Your attention is invited to the scenario of the celebration of the new year in the style of "retro". Scenario New Year's Eve. New Year in retro style, based on "Carnival Night"

Characters:1st host, 2nd host, Santa Claus Snegurochka - selected from the participants, Rooster, Amateur art groups

New Year's corporate party is held in a hall decorated in a New Year's way. There are tables and chairs for guests in the hall; 2 microphones for presenters near the stage; props coffee table. While the guests are gathering, music is playing.

1st presenter

Good evening, dear friends!

Good holiday evening!

2nd host

And this evening is not just festive, it is New Year's, which means it is full of surprises and surprises.

The general light goes out. Lighting effects are on. Members of the dance group come out and perform a modern pop dance. Then their place is taken by a vocal group with a New Year's block (New Year's potpourri).

1st presenter

We brought artists here:
And singers, and harmonists,
And they don't hesitate
The show starts!

There are performances by amateur art groups or professional artists.

1st presenter

We wish you to live 200 years! If you do not make it to this deadline, then, unfortunately, you will not see all the most interesting things! On New Year's Eve, everyone always wishes happiness, and today, in the 21st century, happiness is not only when there is a lot of money in a summer house, real estate, etc.

2nd host

And remember the times when we wished for happiness in big and small things. If you got a piece of bath soap at your place of work - this is a small happiness, but if a large piece of household soap is a big one!

1st presenter

If from time to time you managed to get clothes, shoes, electrical goods and sugar in the queues, fate simply spoiled you.

2nd host

And you needed good health to drag it all to your doorstep.

1st presenter

We prayed that the Lord would send us a bright mind in order to figure out how to shove the mined in our small and combined apartment.

2nd host

And so that, making your way between all this, you don’t have to decide at every step what is better to step on, a spare iron or a sleeping mother-in-law in the ear.

1st presenter

They wanted us to have time to buy shoes for spring, boots for winter, and a pacifier for our son for his birth, and not for the defense of a diploma, because a spoon is expensive for dinner.

2nd host

How “sweet” it was when they got all sorts of delicacies long before the New Year, and then they were afraid that it would all turn green, like a New Year tree ... And we were so happy and young! .. Happy New Year, dear friends!

Instrumental music (15–20 minutes) of the 90s sounds in the background. Guests and participants at this time can chat with each other.

1st presenter

We see off the year of the Monkey, and meet the year of the Rooster. (When held, any year can be set.)

In order for the New Year to be prosperous for us, let's butter the Cockerel.

2nd host

And we will read the well-known poem about the Rooster:

Petya, Petya, Cockerel!
Golden comb!
butter head,
Silk beard.

That you get up early
Do you let your kids sleep?

1st presenter

And now, dear friends, let's all shout together: "Ku-ka-re-ku!" - you need to call our Cockerel.

Everyone screams in unison. To the music of “Ku-ka-re-ku”, the Rooster comes out, accompanied by hens (members of the amateur art group).

Rooster (in the style of rap).

Hello hi,
good evening.
I'm glad today is our first

Usually the first pancake happens
And you can meet me

But I will try all of you
So that on a winter evening we all
do not be sad.

Rap, tango, music of all styles,
Maybe someone wants to listen

Please, please
all for you.

For lovers we can turn on
even jazz.

So, melodies for every taste,
To fall from the shoulders of everyday life

We overcome the difficulties of life
If we visit the Rooster.
Our meeting is that Chumak's session.
An hour of rest - and sadness disappeared
without a trace

Two - both fatigue and scarcity
Let's leave in the past
without regret!

There is one more thing to be clarified:
Let's be friends in the Year of the Rooster.
Your support and your eyes
Help me perform miracles.

Well, let's not waste time
Time to start dancing.
Meet, chat,
and success awaits you

In the year of the Rooster - good luck for everyone!

1st presenter

Here the first waltz is already sounding, The lights are shining, the ball is open.

There is a dance block of 5-6 dances. During the waltz, Ded Moroz and Snegurochka, the winners of the dance competition, are secretly chosen.

2nd host

Ditties help us
Look into the workshop and into the house,
If anyone recognizes himself
You will tell us later.

Performed number of amateur performances - "chastushki".

1st presenter

Everything is fine now
But someone is missing here
we have.
Who could it be
And don't forget about us?

2nd leader.

All. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.

1st presenter

Friends! We propose to hold here, today, at our evening, a solemn coronation and choose among those present Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

2nd host

So we are listening to your suggestions.

Solemn music sounds. Two chairs are brought up to the stage. The presenters approach the applicants and bring them to the stage. A woman wears a hat and tinsel, a man wears a Santa Claus hat and is given a staff. Friendly applause in the hall. If there are no proposals, then the presenters offer the role of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus who distinguished themselves during the dance block.

1st presenter

The Snow Maiden and Father Frost are welcomed by the members of the amateur art group!

The number is being executed.

2nd host

Ladies invite gentlemen.
Where the tie is
There seems to be in front.
Two steps to the left
Two steps to the right
Step forward, vice versa.

1st presenter

Friends! We invite you to participate in the competition program:

New Year's contests

1. Attach a beak to the drawn Rooster (poster) - 3-4 participants.

2. “Whoever had time, he sat down” (chairs, skittles). Game conditions: 10 participants are called, 9 chairs and 9 pins are placed. Each participant stands in a circle, opposite the chairs, there is a skittle on the chair, when the music starts, all participants go in a circle and perform the movements that the leader will say (hands to the sides, hands on the belt, etc.), with the command "sit down" all participants must take the pin in their hands and sit on a chair.

Whoever does not get a chair is out of the game. The game continues until there are two players left and one of them is the winner.

3. "Football" - alternately two participants call the streets of the microdistrict, the streets and squares of the city.

Performance of amateur art groups (2-3 numbers). Dance block (3-4 dances).

1st presenter

Dear friends! The beloved television game "Field of Miracles" that we all love has come to us today, to our hall! And we offer it to you.

2nd host

Question number 2. A bird that has made a fundamental contribution to the construction of the hut.

Question number 3. White, cold, and not hungry with it.

Answers. 1. Ostrovsky. 2. Chicken. 3. Refrigerator.

1st leader. Here everyone is an artist for himself:

Singer, dancer and harmonist!
What is not in the program!
Play and dance with us.

There is a dance block of 3-4 dances.

2nd host

Let it strike twelve! We've got everything ready
What is due when changing years:
To the past - a word of gratitude,
Incoming - gullible hello!

1st presenter

Happy New Year!
With new happiness
Congratulations, friends!
It's just a pity that this evening
It's time for us to part.

Farewell melodies sound.

The scenario of the program “I live in the USSR” will appeal to all those who were born in the 1960s and 1970s.

The use of this scenario would be appropriate at a corporate party, birthday party, and also as a theme for an entertainment program for a cafe.

The scenario "I live in the USSR" will bring together people with similar interests at the same table, who have something to remember and talk about, have something to laugh at and feel sad about.

This is a great idea for a virtual return to childhood and adolescence.

It will be useful for the younger generation to learn, see, try and feel how people and parents lived in the distant 70s of the last century.

The program of the evening "I live in the USSR" includes video clips, games, contests, a disco of the 80s. An unforgettable atmosphere filled with smiles and memories of past years can work wonders even for those who are hopelessly obsessed with their own affairs and problems, and have long forgotten how to smile and dance.

Hall design and program organization


  • Posters (you can buy them or download them on the Internet and print them yourself on a color printer).
  • Slogans (perhaps left in the archives of organizations or you can write them yourself).
  • Flag of the USSR (most likely it can be found in the school archive or ordered through an online store).
  • Pioneer horns and drums (can be borrowed from the house of creativity, the former home of the pioneers).
  • Pennants.
  • Red carpets.
  • Velvet tablecloths.
  • Faceted glasses.
  • Aluminum cutlery.

As well as:

  • Wall projector or large screen for watching video clips.
  • Stylized paper money of the USSR in denominations of 1, 3, 5 rubles (they need to be printed on a color printer).
  • Invitation cards.
  • Clothes for fashion show.
  • improvised money.
  • Price list.
  • Menu.
  • Stylized labels for vodka (made in the USSR according to GOST).
  • Diplomas.
  • Candles.
  • Photos of past years.

For the museum it is quite useful:

  • Adding machine.
  • Accounts.
  • Samovar on coals.
  • Iron on coals.
  • Old radio.
  • Kerosene.
  • Vintage lampshade.
  • Rubber boots.
  • Pioneer or Komsomol badge.
  • Bust of Lenin or Stalin.
  • Inkwell.
  • Fountain pen.
  • Old suitcase.
  • Map or atlas of highways of the Soviet Union.

In addition to the stylized design, according to the author's idea, it will be necessary to prepare an impromptu museum, for the creation of which it is necessary to involve all those who arrive at the party.

For an invitation to a party, you need to prepare invitation cards, they must be handed over in advance so that the invited people have enough time to prepare and think through their outfit. It is desirable that the participants of the program should be dressed in the style of the 60s-70s-80s.

At the entrance, guests can be offered to tie pioneer ties, which can be easily sewn from a piece of red fabric.

The program of the evening is designed for 2.5-3 hours.


Good evening, dear Comrades! Greetings to all those who have decided to plunge into their childhood and youth. Those who remember how we lived then, how we were friends and what we valued. Welcome to the era of the USSR! I'll ask everyone to stand up.

The anthem of the Soviet Union sounds.


We will start our evening, as I promised you, with very bright and positive emotions. Close your eyes for a minute and imagine yourself in childhood and youth, remember what surrounded you and made you happy, remember your school friends and girlfriends. So, sit down comfortably, I ask everyone to pay attention to the screen.

H and the video clip "The First iPhone" is launched on the screen.


Tonight at our evening there will be thematic contests and quizzes. I have money in my hands. Each correct answer of the quiz and participation in the competition will certainly be paid. For the money received, you can purchase certain goods. There is a price list on the bar counter.

And now, dear Friends, Comrades, Citizens and Citizens, the first and, perhaps, the most serious quiz of today's event. Let's remember some historical facts. I have 10 questions for you, the price of each answer is 5 rubles.

Quiz "Top 10"

  1. Day, month, year of formation of the USSR? (Answer - December 30, 1922).
  2. How many republics joined the Union initially? (The answer is 4 republics). For the answer, which republics they were, another 5 rubles are given (answer - RSFSR, Ukrainian, Belorussian, Transcaucasian).
  3. Which 4 republics were the last to join the Union in 1940? (The answer is Moldova and the Baltic republics).
  4. How many republics were united under the flag of the USSR? (The answer is 15 republics at the time of the collapse of the USSR).
  5. Name the leaders of the USSR in the order they were in power? (The answer is Lenin, Stalin, Malenkov, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, Gorbachev).
  6. Under what leader was Prohibition introduced? (Answer - Mikhail Gorbachev). For the answer, in what year it happened, another 5 rubles are given (the answer is 1985).
  7. Under which leader were food stamps introduced? (The answer is under Gorbachev).
  8. Which republic was to become the 16th in the USSR? (The answer is Bulgaria).
  9. Date of the end of the existence of the USSR? (Answer - December 26, 1991).
  10. When and where was the document on the termination of the existence of the USSR signed and what was its name? (Answer - on December 8, 1991, an agreement was signed in Belarus near Brest, which went down in history as Belovezhskaya, on the collapse of the USSR and the formation of the CIS).

The song “I was born in the Soviet Union” by O. Gazmanov sounds.


My friends, I ask again your attention to the screen. Let's remember the flags of the Soviet Republics together. Each correct answer is worth 3 rubles. (Pictures depicting the flags of the Union republics must be downloaded in advance).

Quiz "Flags of the USSR"

A flag is shown on the monitor, the audience answers which republic it belonged to. The price of a correct answer is 3 rubles.


Well, now a little break. Those who wish can visit our impromptu museum, as well as buy goods at the bar counter for the won banknotes. The most interesting things are ahead of us.

Musical pause. 15-20 minutes background music of past years sounds.


Wait a minute, Citizens and Citizens, our next quiz will be a little fun and even comical. It's called "I Remember How It Was." I ask everyone to take an active part. For each correct answer you get 1 ruble.

Quiz "I remember how it was"

1. What did the leaders of the CPSU promise to every family in the USSR?

  • Apartment*
  • car
  • passbook

2. Who didn't play hockey in the Soviet Union?

  • Old man
  • Coward*
  • Loser

3. Thanks to what program did the Soviet people learn about what was going on abroad?

  • Morals and morals
  • Life behind the hill
  • International panorama*

4. Today it is called UBEP, but what was the name of the authority in the days of the USSR?

  • OBHSS*

5. If you believe Nikita Khrushchev, then in 1980 the following event should have occurred?

  • Olympics
  • Communism*
  • End of the world

6. What were secret institutions called in the USSR?

  • Mailbox*
  • Postal trailer
  • Postal address

7. What military-patriotic game did Soviet children play?

  • Pioneer dawn
  • True Komsomol member
  • Zarnitsa*

8. What did the three poplars stand on in the Soviet film?

  • On Beaver
  • On horsetail
  • On Plyushchikha*

9. What company were the first televisions in the USSR?

  • Ruby
  • Electron*

10. Who said but did not « Life has become better, life has become more fun! » ?

  • Stalin*
  • Gorbachev
  • Brezhnev

11. What was the name of a sample of a masterpiece from the chefs of the USSR?

  • Romantic dinner
  • communist lunch
  • Tourist breakfast*

12. How much did a subway ride cost during the stagnant period of the Union?

  • 5 kopecks*
  • 1 ruble
  • 10 kopecks

13. Where did Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev menacingly thump with his boot?

  • At the Pentagon
  • At the White House
  • At the UN*

14. What information about a citizen of the USSR was allowed to be entered in a passport?

  • Religion
  • Blood type*
  • criminal record

15. Construction of the century BAM what does the letter a mean?

  • Angarskaya
  • Amur*
  • Atlantic

16. What was the affectionate name for elementary school students in the USSR?

  • Schoolchildren
  • October*
  • September

Correct answers are marked with an asterisk*.


Well, excellent results, and the mood in the hall is just wonderful, as I see it. You did an excellent job with the task and we have already identified candidates for the presentation of diplomas. Yes, yes, at the end of the official part of the evening, I will present three diplomas to the most active participants in our wonderful evening.

And now it's time for everyone to take a break from mental work and smile! I invite two participants for the next competition, and I ask everyone else to support the participants or join them.

A game« Charger»

To carry it out, you will need to say a sound recording that sounded every morning on the radio in the Soviet Union. You can find it on the Internet.

Leading: Perfectly. The bones were crushed. You can eat and dance a little!

Musical break 15-20 minutes. Dance music from the 80s.

Leading: It's time to remember the movies of yesteryear. They are probably familiar to everyone from childhood, or maybe not from childhood, and if we don’t remember, then we will remember. We listen carefully! The correct answer costs 3 rubles. Go!

Game "Guess the melody"

To conduct the game, you will need a selection of songs from all the familiar movies and cartoons of past years. In this scenario, 30 audio files were used.

Leading: My dears! Unfortunately, our life is so arranged that we are created from birth for separation! Let us now remember those who left us for another world. I will ask you to turn off the lights in the hall, turn off all your mobile phones and light the candles that are on every table.

Watch the video clip "Departed Actors".

Leading: Now, my friends, there is a small musical pause, and you help yourself, communicate and soak the parched organs of the body. Don't forget to save up the won banknotes and shop at the bar. I will return to you soon.

Musical pause.

Leading: I am with you again and I ask those who wish to participate in the next competition, which is called "New life according to the old model." I ask brave thinkers and dreamers to come up to me and take cards with abbreviations from the times of the USSR. You will need to come up with a new decryption for them. The price of the game is 3 rubles.

The game "New life according to the old model"

Citizens and Citizens must come up with new decodings for well-known abbreviations. For example: TRP - ready to hug you, and so on. Use the cards of the CPSU, VDNKh, DOSAAF, VLKSM and others. All participants receive a banknote of 3 rubles.


You and I have done a great job. Now let's take a break and enjoy looking at ourselves from the outside. I ask you to sit comfortably and all attention to the hall. We are starting a fashion show!

The fashion show will require preliminary preparation of clothes from the times of the USSR. It can be found in old parents' suitcases, grandmothers' closets, or ask friends. We assure you that it is quite possible to find it. If you still can’t find it, then you can replace the fashion show with a video of the same name. You can also replace the fashion show with the video "I'm taking a photo."


So the solemn part of the evening called "I live in the USSR" ended. Next in our program is the Disco of the 80s and the presentation of diplomas: 1. Forerunner of dance work. 2. Contest Activist. 3. Excellence in dance work.

Approximate menu:

  • Aspic;
  • Salad "Olivier";
  • Jellied fish;
  • Boiled potatoes with dill;
  • Sausage cutting;


1 Vedas: Good evening guys! We are glad to welcome you to the school SHOW "Disco 80-90s"!

Let's discard the age complexes and plunge headlong into those golden 80-90s! Let's remember what we were. Today we have CDs, companies, Flash drives, DVDs, sometimes it’s hard to pronounce. And then? Cassette players, reelers, turntables, well, in a very rare case, Vidik! And that's it!!! But everyone was happy!

2 Vedas: The eighties are not just a piece of history. This is a whole universe, a special view of the world and the state of mind ... The eighties are forever. And I invite everyone to remember this period!Today, during the evening, we will tell you about the RETRO style popular in the 80s, you will hear the most popular songs of the 80s, which in those days occupied the 1st line of the charts.

1 Vedas: The era of "Retro" is a huge era, filled with strength, energy, tenderness, dignity and faith, despite all its difficulties. Let's remember today, if not everything, but a lot: created, sung, played, lived, felt, which made it possible to be sensitive and beautiful people.

Also today you will have the opportunity to compete in the ability to dance DISCO in front of peers, to participate in competitions.

Performance of the song "Somewhere in the World" - Ekaterina Kozlova, Elizaveta Khmeleva.

1 Ved. and 2 Vedas. ( together): So, let's begin?

1 Vedas: So, dear friends, let's remember. I propose to start with the cinema.
I think that each of you have favorite old movies. You can talk about films for a long time and a lot. And how many phrases we love, the so-called "winged" phrases, are in these films. I suggest you remember them. I say a phrase, and you name a movie.

Our dear teachers can also take part in this competition.

Auction "Catch phrases"

...and you will be cured... –

I demand the continuation of the banquet!

Lepota!..- "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession"

Everyone dances! -"Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession"

To live well! A good life is even better! -"Prisoner of the Caucasus"

Komsomol member, athlete and just a beauty! -"Prisoner of the Caucasus"
You will be with us in Kolyma, you are welcome -
"The Diamond Arm"
Whoever takes a pack of tickets will get a water pump!
"The Diamond Arm"
Announce the entire list, please! -"Operation Y and other adventures of Shurik"
It's always like this: you work, you work, and then - bam! - and the second shift -"Big change"
In vain sit, until next spring apartments are not expected!- "Girls"
Hey citizen! You don't go there, you go here! Snow head will fall ... -"Gentlemen of fortune"
The speaker will make a report, briefly like this, for about forty minutes ... -
"Carnival Night".

1 Vedas: Yes, you know the films well.

2 Vedas : Now let's talk about what girls and guys wore in the 80s and 90s.

Typical “day off Soviet 80s fashionistas was something unimaginable - bright pink or azure leggings, a lace short fluffy skirt, a wide top with a print, preferably sliding off the shoulder, a denim or leather jacket to the waist, a wide belt on the hips and pumps. The image was completed by a large bow in the hair or a bright scarf tied with a ribbon with a knot at the top or side. A special charm was given by lace gloves, short or elbow-length, sometimes with cut off fingers, heavy plastic earrings and bracelets of bright colors in an incredible amount. Bracelets could also be rubber.

Highlighted strands, perm and high bouffant, including bangs, prevailed.

1 Vedas: The guys did not lag behind the girls and also changed their usual style of the right Komsomol nerds.

Aggressive thinking has affected not only hairstyles, but also the very . The guys dressed in leather jackets. An abundance of rivets, metal badges, fingerless gloves andjeans - "bananas" have become integral attributes of any self-respecting informal. Worn in winterpuffy jackets and the same"Puffer boots or andfrom fabric, without heels.Washed jeans and wide shawl sweaters . Sneakers with neon laces , bright to the pain in the eyes.

Especially zealous dandies and fashionistas sheathed their jackets and sweaters with hundreds of buttons of different sizes and colors, sheathed them with plastic rhinestones and sparkles, chipped their sleeves with a couple of dozen huge pins, applied various inscriptionson the , andspent their nights bleaching the incredible designs on their newly bought jeans.

2 Vedas: Makeupbecame just as aggressively expressive. Eyes - eyelids underlined in black along the contour of the lower and upper eyelids. Shadows - dark, applied with a bold stroke to make the eyes look like foxes. Very nice layer of mascara on the lashes.

Lips - any color, but without fail mother-of-pearl.

In the ears and on the hands - heavy jewelry in gold, with stones. Preference was given to everything that resembled the shape of a chain.

Everyday bags had to match the image of a business woman and meet these needs. There should have been placed not only a cosmetic bag and a notebook, but also a loaf of bread, a dozen eggs with a bottle of milk, plus a couple of kilograms of sausages.

Girls dance flash mob.

1 Vedas: And how did dads and moms dress in those days? Very beautiful and elegant. Take a look at today's representatives of show business, and you will see your grandparents. Women wore turtleneck sweaters and long skirts, slightly flared at the bottom, with a thin shiny belt to match the shoes and rectangular clutch bags, the size of a folder. Shoes - with an open toe, stilettos or wedges. And if a shirt was worn under a suit, then a stand-up collar was a must. From costume jewelry - long, to the navel, beads and pendants made of semi-precious stones or scarves, tied in an intricate knot under the throat.

2 Vedas : And now let's play the game "Recognize the idol of the 80-90s?"

    Viktor Tsoi

    Aquarium Group Boris Grebenshchikov



    Irina Saltykova


    Vlad Stashevsky

    Hands up

    Inveterate scammers


    Alena Sviridova

    Alena Apina

1Ved: And now it's time for the disco!!!

Retro Carnival Party

(New Year's event for senior classes)

REGISTRATION : Christmas tree, clock, New Year cards 50-60s.

Preliminary preparation: in early November, assignments for classes on the preparation of competitive concert numbers.

Festive fanfare


Lead 1. Hello Arina!

Lead 2. How did you know it was me?

Lead 1. Intuition!.. The Christmas tree is in place, the maestro at the music console, the presenters too. Can we start the party?!

Lead 2. Eleanor (crumpled ), I want to tell you that we have a new presenter! They say she interferes in everything, she doesn’t like everything!

The hosts stop on the stage. Enters the stage X in a mask.

X. What is it, I ask you? (Takes the script from the hosts. ) It says here that the presenter comes out in this mask! Are you kidding me? I don't intend to hide my face! (to the hall ) In addition, comrades, there is a setting - have fun to celebrate the New Year! So to speak, with all seriousness. I myself don’t like to joke, and I won’t let people joke! (Turns to the leader. ) Well, what else do you have here? So, like this: the clock strikes as it should, and who comes out of the tower?

Lead 1. Bear?!

Lead 2. Father Frost?!

Lead 1. Snow Maiden?!

X. Not! The speaker comes out. And, so to speak, briefly, for about forty minutes, I think, no more, reports on the work done by the entire team. (Addresses the public. ) Do you think it's good?

Lead 2. Oh youNatalia Nikolaevna Well, they all came up with such a great idea! Seriously and tastefully!

X. And remember, comrades, I will check everything myself! Numbers, so to speak, I will take personally!(leaves )

Lead 1. Phew...gone!

2. All right guys, it's time to start.

Dear friends, we hope that you will spend unforgettable minutes and hours with us.

Speaking of clocks.. Look, we are quite a bit away from the new year, and compared to the past year, it's only Five minutes.. And for you, this wonderful song about five minutes!

SONG "5 minutes"

Lead 2. And we continue the party! Let's admire the heroes of the evening! Maestro of music! (all classes are invited in turn, 1-2 minutes are given for the exit)

Dance 11B.

X. What is it? (comes out at the end )

Lead 1. This is a fashion show, that is, a show of New Year's outfits ...

X. ( Interrupts ) Don't fool me! We must educate our audience! You can't take his colored ties and bare feet! And the dance? What it is? (Demonstrates movement elements. )

Lead 2. But this is not a dance!

X. Stop it! So, yes, change the dance and costumes, isolate the legs! Go ahead, what else do you have?(goes around everyone) . I personally have no doubts. So it won't work! Choose a serious repertoire. It's not fair, girls!(To the leaders.) For example, we haveDepartment of Social Security , there is a serious team. And further! I agreed with the lecturer of the education department, he will give a lecture “Is there life after the exam?” (leaves )

1. Phew, gone, thank God!

2. New Year is the most fun, bright and joyful holiday! Both adults and children love it, and everyone celebrates it in their own way ...

1 Today we have gathered in this hall to spend an evening in retro style. What is retro? Probably few people know what kind of style it is.

2. Then today we have a wonderful opportunity to get acquainted with the style of our grandparents.

1. How they dressed, what music they listened to and what songs they sang, and if you look at the beginning of the 20th century, you can see with your own eyes how silent films were shot!

2. You have a unique opportunity to see the development of cinematography, we invite students of grade 9B.


    Thank you 9B students. And we continue.

    Jazz is a unique phenomenon in the world musical culture. This multifaceted art form originated at the turn of the century (XIX and XX) in the United States. Jazz music has become the brainchild of the cultures of Europe and Africa, a kind of fusion of trends and forms from the two regions of the world. Subsequently, jazz went beyond the United States and became popular almost everywhere.

1. In post-revolutionary Russia, he had just begun his timid movement. It cannot be said that this musical genre was categorically forbidden, but the fact that the development of jazz in Russia did not proceed without criticism from the authorities is a fact. But, nevertheless, these obstacles did not stop the development of jazz music in our country, and it found more and more fans and admirers. However, the development of domestic jazz was very strongly opposed by the Soviet ideology: “Today he plays jazz,

And tomorrow he will sell his homeland ... "


1.Thank you guys.

2. Mafia… and what do you imagine when you pronounce this word? Most likely, solid and serious men in perfectly fitting strict suits, hats that cast a shadow on stern faces and coats casually thrown over the top.

Meet the Mafia... 10A

Thanks guys.

1. From minute to minute, the presenters of the holiday will announce the start of the next Award Ceremony for the nominees of the prestigious Oscar film award.

2. Well, now we are next to the red carpet, on which our favorite actors and actresses continue to march, knocking with star heels! (number 10b)

    The 20th century was full of events, one direction followed another. The feeling of brightness, unbridled fun, freedom and drive is what distinguishes this century from others.

MUSIC from the film "Sun Valley Serenade" - "Train to Chattanooga" - a kind of anthem of dudes.

2: Wow! What do we hear? The anthem of all styles!

1.: Art is a great power! For example, do you think that ordinary students are standing here? Not! They show great promise. We invite them to the stage9 V Performance

Thanks guys.

1. And we continue. Rock and roll is one of the forms of jive,First, there was new, slightly shocking music. And then a dance was “designed” to the dynamic melodies of rock and roll.

2. Rock-n-roll is danced by presidents and janitors, young and not so young, owners of mansions and those who are penniless. This is a dance for everyone who loves life.

On stage 11A

Presenter 1: I think everything turned out great! We prepared well, it was fun and interesting, it’s not a shame to invite Santa Claus

Presenter 2: Exactly, people already want to dance! Well, then I'll follow them, while you announce a good song.


Lead 1. Dear friends, we wish you a Happy New Year!

Lead 2.

Santa Claus draws a pattern on the windows,
The New Year comes into its own,
At this moment I magically address
Sincere wishes to you:
May success await in work and personal life,
Let new victories come
May all your affairs go well
In 2017!

Lead 1.

In parting, the old year waves its hand to us,
And now the New Year is coming,
We place our hopes on him,
We are waiting for surprises and gifts from him.
May any wish come true
All roads only lead us to happiness,
May luck help us with you
In the coming seventeenth year!


Let everything be covered with snow, ice,
And outside the window is an evil cold, -
A holiday comes to every home,
The one that we love and really need,
He gives a fairy tale, magic,
And drives away all adversity
We've been waiting a whole year for it!
Congratulations to everyoneNew Year!

Lead 1. Maestro of music! We will dance till we drop!!!