Chickpeas calories per 100 grams. Chickpeas - let's talk about the benefits and harms of a valuable representative of the legume family. What will bring chickpeas to losing weight: harm or benefit

Despite the fact that you can now buy various products in stores, not many Russians know what chickpeas are. And if they see very large peas of a light beige color, similar in shape to a peeled hazelnut or an owl's head with a beak, they do not know what this leguminous plant is called. But chickpeas have been known in the world almost since the Bronze Age. This heat-loving plant has many names. It is called a bubbler, shish, nahat. But the most common names are Turkish or mutton peas. The latter is due to the shape of the beans, which resemble the head of a lamb. In this article, we will look at the benefits and harms of chickpeas. We will study its calorie content with different types of heat treatment. We will also tell you what to cook with chickpeas. This legume grows well in Eastern Europe, although its homeland is Central Asia. Chickpeas are widely used in the Middle East. World famous dishes such as falafel and hummus also contain chickpeas.

The history of the distribution of chickpeas

The most ancient evidence of the use of this variety of legumes for food dates back to the Bronze Age. On the territory of Iraq, a site of ancient people was found, who, no doubt, prepared dishes from it. In Europe, fossilized chickpea seeds have been found in Greece. As scientists have found out, they were grown seven and a half thousand years ago. In the tomb of Akhenaten, one of the frescoes depicts a pharaoh holding a shoot with chickpea pods in his hand. Probably, in ancient Egypt, this plant symbolized male power. In ancient times, chickpeas were used not only for food, but also as a medicine. And not only because people guessed about the high calorie content of chickpeas. Hippocrates believed that chickpeas should be eaten regularly for skin diseases. And the Roman physician Dioscorides Pedanius recommended eating young grains to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Since the climate of Russia is too harsh and humid for this type of legume, the national cuisine does not use it. But what prevents us from buying chickpeas in a store or market and preparing various delicious dishes from it?

What is the difference between chickpeas and peas?

These two plants are indeed related. But very far away. Both chickpeas and chickpeas belong to the broad legume family, as do beans and soybeans. The difference between plants can be determined by the pod. In chickpeas, it is short, dark in color, swollen, with a rough and rough surface. It makes no sense to describe ordinary peas - it is familiar to many. It has green long and smooth pods. But the most important difference between the two plants is the high calorie content of chickpeas. The nutritional value of ordinary green peas is only 81 units per hundred grams of product. And his "Turkish namesake" has a calorie content of 364 kcal. So for a resident of the Middle East, one can rephrase the well-known Slavic saying “For the poor and honey mushrooms - meat”: “Chickpeas will replace lamb for a beggar.” Indeed, chickpeas are often used as a satiating element in various dishes. Vegetarians and vegans use it instead of meat, because chickpeas saturate the body with protein.

Benefits of Turkish Peas

This plant has long been used not only as a food product, but also as a medicine. Indeed, modern research shows that chickpeas contain many useful substances. And not only in seeds (peas), but also in other parts of the plant. For example, young chickpea sprouts contain high-quality fats and proteins, calcium, fiber, potassium and magnesium, vitamins A and C, the essential acids tryptophan and methionine. This part of the plant is low in calories. And the leaves of Turkish peas contain valuable acids: malic, citric and oxalic. But, of course, we are most interested in the benefits and harms of chickpea beans. Thirty percent of it falls on protein, which is close in quality to egg. Another 60% are nutritious carbohydrates. The calorie content of chickpeas is explained by the high content of oils in it (up to 8%). According to this indicator, of all legumes, it is second only to soy. The grains of chickpeas contain a number of useful substances and vitamins (A, family B, C and PP).

Who should eat chickpeas and who should refrain from eating them

Turkish peas have a high nutritional and energy value. But since the product is slowly absorbed by the body, it does not increase blood sugar levels. Hence, chickpeas can be consumed by people suffering from diabetes. Doctors have found that, despite the high calorie content, chickpeas strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It does not contain bad cholesterol. Therefore, the product will be useful to the cores. But who needs to use chickpeas in a dosed way is for those who vigilantly monitor the thinness of their waist. If you've already decided to treat yourself to crunchy falafel or hummus, give up other satiating foods. Even a small portion of a dish of chickpeas can dull the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Turkish peas are a frequent guest on the tables of people living in the Mediterranean. Its high gastronomic qualities are fully consistent with the benefits of the product. Chickpeas have a pleasant nutty flavor. Chickpeas can be boiled, fried, stewed, canned, made into flour. Therefore, it is not surprising that the cookbooks of the cuisines of the Mediterranean countries contain many recipes for delicious chickpea dishes. If the beans are boiled and ground to a smooth puree, you get a hearty Jewish snack hummus. Turkish peas and dishes from it have also become widespread east of the Mediterranean. Arabs make falafel, crispy vegetarian cutlets, from chickpeas. Chickpea flour is widely used in Indian cuisine. In Italy, farinata are baked from it. In the Philippines, chickpeas are preserved in syrup. This dessert serves as the base for halo halo ice cream.

Chickpea vegetable soup

It is known that if the product is cooked, then its nutritional value will decrease, since part of the calories will go into the water. Therefore, if you are watching your figure, cook a vegetable soup with chickpeas. The calorie content of boiled chickpeas will decrease by almost three times and will be (depending on the variety) 120-140 units. The nutritional value of the soup will be even less. After all, we will add only low-calorie vegetables: carrots, bell peppers, some potatoes. Chickpeas (200 grams), like other legumes, should be soaked overnight before cooking. After washing it again, fill the peas with two liters of water. Chickpeas are cooked for about an hour. Add two diced potatoes. If necessary, add water and salt the dish. We continue to cook under the lid. In a small amount of vegetable oil, fry the carrots and two peppers cut into strips. Sprinkle vegetables with turmeric and other favorite spices. Add stir-fry to soup. At the end of cooking, we throw a bay leaf, add salt to taste.

Yoghurt Soup (Turkish Cuisine)

For this dish, chickpeas must be boiled in advance. We need one and a half cups of ready-made chickpeas. The relatively high calorie content of boiled chickpeas in soup will decrease even more - up to 60 units.

In a saucepan, mix a glass of natural yogurt and an egg. Dilute three tablespoons of flour with a little water. Stir so that there are no lumps left. Add to yogurt. Throw in boiled chickpeas. Put the saucepan on medium heat. Gradually add a liter of water or broth. When the soup boils, let it boil for about five minutes, until it thickens. Melt 30 grams of butter in a frying pan. Pour a pinch of chili pepper, mint, tarragon. Warm up for half a minute. Let's make this soup. Ready!

Farinata (Italian cuisine)

It is customary to use these chickpea cakes instead of bread, eating soups with them. To get flour, just grind the chickpeas in a home coffee grinder. Then we sift through a sieve, and large particles will leave. We need one hundred grams of flour. Pour 300 milliliters of warm water into a tall bowl. Gradually add the chickpea flour, stirring all the time and beating with a whisk. Pour one and a half to two tablespoons of olive oil into the dough. Salt, add spices, mix. Leave the dough for several hours at room temperature. Onion (preferably purple) thinly cut into rings. We spread a thick cast-iron frying pan with a removable handle from the inside with vegetable oil. Let's pour the dough. Lay the onion rings on top. Let's put it in a hot oven. We bake at a temperature of 220 degrees for about twenty minutes.

Hummus (Jewish cuisine)

This dish is a chickpea porridge, supplemented with various spices. In Israel, tahini mass is added to hummus, but it is too expensive for us. However, you can do without it. Chickpea beans (125 grams) should be soaked overnight. Then drain the liquid and put to boil in clean water. Cook until the peas are completely softened - an hour and a half. Grind three tablespoons of white sesame seeds in a coffee grinder. Strain boiled chickpeas. Add ground sesame seeds, two tablespoons of lemon juice and four - olive oil. Squeeze out to the total mass through the press two or three cloves of garlic. Beat with a mixer or immersion blender. Salt, season with black pepper, sweet paprika. Let's serve hummus to the table with freshly baked tortillas.


If you refrain from eating meat, make chickpea patties. The calorie content of the dish is quite high due to the Turkish peas and rice. One hundred grams of chickpeas must first be soaked, boiled until tender and mashed with a masher. Young zucchini should be rubbed finely, put under pressure, drain the resulting liquid. Add chopped onion to chickpea puree. Squeeze two cloves of garlic into it. Transfer the zucchini to the chickpeas. Knead. Season the minced meat with ground black pepper, grated ginger and orange peel, pour in soy sauce to taste, add salt. Crack an egg into the mass. Stir again. If the stuffing is too liquid, add a spoon or two of flour. Cut hard cheese into small pieces. Put each in the middle of the patty. They need to be rolled in flour, semolina or breadcrumbs and fried in vegetable oil until golden brown. Cover the finished cutlets and steam for five minutes.

Humanity has been growing this leguminous crop for more than 7,000 years, and it is used not only as an element of nutrition, but also as a medicine. In Russia, chickpea began to spread only recently, but in the East it is very popular.

In this article we will tell you why it should be included in the daily menu, we will give several recipes for its preparation.

A bit of history

As mentioned above, the history of chickpeas as human food began a very long time ago. Coming from the East to the tables of Rome and Greece, he immediately took the place of a revered food product. He was promptly tied to the pantheon, allocating a place next to Venus, as it was claimed that chickpeas promote health. In addition, it began to be valued above peas, as it was more nutritious and stimulated gas formation to a lesser extent.

Today it is actively used in the cuisines of countries such as India, Turkey, Mexico, Pakistan. A little less popular, but at the same time we sincerely love chickpeas in the Mediterranean countries.


Chickpeas are loved by the people not only for their taste, but also for their exceptional nutritional value. Being a product of plant origin, chickpeas are able to compete with eggs, as they have a similar set of amino acids. In other words, fasting people, vegans and those who cannot eat eggs for medical reasons will find salvation in chickpeas. In addition, the calorie content of chickpeas will please the fighters for a healthy lifestyle, as this product contains fibers (both soluble and not), manganese, selenium, iron and, of course, a large amount of protein.

On the topic of the benefits of this food product, you can rant for a very long time, we will try to highlight the main points:

  • stimulates digestion, while lowering the level of cholesterol in the body;
  • due to manganese, it promotes hematopoiesis and stimulates growth;
  • due to molybdenum, which is part of chickpeas, the body activates the neutralization of harmful preservatives;
  • protects the eyes from the formation of cataracts;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels.

Dry calorie content of chickpeas is 364 kcal per 100 grams, while it contains 19 grams of protein, 6 grams of vegetable fat and 61 grams of carbohydrates.

How to cook chickpeas?

The only problem that can arise with chickpeas is the initial preparation. It is very hard and takes a long time to cook, but if you follow the principle of cooking, you will save yourself the hassle. It can also be cooked for future use and frozen for the future.

First, soak the chickpeas in cold water overnight. The liquid should be 3 times more than the Turkish peas. If you plan to grind boiled chickpeas into puree (for example, which we will give below), then you can add 1 teaspoon of soda without a slide, as it helps soften the dense shell.

After the specified period, the chickpeas will noticeably increase in size. Drain the old water and fill with cold new water, then put the peas on the fire. Let it boil, remove the foam and reduce the heat to a minimum, then cook for 2 hours. Drain the water, wait for the chickpeas to cool, and use them according to the recipe.

with chickpeas

Chickpeas are most effective when paired with vegetables, so treat yourself to a delicious and healthy vegetable stew:


Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic, then fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Throw chickpeas into the pan, fried onions and garlic will saturate it with aromas.

Wash the eggplant and cut into cubes with a 2 cm edge, then add to the peas.

Fry for 2-3 minutes until golden brown.

Chop the tomatoes into cubes and add to the pan along with the salt and spices. Pour 3-4 tablespoons of water there, mix, reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer for 15 minutes with the lid closed, stirring occasionally.

Finely chop the herbs and garlic, add to the vegetables, mix again and remove the dish from the heat.

Let stand for 5-7 minutes, then you can serve. This dish is extremely dietary, since the calorie content of chickpeas, already low, is complemented by an abundance of vegetables, which give the dish additional weight and volume. A plate of ready-made stew pulls a maximum of 250 - 300 kcal.


And here he is! Hummus is the most popular. And this is not an exaggeration. Homogeneous, buttery, with a slight nutty taste, in the classic version it is served with boiled eggs, raw onions and warm white bread. A very rich, nutritious dish, but not the easiest for the stomach, so many replace eggs and onions simply with vegetables, and take whole grain bread. If you make the hummus less thick, then you can use it as a dip by dipping vegetables into it. The main recipe is the following:

First of all, heat the cumin in a dry frying pan until a light aroma appears, then pour it into a coffee grinder and grind it. It can also be done in a mortar.

Do the same with sesame seeds.

Grind lemon juice and garlic in a blender until smooth.

Add cumin and sesame powder to the same place, grind again until a homogeneous paste is obtained.

Throw the chickpeas into the blender without stopping the grinding process.

To regulate the density, you can add chickpea broth or just water.

Salt the pâté and taste it. Add more oil or lemon juice if desired. Place in a bowl and drizzle with oil to taste.

That's all, hummus is ready, you can help yourself. However, you need to be restrained in your desires. Despite the taste and benefits of the dish, the calorie content of chickpeas, multiplied by the abundance of oil, may not affect your figure in the best way. Measure should be in everything.

We have conducted a small study, the results of which will be useful for those who play sports, and vegetarians, and anyone who is just trying to stick to a healthy diet and want to diversify their diet.

Finding the perfect protein source

Needless to say, how important protein is for the human body? It is involved in the formation of enzymes, hormones, is part of the blood, is the structural material of our tissues and cells, and it is from protein that antibodies are made that prevent the reproduction of viruses in our body and form immunity. Therefore, it is very important that our nutrition is of high quality, balanced with a sufficient amount of protein and the correct proportions of amino acids.

Proteins are made up of amino acids, which in turn are non-essential and non-essential. A complete protein is one that contains all the essential amino acids, that is, those that our body cannot produce on its own.

An ideal protein is such a ratio of essential amino acids that allows the body to easily update all internal structures.

Sources of animal protein for humans are all types of meat, fish, seafood, eggs, low-fat cheese, cottage cheese and other dairy products. Plant-based protein sources include whole grains, cereals, nuts, tofu, and legumes. Legumes contain 2 times more protein than cereals, they also have high digestibility (80%) and are characterized by the best amino acid composition among all plant products.

Many people believe that most animal products have a complete amino acid profile, but plant foods are very often deficient in one or another amino acid and cannot be the main source of protein. But is it?

Chickpea VS Chicken

For comparison, we took chicken breast as an animal protein, and chickpeas as a vegetable protein.

Round 1: KBJU

First of all, let's compare the main nutrients and calories per 100 g of raw product:

To balance the BJU for a meal, fiber and carbohydrates can be added to the chicken, for example, in the form of fresh vegetables and a side dish.

It is enough to make a salad from chickpeas and season it with olive oil to compensate for the low amount of fat.

As we can see, in terms of the amount of protein per 100 grams, chickpeas are not inferior to chicken. However, please note that 100 grams of raw chickpeas is a fairly large portion when cooked, so do not be afraid of such an amount of carbohydrates, at the same time, enjoy almost the same amount of protein :) In any case, the sources of both, there should be several.

Round 2. Amino acid profile

Now let's compare the amino acid composition per 100 g of raw product. The table lists all the essential amino acids.

We see all essential amino acids are present in both products. Some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent. This is evidence that plant foods, as well as animal foods, can have a complete amino acid profile.

But do not forget that in order for our body not to experience a deficiency in any amino acid, during the day you need to try to eat protein from different sources. It doesn't matter if you are a meat eater or a vegetarian.

Round 3. Vitamins and minerals

Vitamin and mineral composition per 100 g of the finished product:

Chicken breast chickpeas
Vitamin A - 3 mcg
Vitamin D 0.4 µg -
Vitamin E 0.4 mg 0.82 mg
Vitamin K 4.5 mcg 9 mcg
FROM - 4 mg
B1 0.26 mg 0.48 mg
B2 0.08 mg 0.21 mg
B4 39.4 mg 95.2 mg
B5 0.92 mg 1.59 mg
B9 8 mcg 557 mcg
B12 0.34 mcg -
PP 14.37 mg 6.16 mg
Potassium 218 mg 875 mg
Calcium 18 mg 105 mg
Magnesium 24 mg 115 mg
Sodium 457 mg 24 mg
Phosphorus 210 mg 366 mg
Iron 1.14 mg 6.24 mg
Manganese 0.23 mg 2.2 mg
Copper 0.23 mg 0.85 mg
Selenium 24.6 mcg 8.2 mcg
Zinc 0.77 mg 3.43 mg

As we can see from the table, chickpeas are in many ways ahead of chicken in terms of a number of vitamins and minerals.

However, the most common controversy is about vitamin B12 in a plant-based diet.

Indeed, almost all sources of vitamin B12 are of animal origin. If you avoid animal products, B12 deficiency can develop without proper supplementation. Therefore, if you are a vegan, it is worth taking it extra. In plant sources, this vitamin can be found in seaweed and tofu.


To eat meat or not is the choice of everyone. A growing body of research indicates that it is necessary, if not to eliminate, then at least to reduce the amount of animal protein in the diet in order to reduce potential carcinogenic risks.

You can argue a lot about this, but in our comparison we wanted to show that you don’t need to focus on meat as the only source of protein. Add different types of protein to your diet and don't be afraid to experiment. And if you like meat, then try to choose quality, farm products.

Vegetable protein is a complete protein, but with the right combination of products. They can be completely replaced by meat and a vegetarian and an athlete who needs to properly maintain training activity.

And if you are thinking about vegetarianism, then you do not need to be afraid that you will not have enough protein and other useful substances. Why not do an experiment? Try it, it's a very interesting experience. You will notice that your taste buds begin to perceive the taste of familiar food in a different way, you will discover many new foods and dishes that you would not even have thought of before. Strive to form an opinion based on your own experience and feelings.

Chickpea is one of the traditional leguminous crops of the countries of the East. There is evidence that it was grown as a food plant as early as 7,500 years ago. This plant is known as mutton or Turkish pea, bladderwort, nahat. Seeds that look like peas are used for food.

Chickpeas are grown in Asia, North Africa, Latin America and Australia. There are varieties with light and dark grains, mostly light grains are used for food.

How to choose a quality product

This crop is grown in countries of the subtropical and tropical zones. From there, chickpeas are shipped to Russia in standard packages of 0.5 and 0.9 kg.

Reading the information on the packaging you need to pay attention to the year of harvest and shelf life. On sale there are Turkish peas with dark and light grains, but this is not critical, the color of the skin does not affect the nutritional value of the product.

Packaging must be light-tight, since damage to seeds is possible in the light: they can become rancid.

Through a transparent window, you can visually assess the presence of litter, the appearance of the grains. Mechanical damage to the beans is undesirable if used chickpeas will be for sprouting.

Another selection criterion is grain size. The seeds of different varieties of this crop differ in size, the main thing is that the grains in the package should be approximately the same.

Beans should be stored in a dry, dark place, in a linen bag or closed container, avoiding proximity to strong-smelling foods. Otherwise, the beans will absorb third-party flavors and the future culinary masterpiece will be spoiled.

Chemical composition, nutritional value, calorie content 100 g

Legumes are high protein foods, in some varieties of chickpeas, its content reaches 30%. Legume protein contains 18 of the 20 "magic" amino acids.

Chickpea protein contains all the essential amino acids. This is an alternative to animal proteins, which is especially important for people who do not eat meat due to their beliefs or for medical reasons.

Nutritional value of 100 g of chickpeas: about 63% of the seed mass is carbohydrates, a little more than 12% is fiber, the rest is fat (6-8% depending on the variety and growing characteristics).

Chickpea is rich in vitamins B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, C, PP, A, E, K, contains potassium, calcium, iron, copper, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, boron, molybdenum, selenium, titanium, nickel, magnesium.

The list of useful substances found in the seeds of this plant includes about 80 items.

Energy value of chickpeas: calorie raw lamb peas - 378 kcal per 100 g, boiled - 164 kilocalories, fried - about 518 kcal. Glycemic index - 35.

Useful properties of peas for health

In the countries of the Middle East, this crop is called the golden grain, paying tribute to these humble beans. With regular moderate consumption of chickpeas, the risk of developing certain diseases decreases, and the work of organs and systems already affected by pathological changes is partially normalized.

Chickpea seeds contain methionine, one of the essential amino acids that has a hepatoprotective effect.

Beans strengthen bone tissue, stabilize. The combination of vitamins C and PP strengthens the vascular walls, magnesium improves blood flow, and is involved in hematopoiesis.

Chickpeas have a complex effect on the cardiovascular system improving its functionality. supports the functioning of the thyroid gland, is necessary for the prevention of cancer.

When using chickpeas, immunity is strengthened, intestinal motility improves. Manganese normalizes the activity of the nervous system, has a calming effect.

These beans contribute to the stabilization of intracranial and intraocular pressure., strengthen vision, have a slight diuretic, astringent effect. Drinking in moderation is effective.

It has been proven that chickpeas increase the likelihood of conception, strengthen potency.

What is useful for men and women

Chickpeas can serve as a complete substitute for animal protein, good in a vegetarian menu. The general preventive properties of chickpeas prolong active youth.

The use of these legumes stabilizes blood pressure and blood sugar levels, helps strengthen the skeletal system, and improves well-being. High manganese content is good for athletes and people of heavy physical labor. Manganese stimulates the regeneration of cartilage tissue.

Chickpeas are aphrodisiac foods. With its regular use, the quality of the male seed improves.

Is it harmful during pregnancy

Exotic beans are one of the natural sources necessary for the normal development of the fetal nervous system. During pregnancy, the body's need for the expectant mother in macro- and microelements increases. With a deficiency, there is a risk of osteoporosis, teeth can rapidly deteriorate.

The second trimester is often accompanied by anemia if there is a lack of iron in the diet of the expectant mother. Chickpeas contain deficient components in significant amounts, but their consumption should be limited to once a week.

For kids

In the menu of preschoolers, legumes are included very carefully due to the specifics of the functioning of the children's digestive system. In adolescence, chickpeas are one of the most valuable products for the harmonious growth and development of a young organism. The product helps to strengthen the skeleton, cartilage, muscle mass, stimulates the formation of the main functions of the body.

In old age

With all the beneficial properties of lamb peas in old age, it must be treated very carefully. Legumes are a fairly heavy food causing excess gas production. Whether or not to include this product in the menu depends on the state of health and the individual reaction of the body.


Legumes are a specific product, they have somewhat more contraindications than cereals and other cereal crops. Legumes fall under the strictest ban during exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases. They are digested for a long time, mechanically irritate the walls of the inflamed organ due to the high fiber content, and provoke flatulence.

Due to the high content of purines, chickpeas are contraindicated in gout, this product is not recommended for thrombophlebitis and some other circulatory disorders, bladder diseases.

Allergic reactions to legumes are relatively rare.. This is an absolute contraindication for the use of chickpeas in any form.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, you can not combine Turkish peas with cabbage and fruits rich in pectin. It is impossible to wash down any legumes with cold drinks - this can provoke stomach cramps.

From spices, greens and seeds of umbrella crops are suitable for this product: anise, dill, fennel,. These plants facilitate digestion, reduce the manifestations of flatulence.

Learn more about the dangers and benefits of "chickpeas" for a person from Elena Malysheva from this video:

The main use of chickpeas is food. Soups, main dishes, cutlets, mashed potatoes are prepared from it, they are eaten in sprouted form. The optimal time of use is a day.

cooking recipes

Before cooking, the grains are soaked in warm, but not hot water. not less than 8 hours. You can add some baking soda to the water. After soaking, rinse the peas, pour cold water over high heat, bring to a boil, removing the resulting foam. The water can be drained, replaced with clean, hot water and boiled until tender, or continue to cook in the same water, reducing the heat to a minimum.

Boiled chickpeas from half an hour to 2 hours depending on future plans. If whole grains are needed, an hour of cooking is sufficient.

Salt should be about half an hour before the end of cooking. For mashed potatoes, it will take longer to cook, add salt after cooking.


Chickpeas (200 g), vegetable oil (40 g), 2-3 cloves, lemon juice (up to 50 g), (1 tablespoon), salt, paprika, coriander, pepper - to taste. Boil the pre-soaked chickpeas for an hour, rinse with cold water, wipe to remove the skin.

Change the water and boil for an hour. Mash into a puree, season with oil, lemon juice, add chopped garlic, spices, let it brew for about an hour.

Vegetarian soup

Vegetable broth (1 l), chickpeas (200 g), leaf lettuce (0.5 kg), vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons), dill, basil, garlic, salt, pepper - to taste. Fry chopped garlic in hot oil, reduce heat, add chopped lettuce leaves, fry for a few minutes.

Pour in the broth, add the chickpeas and cook until tender. Salt the finished soup, add spices to taste and turn off the heat.

And from this video you will learn an interesting recipe for cooking chickpeas:

In diet food

Despite the significant calorie content (about 160 kcal per 100 g of boiled chickpeas - this is the smallest value) and a high glycemic index, chickpeas included in weight loss diets. The beneficial effect of Turkish peas is associated with the normalization of the intestines. The product is rich in valuable substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body in stressful conditions.

To achieve a greater effect, pre-soaked and washed seeds can be ground in a blender or in a meat grinder and eat in small portions throughout the day. Used for a week, then you should take a break for 7 days and, if desired, repeat the course.

On the pages of our site you will also learn for health. Lots of interesting facts about this cereal.

The product is a good prophylactic against atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, visual impairment and a number of other problems.

For the prevention of colds it is recommended to use sprouted chickpeas. During germination, the amount of antioxidants in grains increases several times. Sprouts are also recommended for diabetes mellitus and in the complex treatment of obesity.

With constipation and poisoning 2 tbsp. l. chickpeas are simmered in 1.5 cups of water for 20 minutes. Take strained warm broth.

With diabetes, atherosclerosis, constipation, obesity, an infusion of seeds is prepared. A tablespoon of chopped beans is poured with boiling water (200 ml), insisted for half an hour. Take before meals 50 ml 3 times a day.

Chickpea flour is used to treat dermatitis, burns and scabies.

Application in cosmetology

Beauty starts from within. With regular moderate consumption of chickpea dishes, the effect will be simply amazing. Due to the rich complex of vitamins and microelements, the skin, nails and hair will look healthy.

Nutritious face masks are prepared from crushed grains. With regular use of such masks, the skin becomes elastic, acquires a youthful appearance, is cleansed of pustules, and inflammatory processes calm down.

Scrub to remove excess hair

3 art. l. yogurt mixed with 2 tsp. powder, add 1 tsp chickpea flour, mix until smooth. Apply the paste to the problem area, avoiding contact with mucous membranes, allow to dry. Remove dried paste with a damp cloth.

Moisturizing face mask

Pour 50 g of chickpeas with boiling water for 20 minutes, grind the grains in a blender. Add 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l. lavender oil, mixed with 3 tbsp. l. cream, mix, apply on clean, dry face skin with a thick layer. After 20 minutes, remove excess product, wash, apply a light cream.

The golden grain justifies such a grandiloquent name given to it in its homeland. This type of legume is a worthy competitor to our usual peas, beans and lentils.

In contact with

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Chickpea is a herbaceous annual of the family Legumes and its seeds, outwardly resembling a scolding head. Chickpeas are often called Turkish or lamb peas, and the product is especially popular in the countries of the Middle East, India and Asia. Seeds, or chickpea beans, ripen in a pod, where they can be located from 1 to 4, most often there are two beans. The color of chickpeas is light sand, yellowish, sometimes there are darker varieties. Indian chickpeas are smaller than traditional chickpeas and have a green color.

It has been proven that chickpeas have been known for more than seven thousand years; in the Bronze Age, chickpeas came to Rome and Greece, where it was used not only as a food product, but also as a medicine.

calorie content of chickpeas

The calorie content of chickpeas is 364 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The main component of chickpeas is a high-quality, easily digestible vegetable protein, which is put on a par with the protein of poultry and some meat products. Chickpeas are one of the staple foods for vegans, vegetarians, raw foodists, and anyone who, for whatever reason, does not eat meat. Fiber, contained in large quantities in chickpeas, helps to gently cleanse the intestines, remove toxins, and prevents constipation. Chickpea contains, especially a lot in it, which is necessary for normal tissue respiration and redox reactions. Of the minerals, chickpea has in its composition, and, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, regulate blood sugar levels.

Even in ancient times, doctors noted that those who use chickpeas have beautiful skin - clean, without rashes and inflammations. The amino acid lysine, found in chickpeas, promotes muscle building without increasing body fat. This property of chickpeas makes the product an attractive alternative to meat for athletes and anyone who leads a healthy lifestyle and follows the principles of a healthy diet.

Harm chickpeas

Chickpeas, like all representatives of legumes, cause increased gas formation in the intestines, which is fraught with discomfort and heaviness in the stomach. Those who have a "weak" stomach should consume chickpeas in minimal quantities, using only pre-soaked chickpeas (calorizator) for cooking. It is not recommended to use chickpeas in the presence of the following diseases: gout, thrombophlebitis, bladder ulcer and cystitis, especially in the acute stage.

Turkish peas are an annual, leguminous plant, the grains of which have an unusual shape, resembling a ram's head with a bird's beak. Stem erect, covered with glandular hairs. Leaves are pinnate. It reaches a height of 20-70 cm. Pods are short, swollen, contain from 1 to 3 grains, tuberculate-rough surface. Color - from yellow to very dark. The mass of 1000 seeds, depending on the variety, ranges between 150 and 300 g.

Turkish peas are heat-loving, self-pollinating plants, pollination occurs in the phase of a closed flower, sometimes cross-pollination. The vegetation period is 90-110 days for early-ripening and up to 150-220 days for late-ripening varieties (calorizer). Germination begins at a temperature of 3-5 °C, seedlings withstand short-term frosts up to 8-11 °C. During flowering - bean formation, the optimum temperature should be between 24-28 ° C. Central Asia is considered the birthplace of cultural chickpeas. The plant is cultivated in the countries of Central and Central Asia, East Africa, Eastern Europe, India, the Mediterranean region. It is believed that chickpeas were known and eaten by humans long before the beginning of our era. So in Greece, chickpea peas were found, whose age is not less than 7.5 thousand years, and in Iraq, chickpea seeds dating back to the "Bronze" age have been preserved. In ancient times, chickpeas were often used not only as food, but also as medicine.

Selecting and storing chickpeas

When purchasing chickpeas, it is necessary to carefully examine the beans for the absence of mechanical damage, dark spots, whitish coating. If even one of the signs indicated above is present, you should refuse to purchase. The reason to choose another chickpea is shriveled and dried beans. Fresh chickpeas have smooth beans with a smooth surface, uniformly colored.

Store purchased chickpeas in a vacuum container or paper bag in a dark place. Chickpea retains its organoleptic qualities and useful properties for 12 months.

How to cook chickpeas

In order to avoid discomfort in the stomach after eating chickpea dishes, the beans must first be soaked in cold water for 10-12 hours. Then drain the water, cover with fresh cold water and bring the chickpeas to a boil. Cook until cooked over medium heat, periodically removing the resulting foam.

Chickpeas in cooking

Chickpeas are traditionally the basis of oriental dishes - and. Puree soups, pilafs, pates, meatballs and cookies are prepared from chickpeas. Chickpeas go well with fresh and spicy herbs.

For more about chickpeas, see the video “Chickpeas. Turkish peas "TV program" Living Healthy ".

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