Is it possible to develop logical thinking. Types of logical thinking. Development of creative thinking

Logical thinking is based on building a chain of sequences, arguments, events, which helps to draw certain conclusions and make the right decisions. If a person has a well-developed logical thinking, he can easily find a way out of any situation, predict the consequences of events. It is best to develop this ability from early childhood, but in adulthood you can and should train.

There are many logic exercises that help develop attention, concentration, perception, observation, thinking, intelligence. An exercise called “Logic” is useful. Its meaning is to determine whether the relationship between judgments is correctly established, whether the conclusion, inference, is logical. For example: “All dogs can bark. Sharik is a dog, which means he can bark.” This statement is logical. “All fruits are delicious. Ice cream is also delicious, so it is a fruit.” There is an error in judgment here. When working with children, it is important not just to ask whether a statement is false or true, but to ask the child to explain why he thinks so. Then he will build a logical chain, which will lead him to the right decision. Another effective exercise that helps develop logical thinking is “Ordering”. A set of words or phrases with the same theme is proposed. It is required to arrange them so that the first one is the most particular, and the last one is generalized. For example, "Dachshund - dog - animal." The more concepts in one chain, the more difficult the task, the more those brain centers that are responsible for logical thinking are involved. Also, various games are a simple and interesting method of developing logic. These include chess, checkers, dominoes, puzzles, backgammon, Rubik's Cube, Scrabble and many others. They help develop memory, perseverance, observation. These and many other games can be found in electronic form on the Internet, which will allow you to play without a second partner. Any games of logic develop the speed of thinking, the ability to see into the future, the ability to find solutions at lightning speed. It is these qualities that are very important in the modern world, where every day a person faces a myriad of tasks that need to be solved quickly and correctly. As for the youngest children, they can be offered cubes, puzzles of two or three elements, a constructor, pyramids, and other interesting games that will help not only keep the child busy, but also develop logical thinking.

Logical thinking will help you succeed in building a career in all areas of activity, even in family life.

Would you like to be able to solve problems quickly and efficiently? Perhaps you should change your train of thought to think more logically. It is also important to have a sharp mind, as the brain has the ability to change and reconnect throughout life. This property is called neuroplasticity. Do mental exercises, recognize irrational thoughts, and change your lifestyle to learn how to think logically.


Charging for the mind

    Test your memory. Like other parts of the body, the brain can develop with regular exercise. Testing the ability to memorize is a great exercise for the mind. Throughout the day, try to remember as many different details as possible.

    Solve crosswords. The benefits of crossword puzzles have been repeatedly confirmed. They force the brain to work beyond the usual load, which contributes to the re-growth of neurons. As a result, your intellectual power increases and logical thinking develops. You can buy a crossword magazine at a newsstand or find crossword puzzles in regular daily newspapers.

    Acquire new abilities. This process involves logical thinking. The development of strategies that help you learn how to perform difficult tasks is based on logic. So, you can perform the following actions to develop logical thinking skills:

    • learn to play a musical instrument;
    • learn to draw;
    • learn a foreign language;
    • learn to cook.
  1. Communicate with people. Learning from others is a kind of mental exercise. The need to communicate and maintain friendships fuels the brain and makes people learn to better understand each other and the world around them. Communicate regularly with family and closest friends. Go to events and meet new people. It will not be easy for a timid person or an introvert, but forced social risk develops logical thinking skills.

    Change your usual routine. The feeling of novelty trains the brain and improves memory. If you want to go to work in different ways, cook new dishes for dinner. New impressions keep the brain active and promote logical conclusions.

    Irrational thinking

    1. Notice the tendency to be dramatic. Many tend to dramatize events, especially in stressful situations. They assume the worst possible scenario. You should learn to notice this tendency.

      Don't overestimate yourself. An inflated sense of self-importance is no better than attempts to dramatize. If you consider yourself the most important employee in the office, the most talented student in the class, then you are thinking subjectively.

      Don't give in to magical thinking. Not only children tend to believe in magic. It is not uncommon for adults to believe in superstitions, especially after traumatic events. People begin to follow rituals - make wishes or try to influence the situation with positive thoughts. It's hard to admit, but often people are simply powerless to influence the situation.

      • Such thoughts often allow a person to relieve himself of responsibility for his actions. Thus, the problem must be recognized and accepted in order to find a solution or learn a lesson.
    2. Watch out for misconceptions. False conclusions are hasty judgments in which the assumptions are far from reality. People do not even notice how often they resort to false conclusions.

      Notice all-or-nothing decisions. Extremes in judgment are a common example of irrational thoughts. People are often unable to see neutrals, so they judge others or situations in black or white.

      • For example, a person considers himself a complete failure after a typo in an email, although the message was successfully delivered and no one complained about the error. Accept the fact that most events in life are not unambiguously positive or negative.


    1. Eat foods that are good for the brain. Food has a significant impact on intellectual abilities. Strive for a healthy and healthy diet. The Mediterranean diet improves mental performance. It consists mainly of fresh fruits and vegetables, beans, healthy fats and fish. The good ones are monounsaturated fats, which can be found in fish, avocados, olive oil, or canola oil. Switching to such a diet will improve brain function.

Logical thinking is exactly what helped our ancestors survive in the wild primitive world. Only the ability to analyze the situation and assume its possible development saved us from complete extinction.

With the development of computerization, humanity began to lose quite a lot in memory, ingenuity, attention and logic. Now all these qualities are easier and easier to transfer to the machine than to use your brain, and this state of affairs can lead to simply disastrous consequences.

In addition, a person who does not load his "gray matter" with problem solving and analysis has a high percentage of the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, the so-called "senile dementia." Moreover, this disease “gets younger” every year. If forty years ago it affected older people in their seventh decade of life, now cases of the disease are recorded in young people who have not reached even forty years of age.

In order to be in good shape and have clear thinking at any age, you need to take care of yourself and not allow brain cells to atrophy. And the best occupation for his work is logical problem solving.

The ability to think logically can be developed at any age.

So, even if you have never been distinguished by harmonious logical conclusions, everything is fixable. Want to learn how to develop logic? We begin to perform special exercises that will awaken dormant abilities in you.

Exercises for the development of logical thinking are games that can be played both alone and with a group of friends. It's even more fun that way.

Games for the development of logic

  1. The quintessence of logic is chess. Perfectly develops logical thinking. The speed of reaction is not important here, but thoughtfulness and analysis are necessary qualities;
  2. Crosswords, puzzles, crosswords, sudoku and Japanese crosswords - this is what will keep your convolutions awake. Solve at least one small cryptic text every day and you will see changes pretty quickly;
  3. Associations. Choose any object or action and give it as many associations as possible. For example: shaman - tambourine - dances - spirits - mysticism - unknown - real - creepy, etc.;
  4. Solve problems for the development of logic. There are many of them, both in paper form and on the Internet. Do not aim at the difficult ones right away, start with the basics, gradually increasing the complexity. Very soon you will begin to "click like seeds" any intricate task, correctly building logical conclusions;
  5. Come up with new words and find an explanation for them. For example: “pervodactyl” is the very first dinosaur on the planet. Or: “Tatar treatment” is Tatar medicine. Sometimes there are such pearls that a cheerful mood returns at any time, one has only to recall an invented neologism;
  6. Make your own crosswords and puzzles. Guessing is a little more difficult than guessing. Thinking begins to work in a different direction, building new logical connections;
  7. Quite a fun game that allows you to see the world through the eyes of another creature. Imagine that you are a cat. Describe your vision of the surrounding objects. Or you are a fool. What does the world look like in this case? Or maybe you came from another planet? Describe those feelings too. The development of logic and the expansion of worldview in this game are guaranteed;
  8. Come up with several options for what you can use this or that item, not counting the main one. For example, a chair can be used as a stepladder, as a latch, you can roll a small child on it upside down, etc. The more options you come up with, the better.

Additional actions

Games are, of course, good and very effective. But besides them, there are still actions, the implementation of which will allow your thinking to quickly and flexibly respond to any situation, instantly analyze and make the right decision.

The main rule: You must be sincerely interested in the subject being studied.

  1. In order for the brain to get used to analyzing deeply, and not “crawling over the surface”, then when studying new material or performing any actions, explain to yourself why this is needed, where it came from, what it will give, etc.;
  2. For any situation, think of at least five ways to resolve it. Even the most incredible ones - an oil magnate appeared and quickly solved this problem;
  3. Summarize information. Use - inference from the general to the particular, and induction - from the particular to the general. Systematize any knowledge in two ways - this will develop the flexibility of thinking;
  4. To go in an extraordinary direction, learn to write with your left hand (if you are right-handed), master the technique of macrame or learn the basics of playing the cello;
  5. Move more outdoors. Just a twenty-minute walk activates the brain by almost 60%. And if during a walk you count how many men, women and children you met along the way, then even more;
  6. While doing any work, take small breaks every 40-50 minutes, diverting your mind to something else. You can wash the dishes, jump rope, stand on your head or just lie down and relax as much as possible. So the brain will always be in good shape, and your vital activity will always be on top.

All these rules are not complicated. It is difficult to focus on this at first. But with a little patience, you can already tell your friends how to develop logic and achieve clarity of thought.

Have a good trip!

Image: Christian V. (

Good day, dear friends! Do you remember what grades you got in school? I remember. There are no triples in my certificate. But during any year of study there were triples, deuces, and even cola sometimes happened. So I think, who is Alexandra, my daughter, like? Excellent student, hangs on the honor roll! Apparently those additional exercises that we do with her are bearing fruit.

Lesson plan:

Exercise 1

A very interesting exercise! Useful not only for children, but also for adults. This exercise is used as a test at the casting of radio hosts. Imagine, you come to the casting, and they say to you: “Come on, my friend, connect us a chicken with a pole.” In all seriousness, they say so!

The meaning is precisely in this, it is necessary to combine two absolutely unrelated concepts. Radio presenters need this in order to quickly and beautifully compose lead lines to songs during live broadcasts, for easy transitions from one topic to another.

Well, the kids are suitable for the development of creative, creative, quick thinking.

So how do you connect a chicken with a pole? Lots of options:

  1. The chicken walks around the post.
  2. The chicken was blind, walked and crashed into a pole.
  3. The chicken was strong, hit the pole, and it fell.
  4. The pillar fell right on the chicken.

Do you want to work out? Good. Connect:

  • chamomile with milk;
  • headphones with a jellyfish;
  • moon boots.

Exercise 2. Word Breakers

If in the previous exercise we connected, then in this we will break one long word into many short ones, consisting of letters of a large word. According to the rules, if a letter occurs once in a long word, then it cannot be repeated twice in short words.

For example, the word "switch" breaks down into:

  • tulle;
  • key;
  • beak.

I don't see any more options, do you?

You can break any long words, for example, “holiday”, “picture”, “towel”, “polar explorer”.

Exercise 3. Puzzles

Solving puzzles helps to think outside the box, creatively. Teaches the child to analyze.

Rebuses may contain images, letters, numbers, commas, fractions, placed in a very different order. Let's try to solve some simple puzzles together.

  1. On the first we see the syllable "BA" and "barrel". Connect: BA + Barrel = Butterfly.
  2. On the second, the principle is the same: Baran + KA = Bagel.
  3. The third is more difficult. Cancer is drawn, and next to it is “a = y”. So in the word cancer, the letter "a" must be replaced with the letter "y", we get "hands". To this we add another "a": hand + a = hand.
  4. The fourth rebus with a comma. Since the letter “A” is the first, the guess word begins with it. Next, we see the “fist”, after the picture there is a comma, which means that the last letter must be subtracted from the word “fist”. Let's get "cool". Now we combine everything together: A + kula = shark.
  5. The fifth rebus is only at first glance difficult. You need to remove the letter “and” from the word “saw”, and read the word “cat” backwards. As a result, we get: pla + current = handkerchief.
  6. The sixth, fully alphabetic rebus. Everything is clear with the first and last letters, but what about the middle? We see the letter "o" drawn in the beech "t", so let's say "in t o". We connect: A + WTO + P \u003d AUTHOR.

Trained? Now try to solve the puzzle yourself.

You can share your answers in the comments. You will find many puzzles in children's magazines and.

Exercise 4. Anagrams

Can an orange be turned into a spaniel and vice versa? "Easily!" anagram lovers will answer. You don't even need a magic wand.

An anagram is a literary device that consists in rearranging the letters or sounds of a certain word (or phrase), which results in another word or phrase.

Just as easily, a dream turns into a nose, a cat into a current, and a linden into a saw.

Well, shall we try? Let's make it so:

  • the "carriage" flew to the stars;
  • "word" grew on the head;
  • "lace" learned to fly;
  • "atlas" became edible;
  • "pump" settled in the forest;
  • "mote" became transparent;
  • the “roller” was placed on the table before dinner;
  • "bun" learned to swim;
  • "chamomile" was spinning by the lantern on summer evenings;
  • "Park" could not live without water.

Exercise 5. Logic problems

The more logic puzzles you solve, the stronger your thinking becomes. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that mathematics is gymnastics for the mind. Indeed, when solving some of them, you directly feel how the brain moves.

Let's start with the simpler ones:

  1. Kolya and Vasya solved problems. One boy decided at the blackboard, and the other at the desk. Where did Vasya solve problems if Kolya did not solve them at the blackboard?
  2. Three old grandmothers live in the same entrance, on the third, fifth and seventh floors. Who lives on what floor, if grandmother Nina lives above Valya's grandmother, and Galya's grandmother lives below Valya's grandmother?
  3. Yura, Igor, Pasha and Artem finished in the top four in the running competition. Who took what place? It is known that Yura did not run first or fourth, Igor ran after the winner, and Pasha was not the last.

And the next three problems Sashulya brought from the Mathematical Olympiad. These are tasks for the third grade.

“The gardener planted 8 seedlings. Of all but four, pear trees have grown. All but two pear trees grow pears. Pears from all fruit-bearing pear trees except one are not tasty. How many pear trees have tasty pears?”

“Vasya, Petya, Vanya wear ties of only one color: green, yellow and blue. Vasya said: "Petya does not like yellow." Petya said: "Vanya wears a blue tie." Vanya said: "You are both deceiving." Who prefers what color if Vanya never lies?

And now attention! A task of increased difficulty! "On the backfill," as they say. I couldn't solve it. I suffered for a long time, and then I looked at the answers. She is also from the Olympics.

“The traveler needs to cross the desert. The transition lasts six days. The traveler and the porter who will accompany him may take with him a supply of water and food for one person for four days each. How many porters will the traveler need to realize his plan? Enter the smallest number."

If you still fall asleep on any task, then contact me, I will help)

Exercise 6. Match puzzles

Matches are not toys for children! A tool for training thinking. For safety reasons, I suggest replacing matches with counting sticks.

These simple little sticks make very complex puzzles.

First, let's warm up:

  • fold two identical triangles from five sticks;
  • of seven sticks, two identical squares;
  • remove three sticks to make three identical squares (see picture below).

Now more difficult:

Move three sticks so that the arrow flies in the opposite direction.

The fish also needs to be turned in the other direction, while shifting only three sticks.

After shifting only three sticks, remove the strawberry from the glass.

Remove two sticks to make two equilateral triangles.

The answers can be found at the end of the article.

Exercise 7

And now let's work as Sherlock Holmes! Let us seek the truth and discover lies.

Show the child two pictures, on one of which depict a square and a triangle, and on the other a circle and a polygon.

And now offer cards with the following statements:

  • some figures on the card are triangles;
  • there are no triangles on the card;
  • there are circles on the card;
  • some of the figures on the card are squares;
  • all shapes on the card are triangles;
  • there are no polygons on the card;
  • There are no rectangles on the card.

The task is to determine whether these statements are false or true for each picture with figures.

A similar exercise can be carried out not only with geometric shapes, but also with images of animals. For example, put a cat, a fox and a squirrel on the picture.

Statements can be as follows:

  • all these animals are predators;
  • there are pets in the picture;
  • all the animals in the picture can climb trees;
  • all animals have fur.

Pictures and statements to them can be selected independently.

Exercise 8. Instruction

We are surrounded by a variety of things. We use them. Sometimes we do not pay any attention to the instructions that are attached to these items. And it also happens that there are simply no instructions for some very necessary items. Let's fix this misunderstanding! We will write the instructions ourselves.

Take, for example, a comb. Yes, yes, the usual comb! That's what we got with Alexandra.

So, instructions for using the comb.

  1. A comb is a device for making hair smooth and silky, made of plastic.
  2. Use a comb should be with increased shaggy and curly.
  3. In order to start combing, approach the comb, gently take it in your hand.
  4. Stand in front of a mirror, smile, bring the comb to the roots of your hair.
  5. Now slowly move the comb down to the ends of your hair.
  6. If there are obstacles in the form of knots on the way of the comb, then run the comb over them several times with weak pressure, while you can scream a little.
  7. Each strand of hair is subject to processing by a comb.
  8. Combing can be considered finished when the comb does not meet a single knot on the way.
  9. After combing, it is necessary to rinse the comb with water, put it in a place specially designated for it.
  10. If a tooth has broken off a comb, you need to throw it in the trash.
  11. If all the teeth of the comb have broken off, send it after the tooth.

Try writing instructions for a pot, or slippers, or a glasses case. It will be interesting!

Exercise 9. Making up a story

Stories can be composed in different ways, for example, based on a picture or on a given topic. By the way, this will help. And I suggest you try to compose a story based on the words that must be present in this story.

As always, an example.

Words are given: Olga Nikolaevna, poodle, sequins, turnip, salary, gray hair, castle, flood, maple, song.

Here's what happened to Sasha.

Olga Nikolaevna walked down the street. On a leash, she led her poodle Artemon, the poodle was all shiny. Yesterday he broke the lock on the locker, got to the box of glitter, and poured it all over himself. And Artemon gnawed through the pipe in the bathroom and made a real flood. When Olga Nikolaevna came home from work and saw all this, gray hair appeared in her hair. And now they were going for turnips, as turnips calm the nerves. And the turnip was expensive, worth half the salary. Before entering the store, Olga Nikolaevna tied the poodle to a maple tree and, singing a song, went inside.

Now try it yourself! Here are three sets of words:

  1. Doctor, traffic light, headphones, lamp, mouse, magazine, frame, exam, janitor, paper clip.
  2. First grader, summer, hare, button, gap, bonfire, Velcro, shore, plane, hand.
  3. Konstantin, jump, samovar, mirror, speed, sadness, trip, ball, list, theater.

Exercise 10

We have already worked as detectives. Now I propose to work as a police officer. The fact is that the words in well-known proverbs and sayings violated the order. We will deal with violators of the order. Try to arrange the words the way they are supposed to stand.

  1. Food, comes, time, in, appetite.
  2. You will pull out, not, labor, from, a fish, a pond, without.
  3. Measure, one, a, one, seven, cut, one.
  4. And, ride, sled, love, carry, love.
  5. Waiting, no, seven, one.
  6. Word, cat, and, nice, kind.
  7. One hundred, a, rubles, have, don't, have, friends, a hundred.
  8. Falls, not, apple trees, far, apple, from.
  9. Flowing, stone, not, water, recumbent, under.
  10. Autumn, consider, by, chickens.

I want to clarify. We don't do this on purpose. That is, it doesn’t happen that I say: “Come on, Alexandra, sit down at the table, let’s develop thinking!” No. All this in between times, if we go somewhere, we go, before going to bed instead of books. It is very interesting to do it, so you don’t have to force anyone.

Well, now the promised answers to matchstick puzzles!

Puzzle Answers

About two triangles of five matches.

About two squares out of seven.

We get three squares.

Expand the arrow (watch the color of the sticks).

We turn the fish.

And about two equilateral triangles.

I recently found this video on the Internet. It has completely different exercises. We tried, until it turns out with difficulty. Well, let's practice. See if you can use it too.

Dare! Get busy! Develop with your children. Try these "golden" exercises. Show off your results in the comments!

Thank you for your attention!

And I look forward to visiting again! Here you are always welcome!

Hello dear readers! “Let's think logically”, “It's logical!”, “Your actions defy logic…” — you hear such statements every day and often operate with them yourself. Do you know what logic is and why it is important to be guided by it? Let's understand this concept.

The scientific definition says that logic is the ability to think and reason correctly. It follows from this that logical thinking is a process during which we draw conclusions and make decisions based on specific facts and knowledge, analyzing and comprehending them.

It is thanks to logic that you evaluate any situation, easily isolating the most important from the secondary. It helps to find a connection between events, linking disparate facts into one chain. With the help of logic, you solve dozens of tasks every day: from complex production processes to seemingly elementary ones, like choosing a type of bread in a supermarket.

But here's the paradox - despite the fact that the ability to think logically is needed not only in psychology, but also in a variety of situations, many do not know how to do it well enough, which is why they sometimes make mistakes without even realizing it. To avoid such mistakes, logical thinking needs to be trained and improved. Devoting a little time every day to activities that promote the development of logic, you can achieve excellent results not only in children, but also in adults.

Without what is logical thinking impossible?

Logical thinking requires two components: proper thinking and logic.

  • Thinking is a process during which the human brain processes incoming information and establishes connections between phenomena, objects and their properties. In order for the conclusions drawn to be true and correspond to reality, thinking must meet the criteria of logic.
  • Logic is a way to find the right solution not empirically, but as a result of analyzing previously acquired knowledge. In the process of reflection, it is important not only to analyze in detail the slightest nuances of a particular object or phenomenon, but also to take into account other aspects. For example, its interaction with the environment.

In the process of reasoning, it is important to abandon subjective opinions and emotions. When you use thinking and logic instead, the conclusions drawn are sound and based on undeniable evidence.

Logical thinking is divided into three types. Having mastered them all, you can easily solve any work and life tasks.


Figurative-logical thinking is formed at an early age. From about a year and a half, a child is able to assess the situation and make decisions using his imagination.

Using this type of thinking, you mentally play out a given situation. Here the main role is played by the images of objects and phenomena. During reflection, you visually represent a situation and its features, recreate in your imagination the characteristics of objects.


In the process of abstract-logical thinking, along with real objects and phenomena, abstract images that do not exist in nature are also used. Abstract representations are created by human thinking and can take the form of a concept or inference.


Verbal-logical thinking involves not only the ability to draw conclusions and make decisions by analyzing events and processes, but also skills. It is extremely important to develop this type of logical thinking for those who often have to make presentations, read reports or lead discussions.

How to develop logical thinking?

Some shrug their shoulders - why waste time developing logical thinking if this skill is necessary for representatives of such people as mathematicians, programmers, engineers, philosophers, and so on.

However, to believe that it will be enough for everyone else to be guided by personal experience and common sense is very wrong. Sometimes the solution of ordinary everyday problems also requires the ability to think logically. Here are just some of the benefits you get when you use logic:

  • You can easily navigate in non-standard situations
  • You need less time to make the right decision
  • You are not inclined to give in and deceive yourself
  • You accurately assess your capabilities
  • It is not difficult for you to correct what you or someone around
  • You are able to convince your opponent that you are right, using the right arguments and arguments

Agree, such skills make life much easier for any person. And if so, it is worth allocating some time in the daily schedule and devoting it to the development of logical thinking.

The good news is that a person's stock of logic is not measured at birth. So, everyone can learn logical thinking and develop this skill to the level they need.

In universities, students study the main aspects of logic, receive a theoretical base, which they then learn to apply in practice. We will not dive into the depths of theory, but consider the simplest methods that will show you how to develop logic at home.

Mathematics to the rescue

Mathematics is a science subject to the strictest logic. That is why it is not bad to remember the school course and make the brain work on simple examples. Let's start with the multiplication table. Naturally, randomly, as a school teacher did, testing your knowledge. Then the puzzles can be made more difficult. For example, adding or subtracting two-, three- and four-digit numbers in your mind.

Board games

Checkers, backgammon and, of course, chess are the three leaders among board games. Choose the one that you like and improve your skills - this is a great option for training logical thinking. Do you find chess and checkers boring? It doesn't matter - there are other games that will make your logic work in full force. Poker, Monopoly, Mafia - everyone can find a game to their liking.

Logic tasks

Surely you remember such tasks for the development of logic - in order to find the right solution, you need to thoroughly rack your brains and calculate the various options. If you have not been fond of such tasks before, do not force events and do not choose tasks of increased complexity. If you spend a lot of time, and you still can’t find a solution, you will be disappointed and the desire to repeat the failed experience will no longer arise. Therefore, start with the simplest and gradually increase the level of complexity.


Another great mind trainer is all kinds of crossword puzzles. Choose the ones you like best: classic, sudoku, crosswords, Japanese graphic puzzles or other rebuses. Solving crossword puzzles stimulates brain activity and forces you to use logical thinking at full capacity. If you have already reached the level where even the most complex crossword puzzles click like seeds, you can try to make your own crossword puzzle.

Feel like Sherlock

Remember how the legendary detective easily solved any mysteries, simply by analyzing the facts and drawing correct conclusions based on them? You can try to do the same by learning induction and deduction. Try to guess what your new acquaintance is doing, where a colleague spent his vacation and where your random travel companion is going. You will not only train your logical thinking, but also have fun.

Would you like to learn even more ways to develop logical thinking? So you just need to read the book “Amazing logic”. In it you will find many interesting facts, as well as original assignments and tests that will help you assess the current level of logical thinking and develop it.

How to teach a child to think logically?

The sooner you begin to develop logical thinking in a child, the easier it will be for him to study at school, as well as solve various everyday situations. So that logic classes are not boring, they should be carried out in a playful way. So the child will learn the lessons easier, and will look forward to the next lesson.

Logic tasks for different ages

Even the smallest ones are able to solve the simplest logic puzzles. A child at the age of one and a half to three years is already able to find a certain object among other objects, as well as distinguish colors and choose a given one. For children in such tasks, you can use colored cubes, various shapes, as well as your favorite toys.

For older children, tasks can be more difficult. For example, to offer to find among the objects of one category an object that does not belong to it. A four-year-old child is quite capable of finding an apple among vegetables or determining that a napkin next to a spoon, cup and plate is not a dish.

Tasks for preschoolers can already be based on the basics of mathematics. Also, children aged five to six get acquainted with the concept of more-less and successfully cope with tasks where it is clearly required to determine inequality.


Riddles are one of the best ways to develop figurative-logical thinking in a child from the age of two. Of course, their complexity should correspond to the age of the baby. Start simple and gradually increase the difficulty. In search of a clue, the child turns on his imagination, analyzes the information received and compares it with phenomena or objects familiar to him.

Lego and company

You rarely meet a child who is absolutely indifferent to designers. Of course, everyone has their own preferences. Someone is crazy about Lego sets, from which you can assemble an entire city with buildings, vehicles, people and animals. And someone likes simple sets of blocks from which you can build whatever your imagination tells you. Older children may enjoy building kits to build models of land, air or water vehicles.

Shall we play?

Board games are good for training logic in both adults and children. Of course, it may be too early to present chess to a child. Instead, you will be able to choose one of the games recommended for the appropriate age. A good option would be a themed lotto or dominoes. However, free games also give excellent results. Teach your child to play sea battle or tic-tac-toe - such battles will make his logic work in an enhanced mode.

Collect the picture

Today you can buy puzzles designed for a variety of ages. Kids will be happy to put together an object already familiar to them from two or four large parts. And as you grow older, the number of puzzles in the set will increase, and their size will become smaller and smaller.

If your child is just getting to know puzzles, avoid pictures with a uniform background. It will be difficult for a beginner to collect the blue sky or the vast expanses of the sea. Give preference to fragments from familiar fairy tales or cartoons. And if the child has difficulties, be sure to help and direct his efforts in the right direction.

As you can see, in order to develop logical thinking, it is not necessary to study textbooks intended for universities. There are many enjoyable and fun ways to train your logic every day, without much effort and time.

What methods do you use? Write about it in the comments and share your methods.