How to make a Christmas tree out of polyurethane foam. Interesting foam craft ideas. Basic rules for working with mounting foam

Without much effort and material costs, foam crafts will be an excellent decor and decoration for any summer cottage. It's no secret that for many, a dacha is a place where people come to relax from the city noise, rhythm and bustle. Therefore, it is very important that the dacha is exactly the place where a person can truly enjoy life and relax the soul. Often, caring for a summer cottage and decorating it require a lot of money, patience and time, but with foam everything is different.

In order to make any crafts from polyurethane foam with your own hands, you do not need to have any special education - absolutely everyone can cope with this task, it is enough to have good imagination and imagination.

In construction, polyurethane foam is used very often and in large quantities. It is used to seal small gaps and has the ability to expand, while filling all the voids.

Important! The curing of the foam depends on what brand of foam it is, but on average it takes from 15 to 25 minutes.

You can cut off excess parts from finished products only after the foam has completely hardened.

You can cut off excess parts from finished products only after the foam has completely hardened.

Any crafts can be made from building foam, since foam is an unpretentious material, and when frozen, it can withstand any temperature, in addition, foam crafts do not undergo any serious changes when atmospheric precipitation hits them.

The material is lightweight and does not have sharp corners, so crafts from mounting foam are often made for a kindergarten or playground. Such crafts can be both large and small, but the weight of the craft will be small.

When working with mounting foam, it is necessary to use a foam gun, which is put on the can, and at the end of the work, a cleaner for the gun is used

How to work with mounting foam?

To work with polyurethane foam, a minimal set of tools and accessories may be required - several pairs of gloves, preferably rubber - the fact is that the foam has such unpleasant abilities, quickly sticking to hands, so it is simply impossible to do without gloves. In addition, you will need 2 or 3 knives of different sizes - they are needed after the foam has dried in order to give the products the necessary shape and to cut through small details, such as eyes, nose, mouth. When working with polyurethane foam, it is necessary to use a foam gun, which is put on the can, and at the end of the work, a cleaner for the gun is used. For painting finished products, you will need paints and brushes. In order for foam crafts to last as long as possible, it is recommended to varnish them.

Important! Polyurethane foam is a very light material, so every time before doing some new craft it is important to take care of its weighting, otherwise the structure will not hold.

Therefore, it is necessary to place something heavy inside each structure - it can be a container with sand, a piece of iron, a plastic bottle of water. You can use anything, the main thing is that the thing should at least fit the shape of the future craft (if the finished product is small in size or volume), and be weighty.

It is important to remember that all work performed with mounting foam should be carried out only in a well-ventilated area. The temperature should be at room temperature. If the work is carried out outdoors, then this should be done in good weather, but you cannot work in direct sunlight, you need to move into the shade.

During operation, it is important not to forget to shake the foam can before each use.

Finished foam products must be coated with paint, but it is important to remember that the content of nitrocellulose is unacceptable, since this substance adversely affects the foam, as a result, the craft softens, and the entire structure may lose its shape.

Hedgehog figurine made of polyurethane foam

Foam crafts

Animal figures are especially popular among polyurethane foam crafts. You can place them in any part of the garden, placing a lonely figure by the pond or on the lawn, or create a whole composition. In the manufacture of crafts from polyurethane foam for kindergarten, figurines of fairy-tale characters are mainly created:

  • Hedgehog. This figurine is very easy to make and perfect for beginners. Any material can be used as a frame, it all depends on the preferences of the master. When the foam has hardened, with a knife you need to carefully cut off all the excess and give the product the desired shape. Hedgehog needles are made from toothpicks, which must first be prepared for work - they must be painted black, leaving a small distance intact. The part that needs to be stuck into the figure remains unpainted. If desired, the other end of the toothpick can be painted in golden color. Before sticking toothpicks into a hedgehog, the figure must first be painted and allowed to dry. In these photos you can see the step-by-step production of such crafts from polyurethane foam as a hedgehog.

Foam Goat

  • Sheep and lamb. A master class on the manufacture of such crafts from polyurethane foam, such as a ram and a sheep, should begin with the manufacture of a frame. The frame can be made from several plastic bottles interconnected with adhesive tape. In order for the design to be stable, the bottles that will be used as lower limbs must be filled with sand or water. After the frame is completely ready, you can proceed to the main work - to process it with mounting foam. Foaming should be done gradually, in layers. Each applied layer should dry thoroughly (15-20 minutes), and only after that you can apply the next one. What the craft will be after the final processing becomes visible after the first layer. After the final layer has been applied and dried, with a knife you need to give the figure its final shape, and then paint it.
  • Goat. These photos show step-by-step instructions for making such crafts with your own hands from polyurethane foam, like a goat. For the frame of the body, you need to use plastic bottles, previously wrapped with tape or wire. For the frame of the legs, the remains of metal pipes are used, which must be of the same length and thickness. The resulting structure must be securely fixed to the ground, and care must be taken to ensure that the base of the body is securely fastened to the legs. The product is covered with one or two layers of polyurethane foam. In order to make horns and a tail, you can use scraps of thick branches, securely fasten them and apply another layer of foam to the goat. One thin coat of primer should be applied to the goat before painting. Large buttons can be used to make eyes.

Kolobok from polyurethane foam

  • Kolobok. This photo shows a craft in the form of a kolobok, made by hand using mounting foam. As a frame, you can use a medium-sized plastic ball. The ball must be covered with foam in several layers, while not forgetting to dry each layer. The hands of the kolobok are made of a plastic tube with a wire stretched inside. Hands need to be fixed on the kolobok and treated with foam. For the legs, small wooden blocks are used, which must also be fixed and foamed on them. The scarf is also made of foam. And as a frame for the ears on the scarf, you can use cardboard. The finished kolobok needs to be painted, varnished and planted on some kind of stump.
  • Figure for growing flowers. In order to make an original flower pot, you can make any foam craft. But it is important to remember that in the middle part of the figure you need to fix a container for growing flowers - these can be: a deep basin, a tin bucket, a large plastic bottle with a cut neck.
  • New Year's crafts. Such foam crafts can be made both at their summer cottage and on the territory of a kindergarten. A Christmas tree ball can be made from a tennis ball by covering it with a layer of foam and painting it with bright colors.

In order to make a Christmas tree, you must first make a frame. The frame is made from a cone made of cardboard. The foam is applied in several layers on a cone-shaped frame. As it dries with a knife, the figure is shaped like a Christmas tree and painted in the appropriate color.

The New Year is just around the corner and, therefore, it's time to prepare New Year's gifts and decorations. And who is the main character on New Year's Eve?

That's right, even children know this. It's Santa Claus! And so I decided to make a figurine of Santa Claus for a child in the garden, so that it would stand on the street, on the playground. I must say right away that I made this sculpture last year and it has already successfully passed the test in winter, frost and children, and this year it will again delight us with its presence :)
From what I will make the figure of Santa Claus, I knew right away: from polyurethane foam. Firstly, it is quite budgetary (considering the size of Frost - 115 cm), secondly, it is quite fast, since the foam dries for 15-20 minutes and the next layer can be applied, thirdly, products made from polyurethane foam are light and are not afraid of any weather conditions, with one caveat - the foam must be well isolated from sunlight and moisture. Under the influence of direct sunlight, the foam turns yellow and collapses, and if water gets inside the figurine, then during frost it crystallizes and the figurine can “tear”. How to avoid all this and make a figurine that will last more than one year, I will tell below, in my master class.
So, stock up on patience and a vacuum cleaner, as the work is quite dirty and dusty.
First, I found on the Internet a picture of Frost, which we will do. We need a general view, we will make our own details.

As a basis, I took a plastic bottle, which was available, poured sand with stones inside for stability (in fact, this could not be done, it is already great) and inserted a wooden stick from a children's shovel on top.
It turned out the frame of the future figure.

Then we take newspapers and begin to add volume to our blank. We fix newspapers with paper tape.

When we collect the required volume with a newspaper, we glue the entire blank with kraft paper on top: it will be easier to apply foam later.
When everything dries up, we take the foam and continue to add volume to our Grandfather. When working with foam, I advise you to use gloves, since the foam is very difficult to wash off the skin, and it does not wash off clothes at all. The floor must also be covered with newspapers or film.
When working with foam, I use a special gun (pictured), which allows you to adjust the flow of foam and reduce its consumption. Thin layers of foam should be applied: this way they dry faster and the next layer can be applied.

We continue to apply the foam layer by layer. Try to keep as few gaps and voids as possible. If you apply a lot of foam at once, then greatly increasing in volume, it becomes empty inside. And when we then cut off the excess foam, we will have to fill these holes with fresh foam.
At the bottom of the sculpture, we glue the cardboard and also foam it. Unfortunately, I did not film this moment, but I think that everything is clear anyway. If you don't understand, ask, I'll be happy to answer.

Having collected the required volume on our Frost, we begin to move on to the details. We outline the face, very roughly, the place of the cap and begin to make the collar of the fur coat. To do this, take a thick cardboard or, as in my case, a calendar cover, and fix it in place with masking tape. After that, we begin to apply foam to the cardboard collar.

When all parts of the figure are completely filled in and look a little like Santa Claus, we take a mock-up or construction knife and begin to cut off everything superfluous. Knife blades must be sharp to make clean cuts. Foam dulls them very quickly and therefore they need to be changed quite often. If suddenly we cut off too much or didn’t like something, you can always increase the volume again and cut off the excess again. This work is not very fast, but very creative.

Gradually we move from the general to the particular. We draw the details, we pay special attention to the face of Santa Claus, his beard. Fill large cavities with foam.

When the result suits you, you can sand the sculpture of Frost a little: the foam is perfectly skinned.
Then we apply acrylic putty. You can apply with a brush, but I applied directly with my hands: it turns out much faster. We applied one layer - dried it, sanded it a little and applied the second layer. From the first time it is difficult to close all the holes in the foam. It is very important to isolate the foam well from direct exposure to light and water, as I said above.
We sand the second layer more carefully. Perfect smoothness still cannot be achieved, but we don’t need to. After painting, the irregularities on the fur coat and hat look like astrakhan fur. The face should be given more attention: more carefully fill all the bumps with putty and sand well. On the beard and mustache, draw hairs and strands with a toothpick.

It's time for painting. First, I painted all of Santa Claus with white acrylic paint. Then, those places that should remain white, I sealed with masking tape. For coloring a fur coat and a hat, I used car enamel in a can. I didn’t like it very much: a rather strong smell that disappears for a long time and plus it dries for a long time. Longer than just acrylic spray paint. I usually paint with Bosco, which is my favorite.
One bottle of car enamel was enough for me to cover 2 times.
The only plus of this paint: rich red-cherry color. Another important point: it did not fit well on white acrylic paint and went craquelure. Of course, it turned out to be original in the end, but unplanned. This has never happened with Bosco.

Here is such a beautiful craquelure turned out.

This is what Frost looks like after painting.

Now it needs to be spruced up a bit. We take a white lacquer marker, you can acrylic paint and a thin brush, you can contour, and we begin to apply patterns on Frost's fur coat.

Then I started painting the face. First I mixed umber + pink + ivory and applied it on my face. I covered the mustache, beard and edge on the hat and fur coat with mother-of-pearl silver: it turned out to be a real frost. The photo does not convey this, unfortunately. Then, on the beard and mustache, I applied a little black acrylic, diluted to a state of water. Wiped off excess with a dry cloth.

Then I drew the eyes and applied blush to the cheeks. True, I again got carried away and did not photograph the intermediate stages of work.
When everything was dry, I covered it with several layers of acrylic spray varnish, paying particular attention to the bottom.

Grandfather turned out to be quite weighty and stable and I had to take him to the garden by car :) The children were happy!

This year I plan to make a figurine of a deer and a sleigh so that grandfather can safely travel and deliver gifts to the children.

Polyurethane foam is a unique building material that is widely used for mounting, sealing structures and increasing their thermal insulation. Lovers of garden decorations have expanded the scope of this building material. Do-it-yourself garden figures from mounting foam can be easily made by every owner of a country house or summer cottage. In this article, you can see photos of finished crafts, as well as step-by-step master classes of popular foam sculptures.

1. Light weight.
2. Ease of use (applied to any surface, easy to cut).
3. Ability to make crafts of any size.
4. The finished product is not affected by precipitation and temperature changes.

Terms of use of mounting foam for garden sculptures

Terms of use of mounting foam for garden sculptures

If you have never worked with mounting foam, we recommend that you read the instructions from the manufacturer. Do not forget that the foam inside the balloon is a liquid mass, and when it comes into contact with air, it begins to harden. Complete solidification occurs after 10-12 hours. When working with foam, use personal protective equipment. It is not advised to carry out work at sub-zero air temperatures.

Shake the can well before each use of the mounting foam. During operation, hold the can with the cap down so that the gas does not escape from it and all the foam can be used. Do not immediately apply many layers, as the uncured will fall off. Do everything gradually, apply the next layer at least 10-15 minutes after the previous one. For ease of application, use a special gun.

The appearance of the polyurethane foam figure directly depends on the type of frame. You should first find a picture of the figure or make a sketch to take into account all the nuances and the finished product looked like a wooden or plaster sculpture.

For the manufacture of the frame, you can take different materials, for example, plastic bottles or iron cans are suitable. You will also need wooden planks, rebar and wire. To make the sculpture stable, you need to fill it with sand.

Now you can start decorating crafts with mounting foam. Evenly distribute the foam over the frame, taking into account the future reliefs of the craft. When it completely hardens, it will be possible to remove unnecessary parts with a clerical knife and correct defects. If necessary, add foam to places where you forgot or want to fix something in the craft.

A layer of putty will help protect the mounting foam from destruction. To make the garden crafts smooth, grout with sandpaper. Now take acrylic paints and cover the figure. Preferably two layers or more. To prolong the life of the future masterpiece, it is varnished on top.

Garden figures can be additionally decorated with a variety of materials, for example, beads, flowers, or LED lighting can be made so that the sculpture glows at night.

To make a garden snail, you will need half a can of foam. Cover the table with oilcloth and start applying foam for the base of the snail. When the first layer dries a little, apply a second one and insert a kefir bottle in order to make a snail's neck. Cover the neck with foam too and shape the head with your hands.

Make snail horns and a slightly elongated muzzle. After that, you can start making the shell. To do this, a round hill of foam is applied to the body of the snail. Now insert a bucket that will be designed for flowers and turn the garden craft into an original flower bed.

With a marker, mark where your snail shell begins and ends, and make curls. When the foam is completely dry, sand the product. It remains to decorate the snail and the garden craft is ready.

- an old saucepan;
- iron can:
- oil or acrylic paint;
- foam bottle;
- wire;
- beads.

1. Separately fill the pot and jar with foam and let dry.
2. The jar is the head, and the pan is the body of the frog. Fasten these parts with wire and fix with foam.

3. In the place where the frog handles should be, fix the wire and also cover it with mounting foam.
4. Now shape the head and torso to look like a frog. Make the lower legs as well.
5. Paint the craft with paints and then insert the eyes. The frog is ready, now it can be placed near the pond in the garden or near the pool.

To make a garden fox figurine, you will need a plastic bottle. Fill it with sand or pebbles, then the wind will not be able to turn your product over. Foam the bottle, but not immediately with a thick layer, but gradually, pausing for about 15 minutes to set the foam.

For the manufacture of paws, you can use a rubber tube. To make the paws flexible, insert a wire into the tube. The tail can also be made from a tube, which will need to be well lathered. For the neck, use a cardboard cylinder from under the toilet paper. Install some kind of round blank for the head on it.

Propene everything well and give the sculpture the appearance of a fox. After that, paint the figure with oil paints and varnish. Keep in mind that if the paint is white, then the varnish will give it yellowness.

A plastic ball can be used as the frame of the kolobok. Place it on some kind of support, such as a jar or bowl. Apply foam now, waiting for each layer to dry. To make handles, insert wire.

Also form a scarf out of foam, and you can make ears out of cardboard. When the foam is completely dry, cut out the eyes, mouth and nose with a clerical knife. Make the legs out of wooden boards. It remains to color the craft and the gingerbread man - ready!

It is interesting that not only garden figures can be made from polyurethane foam, but also an original lantern that will give your backyard a touch of exclusivity and help design a garden in the Japanese style. To make a lantern stand, take a pipe that needs to be foamed from the underside and set on a flat wooden base. For the bowl of the lantern, you can use a plastic bowl, which must be fixed on top.

Now pour the foam in layers, waiting for the partial drying of each layer. Come up with a picture for the design of the lantern, draw a diagram and embody the idea with the help of mounting foam. Make a hole in the center of the bowl so that you can secure the lid with screws. Insert the bars into the bowl and froth them.

Attach the lid to the bowl with screws. Now cut out a smaller square from the chipboard. On one side, foam it, and on the other, fix the racks. In the center of the squares, you need to make a hole in order to insert a solar-powered lamp into it later. Hide the wires.

After that, a roof is made from a large piece of plywood, which is installed on racks. To make the relief pattern beautiful, first draw it with a marker on the surface of the lantern, and then gently cover it with foam.

Garden figures from polyurethane foam master class

The finished product is completely painted. To install it in the garden, you need to dig a pipe into the ground a little or make a small flower bed around the lantern.

Do-it-yourself polyurethane foam figures will help transform any garden plot. Even without the skills of a sculptor and artist, you can make a beautiful sculpture that will enliven your exterior.

Foam crafts can also be used to decorate rooms or building facades.

For most owners, the dacha is a place to relax. However, in order to arrange the site properly, you need to spend quite a lot of money. In this regard, some summer residents are looking for opportunities to save money, which is why they are trying to create crafts from polyurethane foam that look no less aesthetically pleasing than figures made of plastic, metal and wood. And today, this option continues to compete with another equally common method - creating crafts from plastic bottles.

Each person who does not have special skills and knowledge is able to make his personal plot more attractive. The main thing is to have abstract thinking, be patient and prepare minimum set of tools. All this will be enough for cheerful gnomes, frogs, lambs and Christmas trees to appear on the backyard territory, the creation of which will require quite affordable materials.

Manufacturing technology

The first issue that must be resolved by the summer resident is the preparation of materials and tools, without which it will be impossible to make crafts from polyurethane foam. Moreover, you should not neglect any element of the list, since this will subsequently affect the quality of the work and the time that they will require.

To make a product frame, you can use plastic bottles, which are pre-filled with sand, boards, metal objects and thick wire. In some cases, you can use ordinary brick to create the basis for the future mushroom on your site.

  • mounting foam;
  • foam gun;
  • gun cleaner.

It's a good idea to use sculpture for growing flowers. But for this, in its center you will have to install a certain container, like a bucket, a can or the aforementioned plastic bottle.

  • varnish, paint and brushes for them;
  • clerical or other knife;
  • several pairs of gloves. They must be present with you, as this will help protect your hands from mounting foam, which quickly and firmly sticks to your hands.

If we consider in more detail the process of manufacturing garden figures from polyurethane foam, then two stages can be distinguished in it, which are carried out in a certain sequence.

  • work begins with covering the base with a layer of foam, after which they wait for a pause, which is necessary for the material to harden;
  • then we apply the next layer of foam and so on until we achieve the desired shape of the product.

When the desired result is achieved, we take an ordinary clerical knife and use it to cut off the extra protrusions. In the process of such work, we give the sculpture the desired contour, after which you can proceed to its coloring. To complete all the work, you will have to spend from 1 hour to several days. The specific period is determined by the size of the product and the thickness of the applied layer.

It is recommended to engage in the manufacture of garden figures from polyurethane foam in a separate dry room which must be clean and have limited access for children. Otherwise, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to remove the mounting foam from the surfaces, and for this you will need gasoline or acetone.

Manufacturing examples with instructions

Next, examples of various foam garden figures that can be made without even having experience in this matter will be considered. But in order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to perform all operations in the exact sequence. It will take a couple of hours, and you will feel like a real creator, in whose hands an ordinary polyurethane foam turns into real masterpieces of art.

Christmas tree

The master class on making a Christmas tree from polyurethane foam is quite simple and understandable. Pre-required prepare twigs to be fixed to the iron pipe. As a fixer, you can use tape or wire.

Then, using a spray gun, the preform is moistened, which will improve the adhesive properties of the foam when it is applied to the base.

After that, we proceed to the processing of the structure with mounting foam, in this matter you can completely rely on your imagination.

Having at hand such affordable things as cutting sticks, twigs, mounting foam and fishing line, it will not be difficult for you to make a Christmas tree with your own hands. And to give a natural look, the Christmas tree can be painted with green acrylic paint.


If you are afraid to take complex garden figures from polyurethane foam, then you can choose the simplest product, which is a ball. For those who do not have experience in making figures from polyurethane foam with their own hands for decorating a garden, it is recommended to take the first steps in creating this particular figure. And, having stuffed your hand, you can try to create more complex decorations and sculptures.

The master class itself includes the following actions:

  • first we need a paint can in which we need to pour sand;
  • then we take mounting foam and cover our blank in layers;
  • when the product acquires the required dimensions, and the initial shape changes to a spherical one, we take a knife and cut off the excess parts;
  • we process our ball with varnish;
  • we complete the work on making the ball by coloring, for which you can use the colorful material that you like best.

Ram and sheep

A master class on the manufacture of this garden figure from polyurethane foam with our own hands begins with the creation of a frame. To do this, we need several plastic bottles that need to be connected to each other. with tape. As a result, the craft should resemble something like the “skeleton” of an animal. To give our figure greater stability, the lower limbs can be filled with sand.

After that, you can begin to process the craft with foam. To avoid waste of material, it is recommended to wrap the frame with isolon or other polymeric material. After covering the figure with the first layer of mounting foam, it should already be clear to you what should happen upon completion of this work.

To create the ears, we use pieces of skin. You can also use plastic bottles for their manufacture, which will first have to be heated and bent.

To make a muzzle, you will have to use a knife, forming the necessary features with it.

To make our animals look beautiful, they need to varnish.


To make the frame, you will need a thick wire, which you need to wrap several plastic bottles around.

To make a frame for the legs, it is recommended to use metal pipes. They are attached to the pedestal by welding, after which they are fixed to the ground, or they can simply be bolted. Make sure that the base of the figure is firmly fixed, otherwise it will fall to the ground from wind or rain.

Then the craft is necessary cover with 1-2 layers of polyurethane foam.

To make the horns and tail, we take wooden shelves or use plastic cuts and attach them to the base.

Having finished applying the last layer, it is necessary to remove the excess parts, after which we wrap the product with a sickle or fishing line.

We finish the work with staining, but first you need to apply a layer of primer. When choosing a color, you can completely rely on your own preferences, because this is your creation and you can show all your imagination here.

We use buttons to make eyes.

Now our goat is ready and can be installed where you see fit - next to a pond, in a clearing, surrounded by other design elements.

Keep in mind that the process of making this craft will take you 1-2 weeks, since you will have to wait for a pause so that each layer of foam can harden. Thus, using orphan pipes, plastic bottles, pieces of wire and other debris and a couple of cans of mounting foam, you can easily create beautiful decorative elements for your summer cottage.

New Year crafts

If you only have wire and a balloon of mounting foam at your disposal, then only with their help are you able to make beautiful New Year's decorations for the garden. These materials will be enough to make a variety of ornaments, Christmas decorations, as well as crafts of varying degrees of complexity.

A good idea is to create a snowflake. For it, you need to take a wire of a certain thickness so that you can easily bend it. It will serve as material for creating the frame of the future snowflake. We begin to cover it with 1-2 layers of foam. Immediately needed correct the shape, giving it a flat and smooth surface, and this must be done before the foam hardens. If any part of the figure turned out wrong, then at any time you can add a small amount of price and remove unnecessary parts with a clerical knife.

You will have even less difficulties when making a Christmas ball. The master class on the implementation of this idea will boil down to the following. For him, you need to take a tennis ball and apply a layer of foam. When the material hardens, we paint the craft, adding bright and positive colors to create a New Year's mood.

You can offer a simpler version of making a Christmas tree. It will require cardboard or isolon, which is wound on a rigid base, giving it the shape of a cone. You can easily apply a couple of layers of mounting foam. Next, it remains to give the craft a flat surface, paint and find a suitable place for the Christmas tree.


In order to make your backyard more attractive, it is not necessary to go to the store and buy special decorative ornaments there. It is within the power of any owner of the site to make beautiful crafts for the garden on their own. Moreover, for this you can use the most affordable materials, one of which can be polyurethane foam.

It's easy enough to work with her., so even the owner, who has never had to deal with such a thing, can easily cope with this task. It is enough to study the master class on creating figures for the garden, and you will succeed.

As a blank, I again used a plastic bottle, which I foamed on all sides, and to give it stability, I inserted this foamed blank into a plastic container (you can use an old pan). I fixed this propennennaya blank, - mounting foam. Then the most interesting begins, it is necessary to give an approximate figure with foam. As a sample, I buy a small toy in the store, or a figurine, additionally download pictures from the Internet.

Be sure to allow some drying after each layer. So gradually, layer by layer, a figure is created. If you missed somewhere, you can always cut it off, cut off the excess with a sharp clerical knife. If somewhere it still doesn’t work, this applies to both large and small parts ... we spray the place (from a sprayer, for example) where we want to apply foam, then we foam a small layer (about 4-5 cm), after a minute, fresh spray the foam again with water. Now the moment - the main thing is not to miss the moment so that the foam does not have time to dry, and we form the intended bend, shape, etc. with wet hands (I do this without gloves). So you can act layer by layer, achieving the desired shape. When the figure takes on its shape, we cut off all unnecessary bumps with a knife, the pits (airs) can be foamed again. Small air vents, there is no need to foam, then everything will be puttied with tile adhesive.

How to make paws, tail .... I take the wire, give it a bend, and also foam it layer by layer, giving it time to dry. The ears of a hare, I made from an aluminum tape 7 cm wide, which I cut across (like a Christmas tree), set a bend, and gradually foamed.