Airplane made of paper with a motor. Electric paper airplane Conversion Kit. goldfish from coins

It all started with the fact that, solely for our own entertainment, we purchased the simplest remote-controlled Class Flyer aircraft. This miniature toy is designed for indoor flights and has an extremely simplified design: its 20-cm wings are made of foam, and even a two-channel remote control is implemented not on radio, but on infrared rays (respectively, it only works in the line of sight of the sensor). Such models are good both for casual office entertainment and for acquiring the initial skills of piloting a radio-controlled model: they are able to withstand quite a few drops from a small height.

Trial and error is the ideal approach to designing a paper airplane, including a motorized one. And yet in some cases you can take into account our little experience.

However, the main advantage of the Class Flyer is its exceptionally low weight, only 8.5 g. When, after another crash, the aircraft's wing finally separated from the fuselage, we decided to disassemble the model. The result is an electric motor with a propeller, an IR receiver and a battery that weigh almost nothing. Remembering the statement of the brilliant designer Glushko, we decided to try to equip an ordinary paper airplane with an engine. That's where it all started.

The construction of a radio-controlled airplane does not require almost any resources, except for the patience of family or colleagues, on whom a piece of paper buzzing like a mosquito falls every now and then. You will need an A4 sheet, regular and double-sided tape, scissors and, possibly, paper clips for balancing. Weight distribution is the main problem when creating such a machine. At first, we folded a simple paper airplane and attached a push screw to the back of it. The device, flying tolerably without a motor, began to fall back. By moving the engine and propeller closer to the center of the wing, we were able to solve this problem and make the plane fly in a straight line for a long time. Of course, it was not without fine balancing with paper clips and pieces of paper.

Assembling an airplane with an engine is a little different from folding a regular paper airplane. In order for the flight to be long and stable, the hull must be as strong and rigid as possible. Therefore, we recommend gluing the folds with double-sided tape. The density of ordinary office paper (g / m 2) is optimal: the mass of the aircraft folded from it ideally corresponds to the engine power.

Folding an airplane out of paper and gluing an engine to it is as easy as shelling pears. Much harder to make it fly. To fine-tune the behavior of the device, you will need scissors, tape, paper clips and pieces of paper. To properly distribute the weight of the machine, it is enough to cut off certain parts of the body or, on the contrary, stick paper weights to them. By bending the edges of the wings, you can adjust the lift of the device, program the flight speed and pitch. The back of the "fuselage" also serves as a keel. By bending it, you can make the plane turn in the right direction.

The main advantage of the engine and electronics from the Class Flyer foam aircraft is that their mass tends to zero. At the same time, it is the electrical components that remain the main trump cards in the subtle game called “weight distribution”. When placing the electronics, make sure that the infrared receiver stays outside the case and can receive signals from the remote control.

A paper plane cannot be fully called radio-controlled: the only parameter that we can change in flight is the thrust force. But it can be considered programmable: by bending the edges of the paper in one place or another, we can simulate different positions of the ailerons and elevators. We managed to make the plane fly in circles endlessly. Slightly changing the thrust of the engine, we controlled the car in pitch and maintained a given altitude.

We assembled the latest version of the aircraft in less than 20 minutes. It is a free creative process in which it is difficult to give advice or write recipes. Each device is built by trial and error. At the same time, it is easier than ever to try and correct mistakes. This is both entertainment, and a puzzle, and to some extent design training.

Having played enough with our own apparatus, we began to think about organizing competitions in this unusual aeromodelling discipline. "Paper aircraft designers" could compete in original design, flight speed, spectacular aerobatics, and even building a basic model for speed. We have already begun to develop the rules of the competition. If, after reading the article, you also fell ill with paper modeling, start training right now and follow the announcements on the magazine's website.

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  • Technologies penetrate even the most unusual areas of our lives, where absolutely no one expected them. For example, why equip a paper airplane with an electric motor? To fly better and longer! So say the guys who created Electric Paper Plane Conversion Kit.

    It is believed that the black swift can fly without stopping for two to four years, being able to eat, sleep and even breed on the fly. from Festo can stay in the air for up to several days, catching wind currents and using electricity only to change the position of the wings. But the electric paper airplane Conversion Kit cannot boast of such results! His destiny is flights for a couple of minutes! But it's still a lot more than flying paper planes without an electric motor!

    Conversion Kit is a thunderstorm of offices, schools and universities. After all, the creation of paper airplanes is a great entertainment for a boring pastime, and the Conversion Kit makes this activity much more advanced, takes it to a new, technological level.

    In general, the Conversion Kit is sold without the paper plane itself, only a motor and a propeller that you can attach to any flying paper aircraft that you make yourself or take away from a friend, plus a charger. It must be connected to the motor, held for twenty seconds, and it will be fully charged and ready for use.

    You launch a paper airplane, and the electric motor will carry it through the airspace of your office or educational institution for a minute or two (the motor itself can work up to 90 seconds) to the delight of you, your friends, enemies, bosses and teachers. It would seem so simple, but such fun entertainment!

    The Conversion Kit Electric Paper Airplanes are on sale at ThinkGeek for $20.

    Everyone has several aircraft models in their arsenal that can fly a couple of meters further than others. Could you imagine that a plane made by you could fly over an entire football field?

    This simple device will turn any paper airplane into a powered aircraft that can fly hundreds of meters on its own. Just attach the device to the aircraft and enjoy the flawless flight of your product. The motor fits the model of any paper plane. It can be designed independently from any paper. Please note that the aircraft must be no more than 20 centimeters long and have a straight shape.

    How a paper airplane motor works

    The operation of the device is quite simple. Before the flight, you need to recharge the motor from, which is included in the kit. To do this, you simply apply the motor to the charger for 20 seconds. The charger is battery powered. One set is enough for 50 motor recharges. There must be at least two minutes between recharges. You can endlessly launch the plane and arrange competitions with your friends.

    The motor is made of durable plastic with the addition of carbon fiber. This is a fairly durable device that is not afraid of falling from a height. However, it is better to launch the plane in an open space where there are no trees and structures. The device is easily attached to any paper plane model. It has a plastic clip that holds the device securely.

    Advantages of an airplane motor

    • A paper airplane motor is a real dream of every child. It is easy to use, fits any aircraft model and allows you to launch them far away.
    • The device is durable and reliable. It can withstand a fall from any height.
    • Suitable for fun games and competitions.
    • To install the device, just attach it to the nose of the aircraft and charge it from the charger.
    • The time of one is about 2 minutes! During this time, the plane can fly over the football field.


    • Power supply: 3 AAA batteries (not included);
    • Flight time: 2 minutes;
    • Charging time: 20 seconds;
    • Material: carbon fiber, ABS plastic;
    • Size: 20 x 4.5 x 2 cm.


    • Motor for paper plane x 1 pc.;
    • Charger x 1pc;
    • Spare propeller x 1pc;
    • Screwdriver x 1pc;
    • Paper plane template x 2 pcs.