Age at first drinking. Teenage alcoholism - causes, effects on the body, features, consequences and prevention. Teenage alcoholism: statistics

Underage drinking is one of the biggest fears any parent has, whether you're dealing with it now or trying to take preventive measures.

Underage drinking is one of the biggest fears any parent has, whether you're dealing with it now or trying to take preventive measures. This problem can occur in any family, regardless of nationality and income level. Many parents are surprised to learn that underage drinking can actually begin even before adolescence (ages 12-17). As a parent, it is very important to understand the reasons why a child may start experimenting with alcohol, the consequences of abuse, the mechanisms of development of addiction and ways to get rid of it. In this regard, it is extremely important that parents often talk to their child about the dangers of drinking alcohol, and the sooner they start to do this, the better. Studies show that the age at which a child starts drinking alcohol directly affects the risk of abuse in adulthood.

No less dangerous is the so-called drunkenness, in which a person drinks an excessive amount of alcohol at a time. If your child drinks alcohol infrequently, but in very large quantities (for example, at parties), that is what is considered drunkenness. Its harm is directly related to alcohol poisoning and severe health consequences.

This is why health officials recommend that teens aged 12 to 17 avoid alcohol altogether. It is not for nothing that in most countries it is prohibited at the legislative level until the age of 18 or even 21.

How to keep healthy?

Reasons for underage drinking: At any age, it is very important to talk to a child about the dangers of alcohol, and it is just as important to understand why teenagers decide to do it. Typically, the first time a child tries alcohol is under pressure from one or more friends or peers. Moreover, in case of refusal, this pressure can take the form of bullying. Peers will convince your child that alcohol will make him feel good, give him confidence and will not harm his health in any way. Their main argument is that everyone drinks. Prepare your child for this pressure and ask them to contact you when the situation arises.

Another reason that encourages a child to experiment may be an increasing desire for independence. It is extremely important for parents at this stage to continue to closely monitor what is happening in his life. Finally, the last reason may be stress (in school, community or at home). Teach your child effective ways to deal with the stress they experience in everyday life. In general, the risk of alcohol use during adolescence is higher in children who have experienced violence or who have mental or psychological problems.

Talk to a child

It has been proven that talking with a child is one of the most effective means of preventing alcohol consumption in minors. Parents can influence the attitude of a developing personality to alcohol and prepare him in advance for the upcoming difficulties. You need to start by becoming a good role model for your child. Research shows that when parents are actively involved in their children's lives, they are less likely to abuse alcohol. But if the parent is a bad role model, this can have disastrous consequences. Many studies have shown that children of parents who regularly abuse alcohol are much more likely to also have a drinking problem. If you are an adult and at the same time like to drink, allow yourself to drink in moderation, in no case get behind the wheel and do not keep large stocks of alcohol at home. Here are a few more topics that you should definitely discuss with your child:

  • The danger of alcohol. Tell us about all the consequences of underage drinking and alcoholism, namely:
    • Memory losses: Loss of memories after drinking too much alcohol.
    • Alcohol poisoning: Exceeding the legal level of alcohol in the blood, which is considered poisoning. Alcohol poisoning can lead to death.
    • Injuries and accidents: Underage drinking can lead to falls or accidents.
    • Risky behavior: After drinking alcohol, teenagers often make wrong and dangerous decisions, many of which can lead to breaking the law.
    • Negative effects on the brain: The human brain develops until about 25 years of age.
    • Death.
  • Resisting peer pressure. Give real examples of effective behavior in the face of pressure from friends and peers. Act out situations in which the child can rehearse specific lines.
  • Minimizing stress. Explain to your child that alcohol abuse is not a way out of a stressful situation. Teach him healthy and effective ways to manage stress, such as exercise, listening to music, reading, watching a movie, journaling, volunteering, or talking to you.
  • Problems with the law and academic performance. Be sure to educate your teen about the long-term and wide-ranging consequences of alcohol abuse and drunk driving. From an academic point of view, problems with alcohol can lead to dropping out of school, losing scholarships, and so on.
  • Choosing the right social circle and friends. Encourage your child to surround himself with friends and peers who share his interests and have similar lifestyles. If he spends time in the company of idle and drinking teenagers, he will most likely do the same.

Take preventive measures: Talking to your child about the dangers of alcohol is very important. However, talking alone is not enough. Take preventive measures. For example, cooperate with other parents who share your views on underage drinking (no alcohol at parties, parental supervision of any activity together), keep alcoholic beverages out of the house or close it in an inaccessible place, and establish clear rules and penalties for breaking them. Some parents enter into a written agreement with their children that specifies the specific consequences of underage drinking (loss of privileges, reduced leisure time, early curfew, fine system, etc.)

Alcohol abuse leads to a number of negative consequences, such as:

  • Injury and death (both the child and others)
  • Risky behavior (aggression, violence, or rash sexual activity)
  • Backlog in studies (poor grades, loss of scholarships and even expulsion)
  • Addiction (as well as an increased risk of addiction)
  • Brain development disorder (our brain continues to develop until age 25)
  • Alcoholic (excessive amount of alcohol consumed at one time)

It should be understood that alcoholism harms not only the child himself. The negative consequences of this phenomenon can also affect other people, for example, if a drunken teenager gets behind the wheel.

It is very important to know and be able to identify the signs of alcoholism, namely:

  • Mood swings, including depression, anger and irritability.
  • Poor performance.
  • Behavior problems at school or at work.
  • Sudden change of social circle or avoidance of contact between parents and friends.
  • Lethargy.
  • Lack of interest in previously favorite activities or activities.
  • Outward signs of drinking, such as red eyes, bad breath, slurred speech, or an inability to concentrate.

Treatment for teenage alcoholism can vary. So, it may include group or individual sessions with a psychologist, treatment in a hospital or rehabilitation center (in which the teenager lives until the end of the course), outpatient programs (the teenager attends specific procedures and classes, after which he returns home), taking drugs that reduce cravings for alcohol, an ongoing support program and help from friends. Ask your doctor which treatment or combination of treatments is best for your child.

Practical psychologist Experience - 8 years

If you believe the statistics, then teenage alcoholism begins at the age of 13. And this is really a problem, both for parents and for society. At this age, adolescents are especially vulnerable and often fall under the influence of the bad company of their peers. At the initial stage, alcoholism can occur without a symptom, so often parents do not see a timely problem and cannot begin treatment.

Statistics on teenage alcoholism

Unfortunately, today the statistics are very sad. If before that the problem concerned only guys, then today teenage alcoholism has grown among girls, by almost 90%.

The problem of adolescent addiction is seen not only in Russia, but also in the West and in Europe:

  • In the United States, this figure is lower than in European countries. In Europe, every 8th teenager drinks alcohol daily.
  • If we talk about Russia, then this indicator simply rolls over, here there are the highest rates of addiction to addiction among teenagers.
  • Our diagnostic center "Resolution" in Rostov often faces the problem of child alcoholism from the age of 7 years, according to statistics, this is more than 60% in Russia.

Psychologists and narcologists of the "Decision" mission initially identify the reason why the teenager became addicted to alcohol. In adolescence, it is especially difficult to find the right button and press it, especially for parents. Therefore, one cannot do without the specialized help of a psychologist.

Based on many years of experience, it was found that:

  1. 75% of teenagers who are addicted to alcohol or drugs often miss classes and study poorly at school (alcohol dramatically reduces brain activity).
  2. 90% can be given to cases where families have unstable earnings and a negative atmosphere (scandals, spree).
  3. And 55% of those diagnosed with teenage alcoholism can be attributed to children who did not receive the necessary timely care and attention from their loved ones (parents are always busy with themselves).

The main causes of alcohol dependence in children

Most often, children's alcoholism is the result of interaction with the outside world. In adolescents, addiction to alcohol occurs very quickly, in just a couple of months.

How does a teenager perceive it:

Systematic feasts adopted as family traditions.

The child subconsciously lays his own worldview, that any holiday does not pass without alcohol, as the main source of fun.

The family has drunk parents.

The teenager gets the impression that this is a completely natural process. In 80% of statistics, the children of drinking parents themselves experience a thirst for alcohol.

The family is not morally stable.

The child is subjected to constant moral violence and aggression.

Constant advertising on TV and bright beautiful billboards attract teenagers. Pop stars also play an important role. In frequent cases, young people begin to imitate their idols, and they do not see anything shameful in a drunk glass of martini or wine.

The teenager is not informed enough.

Parents at one time did not convey the necessary information to the family about the dangers of alcohol and its consequences.

The child is in bad company.

Teenage alcoholism often occurs if a son or daughter gets into bad company, where everyone drinks and smokes.

Easy access to alcohol.

Despite the fact that teenagers are not allowed to drink alcohol, the laws are still circumvented, and young people can easily buy a bottle for themselves.

Our psychologists in Rostov conducted a survey in one of the schools and found that approximately 5% of primary school students have already tried alcohol, and among high school students, the gigantic figures of 95% of students allow them to have a glass twice a month.

What can become an impetus for a teenager?

If we talk about the main reasons, the statistics show the following indicators:

  • 16% simply relieve stress in this way;
  • 25% drink so as not to differ from the company;
  • 65% drink just because they like it;
  • 5% drink with their parents on public holidays.

According to the observations of our specialists, it can be confidently stated that in frequent cases, parents themselves push their child to addiction. At the table, during the holiday, one of the elders decides that another glass will not harm the child.

But adults do not realize that by doing this they help to overcome the psychological barrier, after which the teenager calmly drinks alcohol with friends, thereby developing alcoholism.

Video about the problem of "Alcoholism" from Oleg Boldyrev

Treatment of alcoholism. Candidate of Medical Sciences, psychiatrist-narcologist, psychotherapist - Oleg Boldyrev, about whether it is possible to cure forever drug addicts and people suffering from alcoholism or not.

How does alcohol affect the body, and what consequences can there be?

If we talk about the effect of alcoholic beverages on the body, then in adolescence everything looks much more serious than in adulthood. It is at this period of life that vital functions are formed, where the influence of alcoholic beverages is completely unacceptable.

Among the important factors influencing bad habits on the body of young people, the following points can be distinguished:

  1. Early sexual development. Due to the fact that the body is not prepared for such early actions, this leads to exhaustion of the body and overstrain of the reproductive and nervous systems.
  2. Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. At the finish line, the development of cirrhosis of the liver and a violation of the functioning of the pancreas appear.
  3. Inflammatory processes appear in the kidneys. As a result, poor functioning of the urinary system.
  4. Decreased hemoglobin and immunity. Protective functions begin to work poorly, and susceptibility to infectious diseases increases.
  5. Heart muscle suffers. This leads to high blood pressure and the development of tachycardia.
  6. Sleep disturbance. There is depression, rapid fatigue, unjustified aggression.
  7. The appearance of polyneuritis. There is numbness in the hands and feet.

Also, experts have identified several more consequences of teenage alcoholism:

  • mental disorder;
  • degradation;
  • decreased digestion;
  • blurred vision;
  • damage to internal organs;
  • sexual dysfunction occurs.

Symptoms of alcohol addiction in a teenager

If a young man or girl has already begun to abuse alcohol, then you can notice signs of alcohol addiction:

  1. There is a constant smell of fumes.
  2. After a while, depression or lethargy appears.
  3. A pronounced brain disorder: lethargy appears and academic performance suffers.
  4. After a certain period of time, the teenager loses his interests, he begins to drink too much.

What should parents do if their child starts drinking?

This question worries many parents, psychologists have noticed that many mothers panic when they learn about addiction to alcohol or drugs. Do not panic, our program mission is to make it clear to parents and teenagers that this is just a disease that can be cured.

It is important to go to our clinic on time and diagnose the patient how serious the addiction is. The very goal of the program is a complete restoration to a normal social life.

How to determine the stage of alcoholism

In fact, it is very difficult to explain to a teenager with an unsettled psyche that he needs treatment. To choose the right direction, you need to determine the stage of alcoholism.

Our narcologists and psychologists have a certain grace of drinking alcohol:

  1. experimental use. Alcohol is tasted purely out of curiosity.
  2. Drinking alcohol only a few times a month.
  3. The systematic use of alcoholic beverages, the young man can no longer control the amount of alcohol consumed.

Many teenagers with aggression perceive the news that they need to fight addiction. But getting out of the system on your own is almost impossible.

Note. The main goal of the rehabilitation period is complete adaptation and return to a natural full-fledged social life.

Methods for the treatment of teenage alcoholism

The basis for achieving the mission "Solution" is an integrated approach to the patient:

  • The narcologists of our clinic approach this problem from all sides, taking into account the age of the child.
  • If a teenager is in the “system” of alcohol addiction, then his body must first be detoxified in order to cleanse it of toxins and normalize the work of the kidneys and liver.
  • Then restore emotional balance with the help of a vitamin complex.
  • In addition to medication, teenage alcoholism is also treated with the help of psychotherapy.

Important! It is very important for the period of treatment to isolate the patient from his peers.

Social support also plays an important role for a teenager. The program complex of our mission also includes assistance in employment and training of the patient.

Why is the help of specialists needed?

It is impossible to cure alcohol dependence without the involvement of specialized help.

There are several main reasons for this:

  1. The patient is in denial. In other words, he begins to look for an excuse for himself, like "I'm stressed, I need to drink", "I'm not an alcoholic" and other motives.
  2. The need to restore the conditioned reflex. Ethyl alcohol weakens some of the inhibitory functions of the brain. As a result, euphoria occurs, an overestimation of one's capabilities, and all this in the subconscious is associated with the adoption of alcohol. As a result, a person does not get pleasure from other things, except for the use of strong drinks.
  3. Changing the inner self. The range of interests narrows, as the patient communicates with adolescents with the same interests. A young man gets used to lying to his loved ones all the time.

Note. Treatment helps to block subconscious fear and part with the usual occupation.

In conclusion, about the rehabilitation program

The main features of the "Solution" center:

  • Comprehensive work with a change in personality, which means complete relief of alcohol addiction.
  • Creation of favorable conditions for socially safe behavior.
  • Long and complex psychological examination.
  • Organization of individual and group programs for rehabilitation and psychological adaptation from alcohol addiction.

Teenage alcoholism, according to statistics, begins to manifest itself in adolescents 10-15 years old. Both boys and girls drink alcohol. The main reason that pushes a child into the arms of alcohol is unfavorable conditions in the family. Parents should be informed about the signs of childhood alcoholism and how to deal with it.


Statistical studies of adolescent alcohol dependence indicate that over time there has been an increase in the number of children and adolescents who systematically consume alcohol. This applies to both boys and girls, whose number was relatively small until recently. If we consider the disease of children and adolescents with alcoholism on a geographical basis, the following picture emerges:

  • In the United States, the rate of alcoholism in adolescence is much lower than in Europe. About 15% of American teenagers drink alcohol daily.
  • In Europe, alcohol dependence was recorded in 40% of boys and about 30% of girls.
  • In Russia, the indicator of alcoholism among teenagers leads in the ranking of countries with a high coverage of adolescents who use alcohol. Thus, 77% of Russian children suffer from one stage or another of alcoholism, of which in 90% of cases children's addiction is the result of alcoholism in families where teenagers are brought up.

Why do kids drink

The causes of child alcoholism are psychological in nature. First of all, it should be noted that children from happy families are not exposed to alcohol, they are always busy: study, sports, intellectual games, reading, useful work on the Internet, new hobbies do not leave time for dubious pastime.

As a rule, this category of children has the most complete information about the consequences of smoking, drinking alcohol, and, in particular, at a young age. Children from unreliable families who have low self-esteem very often fall for the hook of alcoholism, especially if alcoholic drinks are welcome guests in the family.

Signs of alcohol addiction

The main sign of alcohol dependence in a teenager is resistance to increasing doses of alcohol. Then comes a long intoxication, which is characterized by depression and memory lapses. The next day brings mood swings, aggression, apathy.

From the initial dose of alcohol, a teenager plunges into a state of joy and pleasure, he actively moves and has fun

Another important symptom of teen drinking is increased craving for alcohol. With the development of alcohol dependence, the child abandons his studies. There are problems associated with obtaining money for drinking, having to steal and commit other forms of crime. At the first manifestations of these signs, parents should immediately seek help from a narcologist.

Parents can tell if their son or daughter is in trouble by the following signs:

  • The appearance of unsatisfactory grades in school.
  • Unreasonable absences from classes.
  • New social circle.
  • Interfering with parents' desire to meet friends.
  • Indifference to their appearance, personal hygiene.
  • The appearance of unreasonable aggression.
  • Stealth.
  • Hooliganism.

Drunk teenager pretends to be:

  • Alcoholic smell.
  • Fumes.
  • Headache.
  • The appearance of redness on the neck and face.
  • Slurring of speech.
  • Slimming.
  • Violation of coordination of movement.

In addition, for a teenager, the nature of the difficulty in concentrating, memory impairment, severe forgetfulness.

How does this happen

Teenage alcoholism develops gradually and goes through several stages of the formation of persistent dependence on alcohol. Medical statistics state that the first acquaintance with alcoholic beverages occurs at primary school age during family feasts.

Older teenagers try alcohol in the companies of their peers. It is very rare for a child to get acquainted with alcohol on their own, trying to find out what will happen. A disservice is provided by television advertising, which positions a person who drinks alcohol as successful, and alcohol as an attribute of communication and relaxation.

Stages of the formation of the disease

The main stages in the development of alcohol dependence in medicine are considered to be:

  • The beginning of addiction to alcohol. This process takes about 3 months.
  • systematic use. The beginning of changes in the behavior of the child. At this stage, the disease can be stopped if you stop drinking alcohol.
  • Psychic addiction. The period begins one year after the start of alcohol intake. A teenager is often in a state of intoxication, he can no longer live without alcohol, it does not matter to him what alcohol to drink, where and when.
  • withdrawal syndrome. Adolescents no longer control the amount of alcohol they drink, the tolerance of which increases several times. There is a transition of the disease to the chronic stage.
  • Dementia. Children experience a sharp decline in mental abilities.

Family Influence

Drinking parents give birth to children with an increased tendency to alcohol addiction, which is laid down in the baby even in the prenatal period. The reason for drinking alcohol at home are birthdays, holidays, the arrival of guests.

If there is drinking in the house and everyone is having fun, the child will not miss it without concluding for himself that alcohol is the norm of life. A drinking group of friends forms a firm belief: everyone drinks, and I am no worse. Later, when the parents sound the alarm, they will hear excuses: “everyone drank”, “I don’t want to be a black sheep”, “I drank for courage”.

Drinking children of non-drinking parents

Teenage drunkenness develops from unfavorable relationships in the family, even if alcohol is banned. The reasons for the formation of alcohol dependence can be:

  • Violence in any form
  • Overprotective parenting.
  • Authoritarian parenting style.
  • Family distrust.
  • Permissiveness, indulging the desires of a teenager.

Violence is the reason that a teenager is connected with his life with alcohol addiction

Street and alcohol

It is very likely that a child will encounter alcohol in a street company. Age features of a teenager are characterized by conformism, imitation of people significant to him. Significant personalities in the company, most likely, can be drinkers. Usually they are considered cool and try to win the favor of the yard leaders. To refuse to drink alcohol at the call of the "cool" means to seem weak. Such pastime with a can of beer becomes the norm, fills all the free time of the child.

Why do teenagers need alcohol?

When asked about why you drink alcohol, in most cases the answer is:

  • I'm trying to stick to tradition.
  • I want new sensations.
  • Get rid of complexes when communicating.
  • Find understanding in the company.

Most children name reasons for drinking:

  • Last school bell.
  • Admission to an educational institution.
  • Work device.
  • Birthdays.

More and more drawn into the state of "under the degree", you want to drink for no reason - a habit is developed. In a sober state, a teenager is bored, finding something to his liking is not easy: sports are good, but for this, a teenager needs to make significant efforts and be in good health. My parents didn't teach me to read books. The easiest way is to take a can of beer, go to the Internet and find confirmation that everyone drinks cool; films evoke the same feeling.

The results of the survey confirm that the majority of students have a negative attitude towards alcohol, but words do not always coincide with actions.

Where to get alcohol

It is not difficult for a teenager to buy low-alcohol drinks, the low price contributes to the mass disease of children's alcoholism. Of particular danger are advertised cocktails as drinks containing a small percentage of rum mixed with natural juices: the systematic use of drinks throughout the year causes great harm to the child's body, leads to real alcohol addiction with all the ensuing consequences.

How alcohol destroys the body of a teenager

Alcoholic drinks hurt the fragile body. Ethyl alcohol leads to a failure of the developmental processes of the body of a teenager. Since there is nothing to eat at the doorways of those who drink alcohol, they have to eat crackers or chips, which leads to the development of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often, teenagers drink beer containing cobalt, which causes inflammation in the stomach and esophagus.

Cobalt has a particularly detrimental effect on the heart muscle, it becomes decrepit and cannot pump blood normally. When drinking alcohol, a teenager succumbs to the threat of malfunctions in the functioning of the brain and central nervous system, which leads to a slowdown in the development of intelligence, memory, thinking, the development of which is especially effective in adolescence.

A drinking teenager feels suffering in the emotional sphere, becoming withdrawn, degrading every day as a person who has deviations in behavior.

Beer gatherings lead a teenager to aggression, loss of control over himself, he often gets into fights. To obtain the desired degree of intoxication, one has to use more and more "harmless drink". The next stage is the transition to vodka, the purchase of which requires more significant amounts. The search for money for the next dose of alcohol leads to the commission of crimes.


There is no doubt that teenage alcoholism needs to be treated, and that prohibitions alone will not solve the problem. Successful treatment, first of all, depends on the correct approach to the treatment of a teenager in trouble. Parents who want to save their child from alcohol addiction should do the following:

  • Try to delve deeply into the problems of a teenager.
  • Sympathy, understanding, advice to alleviate the moral state of a teenager.
  • Be directly involved in the life of the child.
  • Unobtrusively convince a teenager of the need to seek help from psychologists and narcologists.

Can it be treated with drugs

Features of drugs that are used to treat adult alcoholics are not suitable for children. To defeat a dangerous disease by a child's body, immunomodulators, vitamin preparations, and general strengthening agents are used. This is done by a psychotherapist, with the help of which relationships are established in the family, a trusting relationship between the child and parents is established.

The main goal of treatment for teenage alcoholics is to overcome alcohol addiction.

Treats family

It should be remembered that parents should be involved in the treatment. One of the most important tips for moms and dads: help your teenager find a hobby, then he will not have time to wander aimlessly through the doorways. If the opinions of the parents and the child regarding hobbies do not coincide, in no case should the teenager be criticized or ridiculed for a meaningless choice.

It is necessary to understand that the general participation in any event related to the hobby of a teenager will give a chance to get close to the child, to understand him, to win the lost trust. Parents, devoting maximum free time to the child from work, contribute to the development of the teenager's intellect, weaning from the destructive craving for alcohol. Children who are prone to alcohol addiction are very easily influenced by other people, so this feature should be used for good.

Primary factors for successful treatment of teenage alcoholism:

  • Early diagnosis in an alcoholic teenager.
  • Contacting medical institutions for inpatient treatment.
  • Participation of family members of the child in the treatment of alcohol dependence.
  • Confidential conversations with an alcoholic child after consultations with a psychologist.
  • Involvement in sports.
  • Treatment according to traditional medicine prescriptions under the supervision of a narcologist.
  • Complete rest for the child.


Prevention of alcohol addiction in adolescents is aimed at forming in children and adolescents a negative attitude towards alcoholic beverages as a source of diseases and causes of offenses.

Preventing the development of child alcoholism is one of the main tasks of parents.

To develop an antidote for addiction in a child, the following is recommended:

Parents should help the teenager in organizing leisure activities. It is necessary to tell the teenager which sports sections it is worth enrolling in, which books to read, what information to get using the Internet. Parents should remember that the discovery of the very first signs of alcohol dependence should lead the teenager to an appointment with a narcologist, who, after an appropriate examination, will conduct serious treatment to help avoid the harmful effects of alcohol.

Teenage alcoholism is a very unpleasant and dangerous, but, unfortunately, a real phenomenon. And you can't close your eyes to it. According to statistics, more than 75% of 8th graders drink alcohol to some extent or have tried it, and by 11th grade this figure increases to almost 100%. Terrible numbers. What are the causes of teenage alcoholism and how to deal with a child's addiction to alcohol?

How many schoolchildren worship Bacchus?

These figures represent studies conducted by Moscow sociologists. Surveys have shown that 70% of sixth graders have tried alcohol and even bought it themselves. This "consumer basket" included beer, champagne, wine and vodka. A complete gentleman's set. Among eighth-graders, the number of adolescents who have tried alcohol rises to 75%, of which more than 11% are already at risk of those who develop a tendency to alcoholism.

For 11-graders, the number of those who try alcohol from time to time is already almost 100%. Moreover, 45% of these boys and girls periodically, once a month, indulge in alcohol, up to 21% of children drink alcohol-containing drinks 2 times a month, and almost 30% of eleventh-graders drink alcohol at least once a week. The last two numbers are more than dangerous: drinking more than twice a week during adolescence increases the risk of developing alcoholism.

Teenage alcoholism: statistics

Figures from numerous studies conducted with schoolchildren over the years indicate that adolescent alcoholism tends to increase rather than decrease. So, important facts about teenage alcoholism.

In more than 60% of cases, it is the parents who teach children to alcoholism. This has been happening since the age of 10.

Boys in their early teens (10-13 years old) start drinking alcohol 4 times more often than girls. In boys, the initiation to alcoholic beverages occurs faster than in girls. The peak of girls' initiation to alcoholic beverages falls on 15 years, and for boys this age is much lower - starting from 13 years.

More than 76% of schoolchildren who drink alcoholic beverages do not master educational material well, up to a quarter of them study averagely, and only slightly more than 1% of children study above average. But these indicators of good study among adherents of alcohol decrease with age and depend on the degree of passion for alcohol.

About half of the teens who love to indulge in alcohol either read very little or don't read at all. This is not about educational material, but about fiction - at least some books.

Children who often drink alcohol come from families where more than 6% of parents drink alcohol, and in 60% of families only dad is fond of alcohol. Among adolescents who take alcohol, there is not a single family where parents completely deny alcohol.

Among adolescents who drink alcohol, more than 50% of children do not receive enough attention from their parents and are left to their own devices. Up to 52% of such families are characterized by tension in relations between parents, constant quarrels and fights.

The education of the parents of those adolescents who drink alcohol does not reach a level higher than vocational education.

The percentage of single-parent families or remarriage among parents of adolescents prone to alcohol reaches 50%. Sociologists note that in those families where children are brought up by only one parent or a non-native parent, a tendency to alcoholism in adolescents is observed 3 times more often.

Very often in those children where the father is an alcoholic, the child also becomes an alcoholic. There are 4 times more such children than in those families where the father does not drink. True, the reverse situation also happens: a child from a drinking family categorically does not accept alcohol throughout his life. But such situations are rarer.

Why do teenagers take alcohol?

The reasons why teenagers drink alcohol, and then do it more and more often, are mainly psychological. Children who are doing well are rarely addicted to alcohol. They just have no time - they are busy. In addition, successful children are taking on more and more responsibilities and finding new hobbies.

Children who have low self-esteem or unsuccessful, incomplete families suffer from alcohol addiction much more often than children from happy families.

The reasons for the first sample of alcohol are simple. At primary school age (from 10 years old), children first try alcohol at family celebrations. At an older age, schoolchildren try alcohol for the first time, mainly in the companies of their peers. In rare cases, teenagers try alcohol on their own, "out of interest." It should be noted that for the first time (and even later) children try alcohol only in company with someone. One is not interested.

A very important and common cause of teenage alcoholism is advertising on TV. “Drinking is fashionable, pleasant and respectable,” says an advertisement for expensive cognac or, most often, cheap beer. And kids buy into these ads, because in adolescence, the need to recognize one's own "I" increases more than ever - to be fashionable and cool, to be no worse than the rest by drinking alcohol with friends.

Another reason that teenagers drink alcohol is “everybody drinks”. If they drink in the family, and it's fun. If they drink in the company of friends, and this is also fun, then I will drink too.

The low price of alcoholic beverages, in particular beer, which starts addiction to alcohol, is another reason for teenage alcoholism. Cocktails in a nightclub, which are an indispensable attribute of a club holiday, are also attractive to teenagers. In addition, in many clubs a teenager does not have the right to stay in a disco if he does not buy at least one cocktail. It forms a habit.

Even if the cocktail is low-alcohol, addiction to alcohol will also take place. A prestigious cocktail - a combination of natural juice with natural vodka or gin, or diluted whiskey - does not contribute to a sober lifestyle at all. Two years of such low-alcohol cocktails about once a week or two - and a teenager can no longer live without such doping, during this period addiction to alcohol is formed.

Family causes of teenage alcoholism

Hereditary causes of teenage alcoholism are very common. A child whose parents drank before birth is 3 times more likely to become an alcoholic during adolescence than children of healthy parents. The tendency to alcoholism can be inherited.

Family reasons for the constant use of alcohol by teenagers can be as follows:

  • Bad situation in the family (conflict between father and mother)
  • Incomplete family
  • Overprotection of parents
  • Violence of parents towards each other and towards the child
  • Excessive democracy in relation to the child, the lack of any control on the part of mom and dad, permissiveness
  • Involvement of children in drunkenness by parents, which is not prosecuted by law

Important facts about the properties of alcohol

The daily dose of alcohol that does not pose a danger to the life of an adult is up to 60 grams of pure alcohol, which equals up to 150 grams of 45% vodka. If you drink more, it is addictive and over time - after 1.5-2 years - irreversible changes in the body, disruption of most of its systems.

As for teenagers, this dose is fatal for them, and addiction occurs much earlier than in adults - in just a few months.

A bad sign is when a teenager experiences the pleasure of taking alcoholic beverages. Even when it comes to beer. Studies show that beer alcohol addiction in adolescents develops much faster than strong drinks. In addition, beer is much more addictive in girls than in boys, and addiction develops much faster.

How does a teenager's life change after addiction to alcohol?

Taking alcohol, teenagers risk, first of all, oppression of reproductive functions. Against the background of alcoholism, impotence often develops in young men and the quality of sperm decreases - it becomes much less active. But in men, the reproductive function can be restored six months after the cessation of drinking alcohol, and in girls, the destroyed reproductive system is not restored. This often threatens with infertility and impaired attraction.

When a teenager often drinks alcohol, he begins to take his doses for granted. To get used to a teenager, it is enough to drink beer at least once or twice a week. Such a frequency, if a teenager does not stop drinking within two to three months, narcologists qualify as systematic alcohol abuse.

Parents need to know that teenagers who drink alcohol for more than 2-3 months get used to it much faster than adults. Even a small, in the opinion of parents, dose can cause addiction: up to 100 grams of vodka. The younger the child who has tried alcohol, the faster he gets used to it. At the same time, the teenager's resistance to intoxication is getting higher, he boasts to his friends that "alcohol does not take him at all and he can drink as much as he wants." Meanwhile, this is far from the case. Regardless of whether the process of intoxication occurs in a teenager or not, alcohol still does its dirty work, destroying the body gradually, imperceptibly.

Addiction to alcohol in adolescents is divided into categories (they are distinguished by narcologists)

  1. Drinking alcohol as an experiment (sometimes a teenager tries alcohol out of curiosity)
  2. Occasional drinking (teenager occasionally indulges in alcohol)
  3. Systematic drinking of alcohol (at least once a week for 2-3 months)

If a teenager is used to alcohol, it depresses his psyche - joy after drinking alcohol is replaced by depressive states. Children who sometimes or constantly take alcohol are no longer as socially active as their non-drinking peers, they are more vulnerable and less active than before. Kindness alternates with increased aggressiveness and rudeness, especially towards relatives, family members. A teenager can become withdrawn, embittered, rude. It is inherent in alcohol dependence to be sentimental, to cry at the sight of a crippled dog, but at the same time to ruthlessly beat a peer.

Another characteristic feature for adolescents prone to alcoholism is fun and ease only among their own kind. Such children can surprisingly unite in groups and visit those alcoholic children who were hospitalized for compulsory treatment, support him and again draw him into their circle. Also, these children, closed to the rest, easily find a common language with adults who abuse alcohol. That is, with those whom they take for their own.

How to treat child alcoholism?

If the parents missed the moment and the child became an alcoholic, he must be treated for a long time and patiently. This is not easy, parents may need a lot of time and effort. But first of all, it is necessary to diagnose this disease and give the child the opportunity to understand that this is a disease, and not "an occupation that he can quit at any moment."

Children's alcoholism is dangerous precisely because addiction occurs very quickly. Therefore, in the treatment of teenage alcoholism, it is necessary to work in two directions: psychology and drug treatment. In the fight against teenage alcoholism, it is very important to be treated in a hospital, and not at home, because at home, parents will not be able to take into account all the nuances and control the teenager properly. Medicinal preparations and herbal teas can be used, these are less safe methods of treatment than pills and injections. But at the same time, doctors take into account the stage of development of teenage alcoholism: the more addictive, the more serious methods are used to save a child from the embrace of a green snake.

After treatment, you need to wait for a period of remission. At this time, the child needs to be occupied with something useful: a favorite hobby, a sport that a teenager likes (in no case be forced!), Trips with parents to interesting places. We will defeat teenage alcoholism, the main thing is to diagnose it in time and not give up.

There are many dangers, and one of them is alcoholic beverages. Even a single use by a teenager can harm a growing body. Unfortunately, there are no tissues in the human body that are not subject to alcohol damage. Once in the body, it is slowly broken down in the liver, and only 10% of the consumed drink is fully excreted. The remaining alcohol circulates through the blood until it is completely broken down.

Young tissues are not yet able to block the intake of large doses, which is why the pest quickly spreads throughout the body. The theme of “alcohol and teenagers” is as eternal as “fathers and sons”. Few people understand that its use is not fun. The toxic effect is harmful not only to the liver, but to the entire nervous system. In adolescence, tissues are poorer in the presence of phosphorus, but rich in water, so alcohol dissolves faster in the blood of a child than in an adult.

Devastating Impact

Frequent use of alcohol leads to mental disorders, developmental delay is not even the worst option. With every drop, a teenager does not become smarter, but on the contrary, becomes more and more dumb, both emotionally and intellectually. The drink does not choose a target in the human body, it hits the most vulnerable places, among which is the liver. Not everyone knows that the effect of alcohol on a teenager is detrimental, because not only a separate organ suffers, but the whole organism as a whole. The pest breaks the structure of cells, which leads to the degeneration of tissues. With constant alcohol consumption, liver tissue begins to die, leading to diseases such as cirrhosis. Adolescents often do not think when they do certain things, young blood boils in them and feats for them are a common thing.

An adult body already knows how to resist large doses, while a young one is not yet aware of this matter. Unfortunately, the effect of alcohol on a growing body is so rapid that it is sometimes difficult to realize that the line of what is permitted has been crossed. In a young body, all organs are just “getting on their feet”, and any alcoholic drink, even the weakest, can knock them down. Its impact on the liver can lead to many diseases, as well as problems with the immune system. If you cannot fully understand how alcohol affects the body of a teenager, then the following information is just for you.

physiological stress

When drinking alcohol, the body of a teenager experiences physiological stress. The character changes, irritability, irascibility appear. The nervous and vascular systems do not keep up with the body, which grows by leaps and bounds. It is hard to imagine, but alcohol creates real chaos in the human body. With its constant use, there are always consequences that can ruin a full-fledged life for a teenager once and for all.

Among them it is worth highlighting:

  • The greatest harm is done to the brain, because until the age of 20 its work is aimed at learning, and it must maintain communication between nerve cells. Drinking alcohol breaks it, which leads to information immunity. The extinction of moral norms, ethical and acquired skills will not lead to good.
  • As terrible as it is to realize, only 2% of drinking teenagers become prosperous individuals. A growing body gets used to alcohol much faster than an adult.
  • Many teenagers drink alcohol and even think about the fact that in this way they kill their nervous system. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages leads to the appearance of mental disorders.
  • In addition to the psyche, the immune system is also disturbed, in connection with which
  • Young people do not think about the fact that alcohol can harm their reproductive system. Often, girls who drink alcohol give birth to sick children. As for young men, excessive alcohol intake leads to disruption of the formation of spermatogenesis organs.

Causes of alcoholism in adolescence

Adults often wonder why their children drink alcohol. Even in good families there are guys who are not indifferent to strong drink. Often alcohol and a teenager are inseparable in dysfunctional cells of society. But the love of alcohol can also appear in a decent family, when a child tries a drink for the sake of curiosity. A family holiday or hosting guests can be a motive for getting to know alcohol. Such cases can hardly be called the cause of alcoholism, everything has its beginning.

The reason for drinking alcohol can be social addiction. Teenagers often need the approval of their peers, so they try to imitate some of them by drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes. In this scenario, alcohol consumption by teenagers may be one-off or may be addictive. No one wants to be a black sheep in society, and in order to fit in with society, a teenager has to adapt to the environment, and everyone does it differently. But the main problem of society is the initiation of drinking in the family. Teenagers try to imitate adults by drinking alcohol, they feel a rank higher. In addition, an additional role is played by advertising, which constantly flickers in front of the child’s eyes both at home and on the street.

Motivation to use

The motivation of the child to take alcohol is divided into groups. In the first, alcohol use by teenagers arouses curiosity. The second group includes factors of psychological motivation, the desire to stand out from the environment and keep up with the older generation. Whatever group the teenager belongs to, he has not yet acquired the necessary skills, so it is quite difficult to keep him from drinking alcohol. Even before tasting alcohol, the child knows that this drink excites the mind. And the thirst to taste it does not fade away. Already after the first taste, many teenagers try to avoid repeated tasting, because not everyone likes the taste of the drink and its pungency.

Often the children's brain rejects all kinds of poison that enters the body. But constant holidays create more and more temptation, and not everyone knows how to control their needs. And alcohol use among teenagers is becoming a panacea, and it is already difficult to stop and take a step back. Human weakness is the cause of addiction, at least one of them. But there is another group of motives that is popular among young people when it comes to alcohol.

Problems in the family, school, first love, bad life experience - all this can lead to the fact that the child wants to diversify his life and get away from his existing problems. can exacerbate problems at home or at school. In this case, the teenager chooses to roam the streets and drink drinks, instead of returning to their familiar environment. Today, alcohol and a teenager is not just a phrase, it is a problem that needs to be dealt with.

Free time: good or bad?

If a teenager has a lot of free time, he tries to spend it for his own benefit. In the absence of a hobby, a child can spend time with friends after school, instead of attending various sections. leads to the fact that children begin to use alcoholic beverages for fun.

Thanks to the media, children are aware of the harmful effects of alcohol on a growing body, but this does not prevent them from becoming addicted to one or another strong drink. Unfortunately, alcohol among teenagers appears so quickly that many parents do not have time to catch the moment when their child is addicted to addiction. It is worse when a teenager is not limited only to beer, but each time he improves his skills in tasting stronger drinks. It is difficult to say that parents or society are to blame for everything, because any factor, including heredity, can cause addiction.

Many teenagers often brag about the fact that most alcoholic drinks simply do not take them. Do not rejoice, as this is the first sign of alcoholism. Often the tandem of alcohol and adolescents leads to disastrous results. Alcohol resistance is a symptom of a serious illness. For most alcoholics there is no longer any difference in whether he drank a glass or a bottle, everything is the same for him. How it all begins: initially, a teenager is active, then fools around, and finally turns off. Loss of control is a persistent sign of alcoholism. Often drunkards are characterized by a weak will not only to limit the intake of alcoholic beverages, but also in relation to other aspects of everyday life.

It is sad to realize, but the problem of alcoholism among the younger generation is relevant today. Often the harm of alcohol for teenagers can be irreversible. Many children drink alcohol several times a week, which leads to a strong strengthening in the social life of young people. Many are sure that alcohol helps to liberate, open up to the world and to oneself, but this is not so. He will not help overcome shyness, he can only aggravate the situation.

Family and habits

Everything that happens to a child must be discussed in a circle of close people without fail. The family is a cell where every child should feel support and understanding. If a child has an alcohol addiction, adults should not scold their child, but explain to him what the use of alcoholic beverages is fraught with. In tandem alcohol and teenager conversation - this is the best breaker. With its help, you can convey to the child all aspects of the use of alcoholic beverages, tell about all the disadvantages of its use.

Children should know that alcohol is a kind of drug. And the sooner the first glass is drunk, the sooner the consequences will appear. For a child, a glass of wine is like a bottle of vodka for an adult. Definitely, the harm of alcohol for teenagers exists, and this must be fought. If children were asked if there are benefits from alcoholic beverages, they would find something to say. The answer options can amaze with their eccentricity:

  1. Many teenagers believe that alcohol is delicious.
  2. After drinking comes oblivion.
  3. Emancipation and fun are not long in coming.
  4. Confidence comes from nowhere.
  5. The feeling of being an adult is what's cool.

After such answers, you feel vulnerable and understand that most children get satisfaction from drinking, no matter how sad it may be. The effect of alcohol on a teenager is imperceptible at first, but years later there may be consequences. There is nothing worse than addiction. Alcoholic, narcotic, tobacco - it does not matter, with prolonged use, the outcome will be the same.

Doctors' opinion

Doctors always warn parents that their children's alcohol addiction can lead to serious disruptions in a young body:

  1. Failure of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Violation of the liver.
  3. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract.
  5. Decreased immunity, susceptibility to infections.
  6. Anemia.
  7. Psycho-emotional disorders.

It is not necessary to explain that the effect of alcohol on the body of a teenager is fraught with mental illness, among which it is worth highlighting:

  • White fever.
  • Memory disorder.
  • Decreased intelligence.
  • Loss of work ability.

It is no secret that most alcoholic beverages cause pleasant sensations, which is why they are so in demand. The desire to try it again and again appears not only in children, but also in adults. If you want to know how alcohol affects a teenager and his environment, this information is for you. Memory impairment is the first thing that can happen to a child. He becomes inattentive and distracted, it's hard not to notice. In any case, relations with parents deteriorate if they find out about it, the main thing is that this information should reach them as soon as possible.

Another hidden side

Do not forget that alcohol can lead a teenager to commit illegal acts that can affect his future life. Impotence in men and infertility in women is not the worst option. All representatives of the stronger sex who love alcohol often quickly gain weight, but this does not matter. After all, the worst thing that can happen is death.

You can fight the habit

It will not be news that alcohol is evil for people at any age. But alcohol harms not only the drinker, but his entire family. There is a constant struggle against this pernicious habit. But, despite this, people do not stop dying. The only good news is that today's youth are able to resist addictions. You should not acquaint teenagers with alcohol, but there is an opinion that it is better for a child to try alcohol at home than to drink it on the streets. A spoonful of red wine for dinner is the maximum that a growing body can afford. Remember, the later a teenager tries alcohol, the later his body will begin to malfunction.

After 30 years, the body is no longer the same, it is often overcome by ailments, with which it is becoming more and more difficult for a person to fight. All that parents can do is to protect their child from addictions, and delay the moment of tasting this or that alcoholic beverage as far as possible. One cannot be sure that a teenager has never consumed this or that alcoholic product, because no one has yet canceled curiosity. But to explain to the child what the main task of parents, school and society can lead to. A healthy mind will always be in a healthy body. What could be better for parents than healthy and happy children?

If it so happens that a child is addicted to an addiction and adults cannot do anything about it, it is better not to tempt fate. Take your child to a psychologist. This is a specialist who will help to identify the source of the problem in order to eliminate it. Many are sure that a psychologist is not only useless, but also a little inappropriate in modern society. This is not so, such a doctor can be visited anonymously to avoid many future problems.