Quotes about science and technology. New modern aphorisms

In a civilized society, it is customary to treat the scientific world with respect, as evidenced by individual aphorisms and quotes about science. However, after some time, the situation may change dramatically.
For example, previously popular sciences are declared pseudosciences, and their adherents are subjected to universal ridicule and contempt.
On the other hand, ordinary people work in science, who get into instructive stories and become an example for others. Aphorisms and quotes about science from different authors also help to learn about this.

“Science lives easily and freely only where it is surrounded by the full sympathy of society. Science can count on this sympathy if society is sufficiently close to it.

“…Scientific activity… is the only thing that survives you and that cuts into the history of mankind for hundreds and thousands of years”
Abram Fedorovich Ioffe

“... The study of the structure of the world is one of the greatest and noblest problems that exist in nature ...”
Galileo Galilei

“By method, I mean precise and simple rules, the strict observance of which always prevents the acceptance of the false as true and, without unnecessary waste of mental strength, but gradually and continuously increasing knowledge, helps the mind to achieve true knowledge of everything that is available to it”
Rene Descartes

"To observe the purity of science is the first commandment of a scientist"
Nikolai Nikolaevich Semenov

“The cult of the sciences in the highest sense of the word is perhaps even more necessary for the moral than for the material prosperity of a nation ... Science raises the intellectual and moral level; science contributes to the dissemination and triumph of great ideas"
Louis Pasteur

“Important research is delayed because results in one area are unknown, which have long become classics in an adjacent field”
Norbert Wiener

“I did not investigate the laws of nature and did not make major scientific discoveries. I didn't study them the way Newton, Kepler, Faraday and Henry studied them in order to find out the truth. I'm just a professional inventor. All my research and experiments were carried out solely with the aim of finding something of practical value.
Thomas Edison

“How wonderful is our position in this world! In it we were born, brought up, live and take it all for granted. In fact, we are so little surprised that nothing ever surprises us with its surprise. I think that the sight of a waterfall or a very high mountain excites more wonder in a young man than the question of its existence, of how it came into being. How he lives, how he stands upright and thanks to which he moves from place to place. Therefore, it turns out that we enter this world, live in it and leave it, without giving ourselves the trouble to think specifically about how everything happens. If it weren’t for the efforts of people with an inquisitive mind, who delved into these issues and revealed the most important laws that govern our existence on Earth, we would hardly have guessed that there is anything surprising here.
Michael Faraday

“Master the whole breadth of human knowledge, not locking yourself in one narrow specialty - this is the first thing I want to advise you ...”
Nikolai Dmitrievich Zelinsky

“A scientist knows no greater pleasure than to work and be active. All other pleasures have only the meaning of rest for him.
Ludwig Feuerbach

"I really like the violation of Newton's basic law - the law of inertia of rest, turning it into inertia of motion"
Nikolay Ivanovich Vavilov

“Nothing contributes so much to the general development and formation of children's consciousness as acquaintance with the history of human efforts in the field of science, reflected in the biographies of the great scientists of the past and in the gradual evolution of ideas. Only in this way can we ... inspire the younger generation with the idea of ​​continuous development and the humanitarian value of science "
Paul Langevin

"In science, every new point of view entails a revolution in its technical terms"
Friedrich Engels

“Following the thoughts of a great man is the most entertaining science”
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

“... Hardly anyone will dispute the beneficial influence of science on technology, but there may be idealistic scientists who will see a belittling of science in the convergence of science with technology. To them, a scholar who disinterestedly studies the Babylonian inscriptions will seem more sublime than a naturalist who studies phylloxera. But I think that if we are talking about the true servants of science, then both are guided by the same need to know the truth and reveal the hidden. This holy flame will always burn in the human chest, always a person will ask questions expressed in the beautiful verses of the poet:
What is there, beyond the ultimate,
What is there, in the radiance of golden stars?
Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovsky

“Theoretical research is the study of phenomena in themselves, without their industrial application. But note that there is not a single scientific discovery that sooner or later would not receive practical application.
Frederic Joliot-Curie

“All scientific work is 99 percent failure, and maybe only 1 percent is success…”
Sergey Lvovich Sobolev

“What the sciences have hitherto discovered lies almost at the very surface of ordinary concepts. In order to penetrate deep and far into nature, it is necessary to abstract both concepts and axioms from things in a more sure and careful way, and in general, better and more reliable work of the mind is necessary.
Francis Bacon

“Science is one and indivisible. One cannot care about the development of some scientific disciplines and leave others unattended. It is impossible to pay attention only to those whose application to life has become clear, and to ignore those whose significance is not recognized and not understood by mankind.
Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky

“Science is an attempt to bring the chaotic diversity of our sensory experience into line with some unified system of thought”
Albert Einstein

"Scientific truths are always paradoxical, if judged on the basis of everyday experience, which catches only the deceptive appearance of things"
Karl Marx

"Science is mankind's eternal striving for truth, and truth is reached only by a long way in the midst of inevitable errors and delusions"

“I do not believe that in our world the passion for risk and adventure can disappear. If I see anything viable around me, it is precisely the spirit of adventure that seems ineradicable and manifests itself in curiosity. It seems to me that this is the primary instinct of humanity: I do not know how humanity could continue to exist if it did not have this passion, just as a person completely devoid of memory could not exist. Curiosity and the spirit of adventure, of course, do not disappear"
Maria Sklodowska-Curie

“Great discoveries, leaps forward in scientific thought are created by intuition, by a risky, truly creative method. New eras in science have always begun with changes to ideas and postulates that previously served as the basis for deductive reasoning.
Louis de Broglie

“From observations to establish a theory, through theory to correct observations - there is the best way of all to find the truth”
Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov

“The main motive of my life is not to live life in vain, to move humanity forward at least a little. That is why I was interested in what gave me neither bread nor strength, but I hope that my work, maybe soon, and maybe in the distant future, will give mountains of bread and an abyss of power.

“In scientific work, one cannot make confident predictions for the future, since there are always obstacles that can only be overcome with the advent of new ideas”
Niels Bohr

“Everything lofty and beautiful in our life, nake and art is created by the mind with the help of fantasy, and much - by fantasy with the help of the mind. It can be boldly asserted that neither Copernicus nor Newton, without the help of fantasy, would have acquired the significance in science that they enjoy.
Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov

“... The educational value of science lies as much in the discovery itself as in the effort due to which it is achieved; in the exposition of laws, as in their history; in the perspective which their totality opens up into reality, in their exact correspondence with the facts, and in the discipline which serves to establish them"
Paul Langevin

“... There is nothing more wonderful than the human brain, there is nothing more amazing than the process of thinking, nothing more precious than the results of scientific research ...”
Alexei Maksimovich Gorky

“The ideals that illuminated my path and gave me courage and courage were kindness, beauty and truth. Without a sense of solidarity with those who share my convictions, without the pursuit of the eternally elusive objective in art and science, life would seem to me absolutely empty.
Albert Einstein

“Science is beneficial only when we accept it not only with the mind, but also with the heart”
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

“... In the history of human thinking, the most fruitful were those directions where two different ways of thinking collided”
Werner Heisenberg

“We must strive to establish communication between representatives of mental and physical labor, to harmoniously merge the tasks of science and life, to serve scientific truth and ethical truth”
Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev

“... Human science, essentially rational in its foundations and in its methods, can realize its most significant conquests only through dangerous sudden leaps of the mind, when abilities are released from the heavy fetters of the old reasoning, which are called imagination, intuition, wit. It would be better to say that the scientist conducts a rational analysis and goes through the chain of his deductions link by link: this chain fetters him up to a certain point; then he is instantly freed from it, and the newfound freedom of his imagination allows him to see new horizons.
Louis de Broglie

“Naturalists imagine that they are freed from philosophy when they ignore or scold it. But since they cannot move a single step without thinking, and logical categories are necessary for thinking… in the end, they still find themselves subordinate to philosophy…”
Friedrich Engels

“... Science moves in jolts, depending on the progress made by the technique. With each step of the methodology forward, we seem to rise a step higher, from which a wider horizon opens up to us, with previously invisible objects.
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

“Happiness is given only to those who know. The more a person knows, the sharper, the stronger he sees the poetry of the earth where a person with meager knowledge will never find it.

“Disciples and followers make up the mighty power and priceless wealth of a scientist. A scientist without students, a lone scientist, is, from my point of view, a pitiful and, I would say, ugly phenomenon, because the meaning of a scientist’s life should lie not only in developing new theoretical values, but also in creating a worthy replacement capable of broader and deeper develop, improve the ideas of their teachers and consolidate them in practice"
Konstantin Ivanovich Skryabin

"I value one experience more than a thousand opinions born only of the imagination"
Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov

“... The work of a scientist is the property of all mankind, and science is the area of ​​​​the greatest disinterestedness. Workers in science should be valued precisely as the most productive and precious energy of the people, and therefore it is necessary for them to create conditions under which the growth of this energy would be facilitated in every possible way.
Alexei Maksimovich Gorky

“Don't state anything that you couldn't prove simply and definitely... Respect criticism! Criticism by itself can neither generate new ideas nor stimulate great deeds. However, without her, everything is unsteady. She has the last word."
Louis Pasteur

“To neglect the possibility of using scientific data in public life is to belittle the importance of science. Science helps us in the fight against fanaticism in all its manifestations; it helps us create our own ideal of justice, without borrowing anything from erroneous systems and barbaric traditions.”
Anatole France

“I keep in mind the subject of my research and patiently wait until the first glimpse, little by little, turns into a full and brilliant light”
Isaac Newton

“The problem is solved not by the one who is content with partial success, but by the scientist who achieves a full-fledged result”
Abram Fedorovich Ioffe

“There is no certainty in the sciences where none of the mathematical sciences can be applied, and in that which has no connection with mathematics”
Leonardo da Vinci

“A scientist should be especially meticulous about experience - the supreme judge of all scientific hypotheses and theories. He must comprehensively test the theory by experiments and carefully exclude all possible sources of error when setting up the experiment, not discard or hide at least individual results that do not fit into his hypothesis. Moreover, if other scientists in different countries begin to check your results, and among the confirmed experiments suddenly appear contradictory to your theory, you must definitely check their experience with all possible care and either show that your opponent made a mistake in the experiment, or make sure that he is right. , and honestly admit that your theory is wrong or partially correct. It is necessary, without any tricks, to admit this directly and boldly, no matter how unbearably hard it may be.
Nikolai Nikolaevich Semenov

“For people who have devoted themselves to scientific activity, there is nothing more pleasant than to increase the number of their discoveries, but a scientist is especially happy when the results he receives bring immediate practical benefits”
Louis Pasteur

“Thought, completely free and, as such, left to itself, can produce nothing, because the soul of science, i.e. its laws, hypotheses and theories need a body, a material content, in order for the organism of science to come out. Some dead facts, like some free speculations, do not yet constitute sciences.
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

“... In science there are architects who conceive brilliant plans, and workers who put into practice those of them that turn out to be feasible. To each his own business, but even the humblest figure has a sacred duty to point out and correct the mistake of a brilliant architect.
Petr Petrovich Semenov-Tyan-Shansky

“To give an accurate description of the observed phenomena of nature, to snatch out the main, characteristic features from the variety of details and trifles, to formulate in a sharp and brief form everything that the eye has seen and grasped by thought - this is such a complex and important task that all the difficulties of laboratory research pale in front of it. or theoretical analysis in scientists' offices"
Alexander Evgenievich Fersman

“Poetry and science are identical, if by science one should understand not only the schemes of knowledge, but the consciousness of the thought hidden in them. Poetry and science are identical, as comprehended not by any one of the abilities of our soul, but by the whole fullness of our spiritual being, expressed by the word "reason"

"From living contemplation to abstract thinking and from it to practice - such is the dialectical path of knowing the truth, knowing objective reality"
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

“From the first steps of my mental activity, I set myself two parallel tasks: to work for science and write for the people, i.e. popular"
Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev

“... We live in a time when the highest calling of a person is not only to explain, but also to change the world - to make it better, more meaningful, more fully meeting the needs of life”
Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin

“What is known to most people today was the privilege of only a small number of scientists fifty years ago; and this process will continue to the end, since scientific knowledge is one of the moments of the collective adaptation of thinking to facts.
Paul Langevin

“My sincere wish is that my students treat me with criticism, my goal will be achieved when they are convinced that I act consistently; Am I doing it right? - is another matter; Only time and experience can show this."
Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov

“... Science moves forward in proportion to the mass of knowledge inherited from the previous generation, therefore, under the most ordinary conditions, it ... grows exponentially”
Friedrich Engels

“Science is the source of the highest good for mankind during periods of peaceful labor, but it is also the most formidable weapon of defense and attack in time of war”
Nikolai Dmitrievich Zelinsky

“An indispensable quality of a scientific worker is diligence. It is necessary to develop self-restraint and patience when setting up any scientific experiment, since at the first stages of work minor failures are inevitable, often associated with an imperfect methodology. An experiment sometimes requires multiple verifications, which is usually associated with enormous stress. “Without labor there is no truly great,” said Goethe, “and he was absolutely right.”
Konstantin Ivanovich Skryabin

“For the common good, and especially for the establishment of science in the Fatherland, and against my own father, I don’t set up rebellion for sin”
Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov

“I never claimed to have a complete solution to the problem. First inevitably come: thought, fantasy, fairy tale. They are followed by scientific calculation. And in the end, the execution crowns the thought. My work on space travel belongs to the middle phase of creativity. More than anyone, I understand the abyss that separates an idea from its implementation, because during my life I not only thought and calculated, but also executed, also working with my hands. However, it is impossible not to be an idea: the execution is preceded by a thought, an exact calculation is a fantasy.
Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky

“When a person approaches the end of his life's journey, he sadly asks himself the question, is he destined to see those alluring horizons that spread out there ahead? His consolation is that the young, the strong follow him, that old age and youth merge in continuous work for the study of the truth.
Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovsky

“A person is now dealing with such problems that he is breathtaking and dizzy. However, until you feel slightly dizzy, you will not be able to understand their essence. Problems are more important than solutions. Solutions may become obsolete, but problems remain.”
Niels Bohr

"All science is applied logic"
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

“Scientists know how much benefit science has brought to mankind; they also know what it could now achieve if peace reigned throughout the globe. They don't want the words "Science has led us to death by atomic and hydrogen bombs" ever to be uttered. Scientists know that science cannot be to blame. Only those people who misuse its achievements are to blame."
Frederic Joliot-Curie

“Read not to contradict and refute; not then to take on faith; and not then to find a subject for conversation; but to think and reason"
Francis Bacon

"Unlike other architects, science not only draws castles in the air, but also erects individual residential floors of the building before laying its foundation"
Karl Marx

“False theories are characterized by a complete inability to predict new facts. Every time this kind of fact appears, they are forced to build up a new hypothesis on top of the previous one ... Correct theories, on the contrary, are the expression of facts, are dictated by them and obey them; they foresee new facts with complete clarity, since these facts are by their nature organically connected with those already established. In a word, the distinguishing feature of correct theories is their fruitfulness.
Louis Pasteur

“... It is likely that 95% of original scientific works belong to less than 5% of professional scientists, but most of them would not have been written at all if the remaining 95% of scientists had not contributed to the creation of a generally high enough level of science”
Norbert Wiener

“People who have enriched the people not only with facts, but also with general principles, people who have advanced scientific consciousness, that is, who have contributed to the success of the thoughts of all mankind, should be placed - and usually become - higher than those who were exclusively engaged in the development of facts "
Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov

“Really new things can only be obtained if you are ready at a decisive place to leave the foundations on which the old science rested and jump, to a certain extent, into the void”
Werner Heisenberg

“In matters of natural science ... the knowledge of phenomena is what leads us to research and find the cause. Without this, we will wander like a blind man and even with even less certainty, because we will not know what goal we should set, and the blind man at least knows where he wants to go.
Galileo Galilei

“I am one of those who are convinced of the great beauty of science. A scientist in his laboratory is not only a specialist. He is also a child facing natural phenomena that amaze him like a fairy tale. We must be able to tell others about these feelings. We should not put up with the opinion that all scientific progress is reduced to mechanisms, machines, gears, although they are also beautiful in themselves.
Maria Sklodowska-Curie

"If without science there can be no modern industry, then without it there can be no modern science"
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

“The share of science in the country is determined not only by the funds allocated from the state budget, the number of research institutes, but above all by the horizons of scientists, the height of their scientific flight”
Nikolay Ivanovich Vavilov

“Just as the absorption of food without pleasure turns into boring food, so the pursuit of science without passion pollutes the memory, which becomes unable to assimilate what it absorbs”
Leonardo da Vinci

“Among all the arts, the art of observing is the most difficult: not only comprehensive knowledge is important here, but extensive experience is also necessary, since when observing a phenomenon it is not enough just to see it, one must dissect the phenomenon and find out in what relation the parts are to the whole. »
Nikolai Dmitrievich Zelinsky

“In science, it is often not enough to solve any problem or group of problems. After that, you need to take a closer look at these tasks and rethink what tasks you have solved. Often, when solving one problem, we automatically find the answer to another question that we had not thought about at all before.
Norbert Wiener

“It is very easy to make amazing discoveries, but it is difficult to improve them to such an extent that they have practical value. That's what I'm doing"
Thomas Edison

“... A true scientist should be not just impartial, but the most biased critic of what is dearest to him - his creative work, to which he devoted many days and nights of work, joy, inspiration. He should be, as it were, an enemy to himself - this is both a tragedy and the greatness of a scientist.
Nikolai Nikolaevich Semenov

“Only a mind capable of tracing the inseparable connection of seemingly incompatible phenomena can create genuine values”
Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky

“The talent of the experimenter is reflected in the ability to isolate the phenomenon under study in its pure form, freeing it from side effects”
Abram Fedorovich Ioffe

“Science is the highest mind of mankind, it is the sun that man created from his flesh and blood, created and lit in front of him in order to illuminate the darkness of his hard life, in order to find a way out of it to freedom, justice, beauty”
Alexei Maksimovich Gorky

“There are ... two types of minds: the first penetrates vividly and deeply into all the consequences arising from the principles, and this is the mind that reasons correctly; others assimilate a large number of principles without mixing or confusing them, and these are geometric minds. Some are characterized by strength and correctness of judgment, while others are broad minds. There may be one together with the other, there may be one without the other, there may be a strong and narrow mind, or a wide but weak one.
Blaise Pascal

“The true and legitimate goal of all sciences is to endow human life with new inventions and riches” “Truth is the daughter of time, not authority”
Francis Bacon

“Universal labor is every scientific work, every discovery, every invention. It is determined partly by the cooperation of contemporaries, partly by the use of the labor of predecessors.
Karl Marx

“Science should look for ideas. No idea, no science. Knowledge of facts is precious only because ideas are hidden in facts: facts without ideas are rubbish for the head and memory.
Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

“Experience first benefits science, then harms it, as it reveals both the law and the exception. The average between them does not give the true "
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

“The experiment should not be reduced to simple passive observation. He must, whenever possible, actively intervene in reality, changing the conditions for the occurrence of phenomena, questioning nature in a strictly defined way, so as to see what her answer will be.
Louis de Broglie

“Science at any time is the sum total of all that it has achieved up to that time. But this result is not static. Science is more than a general set of known facts, laws and theories. Criticizing, often destroying as much as creating, science constantly discovers new facts, laws and theories. Nevertheless, the whole edifice of science never ceases to develop. She, so to speak, is always under repair, but at the same time she is always used.
John Bernal

"Philosophers have only explained the world in various ways, but the point is to change it"
Karl Marx

“Experimental work must be doubted as long as the facts do not force us to abandon all doubts”
Louis Pasteur

“If a person’s ability to dream is taken away, then one of the most powerful incentives that give rise to culture, art, science and the desire to fight for the sake of a beautiful future disappears”
Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky

“... We put hard laboratory work above all else, as a kind of work in general full of poetic charms”
Nikolai Dmitrievich Zelinsky

"A person's dignity should be determined by his deeds, and not by what they say about him"
Thomas Edison

“At every moment, a certain general idea of ​​the subject is required, in order to have something to cling to the facts, in order to have something to move forward with, in order to have something to assume for future research. Such an assumption is a necessity in the scientific business.
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

"Only science teaches how to extract truth from its only primary source - from reality"
Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev

“Know how to work in a team… To be able to work in a team is, first of all, to perceive criticism correctly and not be shy to criticize the mistakes of another…”
Nikolai Dmitrievich Zelinsky

“... In any scientific field - both in the field of nature and in the field of history - one must proceed from the facts given to us ... one cannot construct connections and introduce them into facts, but one must extract them from facts and, having found them, prove them as far as possible , empirically"
Friedrich Engels

“If I deal with any subject, I first make experiments, and then I draw conclusions and build proofs. This is the method to be followed in studying the phenomena of nature."
Leonardo da Vinci

“The point of view of life, practice should be the first and main point of view of the theory of knowledge. And it inevitably leads to materialism, rejecting from the threshold the endless fabrications of professorial scholasticism.
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

“I don’t know what the world will think about my labors, but I personally look at myself as a child who, playing on the seashore, found a few smoother stones and a few shells more colorful than others could, while the immeasurable ocean truth spread before my unexamined gaze"
Isaac Newton

“Mathematics is the science of the young. It cannot be otherwise. Doing mathematics is such a gymnastics of the mind, which requires all the flexibility and endurance of youth.
Norbert Wiener

“Scientists, more than anyone, can imagine with certainty all the joy of life that science can bring to mankind in conditions of justice and peace”
Frederic Joliot-Curie

“... In the applied sciences, it is not so easy to serve the truth. Here access to the truth is hindered not only by scientific obstacles, that is, those that can be removed with the help of science. No, in applied science, in addition to these obstacles, human passions, prejudices and weaknesses from different sides affect access to truth and often make it completely inaccessible.
Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov

“In the subjects of our research, it is necessary to look not for what they think about them or what we ourselves assume about them, but what we can clearly and obviously see or reliably deduce, for knowledge cannot be achieved otherwise”
Rene Descartes

"Two human aspirations - for Knowledge and Power - truly coincide in the same"
Francis Bacon

“From my own experience, I know what a complete happiness gives persistent scientific work, the solution of mysteries, which are still many in the nature around us. What satisfaction it gives the consciousness that each new knowledge opens up new opportunities to improve a person's life, his way of life and culture. At the same time, our horizons are expanding - it is not for nothing that scientific creativity is compared with a rise to a height, but there is no end to the rise: only the eternal striving forward moves science.
Abram Fedorovich Ioffe

“The first place in my life has been and is occupied by scientific research, scientific work, free scientific thought and the creative search for truth by the individual”
Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky

“... For the development of science, it is required in each given era not only that people think in general, but that they concentrate their thoughts on that part of the vast field of science that currently requires development”
James Maxwell

“... To demand that people renounce their own judgments and submit to the judgments of others, and to appoint persons who are completely ignorant in science or art as judges of people scientists, giving them the power to treat the latter at their own discretion, these are such innovations that can lead to destruction of the republic and destroy the state"
Galileo Galilei

“Just as speech is made up of a series of words, and certain images are made up of a set of shadows, so knowledge in its sublime, best sense is born from a mass of comprehended facts, consisting in connection with each other”
Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov

"There is no weapon stronger than knowledge"
Alexei Maksimovich Gorky

“... The beauty and greatness of the human mind lies in the fact that without rest, without respite, without knowing fatigue, without fear of danger, forever seek the truth that always eludes him”
Anatole France

“In the field of observational and experimental sciences - in the study of concrete real nature - the naturalist must - otherwise he cannot work scientifically - accept the reality of the world he studies as such ... The reality of the world is an axiom of scientific work. The scientist introduces here only amendments that do not violate this basic provision, without which there can be no scientific work.
Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky

"The progress of science is determined by the work of its scientists and the value of their discoveries"
Louis Pasteur

“My followers must precede me, contradict me, even destroy my work, while at the same time continuing it. It is only from such consistently destroyed work that progress is created.
Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin

"Genius is the patience of thought concentrated in a certain direction"
Isaac Newton

“... The task of science is to reduce the visible, only appearing in the phenomenon, movement to a real internal movement ...”
Karl Marx

“A real scientist should not be afraid that individual, most talented students will discover new natural phenomena, develop new methods and surpass their teacher with a number of their scientific achievements ... One should be proud of such students, because without this there can be no progress in science, neither in technology, nor in art, nor in literature"
Konstantin Ivanovich Skryabin

“Nothing can be greater than the joy that the study of nature gives us. Its secrets are incomprehensibly deep; however, it is given to us, people, to penetrate further and further into them with our eyes.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

“Romanticism is characteristic of everything, in particular science and knowledge. The more a person knows, the more fully he perceives reality, the closer he is surrounded by poetry and the happier he is.
Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky

“You can’t draw a line between big and small, because both are equally important for a single whole”
Niels Bohr

“The acquisition of any kind of knowledge is always beneficial to the mind, for it can subsequently reject the useless and retain the good. For nothing can be loved or hated unless it is first known.”
Leonardo da Vinci

"The true subject of teaching is the preparation of man to be man"
Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov

“Science is not at all a collection of laws, a collection of unrelated facts. It is a creation of the human mind with its freely invented ideas and concepts.
Albert Einstein

"Science was born by the experience and thought of mankind, it is a free force"
Alexei Maksimovich Gorky

“... With the complete elimination of the hypothesis, i.e. guiding thought, science would become a heap of bare facts"
Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev

“... In science, more than in any other institution of mankind, it is necessary to study the past in order to understand the present and dominate nature in the future”
John Bernal

“We digest hypotheses in the cauldron of our laboratories, they fill the projects of our future experiments, they stimulate our research, that’s all”
Louis Pasteur

“... A theory that is not verified by experience, with all the beauty of the concept, loses weight, is not recognized; practice that is not based on a balanced theory is at a loss and a loss ... "
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

“... For a materialist, the world is richer, livelier, more diverse than it seems, because every step in the development of science opens up new aspects in it”
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

“For people of a heroic spirit, everything turns to good, and they know how to use captivity as the fruit of great freedom, and sometimes turn defeat into a high victory!”
Giordano Bruno

"Scientific activity is fruitful only when it constitutes the content of life, its goal"
Abram Fedorovich Ioffe

"Science is a living organism by which truth develops"
Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

“Studying the truth, one can have a threefold goal: to discover the truth while we still have it; prove it when found; finally, to distinguish from lies when we consider it "
Blaise Pascal

“Science is not the subject of pure thinking, but the subject of thinking, constantly drawn into practice and constantly reinforced by practice. That is why science cannot be studied in isolation from technology.”
John Bernal

“What do the most refined material pleasures mean in comparison with that quiet, calm, but sublime feeling that fills the soul of everyone who truly loves his science! My gratitude to the science I have chosen will not dry up until the end of my life; I love my science, as only a son can love a tender mother; what would be the years spent by me if they did not have those sweet moments and hours that science gave me ... "
Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov

“Always to meet this need, palaces-observatories will be built and temples of science will be created. And technology, with its immense power of the future, will always serve this need.”
Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovsky

“What sciences are more characteristic of the human mind than the natural sciences? They help a person most of all to penetrate into the action of those laws, the knowledge of which shows how interesting even the most insignificant phenomena of nature are. With the help of these sciences, a person finds, according to the poet: "... the language in the trees, the book in the streams, the chronicles in the rocks and harmony everywhere"
Michael Faraday

“No matter how probable the guesses that tilt my judgment in a certain direction, however, my mere knowledge that this is only a guess, and not reliable and undoubted grounds, is enough to give rise to the opposite judgment”
Rene Descartes

“The materialistic worldview means simply understanding nature as it is, without any extraneous additions”
Friedrich Engels

“We must never forget that each success of our knowledge raises more problems than it solves, and that in this area each new discovered land suggests the existence of vast continents still unknown to us”
Louis de Broglie

“The virtues of science suffice for itself; she has no desire to show herself or shine; she is a flower that attracts not the gaze of an ordinary strolling person, but only the gaze of a thinking naturalist; you have to study to know it…”
Ludwig Feuerbach

“Mistakes are not worth much to notice; to give something better - that's what befits a worthy person "
Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov

“Theory turns new facts into new truths and new principles, striving to build an ever more complete, accurate, harmonious and useful picture of the world”
Paul Langevin

"... Science is the basis of all progress that makes life easier for mankind and reduces its suffering"
Maria Sklodowska-Curie

“The real center of science is not volumes of scientific works, but the living mind of a person, and in order to advance science, it is necessary to direct human thought into a scientific channel. This can be done in various ways: by announcing a discovery, advocating a paradoxical idea, or inventing a scientific phrase, or expounding a system of doctrine.
James Maxwell

“... What a happy old age can a scientist achieve if his passion for science does not fade in him, if he managed to win the love and respect of his students, if from his very first steps only the torch of scientific truth illuminates his path, if false lamps of personal interests, ambition , arrogance, envy do not lead him astray from the path of serving science, and through it - the people "
Nikolai Nikolaevich Semenov

“Inspiration is the disposition of the soul towards the liveliest acceptance of impressions and the consideration of concepts, and consequently their explanation. Inspiration is needed in geometry, as in poetry"
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

“There is someone who is higher than scientists, even brilliant ones, - this is science itself in its progressive, evolutionary movement”
Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev

“A thinking person has that amazing property that where an unresolved problem lies, he likes to invent an image of fantasy, from which he cannot get rid of, even when the problem is resolved and the truth is obvious”
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

“Humanity will not remain forever on Earth, but, in pursuit of light and space, it will first timidly penetrate beyond the atmosphere, and then conquer all the circumsolar space”
Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky

"Nothing happens without a good reason"
Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov

“The conditions of experimental work in modern sciences make collective work useful and even necessary... essentially, individually
Louis de Broglie

"Study hard, study always - that's the second thing I want to advise you"
Nikolai Dmitrievich Zelinsky

“... Science made me love the truth, science served to develop in me the holy idea of ​​duty and duty to such an extent that I subordinated my very feeling to this idea and am ready to die in cold blood when this is required by the duty imposed on me by science”
Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov

"Work is personal life"
Nikolay Ivanovich Vavilov

“I drew strength from optimism and confidence that I was doing the right thing”
Petr Petrovich Semenov-Tyan-Shansky

“Science, with its rigorous analysis of real facts, persistent search for new, more perfect truths, and resolute struggle against conscious errors and prejudices, must permeate our entire technology, culture, and way of life”
Abram Fedorovich Ioffe

“Whoever wants to reason correctly must be able to free himself from the habit of taking everything on faith, must consider opposing opinions equally possible and abandon prejudices ...”
Giordano Bruno

“In order for any science to move forward, for its expansion to become more perfect, hypotheses are necessary just as evidence of experience and observation”
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

“Theory by itself is useless. It is useful only because it gives us faith in the connection of phenomena.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

“The aim of scientific knowledge should be to direct the mind in such a way that it makes firm and true judgments about all objects encountered”
Rene Descartes

“The true path, leading in a long but sure way to a theoretical understanding of complex phenomena, consists in the experience and measurement of individual particulars of a complex phenomenon”
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

“Sciences only benefit if they use methods and facts borrowed from each other. Each such contact of sciences is always a step forward. True, at the moment when there is a movement forward, prepared by another, related science, there are always backward people who demand to stop violating the unshakable rules established by their science.
Louis Pasteur

“The significance of research often lies not so much in the fact that it cuts a completely new road through the thick of the forest, but also in the fact that it makes the clearing passable and forces everyone to move along a new path”
Alexander Evgenievich Fersman

"All science is nothing but the refinement of everyday thinking"
Albert Einstein

"When a person wants to know - he explores, when he wants to hide from the anxieties of life - he invents"
Alexei Maksimovich Gorky

“The truth is so tender that as soon as you depart from it, you fall into error; but this delusion is so subtle that one has only to deviate from it a little, and one finds oneself in the truth.
Blaise Pascal

“... Ascetics are needed, like the sun. Constituting the most poetic and cheerful element of society, they excite, console and ennoble. Their personalities are living documents indicating to the society that in addition to people who argue about optimism and pessimism, who write unimportant novels out of boredom, useless projects and cheap dissertations, debauchery in the name of denying life and lying for a piece of bread ... there are still people of a different order, people of achievement, faith and a conscious goal"
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

“The creative element is to find another, more perfect way to solve the problem set by the author, or to set, based on these experiments, a further task that reveals the issue more deeply, to try to find an explanation for the facts that remain incomprehensible to the author or not noticed by him”
Abram Fedorovich Ioffe

“... Science would gain a lot from the fact that every scientist, who worked for many years on establishing accurate knowledge, at the end of his life paid attention to ... not yet substantiated considerations. The only important thing is that this scientific fantasy does not break away from reality, that it is in constant connection with this reality.
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

“Hypotheses and theories, doctrines and schemes in many fields of science are complete atlases of maps. To leave them means to abandon the path. In the forest of facts or in the ocean of thought one can equally get lost without theories and doctrines.
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

“Many, after reading my works, will think not about how to be convinced of the truth of what I said, but only about how to find ways to refute my arguments with truth or untruth”
Galileo Galilei

“Experience does not err, only your judgments err, which expect from it what it is unable to give”
Leonardo da Vinci

“Only when there is an understanding of phenomena, a generalization, a theory, when the laws governing phenomena are comprehended more and more, only then does true human knowledge begin, does science arise”
Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov

“In order to survey the progress of science as a whole, it is useful to compare the modern problems of science with the problems of the previous era and to study those specific changes that this or that important problem has undergone over decades or even centuries”
Werner Heisenberg

“A scientist already in his early youth must come to terms with the idea that he is destined to know very little about the world around him”
Anatole France

“Art lives by fictions, science - realizes fictions ... It's time to learn the simplest and most obvious truth created by labor: the farther, the easier modern technology turns fictions and conjectures, fantasies and hypotheses into reality, arming a person in his struggle for life"
Alexei Maksimovich Gorky

“... The history of science is not limited to listing successful research. It must tell us about unsuccessful research and explain why some of the most able people could not find the key of knowledge and how the reputation of others gave only a greater support to the errors in which they fell.
James Maxwell

“In the world of scientific ideas, as elsewhere in life, progress and truth do not immediately win: we need a struggle for them, the mobilization of all forces, we need great purposefulness and energy, great confidence in the rightness and faith in victory”
Alexander Evgenievich Fersman

"...It is absurd to deny the role of fantasy in the most rigorous science..."
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

“All our dignity lies in thought. It is not space or time, which we cannot fill, that elevates us, but it is she, our thought. Let us learn to think well: this is the basic principle of morality.
Blaise Pascal

“... Youth in science is, first of all, courage in setting new tasks, courage in searches, courage in the methods of their implementation. The second is love for science. From the moment when this love ends, the scientist ceases to be young, ceases to be a scientist ... The third is the absence of narcissism, complacency, narcissism - the most terrible enemies of a scientist ... Fourth: a real scientist should be alien to jealousy and envy. Who solved a difficult problem, who created a new remarkable theory, is, after all, a secondary question. The joy that a problem has been solved always surpasses in a young scientist the petty annoyance that he himself or his team did not have to do it. The news of the great success of another should cause a desire to do new, more difficult things ... "
Sergey Lvovich Sobolev

"The sooner we are convinced of the unlimited possibilities of science to do good - and not in some distant future, but today and tomorrow - the sooner the peoples of the world will reject the false and destructive path that leads to war and destruction"
John Bernal

"Science wins when fantasy unfetters its wings"
Michael Faraday

"... It is customary in science to prove what is asserted"
Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov

“A person must believe that the incomprehensible can be understood; otherwise he wouldn't have thought about it."
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

“My whole life consisted of reflections, calculations, practical work and experiments”
Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky

“To go to great inventions, starting from the most insignificant beginnings, and to see that amazing art can be hidden under the first and childish appearance, is not a matter of dozens of minds, but only by the power of the thought of a superman”
Galileo Galilei

“There is no wide high road in science, and only he can reach its shining peaks who, without fear of fatigue, climbs along its rocky paths”
Karl Marx

“A scientist, out of a sense of patriotism, should develop his ideas and enlighten fellow citizens regarding the role of science, which should serve the liberation of man, and not the accumulation of personal profits. If a scientist does not have elementary courage, how will he justify his presence in the laboratory? It's politics, they'll tell me. But politics is a beautiful thing that people want to discredit out of bad intentions.”
Frederic Joliot-Curie

“No one was so wrong in his predictions as the prophets of the limitations of human knowledge”
Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev

“Science has long ceased to be a stranger to life and wrote on its banner “scientific sowing will sprout for the harvest of the people””
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

“Work makes me younger and brings me back to youth. A scientist who avoids youth is a living corpse.
Petr Petrovich Semenov-Tyan-Shansky

"The happiness of my life lies in the fact that science and knowledge helped me create a gas mask that saved many thousands of our soldiers"
Nikolai Dmitrievich Zelinsky

“We cannot expect favors from nature; to take them from her is our task.”
Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin

“Perhaps we owe to science more than any other kind of human activity, the emergence of a sense of the need for collective efforts”
Frederic Joliot-Curie

“Hypotheses are scaffolding that is erected in front of a building and demolished when the building is ready; they are necessary for the worker; he must not only mistake scaffolding for a building"
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

“The thought does not leave me that science is already close to the implementation of a project that will bring mankind either unprecedented misfortune or unprecedented benefit”
Niels Bohr

“Truth is the highest reality and the highest good; it alone gives real, not imaginary, happiness.
Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

“The creativity of a person in general, and therefore of a scientist, is not a primary, indecomposable property, but the result of two more elementary properties: an amazing productivity of the imagination (in turn, the result of colossal observation and memory) and no less amazingly subtle and quick critical ability”
Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev

“... To search for the truth, it is necessary once in a lifetime, as far as possible, to question everything”
Rene Descartes

"... The scientific worldview, imbued with natural science and mathematics, is the greatest power not only of the present, but also of the future"
Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky

“We must not accept other causes in nature, beyond those that are true and sufficient to explain the phenomena. For nature is simple and does not luxuriate in superfluous causes.
Isaac Newton

“Mental power will never rest, will never stop at the known truth, but will always go forward and further, towards the unknown truth!”
Giordano Bruno

"There are no limits to fantasy, no limits to the penetration of reason, no limits to technical power that conquers nature"
Alexander Evgenievich Fersman

“Science is not and never will be a finished book. Every major success brings new questions. Every development reveals with time ever newer and deeper difficulties.
Albert Einstein

“A scientist must be absolutely honest in everything. The slightest deviation from this quality is, in my opinion, the gravest crime.
Konstantin Ivanovich Skryabin

“Without a certain independent work, truth cannot be found in any serious issue, and whoever is afraid of work deprives himself of the opportunity to find the truth”
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

“To work for science and for general ideas - this is what personal happiness is”
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

"To carry out scientific work quite correctly by means of systematic experiments and precise demonstrations, strategic art is required"
James Maxwell

“... What is the power of truth: while you are trying to refute it, your very attacks elevate it and give it great value”
Galileo Galilei

“At the level of the highest creativity, the process of creation is nothing but the deepest criticism”
Norbert Wiener

“And it is most instructive to admit that even individual proposals or hypotheses, which later turned out to be incorrect, more than once gave rise to important discoveries that increased the strength of the sciences, and this is because only the general, which appears to the mind as truth, i.e. hypotheses, theories, doctrines, gives that perseverance, even stubbornness in the study, without which strength would not have accumulated "
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

“Technology has long known the high price of science and owes its modern brilliant development to its influence”
Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovsky

“... Human nature is arranged in such a way that a person can achieve his improvement only by working for the improvement of his contemporaries, in the name of their good. If a person works only for himself, he can perhaps become a famous scientist, a great sage, an excellent poet, but he can never become a truly perfect and great person.
Karl Marx

“My faith is this faith that the progress of science will give happiness to mankind. I believe that the human mind and its highest embodiment - science - will save the human race from diseases, from hunger, from enmity, and reduce grief in people's lives. This faith gave and gives me strength and helps to carry out my work.
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

"Only the one who can rise above himself is able to understand the greatness of science"
Ludwig Feuerbach

“It seems to us almost impossible without natural science to bring up a powerful mental development, no branch of knowledge accustoms the mind to a firm positive step, to humility before the truth, to conscientious work and, what is even more important, to conscientiously accepting the consequences as they come out, like studying nature; we should begin education for them in order to cleanse the adolescent mind of prejudices, let it mature on this healthy food, and then open for it, strengthened and armed, the human world, the world of history, from which the doors open directly into activity ... "
Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

“Scientific knowledge of one humbles the dangerous servant, the force of nature, and directs him wherever he wants. And the foundations of this knowledge are made up of facts, among which there is never a single one that science would neglect. A fact that today seems petty, solitary and unimportant, tomorrow in connection with new discoveries, can become the seed of a new fruitful branch of knowledge.
Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov

"Science can fulfill its true role only in the Republic of Labor"
Karl Marx

“To be able to work in a team means to be principled, to be able to always prefer the great interests of the team to your personal…”
Nikolai Dmitrievich Zelinsky

“For a natural scientist, a fact, correctly observed, accurately described and thoughtfully compared, forms the basis of the work and is the key to success”
Alexander Evgenievich Fersman

“The future of science and technology cannot be fully predicted, but its individual elements, development trends can and should be analyzed. Better to be partially sighted than completely blind.”
John Bernal

“He who makes science the goal of his life makes virtue his goal…”
Ludwig Feuerbach

“To find the one unchanging and common in the changeable and the particular is the main task of knowledge”
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

“Where science is a secret in the hands of a select few, it is inevitably linked to the profit sharing of the ruling classes and divorced from the understanding and inspiration that comes from the needs and abilities of the people”
John Bernal

"Science is nothing but a reflection of reality"
Francis Bacon

“It is not the truths of science that are difficult. And the clearing of human consciousness from all hereditary rubbish ... "
Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

"The basis of all scientific work is the conviction that the world is an ordered and knowable entity"
Albert Einstein

"... There is no fantasy that the will and mind of people could not turn into reality"
Alexei Maksimovich Gorky

"The pursuit of truth is the only occupation worthy of a hero"
Giordano Bruno

“The responsibility of a scientist who has made a discovery is no more than that of others working in this field, since any discovery is the result of the work of many researchers preparing this discovery and often remaining unknown to history”
Werner Heisenberg

“Scientists are the same dreamers and artists; they are not free over their ideas; they can work well, work for a long time only on that to which their thought lies, to which their feeling leads. In them ideas change; the most impossible, often extravagant ones appear; they swarm, whirl, merge, shimmer. And among such ideas they live and for such ideas they work”
Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky

“When the new has just been born, the old always remains, for some time, stronger than it, this is always the case both in nature and in social life”
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

“When a phenomenon can be described as a special case of some general principle applicable to other phenomena, then they say that this phenomenon has been explained”
James Maxwell

"Science is the result of positive knowledge about reality, about what is, where from - natural science"
Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev

“... Facts that cannot be explained by existing theories are the most expensive for science, and their development should be mainly expected to develop in the near future”
Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov

"There is no national science, just as there is no national multiplication table"
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

“Every great man is one of a kind. In the historical procession of scientists, each of them has his own specific task and his own specific place.
James Maxwell

"Man and science are two concave mirrors, forever reflecting each other"
Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

“...Science is increasingly influencing politics, primarily the economy. And if sharp comparisons are possible, I would say the following: there is the same relationship between science and politics as between the chief of staff and the commander. It is likely that the place of science will be determined in the life of the coming society precisely according to this principle.
Sergey Lvovich Sobolev

"The joy of seeing and understanding is the most beautiful gift of nature"
Albert Einstein

“Imagination is a great gift that has contributed so much to the development of mankind…”
Karl Marx

"Science as something existing and complete is the most objective and impersonal of all that is known to man"
Albert Einstein

"In any field of human knowledge lies the abyss of poetry"
Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky

"It is impossible to foresee the boundaries of scientific knowledge and prediction"
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

“A scientist without talent is like that poor mullah who cut and ate the Koran, thinking to be filled with the spirit of Mohammed”
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

"Genius is the highest ability to concentrate attention on the subject being studied"
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

“A serious attitude towards amateurism and a mechanical pursuit of science turns into pedantry”
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

“To establish a scientific theory is a serious scientific merit; to predict a fact on the basis of a ready theory is something that is available to every chemist and that requires several hours of time; But the actual proof or refutation of such a prediction will require whole months, sometimes years of physical and mental effort.
Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov

“The Soviet scientist cannot forget that he is working for the people and that scientific truth is not an end in itself, but a sure path to the rise of culture, to mastering the forces of nature for the benefit of the people. Therefore, acquiring knowledge, the scientist brings them to his people, therefore he raises new personnel and strives to ensure that his students know more and can work better than he does.
Abram Fedorovich Ioffe

"Experiment never deceives, our judgments deceive"
Leonardo da Vinci

“Belief in the existence of an external world independent of the perceiving subject. Underlies all natural science
Albert Einstein

“Nothing gives certainty but the truth. But on the other hand, nothing but a sincere search for truth gives peace to our consciousness.
Blaise Pascal

“The human mind has discovered many outlandish things in nature and will open even more, thereby increasing its power over it ...”
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

"Over the past fifty years, scientific research has gone from being a luxury to being a necessity"
John Bernal

"The love of science is the love of truth, so honesty is the basic virtue of a scientist"
Ludwig Feuerbach

“Today, science opens up interstellar spaces for humanity, and it is already possible to foresee what it will be able to do in the future in this area”
Frederic Joliot-Curie

"... The role of the sciences is auxiliary, they constitute a means to achieve the good"
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

“If a society has a technical need, then it advances science more than a dozen universities”
Friedrich Engels

“... The method is the very first, basic thing ... The whole seriousness of the study depends on the method, on the mode of action. It's all about a good method... The method holds the fate of research in its hands"
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

“In order to fruitfully engage in science, I first need to be able to exchange thoughts with other scientists”
Norbert Wiener

"... The history of ideas is the history of change and, consequently, the struggle of ideas"
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

"Wisdom is the daughter of experience"
Leonardo da Vinci

"I firmly believe that science and peace will triumph over ignorance and war"
Louis Pasteur

"Science is power!"
Francis Bacon

“…Only through the medium of theory, knowledge, being formed into a coherent whole, becomes scientific knowledge; a harmonious combination of factual knowledge constitutes science. But no matter how perfect the theory, it is only an approximation to the truth.
Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov

"The true evaluation of a person is to what extent and in what sense he was able to achieve liberation from his "I""
Albert Einstein

“Science requires the whole person, without ulterior motives, with the readiness to give everything and receive the heavy cross of sober knowledge as a reward”
Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

“... Human consciousness not only reflects the objective world, but also creates it”
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

“Ignorance is the best science in the world, it is given without difficulty and does not sadden the soul”
Giordano Bruno

“At every stage of human development, we meet with the same tendency to exaggerate the significance of the results already obtained and with the belief that these results are “the key to knowing all the secrets of the universe””
Paul Langevin

“A scientist should be a person who seeks to listen to any assumption, but he himself determines whether it is true. External signs of phenomena should not bind the judgments of a scientist, he should not have a favorite hypothesis, he must be outside of schools and not have authorities. He should treat respectfully not to persons, but to objects. If diligence is added to these qualities, then he can hope to lift the veil in the temple of nature.
Michael Faraday

"... The human mind developed in accordance with how a person learned to change nature"
Friedrich Engels

“Science is the best, strongest, brightest support in life, whatever its vicissitudes”
Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev

“Death is unimportant. If others think as I do, they will find the paths I have laid. So I exist."
Frederic Joliot-Curie

"... A one-sided specialist is either a crude empiricist or a street charlatan"
Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov

“In the process of scientific work, two things are important: to see the big in the small and the small in the big”
Sergey Lvovich Sobolev

"The form of development of natural science, insofar as it thinks, is a hypothesis"
Friedrich Engels

“Of all hypotheses… choose the one that does not prevent further thinking about the things under investigation”
James Maxwell

"People have no power more powerful and victorious than science"
Alexei Maksimovich Gorky

“... Without human emotions, there has never been, is not and cannot be a human search for truth”
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

"I considered it my duty to dedicate my life equally to science and justice"
Paul Langevin

“The merit of a good method is that it equalizes ability; she gives everyone an easy and sure remedy.
Francis Bacon

"Every beginning is difficult - this truth is true for every science"
Karl Marx

“... Precisely because I know what science can give the world, I will continue my efforts to make it serve the happiness of people”
Frederic Joliot-Curie

Science is a systematized knowledge about the world around us, which reflects its most important aspects. With the help of science, a person today can live the most comfortable life. The desire for truth has always been inherent in people. However, science had to go through many obstacles before man could enjoy its fruits. For example, during the Middle Ages, the level of progress slowed down due to the fact that scientific research became dependent on the church. Scientific knowledge helps to improve both the spiritual and material side of human life. How did great people speak about science?

Thoughts of geniuses

A. S. Pushkin made a statement that can be fully attributed to citations about science. The famous Russian poet said: "Following the thoughts of a great man is the most entertaining science." Indeed, geniuses and great people have always attracted the attention of society with their unusual way of thinking, the ability to solve non-standard problems. Psychologists have been trying for many decades to trace and systematize the peculiarities of thinking of great people. To notice the patterns of the thought process of an intelligent and educated person means to learn to think creatively, outside the box, and therefore more effectively solve new problems.

Science is great work

S. L. Sobolev owns another wonderful quote about science: “All scientific work is 99 percent failures, and maybe only one percent is success.” This statement is confirmed by the biographies of many great scientists of the past and present. Science is a very hard work that requires perseverance and perseverance. Without these qualities, success is impossible.

A good illustration of this is also the story of the invention of the light bulb by Thomas Edison. This scientist received a well-known nickname - "self-taught from America." It is difficult to believe in this fact, but the great explorer did not study a single year at school. Most of the teachers considered him a fool, prone to unreasonable dreams.

Endurance is the key to success

While working on the invention of the incandescent lamp, Edison showed real miracles of endurance - once he did not sleep for 45 hours in a row. A quote about science by A.F. Ioffe is true here: “The problem is solved not by the one who enjoys partial success, but by the researcher who achieves a full-fledged result.”

How else did Edison show his perseverance in scientific pursuits? A well-known fact: the scientist tried about six thousand different materials to find the best one for the filament. In the end, the persistent inventor settled on the most suitable - Japanese bamboo.

About the work of the mind

Isaac Newton said: “I constantly keep in mind the subject of my research and persistently wait for the moment when the first glimpse gradually completely turns into a brilliant light.” Psychologists who study the peculiarities of the mind of great scientists and inventors gradually came to the conclusion that constant intense observation of the object of their research sooner or later leads to the fact that a light bulb lights up in the mind of a scientist. "Eureka!" - everyone remembers this exclamation of Archimedes, when, after long reflections, he was finally able to discover his famous law. Creativity in science always begins with creativity within the mind. Each craft is mastered only with the help of long and strenuous training - and in this Newton's statement is absolutely right.

Science should be useful

Louis Pasteur has the following quote about science: "The progress of science is determined by the work of its scientists and the value of their discoveries." Indeed, if a scientific achievement does not benefit humanity, then it turns out to be completely aimless. Why is an invention necessary if it cannot be used to solve significant problems, heal sick people, solve scientific problems? Unfortunately, in many sciences there are entire areas of research that do not solve any problems.

Of course, some may object that such spheres of human knowledge as philosophy and mathematics do not solve applied problems. They do not directly affect the real world - not a single quadratic equation has yet helped the patient to recover from a deadly disease. However, with their help, the development of other sciences becomes possible. Niels Abel said: "Mathematics is to a scientist what a scalpel is to an anatomist."

Are the humanities necessary?

There is a well-known quote about the humanities, owned by M. Foucault: "The humanities appeal to a person insofar as he lives, speaks, produces." Indeed, full knowledge about the surrounding world cannot be obtained only with the help of the exact sciences, despite their crucial role. However, humanitarian knowledge allows us to understand human nature, manage social processes, and make society more stable.

Natural Science Quotes

The scientist L. Boltzmann said: "The goal of the natural sciences is to reveal the forces of nature." Indeed, all natural science research is aimed at revealing the true patterns that move natural forces. Such sciences are physics, chemistry, biology and others. Quotes about the science of great people help to understand what is important for this kind of knowledge. For example, Academician D.S. Likhachev warns: “The main enemy of science is scientific imagery.” Therefore, it is necessary to strive not for the appearance of obtaining knowledge, but for gaining the truth.

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"Science is interesting, and if you don't agree, then fuck off..." - Richard Dawkins, English biologist.

Probably, no one will argue with the fact that science is not only the engine of progress, but also one of the most beautiful and useful forms of creativity for mankind. Each scientific research is a process of creation, each scientist is a creator, rethinking and changing reality in his own way. Like all creative people, scientists know what inspiration is, how difficult it is sometimes to find and keep it. But if they find it, then they are happy to share their wisdom with everyone - and this is truly pleasing.

November 10 is celebrated as Science Day around the world. By this date website collected famous quotes from great scientists, which we gleaned from their works, letters, Nobel speeches and other sources.

Albert Einstein,
one of the most significant physicists of the 20th century, creator of the special and general theory of relativity, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics (1921).

  • Theory is when everything is known, but nothing works. Practice is when everything works, but no one knows why. We combine theory and practice: nothing works ... and no one knows why!
  • We are all geniuses. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is a fool.
  • If you cannot explain something to a six-year-old child, you yourself do not understand it.
  • Only a fool needs order - genius rules over chaos.
  • There are only two ways to live life. The first is that miracles do not exist. The second - as if there were only miracles around.
  • The only thing that prevents me from studying is the education I received.

Leonardo da Vinci
Italian painter, sculptor, architect, scientist, engineer of the Renaissance.

  • Whoever wants to get rich in a day will be hanged in a year.
  • Work on a work of art can never be completed, but can only be abandoned.
  • An adversary who reveals your mistakes is more useful to you than a friend who wants to hide them.
  • Experience flight once, and your eyes will forever be fixed on the sky. Once you have been there, you are doomed to yearn for it for the rest of your life.
  • Where hope dies, there is emptiness.

Lev Landau,
Soviet theoretical physicist, founder of a scientific school, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Nobel Prize in Physics (1962).

  • The greatest achievement of human genius is that man can understand things he can no longer imagine.
  • English must be known! Even the most stupid English people know him well.
  • The worst sin is being bored! … The Last Judgment will come, the Lord God will call and ask: “Why didn’t you enjoy all the blessings of life? Why did you miss it?
  • Everyone has enough strength to live life with dignity. And all this talk about what a difficult time it is now is a clever way to justify your inaction, laziness and various dullness. It is necessary to work, and there, you see, times will change.

Nikola Tesla,
inventor in the field of electrical and radio engineering, engineer, physicist.

  • Do you know the expression "You can't jump above your head"? It's a delusion. Man can do everything.
  • The action of even the smallest creature leads to changes in the entire universe.
  • Modern scientists think deeply instead of thinking clearly. To think clearly, you need to have common sense, but you can think deeply even when you are completely crazy.

Niels Bohr,
Danish physicist and philosopher, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics (1922).

  • There are such serious things in the world that one can only talk about them in jest.
  • An expert is a person who has made every possible mistake in a very narrow specialty.
  • Your idea is, of course, insane. It's all about whether she's crazy enough to be true.
  • Unfortunate are those people to whom everything is clear.
  • Sigmund Freud,
    Austrian psychologist, psychiatrist and neurologist, author of the theory of psychoanalysis.

    • Everything you do in bed is beautiful and absolutely right. As long as they both like it. If there is this harmony, then you and only you are right, and all those who condemn you are perverts.
    • We do not choose each other by chance ... We meet only those who already exist in our subconscious.
    • At the heart of all our actions are two motives: the desire to become great and sexual attraction.
    • Every normal person is actually only partly normal.

    Quotes, aphorisms and statements about Science.

    5382. Science is an excellent drug; but no drug is so stable as to be preserved, not subject to deterioration and change, if the vessel in which it is stored is bad. M. de Montaigne.
    5383. Science is eternal in its source, is not limited in its activity by either time or space, is incommensurable in its volume, is infinite in its task. K. Baer.
    5384. Science is a very difficult business. Science is suitable only for strong minds. M. de Montaigne.
    AC 5385. Science must be the most exalted embodiment of the fatherland, for of all peoples the first will always be the one that outstrips others in the field of thought and mental activity. L. Pasteur.
    5386. Science is the best way to satisfy the curiosity of individuals at the expense of the state. L. Artsimovich.
    AC 5387. Science is the best way to make the human spirit heroic. D. Bruno.
    5388. Science is nothing but a reflection of reality. F. Bacon.
    5389. Science is a clear knowledge of the truth, enlightenment of the mind, immaculate amusement of life, praise of youth, old age, a support, a builder of cities, regiments, a fortress of success in misfortune, in happiness - an ornament, everywhere a faithful and unceasing companion. M. Lomonosov.
    5390. Science is the captain, and practice is the soldiers. Leonardo da Vinci.
    5391. Science is not a magic cornucopia, but only a means of transforming the world in the hands of people. D. Bernal.
    AC 5392. Science does not know what it owes to the imagination. R. Emerson.
    5393. Science is not an object of pure thinking, but an object of thinking constantly drawn into practice and constantly reinforced by practice. That is why science cannot learn in isolation from technology. D. Bernal.
    5394. Science is nothing but perception. Plato.
    5395. Science is not and never will be a finished book. Every major success brings new questions. Every development reveals in the course of time ever newer and deeper difficulties. A. Einstein.
    5396. Science never solves a problem without posing a dozen new ones. B. Show.
    5397. Science is an ocean. It is equally open to a man and a frigate. One swims in it with valuable goods, the other wants only to bring home a catch of herring. E.D. Bulwer Lytton.
    5398. Science is the main element that unites the thoughts of people scattered over the globe, and this is one of its highest purposes. In my opinion, there is no such human activity where the agreement between people was not so obvious. F. Joliot-Curie.
    AC 5399. Science is an open table for everyone, as long as there is hunger, as long as the need for manna from heaven develops. A. Herzen.
    5400. Science is the most important, most beautiful and necessary thing in a person's life, it has always been and will be the highest manifestation of love, only through it alone will man conquer nature and himself. A. Chekhov.
    5401. Science is power, it reveals the relationships of things, their laws and interactions. A. Herzen.
    5402. Science is a way of unraveling the mysteries of the world by discovering new mysteries. A. Davidovich.
    AC 5403. Science does not exist in order to kindle light in a soul that is deprived of it, not in order to make the blind see; its purpose is not to give sight, but to direct it, to show a person the way, if his legs are naturally straight and can walk. M. de Montaigne.
    AC 5404. Science is what we know, philosophy is what we do not know. B. Russell.
    5405. Science requires the whole person, without ulterior motives, with readiness to give everything and receive as a reward the heavy cross of sober knowledge. A. Herzen.
    5406. Science is great beauty. A scientist in his laboratory is not just a technician: he is a child face to face with natural phenomena acting on him like a fairy tale. M. Sklodowska-Curie.
    5407. Science is common sense at best, strictly accurate in observation and merciful to errors in logic. T. Huxley.
    5408. Science is the highest mind of mankind, it is the sun that man created from his own flesh and blood, created and kindled in front of him in order to illuminate the darkness of his hard life, in order to find a way out to freedom, justice, beauty. M. Gorky.
    5409. Science is the drama of ideas. A. Einstein.
    5410. Science is a graveyard of hypotheses. A. Poincare.
    5411. Science is a treasure, and a learned man will never be lost. PETRONIUS.
    5412. Science is any discipline in which the fools of one generation can go beyond the point reached by the geniuses of the previous generation. M. Gluckmann.
    5413. Science is the tireless centuries-old work of thought to bring together by means of a system all the cognizable phenomena of our world. A. Einstein.
    5414. Science is nothing but a developed perception explained by intention, a complete and minutely dissected common sense. D. Santayana.
    5415. Science is organized knowledge. G. Spencer.
    5416. Science is an attempt to bring the chaotic diversity of our sensory experience into line with some unified system of thought. A. Einstein.
    AC 5417. Science is the systematic extension of the realm of human ignorance. R. Gutovsky.

    AC 5418. Science is what scientists do, and scientists are those who in this age consider themselves scientists. S. Amsterdam.
    5419. Science nourishes young men, Gives joy to old men, Decorates in a happy life, Protects in an accident... M. Lomonosov.
    AC 5420. Science without literature is soulless and crude; literature without science is empty, for the essence of literature is knowledge. A. France.
    5421. Science in a depraved person is a fierce weapon to do evil. Enlightenment elevates one virtuous soul. D. Fonvizin.
    AC 5422. Science and experience are only means, only methods of collecting materials for reason. M. Lomonosov.
    AC 5423. The science of the healing of the soul is philosophy. Cicero.
    AC 5424: The science of man is the science of the sages. K. Helvetius.
    5425. Science-intensive technology is a technology that requires raw materials for a ruble, and intelligence for a million. J. Alferov.
    5426. To learn the laws of life means to experience a whole series of humiliations, just like learning to skate. The only way out is to laugh at yourself along with onlookers. B. Show.
    5427. A scientific hypothesis always goes beyond the facts that served as the basis for its construction. V. Vernadsky.
    5428. A scientific problem (tika) that a decent lady: the more modestly and respectfully you approach her, the sooner she will allow herself to be understood. V. Klyuchevsky.
    5429. Scientific work is when you read two books that no one has ever read in order to write a third book that no one will read. Definition proposed by NASA staff.

    Science is the best way to satisfy personal curiosity at public expense.

    Lev Artsimovich
    Art is "I"; science is "we".

    Claude Bernard
    Life is short and science is long.

    Lucian of Samosata
    We are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants, and therefore we can see more and farther than they.

    Bernard of Chartres followed by Isaac Newton
    Science is any discipline in which the fools of one generation can go beyond the point reached by the geniuses of the previous generation.

    Max Gluckmann
    Every science is foresight.

    Herbert Spencer
    Science is infallible, but scientists are often wrong.

    Anatole France
    Science confirms our misconceptions.

    Stanislav Jerzy Lec
    Science is always wrong. It is not able to solve a single issue without raising a dozen new ones.

    George Bernard Shaw
    Science does not answer all questions, even in the investigator's office.

    Henryk Jagodzinsky
    Science does not answer all questions, but it helps to understand the meaninglessness of many of them.

    Henryk Jagodzinsky
    Science, like virtue, is its own reward.

    Charles Kingsley
    Science is often confused with knowledge. This is a gross misunderstanding. Science is not only knowledge, but also consciousness, i.e. the ability to use knowledge properly.

    Vasily Klyuchevsky
    Science is organized knowledge.

    Herbert Spencer
    Science is a systematic extension of the realm of human ignorance.

    Robert Gutovsky
    There is no science, there is only science.

    Nikolai Berdyaev
    Whoever understands nothing but chemistry understands it insufficiently.

    Georg Lichtenberg
    There are no applied sciences, there are only applications of science.

    Louis Pasteur
    Natural scientists discover only what is, and the humanities - even what could be.

    Boleslav Pashkovsky
    Sociology is a science with a maximum variety of methods and minimum results.

    Henri Poincare
    Humanitarians complain about the ignorance of natural scientists, but cannot answer what the second law of thermodynamics is.

    Charles Percy Snow
    The joys of a naturalist: lifting nature's skirts.

    Jean Rostand
    Creating a world is easier than understanding it.

    Anatole France
    Every exact science is based on approximation.

    Leszek Kumor
    Scientific truth triumphs as its opponents die out.

    Paraphrased by Max Planck
    Mind and science are subject to fashion as much as earrings and buttons.

    Denis Fonvizin
    When science lacks arguments, it expands its vocabulary.

    Jacques Deval
    If the geometric axioms hurt the interests of people, they would be refuted.

    Thomas Hobbes
    Three stages of the recognition of scientific truth: the first - "this is absurd", the second - "there is something in this", the third - "it is well known".

    Ernest Rutherford
    In science, glory goes to the one who convinced the world, not to the one who first stumbled upon an idea.

    Francis Darwin
    In science, as in sports, participation is important, not results.

    Ratmir Tumanovsky
    If curiosity concerns serious problems, it is already called the thirst for knowledge.

    Maria Ebner-Eschenbach
    Cognition is one of the forms of asceticism.

    Friedrich Nietzsche
    Science or life.

    O. Donskoy
    The bankruptcy of science is most often spoken of by those who have not invested a penny in this enterprise.

    Felix Hwalibug
    Science made us gods before we learned to be human.

    Jean Rostand
    Whatever a scientist works on, the result is always a weapon.

    It seems that the point is that Science will discover God. And I tremble in advance for his fate.

    Stanislav Jerzy Lec
    Scientific work. Scientific publications
    See also “Dissertation and academic degree”, “Originality. Novelty", "Quotes"
    Scientific work is when you read two books that no one has ever read in order to write a third book that no one will read.

    Definition proposed by NASA staff
    Scientific works multiply by division.

    Dmitry Pashkov on canvas by Karel Capek
    When working on a solution to a problem, it is always useful to know the answer in advance.

    The high tower can only be reached by a spiral staircase.

    Francis Bacon
    A man worked smart, worked, and suddenly felt that he had become more stupid than his work.

    Vasily Klyuchevsky
    This book is smarter than myself.

    Stanislav Lem about the "Sum of Technology"
    Basic research is what I do when I have no idea what I'm doing.

    Wernher von Braun
    Basic research is about the same as shooting an arrow into the air and drawing a target where it falls.

    Homer Adkins
    Explain something completely to me, and I will explain everything to you.

    The better the work, the shorter it can be reported.

    "Whittington's Law"
    The number of errors in any passage of the text is directly proportional to the number of borrowings from secondary sources.

    Harold Faber
    What is poorly understood is often tried to be explained with the help of words that are not understood.

    Gustave Flaubert
    Explanatory expressions explain dark thoughts.

    Kozma Prutkov
    The summary begins where the author is tired of thinking.

    "Maxima Matza"
    Science fiction
    Science fiction is not written for scientists, just as ghost stories are not written for ghosts.

    Brian Aldis
    Fiction does not deal with man, but with the human race as such, and even with possible kinds of intelligent beings.

    Stanislav Lem
    Science fiction is comics without pictures.

    Kurt Vonnegut
    It is ugly to arrange a public end of the world to arrange your private affairs.

    Stanislav Lem about the "literature of world catastrophes"
    Science fiction is metaphysics for the poor.

    Alexander Genis
    Fantasts are people who lack imagination to understand reality.

    Gabriel Laub
    Fantastic stories about the future, after some time, retain only more or less clear features of the past.

    Eduard Babaev
    In fantasy novels, the main thing was the radio. Under him, the happiness of mankind was expected. There is a radio, but there is no happiness.

    Ilya Ilf

    You read online: aphorisms and quotes.

    Quotes of famous authors about science. Smart people quotes about science and technology

    Facts are in science what experience is in social life.

    J. Buffon

    Science has its own specific logic of development, which is very important to take into account. Science must always work in reserve, for the future, and only under this condition will it be in its natural conditions.

    S. I. Vavilov

    When science reaches a peak, it opens up a vast prospect of a further path to new peaks, new roads are opened along which science will go further.

    S. I. Vavilov

    You can't be a real mathematician without being a bit of a poet.

    K. Weierstrass

    The time will come when science will outstrip fantasy.

    Jules Bern

    A scientific hypothesis always goes beyond the facts that served as the basis for its construction.

    V. I. Vernadsky

    The scientific outlook, imbued with natural science and mathematics, is the greatest force not only of the present, but also of the future.

    V. I. Vernadsky

    One minute is enough to be surprised; to do an amazing thing, it takes many years,


    There are no hard sciences, only difficult expositions.

    A. I. Herzen

    Science is power; it reveals the relations of things, their laws and interactions.

    A. I. Herzen

    Science requires the whole person, without ulterior motives, with the readiness to give everything and receive the heavy cross of sober knowledge as a reward.

    A. I. Herzen

    In science there is no other way of acquisition than by the sweat of one's brow; neither impulses, nor fantasies, nor aspirations with all one's heart can replace labor.

    A. I. Herzen

    A person must believe that the incomprehensible can be understood.

    I. Goethe

    For, to any science has moved forward, in order for its extension to become more perfect, hypotheses are necessary just as evidence of experience and observation.

    I. Goethe

    What is in the air and what time requires can arise simultaneously in a hundred heads without any borrowing.

    I. Goethe

    Hypotheses- these are scaffolding that are erected in front of the building and demolished when the building is ready; they are necessary for the worker; he must not only mistake scaffolding for a building.

    I. Goethe

    Right scientist - freedom, and his duty - truthfulness.

    L. Hirshfeld

    In science it is necessary to believe and doubt at the same time.

    L. Hirshfeld