Products for lowering testosterone in women. Low testosterone in men: symptoms, treatment, consequences. Possible consequences of increasing testosterone levels

- the main male sex hormone, which is produced by both men and women. This hormone is produced by the adrenal cortex (in women, the ovaries are also involved in its production). made from cholesterol. In the female body, the ovarian follicles convert it into estrogen.

Under the high level of testosterone, as a rule, they mean male strength - the higher its level in the male body, the better.

Testosterone and its role in the human body

This hormone performs various functions, participating in important body processes:

  • sperm production;
  • development of bone and muscle tissue;
  • development of secondary genital organs;
  • development of the male reproductive organs.

And also it actively influences the sexual behavior of both sexes.

To find out the causes of hormonal imbalance in men, scientists have conducted thousands of experiments. As a result, scientists came to the conclusion that it is influenced by:

  • malnutrition;
  • physical activity;
  • lack of healthy sleep;
  • bad habits;
  • psychological factors;
  • physiological reasons.

With a decrease in potency, a man should consult a doctor and. With a reduced level of sex hormone, synthetic testosterone is used for treatment with hormone replacement therapy.

Symptoms of low testosterone

Closer to fifty, the production of the male sex hormone decreases, and men have health problems:

  • depressed mood;
  • reduced potency;
  • insomnia;
  • apathetic state;
  • loss of muscle mass;

  • accumulation of body fat;
  • baldness of hair all over the body;
  • osteoporosis;
  • disturbed urination;
  • drop in hemoglobin.

These are mainly age manifestations. But they are often observed in thirty-year-old men. In this case, young men should immediately take care of their health.

Products that reduce testosterone in men

Some foods affect hormones. They contain substances that enhance androgen synthesis, release or distribute testosterone in the body. Experimentally, a group of products that lower testosterone was identified.

  • Salt. A man can consume no more than three grams per day. It increases blood pressure and retains fluid in the body, which adversely affects men's health.
  • Various fast food products (fast food) have a high content of trans fats and salt, which lower the level of male sex hormones.
  • For men's health, any carbonated drinks are harmful: mineral water, various lemonades, Coca-Cola, energy drinks.
  • All of these factors dramatically reduce testosterone levels in men.
  • Caffeine, getting into the blood, stops the production of spermatozoa, that is, for some time, it kills testosterone molecules. In addition, by releasing adrenaline into the blood, it weakens the nervous system. To prevent caffeine-containing drinks from causing harm, you should drink no more than two cups of coffee or three cups of tea per day. You should drink only natural coffee. Components that weaken male sexual functions are added to the soluble one.

  • For men (as, indeed, for women), any food containing a lot of cholesterol is harmful: fatty meat, butter, sausage, as well as fried foods and smoked meats.
  • There are some foods that are particularly unhealthy for male hormones that contain the female hormone estrogen. These include: meat with hormones and foods containing soy. As well as any alcoholic beverages; in particular - beer, "beer belly" in men - this is female-type obesity.
  • Any vegetable oils - corn, sunflower, linseed reduce the level of male sex hormone.
  • The combination of yeast, margarine, and sugar in baked goods can help lower testosterone levels in men.

How can you increase testosterone levels?

To enhance male power, there are medications. But the beneficial effects of various products on men's health cannot be ruled out. Their beneficial effect on potency is determined by important trace elements.

Calcium. It is found in the following products:

  • sesame nuts;
  • red fish;
  • various seafood;
  • legumes;
  • mackerel;
  • cereals and bran;
  • green vegetables;
  • chickens;
  • veal.

Potassium. The high content of potassium in such products:

  • cocoa;
  • dried apricots;
  • dried grapes;
  • almonds;
  • potato;
  • various fruits: banana, melon, apples, oranges;
  • cereals: barley, wheat, buckwheat;
  • mushrooms.

Magnesium. This useful element is rich in:

  • lean meat (beef, pork, chicken);
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts;
  • vegetables (broccoli, carrots);
  • herring;
  • beans and bran.

Zinc. To maintain the required amount of zinc in the body, a man should eat:

  • cocoa products;
  • pork, lamb and beef meat (lean);
  • sesame and peanuts.

A lot of zinc is found in oysters.

Of course, the male body needs protein, which is rich in:

  • meat products (lamb, beef, meat liver);
  • poultry meat and rabbit meat;
  • various sea fish;
  • dairy products: cheese, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream.

To maintain men's health, vitamins are vital - without them, the hormonal background of the male body will be weak. All important natural vitamins are found in:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • berries;
  • fish;
  • meat;
  • vegetable oil;
  • legumes;
  • greenery;
  • nuts.

Sweet for testosterone: good or bad?

Healthy products contain all the elements necessary for health:

  • vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • minerals.

From the above, you can see that the composition of many products includes sugar. It does not contain substances useful for testosterone. In addition, it affects which is called. Sugar is a pure carbohydrate made up of glucose and sucrose. Getting into the blood from food, it increases energy for a short time, improves mood due to the formation of serotonin. But at the same time, it promotes the release of insulin into the blood. An increase in cortisol and insulin in the blood cause a decrease in testosterone production.

The combination of testosterone and sweets for male potency is not in favor of a man's health, so it is enough to eat no more than six teaspoons of sugar per day. Avoid foods such as:

  • jams and jams;
  • ice cream;
  • cakes;
  • sweet pastries;
  • candies.

As well as some foods that contain hidden sugar:

  • potato;
  • White rice;
  • flour products;
  • any food containing simple starches.

At the same time, sweets are necessary for men - they normalize sperm motility. But only natural natural sugar can bring real benefits - glucose, which can increase libido in men and have a beneficial effect on the male genitourinary system. At the same time, you should eat not sweets and muffins, but sweet fruits, honey and vegetables, which are a source of glucose.

Glucose is vital for humans. Some processes in the body cannot take place without her participation:

  • various metabolic processes;
  • stimulation of the heart;
  • restoration of energy during exhaustion;
  • brain nutrition;
  • treatment of hypoglycemia intoxication of the body;
  • mental state correction.

Cane sugar, which contains various vitamins and amino acids, can be consumed in reasonable amounts.

Men need to carefully monitor their health and remember to eat right: the most common and affordable foods increase testosterone levels and increase potency. At the same time, one should not forget that a doctor's consultation is sometimes necessary, since a decrease in potency may be a sign of a more serious illness.

Which belongs to the anabolic androgenic group. This is a substance that plays one of the main roles in the male body. Its deficiency leads to serious consequences. To eliminate testosterone deficiency in men, there is a need to adhere to a certain lifestyle or take drugs prescribed by a doctor, depending on the type of pathological changes.

Testosterone is a hormone that is produced in large quantities by the Leydig cells in the testicles of men. Also, in a small amount, this substance is produced by the adrenal cortex.

The main functions of testosterone are:

  • affects the puberty of boys, the formation of secondary sexual characteristics;
  • regulates spermatogenesis;
  • affects nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism in the body;
  • promotes sexual desire;
  • positively affects the growth and strengthening of muscles.

Normal for the male body is the amount of testosterone, which is 11-33 nmol / l. When testing, the permissible concentration of a given substance may vary slightly depending on the method of determination in a particular laboratory.

The reasons for this phenomenon in the absence of serious pathologies

Low testosterone levels in men may indicate regular changes in his body. Also, a drop in its quantity is sometimes a sign of a serious pathology. The main causes of low testosterone are as follows:

  • age-related changes in the body of a man, as a result of which the level of testosterone drops sharply. This effect is observed after 40 years and is aggravated every year. If the pathology provokes serious changes in the human body, he is prescribed appropriate therapy;
  • improper nutrition. If the body lacks certain substances, then it is not able to produce the right amount of hormones. There are also products that can artificially lower testosterone. These include sugar-containing foods, pickled, smoked foods, coffee, beer, fast food;
  • excess weight. Too thick body fat inhibits the production of male hormones. At the same time, estrogens are produced intensively. They belong to the female hormones that are responsible for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics in girls;
  • drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • low physical activity. Sports activities have a positive effect on the male hormonal background. Excessive physical activity plays the opposite role and leads to a decrease in testosterone;

  • increased psychological stress. Staying in a constant state of stress leads to negative changes in hormonal levels;
  • drug addiction. It negatively affects the work of all organs and systems, which, among other things, causes hormonal imbalance;
  • side effects of certain medications. Anti-ulcer or painkillers, antidepressants may have a negative effect. Also reduce testosterone means taken to increase libido or erectile function, which are used uncontrollably, in doses significantly higher than recommended;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Causes of a decrease in testosterone due to certain conditions of the body

Reduced testosterone is often observed in the following conditions of the male body:

  • diabetes. Recent studies have established that such patients suffer from a lack of male hormones;
  • metabolic syndrome. This pathological condition includes several characteristic symptoms - increased pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar, obesity. The main danger of such a syndrome is a several-fold increase in the risk of developing a stroke or heart attack;

  • disruption of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. This area is responsible for the production of substances that are necessary for the release of testosterone. In their absence, this hormone cannot be produced at all or in insufficient quantities. Most often, this condition is observed due to congenital diseases - Kallman's syndrome and others;
  • genetic anomalies. For example, Klinefelter's syndrome, accompanied by an unusual combination of chromosomes, which leads to hormonal imbalance. With Down syndrome, in addition to many pathologies, there is a reduced level of testosterone.

Signs of violation

Symptoms of a decrease in testosterone in a man's body depend on the degree of the disorder. The greater the lack of this hormone, the more difficult the person tolerates this condition. In most cases, the signs of deficiency are as follows:

  • increase in heart rate;
  • increased sweating;
  • the appearance of hot flashes, which are also characteristic of women during menopause;
  • anemia (decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood);

  • obesity (mainly of the female type, when fat deposits are localized on the thighs);
  • development of gynecomastia, accompanied by abnormal growth of the mammary glands;
  • there is a decrease in the density of the hairline or complete baldness in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits, pubis, face;
  • a significant decrease in bone density;
  • decrease in physical endurance, strength;
  • the appearance of pain in the bones;

  • inhibition of muscle growth, which gradually leads to a decrease in their volume;
  • frequent changes in emotional state, a tendency to depression;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • decreased concentration, memory;
  • sleep disorders;
  • dry skin, increased formation of wrinkles;

  • erectile dysfunction, decreased libido;
  • lack of spontaneous erections in the morning;
  • reduction in the size of the testicles;
  • decrease in the amount of sperm during ejaculation;
  • increase in blood pressure. This condition is in close relationship with the level of testosterone;
  • unreasonably frequent urge to empty the bladder
  • other symptoms.

Consequences of hormonal imbalance

Given the characteristic symptoms of testosterone deficiency in the male body, it is clear that this condition leads to serious consequences. If there is no adequate treatment, such a violation not only reduces the quality of life of a person, but also leads to dangerous conditions. Lack of testosterone in men provokes infertility, osteoporosis, arterial hypertension. There is also a loss of features that are characteristic of the stronger sex. All symptoms negatively affect the male psyche.

If testosterone is produced in insufficient quantities during fetal development, then there is an incorrect formation of the genital organs. A child may develop female genitalia. Also sometimes there is a condition when genital organs develop, which cannot be attributed to any sex.

Increasing hormone levels without medication

Drug treatment of low testosterone in men in many cases will not be required if the following recommendations are followed:

  • doing sports. To normalize the hormonal background, it is enough to visit the gym 3-4 times a week and try to move more;
  • balanced diet. The intake of a sufficient amount of nutrients into the human body has a positive effect on the work of all organs and systems. Especially for the production of testosterone, zinc is needed, which is mainly found in protein products;
  • avoidance of stressful situations, positive emotions;
  • normal daily routine, enough sleep;
  • avoidance of sweet food, smoked, too salty, alcohol.

Taking medications

If preventive measures do not give a positive result, the doctor may decide to prescribe medication.

It includes hormone replacement therapy, which aims to compensate for the missing testosterone. Special drugs are prescribed in combination with other medications or independently, depending on the condition of the person and the causes of the pathology.

Treatment aimed at normalizing the male hormonal background can be carried out using:

  • intramuscular injections;
  • drugs in tablet form;
  • hormone-containing agents in the form of a gel.

The decrease in testosterone is quickly eliminated with a combination of both preventive measures and certain drugs that the doctor prescribed, taking into account the nature of the pathology.


  1. Baum H.B.A., Biller B.M.K., Finkelstein J.S. et al. Effects of physiologic growth hormone therapy on bone density and body composition in patients with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial // Ann Intern Med 1996; 125:883-890.
  2. Features of the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction in patients with hypogonadism 2010 / Gamidov S.I., Tazhetdinov O.Kh., Pavlovichev A.A., Popova A.Yu., Tkhagapsoeva R.A.
  3. Wunder P.A. The principle of plus-minus interaction and regulation of the pro-lactin function of the pituitary gland

Roman is a bodybuilding trainer with over 8 years of experience. He is also a nutritionist, among his clients there are a lot of famous athletes. Roman is with the author of the book “Sport and nothing but ..

Testosterone in the female body is produced by the adrenal cortex. Normally, its amount ranges from 0.45 to 3.75 nmol per liter.. The difference depends on age, the proximity of ovulation and other changes in the body.

In girls under 10 years of age, the testosterone level should not exceed 0.95 n mol per liter; for women during menopause, an increase in the level of the male hormone is characteristic.

Testosterone is necessary for the formation of the skeleton, muscle mass, high physical activity.

With a lack of male hormone, apathy, drowsiness, decreased performance and depression are possible.

Interruptions with appetite are possible, a sharp weight gain according to the female type, with fatty deposits in the chest, thighs and buttocks.

Despite the benefits for the female body, an excess of testosterone causes many problems.

A significant change in hormonal levels changes the appearance of a woman. It becomes masculine, vegetation appears on the cheeks and chin, while the hair on the head may fall out.

Vellus hairs on the body become stiff and rough, the skin dries and flakes. The figure also changes, muscles increase, fat is deposited in the shoulders and abdomen. A woman's voice becomes rougher, periods become irregular, and with a strong increase in testosterone levels, they can completely stop. At the same time, the ability to conceive decreases.

A sharp increase in the male sex hormone also affects the state of internal organs. With a long-term imbalance, malfunctions in the reproductive system are possible, the likelihood of becoming pregnant and bearing a child decreases.

There is a direct link between sharp fluctuations in testosterone and the formation of malignant tumors. The thyroid gland and adrenal glands suffer from jumps in hormones, ovarian function worsens.

Your attention is a video about increasing testosterone in women, causes and signs:

How to reduce it naturally?

How to lower the level of the hormone in the body without pills? A set of measures that need to be taken immediately after a problem is detected will help reduce testosterone. The program for stabilizing the hormonal background contains the following items:

  • giving up bad habits, especially smoking;
  • increased physical activity;
  • exclusion of stress;
  • restriction of medicines (antibiotics, steroids and other potent drugs).

Moderate physical activity without overexertion will help normalize the level of hormones.

Women are shown yoga, stretching, oriental breathing techniques. You can connect walking, swimming, cycling or horseback riding.

It is worth giving up strength exercises, free weights, bodybuilding and other activities associated with building excess muscle mass.

You need to make time for proper rest. Lack of sleep and lack of sleep at night adversely affect the hormonal background. It is necessary to abandon the shift work schedule, sleep at least 8 hours, connect relaxation techniques. Massage, physiotherapy, therapeutic baths will help relieve stress.

Folk remedies that lower the amount of the hormone

To lower the level of testosterone in women, a complex of hormonal agents is prescribed. For those who do not want to take medication, you can try proven and safe folk remedies. Especially useful are decoctions and infusions of herbs that are drunk in courses.

What foods to eat with high testosterone?

An important point for the normalization of hormonal levels is a balanced diet.

In the nutrition menu, you need to include as many foods as possible that stimulate the production of the female sex hormone estrogen.

Among the most useful options:

What kind of doctor prescribes treatment for this problem?

  1. At the first signs of increased testosterone, you need to contact a therapist who will issue a referral to an endocrinologist. To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to take a blood test. It is taken at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, this allows you to get a more reliable result. In some cases, consultation with a gynecologist or mammologist is necessary.
  2. With minor manifestations, the condition can be corrected with a diet, giving up bad habits and increasing physical activity. Before starting herbal treatment, you should consult your doctor.

    It is forbidden to take potent drugs uncontrollably, they can significantly harm health.

Increased testosterone is a common problem for women who experience stress, go in for strength sports, prefer protein foods with a minimum of fats and sugars. A balanced diet, herbal treatment, rest and relaxation will help improve the condition. It is important to visit a doctor in time to assess the state of the body and accurately know your hormonal background.

Testosterone is considered a typical male hormone. However, it is also produced in the female body, being a precursor of estrogen, just 10 times less of it.

Functions of testosterone in the female body

  • growth and formation of muscle fibers, bone tissue;
  • regulation of the balance of the ratio of muscle and adipose tissue;
  • sexual desire;
  • regulation of the function of the sebaceous glands;
  • growth of hair follicles;
  • participation in the formation of follicles in the ovaries as a precursor of estrogens.

Signs of high testosterone in women

  • hair growth in places atypical for a woman - legs, face, back and phalanges of the fingers;
  • hair on the head may grow less intensively up to baldness;
  • increased activity of the sebaceous glands leads to acne;
  • increased growth of muscle tissue and a gradual decrease in body fat lead to a change in the figure according to the male type;
  • the formation of the follicle is disrupted and the possibility of conception decreases, infertility develops;
  • in cases of a significant increase in this hormone, the menstrual cycle changes, up to amenorrhea (absence of menstruation).

Causes of high testosterone in women

In women under 40 years of age, an increase in testosterone levels can develop due to a number of diseases: the hormone increases with reducing tumors of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland or ovaries. There is a genetic predisposition to elevated levels of this hormone. However, functional causes are more common:

  • long-term use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • stress;
  • passion for sun tanning;
  • excessive consumption of foods with a high content of artificial sugar;
  • strength training while taking anabolic steroids, as well as professional sports (weightlifting).

Often, elevated testosterone levels occur in neurological patients taking barbiturates, or in patients with arterial hypertension who are treated with clomiphene.

How to lower testosterone in a woman

Before lowering the level of this hormone, it is necessary to find out the cause of the hormonal failure of the body. For this, blood testosterone is determined on the 7th day of the cycle and examined by an endocrinologist. If necessary, additional studies are carried out to determine the condition of the ovaries, pituitary gland and adrenal glands (ultrasound, MRI). If the presence of hormone-producing tumors is not confirmed, they begin to reduce the hormone with medications or alternative methods.

First of all, they put in order the diet and adjust the composition of the products used:

  • With increased testosterone, women are recommended to eat protein foods (meat, fish, chicken).
  • Dairy products (cottage cheese, full-fat milk, cream) must be included in the diet.
  • It is better to refuse a vegetarian diet.
  • Long breaks between meals should not be allowed, since a decrease in glucose levels and, accordingly, insulin in the blood increases testosterone production. The optimal break is 3-4 hours.
  • A number of foods contain free testosterone - eggs, legumes, garlic, hazelnuts and almonds. They need to be excluded from the diet.
  • Sweet foods must be present in the diet, but those that contain natural sugars (fructose). These are dates, sweet fruits, honey.
  • Reduce testosterone levels in women will help foods containing low molecular weight sugars - potatoes, white bread, cereals (especially oatmeal). Eating natural sugars stimulates the production of estrogen and insulin.

The normal content of these hormones leads to a natural decrease in testosterone in women.

Folk remedies to reduce testosterone in women

After correcting the diet and diet, you can begin to adjust the level of testosterone with the help of folk remedies:

  • Freshly squeezed celery and carrot juice. Taken on an empty stomach, one glass a day. It is better to alternate juices, for example, one day - celery, the second day - carrot juice. It should be borne in mind that long-term use of carrot juice can lead to yellowness of the skin and sclera, so it is better to take it in courses of no more than two weeks.
  • Tea with the addition of licorice root. A pinch of crushed licorice root is added to regular tea before bed.
  • Infusion of flax seeds. A tablespoon of flax seeds is poured with half a glass of boiling water. The infusion is taken in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Peppermint infusion. Pour a tablespoon of dry grass with a glass of boiling water and soak for 20 minutes. It is recommended to drink no more than two glasses of this infusion per day, since mint has a sedative effect.
  • Oatmeal jelly. Natural oat grains (not ready-made processed flakes) should be poured with a glass of cold water and left overnight to swell. Then cook over low heat for an hour and a half, periodically adding water. After that, you need to strain the oats, rub it through a sieve, add the pureed mass to the broth and mix. Such jelly can be consumed three glasses a day.

In addition to folk remedies, yoga and acupuncture are recommended to reduce testosterone levels in women. If the effect of non-drug therapy is not achieved, hormonal treatment is indicated.

What makes a man a man? It turns out that this is testosterone (male sex hormone), which is produced in the testicles and differs from the female sex hormone (estrogen) by one hydrogen atom! And because testosterone is very unstable, a little that mutates into the female sex hormone estrogen. (But reverse mutation never happens!) Testosterone disappears even when the weather changes!

Testosterone is also a key hormone in building muscle. Let's try to figure out what foods and what lifestyle lower the amount of our testosterone.

Especially dangerous are products that acidify the blood (they convert the hormone testosterone into estrogen) and products containing phytoestrogens and estrogens.

Of the foods that appear on our daily menu, researchers identify the following testosterone destroyers:

Salt. It has been experimentally proven that an increased sodium content reduces the production of testosterone.

Sugar. It provokes the production of insulin, which stops the process of testosterone production. And although glucose, which is part of sucrose, ensures sperm motility (therefore, a man instinctively reaches for sweets), but sugar is not exactly glucose. First, industrial sugar is full of chemistry. And secondly, it works better in combination with other components in its natural form (fruits, vegetables).

Dangerous products containing hidden sugar: fizzy drinks (especially tonics, hide sugar behind the bitterness of quinine) and sweet alcoholic drinks. Dehydration is added to the action of sugar, caffeine and alcohol.

Caffeine. Caffeine destroys free testosterone. However, it acts in a short period of time and itself is quickly destroyed. In addition, caffeine is recommended for baldness - after all, baldness is partly caused by the action of testosterone on the hair roots.

The best sources of caffeine are green tea and green coffee brewed with water not hotter than 80 degrees (caffeine only dissolves in very hot water). In addition, they are very rich in polyphenols. Roasted coffee, like all roasted fiber, is carcinogenic.

Meat. It's no secret that female hormones are given to animals to speed up weight gain. Commercial beef, chicken, and pork are 100% higher in these hormones.

Foods with high cholesterol. Cholesterol is animal fat. Its main source is fatty meat. And it's not cholesterol itself that's bad. Cholesterol is needed, as it is the main component in the synthesis of testosterone. Its excess is harmful. What is excess? A man's body produces microscopically little testosterone. Several milligrams per day. Accordingly, the amount of cholesterol required for this is also insignificant.

Soy. Contains phytoestrogens - plant analogues of the female sex hormone. That is, these hormones are opposite to testosterone in action. In small quantities, soy is harmless. It contains complete protein.

Fat milk. Especially natural. It contains natural bovine estrogen.

White yeast bread and pastries. It contains several factors that reduce testosterone at once: acids, yeast, sugar.

Large amount of vegetable oil . Soybean, corn and flaxseed oils most strongly reduce testosterone. To a lesser extent sunflower. Does not reduce - olive and nut. A harmless amount of sunflower oil ends at the sixth spoon per day.

Bird eggs. They contain many different hormones and cholesterol. In addition, the protein film located directly under the shell is toxic. It will not succeed in poisoning, but it affects the body. Especially the reproductive function.

Smoked products. They contain smoking liquid. This causes toxic damage to the tissues of the testicles - the glands that produce 95% of testosterone in the body.

Alcohol. A real poison for the testicles. With an increase in the level of alcohol in the blood, the amount of testosterone simultaneously decreases. Drinking alcohol in quantities that can cause a hangover reduces testosterone levels by 20% within 12-20 hours. Moreover, the testicles affected by the "degree" are never fully restored.

The most sophisticated blow to male power is beer. In addition to alcohol, it contains phytoestrogens - female sex hormones.

Here are some foods and tips to increase testosterone levels:

Psychology: a man loves with his eyes! From how his beloved looks, how the level of the male hormone can immediately jump or fall on the thermometer. So, women, remember your appearance constantly!

Testosterone is destroyed by stress hormones. Therefore, it is recommended to laugh a lot, do breathing practices, normalize sleep.

Sleep: Testosterone (as well as another important hormone - melatonin) is produced just during sleep, reaching its maximum concentration in the morning. And for this process, complete silence and complete darkness are needed ...

Physical education: move. For every 3 hours spent sitting or lying down, you should have 20 minutes of physical activity (running and swimming are ideal, but an exercise bike or something similar is fine). Even ordinary walking is a wonderful means of eliminating stagnation in the small pelvis.

Temperature: Constant overheating of the testicles is extremely dangerous and leads to prostatitis and prostate adenoma. The temperature at which spermatozoa are born should be about 3.5 degrees lower than body temperature. Therefore, warm blankets, tight jeans and shorts, constant overheating of the seats in the car, a sedentary lifestyle act as testosterone killers. Men are advised to sleep in a cool room.

Sunlight: Increases testosterone levels. Proven by scientists.

- greens in large quantities: parsley, cilantro, celery, cabbage, lettuce, onion, wild garlic, watercress salad,
- Tikva (the main source of zinc, which is part of testosterone),
- berries, grapes,
- non-alcoholic red wine
- walnut oil, sesame oil. Plus - olive oil, which helps in the restoration of human tissues and increases hormone levels.
- spices in huge quantities: cardamom, capsicum, hazel, cilantro, turmeric, horseradish, and mustard!

For more complete information, we add that testosterone increases the onset of prostate cancer. Although, this is not the topic of this article and this issue should be dealt with separately ...