Do-it-yourself air humidifier at home: designs and assembly diagrams. Homemade humidifier: a detailed guide How to make an ultrasonic humidifier with your own hands

In winter, due to centralized heating in apartments, the air becomes very dry. As a result, the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes loses its elasticity and becomes dry. The eyes are red and sore. A person feels sluggish and dull - these are just small consequences of a microclimate in the house that is not properly adjusted. To humidify the room it is not at all necessary to spend money on the purchase of special devices, you can make your own humidifier.

A simple and effective battery operated humidifier

To do this, you need any capacity that can withstand the high temperature from the battery. For this purpose, a small kitchen utensil or vase is suitable. You can use a plastic vessel, a tin beer can. If you want the container not to spoil the interior, then it is better to opt for a vase.

The next step is to make holes in the dishes, through which it will be easy to fix the jar. If the walls of the dishes are thick and strong, then you will have to drill. If soft like a beer can, then you can easily make holes using any improvised means. The wire will go through the holes. With its help fasteners in the form of hooks are mounted, which will be fixed on the battery.

For beauty, you can decorate the front of such a humidifier. It can be a sticker, or you can cover the item with beautiful velor or leather. After such a home-made humidifier is mounted to the radiator, water is poured.

Important! It is necessary to constantly monitor the presence of water in the tank. From the empty capacity on the battery there is no sense.

You can also use a bandage. Immerse one part of it in water, and put the other on the radiator. In this way, water will evaporate easily and quickly, while saturating the air in the apartment. This DIY home humidifier can be made in 1 hour.

Air cooler humidifier

It is necessary to take a 2-liter plastic bottle, cut off the upper part with the expectation that the cooler will be mounted in it. In order for the device to be fixed, it is necessary to build a platform from cardboard or a piece of thin plywood. In it, a hole is cut out for mounting the lower part of the device. The cooler is fixed to the water tank with adhesive tape.

Important! The humidifier must be installed on a flat, stable surface and only then connected to the mains.

Such a simple device does not require large financial investments, however, the noise level may increase during the operation of the cooler. Therefore, when buying it, you should pay attention to this important characteristic.

Expanded clay - as a humidifier

Characterizing expanded clay, two features can be distinguished: it absorbs and releases moisture. Therefore, to normalize the microclimate at home, it can be safely used. The following elements will help to make a humidifier:

  • waste baskets - 4 pcs;
  • pump for aquariums;
  • cooler with a diameter of 14 cm;
  • plastic bowl or bucket for water 12 l;
  • screeds.

Important! Waste bins come in different sizes. Two larger ones and two smaller ones.

Using plastic ties, you need to connect two small wastebaskets. Thus, the body of a homemade humidifier is obtained. The design must be hollow inside. Two large wastebaskets are connected in the same way. But inside there is already a core - this is a finished frame of small baskets.

The bottom of the large upper basket is cut off. This is done in order to fill up large expanded clay gravel. After all, if it is small in size, it will fall out through the cracks of the trash cans. A pump for aquariums is placed at the bottom of a bucket or bowl, the tubes are brought up. A plastic ring with holes made will be installed at the very top of the humidifier. Thanks to them, the water will flow down into a bowl or bucket, but at the same time wash the gravel.

At the top of the homemade humidifier, a cooler is mounted, which, when turned on, can pump air into the expanded clay gravel. Thus, the moisture will be expelled and drain into the bowl.

Important! Before filling expanded clay in the basket, it is necessary to wash it with warm water. A do-it-yourself home-made humidifier is made quickly and easily, and most importantly (who does not know) expanded clay is made from clay, therefore it is considered an environmentally friendly material.

handmade humidifier

This humidifier not only benefits and moisturizes the room, it is also beautiful. A decorative humidifier is the result of fantasy, which can include a variety of decorative elements.

A straw basket or an original cookie tin can serve as a decor for a bowl of water. A bowl for water does not have to be beautiful. It is important that it be smaller than a decorative basket. Stones must be selected rounded in small sizes so that they do not stand out against the background of the decorative composition. Stones with a flat side will also work. Do-it-yourself air humidification can be supplemented with glass figurines.

A bowl with lined stones is inserted into a decorative frame. To fix the stones, as they look better, you need to apply glue. However, it is better that the stones mask the walls of the inner surface of the bowl. If voids have formed, you can decorate them with sand.

After the design of the water tank is over, it is necessary to allow time for the glue to dry. After that, water is carefully poured into the bowl. This beautiful humidifier can be installed in the most prominent place in the apartment. It will suitably decorate the interior of any home.

Do-it-yourself green oasis

You can make a homemade humidifier using a flower arrangement. To do this, you need to choose a tub. It can be very different in style. Put expanded clay on the bottom. Cover with universal soil mixture. The next step is to plant the plants. If the tub will stand under the wall, then tall plants are planted against the wall. The middle tier is in the center, and the low plants are in the foreground.

Using a spray bottle, periodically spray green spaces, this must be done in addition to daily watering. However, it is worth making sure that the plants are not flooded. Excessive moisture will rot the roots.

Important! Flowers should be selected unpretentious, they do not require special attention to themselves. It can be fan or feathery palms, sansevieria, chlorophytum, cyperus, geranium.

You can create a whole collection of one group of plants. It's fun and can turn into a hobby. In addition to moisturizing, the flower arrangement will enrich the room with oxygen. However, if there are small children in the family, then it is worth familiarizing yourself with the characteristics of the plant before planting, its juice may be poisonous. Also, plants should not have modified leaves - spines. They can hurt the child.

Simple humidifiers will help create a good microclimate in the house. However, whichever option is chosen, it is necessary to ventilate the room often, both in winter and in damp autumn. This is the only way to achieve a healthy atmosphere in the house. To control the level of humidity, it is enough to buy a hygrometer at the pet store. With normal humidity, the device should show 40-70% humidity. The humidifier must be installed in rooms where the most time is spent. Also, to improve sleep, it can be installed in the bedroom. The main thing is that when the humidifier is running, the noise does not interfere with sleep.

Dry air in residential premises is an absolute discomfort and one of the root causes of poor health. But you should not rush into buying expensive equipment if you have the time and resources to make the simplest humidifier yourself, moreover, as a highly efficient compact device.

Difference from steam generator

Household humidifiers come in two types. Some work by increasing the evaporation area, others by heating the liquid to form steam. In both cases, the evaporation of water occurs naturally; today we will not talk about steam generators.

Most modern household appliances use a piezo emitter - a plate that vibrates at an ultrasonic frequency. The principle of evaporation here is as follows: water is broken into very small particles, a finely dispersed suspension, which cannot “stick together” back and continue to exist in the form of water vapor. The advantage of dispersed humidifiers is low energy consumption and the almost complete absence of scale in the device itself, which affects its durability.

Household ultrasonic humidifier

Hull details

The water tank is an ordinary three-liter jar. It will evaporate completely in 6-8 hours, if you need more, use five-liter bottles or cylinders for drinking water.

There are two types of connection of the container with the body. In our case, we will install the jar upside down on a round wooden washer. Of course, the service life of such a part is not too long, but nothing prevents you from making a new one. In addition, you can take a “moisture-resistant” tree as a basis, for example, larch or linden. First, we drill a washer from a 50 mm thick board with a 100 mm wood crown. Then, using the existing hole in the center with a 75 or 80 mm crown, we make an annular groove about 15 mm deep, and then select the central part with a 60 or 50 mm crown.

With a penknife, we expand the selection from the crown to 9-10 mm, then we pass inside with a thin chisel, giving the correct profile. As a result, the washer should fit tightly enough on the jar, like a lid. On the upper edge of the washer, we cut it with a hacksaw crosswise to a depth of about 15 mm, so that we get small holes for air suction and water outflow. As a result, the design should work as a drinker for young birds.

As a second option, you can use an external container: a small tank or canister connected to the evaporator with two thin silicone tubes. It is important, however, that the supply tube exits at the very bottom of the container. The level of insertion of the second hose exactly determines the height of the water layer.

ultrasonic evaporator

This is, in fact, the only expensive part that you have to buy. But do not rush to purchase components for existing models of air humidifiers, they are at least twice as expensive.

From 300 to 500 rubles is an ordinary piezoelectric element. You can buy this at online auctions, or directly from China. Make no mistake in choosing: a “bare” piezoelectric element will not work, you need a device in a waterproof case with a pair of outgoing wires and a plug at the end. The difference is that such a humidifier has all the necessary piping to generate the desired frequency and can be placed literally in any container with water without additional waterproofing.

The evaporator must be fixed at the bottom of the container in an arbitrary place, but not close to the walls, leaving free space for installing a water tank. If the body of the evaporator is not watertight, or the plate does not sink deep enough during installation, the device can be fixed to the bottom of the container from the outside. It is necessary to make a neat hole under the side of the plate and seal the connection with sanitary silicone. For stability, the container will need to be equipped with legs or a stand.

Dry run protection

The emitter must always be immersed, this is critical. Without water, it resonates, heats up and fails in seconds.

Dry running protection can be performed with the simplest washer fluid level sensor for domestic cars. It is advisable to purchase short float sensors with a reed switch in a small tube, otherwise there is a high risk that the humidifier will turn off before the water in the jar runs out.

Install the sensor on the bottom of the container so that after the can is installed, it will be inside. If the container is separate, the sensor is installed in it. The normal mode of operation of the sensor is an open contact, however, there may be several switching circuits. To invert the signal, use an intermediate relay or solid state switch. If the contact sensor has a standard operation scheme, then it can be connected directly to the break in the power supply circuit of a low-power emitter.

Power and automation

Most piezo emitters are designed to be powered by a low voltage of 12 or 24 VDC. There are many options for how to power a homemade humidifier. We recommend, for safety reasons, to place the power supply and automation in a separate case.

The simplest and most versatile option is a PC power supply. They have the same naming system:

  • yellow wires +12 V;
  • black wire - common minus;
  • dark blue wire - 12 V in reverse polarity (up to 0.5A).

Thus, the connection for 12 V is made with a black and yellow wire, and for 24 V - with yellow and blue.

Since a perfectly stabilized voltage is not required to power the emitter, small transformers from old radios and other household appliances with a diode bridge and no frequency generator can be used. You can also wind the transformer yourself on a small (up to 30 mm) ferrite core, since the power of the piezo emitter is minimal.

To automate the operation of the evaporator to turn off when a certain level of humidity is reached, it will be necessary to assemble a small circuit by surface mounting. Its first part is a DHT11 sensor with a digital output signal. The second element is the Arduino mini as a digital controller. The actuating device of the circuit is a thyristor key or a microrelay with a consumption current of up to 0.3 A, and a variable resistor of 10-15 kOhm acts as a regulator.

1. Power connectors. 2. Key transistors. 3. Arduino controller board. 4. Humidity sensor

The sketch (algorithm, firmware) for such an assembly is very simple. We declare two global int variables and write the values ​​\u200b\u200bin them on the Pins of the sensor and potentiometer. To compare the values, only one if-else construct is used in an endless loop, the secondary condition of which is an exception that turns off the piezoelectric relay if the value of the variable humidity exceeds the setting value. To calibrate the values, use the port monitor of the connected board.

Final assembly of the device

Finally, let's assemble the device. We attract the washer under the jar to the bottom of the container with self-tapping screws, having previously smeared it with sealant. We put the empty jar in place, measure the indents from the sides and transfer the dimensions to the container lid. We cut a hole according to the marking and put a thin silicone tube cut along the edge on the edge.

With an indent of 20-30 mm from the cutout, we make a second hole with a diameter of 50 mm and install a computer cooler on four 60 mm screws, which will direct the air flow upwards, removing steam from the container and facilitating its generation with a slight vacuum. PVA 3x0.75 mm is used to connect to the power supply.

Now it remains to fill the jar with water to the brim, put the assembled humidifier on top, turn the structure over and apply power.

At any time of the year, a microclimate in a home is very important for a comfortable life for a person. Everyone knows that dry air has a negative effect not only on flowers, but also on people, because due to dry air it is difficult to deliver oxygen to the body, and as a result, constant fatigue and drowsiness. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to make a humidifier with your own hands is very relevant, especially in winter, during which good heating leads to a decrease in air humidity in the house.

What is a humidifier for?

Insufficient amount of moisture in the air negatively affects the human body. The following symptoms appear:

  • sore throat;
  • drying of the mucous membranes of the nose and lungs;
  • dry skin;
  • labored breathing;
  • constant fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • runny nose;
  • eye inflammation.

Important! As a result of the appearance of such symptoms, the human defense mechanism is weakened, and viruses and bacteria penetrating inside lead to various diseases. In addition, dry air is generally contraindicated for people wearing contact lenses. Therefore, if it is not possible to buy ready-made equipment, it is necessary to consider options for how to make a humidifier with your own hands.

Other adverse factors

Dry air adversely affects not only all living things, but also spoils all wooden furniture. People who play instruments are familiar with this problem. As soon as the tool material dries up, consider that it is irrevocably damaged.

Important! Too much humidity is also undesirable, although this problem is easily solved by simple ventilation. For a normal and comfortable life in the house, the air humidity should be maintained within the range of 40 to 60%, and it is very important to maintain such a microclimate all year round.

That is why it is necessary to use an air humidifier in the premises, since it maintains optimal humidity, allowing indoor plants not to dry out, and wooden pieces of furniture not to dry out. It is the humidifier that will prevent the appearance of many problems not only with health, but also with the well-being of the household, since moisture “binds” the dust, and the heat emanating from the heaters does not drive it around the room.

Should You Buy a Humidifier?

Today, a large number of different models of air humidifiers are provided in stores, but buying a factory-assembled device requires financial costs, so we suggest that you solve the problem using improvised materials and make a humidifier with your own hands.

If you have the opportunity to purchase a special device to optimize the microclimate, then you can count on:

  • constant humidity level, based on the specified mode;
  • warranty service from the system manufacturer;
  • saving you time - both for manufacturing and installation, and for adjusting the finished humidifier.

To understand which equipment will suit you best, keep in mind that today there are 4 types of device:

  1. Ultrasonic, performing fine spraying.
  2. Spray humidifier. This device sprays small streams of water and is most effective for large rooms.
  3. Cold humidification using cold steam.
  4. Hot humidification using hot steam.

How to increase the humidity in the house?

To increase the humidity in the room, it is necessary to evaporate a sufficient amount of water. There are a number of simple activities that you can do with your own hands to achieve the goal:

Option number 1

The easiest way to make your own humidifier is to use a wet towel. Hang a damp towel on the battery, and when the battery is hot, the moisture will begin to evaporate. Moisten the towel as it dries and hang it up again.

Advantages of this method:

  • does not require electricity;
  • the costs are minimal (nothing is needed except a piece of cloth or a towel).


  • this method requires a constant “reboot”;
  • humidification occurs directly near the place of evaporation;
  • low efficiency of the method.

You can complicate this option with a towel a little: lower one end into a basin of water, and hang the other on the battery, so the water will soak the fabric and evaporate on the battery. The advantages of this option are as follows: it does not require investments, this humidifier is automated. The disadvantage is low efficiency.

Important! In summer, this method looks like this: put a towel on the table, both ends of which are lowered into a container of water.

Option number 2

If the first option seems unaesthetic and ineffective to you, then you can simply place water tanks around the room. It can be vases, jugs. Water from them will slowly but surely evaporate.

Option number 3

Distribute indoor plants around the apartment that moisturize the air. It can be:

  • saintpaulia;
  • phytonia;
  • hypoesthesia;
  • orchid;
  • hibiscus;
  • nephrolepis (house fern);
  • ficus;
  • fatsia;
  • dracaena;
  • cyperus.

Keep pots with such tropical plants in expanded clay trays and, as they dry, fill with water. In addition, the process of regularly spraying plants will also help to humidify the air.

Important! Nephrolepis not only gives off a lot of moisture, but also destroys harmful substances in the air, such as formaldehyde, toluene and xylene.

Option number 4

It may not seem strange, but constant wet cleaning will help humidify the air at home. And if after washing the laundry you dry it indoors, then the water, evaporating from the fabrics, will enter the air and automatically increase the humidity in the room.

Option number 5

Another way to not only make a humidifier with your own hands, but also transform the interior is to buy an aquarium. Its capacity will be a natural room humidifier. All aquariums are equipped with a special water filtration system and some of the liquid, passing through the filter and returning to the tank, evaporates. Also, evaporation of moisture occurs from the surface of the water in the aquarium. The larger the aquarium, the more water will evaporate.

In addition to being useful for the household of the apartment, the aquarium will also be a small piece of the biosphere, which is very informative and exciting for the kids.

Important! The only disadvantage of this method, but quite significant, is that the aquarium needs to be looked after, and its arrangement will require very tangible costs. If you buy an aquarium solely for the purpose of humidification, it will still be cheaper to buy ready-made equipment for special purposes.

Option number 6

A fairly simple but decorative way to increase moisture is an indoor fountain. The principle of operation of the fountain is quite simple: water circulates in a closed cycle. You only need to add water to the tank.

Important! A variety of designs of all sizes are on sale, ranging from laconic miniatures to luxurious floor fountains, so choosing a fountain that matches the volume of a particular room is not a problem. But keep in mind that such a piece of decor can also be quite expensive.

How to make a humidifier at home?

Plastic water bottles are the best material for "homemade" ones. Almost everything is made from them: from dishes and interior decorations to roofing material. A do-it-yourself humidifier from a plastic bottle is the easiest option.

We will offer you two ways to use this material. For the first option, you will need: a plastic bottle, gauze, two pieces of wire or a strong cloth. For the second - a plastic bottle and a fan from household or electronic appliances.

First way:

  1. On the side of the plastic bottle, make a cut 10-12 cm long along and in the center.
  2. Prepare two wires for fastening the bottle
  3. Hang the bottle under the horizontal sections of the straight pipe leading to the battery (cut up). The distance to the pipe should be 10-20 cm.
  4. Pour water into the bottle.
  5. Dip the edge of the gauze strip (width 10 cm, length about 1 m) into the water.
  6. Screw the second edge of the strip onto the heating pipe.

Second way:

  1. Take a large plastic bottle (about 10 liters).
  2. Cut the neck so that the cooler can be attached to the hole formed.

Important! As a cooler, use a fan from the computer's power supply, as it has a lot of power.

  1. In the bottle, at a height of 10 cm from the top around the perimeter, make several holes (air will escape through them).
  2. Pour water into the bottle so that it is a few centimeters below the holes.
  3. Screw the cooler into the top of the bottle with tape.
  4. Turn on the cooler.

Important! The essence of such a device is to draw moisture through the air flow. The advantages of this option are the simplicity and efficiency of the humidification system. The disadvantage of this method is that the cooler will have to be rewound each time when adding water, and the design of the device is not the most remarkable.

Expanded clay humidifier

You can use an old bucket and expanded clay to make a humidifier with your own hands, since expanded clay is an excellent material that not only absorbs moisture, but also evaporates it. To make a claydite humidifier, you will need:

  • a bucket with a capacity of 12 liters;
  • 4 wastebaskets (2 larger and 2 smaller);
  • aquarium pump;
  • cooler (computer) with a diameter of 140 mm;
  • plastic ties;

Step by step assembly instructions:

  1. Connect smaller bins together. For this hitch, use a household hair dryer. If not, use plastic fasteners. It is necessary to connect the baskets along the rims.
  2. Connect 2 large baskets in the same way.

Important! Before connecting, first place the body made from small baskets inside the large baskets. You should get an aggregate in shape and function resembling a thermos, consisting of plastic buckets.

  1. Cut the bottom of the upper large basket with a knife for backfilling expanded clay.

Important! Pick up expanded clay of such a size that it cannot penetrate through the holes in the basket.

  1. Place the aquarium pump at the bottom of the bucket. Run the tubes from it to the very top of the structure. Place the plastic ring with holes on top of the future humidifier. It is from these holes that moisture will flow down the expanded clay into the bucket.
  2. Install a computer cooler at the very top of the humidifier. The fan will force air into the expanded clay walls moistened with water and will expel the air out through the holes in the wastebaskets.

Important! The principle of operation of this device is based on the properties of expanded clay, so select the granules carefully, and be sure to rinse the expanded clay with warm water before use.

ultrasonic climate device

The principle of operation of this device is as follows: a piezoelectric emitter will be lowered into a container with water on a special mechanism, which will create cold steam. The fan in this appliance will blow air in, pushing the steam out. If you decide to make just such a humidifier with your own hands, you will definitely not regret evaluating the result.

Important! When making an ultrasonic humidifier, you will have to deal with water and high voltage, so we recommend using personal protective equipment that will protect you from electric shock.

Materials and tools

To make this device you will need:

  • a plastic bucket with a lid (it is better to take it from under the paint);
  • two pieces of 10-15 cm plastic plumbing pipe (diameter 50 mm);
  • a piece of foam;
  • disposable plastic cup;
  • cooler with power supply (from an old computer);
  • ultrasonic emitter (can be purchased at various online stores - called "Mist Maker").

Making an ultrasonic humidifier with your own hands

The assembly of the ultrasonic device is as follows:

  1. In the lid of the bucket, cut two holes with a diameter of 50 mm.
  2. Attach the cooler to one of the pipes with a glue gun so that it blows inward.
  3. In a piece of foam, cut a hole a little smaller than the diameter of the cup.
  4. Insert the cup into the hole - it will be a float with an emitter.
  5. Make 2 small holes in the middle of the glass. They will get water.
  6. Put the emitter at the bottom of the glass.
  7. Pour water into a bucket.
  8. Lower the float with the emitter into the bucket.
  9. Close the lid on the container.
  10. Insert the nozzles into the top of the cover.
  11. Plug in the power supply to the mains.

Important! If you did everything correctly, then immediately after switching on, cold steam will begin to flow from one pipe.

As you can see, practically without spending time and effort, and most importantly, money, you can create a device that will help organize a comfortable indoor microclimate. Remember that it is necessary to maintain health, regardless of the season and mood, and with a homemade humidifier, this will be much easier. Thanks to a little helper, you will get active, forget about a runny nose or other unpleasant sensations, and your skin and hair will stop drying.

The well-being of a person often depends on numerous factors, including the humidity of the air in the room. The indicator of humidity of atmospheric air, acceptable for human life, is approximately from 50 to 60%, in winter it drops significantly due to heating devices. Dry air is dangerous for several reasons:

  • the mucous membrane of the eyes dries, which can lead to conjunctivitis;
  • the nasopharynx dries up - leads to respiratory diseases;
  • dry mouth and throat reduce resistance to various inflammatory diseases;
  • the content of dust increases, which causes allergic reactions.

It is very important for the home that normal air humidity is present in recreation areas, since during sleep a person is more vulnerable to illness.

Homemade humidifier will improve well-being and protect health

Simple options for humidifying the air at home

It is not always possible to buy or interrogate men to make a humidifier in the house with their own hands from plastic dishes. Therefore, a few recommendations for women on how to assemble a simple do-it-yourself humidifier:

  • put a container of water near the battery, lower the edge of the wet towel into the water tank, and spread the rest of the canvas over the heater;
  • install a container on the battery and periodically add water to it, it is desirable that the container is metal, and the moisturizing effect is achieved;
  • put glassware, such as an aquarium, a vase or a simple jar, lower an ordinary aquarium compressor into it and put a small fan next to it, preferably a computer cooler. For an aesthetic appearance of this humidifier, you can put glass pebbles and plastic figures in transparent dishes, they will imitate ikebana.

An elementary way is to start a large aquarium with all the equipment, although it is simple, but not cheap.

DIY humidifiers, step by step instructions

Why buy expensive equipment when with the help of the simplest items and a little ingenuity you can make a household homemade humidifier. The scheme of the air humidifier is simple, the main thing is to choose a suitable container and attach it to the heater. It is not always possible to find the funds to purchase a factory-made vaporizer, and a plastic bottle is almost always at hand. Consider the simplest ways to make a humidifier with your own hands:

  1. Air humidifier from a plastic bottle. Any bottle of mineral water, lemonade, etc. will do:

  • in the body of the bottle, an arbitrary-shaped hole is cut out with a width of not more than 2 cm;
  • with the help of ropes, adhesive tape or ribbons, the bottle is suspended from the upper pipe of the radiator with a gap of 3-5 cm, so that it does not turn over;
  • with the help of gauze or a bandage, a thick wick is made, the gauze is twisted into a strip, and the bandage is folded into several layers about 1 m long;
  • one end of the bundle is lowered into the slot, the other is wound around the battery, for more efficient operation of the humidifier from a plastic bottle with your own hands, you need to put 2 bundles and spread them in different directions. Then the evaporation area will increase;
  • pour water into the container and add as needed.

The disadvantage is that a humidifier from a bottle is a device of local action, that is, air humidification in an apartment occurs within a radius of no more than 3 m.

  1. Homemade mechanical humidifier from a plastic bottle. Necessary:
  • take a bottle with a capacity of 5 liters. and cut a hole in it for a cooler from a computer;
  • fix the cooler with adhesive tape so that it does not fall inside the container;
  • connect the fan using the power supply from the phone, and the humidifier is ready for use.

  1. Do-it-yourself ultrasonic humidifier is more difficult to assemble, but more efficient. Small costs and the following elements will be required:
  • ultrasonic steam generator;
  • container or bottle 5–7 liters;
  • plastic disposable cup;
  • ring from a children's pyramid;
  • corrugated tube of small diameter;
  • power supply converter and fan from the computer.

Assembly steps:

  • holes are made in the lid: for cooler fasteners, laying wires from the steam generator and arranging a corrugated hose or tube;
  • the fan and the tube are mounted on the cover on opposite sides;
  • a hole is made on the bottom of the glass and a piece of cloth is pulled from the outside to filter the water;
  • a steam generator is placed inside the glass and tightly closed with a toy ring. The cord from it is brought out through the hole of the ring; we connect the current converter to the cooler and the steam generator, pour water into the container, lower the glass and close the lid tightly.

The principle of operation of such a humidifier with your own hands is very simple. The ultrasonic device forms water vapor, and with the help of a cooler and a tube, they come out. The ring from the toy plays the role of a float so that the steam generator is at the required level. It is advisable to fill the water into the ultrasonic steam generator with purified water in order to prevent white deposits on the furniture. Instead of a toy ring to attach the ultrasonic humidifier, you can use a piece of foam, cut a hole in it and insert a cup into it.

  1. A simple humidifier from a bucket and expanded clay. To assemble a homemade humidifier, you will need: four trash baskets of different diameters; fan from the computer; a bucket of about 12-15 liters, so that it includes a large basket.

Assembly step by step:

  • baskets of the same diameter are placed on top of each other and fastened together with a hair dryer or plastic fasteners. And first, smaller diameters are connected, and then baskets with a larger diameter are assembled around them. Thus, a two-case construction of the thermos type is obtained with containers built into each other;
  • in the upper outer part, a hole is cut out for filling expanded clay. The diameter of the crumbs to be poured must be larger than the holes in the baskets;
  • an aquarium pump is installed at the bottom of the bucket. Tubes from it are thrown to the top of the structure, ending with a ring with holes through which water, flowing around the entire perimeter, wets the expanded clay and drains back into the bucket;
  • the cooler is installed at the top of the humidifier and blows air into the interior. Through the holes in the baskets, passing through the wet expanded clay, enriched with water vapor, it comes out.

Expanded clay for an air humidifier must be thoroughly rinsed with warm water before backfilling; it performs not only the function of a moisture accumulator, but also a filter. Since the room air passing through it leaves microparticles of dust and dirt on the surface.

It is not difficult to assemble a homemade air humidifier with your own hands, but in addition to elementary humidification, you can achieve cleansing in the premises and assemble a sink.

Instructions for making an air purifier

Dust particles and bacteria in the air are not noticeable, and even constant wet cleaning is not able to remove them. Factory-made air washers are very expensive and not everyone can afford. It is possible to make a humidifier-air purifier with your own hands using improvised materials. For example, how you can use old disks:

  • the surface of the discs must be sanded, the gloss removed, plastic pieces soldered to the edges;
  • put prepared disks on a tube with a diameter of 15 mm, alternating with plastic washers 3 mm thick;
  • in a rectangular shape, install several coolers from the computer to draw in air;
  • install a shaft with disks and connect a small toy motor to it;
  • install a fan in the lid of the container to extract humidified air;
  • fill with water, so that it does not reach the coolers and plug it into the network.

An air purifier assembled in this way at home can be used not only in houses and apartments, but also in other utility rooms.

For poultry entrepreneurs, it is easier to assemble a humidifier for an incubator with your own hands than to buy expensive factory equipment. Humidity and purity of air in such rooms are very important for a young brood.

Air Dryer

Of no small importance for general well-being is the saturation of the air with moisture. There are production facilities and premises where the level of humidity exceeds the permissible norms and it is necessary to drain the premises. It is easier to make a dehumidifier with your own hands than to buy a ready-made one. This will require an old freezer. Air dehumidification occurs due to its condensation. Therefore, surfaces are needed on which moisture settles and collects:

  • a sheet of plexiglass the size of the freezer door is installed in an open opening;
  • a hole is cut out on the glass, and a fan is installed so that it sucks air from the room;
  • holes are drilled in the upper part of the glass for the outlet of treated air;
  • a condensate drain pipe is installed in the lower corner.

The structure is ready for operation. Due to the negative temperature on the walls of the freezer, the moisture in the atmosphere is attracted to them. The air dried in this way is vented to the outside. This device can reduce humidity up to 10%. It must be taken into account that the air at the outlet has a lower temperature.

Having considered various ways to change the humidity of the air, we can come to the conclusion that for your own health there is no need to run to the store and spend exorbitant funds. You can, having thought over how to make a humidifier yourself, and, having picked up everything you need, assemble the device. Having measured the humidity in the room, further humidification, dehumidification and cleaning are in your own hands.

Humidifiers operate on different principles, but in all cases their design is quite simple. This material is for those who intend to make a homemade humidifier at home with their own hands.

  • bottle design;
  • "Cold" evaporator with fan;
  • ultrasonic humidifiers;

The design of the plastic bottle humidifier is based on the old method of increasing the humidity of the air with a wet towel hung over a hot radiator. This method does not require significant costs. For manufacturing, you need adhesive tape, gauze and durable fabric.

Making a humidifier from a plastic bottle

Above is a diagram of a simple humidifier. A rectangular hole 10 cm long and not more than 5 cm wide is cut out on the side of an empty bottle. 2 strips are cut from the fabric, on which the bottle is suspended from the heating supply pipeline near the battery itself. In this case, the slot should be oriented upwards, and so that the bottle does not spin in loops, it is fixed with adhesive tape. Next, 2 sheets of gauze are taken and folded several times to make strips no more than 10 cm wide and up to 1 m long. Further, one end of the strip is immersed through the slot into the bottle, and the other is wound onto the pipe to the right side. The second strip is immersed in the same way and wrapped around the pipe on the left side, as shown in the figure:

The container is filled with water through the hole. Due to the phenomenon of wetting, the gauze will become completely wet, and the heat from the pipe will evaporate this moisture into the space of the room.

Devices of "cold" evaporation

To assemble these humidifiers, you will need to purchase a fan, a power supply and a plastic container. Next, a simple design is assembled, shown in the figure.

For an ordinary bucket, you need to cut a lid from any material at hand: plastic, plywood, textolite, and so on. There are 2 holes in the cover, one for the size of the fan, the other for the diameter of the tube, which will serve as an air distributor. For this purpose, a corrugation from a water siphon will fit. The operation of the humidifier is that the air flow forced by the fan gradually evaporates the water in the bucket. The performance of the device can not be called high, so it will be effective in a small room. If you fill the bucket with ice, you get a good humidifier - air conditioning. More productive devices that work on a similar principle are shown below.

The difference from the previous device is that here the air flow evaporates moisture from the surface of wet wipes, which at the same time are a filter. These humidifiers require a bit more labor because the flow must be managed through the wet filters. To do this, inside the container, you can place a frame for attaching filter elements or hang them directly to the lid. For this, special slots are made in it, as shown in the video.

Ultrasonic Humidifiers

You can make a similar humidifier from a fogger. It uses the principle of an ultrasonic membrane to release water vapor. It can be purchased commercially along with a power supply.

The device cannot be immersed deep in water, so it is placed on the bottom of a plastic cup with a hole for water. The cup itself sits in a nest cut in a foam float. The same bucket or plastic container is taken as a container, a fan and an outlet tube are installed in its lid, as in the previous type of humidifiers.

The result is a complete ultrasonic humidifier. The most expensive parts of the device are the fogger and the powered cooler, but they will cost ten times less than the simplest factory device. Below is a production video.

Air wash

In execution, this is the most labor-intensive apparatus; to make it, you need to spend a lot of time. The complexity here is represented by a knot that rotates drums assembled from optical discs or old phonograph records.

You will need the same container with a fan, a small electric motor and a drive system for the axes of the drums. Due to the difficulty in manufacturing, homemade sinks are not so popular. Although, according to reviews, devices of this type perfectly humidify the air.

How to make forced ventilation with your own hands How to choose a humidifier How to make an air ionizer at home How to choose the right air purifier