Alliteration: what is it, examples from the literature. Alliteration or What images do magic gnomes draw for us

The nature of any talent, including writing, is inexplicable. She is divine, talent is given from above. It is difficult to understand why every line of a real writer pulsates with life, every word of his evokes a reciprocal feeling in the reader and listener. But it turns out that special ways of using the phonetic capabilities of the language can give additional expressiveness to the text.

One of the most commonly used tools of the poet and prose writer is alliteration. Examples of repetitive sounds that give the text special phonetic effects can be found not only in poetry, but also in prose works.


Forms of phonetic decoration of speech are present in every language. These methods of increasing the expressiveness of the language using the sound composition of the word are otherwise called sound writing, or phonics.

Among them, alliteration and assonance are known: in the first case, an organized repetition of consonant sounds, in the second, assonance of vowels. Alliteration differs from other stylistic devices based on sound repetitions (rhymes, dissonance) by the irregular arrangement of the homogeneous consonant sounds used. Their injection in a small section of the text is intended to enhance the emotional impact, sometimes with a modification of the semantic content. They can be located at the beginning of a verse, phrase, stanza, at the beginning of each word, or completely arbitrarily.

folklore roots

Living languages ​​cannot exist without nourishment from the bowels of the people. Unknown storytellers have long adorned oral speech with intonational amplifications and semantic accents. Naturally, among the ways to make an epic, a fairy tale more exciting and expressive, was alliteration. Examples of the use of sound repetitions are found in the whole variety of folk word creation. In proverbs and sayings, for example, they create a special rhythm, sound marks that improve pronunciation and memorability:

Murder will out.

Meli, Emelya - your week.

An additional play function of alliteration appears in tongue twisters. A special order in the arrangement of consonants, choosing them according to a similar sound makes pronunciation difficult, introduces a moment of competition (who will pronounce faster and more clearly):

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.

Buy a pile of spades.

Functions of alliteration

Expressing your ideas with the utmost clarity, drawing attention to them with maximum expressiveness, filling every sound with emotion is the main goal of a real writer. This is what alliteration does. Examples of it in Russian poetry and prose speak of the various ways in which this problem is solved.

In poetry, it is very important how the word sounds, its effect on the listener has a nature similar to that of music, and the sound essence of vowels and consonants is perceived by many poets as similar to notes. The use of organized ordered repetition of consonants of various sounds - voiced, deaf, hissing, etc. - has a rhythmic function:

From year to year / Bad weather (L. Martynov).

Here is a hole near the rib - this is a trace from the core (V. Vysotsky).

In this sense, the poetry of those who are called bards (who perform verses set to music, accompanied by a guitar) is especially revealing.

The impact of the songs of Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky is largely based on his characteristic use of consonant sounds, rarely anyone sang them so slowly. His poetry-songs are full of expressive alliterations.

Sometimes, especially in poetry, alliteration is a way of connecting, integrating words into a single monolith, obtaining integrity - formal, but surprisingly impressive:

Forests are bald. / The forests are defoxed / The forests are defoxed. (V. Khlebnikov).

The gorilla spoke to them, sentenced (Korney Chukovsky).

language painting

The pictorial function that alliteration has is impressive. Examples of this use are often based on onomatopoeia. For example, the sound of the wheels of a railway car:

The joints were tapped: to the east, east, east (P. Antokolsky).

The sound "p" and hissing help to hear and see how bubbles burst in sparkling wine:

The hiss of foamy glasses / And the punch is a golden flame (A. Pushkin).

In the finest examples of high poetry, alliteration is like applying colorful strokes to create an impressive painting:

Falling shoes and dripping wax are real to the physical sensations:

And two shoes fell
With a knock on the floor
And wax with tears from the night light
Dripping on the dress (B. Pasternak).

Tautogram, or initial alliteration

Sound repetitions, when words starting with the same letter are used in a poetic stanza or prose text, this is also alliteration. Examples from the literature showing such use of this stylistic device are often in the nature of deliberateness, verbal balancing act, language focus:

Alien to charms black boat (K. Balmont).

The prosaic tautograms are especially impressive. Back in the Middle Ages, multipage texts were written containing words starting with one letter. And everyone knows children's counting rhymes - tautograms:

Peter the Great went for a walk, caught a quail - carried it to sell, asked for fifty dollars - received a slap on the back of the head.

Peaks of poetry

It is impossible to select words based only on the beauty of sound, ease of pronunciation, the main thing is the semantic content, ideas conveyed to the listener or reader. And yet, great writers' speech is especially expressive and euphonious, which is what alliteration serves. Examples in Yesenin's poetry are a sign of the highest poetic skill.

With the help of an accurate choice of the prevailing sound, the necessary acoustic effect is achieved: here both the whistle of the wind and the howl of a blizzard. Subtle associations, inspired by the sound combinations used in the text, have the visual and emotional coloring that the poet needs: the sonorous shine of the lake surface and the light sadness of the bird song.

double edged tool

Passion for alliteration can become an end in itself - here the futurist poets of the early 20th century are most often remembered: I Severyanin, K. Balmont, etc. Sometimes the meaning is hidden behind a palisade of sound repetitions, and the text becomes interesting as an example of poetic balancing act:

Filled with milk opal / Zalilovel and fell ingloriously (M. Kuzmin).

The waves caress the oar, / The lilies caress the moisture. (K. Balmont)

The most famous writers and philologists advocated restraint and moderation in the use of stylistic delights, which include alliteration and assonance. Examples of the masterful use of sound repetitions of vowels and consonants speak of high writing skills and taste. This can be found in the same I. Severyanin:

An elegant stroller, in an electric beat,

It rustled elastically on the highway sand.

Alliteration in prose, examples

“In the early morning of the fourteenth day of the spring month of Nisan, in a white cloak with a bloody lining, shuffling with a cavalry gait, the procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate, entered the covered colonnade between the two wings of the palace of Herod the Great.”

Who does not know this phrase from Bulgakov's novel? Is it possible not to hear in these lines the rhythm of gait - majestic and senile at the same time, not to hear the echo from the steps of the procurator, resounding in the hall with a high colonnade?

Sound writing is characteristic of the best examples of prose texts, which have no less power of influence than poetic lines. Even in the choice of the name of the hero, repetition of sounds can be used. There is a similar alliteration in Dostoevsky. An example is in Crime and Punishment.

The severity of the problems facing the protagonist, his determination to go to extreme measures is indicated by the expressiveness of the disturbing combinations of the sound “r” - Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, and Porfiry Petrovich opposing him is the essence of the inevitability of justice. Here Dostoevsky acts as a direct follower of the methods of the great Gogol. How not to remember Akaky Akakievich (Bashmachkin) or Chichikov - doubled sounds give the names additional expressiveness.

Out of time

The use of sound repetition methods is relevant for any kind of word creation. Present in classic poetic and prose texts that serve as an example for today's writers and copywriters, alliteration remains relevant.

Alliteration in advertising serves to create memorable ads, appeals, and even individual product names. Examples of highly effective copywriters are found at every turn. Without realizing why this happens, we remember brands and slogans. Masterfully used sound repetitions make names and mottos easy to pronounce, settle in memory, endow them with strong associations, which is the goal of advertising writers, for example:

- "Baby Potato", "Chupa Chups", "Our Mothers", "Yolki-Palki".

- "Brook-Bond" - Be on top!

It's time to drink beer!

And how not to recall the classic slogan that came out from the pen of the great proletarian poet:

We are left from the old world only cigarettes "Ira"!

For a soft drink, it is a sin not to use a semantic hint of thirst:

Antipyretic thirst quencher.

The imitation of the sound of cleaning dishes is logically achieved by repeating special hissing sounds:

comet. Purify and Protect!

Limitless Possibilities

Sound repetitions of consonants and vowels, melodious and abrupt, voiced and deaf, in any language are used to increase the expressiveness of oral and written speech.

It has been calculated that of the consonants, “s” is most often used, and for alliteration, more sonorous and clear ones are more often used - “l”, “m”, “n”, “p”. But the main thing is that Russian is a language that provides huge, unlimited opportunities for using assonance and alliteration, that a real author writing in Russian is distinguished by a clear connection between the significance of the thought conveyed by him to the listener or reader, and the language means of its expression.

There are many literary and linguistic terms, the meaning of which is not fully known to us. Therefore, in this article we will try to deal with alliteration, where it can be found, why it is interesting. For many readers, it will be a discovery that this phenomenon occurs in our lives more than often. Often lines with alliteration are composed on the go by those people who have a penchant for poetry.

Different interpretation of the term

So, alliteration is a kind of consonance, which is formed due to the repetition of identical or similar in sounding consonants used at the beginning of a word. Speaking more broadly about what alliteration is, it can be noted that this is a canonized literary device, which, although based on a combination of similar sounds, has nothing to do with rhyme. If we consider the interpretation of this term even easier, then alliteration has a distant resemblance to rhyme. However, in this case, consonances will take place not at the end of each line, but at its beginning.

A few examples

To understand what alliteration is, it is enough to plunge into the world of folk sayings and sayings. It is in those short lines that, as it were, teach us to live correctly, this mysterious literary term is very clearly spelled out. As an example, you can recite the proverb "Schi and porridge are our food." Here we see both alliteration, which is at the beginning of the first words, and rhyme, which makes this saying even more melodic. The words “You can’t hide an awl in a bag”, “Easier than a steamed turnip” and others can also serve as a similar example.

The most beautiful world of poetry

Also, to understand what alliteration is, we will be helped by poems of famous Russian poets. Surprisingly, the most famous geniuses of the Golden Age - Pushkin and Lermontov - were the leaders in using this technique in practice. Mikhail Yuryevich, for example, owned the following words: “I don’t expect anything from life. And I do not feel sorry for the past at all. Well, Pushkin's famous verse with the words “A sad time! Oh charm! Your parting beauty is pleasant to me, ”is an example of this canonical technique that everyone has heard of.

Past and present alliteration

Poems with alliteration can be found in A. Blok, as well as in some others. Similar takes place in the oldest Russian chronicle work - “The Tale of Igor's Campaign”, in the poems of Nekrasov, Severyanin and Mayakovsky. Often in such works, alliteration alternates with rhyme, due to which the poem is perceived by the ear as something non-standard, unexpected, very interesting.

The perception of this

It is generally accepted that of all the techniques in literature, alliteration is best determined by ear. Examples of such sound combinations were presented above, so you can, by reading them again, catch that the sound connection between spoken words can only be noticed if you hear them. On the letter, it is impossible to catch these consonances. Perhaps that is why alliteration has taken root so firmly in


Alliteration- the repetition of identical or homogeneous consonants in a poem, giving it a special sound expressiveness (in versification).

It implies a greater frequency of these sounds in comparison with the Central Russian frequency in a certain segment of the text or throughout its entire length. It is not customary to talk about alliteration in cases where the sound repetition is a consequence of the repetition of morphemes. The word type of alliteration is tautogram.

Many proverbs and sayings are built on alliteration (“ Meli, Emelya, your week”), as well as tongue twisters (“ Buy a kippah»).

Examples of alliteration in Russian poetry

Up to a hundred years
us without old age.
Year to year
our cheerfulness.
hammer and verse,
the land of youth.

An unusual example of alliteration is Aydin Khanmagomedov's palindrome, where there are only 5 consonants and one of them is repeated 14 times:

An ox near cocos, fetters, stakes,
but about mocha
he dragged milk into his eye,
in the eye of the bells.

In foreign literature

In foreign literature, alliteration is the repetition of identical or homogeneous consonants only at the beginning of a word, which is a special case of literary consonance, where such consonants are repeated in any part of the word.

An example of alliteration in foreign literature: f ew f locked to the f ight.

An example of literary consonance in foreign literature: m a mm als na m ed Sa m.

see also



  • A. Khanmagomedov. Dear palindromics! "TIT: an almanac for those who love palindromes", vol. 21. - Perm, 2003. - p. fourteen
  • Nikolaev A.I. Grammar, word-formation and phonetic features of artistic speech // Nikolaev A.I. Fundamentals of literary criticism: a textbook for students of philological specialties. - Ivanovo: LISTOS, 2011. - S. 147-152.


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


See what "Alliteration" is in other dictionaries:

    In the narrow (linguistic) sense, a special, canonized in some (especially "folk") literatures, the reception of poetic technique (or the phonetic organization of the verse); in other words, one of the types of "sound repetition", which differs from other types, in ... Literary Encyclopedia

    - (lat. alliteratio, from ad at, and littera letter). A stylistic device consisting in the repetition of the same letters or syllables at the beginning of a verse or period. For example, God's battle with grace. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Alliteration- ALLITERATION repetition of the same consonants. This kind of repetition of identical consonants or their groups is one of the most important means in poetic language for communicating euphony and "musicality" in poetic speech. Of course, not all... Dictionary of literary terms

    Occurs when, in a known series of words, several of them begin with the same consonant sounds. This occurs quite often in German literature, which is even the basis of the Old German version, and also occurs in some ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    alliteration- and, well. alliteration lat. ad letter. 1751. Lexis. In fiction, the repetition of a consonant or a group of consonants that clearly reveals the sound image of a word, for example: Like a winged lily, Lalla Ruk enters hesitantly. Pushkin. SIS 1985. He ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (from the Latin ad to, with and littera letter), the repetition of homogeneous consonants, giving the literary text, usually verse, a special sound and intonation expressiveness. For example, It's time, my friend, it's time! the heart asks for peace (A.S. Pushkin) ... Modern Encyclopedia

    - (from lat. ad to pri and littera letter), the repetition of homogeneous consonants, giving the literary text, usually verse, a special sound and intonation expressiveness. For example, the hiss of frothy glasses and punch a blue flame (A. S. Pushkin) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    alliteration, alliteration, female. (from lat. littera letter) (lit.). In ancient German versification, consonance is formed by the repetition of identical consonants at the beginning of words. || A poetic device consisting in the repetition of identical consonants, for example. “Alien…… Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Exist., Number of synonyms: 1 paronomasia (5) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    Alliteration- (from the Latin ad to, with and littera letter), the repetition of homogeneous consonants, giving the literary text, usually verse, a special sound and intonation expressiveness. For example, “It's time, my friend, it's time! the heart asks for peace” (A.S. Pushkin). … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

To express the author's thought, the image of life in the language, means of artistic expression are used. They serve to create a picture of people's lives, help readers feel and imagine what is depicted with the help of words.

Expressive means convey the author's attitude to the depicted. The main sphere of their use is the language of works of art. In works of fiction, the means of expression are based on special methods of using the word.

These are metaphors and epithets, and synecdoche, simile and personification, which are related to tropes. We offer to figure out what alliteration is, why it is needed, because this technique is quite often used by authors.

In addition to tropes, the means of artistic expression are the methods of sound organization of a literary text in prose and poetry.

At one time, the master of symbolism V. Bryusov wrote: "Believe in the sound of words: the meaning of secrets in them."

The phonetic system of the Russian language is characterized by flexibility with special expressiveness. The meaning of any spoken thought is perceived in the sound composition. Therefore, even the sound of the word acquires a special meaning.

In artistic speech, writers also use the technique of sound recording, in which the sound structure of speech is skillfully organized: words are selected that are similar in sound, these sounds, masterfully combined, resemble the depicted phenomena when voiced.

It is known that in Russian there are much more consonant sounds: 37 consonants against 6 vowel phonemes. It turns out that consonants have the main function in the language to distinguish the meaning of what was said. Sound repetitions of consonants and vowels in any language are used to enhance the expressiveness of oral and written speech.

The Russian language provides ample opportunities for the use of sound writing by authors who create in their native Russian language.

Comparison of alliteration and assonance

The repetition of identical or similar-sounding consonants is called alliteration in the literature. Why is alliteration a common type of sound repetition?

What is alliteration, Wikipedia explains and defines that it is the repetition of identical or homogeneous consonants in a poem, giving it a special sound expressiveness. It was used even in the works of ancient writers: "Pipes are blowing in Novegrad, standing banners in Putivl" ("The Tale of Igor's Campaign").

By repeating the consonants [t] and [s], the expressiveness is enhanced, the unknown author brings anxiety to the reader.

Here are some more examples from The Word...

“On the heels of the flood of filthy Polovtsian placks” - in this passage there are many deaf consonants [n], [t], [k], [sh]. Their repetition conveys in the text a picture of the movement of heavily armed Polovtsy troops.

In another example, “Sharpen your sabers, they themselves jump like gray vltsi.” Whistling consonants [h], [ts] help to clearly imagine fast-jumping warriors.

Examples of alliteration

The Russian system of sounds makes it possible to use alliteration in poetic speech.

Russian poets widely use subtle vibrations of sounds to convey to the reader the meaning of what was said.

Here are the lines with alliteration from Pushkin:

The hiss of foamy glasses

And punch flame blue.

The repetition of the same deaf consonants [p] with hissing [w] gives a picture of glasses with the hiss of champagne, the expressiveness and musical sound of the poetic lines are enhanced.

Take Pushkin's famous poem "Winter Evening". In the line “A storm covers the sky with darkness, whirling snow whirlwinds” is dominated by [g], [h], [c], [p], readers seem to hear the howling of a snow storm on a winter evening, tension is felt with anxiety.

We hear the same sound in "Poltava" by A. Pushkin.

Throwing piles of bodies on a pile, (p, p, p d, d)

Cast iron balls everywhere (w, r, h, f, s)

Between them they jump, smash, (f, p, p, h)

They dig the ashes and hiss in the blood. (p, x, p, t, p, k, p, w)

Explosive [r] dominates here, especially in the first line, in the second line there is an abundance of hissing with dull sounds. In the following lines, hissing ones with a dominant sound [p] are persistently repeated.

The alternation of growling [r] with deaf and hissing recreates a picture of human slaughter, when cannonballs hiss all around, cannonade rumbles from cannons.

Example of alliteration

F. Tyutchev masterfully mastered the sound recording:

The East turned white ... The boat rolled,

The sail sounded fun!

Like an overturned sky

Below us the sky trembled

The East was red… She was praying.

Throwing back the covers with curls ...

In this poem by F. Tyutchev, [l] is repeated, it is about the sky, a boat with a sail. In the sound [l], something gentle is heard, the babble of the waves, the reflection of the trembling sky on the water.

We find the same repetition [l] in another poetic work by Tyutchev, which conveys the summer riot of nature with gentle warm rain:

Lil warm summer rain - its jets

The leaves sounded merry.

In Tyutchev's "Spring Thunderstorm" one can feel how the consonant phonemes "thunder" [g], [p], [b].

Important! Alliteration was widely used in folklore, repetitions of identical consonants can be observed in Russian proverbs and sayings.

Sound writing among the poets of the Silver Age

The phenomenon of alliteration was widely used by poets who worked in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. This artistic technique is easy to find in the works of many authors of this period:

  • Bryusov;
  • Block;
  • Tsvetaeva;
  • Balmont.

Poets of the Silver Age considered poetic language to be magic, a magic spell.

Their poems fascinate with the music of the verse, make one penetrate into the mysterious riddle of the spoken poetic word, although it is not always clear to the reader.

Let's take an excerpt from F. Sologub:

And two deep glasses

Made of scarlet glass

You substituted for the light cup

And sweet lila foam.

Lila, lila, lila, rocked,

Two really scarlet glasses,

Beley lily, alley lala

Bela was you and ala.

Here the poet used the sound repetition of the consonant phoneme [l]. Although the meaning is incomprehensible, it attracts, fascinates, makes you listen. The association on [l] can represent pictures of affection, love, kissing with delicate shades of scarlet and white.

The poets of the Silver Age believed that the main thing in the Russian language and in poetic speech is sound, they tried to enchant the reader with the sound, its melodiousness.

In K. Balmont's poem "Reeds", the repetition of hissing [w] helps to imagine the night rustling and rustling of reeds, a barely audible whisper.

Midnight sometimes in the swamp wilderness

Slightly audible, silently, the reeds rustle.

An example of the repetition of consonants in a poem

Let us recall the lines from M. Tsvetaeva's poem about Blok "the clicking of night hooves." The heroic motive is reinforced by the presence of hissing and explosive in this line, they help the reader to imagine the movement, the clatter of hooves on the pavement.

Immediately in the next line, the combination [gr] continues: "... your big name thunders ...", which represents the image of the poet - the winner of human souls with his imperious and powerful creativity. The sound [r] is explosive, sharp, imperious, associated with a drum shot, a thunderstorm, a whirlwind.

Here are some creative examples. To reveal the state of mind of the heroine, A. Akhmatova in the poem “My voice is weak” uses sound recording as an expressive means.

The use of voiced consonants [l], [n] with assonance to [e] conveys lightness, calmness, feelings that the heroine experiences after separation from her beloved.

Akhmatova's Song of the Last Evening describes parting on an autumn evening. Usually in autumn there is a feeling of loss before winter frosts, nature seems to fall asleep until the next spring. The heroine also says goodbye to her beloved. The use of hissing phonemes conveys the atmosphere of an autumn farewell evening.

There are many examples of alliteration in the work of V. Mayakovsky:

March! So that time

The nuclei burst.

To the old days

So that the wind


Just a tangle of hair.

The alliteration in this passage on [r] allows the reader to imagine the chased rhythm of the march, the dynamics of the revolutionary struggle.

“Horror squeezed a groan out of iron…”: with a special set of consonants, the poet V. Mayakovsky conveys the horror of the loss of the great leader of the revolution, V. Lenin. This is what alliteration means for Mayakovsky.

Sound writing in prose

Sound repetitions as a means of expression are also used in prose works.

“In the early morning of the fourteenth day of the spring month of Nisan, in a white cloak with a bloody lining, shuffling with a cavalry gait, the procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate, entered the covered colonnade between the two wings of the palace of Herod the Great.”

These are lines from Bulgakov's famous novel. Here the reader hears the rhythm of the procurator's majestic gait, the echo of his shuffling steps resounding in the hall with a high colonnade.

The combination of voiced consonants with voiceless consonants enhances the expressiveness of the description. The sound [r] is repeated 14 times, the sound is sharp, explosive, conveying authority, anxiety and tension. Even in the name, the author used an alliteration with [p] - Procurator Pontius Pilate.

In the works of modern poets, you can find sound repetitions to enhance expressiveness:

The rain was falling softly, in a sing-song voice,

Watering the yard and the roof of the house ...

In this passage by S. Marshak, with the help of sound painting, a picture of nature is drawn during rain. The repetition of voiced consonants hissing in combination clearly recreates the sound of rain pouring on the roof of a house.

We read the "Reserve" by V. Vysotsky:

How many of them are in bushes - so many of them are in thickets,

The roar of the roaring, the roar of the roaring,

How many running - so many lying

In the wilds and bushes, in groves and thickets ...

From the excerpt of the poem, it can be seen that it is permeated with the repetition of hissing consonants, expressiveness is enhanced, and a terrible picture of the extermination of animals is created.

Useful video

Summing up

Man lives in a world of different sounds. They affect a person, causing associations with images. The sound writing and phonetic organization of words must be inextricably linked with the content of the poetic work, only then the poem will sparkle with vivid figurativeness.

(from lat. ad - to, with, with and littera - letter)

I. Alliteration is a consonance formed by the repetition of identical consonants in the initial words of a verse.
That is, alliteration is the initial rhyme that was used in alliterative versification. The alliterative verse is supplanted by the verse with the final rhyme.

In this sense, alliteration is not found on the exam in the Russian language and literature. But there is no harm in his knowledge.

II. Alliteration is a euphonic technique of repeating the same consonants, which enhances the expressiveness of artistic speech.

Rhyming consonances are not included in alliteration.
Alliteration, like the poetic work itself, is perceived by hearing, not by sight. Chukovsky, referring to the words of Blok, said that the poet began to write “The Twelve” from the line: “I’ll strip, strip with a knife!” Chukovsky, who was engaged in journalism, gave this news to the surface not in hot pursuit, but after a long time, after the death of the poet. Blok, who had excellent hearing, could not say such nonsense. In the above line, not two, but one sound "g" in the word "knife". In "already" the letter "zh" is written, and the sound "sh" is pronounced.

Our proverbs and sayings are rich in alliteration:
Shchi and porridge - our food
Meli, Emelya, your week
I would be glad to heaven, but sins are not allowed
Still waters run deep
The wolf took pity on the mare, left the tail and mane
From the pot two inches
Murder will out
Gruzdev called himself get in the body
Easier than a steamed turnip
Across the sea, a heifer is a half, but a ruble is transported

Alliterations are already found in the Tale of Igor's Campaign:

Trumpets sound in Novegrad, banners stand in Putivl...
With advance in the heel of the trample, the filthy Polovtsian placks ...

All the above examples testify to expressiveness, obligation and alliteration.
Alliteration often serves as an onomatopoeia. This is the simplest application of it:

Echoes echo through the mountains
Like thunder rolling on thunders.

With the sound combination "gr" Derzhavin recreated, in his opinion, the formidable rumble of the wild elements. In this case, agreeing with the poet, it must be emphasized that even in onomatopoeic verses one cannot attach any semantic meaning to sounds:

The hiss of foamy glasses
And punch flame blue.

About these lines of Pushkin, T. Skorenko notes: “Here we hear the rustle of dresses and the hiss of punch due to the repetition of two consonants "p" and "sh"". To the rustling of dresses, one can add, for example, the rustling of a fern, the hiss of a python, the noise of trains, the whisper of girlfriends, and finally, the rustle of confused convolutions, past which reality itself slipped, which cries out: “And what do the ladies do where the punch is pouring, that is, on bachelor party"? After all, just a verse above, Pushkin wrote about the "hour of a bachelor party." No, T. Skorenko must be brought to the bachelor party and the ladies, because "punch" and "dress" begin with the letter "p", and even such a "meaningful" idea is attributed to Pushkin.
Any property of a word attributed to sound is an expression of pure subjectivity. For example, Derzhavin considered the sound "p" unsuitable for "expressing the most tender feelings." He wrote ten love poems that do not contain words with this sound. And all these ten poems are done, lifeless. And to everyone who agrees with Derzhavin that such words as Russia, motherland, dear are not suitable for “expressing the most tender feelings”?! ..
There are no and cannot be dissonant sounds in native speech. All of them are wonderful. And the fact that alliteration on l, m, n, r is more common than others is because they are the most sonorous of consonant sounds.
Alliteration, acting as a kind of italics, can emphasize the author's idea:

Russia cannot be understood with the mind,
Do not measure with a common yardstick;
She has a special become -
One can only believe in Russia.

In Russian speech, the most frequent of the consonant sounds is "s". In Tyutchev's text, it occurs four times in the repeated, main, word "Russia" and once in the words "special" and "become". In other words, this very common sound is not present. But after all, “Russia is becoming special” is the very idea for which the quatrain was written.
Alliteration is especially expressive when conveying deep feelings and strong excitement. In these cases, alliteration is not just an ornament that contributes to the harmony of poetic speech, but sets off the most essential in it:

I don't expect anything from life
And I do not feel sorry for the past at all ...

There is a tired tenderness in Russian nature,
The silent pain of hidden sadness
Hopelessness of grief, voicelessness, boundlessness,
Cold heights, leaving gave.

And the spirits sighed, eyelashes dozed off,
Silk whispered anxiously.

Alliteration, like any literary device, is a double-edged sword. Inappropriate and intrusive alliteration can spoil the impression of poetry even for the most complacent lover of poetry.

Allegory as a literary term, it is interpreted in dictionaries inconsistently and not accurately, which is largely due to the use of this word in different spheres of reality.
In the ordinary sense, an allegory is a material representation of an immaterial concept. For example, the allegories of the prophet Isaiah: sword (war), plowshare (peace).

Anaphora is a stylistic figure based on the repetition of any speech phenomenon. But unlike other types of repetition, for example, epiphora, anaphora, as its name implies, refers to the repetition of the initial parts of the speech flow (sounds, words, phrases, verses, stanzas, rhythmic and syntactic constructions, intonation).

Textbooks on rhetoric (especially the old ones) distinguish many varieties of anaphora. However, not all types of anaphora serve eloquence. Some of them are of a random nature (behind the fence), others are not so much eloquence, but rather its antithesis - rhetoric.

Antithesis is a stylistic figure that connects contrasting concepts (light - darkness, love - hate, god - devil).
It lies at the basis of dialectics. Antithesis, using directly polar opposite phenomena, leads them to unity through the subordination of these opposites to each other.