands alternately, thereby conveying their good mood to the neighbor on the right and so on in a circle.

Exercise: "Pass the movement in a circle."

Goal: creating motivation for teamwork, creating a positive emotional background.

After everyone was seated in their chairs. Clockwise, the teacher passes the movement in a circle, a new movement is given only after everyone completes the previous one and “passes” it on to the teacher: clap; stomp your foot; raise and lower your shoulders; snap your fingers; grunt; turn your head to the right.

Exercise "I know your name."

Purpose: maintaining a friendly atmosphere in the group, creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort.

All children sit in a common circle. The teacher explains the task: now the music will sound, while it is playing, you pass the baton to each other. As soon as she calms down, the one who has the baton gets up, walks around the circle and the one who knows by name puts his hand on his shoulder and calls his name. The game continues no more than 5-7 times.

The game "Listen to the pops!"

Purpose: development of the properties of attention, arbitrariness of behavior.

Children move freely in a group (possible to the music). When the facilitator clap their hands a certain number of times, the children take the appropriate posture for 10-20 seconds.

1. Pose "stork" - the child stands on one leg. Pulling another.

2. Pose "frog" - sit down, heels together, socks and knees to the side, hands between legs on the floor.

Exercise "Decorate your name."

Purpose: to increase the level of self-acceptance.

Exercise "Draw by dots".

Exercise "Find your soul mate."

Purpose: to expand knowledge about each other, to form a positive attitude towards each other.

Postcards cut in half are laid out in the center of the circle. Task: at the command of the teacher, the children should stand up, take half of the postcard and find the one who has the second half of the postcard. After that, take one chair with your partner, put it in a general circle, then one of the partners sits on a chair, and the other stands behind him.

    Exercise "What I like to do"

The exercises are carried out in two stages: first they are performed by a group of children sitting on chairs, then the partners change places.

"What I like to do."

The driver reports that he has a ball of thread in his hands. Each of the children in turn will receive it. Having received it, you need to wrap a thread around your finger, give your name and say what you like to do. Then pass to the neighbor on the left.

"Your name is ... You love"

Now the next task, which will show how well the children remembered what the others said. You need to remove the thread from your finger, wind it around a ball and pass it to the neighbor on the right, saying his name and what he likes to do. If someone forgets something, others can help.

Magic circle game.

Purpose: to create a positive attitude in the group, an atmosphere of psychological comfort.

Psychologist: “I want to teach you a new game. Let's form a circle. Inside the circle is space, magical and mysterious. Getting there, a person becomes the most wonderful, glorious, wonderful, sweet. He deserves compliments. The driver speaks to him, looking into his eyes, from the heart, sincere, kind, affectionate words about himself, recognizes only his merits and successes. Help him in this "magic glasses", which he receives from the circle standing inside, which looks into his eyes and says: "In reality, and not in a dream, what is beautiful in me?" The one to whom the compliment is intended thanks the driver for him and passes the “magic glasses” to another, who becomes the driver. He, after listening to 3-4 compliments, calls the best of them, and his author becomes inside the circle.

Exercise "Kind animal"

Lesson 3. "School rules".

Goals: to promote awareness of the position of the student, to acquaint children with the rules of behavior in the lesson and change, to contribute to the formation of cognitive and personal UUD.

Equipment: a set of "School signs", sets of geometric shapes, the text of the fairy tale "School Rules".

Greetings."Good mood

Warm up. Game: "I'm going."

Purpose: creation of motivation for joint work, formation of an atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding, activation of activities.

Children sit in a circle on chairs. One chair is free. The first participant is transferred to a free chair with the words: "And I'm going." The neighbor moves to the vacant chair with the words: "And I'm nearby." The next one is transplanted with the words: "And I'm a hare." The next one - with the words: “And I (and calls by name any participant, with the exception of those who are sitting immediately to the right and left). The named child is transplanted, freeing his chair. The seated one, who has a free chair on the right, starts the next run, and so on.

Exercise "Lesson or change."

Purpose: to acquaint children with the rules of conduct in the lesson and break

You already know that there are lessons and breaks at school.

How do students behave during the lessons and breaks? (differently)

Now I will throw the ball to one of you and name different actions, and you answer when schoolchildren do it - in a lesson or at a break (read, play, talk with friends, ask a friend for an eraser, write in a notebook, answer teacher's questions, solve problems, prepare for the lesson, eat an apple.

Exercise "Make a figure."

Purpose: the development of cognitive mental processes, the formation of a positive attitude towards school.

Children from geometric shapes are invited to create an application on the theme "School"

Now we are going to the fairyland that you have now created from your applications. And we will travel by train.

Game "Steam Train"

Children are invited to disperse in the classroom. A driver is chosen: he will be a train. His task is to go through the entire class to the music and collect “passengers” from all stations.

On the way we meet different road signs.

Exercise "School signs".

Purpose: to help students in the awareness of new requirements, in the formation of an internal need for their implementation.

Guys, did you pay attention to road signs? What are they needed for?

Road signs help us, they suggest the rules of behavior on the road. If you do not pay attention to them - be in trouble.

What is a rule? (rule means to do right)

Why do we need rules, maybe we can do without them? (nobody likes trouble, that's why rules appeared to know how to live better and be friends with everyone)

Do you think there are rules in school? What can not be done in class? How should you behave during change?

So that we do not forget about the rules for students, we need our own signs.

No. 1. You can’t talk to each other in the lesson, otherwise you can listen to everything and not learn anything, so this sign will hang in your class.

No. 2. We already know with you that when everyone is shouting from a place, no answers are heard, therefore, we will be reminded of the fact that you cannot shout from a place, even if you know the answer, such a sign.

No. 3. Is it possible to prompt others the answer when the teacher asks not you? This sign will remind us that there is no place for hints in our class.

No. 4. But what if you want to ask something or answer a question?

Of course, for this you need to raise your hand and wait until the teacher asks you to speak. Here is the sign that speaks of this rule.

No. 5. What do you think this sign is telling us?

In order for everything to work out well and have fun learning, we must always be friendly and there is no room for disputes in the classroom.

We arrived at the final station.

Reading and analysis of the fairy tale "School Rules"

Exercise "Kind animal"

Lesson 4. "We collect a portfolio."

Objectives: to help students in understanding new requirements, in the formation of an internal need for their implementation, the development of cognitive and personal UUD.

Equipment: the text of the fairy tale “Collecting a portfolio”, a form for the exercise “Color according to the instructions”, a form for the exercise “Circle along the contour”

Greetings."Good mood"

Warm up. Exercise: Let's put together a portfolio!

Purpose: development of the properties of attention, introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Reading and analysis of the fairy tale "Collecting a portfolio"

Collage "Squirrel Briefcase".

Purpose: the formation of a positive attitude towards the duties of the student, to teach the first grader how to properly assemble a portfolio.

Children are invited to choose the items that Squirrel should take to school and stick them on paper, which shows the outline of the briefcase.

Exercise "Color according to the instructions."

Purpose: development of cognitive mental processes.

Children must color geometric shapes in accordance with the instructions (taking into account spatial orientation: right-left; top-bottom, serial number)

Game "Remember the order".

Purpose: development of memory properties .

Choose 5-6 children. The rest are spectators. Of the selected children, one becomes the leader. The other 4-5 players line up in "trains". The driver should look at the “train” for 1 minute, and then turn away and count the children by name like this. How do they stand in the "train". After that, the players become "spectators", and other children enter the "stage". Recommendations: mark the children who managed to remember correctly.

Exercise "I'll put it in my portfolio."

Children sit or stand in a circle. The first child says: “I will put in my portfolio ...” - and names some subject necessary at school. The next child repeats what was named before him and adds his subject.

Exercise "Trace around the contour."

Purpose: development of cognitive mental processes

Children are invited to outline the briefcase by connecting the dots.

Exercise "Tell me a word."

Children are invited to solve riddles about school supplies.

Exercise "Kind animal"

Lesson 5. "School grades."

Goals: assistance to future first-graders in understanding and accepting the rules of school life and themselves as students, activating the cognitive activity of students, forming positive motivation.

Equipment: image of a fairy school, illustrations of fairy tale characters, illustrations of "magic ladders", forms for graphic dictation

Greetings."Good mood": children standing in a circle with a psychologist greet each other shaking hands alternately, thereby conveying their good mood to the neighbor on the right and so on in a circle.

Warm up. Game "Finish the word."

Purpose: development of cognitive mental processes, activation of mental activity, creation of motivation to work in a group.

Psychologist: "Attention! In this game, we will try to finish words that will begin, for example, with the syllable: ra; earth; go; pa. I will throw a ball to each of you and say the first syllable of the word, you will have to catch the ball, throw it back to me, finish this word (i.e. finish the word). First, all children finish words that begin with the syllable “ra” (it is given to finish words that begin with the same syllable several times), and then each of the children can be given different syllables with which words begin.

Psychologist: “Once upon a time, storytellers lived on earth. They also came up with a fabulous town. (Open the image of a fabulous town on the board.)

– Everything in this town was fabulous: fabulous houses, fabulous flowers, fabulous toys, and even the school was fabulous! See. Open the image of the fairy school on the board:

- Who do you think goes to fairy school? (Heroes of fairy tales study at the fairy school.)

- Name these characters of fairy tales

Every day the heroes went to school with pleasure. At the lessons they studied, at breaks they played. Little first graders learned a lot of new and interesting things, they even learned to count to five. They just haven't been rated yet, they said it's too early. And finally, the teacher said that soon the first graders would start getting grades. The first graders will have to draw patterns for her to check. Of course, everyone was very excited and wanted to get only good grades.

- And for what you can evaluate any work. That is, it is necessary to evaluate the RESULT.

What if the job is not completed?

What grades do you know? Is it possible to evaluate the work only with points? (praise, others are interested in his work, etc.)

Winnie the Pooh really wanted to get an A or a teacher's praise. Winnie the Pooh was in a hurry to complete the task very first. And it’s true: everyone was just approaching the middle, and he already raised his paw and joyfully shouted: “I’m done! I've finished!". The teacher went up to his desk, picked up a piece of paper and for some reason frowned. Look, guys, what a pattern Winnie the Pooh turned out to be.” (The table “The work of Winnie the Pooh” is posted on the board.)

Psychologist: “Guys, why do you think the teacher frowned? (Children answer: work is dirty, wrong, etc.). Let's try to evaluate the work. True, we will not give him grades, but we will use magic ladders.” (The teacher hangs a table with multi-colored ladders on the board.)

Psychologist: “Guys, the red ladder is the ladder of beauty. On its top step are the most-most beautiful works, and on the very bottom - the most ugly. Where do you think you can put the work of Winnie the Pooh? (The children's suggestions are heard and a cross is placed on one of the lower steps.) So, Winnie the Pooh's work turned out to be not very beautiful.

Now look at the green ladder. This is the ladder of correctness. The most correct works are on the highest step, the most incorrect ones are on the lowest step. Where can I put the work of Winnie the Pooh? (The facilitator listens to the children's answers. If the children suggest putting the work down, the teacher draws their attention to the fact that, although the work was done ugly, there are no mistakes in it.) So, Winnie the Pooh's work turned out to be correct. (The teacher puts a cross on one of the upper steps.)

And finally, we have a blue ladder in front of us. This is the ladder of speed. On its top step are the works that were done the fastest, and on the bottom - the slowest. Winnie the Pooh was the first to do his job. On what step shall we place his work? (Children answer: on the top. The host puts a cross on the top step.).

- What result did Winnie the Pooh achieve? Look, guys: Winnie the Pooh's work turned out to be correct and fast, but ugly.

But Carlson also tried very hard. He was very afraid of doing something wrong, so he drew very slowly, so he completed his work as the last in the class. Here's what he got. Let's evaluate Carlson's work with the help of magic ladders.

- What result did Carlson achieve? Look, Carlson's work turned out beautiful and correct, but slow.

- Tell me, please, who did the task of the teacher? (each student independently)

So everyone does their own work.

- And if the work is done without desire, will the student achieve the result of interest?

This means that you must not only do everything yourself, but all day long, and always with desire, with interest, with joy, with enthusiasm, then there will be a good result.

Winnie the Pooh and Carlson looked at their grades and thought. It turns out that every job is different. Sometimes you can complete the task ugly, but quickly and correctly. And sometimes you do the work for a long time, but it turns out beautiful and correct. And it happens that it doesn’t seem to work out quite right, but it’s beautiful and fast.”

Psychologist: “That's how Winnie the Pooh and Carlson met the magic word “but”.

Exercise ZATO.

Purpose: work with school anxiety.

This word helps to find something good even in the most difficult situations. Even if something did not work out, we can refer to the word “but”. Let the letters turn out not very beautiful, but the word is written correctly. And now I will tell you what happened to the students of the school, and you will help them with the help of the word “but”.

Malvina wrote the letters not with a pen, but with a pencil, and was very upset. (Option: but it can erase the mistakes.)

Piglet forgot his pen at home. (But he can ask someone for it and meet new guys.)

Little Red Riding Hood solved the wrong problem. (But she will know more.)

Now it's time to get back to class. Our path runs through the mountains:

Exercise "Patterns and magic ladders."

Purpose: development of arbitrariness, the ability to act according to the model and listen to the instructions of an adult .

Psychologist: “Now you yourself will try to draw patterns and rate yourself with the help of magic ladders.” (The teacher distributes papers and pencils to the children.)

The game "Leaf fall"

Psychologist: “And now we will have a little rest. Do you guys remember how leaves fly from trees in autumn? Each leaf spins on its own, and then together they form beautiful piles of leaves. Now we will play a game called “Leaf Fall”. When I say “leaves”, you will be like leaves circling around the classroom. And as soon as I say "heap", you should immediately gather in groups. After the word “heap”, I will name a number. So many leaves should be in your hill. For example, if I say “pile, three”, then you should gather in threes. Does everyone understand? Get up, please, from behind the desks and come to me.” (Children get up from their desks and approach the teacher. This game requires free space.)

Exercise "Good animal".

Lesson 6. "Hints and cheating."

Goals: to promote awareness of school norms and rules, the development of cognitive and personal UUD.

Equipment: the text of the fairy tale "Hints and cheating", stimulus material for the exercise "The fourth extra", points.

Greetings."Good mood"

Warm up. Exercise "Schoolchild and preschooler"

Purpose: to help students in understanding new requirements, in the formation of an internal need for their implementation.

Psychologist: “Guys, what do they call you in kindergarten? What will you be called when you go to school? Tell me, what is the difference between a schoolchild and a preschooler? That's right, a schoolboy does his homework, goes to school, studies in the classroom. What do preschoolers do? Can a student play and run? In fact, the student can also play and run. I'll tell you a little secret: each of you can behave like a schoolboy, and sometimes like a preschooler. You need to know when you can behave like schoolchildren and when you can behave like a preschooler. Now I will name different situations, and you will think about how you should behave in this situation - like a schoolboy or like a preschooler. - On the lesson. - Houses. -With friends. Etc."

Reading and analysis of the fairy tale "Hints and cheating"

Exercise "What is possible and what is not!".

Purpose: to reduce the student's anxiety associated with new learning conditions, children's awareness of school rules and regulations.

GAME "Nose, mouth, ceiling"

Purpose: development of the properties of attention, assistance in creating a favorable psychological climate.

“Guys, and now we will learn a new game. It's called Nose, Ceiling, Mouth. In order to play it, you need to be very careful. Look up. What is above our head? Let's point the finger and say: the ceiling. Fine. What's under your feet? Let's point a finger at it. And now he points his finger at his nose and says: nose.

And now I will confuse you. I will name one and show another. You don't say anything, only point to what I call. Believe what you hear, not what you see. Be careful.

Exercise "The Fourth Extra".

Exercise "Magic glasses".

Purpose: stimulation of creative activity, development of creative abilities.

Draw the same landscape looking at it with different magic glasses (round, triangular, square)

Dragon bites its tail.

Cheerful music sounds. Children stand one behind the other and hold tightly to each other's shoulders. The first child is the “head of the dragon”, the last is the “tail of the dragon”. "Dragon Head" tries to catch the "tail", and he dodges away from her.

Exercise "Good animal".

Lesson 7. "What is good?"

Goals: the formation of personal UUD, to reveal to the students the concepts of "bad" and "good"; learn the rules of communication with children and adults; improvement of communication skills and abilities; develop the ability to understand the rules and norms of behavior.

Equipment: a set of emoticons, a set of schemes for constructing sentences, magazines, paints, pencils.

Greetings."Good mood"

Warm up. Exercise "Atoms and Molecules".

The goal is to relieve tension, unite the group ..

Children move freely around the classroom. After a while, the psychologist says: “Each of you is an atom, but you are bored of wandering one by one, so the atoms decided to combine in 2, then 3, etc.” (depending on the number of participants).

For a long time, people have been thinking about the question: “What is good and what is bad?” It is no coincidence that folk wisdom is passed down from generation to generation through proverbs. Look carefully at the screen, proverbs are written here. Read them Guys, how do you understand these proverbs?

Well done boys! I see that you understand what it means to be a kind person.

Game "Our Actions"

Target: assistance to students in the awareness of new requirements, in the formation of an internal need for their implementation.

Psychologist: “I suggest you play a game. I will tell you the actions, and you will show your attitude towards them with the help of “emoticons”.

Learn lessons, offend kids, help friends, interfere with someone, tell the truth call names, listen to the teacher, fight in class, be polite, do not listen to the speaker, respect parents, be touchy.

Collage "Good-Bad".

Purpose: students' awareness of the norms and rules of behavior at school.

An exercise. “What can be done for change?”

The goal is the development of figurative and logical thinking, the ability to understand norms and rules.

Children are invited to think and answer the question “What can be done in time for a change?”. After the children answer, they are asked to determine what actions they named are forbidden to do at school and why?

Exercise "Compose a story on the topic" Good-bad "".

Purpose: awareness of the norms and rules of behavior at school, development of creative and cognitive abilities.

Children are offered several simple schemes. According to these schemes, children need to compose a story about good and bad deeds.

WHO? - What did you do? - Where? - What for? - How?

Encounter - Chase - Combat Encounter - Happy Ending

Event - Cause - Place of action - Comparisons - What happened?

An exercise. Mood Barometer.

Goal: relieve stress, create a positive emotional climate.

The facilitator asks the children if they know what a barometer (thermometer, thermometer) is and what it is for. Then the children are invited to show their mood only with their hands: the bad palms touch each other, the good ones - the hands are spread apart.

Exercise "Good animal".

Section 2. Development of the emotional-volitional sphere

Lesson 8. "My emotions."

Goals: familiarity with the concept of "emotions", the development of the ability to recognize and describe their emotions and the emotions of other people; improving communication skills, the formation of students' ability to understand each other.

Equipment : pictograms of emotional states, demonstration material “Feelings. Emotions.", Animal masks, Mood color set.

Lesson progress.

Greetings."Good mood"

Warm up. The opposite game.

Purpose: The development of mental operations, the ability to quickly answer the question, understand the instructions of the presenter from the first time.

Children are called different words, while the ball is thrown to one of the children, the one who catches the ball must say their opposite meanings.

Psychologist: “Our lesson is called “My emotions”. Today we will talk about the emotions that a person experiences. We will learn to recognize emotions and express them through facial expressions, gestures and words, as well as listen carefully and correctly perform various tasks, be friendly, understand each other.

Guys, tell me, was it difficult for you to choose opposite words? Who did it better? Tell me, what do the words joy, anger, sadness mean? That's right, it's emotion. And the magic screen will help us to remember these emotions.”

Exercise "Name an emotion"

Purpose: consolidation of concepts denoting various emotional states (joy, anger, sadness, fear).

Psychologist: “Today the dwarf brothers came to visit us (show). They introduce us to emotions. Tell me, which is the first dwarf? (Joyful) How did you guess? What is his face? What are his eyes? What's going on with his lips? (Show). And what is the second gnome? (Angry) Right, let's describe his face. What are his eyes, mouth, teeth? (Next, we describe the emotions of fear and sadness.)

Yes, we have learned to recognize such emotions as joy, fear, anger, sadness.

And in order to better remember them, we will play the game “Collect an emotion” with you.

Game "Collect emotion".

Purpose: Development of interpersonal communication skills, the ability to determine the emotional state.

Children move freely to the music, each holding his half. As soon as the music stops, the children should find a couple among the guys so that your halves form a whole picture.

Acquaintance with emotional states (surprise, curiosity).

Purpose: Formation of children's ideas about emotional states (surprise, curiosity).

Psychologist: “Today we will get acquainted with two more emotions. It is surprise and curiosity. Please look at the screen. Another gnome ran out to us. (Show picture). What do you think he is? What is he doing? That's right, this gnome is surprised. A bird will fly by, a cloud will float by, a beautiful flower will bloom - everything surprises the gnome. Let's take a closer look at the gnome. What kind of eyebrows does he have? ... That's right, they are raised up. Eyes? ... They are wide open. Lips? ... They are stretched and look like the letter "O". Surprise can be compared to a light touch. Let's pass the touch around. You did great! And now we will collect a surprised face from the cards. Compare with the sample that is on our magic screen. Has everyone done this?

And here's another gnome. What is he? Yes, he is curious. See how his eyes are? They stare. The mouth is half open. Let's collect a curious face from the cards. Let's remember the times when we experienced curiosity. (Interesting story, picture, cartoon). Do you think surprise and curiosity are similar? And how do they differ? (Surprise is fleeting, but curiosity is associated with interest and more lasting).

Etude "Teremok".

Objectives: improving the skills of practical possession of expressive movements (facial expressions, pantomime) - the means of human communication.

Children try to express various emotions with the help of words, facial expressions and gestures. For this, the fairy tale "Teremok" is played out. All the characters in this story are different. The mouse is sad, the frog is cheerful, the bunny is afraid of everyone, the fox is curious, the wolf is angry, the bear is surprised. The end of the story is different. The bear will not break the house, but will ask the animals: "Let me into the house." And the animals will let him go. (Distribution of roles). Let's first try to play the roles of these fairy-tale characters. (An etude is played.)

Exercise "Finish the sentence."

The children are told that a beautiful flower has blossomed in our class (a paper flower with detachable petals). This flower is not simple. Something is written on its petals. Everyone should take turns tearing off one petal, read the sentence and finish it. (I am happy when ... Mom is sad when ... The teacher is surprised when ... The child is angry when ... The baby is scared when ... I am curious when ...)

Exercise "Pie of emotions."

Goals: relieving emotional stress, overcoming barriers to non-verbal communication, developing group cohesion.

Children are invited to bake a cake only with good emotions and treat everyone in the class. Children repeat the words of the teacher.

We took a little laughter

And some success

Surprise on a spoon

curiosity ladle,

Pour a lot of joy

The dough was quickly kneaded.

We baked a cake in the oven,

Cooled down on the porch.

And then they shared the cake

And all the guests were treated.

Put all your hands up

Get a treat!

(Children share imaginary pie slices with each other and with guests.)

Psychologist: “Guys, did you like to treat each other, and our guests? Who found it difficult to approach a stranger? What do you feel now, having treated the guests, making them pleasant? Do you think it's nice to give joy?

Exercise "Mood color".

Purpose: to develop the ability to determine their emotional state.

Children are invited to choose a flower for themselves. Those who are happy now should choose a red flower, those who are sad should choose a purple flower, those who feel calm should choose a yellow flower.

Exercise "Good animal".

Lesson 9. "My mood"

"Envelopes "Joys" and "Sorrows"".

Goals: introduce the concept of mood; develop the ability to manage your mood; the formation of communicative UUD, the removal of psycho-emotional stress.

Equipment: pictograms of emotional states, demonstration material “Feelings. Emotions." magazines, pencils, landscape sheets, 2 drawings on the topic “How my mood deteriorated”.

Course progress.

Greetings."Good mood"

Warm up. Exercise "Training of emotions"

Purpose: to practice mimic expression of various emotional states.

One of the children draws out a card with a task and completes it (shows the status). Then the same state is shown by all members of the group.

Smile like a cat in the sun.

Smile as if you saw a miracle.

Get scared like a child lost in the woods.

Get tired like an ant dragging a big fly.

Smile like a sly fox.

Get scared like a kitten being barked at by a dog.

Get tired like a man who has lifted a heavy load.

Smile like a happy child.

Different moods.

Psychologist: “Teddy Bear came to us. He is 7 years old just like you. He already knows a lot. And most importantly - Toptyzhka can think. Say hello to the bear. (Children greet, stroke the toy). Toptyzhka has different moods: when he is calm, his mood is like clean and clear water, and when he has fun, comes up with different entertainment games with friends, his mood is like a festive fireworks display. But it happens that his mood is like dirty water in a puddle after rain. At such moments, Toptyzhka does not want to do anything, he waits for such a mood to pass.


Have you ever been in such a sad mood? When? For what reason?

What did you feel about it?

What were you thinking?

Do I need to wait until the bad mood passes?

What needs to be done to make it pass?

(Children express their opinion).

Relaxation exercise "Clouds".

Children depict the mood of the cloud in a poem .

Exercise with elements of art therapy "Envelopes of joy and sorrow "

Objectives: development of skills to openly express one's feelings in relation to various life situations, stress relief, emotional rapprochement between the child and parents.

“In a whole day, a lot of different events have time to happen - something amuses us, something surprises us, something makes us happy, and something makes us sad. Let's make envelopes with you in which we can collect everything that was remembered for the day. In one of them we will collect our joys, and in the other we will hide sorrows.

Children are invited to make envelopes, decorate them accordingly. When the envelope of joy and the envelope of sorrows are ready, the children begin to fill them out.

They take small pieces of paper and draw what made them happy and what upset them. And distribute it to the appropriate envelopes.

Then the children use their hands to depict scales. One envelope is placed on the right palm, and the other on the left. The child is asked what outweighs?

Exercise "Write a story"

Purpose: development of cognitive mental processes.

Children are shown 2 drawings on the topic "How my mood deteriorated." The pictures show the beginning and end of the story. Children are invited to write a story about it.

Exercise "Good animal".

Lesson 10. "Joy is one for all."

Goals: familiarity with the feeling of joy; development of the ability to adequately express one's emotional state; development of the ability to understand the emotional state of another person, the formation of communicative UUD.

Equipment: pictograms of emotional states, demonstration material “Feelings. Emotions.", chamomile petals, demonstration material "ABC of moods", scarf.

Course progress.

Greetings."Good mood"

Warm up. Exercise "Eye to eye"

Purpose: to develop a sense of empathy in children.

Guys, join hands with your desk mate. Look into each other's eyes only, feeling your hands, try to silently convey a different state: "I'm a pear", "I'm having fun", "let's play", "I'm angry."

Psychologist: “Now look at the face of this person (pictogram "joy"). Do you think this person is sad? Or maybe he's angry? Or cheerful, joyful?.. Yes, this man is joyful. Let's try to portray joy on our face. What do I need to do?.."

Exercise "ABC of moods"

Purpose: to develop the ability to understand and express with the help of movements and speech the emotional state of another.

The cards depict mom, dad, cat, mouse, parrot and fish. They are all happy in these pictures. Each child should think and decide what role he can play. Those guys who take any card will have to go out and introduce themselves on behalf of the selected character. For example: "I am a cat. I live in a house. I like to drink milk. I am happy when I catch a mouse."

Exercise "Sunny Bunny".

Psychologist: “The sunbeam looked into your eyes. Close them.

Gently stroke your head, neck, arms, legs.

He climbed onto his stomach - stroke his tummy.

Sunny Bunny is not a mischievous.

He loves and caresses you, make friends with him.

Fine! We made friends with a sunny bunny, take a deep breath and smile at each other.

Exercise: "Bouquet of pleasant events", "Chamomile".

Purpose: to develop the ability to understand one's emotional state.

Psychologist: “And now we will make a bouquet, but not a simple one, but a bouquet of pleasant events.

On the petals you need to write: I am happy when ... I am happy when ... I am cheerful when ...

Center: I rejoice when… (yellow). I am happy when… (red). I am cheerful when... (orange). Then we fasten and get a bouquet of flowers - pleasant events.

Exercise "Copy by points".

Purpose: development of the properties of attention, the ability to act according to the model.

Exercise "Playing with a handkerchief".

Goal: relieve emotional stress, give children the opportunity to express themselves creatively, develop the ability to switch attention from one image to another.

Psychologist: “Imagine that we are in a theater. The theater has a stage, actors and spectators. We will also choose a place for the stage in our group. In order to find out which of you will be an actor and who will be a spectator, we will conduct a small artistic warm-up.

I have a handkerchief in my hands. Try using a scarf, as well as various movements and facial expressions (facial expressions), to depict: a butterfly, a princess, a wizard, a grandmother, a magician, a person who has a toothache, a sea wave, a fox.

Exercise "Good animal".

Lesson 11. "Wonder tree".

Goals: familiarity with the emotion of surprise; reinforcement of mimic skills.

Equipment: pictograms of emotional states, demonstration material “Feelings. Emotions.", silhouette images of trees, magazines, paints, pencils, felt-tip pens.

Course progress.

Greetings."Good mood"

An exercise. “Good Hippo”

Purpose: removal of emotional stress, aggression, cohesion of the class team.

The children stand in a line. The adult says that all together they are a kind little hippo. Each child hugs the waist of the person in front. Then the children are asked to stroke their neighbor on the shoulder, on the head, on the back, on the handle ... After that, the adult offers the “hippo” to walk around the class, sit down, etc. .

Children are shown an illustration depicting the emotion of surprise.

Exercise "Who will notice the fables?".

Purpose: development of facial skills

“Fables in faces”: by what signs can one guess that a person is surprised? Express surprise with postures, gestures, voice, facial expressions.

The game "Who called you and how?"

Goal: development of concentration and the ability to concentrate, the ability to distinguish people by the tones of their voices and their emotions (angry, offended, kind, frightened, etc.)

Competition for the most surprised.

Goal: development of facial skills.

“In a distant country there was a fabulous city. Little people lived in this city. One day the little people went for a walk in a magical forest. There they saw a big tree. A big mouse sat on a big tree and made a big nest for itself. The mouse saw little people, was surprised and flew away. Break into two teams. One team is surprised like people, and the other is like a mouse.

Game Curious.

Game procedure. Fun music sounds. Two drivers are selected from a group of children, the rest sit on chairs, they are spectators. One of the drivers takes the bag and walks around the room, the other follows him and shows that he is interested in what is in the bag. The music stops, the first driver puts the bag on the floor and begins to “call the phone”. The second child tries to find out what is in the bag. Finally, he opens the bag, sees, for example, books in it, and waves his hand in disappointment.

Collage "Wonder Tree".

The poem “The Miracle Tree” is read to the children. Then the children create their own miracle tree.

Etude "Pump and inflatable doll".

Purpose: removal of psycho-emotional surprise.

Children are divided into pairs. One is an inflatable "doll" from which the air is released, lies on the floor in a relaxed position (knees and arms are bent, head is down). The other “pumps” the doll with air with the help of a “pump”: rhythmically leans forward, exhales: “SS-s”. The "doll" slowly fills with air, straightens, hardens - it is inflated. Then the “doll” is blown off by pressing slightly on her stomach, the air gradually comes out of it with the sound: “SS-s”, it “falls off” again. The couples switch roles.

Exercise "Snail"

Purpose: relieving emotional stress, aggression, reducing the impulsiveness of children.

Children are asked: “Why do you think the snail is afraid of the frog? What does a snail do when threatened? Then the children stand behind the adult "train" - each hugs the waist of the one in front. “Now we are one big snail.” At the command “Frog”, the snail twists into a spiral and freezes, does not move, does not move. At the command “The Frog Jumped Away,” the children, without disengaging their hands, walk around the classroom and say in unison: The snail wants to walk again, rejoices and laughs.

Exercise "Good animal".

Lesson 12. "Our fears."

Goals: introduce children to the emotion of fear; teach to recognize this emotion by a schematic representation in the drawings; to teach how to convey an emotional state with the help of expressive means (facial expressions, gestures, pantomime, artistic means), relieving emotional stress.

Equipment: pictograms of emotional states, demonstration material “Feelings. Emotions. ”, cards with the image of fairy-tale characters, colored paper, pencils, paints.

Lesson progress.

Greetings."Good mood"

Warm up. Thinking game "Logical endings".

Purpose: development of thinking operations.

If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair ... (below the table)

If 2 is greater than one, then one ... (less than 2)

If Sasha left the house before Serezha, then Serezha ... (left later)

If the river is deeper than the brook, then the brook ... (smaller than the river)

If the sister is older than the brother, then the brother ... (younger than the sister)

If the right hand is on the right, then the left ... (on the left).

Today we are introduced to the emotion of fear.

Conversation on the illustration "Peter and the Goose".

Dramatization of the poem "Fear".

Exercise "Fears of fairy-tale heroes."

Purpose: to reinforce the emotion of fear.

Each child draws a card with the image of a fairy-tale hero. Further, on behalf of the fairy-tale hero, the children talk about the possible fears of these heroes. Others guess the fairy-tale hero.

A study on the expression of the emotion of fear "Snake Gorynych".

Purpose: to teach how to convey an emotional state using expressive means.

Imagine that on a sunny summer day you are walking through a flowering forest glade (children are walking around the room). Suddenly you heard a terrible noise and saw that the Serpent Gorynych was flying straight towards you across the sky. Show your condition. What will you do in this situation

The game "Snake Gorynych".

Purpose: Removing fear of aggression (attack of a fairy-tale creature.

Staged battle with the Serpent Gorynych.

Fairy-tale city (chairs arranged in a circle). The prince, princess and artisans live in it. The city is guarded by 2 guards. Ivan the Tsarevich goes hunting. The princess is preparing dinner. Craftsmen work (the blacksmith forges, the painter paints, etc.) The guards bypass the city. Suddenly the Serpent Gorynych flies. He wounds the guards, kills the artisans, and takes the princess to his cave. The Serpent Gorynych stands in front of the cave and guards it. Ivan Tsarevich returns from hunting. The guard (wounded) shows where the Serpent-Gorynych took the princess. Ivan - Tsarevich goes to fight with the Serpent-Gorynych. They fight, Ivan - Tsarevich wins, takes the princess by the hand and leads her to the city. Artisans rejoice, shout "Hurrah", clap their hands.

Exercise "Catch the word."

Target: development of children's cognitive skills and abilities

Children need to choose words that begin with a given letter.

Game-application "Let's hide the fear behind the fence."

Purpose: work with children's fears.

On the image of fear (children's drawing “What am I afraid of”), stick pieces of multi-colored torn paper or draw a fence, a cage over the picture.

Exercise "Good animal".

Lesson 13. "Sadness and sadness."

Goals: consider the features of the content of sadness and sadness; to teach to recognize and describe their feelings and the feelings of other people; to form a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, the formation of communicative and cognitive UUD;

Equipment: pictograms of emotional states, demonstration material “Feelings. Emotions. ”, letters of mood, images of clouds and the sun.

Course progress.

Greetings."Good mood"

Warm up. The game "It's boring, it's boring to sit like that."

Near one wall of the room there are chairs, their number is equal to the number of children. There are also highchairs near the opposite side of the room, but their number is 1 less than the number of children. Children sit near the first wall of the room. The facilitator reads the poem.

"It's boring, it's boring to sit like this,

to look at each other,

Isn't it time to run

And change places?

The game "Monkey".

Purpose: to teach to convey in facial expressions, gestures a range of emotions (fear, sadness, resentment, suffering) and sensations (pain, cold). Children stage a quatrain:

Bad, very bad little Monkey.

Paws turned blue hid under the armpits.

The monkey pours tears, coughs, sneezes,

And the fierce downpour still does not subside.

Psychologist: “Today we will continue to talk about emotions. To guess which ones, listen 3 tips."

First clue:

Bad mood

Rabbit in the morning.

And therefore the rabbit does not dig a hole.

Flowers do not please

Carrots do not grow densely,

Radishes are very bitter

And cabbage does not crunch!

Second clue.

This emotion is the opposite of joy.

And the third hint on the board (pictogram of the emotion "Sadness").

Our ship is arriving on the island of Sadness today.

Exercise "Letter for a good mood."

Purpose: development of empathy.

Look, you have three letters on your desk. What kind of letter can you cheer up a friend who is sad?

Pictogram "Sadness". Look at the expression on this child's face. Does it look like joy? What happened to his mouth? Eyebrows? What is the expression of the eyes?

Exercise "Sun and Cloud"

Target: teach to recognize emotions.

The children have envelopes on their desks. They contain pictures depicting emotions, contour images of clouds and the sun. You must stick sadness on a cloud, and joy on the sun.

Magic chair game.

Purpose: To cultivate the ability to be affectionate, to activate pantomime.

One child sits in the center on a “magic” chair, the rest say kind, affectionate words, compliments about him. You can stroke the person sitting, hug, kiss.

Mobile game "Path".

Children join hands and stand in a circle. They go in circles. If the leader says “Path!”, The members of each team stand one after another, put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front, squat, tilting their heads slightly down. If the host says the word "Kopna!" - all participants go to the center, joining hands in the center. If "Kochki!" - all participants squat, putting their hands on their heads. These commands alternate.

Exercise "Extra figure".

Purpose: development of cognitive mental processes.

Exercise "Kind animal"

Lesson 14. "I control myself."

Goals: the formation of regulatory UUD, the development of arbitrary regulation of children's behavior, the prevention and reduction of anxiety and fears, and the increase in self-confidence.

Equipment: pictograms of emotional states, demonstration material “Feelings. Emotions.», rope, crayons.

Course progress.

Greetings."Good mood"

Warm up.Echo game.

Purpose: to set the children in a positive way, to make each child feel in the center of attention.

Psychologist: “The one who sits to my right calls his name and claps it with his hands, like this: “Va-sya, Vas-sya,” and we, like an echo, repeat after him. Then Vasya's neighbor on the right, Ira, slams her name, and we repeat again. In this way, everyone will take turns calling and clapping their name.

Children go on a journey around the map (the legend is that the puppy Squeal was missing). The teacher says that we will learn to cope with the difficulties that people have: sadness without loved ones, something does not work out, someone offends. In order to help the puppy, we need to cope with the follow-up tests.

Exercise "Mountain from the shoulders"

Purpose: to relieve fatigue, emotional stress.

Conversation "Mood".

Acquaintance with the game character dog "Screech", a conversation about how our mood depends on our thoughts, when the dog "Screech" is doing well, he loves everyone, he is happy with everyone, his mood is like clean water (show) and his thoughts are clear and "pure". When great ideas come into his head, the mood is wonderful and his thoughts become brilliant (show), but sometimes he is sad, offended and his thoughts are like dark, muddy water (show), (three colors are divorced: blue, yellow, black ). Children are invited to help Shriek, rid him of a bad mood.

Test 1. Exercise "Stone-rope". Examine and touch the stone and the rope in turn. “Stone - clench your fists so that they look like a stone, feel the tension and hardness. Unclench your fists. Rope - hands are relaxed, like whips, soft. The same ex. to turn the body into stone and rope.

Test 2. Exercise "House".

Purpose: development of arbitrariness, the ability to act according to the model.

Give the child a close look at the sample, then try to draw the same house as accurately as possible on your sheet of paper. Instruction: “If you draw something wrong, then draw it correctly on top of the wrong one or next to it, you can’t erase it with an eraser.”

Self-checking the task.

Test 3. The game "" Rock. I can handle""

Purpose: to develop a sense of self-confidence.

Children stand in a line, on the floor there is a rope at a distance of 20 cm from them. The child climber must walk along the line, holding on to the children, without going beyond the rope-path, the children support and encourage the "climber". Conclusion: Supportive words help us cope with difficulties. They overcame an impregnable mountain and went to the forest.

Test 4. The game "Owl".

Purpose: development of arbitrariness, self-expression.

The children themselves choose the driver - the "owl", which sits in the "nest" (on a chair) and "sleeps". Children are moving. Then the host commands: "Night!". The children freeze, and the owl opens its eyes and begins to catch. Which of the players moves or laughs becomes an owl. From the forest went to the river.

Test 5. Exercise "Psychological portrait".

Purpose: to activate the desire for self-knowledge .

The circle is divided into two halves - red and black. The child touches the red half - tells what he can be praised for, to the black one - what he can be scolded for.

Children are informed that the puppy's mood has improved.

Psychogymnastics "Stream of joy".

Goal: relieve emotional stress.

Children sit on the floor in a circle, hold hands. The facilitator suggests mentally imagining how a kind, cheerful stream settled inside everyone. The water in the stream was clean, clear, warm. The stream was very small and mischievous. He could not sit in one place for long. Let's play with him and mentally imagine how clean, transparent, warm water flows through your hands in a circle to each other.

Exercise "Good animal".

Lesson 15. "Listen to the command."

Goals: the formation of regulatory UUD, the development of arbitrary regulation of children's behavior, the removal of psycho-emotional stress.

Equipment: whatman paper, paints, brushes, matches, forms for the exercise "Points", "Patterns", "Chasing".

Lesson progress.

Greetings."Good mood"

Warm up. An exercise "Listen to the command."

Purpose: development of the ability to subordinate their actions to the rule.

To the sound of music, the child walks around the room. Hearing a clap in the hands, the child needs to stop, having heard two claps - to sit down or jump in place, three - to turn around and start moving in the opposite direction.

If it is difficult for a child to remember all three commands at once, the exercise can be started with one, gradually including the other two.

Children are invited to play scouts who must complete several important tasks.

Exercise "Speak!"

Purpose: development of arbitrary regulation of behavior.

An adult asks a child simple questions, for example: “What season is it now? What color is the sun? How much is two plus three?" etc. The child answers the question only if it is followed by the command “Speak!”

Exercise "Figures from matches".

Purpose: development of the ability to act according to the model.

An adult lays out a figure on a table of matches, in which sulfur heads are cut off, and invites the child to carefully consider it and remember it. The figure is then closed and the child recreates it from memory. The child is asked to pre-plan their activities.

Checking the implementation of work in pairs. Children, together with the teacher, draw up a plan according to which the activity was carried out.

Exercise "Points".

Purpose: development of the ability to act in accordance with the instructions, development of creative abilities.

The child takes a pencil and a sheet of paper. The adult gives the command “Start!”, and the child begins to draw dots on paper. Hearing the command "Rest!" - stops, and at the command "Start!" continues drawing. Then the dots should connect into a pattern.

Self-check work.

Exercise "Patterns".

Purpose: development of thinking operations.

Exercise "Chasing".

Purpose: development of the ability to act in accordance with the instructions.

Together with the child, an adult draws and paints several multi-storey buildings. Then the adult tells the sequence of actions that the child needs to remember, for example: climb into the far right house, climb to the fourth floor through a window with yellow curtains, etc. The task of the child is to indicate in the picture the place where the movement ends.

The exercise can be performed several times, offering the child different options.

Exercise "Rain"

An adult and children sit at a table on which lies a blank sheet of paper. Participants take pencils (preferably different colors) and start drawing: an adult draws streams of rain (vertical lines), and a child needs to have time to draw puddles under them. In this case, the participant sitting on the left draws with his right hand, and the one sitting on the right - with his left. After a while, the adult and children change places, the exercise resumes.

Wave exercise.

Goal: rallying the class team, developing the ability to act according to instructions.

The children stand in a line. At the signal of the teacher (it can be a clap of hands or a blow to a tambourine), the participants take turns crouching, thus imitating the movement of a wave.

Exercise "Good animal".

Lesson 16. "Magic cage".

Objectives: the formation of regulatory UUD, the development of arbitrary regulation of children's behavior, the removal of psycho-emotional stress.

Equipment: a map of a magical land, forms for the exercises "Sticks and crosses", "What's for lunch today?", "Graphic dictation", whatman paper, paints, pencils.

Course progress.

Greetings."Good mood"

Warm up. Exercise "Building a house"

An adult offers the child to “build a ten-story house”, stacking imaginary bricks on top of each other and gradually unbending the body.

The "upper floor" is at a height to which the child will reach, standing on his toes and stretching his arms up.

Children are invited to go on a trip to the country "Magic cage". The queen of this country has prepared many interesting tasks for them to complete in order to guess the magic word that will take them to the Square of Smiles. A map of the country is posted on the board.

Task 1 (Letter D). Exercise "Sticks and Crosses".

Purpose: development of arbitrariness .

The child is given a notebook sheet in a cage with fields and is asked to write sticks and crosses as written in the sample for a certain time (2-5 minutes). / + / + / - / + / + / - / + / + / - / + / + / - / + / + /

The following rules must be observed:

Write crosses and sticks in exactly the same sequence as in the sample;

Move to another line only after the sign "/ - /";

You can not write in the margins;

Each character should be written in one cell;

Observe the distance between the lines in two cells.

Checking work in pairs (comparison with the standard). Children evaluate the work of classmates (using stars of different colors). The one who correctly, quickly and accurately coped with the task is selected jointly.

Task 2 (Letter R). Exercise "What's for lunch today?".

Before the start of the game, the adult asks the child to name one of the animals and say what it eats. Then the adult, together with the child, draws a square on a sheet of paper, consisting of several cells, into which he draws what the animal eats.

The adult explains to the child: “Now we will find out what the bunny (bear, elephant, etc.) had for lunch today. I will name the cells through which he passed, and you listen carefully and remember. The adult calls the movement of the animal, for example: one cell down, one cell to the right, etc. At the end, the child calls the "lunch menu" of the animal.

Task 3 (Letter U). Exercise "Winter".

The child, imitating a snowdrift, squats down at some distance from the adult and freezes. An adult, playing the role of the spring sun, slowly approaches him. With the advent of the "sun", the "snowdrift" begins to "melt": the child relaxes the muscles of the legs, arms, and neck.

After being touched by an adult, the child lies down on the carpet, closes his eyes and maintains the accepted position until the signal.

Task 4 (Letter B). Exercise "Unusual page".

The child sits down at the table, on which there are pencils of two or three colors and a sheet of paper, where the corners and the middle are marked with a square. Before starting the exercise, you should clarify where the right and left, top and bottom corners of the page are.

An adult gives the child tasks, for example: draw a wavy line from the lower right corner to the middle of the sheet with a red pencil; connect the upper right and lower left corners with a green pencil, etc. The child completes tasks.

Self-test of work (comparison with the standard). Self-assessment of one's work (using assessment ladders).

Task 5 (Letter A). Game Forbidden Movement.

Cheerful rhythmic music sounds (for example, Dunaevsky's “How good it is around”). Children stand in a semicircle in the center - the leader. He shows several movements, one of which (squatting) is forbidden. Children must repeat all the actions of the leader, except for the forbidden. The one who made a mistake is eliminated, and those who remain the longest become the best players.

Task 6 (Letter Zh). Exercise "Graphic dictation".

After completing the tasks, the children are invited to find mistakes from a neighbor.

Next, the children are told that they correctly guessed the key word "FRIENDSHIP", which will help us get to the Square of Smiles. On the Square of Smiles, the Sun meets us. But only it is somehow .... sad. Let's cheer him up: we'll all play together.

What is missing in the sun on the Square of Smiles to make it cheerful? (smiles)

Let's draw smiles on our "smileys-suns" so that our smiles become light and joyful around.

(Children draw a smile on the prepared "emoticons" and attach it next to the sun.)

And here a smile played in our sun, and from a smile it became brighter for everyone.

Exercise "Good animal".

Lesson 17

Goals: to form communicative and personal UUD, to teach to be aware of one's own emotions and to understand the emotional state of others, to consolidate knowledge about basic emotions, to relieve psycho-emotional stress, to create a positive attitude.

Equipment: pictograms of emotional states, demonstration material “Feelings. Emotions.", paints, colored pencils, colored paper, magazine clippings, photographs

Course progress.

Greetings."Good mood"

Warm up. Exercise "Palm to palm"

Purpose: to develop the ability to coordinate actions with a partner.

Game progress: children press their hands together and thus move around the room, where you can set up different obstacles that the couple must overcome. It can be a chair or a table, or it can be a mountain or a river built by a child. An adult-child pair can participate in the game

The children are being told that today we are going to create TOGETHER a planet of emotions. On our planet should be located: the Sea of ​​JOY, the Forest of FEAR, the Mountains of SORRY AND SADNESS, the Island of SURPRISING, the Volcano of ANGRY.

Then all geographical objects are combined into a single planet of EMOTIONS.

Studies on the expression of basic emotions.

Round eyes (surprise).

One day, a first-grader Arthur spied an amazing scene in the entrance and wrote a story about it: “I was walking from school. I went into the entrance and saw a rag running around. I picked up the rag and saw that there was a kitten.”

The host invites the children to show what round eyes the boy had when he saw a living rag.

Golden droplets (joy, pleasure).

There is a warm rain. Bubbles dance in puddles. The sun peeked out from behind the clouds. The rain turned golden.

The child exposes his face to golden raindrops. Nice warm summer rain.

During the etude, the music of D. Hristov "Golden Droplets" sounds.

expressive movements. Tilt your head back, half open your mouth, close your eyes, relax your facial muscles, lower your shoulders.

Flower (joy).

A warm beam fell to the ground and warmed a seed in the ground. A sprout sprouted from the seed. A beautiful flower grew from a sprout. A flower basks in the sun, exposes each petal to warmth and light, turning its head after the sun.

expressive movements. Squat down, lower your head and arms; the head rises, the body straightens, the arms rise to the sides - the flower has blossomed; the head is slightly tilted back, slowly turning after the sun. Mimic. Eyes half closed: smile, facial muscles relaxed.

Cinderella (Sadness and sadness).

The music of M. Volovets "Cinderella and the Prince" (excerpt) sounds in the hall.

The girl portrays Cinderella, who comes home after the ball very sad: she lost her shoe...

expressive movements. A drooping head, drawn together eyebrows, lowered corners of the lips, a slow gait.

The fox is afraid (Fear).

The little fox saw his mother on the other side of the stream, but he does not dare to enter the water. The water is so cold and deep. expressive movements. Put your foot forward on the toe, then return the foot to its place. Repeat this movement several times. For greater expressiveness, you can imitate shaking imaginary droplets of water from your foot.

An exercise "Connect the words-emotions with strings ”(working with cards)

Connect the names of emotions with their image with lines.

All children are awarded certificates of "Connoisseur of the world of emotions"

Exercise "Good animal".

Section 3. Development of communication skills

Lesson 18. "What is communication."

Goals: the formation of communicative and cognitive UUD, to learn the norms of communication with children and adults; development in children of social and communication skills necessary to establish interpersonal relationships with peers and appropriate role-playing relationships with teachers, develop a friendly attitude towards each other in children, unity of the class team.

Equipment: glue, colored cardboard heart, magazines, paints, pencils, stimulus material for exercises.

Course progress.

Greetings."Good mood"

Warm up. Exercise "Gift to a friend"(non-verbal)

Communication is the interaction of people with each other. Communicating, people pass on knowledge and experience to each other, exchange opinions and impressions, share feelings, discover other people and at the same time get to know themselves better.

Issues for discussion:

- Tell me, is your communication with other people always successful and causes positive emotions?

Is it necessary to learn how to communicate?

- Why do you think this is necessary?

Attention game “Quack-quack”.

Purpose: development of the properties of attention, to show the role of communication.

Reading B. Lipanovich's poem "Interesting Conversation".

Frog “Kwak-kwak!”,

And the Duckling “Quack-quack!”,

Everyone said, everyone asked...

We talked well!

The children are standing. The host in random order pronounces the words “Frog” and “Duckling”. The boys in chorus say the words of the frog (“Quak-quak”), the girls - the words of the duckling (“Quack-quack”).

The game is played at a fast pace for elimination: whoever makes a mistake sits down. At the end, a summary is made of who was more attentive (“Duckling” or “Frog?”)

Conversation about communication following the results of reading a poem.

- Do you agree that the heroes of the poem "had a good talk"? Why?

Why do people talk to each other?

- It is known that Robinson Crusoe spent 28 years on a desert island. What do you think was the most difficult thing for him? (Despite the fact that making fire, building, hunting, farming, making furniture, clothes, etc. was not easy, the hardest thing was loneliness (“No one to talk to.”)

Exercise “I am glad to communicate with you”.

Goal: creating a positive emotional background, uniting the class team.

The psychologist invites one of the students to reach out to one of the guys with the words: “I am glad to communicate with you.” The one to whom they extended their hand takes it and holds out their free hand to another child, uttering the same words. So gradually, along the chain, everyone joins hands, forming a circle. The leader ends the exercise with the words: “Guys, I am glad to communicate with you!”

Exercise "Give a heart to a friend."

The psychologist suggests that the children take one or two multi-colored hearts from the box, decorate them and give them to whomever they want, but always with the words: “I give you my heart, because you are the most ... (say what you like in this person).

Exercise "Drawing order".

Children need to identify the sequence in which the drawings were drawn.

Exercise "Bridge of Friendship".

Goal: development of social and communication skills in children, creation of a friendly atmosphere, education of respect for each other.

The facilitator asks the children, if they wish, to form pairs, come up with and show a bridge (with the help of arms, legs, torso). If there are no volunteers, the facilitator can himself pair up with one of the children and show how to depict a bridge (for example, by touching their heads and hands).

Then he asks which of the children would like to “build” a bridge with three, four, etc. as long as there are willing ones. The exercise ends with everyone joining hands, making a circle and raising their hands up, depicting the “Bridge of Friendship”.

Work in pairs.

- Exercise "Drawing by points"

- Exercise "Frightened Hedgehog"

- Exercise "Hands meet, quarrel, reconcile"

- Collage "What is friendship"

Exercise "Good animal".

Lesson 19. "Journey to the country" Understanding "".

Goals: formation of communicative UUD; learn the rules of communication with children and adults; developing the ability to resolve conflicts; development of social and communication skills in children, removal of psycho-emotional stress, development of cooperation and interaction skills.

Equipment: rope, ball, glasses, mirror, recording with music of different tempos.

Course progress.

Greetings."Good mood"

Warm up. Exercise "Rocket"

Purpose: Gives the child the opportunity to feel their importance. The game evokes positive emotions and helps to relieve stress.

Instruction. “Let's try to launch a rocket with an astronaut into space. What kind of person can be an astronaut? Of course, a brave, smart, strong man. But we are all like that here, so we will choose an astronaut with the help of a rhyme. So, the astronaut takes a place in the ship - on a chair, and we will be the engine of this ship, we will squat around the chair and start launching the rocket. The children first whisper "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, then gradually rise, amplifying the voice, then with a loud cry of "uh" jump up and raise their hands up. The facilitator may ask the children to repeat the launch if they did not manage to jump sharply enough and shout loudly enough

Psychologist: “Today WE will pass tests that will make us one team. We will cope with the tasks only if we respect and help each other. Only then will we be able to get into the country of "Understanding".

The game "Blind and guide".

Purpose: development of the ability to trust each other, unity of the class team, development of interaction skills.

Only two people can walk along the winding path (lined with ropes). One child is blindfolded, the second leads him, holding his hand along the path. Changing in pairs, all the children go along the path.

The game "" Rock "" (need to overcome the mountain).

Goal: rallying the class team, developing interaction skills.

Children stand in a line, on the floor there is a rope at a distance of 20 cm from them. The child climber must walk along the line, holding on to the children, without going beyond the rope-path, the children support and encourage the "climber".

We overcame an impregnable mountain and went out to the forest.

Magic circle game.

Goal: creating a friendly atmosphere, developing empathy, uniting the class team.

Psychologist: “I want to teach you a new game. Let's form a circle. Inside the circle is space, magical and mysterious. Getting there, a person becomes the most wonderful, glorious, wonderful, sweet. He deserves compliments. The driver speaks to him, looking into his eyes, from the heart, sincere, kind, affectionate words about himself, recognizes only his merits and successes. Help him in this "magic glasses", which he receives from the circle standing inside, which looks into his eyes and says: "In reality, and not in a dream, what is beautiful in me?" The one to whom the compliment is intended thanks the driver for him and passes the “magic glasses” to another, who becomes the driver. He, after listening to 3-4 compliments, calls the best of them, and his author becomes inside the circle.

Halt. The game "Only funny words."

Purpose: to teach to negotiate to interact in a group of peers.

One of the players determines the theme. It is necessary to call in turn, for example, only funny words, the rest depict emotion with gestures, facial expressions, etc.

The first player says: "Clown". Second: Joy. Third: "Laughter"

"The game" Fox, where are you?

Purpose: development of arbitrariness.

Children become a semicircle, the leader is in the center. Children turn away and close their eyes. The facilitator softly touches the shoulder of one child, which means that he will play the role of the “fox”. All the rest are "bunnies".

At a signal, everyone opens their eyes and turns around. Does anyone know who the "fox" is? Leading covenant: “Fox, where are you?” Fox doesn't respond. The host calls the second and third time. And only for the third time the “fox” rushes to catch the “hares”.

If the “hare” squats down, it cannot be caught. Caught "hares" are out of the game.

We have come to the land of Understanding, where new tasks await us.

Understanding Fairy's Senses Library.

Emotion reading game.

Purpose: to teach to understand emotions frozen on faces (anger, anger, surprise, joy, fear, suffering, sadness, etc.). Photos are selected from magazines, newspapers, home archives (not drawings). The children are looking at them. The teacher asks questions: - What happened to this person? - Can you help him? - Would you like to meet him?

We went into the Mirror Room, you turned into mirrors, you will be disenchanted if you can correctly convey the facial expressions and gestures of a friend.

Mirror game.

Purpose: to develop the ability to understand and experience other people's emotions.

Children are divided into pairs, stand facing each other and look into each other's eyes. One begins to perform any movement - the other repeats it (in a mirror image). The teacher offers to convey different emotional states in gestures and facial expressions (sadness, joy, fear, pain, disgust ....).

We got into the Room of magical sounds, in which you have to move in accordance with the music. The fairy is watching you.

Etude "Dance of five movements".

Purpose: removal of psycho-emotional stress.

To perform the exercise, you need to record with music of different tempos, the duration of each tempo is 1 minute.

"The flow of water" - smooth music, fluid, rounded, soft, moving one into another movement.

"Crossing the thicket" - impulsive music, sharp, strong, clear, chopping movements, drumming.

"Broken Doll" - unstructured music, chaotic set of sounds, shaking out, unfinished movements (like "broken doll").

"Flight of the Butterflies" - lyrical, smooth music, subtle, graceful, gentle movements.

"Peace" - calm, quiet music or a set of sounds that imitate the sound of water, the surf, the sounds of the forest - the absence of movement, "listening" to one's body.

We are met by the beloved Crane Fairy, he wants to play with you.

Etude "The crane Zhura lived on the roof of Shura."

Purpose: development of the ability to understand the emotional state of another person (nature, animals, correlate with oneself) and the ability to adequately express one's own; unity of the group and the creation of favorable emotional comfort in the group, the removal of aggressive manifestations.

Children stand in a circle, take each other by the shoulders and say in chorus:

“On the roof of Shura lived a crane Zhura.

He walked like this... He took off like this...

He soared like this... He rested like this...

He drank water like this ... He was sad like this ...

Danced like this..etc. at first.

You have completed all the tasks and you are met by the Fairy of Understanding. I can give a magic ring, but it only fulfills those wishes that come from a good heart, it will help you return home and in the future will support you with its magical power of goodness, even being far from you.

Exercise "Good animal".

Lesson 20. "I am benevolent."

Goals: the formation of communicative and personal UUD, the formation of a respectful attitude towards each other; learn the rules of communication with children and adults; the development of communication skills, the formation of sustainable learning motivation against the background of a positive "I-concept" of children, stable self-esteem and a low level of school anxiety.

Equipment: colored pencils, tables with descriptions of students.

Course progress.

Greetings."Good mood"

Warm up. Game "Pyramid of Love".

Psychologist: “Each of us loves something or someone, this feeling is inherent in all of us, and we all express it differently. I love my family, my home, my job. Tell us who and what you love." (Children's stories).

“Now let's build a pyramid of love from our hands. I will name something I love and place my hand, then each of you will name your favorite and place your hand.” (Children build a pyramid). “Do you feel the warmth of your hands? Do you enjoy this state? Look how tall our pyramid is. High, because we are all loved and love ourselves.

Exercise "You are the best in the world".

Goal: creating a positive emotional background, developing cooperation skills.

In a circle, each participant says to his right the phrase: "You are the best in the world, because ...". Then the exercise is repeated in the opposite direction.

Exercise "Marathon of names".

The exercise is carried out in a line: the latter turns to face the one on the right and quickly moves along the line, clapping each participant with his palm on his palm and calling him by name. As soon as he becomes at the beginning of the line, the penultimate participant begins to perform the same exercise. The exercise is performed until all participants run with cotton along the line. Awarded to those who correctly called everyone by name.

Exercise "Colour the details."

Purpose: development of cognitive mental processes.

Children are invited to color only the details that make up the given figures.

The game "What are we like."

Purpose: development of attention to the personality of a classmate.

An adult starts the game: he invites one of the guys to the circle by his resemblance to himself. For example: "Katya, please come out to me, because we have the same color shoes." Katya enters the circle and invites one of the participants to leave in the same way.

The game continues until all the members of the group are in the circle. The game can be repeated several times. After the game, the psychologist says that all people are different, but all people have something the same (lists what the same features of appearance, elements of clothing were named).

At the end of the lesson, each child is invited to draw their own self-portrait and place self-portraits on a stand prepared in advance. The result of the lesson is that we are all different, but we have something in common and we feel good together.

Exercise "Guess".

Purpose: development of attention to the personality of a classmate.

According to the summary tables, the teacher prepares descriptions of several students (no more than 5-7). He writes their names in advance on cards and puts them in an envelope. Holding the envelope in his hands, he describes the child and invites the children to guess who it is. After some answers, he opens the envelope and says the name. The winner is awarded.

An exercise"Magic words".

Purpose: development of communicative skills and abilities.

Kindness, mercy, joy and concern for others form the basis of human happiness. A person who does good to others feels happy. Being polite to others is also kindness.

From whom do you often hear kind words?

There are many kind words in greetings, wishes, which we often meet in life. And there are greetings, wishes, words that include the very word "good".




Remember, how often do you use kind words? These words are also called "magic words". Why? (children's answers)

Exercise "Good animal".

Lesson 21. "Magic means of mutual understanding."

Goals: the formation of communicative, personal, cognitive UUD, acquaintance with the "magic means of understanding" - intonation and facial expressions. The development of empathy and attention to people, the ability to describe their feelings, drawing the attention of children to tactile, kinesthetic sensations; removal of psychological barriers.

Equipment: paints, colored pencils, toys, situation pictures "Land of Emotions", a bag with small items.

Course progress.

Greetings."Good mood"

Warm up. The game "Touch ...".

Purpose: development of communication and interaction skills, removal of bodily clamps.

Children stand in a circle, put toys in the center.

The host says: “touch ... (eyes, wheels, right leg, tail, etc.)” - Whoever did not find the necessary item - leads.

Explanatory note

Adaptation of first gradersto school education is one of the main activities of a school psychologist. This fact alone speaks of the relevance and significance of work in this direction.
In its most general form, school maladjustment is understood, as a rule, as a certain set of signs indicating a discrepancy between the sociopsychological and psychophysiological status of the child and the requirements of the situation of schooling, mastering which for a number of reasons becomes difficult. Among the main primary external signs, doctors, teachers, and psychologists unanimously attribute learning difficulties and various violations of school behavior.

Among the main causes of school maladjustment are the following:

1. Disadvantages in preparing the child for school, socio-pedagogical neglect.

2.Somatic weakness.
3. Violations of the formation of individual mental functions and cognitive processes.
4. Movement disorders.
5. Emotional disorders.

Depending on the social conditions of the child's life and its individual characteristics, different levels of maladjustment are distinguished:

1. In the absence of interest in the child of significant adults, he develops low self-esteem, the experience of failure is fixed and the meaning of learning and development is lost; as a result, poor academic performance, communication difficulties, and sometimes refusal to study are observed.
2. The group of mild cases of maladaptation includes children for whom study is hard and backbreaking work, they get very tired, they have no focus on learning, their interests are mainly related to communication. Such students usually do not have goals and interests, they do not expect their own success, they do not know how to plan their activities - they get bored.

"Good" children who please adults with good grades, but at the same time are afraid of mistakes and failures and realize not their own goals, but the expectations of parents and teachers. Sometimes such children learn at the limit of their abilities and are severely exhausted. They are characterized by periodic breakdowns - suddenly a sharp drop in academic performance, an increase in somatic diseases, depression. In this case, we can talk about hidden maladaptation. Training and developmental work is designed to eliminate or mitigate the effect of maladaptation and return the child to the path of development.
Children's adaptation training is aimed at preventing the difficulties associated with the process of entry of first-graders into school life in the classroom.


· creation of conditions for uniting the children's team during the period of adaptation;

· the formation of children's relationship to each other as partners in cooperation in various spheres of life.


· Provide psychological comfort for first graders;

· promote mutual understanding between children, unity of the class team

The training program has been drawn up for first grade students in the period of adaptation to school

Deadlines:first week of training, 3 lessons of 30 minutes

Expected results:

1. Removal of psychological stress in children.

2. Close-knit team of first-graders;

3. Painless adaptation to school.

4. Development in children of a sense of trust in adults (parents, teacher, psychologist).

Classes are carried out according to the following structure:

1. Warm-up (greeting, 3 - 5 minutes).

2. The main part (exercises of the adaptation period, 20-25 minutes).

3. Final part (farewell ritual, 2 min).

Thematic plan.

— Name of the lesson

- The purpose of the lesson

– Games, exercises (30 minutes)


Set up the participants of the training for group cohesion and activation of the work of the group.

1. "Snowball" - 5 minutes

2. "Caterpillar" - 7 min

3. "Transformation" - 5m

4. "Titanic" - 9 min

5. Reflection - 3 min

6. Farewell -1 min

"One for all and all for one"

Development of communication skills, cohesion, responsibility; development of non-verbal communication skills

1. "Say hello" - 3 min

2. "Build" - 7 min

3. "Confusion" - 8 min

4. "Scratch your back" - 10 min

5. "Palms" - 1 min

« We are friendly guys."

Teambuilding. The development of communication skills, cohesion within the team, the ability to coordinate their actions with others, and solve assigned tasks.

1. "Let's talk with our hands" - 2 minutes

2. "Touch and colors" - 5 min

3. "Puzzle" - 5min

4. "Bumps in the swamp" - 10 min

5. "Strongmen" - 5 minutes

Lesson 1. Acquaintance. Establishing contact with children.

Lesson progress

1. Warm up.

The social educator welcomes the children.

Guys, today I will lead the lesson. My name is Yulia Yurievna. But first, let's get to know each other better.

Exercise "Snowball". Greeting in a circle (children stand in a circle, hold hands and greet each by name, naming the names of all previous participants).

Familiarity with the rules of working in a group.

It was nice to meet you. Now listen carefully to the rules of conduct in our classes.

You probably noticed that I have a toy in my hands, and I hold it for a reason, there is such a rule: "Whoever has a toy, he speaks." Let's repeat this rule together. The next rule, the stop rule. I think you will easily remember this rule. After all, it says that you can not interrupt each other and listen carefully. Let's repeat this rule together. There is one more rule. It sounds like this: "Be active." Let's repeat this rule together.

2.Main part

- Now let's let's play.

Exercise "Caterpillar" - the class becomes one after another in a column, holding the neighbor in front by the waist. After these preparations, the host explains that the team is a caterpillar, and now cannot be torn apart. The caterpillar must, for example, show with its long body how it sleeps, how it eats, how it washes, how it exercises, etc.

- Well done! Did you like the game?

Our game will be called "Transformation". That is, I will name animals, people, objects in which you must “turn into”. Let's try. Now you are all "turning" into a cat. You can make sounds that are characteristic of a cat, that is, meow, purr, you can stretch, as cats do, etc.

So, you...


· tired man

· Doggy

· Mouse

· A person who is very upset

・Cheerful person

· Wood


Exercise Titanic. You did great. And as a reward, I want to offer you a boat trip. But first you need to choose a captain. Who wants to be? (if several guys move their hand at once, then the captain is chosen with the help of a rhyme). Being a captain is not so easy, because he is responsible for the ship, for the passengers, for the crew. And in case of misfortune, the captain must come to the aid of people. All clear, captain?

Then I'll ask everyone to come up on deck. Our journey begins! We are sailing on our small ship, admiring the sea, watching the dolphins. But suddenly the wind picked up, the sky was covered with clouds, it began to rain, lightning flashes. And, oh, misfortune, our ship began to sink. (The teacher removes one chair at a time until there are three chairs left, the children sit on the remaining chairs). Fortunately for us, they found out about the wreck of the ship on the shore and sent a rescue team to help us. And now you can already leave the deck of a sinking ship, report back, did you manage to save all the people?

- Fine, I see that you are ready to help each other, which means you will be able to quickly make friends. Well done! Keep it up! And now I ask everyone to take their seats.

3. Final part.

- Now I will ask you questions, and pass this ball around. For example, I give the ball to Dima, he must answer my question and pass it on. But before passing the ball must wind the thread around the finger (shows how). The game will continue until the glomerulus is again with me.


· Did you enjoy today's lesson? Why?

· Did you get to know your classmates better? What did they look like to you?

· Did you like the caterpillar game? Why?

· Would you like to play the transformation game again?

· Did you like to depict animals or the feelings and emotions of people more?

· What do you think is more difficult to portray, animals or people?

· When we played the Titanic game. Were you not afraid that your comrades would not let you into their chair, that is, they would not help you? Did you trust them?

- Well done! Look guys, we've got a vicious circle. And each of us is a part of it. If, for example, I raise my finger, then I will also have to do this if he does not want to break the thread. We are one. We are a team.

- We will unravel as follows, but first answer my question: have you ever had the desire to say thank you to each other for the day spent together?

“Now you have that opportunity.” And at the same time we can free ourselves. That is, I now pass the ball and tell him: “Thank you for a wonderful day,” unwinds the thread from his finger, passes the ball and tells her “thank you for a wonderful day,” etc. until we all unravel, and the ball is back to me.