Does ice cream affect the figure. Nutritionists: ice cream does not harm the figure. Can ice cream cause a headache?

For many years, ice cream has been one of the favorite treats of people of all ages. Even in ancient times, it was served at royal feasts and it was cooked in the homes of the poor. Today this dessert is presented for every taste and budget and is able to satisfy even the most strict customer.

The basis of any ice cream is milk, the benefits of which can be ignored. The filling can be berries, fruits, candied fruits, chocolate, nuts, vanilla and caramel - you can’t list everything. But it also contains various emulsifiers and stabilizers to improve taste and shelf life. And therefore, many lovers of this product are concerned about the question of whether ice cream is harmful.

What is in ice cream

Traditionally, any ice cream consists of cream and dairy products, which make up 20-25% of the total product. Their benefits can not be overestimated: the calcium included in them is useful to the body at any age. In addition, milk contains some B vitamins, as well as magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus, which are so necessary for a person.

In terms of fat content, the lowest-calorie milk ice cream, but now this is rare. It is followed by cream and then fat ice cream. The latter, of course, is the most delicious, but from the point of view of the slimness of the figure, it is not the best option, so it is better not to use it too often. From this point of view, the question of whether ice cream will be harmful to the figure will be inappropriate, everyone decides for himself.

Ice cream may contain vegetable fats such as palm oil. In this regard, the question may immediately arise whether ice cream is harmful or not. Most experts believe that it does not cause much harm to the body, but there is no benefit from it, so it is better to buy ice cream based on natural dairy products. Conscientious manufacturers always indicate this in the composition.

To improve the taste and extend the shelf life, manufacturers add emulsifiers and preservatives to the composition of ice cream. Today, almost no product can do without them. Here you should not expect a horror story on the topic "The terrible truth about ice cream." Modern technologies always provide for the presence of chemical additives in products, the main thing is that they be of high quality. From this point of view, it is better not to rush to a very cheap product.

Another essential ingredient in ice cream is sugar. This product does not cause any harm to healthy people, but it is better not to abuse it for those who suffer from diabetes. Of course, you can’t get sick from this, but it’s better not to abuse it. Before buying ice cream, you should always carefully study its composition so as not to purchase a product of dubious quality.

Possible harm to ice cream

Many sweet tooth wonder if it is possible to get sick by eating ice cream. Of course, if there is a lot of it, then you can. But eating a glass or two of ice cream in hot weather will only be useful. In addition, many otolaryngologists advise eating ice cream regularly and thereby developing the body's immunity to possible hypothermia. The main thing here is to have a sense of proportion.

If you seriously ask yourself why ice cream is harmful, what is harmful, then you can really find some pitfalls. For example, very high-calorie ice cream can affect blood cholesterol levels, so people with such problems are better off eating a low-calorie product. Too often, doctors do not advise eating ice cream: cooling the body, it can cause vasoconstriction, and this leads to a headache. But 2-3 times a week will not bring harm. Therefore, you should not believe the horror stories on the topic "The terrible truth about ice cream."

Today, ice cream is presented on the market in such a variety that it will not be difficult to choose the right option for yourself. For example, fatty ice cream can always be replaced with milk or berry ice cream. Not to mention frozen juices, which are very popular right now. And the question, ice cream is harmful or useful, disappears by itself.

The composition of ice cream is additionally described in the video:

Benefits of ice cream

In addition to the cooling effect, ice cream has other benefits for our body. In addition to the vitamins contained in milk, many useful substances can also be found in ice cream fillers. Nuts, dried apricots, raisins, cocoa (in small quantities) are undoubtedly very useful.

Ice cream can somewhat reduce the acidity of the stomach with gastritis or ulcers. According to doctors, with diseases of the stomach, it even reduces pain. It is very useful to eat a serving or two of this product when you have a breakdown, as it is very nutritious. In this case, it is very useful to choose types of ice cream with nuts and dried fruits.

Another plus is that ice cream produces serotonin in the body, which is also called the "hormone of happiness", so that the mood is uplifted when it is consumed. No wonder this dessert is loved by students and people whose work is associated with stress.
Golden mean

When using ice cream, like any other product, you should always follow the rule of the golden mean. Doctors advise not to eat this dessert too often. It will be right to pay attention when buying to the composition of the product in order to exclude harmful chemical compounds from entering our body. If you are afraid of excess sugar or fat, it is better to replace chocolate ice cream with fruit and berry milk ice cream. That's the whole truth about ice cream.

Doctors also advise paying attention to the culture of eating ice cream and not eating it on the street. After all, along with it, dust and exhaust gases, of which there are so many around, can enter the body. In addition, eating ice cream in a cafe or at home, you can get more pleasure from this delicacy than doing it on the go.

How true are your ideas about proper nutrition and products in general? As a rule, these ideas are based on little reliable facts: once a friend said, somewhere they read it themselves. However, nothing changes so quickly under the influence of modern science as the opinions of nutritionists. And now, based on recent research, the advice of nutritionists is somewhat changing the established ideas about foods and diets.

So what advice do nutritionists now follow?

Are mono-diets useful?

Not really. Berry or fruit mono-diets are of the same type, and can lead to metabolic disorders. Moreover, the fructose and glucose contained in the fruits or berries consumed during the diet, in cases of excess, leads to an increase in the level of insulin in the blood. If the diet is delayed, then the thyroid gland may suffer. As the saying goes: "Everything is good in moderation." Choose alternatives. Almost any summer diet includes seasonal berries and fruits, but it remains possible to diversify the diet with other permitted products.

Eat at night - harmful, will affect the figure

How many girls, both slim and those who are not averse to dropping a couple of “unnecessary” kilos, are struggling with an insatiable feeling of hunger that overtakes in the evening or even at night? Constantly holding yourself in hand to be able to fit into your favorite dress or show off your beautiful legs. By the way, the second can be corrected not only with a diet, but also with the right choice of slimming tights. If you are confused about which tights to buy, the online store will help you make the right choice. But, we have moved away from the main topic. So, it is not necessary to terrorize the body with hunger.

The time of day allotted for snacking does not affect the appearance of extra pounds. The calorie content of food is to blame for excessive weight gain. Very often, coming tired after a working day, there is no strength to control the amount of food eaten, which is why overeating occurs. The situation is aggravated by occasional alcohol consumption, which increases appetite and is itself a serious source of calories.

The advice of a nutritionist is as follows: dinner should consist of light foods, however, like lunch (lean meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, poultry). As for products containing so-called fast sugars: white bread, chocolate, cakes, there is a ban “do not consume after 18.00”.

The thing is that more insulin is produced at night, which provokes the body to store fats. Night snacks also have the right to exist, subject to the above. If you still had to overload the body with high-calorie foods, make the next day unloading or plan a detox program.

Potatoes and pasta lead to rapid weight gain

Now you will say: “What can be new here? We have known for a long time which bread is healthier, which foods are less high-calorie, and which are more, and there’s nothing to say about potatoes.” Nutritionists, on the other hand, assure that weight is added not at all from these harmless products, but from their accompanying sauces, butter, mayonnaise, and cheese, with which portions are abundantly flavored.

The advice of a nutritionist is as follows: stop completely undeservedly excluding pasta and potatoes from the diet. Recent studies on the root crop show that the potato starch contained in it helps with the rapid digestion of food. Under the influence of starch, intestinal bacteria increase the synthesis of vitamin B2, which improves the metabolism of bile acids. In addition to all the beneficial actions, this process leads to lower cholesterol levels.

Even less detrimental to the figure pasta in all their diversity. There are only 190 calories per 50 grams of dry pasta. In pasta, the content of the optimal amount of proteins for the body (13 grams per 100 grams of product) is specially balanced, which ensures the burning of excess fats, and not a decrease in muscle mass. That is, eating pasta in reasonable portions, you will lose weight, no matter how strange it may sound.

A few more words from nutritionists in support of pasta. They contain about 70% of starch, which is absorbed almost all, and a portion of 100 grams is able to provide the body with 10% of the required daily intake. And at the end of the ode to pasta, it should be noted that they are a “universal fuel” for those who play sports, as they contain “slow sugars” that can be absorbed almost completely, but gradually, and also provide the muscles with the necessary amount of glycogen.

Fresh vegetables are healthier than frozen

Freezing food is often the best alternative to store-bought vegetables, especially if they are out of season. Fresh and appetizing in appearance, in winter they travel across the continents, losing almost all useful properties by the time they hit the store shelves.

Frozen vegetables, in most cases, fall into the freezer a few hours after they were collected, and all vitamins and minerals are preserved in them. The same goes for fruits.

And this advice of a nutritionist applies to adherents of a raw food diet. No matter how lovers of eating straight from the garden convince us, boiled vegetables are absorbed and digested better, and some even become healthier during heat treatment. Let's take carrots for example. The latest research has shown that when cooked, the cell walls of carrots soften, and the body receives up to five times more carotenoids than from a raw root vegetable. This happens with almost all vegetables. Of course, it cannot be denied that during cooking or any other method of cooking, some of the useful elements are destroyed, but what is preserved (this is quite enough) is absorbed much more efficiently.

In addition, those wishing to try a raw food diet should be aware that vegetables such as green beans and eggplant become suitable for consumption only after boiling or frying, otherwise you can suffer from the toxic substances contained in them.

Ice cream is the worst enemy of a slim figure

In small quantities, ice cream is not only not harmful, it is, on the contrary, useful. Of course, we are not talking about frozen fruit juices, in which, to be honest, there is no juice. You need to pamper yourself with popsicle or ice cream.

The advice of a nutritionist is as follows: if you are a lover of this sweet treat, allow yourself to eat one serving per day. Studies show that those who regularly eat ice cream perceive life as more joyful and feel happier than those who do not eat it.

Cream and milk from which ice cream is made contain L-tryptophan, an amino acid that is a natural tranquilizer and stimulates the production of serotonin. As a result, your mood improves, resistance to stress increases, and you will forget what fatigue is. L-tryptophan also causes the body to produce a natural sleeping pill, which helps in the fight against insomnia.

Those who are wary of a high-calorie product can choose low-fat varieties of ice cream.

I hope the advice of nutritionists on proper nutrition will help you create a menu without mistakes and introduce into the diet those “forbidden” foods that you love so much, but do not dare to eat.

Even in the cold of winter, you can often meet a person who, spitting on conventions, will enjoy ice cream. In the summer heat, almost every second will hold in his hands or fruit ice. But what if you are on a strict diet and generally decide to devote yourself to a healthy lifestyle? Silently jealous? Loudly condemn? Not worth it.

Truths and lies about the ice cream diet

Dietitians have made sure that people who adhere to the healthy eating paradigm do not suffer from the absence of a beloved by everyone in their lives. There is a diet that not only does not prohibit eating ice cream, but is based on its use. It is generally accepted that the cold stimulates the burning of fat, contributing to weight loss. In reality, this is not quite the case: the balance of fats and their consumption does not depend on ice cream, but on the quality and quantity of food in relation to energy consumption in general.

Thus, if you eat only ice cream, you will no doubt lose weight. However, such nutrition will never be complete, and your body will soon let you know about it.

However, if you adhere to a healthy and nutritious diet, then a serving of ice cream, "Gourmet" or "Fruit and Berry" eaten from time to time will not harm your figure and health. And there is no reason to deny yourself your favorite sweets.

What ice cream is the most beneficial for the figure

Ice cream is divided into the following varieties:

  • Fruit - this includes sorbets and popsicles. Since it is based on fruit puree and juice, there are no fats in it.
  • Dairy - contains 2.8-3.5% fat, so it also does not pose a particular threat to the figure.
  • Sour-milk - made on a yogurt basis and contains beneficial lactic acid bacteria, not fatty.
  • Creamy - delicate and tasty ice cream, but the worst enemy of the figure, because it contains 8-10% fat.
  • Ice cream is the most beloved ice cream by many, but also the most high-calorie - 12-15% fat.

Icecro invites you to look at ice cream in a new light. In our catalog you will find ice cream with fresh, bright, original flavors and a minimum of calories. We have ice cream especially for those who want to lose weight, as well as for

Marina Rosenstein

Nutritionist, international expert in the field of immuno-dietology and latent food intolerance, member of the Association of Honored Doctors of Russia

Some people eat ice cream almost every day and do not think how it will affect their health. To understand this, let's talk about the components of a cold treat.

Replacing Ingredients

Today, manufacturers have a whole arsenal of food components that make it easy to do without expensive and high-calorie raw materials.

To reduce the cost, and at the same time the calorie content of the product, it is enough to exclude fresh cream (the main ingredient of ice cream, for example, “creamy” or “ice cream”) and replace them with yogurt, and natural milk fat with vegetable fat, which can be both high-quality and natural vegetable oil, and artificially saturated margarine, disgustingly sticking to the palate.

In order to obtain the correct consistency and sufficient density, it is necessary to use thickeners and emulsifiers. It can be natural agar-agar, ordinary starch, or maybe lecithin obtained from genetically modified soybeans.

Very sweet

Separate conversation about sugars and sweeteners. Nutritionists have long come to the conclusion that refined sugar is not healthy. As such, in nature, it was virtually inaccessible to man, and our body is not adapted to the constant consumption of refined sugars.

But the taste of sugar, that rich source of energy, is so appealing (especially to children) that food companies use sweeteners in almost everything and everywhere. Moreover, manufacturers are deaf to the admonitions of scientists about the frightening growth in diabetes statistics. The connection between fermentation processes and systemic chronic inflammation has been proven. The fact is that food containing sugar is favorable for pathogenic yeasts, which introduce an imbalance in the microflora of the human body. As a result, we get sick more often.

Nowadays, the amount of sugar is limited not only by diabetics. Many people use sugar substitutes as sweeteners, but, unfortunately, some of them are not only harmful, but really dangerous.

The unacceptable sugar substitute is aspartame, widely used for the production of dietary low-calorie products, in some countries it is strictly prohibited due to methyl alcohol, which is formed during the splitting process or simply when it is heated.

Genetically engineered sweet corn has been turned into a cheap fructose syrup, thanks to its widespread use in the food industry, allergic reactions to corn have become commonplace.

The best sugars are natural, low glycemic (date, coconut, maple, mulberry). Of the most familiar - our beetroot. By the way, it is more familiar to the immune system than imported cane.

Unrefined sugar is better than refined sugar because the cleaning and bleaching is achieved by chemical means. Therefore, when choosing ice cream, do not be lazy - carefully read what it is made of. Give preference to natural quality ingredients - this is much more important than calorie content.

Favorite ice cream

A rich creamy vanilla taste, a pleasant texture and, of course, a fat content of at least 12% are signs of a real ice cream. Classic ice cream is prepared using butter, one of the most valuable animal fats, which we need so much to build many important tissues. Such, for example, as the tissue of the brain, retina, adrenal glands, and all, without exception, cell membranes. Hormones are built from saturated fats, many vitamins are not absorbed without fats. According to accepted standards in ice cream - from 12 to 20% fat.

The standard rate of fat intake for an adult is approximately 100 grams per day. It turns out that if someone wants to eat half a kilo of ice cream in one sitting, nothing bad will happen to him? Alas, this is not the case, because, firstly, this volume contains a large amount of sugar, and secondly, milk protein is one of the most common hidden allergens. It is safer to limit yourself to one or two glasses of ice cream per week.

Ice cream is banned

Alas, people with pancreatic diseases, those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or gallbladder will have to give up ice cream. The fact is that a cold product can lead to spasms of internal organs and blood vessels.

And let's not forget about the growing army of diabetic patients. Doctors recommend that such patients buy special ice cream, in the manufacture of which safer sugar substitutes were used. They are rescued, for example, by stevia extract - a natural plant that has a sweet taste, almost zero calories, and, by the way, it does not lend itself to yeast fermentation at all.

In conclusion, I want to say once again that when buying ice cream, look at the composition of the product - it must be made from natural ingredients and permitted additives. Do not lose your sense of proportion either: 200 grams of ice cream a week will give you pleasure and will not hurt your figure too much, provided that you do not eat ice cream at night.

I also recommend getting a simple home appliance, mastering a simple recipe for making ice cream and treating your children and guests with a delicious and high-quality product yourself. After all, no one knows better than you what you made your ice cream from - with soul and love!

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