What is society as a complex dynamic system. Society as a complex dynamic system

Man is a rational being. He chooses housing, food and where to apply his strength. However, it is pointless to have freedom of choice if no one evaluates your choice.

We need a community. Nature has endowed us with an invariable feature - the thirst for communication. Thanks to this feature, we think not only about ourselves. Within a family or a whole planet, a person makes decisions for the sake of common progress. Thanks to the thirst for communication, we push the world forward.

As soon as our ancestors descended from the palm tree, they faced the increasing hostility of nature. The little primate could not defeat the mammoth. Natural skin is not enough to keep warm in winter. Sleeping outdoors is triple dangerous.

The emerging consciousness understood - we can only survive together. The forefathers created a primitive language to understand each other. They gathered in communities. Communities were divided into castes. The strong and fearless went hunting. The offspring were raised soft and understanding. The shacks were built smart and practical. Even then, a person was doing what he was predisposed to.

But nature gave only rough raw materials. You can't build a city out of stones alone. Stones are hard to kill an animal. The ancestors learned how to process materials in order to work more efficiently and live longer.

Broadly defined society- a part of nature that has tamed nature, using the will and consciousness for survival.

In a group, we can not scatter on superficial knowledge. We each have our own inclinations. A professional plumber will not grow bonsai with pleasure even for a million-dollar salary - his brains are technically sharpened. The union allows us to do what we love and leave the rest to others.

Now we understand the narrow definition societies - a conscious gathering of individuals to work towards a common goal.

Society as a dynamic system

We are cogs in the social mechanism. Goals are not set by just one person. They come as common needs. Society, at the expense of the strength of its individual members, solves an endless stream of problems. The search for solutions makes society better and gives rise to new complex problems. Mankind builds itself, which characterizes society as a dynamic system capable of self-development.

Society has a complex dynamic structure. Like any system, it consists of subsystems. Subsystems in the group are divided into spheres of influence. Sociologists note four subsystems of society:

  1. Spiritual- Responsible for culture.
  2. Political- regulates relations by laws.
  3. Social- caste division: nation, class, social stratum.
  4. Economic- production and distribution of goods.

Subsystems are systems in relation to their individual members. They only work when all elements are in place. Both subsystems and individual parts are inextricably linked. Without production and regulation, spiritual life loses its meaning. Without a person, life is not sweet to another.

The social system is constantly moving. It is set in motion by subsystems. Subsystems move at the expense of elements. Elements are divided into:

  1. Material - factories, dwellings, resources.
  2. Ideal - values, ideals, beliefs, traditions.

Material values ​​are more characteristic of subsystems, while ideal values ​​are a human trait. Man is the only indivisible element in the social system. A person has a will, aspirations and beliefs.

The system works thanks to communication - social relations. Social relations are the main link between people and subsystems.

People play roles. In the family, we play an exemplary father. At work, we are expected to obey unquestioningly. In the circle of friends we are the soul of the company. We don't choose roles. They are dictated to us by society.

Each person has more than one personality, but several at once. Each person behaves differently in different situations. You can't scold your boss like you would a child, right?

Animals have a fixed social role: if the leader “said” that you would sleep below and eat last, it would be like that for the rest of your life. And even in another pack, an individual will never be able to take on the role of leader.

Man is universal. Every day we put on dozens of masks. Thanks to this, we can easily adapt to different situations. You are the master of what you know. You will never demand obedience from a competent leader. Great survival gear!

Scientists divide social relations:

  • between individuals;
  • within the group;
  • between groups;
  • local (indoors);
  • ethnic (within a race or nation);
  • within the organization;
  • institutional (within the boundaries of a social institution);
  • inside the country;
  • international.

We communicate not only with whom we want, but also when necessary. For example, we do not want to communicate with a colleague, but he sits with us in the same office. And we must work. So relationships are:

  • informal- with friends and relatives whom we ourselves have chosen;
  • formalized- with whom we are obliged to contact if necessary.

You can communicate with like-minded people and with enemies. there are:

  • cooperative- cooperation relations;
  • competitive- confrontations.


Society - complex dynamic system. People only once launched it, and now it defines every stage of our lives.

  • flexibility- regulates all spheres of life, even if they have not yet appeared;
  • mobility- constantly changing as needed;
  • complicated well-oiled mechanism from subsystems and elements;
  • independence- society itself creates the conditions for existence;
  • relationship all elements;
  • adequate response for changes.

Thanks to the dynamic social mechanism, man is the most enduring creature on the planet. For only man changes the world around him.


From the video you will learn that there is a society, its concept and the relationship between man and society.

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Main types (kinds) of social activity

So there are 4 element human activity: people, things, symbols, connections between them. The implementation of any type of joint activity of people without them is impossible.

Allocate 4 main type (kind) of social activity:

The main types of social activities:

    material production;

    Spiritual activity (production)

    Regulatory activities

    Social activity (in the narrow sense of the word)

1. Material production- creates practical means of activity that are used in all its types. Lets people physically transform natural and social reality. Here everything is created for everyday people's lives (housing, food, clothing, etc.).

However, one cannot speak of absolutization the role of material production in social activity. The role is constantly growing information resources. AT post-industrial society is growing rapidly the role of culture and science, transition from the production of goods to the service sector. Therefore, the role of material production will gradually decline.

2. Spiritual production (activity) - produces not things, ideas, images, values ​​(pictures, books, etc.).

In the process of spiritual activity, a person learns the world around him, its diversity and essence, develops a system of value ideas, determining the meaning (value) of certain phenomena.

"Mumu", L. Tolstoy "Vanya and plums", sausage in the toilet.

Its role is constantly growing.

3. Regulatory activities - the activities of administrators, managers, politicians.

It is aimed at ensuring the consistency and orderliness of various spheres of public life.

4. Social activities (in the narrow sense of the word) - activities for the direct service of people. This is the activity of a doctor, teacher, artist, service workers, recreation, tourism.

Creates conditions for preserving the activity and life of people.

These four basic types of activity exist in any society and form basis spheres of public life.

Society as a dynamic system

Basic concepts

Society is a constantly changing dynamic system.

Process(P. Sorokin) - yes any change to the object within a certain time

(be it a change in its place in space or a modification of its quantitative or qualitative characteristics).

social process - consistent changing states of society or its subsystems.

Types of social processes:

They differ:

1. By the nature of the changes:

A. The functioning of society - happening in society reversible changes related to everyday activities of society (with its reproduction and maintenance in a state of balance and stability).

B. Change -First stage internal rebirth in society or in its individual parts and their properties, bearing quantitative character.

B. Development -irreversible qualitative shifts as a result of gradual quantitative changes (see Hegel's law).

2. According to the degree of awareness by people:

A. Natural- not realized by people (riots).

B. Consciouspurposeful human activity.

3. By scale:

A. Global- covering all of humanity as a whole or a large group of societies (information revolution, computerization, the Internet).

B. Local– affecting individual regions or countries.

B. Single associated with particular groups of people.

4. By direction:

A. Progressprogressive development society from less perfect to more, increasing vitality, complication system organization.

B. Regression- the movement of society descending lines with simplification and, in the future, with the destruction of the system.

    For a long time, people, living in a team, thought about the features and patterns of living together, sought to organize it, ensure its stability.

    The ancient Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle compared society to a living organism.

    Man is a social being and cannot live in isolation.

Society is a set of relations between people, a reasonably organized life and activities of their large groups.

System(Greek) - a whole made up of parts, a combination, a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other, which form a certain unity.


    A people is a historical form of a community of people associated with the conditions for the production of material and spiritual goods, language, culture and origin.

    A nation is a historical form of organizing the life of any one people (or several relatives). This is a group of people that is formed on the basis of a common territory, economy. connections, language, culture.

    The state is a form of organization of the life of a people or nation based on law and law. Carries out control over the population of a certain territory.

    Nature is a set of natural conditions for the existence of human society (they are closely interconnected).

    Man is a living being that has the maximum impact on nature.

Society is a set of relations between people that develop in the course of their life.

Society is a multifaceted concept (philatelists, nature conservation, etc.); society as opposed to nature;

There are different subsystems in society. Subsystems close in direction are usually called spheres of human life..

Public relations - a set of various connections, contacts, dependencies that arise between people (the relationship of property, power and subordination, the relationship of rights and freedoms)


    The economic sphere is a set of social relations that arise in the process of production of material values ​​and exist in connection with this production.

    The political and legal sphere is a set of social relations that characterize the relationship of power (state) to citizens, as well as the relationship of citizens to power (state).

    The social sphere is a set of social relations that organize interaction between various social groups.

    The spiritual, moral, cultural sphere is a set of social relations that arise in the spiritual life of mankind and function as its basis.

There is a close relationship between all spheres of human life.

Public relations - a set of various connections, contacts, dependencies that arise between people (the relationship of property, power and subordination, the relationship of rights and freedoms).

Society is a complex system that brings people together. They are in close unity and interrelation.

The family institution is the primary social institution associated with human reproduction as a biologist. Species and his upbringing and socialization as a member of society. Parents-children, love and mutual assistance.

Society is a complex dynamic self-developing system that consists of subsystems (spheres of public life).

Characteristic features (signs) of society as a dynamic system:

    dynamism (the ability to change over time both society and its individual elements).

    a complex of interacting elements (subsystems, social institutions).

    self-sufficiency (the ability of the system to independently create and recreate the conditions necessary for its own existence, to produce everything necessary for people's lives).

    integration (the relationship of all components of the system).

    self-governance (responding to changes in the natural environment and the world community).

"Society as a dynamic system".

Option 1.

BUT. 1. Highlighting the main elements of society, their relationship and interaction, scientists characterize society as


2) part of nature

3) material world

4) civilization

2. Society in the understanding of scientists is:

2) ways of interaction and forms of bringing people together

3) part of wildlife, subject to its laws

4) the material world as a whole

3. Are the following judgments about society correct?

A. Society is a system consisting of interrelated and interacting elements.

B. Society is a dynamic system in which new elements and connections between them constantly arise and old elements die off.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

4. Unlike nature, society

1) is a system 3) acts as a creator of culture

2) is in development 4) develops according to its own laws

5. The emergence of private ownership of the means of production has led to increased stratification of society. The connection of what aspects of the life of society was manifested in this phenomenon?

1)production, distribution, consumption and spiritual sphere

2)economics and politics

3) economics and social relations

4) economy and culture

6. Which of the following refers to the global problems of our time?

1) the formation of a socially oriented economy

2) the revival of cultural and moral values

3) the gap in the level of development between the regions of the planet

4) development of international cooperation

7. Are the following judgments about society true?

A. Among the subsystems and elements of society are social institutions.

B. Not all elements of social life are subject to change.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

8. Which of the above features characterizes an industrial society?

1) the leading role of agriculture 3) a weak level of division of labor

2) the predominance of industry 4) the decisive importance of the service sector in the economy

9. Which of the features is inherent in a traditional society?

1) intensive development of infrastructure 3) the predominance of the patriarchal type of family

2) computerization of industry 4) the secular nature of culture

10. The transition to a post-industrial society is characterized by

1) the formation of a market economy 3) the development of mass media

2) restriction of social mobility 4) organization of factory production

11. A characteristic feature of Western civilization is:

1) low social mobility

2) long-term preservation of traditional legal norms

3) active introduction of new technologies

4) weakness and underdevelopment of democratic values

12. Are the following judgments about the process of globalization correct?

A. All global processes are the result of increased international contacts.

B. The development of mass communication makes the modern world whole.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are wrong

13. Country A. with a population of 25 million people is located in the Northern Hemisphere. What additional information will make it possible to judge whether A. belongs to post-industrial societies?

1) The country has a multi-confessional composition of the population.

2) The country has an extensive network of rail transport.

3) Society is managed by means of computer networks.

4) Traditional family values ​​are promoted in the media.

14. A characteristic feature of evolution as a form of social development is:

1) the revolutionary nature of change 3) violent methods

2) spasmodic 4) gradual

Q. 1 Read the text below with a number of words missing.

Western civilization is called ____(1). The production that has developed in the European region _____ (2) required the utmost exertion of the physical and intellectual forces of society, the constant improvement of tools and methods of influencing nature. In this regard, a new system of values ​​has been formed: active creative, ______ (3) human activity comes to the fore.

Unconditional value has acquired _______ (4) knowledge that expands the intellectual powers of a person, his inventive possibilities. Western civilization has put forward _____(5) individuals and ______(6) property as the most important values. The main regulator of social relations are _____ (7).

Choose from the proposed list of words to be inserted in place of spaces.

a) private

b) collective

c) legal norms

d) industrial

e) adaptable

g) scientific

h) transforming

i) freedom

j) religious

2. Find in the list the features of society as a dynamic system and circle the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) isolation from nature

2) lack of interconnection of subsystems and public institutions

3) the ability for self-organization and self-development

4) isolation from the material world

5) constant change

6) the possibility of degradation of individual elements

C1. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "civilization"? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences containing information about civilization.

C2. Use three examples to describe the advantages of the formational approach.

C3. Read the text and do the tasks for it.

Gaining more and more strength, civilization often showed a clear tendency to impose ideas with the help of missionary activities or direct violence coming from religious, in particular Christian, traditions ... So civilization steadily spread across the planet, using all possible ways and means for this - migration, colonization, conquest, trade, industrial development, financial control and cultural influence. Little by little, all countries and peoples began to live according to its laws or created them according to the model established by it ...

The development of civilization, however, was accompanied by the flowering of bright hopes and illusions that could not come true ... At the heart of her philosophy and her actions was always elitism. And the Earth, no matter how generous it is, is still not able to accommodate an ever-growing population and satisfy its more and more new needs, desires and whims. That is why a new, deeper split has now emerged - between super-developed and underdeveloped countries. But even this rebellion of the world proletariat, which seeks to join the wealth of its more prosperous brethren, takes place within the framework of the same dominant civilization ... It is unlikely that it will be able to withstand this new test, especially now, when its own organism is torn apart by numerous ailments. NTR, on the other hand, is becoming more and more obstinate, and it is becoming more and more difficult to pacify it. Having endowed us with unprecedented strength and instilled a taste for a level of life that we did not even think about, NTR sometimes does not give us the wisdom to keep our abilities and demands under control. And it's time for our generation to finally understand that now it depends only on us ... the fate of not individual countries and regions, but of all mankind as a whole.

A. Peccei

1) What global problems of modern society does the author highlight? List two or three issues.

2) What does the author mean when he says: “Having endowed us with unprecedented strength and instilled a taste for a level of life that we did not even think about, the scientific and technological revolution does not sometimes give us the wisdom to keep our abilities and demands under control”? Make two guesses.

3) Illustrate with examples (at least three) the author's statement: "The development of civilization ... was accompanied by the flowering of bright hopes and illusions that could not be realized."

4) Is it possible, in your opinion, to overcome the contrast between rich and poor countries in the foreseeable future. Justify the answer.

C4 * Society is a set of stones that would collapse if one did not support the other ”(Seneca)

Section 1. Social science. Society. Man - 18 hours.

Topic 1. Social science as a body of knowledge about society - 2 hours.

General definition of the concept of society. The essence of society. Characteristics of social relations. Human society (man) and the animal world (animal): distinctive characteristics. The main social phenomena of human life: communication, knowledge, work. Society as a complex dynamic system.

General definition of the concept of society.

In a broad sense society - it is a part of the material world isolated from nature, but closely connected with it, which consists of individuals with will and consciousness, and includes ways of interacting people and forms of their unification.

In a narrow sense society can be understood as a certain group of people united for communication and joint performance of any activity, as well as a specific stage in the historical development of a people or country.

The Essence of Society is that in the course of his life, each person interacts with other people. Such diverse forms of interaction between people, as well as connections that arise between different social groups (or within them), are commonly called public relations.

Characteristics of social relations.

All social relations can be conditionally divided into three large groups:

1. interpersonal (socio-psychological), by which is understood relationships between individuals. At the same time, individuals, as a rule, belong to different social strata, have different cultural and educational levels, but they are united by common needs and interests in the sphere of leisure or everyday life. The well-known sociologist Pitirim Sorokin identified the following types interpersonal interaction:

a) between two individuals (husband and wife, teacher and student, two comrades);

b) between three individuals (father, mother, child);

c) between four, five or more people (the singer and his listeners);

d) between many and many people (members of an unorganized crowd).

Interpersonal relations arise and are realized in society and are social relations even if they are in the nature of purely individual communication. They act as a personified form of social relations.

2. material (socio-economic), which arise and take shape directly in the course of a person's practical activity, outside the consciousness of a person and independently of him. They are divided into production, environmental and office relations.

3. spiritual (or ideal), which are formed, preliminary “passing through the consciousness” of people, are determined by their values ​​that are significant for them. They are divided into moral, political, legal, artistic, philosophical and religious social relations.

The main social phenomena of human life:

1. Communication (mostly emotions are involved, pleasant / unpleasant, I want);

2. Cognition (mostly intellect involved, true/false, I can);

3. Labor (mainly the will is involved, it is necessary / not necessary, must).

Human society (man) and the animal world (animal): distinctive characteristics.

1. Consciousness and self-consciousness. 2. Word (2nd signal system). 3. Religion.

Society as a complex dynamic system.

In philosophical science, society is characterized as a dynamic self-developing system, i.e., such a system that is capable of seriously changing, at the same time retaining its essence and qualitative certainty. The system is understood as a complex of interacting elements. In turn, an element is some further indecomposable component of the system that is directly involved in its creation.

To analyze complex systems, like the one that society represents, scientists have developed the concept of "subsystem". Subsystems are called "intermediate" complexes, more complex than the elements, but less complex than the system itself.

1) economic, the elements of which are material production and relations that arise between people in the process of production of material goods, their exchange and distribution;

2) socio-political, consisting of such structural formations as classes, social strata, nations, taken in their relationship and interaction with each other, manifested in such phenomena as politics, state, law, their correlation and functioning;

3) spiritual, covering various forms and levels of social consciousness, which, being embodied in the real process of the life of society, form what is commonly called spiritual culture.