Sheet and plate materials: what are they, selection and description. The strongest materials in the world Ultralight and strong materials

In his activity, a person uses various qualities of substances and materials. And not unimportant is their strength and reliability. The hardest materials in nature and artificially created will be discussed in this article.

Commonly accepted standard

To determine the strength of the material, the Mohs scale is used - a scale for assessing the hardness of a material by its reaction to scratching. For the layman, the hardest material is diamond. You will be surprised, but this mineral is only somewhere in the 10th place among the hardest. On average, a material is considered superhard if its values ​​are above 40 GPa. In addition, when identifying the hardest material in the world, the nature of its origin should also be taken into account. At the same time, strength and strength often depend on the influence of external factors on it.

The hardest material on earth

In this section, we will pay attention to chemical compounds with an unusual crystal structure, which are much stronger than diamonds and may well scratch it. Here are the top 6 hardest materials created by man, starting with the least hard.

  • Carbon nitride - boron. This achievement of modern chemistry has a strength index of 76 GPa.
  • Graphene airgel (aerographene) - a material 7 times lighter than air, restoring its shape after 90% compression. An amazingly durable material that can also absorb 900 times its own weight in liquid or even oil. This material is planned to be used in case of oil spills.
  • Graphene is a unique invention and the most durable material in the Universe. A little more about him below.
  • Carbin is a linear polymer of allotropic carbon, from which super-thin (1 atom) and super-strong tubes are made. For a long time, no one was able to build such a tube with a length of more than 100 atoms. But Austrian scientists from the University of Vienna managed to overcome this barrier. In addition, if earlier carbine was synthesized in small quantities and was very expensive, today it is possible to synthesize it in tons. This opens up new horizons for space technology and beyond.
  • Elbor (kingsongite, cubonite, borazone) is a nanodesigned compound that is widely used today in metal processing. Hardness - 108 GPa.

  • Fullerite is the hardest material on Earth known to man today. Its strength of 310 GPa is ensured by the fact that it does not consist of individual atoms, but of molecules. These crystals will easily scratch a diamond like a knife through butter.

The miracle of human hands

Graphene is another invention of mankind based on allotropic modifications of carbon. In appearance - a thin film one atom thick, but 200 times stronger than steel, with exceptional flexibility.

It is about graphene that they say that in order to pierce it, an elephant must stand on the tip of a pencil. At the same time, its electrical conductivity is 100 times higher than the silicon of computer chips. Very soon it will leave laboratories and enter everyday life in the form of solar panels, cell phones and modern computer chips.

Two very rare results of anomalies in nature

In nature, there are very rare compounds that have incredible strength.

  • Boron nitride is a substance whose crystals have a specific wurtzite shape. With the application of loads, the connections between the atoms in the crystal lattice are redistributed, increasing the strength by 75%. The hardness index is 114 GPa. This substance is formed during volcanic eruptions, in nature it is very small.
  • Lonsdaleite (in the main photo) is an allotropic carbon compound. The material was found in a meteorite crater and is thought to have formed from graphite under the conditions of the explosion. The hardness index is 152 GPa. Rarely found in nature.

Wonders of wildlife

Among the living beings on our planet, there are those who have something very special.

  • Web of Caaerostris darwini. The thread that Darwin's spider emits is stronger than steel and harder than Kevlar. It was this web that was adopted by NASA scientists in the development of space protective suits.
  • Mollusk teeth Sea saucer - their fibrous structure is currently being studied by bionics. They are so strong that they allow the mollusk to tear off the algae that have grown into the stone.

iron birch

Another miracle of nature is the Schmidt birch. Its wood is the hardest of biological origin. It grows in the Far East in the Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve and is listed in the Red Book. Strength is comparable to iron and cast iron. But at the same time it is not subject to corrosion and rotting.

The widespread use of wood, which even bullets cannot penetrate, is hindered by its exceptional rarity.

The hardest of metals

It is a white-blue metal - chrome. But its strength depends on its purity. In nature, it contains 0.02%, which is not at all so small. It is extracted from silicate rocks. A lot of chromium is also contained in meteorites falling to Earth.

It is corrosion resistant, heat resistant and refractory. Chromium is a component of many alloys (chromium steel, nichrome), which are widely used in industry and in anti-corrosion decorative coatings.

Stronger Together

One metal is good, but in some combinations it is possible to give the alloy amazing properties.

An ultra-strong alloy of titanium and gold is the only strong material that has proven to be biocompatible with living tissues. The alloy beta-Ti3Au is so strong that it cannot be ground in a mortar. It is already clear today that this is the future of various implants, artificial joints and bones. In addition, it can be applied in drilling, sports equipment and many other areas of our lives.

An alloy of palladium, silver, and some metalloids may also have similar properties. Scientists from the Caltech Institute are currently working on this project.

The future at $20 a skein

What is the hardest material that any average person can buy today? For just $20, you can buy 6 meters of Braeön tape. Since 2017, it has been on sale from the manufacturer Dustin McWilliams. The chemical composition and method of production are kept in strict confidence, but its qualities are amazing.

Tape can hold everything together. To do this, it must be wrapped around the parts to be fastened, heated with an ordinary lighter, the plastic composition must be given the desired shape and that's it. After cooling, the joint will withstand a load of 1 ton.

Both hard and soft

In 2017, information appeared about the creation of an amazing material - the hardest and softest at the same time. This metamaterial was invented by scientists from the University of Michigan. They managed to learn how to control the structure of the material and make it exhibit various properties.

For example, when using it to create cars, the body will be rigid when moving, and soft when colliding. The body absorbs contact energy and protects the passenger.

The diversity of nature is limitless, but there are materials that would not have been born without human participation. We bring to your attention 10 substances created by human hands and showing fantastic properties.

1.Single-sided bulletproof glass

The richest people have problems: judging by the growing sales of this material, they need bulletproof glass that would save lives, but not prevent them from shooting back.

This glass stops bullets on one side, but at the same time passes them on the other - this unusual effect lies in the "sandwich" of a fragile acrylic layer and a softer elastic polycarbonate: under pressure, acrylic manifests itself as a very hard substance, and when a bullet hits it, it extinguishes its energy, cracking at the same time. This allows the shock-absorbing layer to withstand the impact of a bullet and acrylic fragments without collapsing.

When fired from the other side, the resilient polycarbonate allows the bullet to pass through itself, stretching and destroying the brittle acrylic layer, which leaves no further barrier for the bullet, but do not shoot too often, as this will create holes in the protection.

2. Liquid glass

There was a time when dishwashing detergent did not exist - people got by with baking soda, vinegar, silver sand, rubbing or a wire brush, but the new product will help save a lot of time and effort and generally make washing dishes a thing of the past. "Liquid glass" contains silicon dioxide, which forms a material when interacting with water or ethanol, which then dries, turning into a thin (more than 500 times thinner than a human hair) layer of elastic, ultra-resistant, non-toxic and water-repellent glass.

With this material, there is no need for cleaners and disinfectants, as it is able to perfectly protect the surface from germs: bacteria on the surface of dishes or sinks are simply isolated. Also, the invention will find application in medicine, because it is now possible to sterilize instruments using only hot water, without the use of chemical disinfectants.

This coating can be used to fight fungal infections on plants and seal bottles, its properties are truly unique - it repels moisture, disinfects, while remaining elastic, durable, breathable, and completely invisible, as well as cheap.

3. Shapeless metal

This substance allows golfers to hit the ball harder, increases bullet damage, and prolongs the life of scalpels and engine parts.

Contrary to its name, the material combines the strength of metal and the hardness of the glass surface: the video shows how the deformation of steel and shapeless metal differs when a metal ball falls. The ball leaves many small "holes" on the surface of the steel - this means that the metal absorbs and dissipates the impact energy. Shapeless metal remains smooth, which means it returns impact energy better, which is also indicated by a longer rebound.

Most metals have an ordered crystalline molecular structure, and from an impact or other impact, the crystal lattice is distorted, which is why dents remain on the metal. In a shapeless metal, the atoms are arranged randomly, so after exposure, the atoms return to their original position.

4. Starlit

This is a plastic that can withstand incredibly high temperatures: its thermal threshold is so high that at first they simply did not believe the inventor. Only after demonstrating the capabilities of the material live on television, the staff of the British Atomic Weapons Center contacted the creator of the starlit.

The scientists irradiated the plastic with flashes of heat equivalent to the power of 75 bombs dropped on Hiroshima - the sample was only slightly charred. One of the testers noted: “Usually you have to wait several hours between flashes for the material to cool. Now we irradiated him every 10 minutes, and he remained unharmed, as if in mockery.

Unlike other heat-resistant materials, Starlite does not become toxic at high temperatures, and it is also incredibly lightweight. It can be used in the construction of spacecraft, aircraft, flame retardant suits or in the military industry, but, unfortunately, starlite never left the laboratory: its creator Morris Ward died in 2011 without patenting his invention and without leaving any descriptions . All that is known about the structure of starlite is that it contains 21 organic polymers, several copolymers and a small amount of ceramics.

5. Airgel

Imagine a porous substance of such low density that 2.5 cm³ of it contains surfaces comparable to the size of a football field. But it's not a specific material, but rather a class of substances: airgel is a form that some materials can take, and its ultra-low density makes it an excellent thermal insulator. If you make a 2.5 cm thick window out of it, it will have the same thermal insulation properties as a 25 cm thick glass window.

All the lightest materials in the world are aerogels: for example, quartz airgel (essentially dried silicone) is only three times heavier than air and is quite fragile, but it can withstand a weight 1000 times its own. Graphene airgel (pictured above) is made of carbon, and its solid component is seven times lighter than air: having a porous structure, this substance repels water, but absorbs oil - it is supposed to be used to combat oil slicks on the surface of the water.

6. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)

This chemical solvent first appeared as a by-product of cellulose production and was not used until the 60s of the last century, when its medical potential was revealed: Dr. Jacobs discovered that DMSO can easily and painlessly penetrate body tissues - this allows you to quickly and without damage skin to inject various drugs.

Its own medicinal properties relieve pain from sprains or, for example, inflammation of the joints in arthritis, and DMSO can also be used to fight fungal infections.

Unfortunately, when its medicinal properties were discovered, commercial production was long overdue, and its widespread availability prevented pharmaceutical companies from making a profit. In addition, DMSO has an unexpected side effect - garlic-like odor from the user's mouth, so it is used mainly in veterinary medicine.

7. Carbon nanotubes

In fact, these are sheets of carbon one atom thick, rolled into cylinders - their molecular structure resembles a roll of wire mesh, and this is the strongest material known to science. Six times lighter but hundreds of times stronger than steel, nanotubes have better thermal conductivity than diamond and conduct electricity more efficiently than copper.

The tubes themselves are not visible to the naked eye, and in its raw form, the substance resembles soot: in order to manifest its extraordinary properties, trillions of these invisible threads must be made to rotate, which has become possible relatively recently.

The material can be used in the production of a cable for the “elevator to space” project, which was developed quite a long time ago, but until recently it was completely fantastic due to the impossibility of creating a cable 100 thousand km long that would not bend under its own weight.

Carbon nanotubes also help in the treatment of breast cancer - they can be placed in each cell by the thousands, and the presence of folic acid allows you to identify and "capture" cancerous growths, then the nanotubes are irradiated with an infrared laser, and the tumor cells die. Also, the material can be used in the production of light and durable bulletproof vests…

8. Pykerite

In 1942, the British faced the problem of a lack of steel for the construction of aircraft carriers needed to fight German submarines. Geoffrey Pike suggested building huge floating airfields from ice, but it did not justify itself: although ice is inexpensive, it is short-lived. Everything changed with the discovery by New York scientists of the extraordinary properties of a mixture of ice and sawdust, which was similar in strength to brick, and also does not crack or melt. But the material could be processed like wood or melted like metal, sawdust swelled in water, forming a shell and preventing ice from melting, due to which any ship could be repaired right during the voyage.

But with all the positive qualities, pykrete was of little use for effective use: to build and create an ice cover for a ship weighing up to 1000 tons, it was enough to have an engine with a capacity of one horsepower, but at a temperature above -26 ° C (and a complex cooling system is required to maintain it ) ice tends to sag. In addition, cellulose, also used in paper making, was in short supply, so pykrete remained an unfeasible project.

9. BacillaFila - building microbe

Concrete has the property of "tiring" over time - it becomes dirty gray and cracks form in it. If we are talking about the foundation of a building, repairs can be quite time-consuming and expensive, and it is not a fact that it will eliminate “fatigue”: many buildings are demolished precisely because the foundation cannot be restored.

A group of Newcastle University students have developed genetically engineered bacteria that can penetrate deep cracks and produce a mixture of calcium carbonate and glue, strengthening a building. Bacteria are programmed to spread over the surface of the concrete until they reach the edge of the next crack, at which point the production of cementing agent begins, there is even a self-destruction mechanism for bacteria that prevents the formation of useless "growths".

This technology will reduce the anthropogenic emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, because concrete production gives 5% of it, and it will also help to extend the life of buildings, the restoration of which in the traditional way would cost a large amount.

10. Material D3o

Resistance to mechanical impact at all times was one of the main problems of materials science, until they invented D3o - a substance whose molecules are in free movement under normal conditions and are fixed upon impact. The structure of D3o resembles a mixture of corn starch and water, which is sometimes filled with pools. Special jackets made of this material, which are comfortable and provide protection from falls, bats or fists that you may get, are already on the market. Protective elements are not visible from the outside, which is suitable for stuntmen and even the police.

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Everyone knows that at the moment diamond is the standard of hardness, i.e. when determining the hardness of the material, the hardness index of the diamond is taken as the basis. In our article, we will look at the ten hardest materials in the world and see how hard they are relative to diamond. A material is considered superhard if its values ​​are above 40 GPa. It should be taken into account that the hardness of the material can fluctuate depending on external factors, in particular, on the load applied to it. So, here are the ten hardest materials in the world.

10. Boron suboxide

Boron suboxide consists of grains having the shape of convex twenty-hedra. These grains, in turn, consist of twenty polyhedral crystals, the faces of which are four triangles. Boron suboxide has an increased strength of 45 GPa.

9. Rhenium diboride

Rhenium diboride is a very interesting material. At low loads, it behaves like a superhard, having a strength of 48 GPa, and under load, its hardness drops to 22 GPa. This fact causes heated discussions among scientists around the world as to whether rhenium diboride should be considered a superhard material.

8. Magnesium aluminum boride

Magnesium aluminum boride is an alloy of aluminum, magnesium and boron. This material has incredibly low rates of sliding friction. This unique property could be a real find in the production of various mechanisms, because magnesium-aluminum boride parts are able to work without lubrication. Unfortunately, the alloy is incredibly expensive, which currently blocks its wide application. The hardness of magnesium-aluminum boride is 51 GPa.

7. Boron-carbon-silicon

The boron-carbon-silicon compound has an incredible resistance to extreme temperatures and chemical attack. The hardness of boron-carbon-silicon is 70 GPa.

6. Boron carbide

Boron carbide was discovered in the 18th century and began to be used almost immediately in many industries. It is used in the processing of metals and alloys, in the manufacture of chemical glassware, as well as in energy and electronics. It is used as the base material for body armor plates. The hardness of boron carbide is 49 GPa, and by adding argon in the form of ions to it, this figure can be increased to 72 GPa.

5. Carbon-boron nitride

Carbon-boron nitride is one of the representatives of the achievements of modern chemistry; it was synthesized relatively recently. The hardness of carbon-boron nitride is 76 GPa.

4. Nanostructured cubonite

Nanostructured cubonite has other names: kingsongite, borazone or elbor. The material has hardness indicators close to diamond and is successfully used in industry in the processing of various metals and alloys. The hardness of nanostructured cubonite is 108 GPa.

3. Wurtzite boron nitride

The structure of the crystals of this substance has a special wurtzite shape, which allows it to be one of the leaders in hardness. When a load is applied, the bonds between the atoms in the crystal lattice are redistributed and the hardness of the material increases by almost 75%! The hardness of wurtzite boron nitride is 114 GPa.

2. Lonsdaleite

Lonsdaleite is very similar in structure to diamond, because they are both allotropic modifications of carbon. Lonsdaleite was discovered in the funnel of a meteorite, one of the components of which was graphite. Apparently, from the loads caused by the meteorite explosion, the graphite turned into lonsdaleite. When discovered, lonsdaleite did not show any particular champion hardness, however, it has been proven that in the absence of impurities in it, it will be harder than diamond! Proven hardness of lonsdaleite is up to 152 GPa

1. Fullerite

It's time to consider the hardest substance in the world - fullerite. Fullerite is a crystal that consists of molecules rather than individual atoms. Due to this, fullerite has a phenomenal hardness, it is able to easily scratch a diamond, just like steel scratches plastic! The hardness of fullerite is 310 GPa.


We have given a list of the hardest materials in the world at the moment. As you can see, among them there are enough substances harder than diamond and, perhaps, more new discoveries await us ahead, which will make it possible to obtain materials with even higher hardness!

What types of slabs for construction, repair and wall, floor and ceiling cladding exist? Their features, advantages and disadvantages. If we take frame houses as an example, then the durability and appearance of such houses directly depend on the panels used for interior and exterior cladding. Moreover, the use of panels with a finished finish or a layer of thermal insulation (sandwich panel) significantly reduces the already short time for erecting a prefabricated frame house.


chipboard It is made by hot pressing wood shavings with binding thermoactive resins, which make up 6-18% of the weight of the shavings. Resins are environmentally unsafe, as they contain formaldehyde harmful to humans. According to the content of this substance, chipboard is divided into classes E1 and E2. More environmentally friendly class E1, it is allowed to be used in the production of even children's furniture. Entirely lined particle boards do not pose any harm to health, only open edges have a harmful effect. New technologies make it possible to produce Super E class boards, which are considered safe according to all sanitary standards. In general, the material has a sufficiently high density, low cost and ease of processing. Chipboards sheathe walls, roofs, make partitions, floors, use as a base for linoleum and carpeting.

Advantages of chipboard:

  • a wide range of colors, patterns, thicknesses;
  • easy to process;
  • structural homogeneity.

Disadvantages of chipboard:

  • does not hold screws and nails well, especially when reassembling;
  • vulnerable to moisture;
  • contains carcinogens (eg melamine).


Medium Density Wood Board or dry pressed fibreboard. MDF from English (Medium Density Fiberboard). It is made from wood chips, ground into flour by dry pressing, at high temperature and pressure with the addition of lignin, which is found in natural wood. Lignin makes this material environmentally friendly and resistant to fungi and microorganisms. MDF boards come in thicknesses from 3 to 30 mm and are laminated with plastics, varnished or veneered. In terms of moisture resistance and mechanical characteristics, MDF is superior to natural wood and chipboard. Also, MDF is 2 times stronger and holds screws better. MDF is used for interior decoration, for example, in the form of wall panels or laminated flooring - laminate, in the manufacture of furniture, speaker cabinets. MDF has a uniform structure, is easy to process, and is very durable.

Advantages of MDF:

  • fire resistance;
  • biostability;
  • high strength;
  • better than chipboard holds screws;
  • moisture resistance is higher than that of chipboard;
  • wide choice of colors and patterns thanks to film and veneer coating.

Disadvantages of MDF:

  • burns with the release of poisonous smoke;
  • pulverized sawdust formed during the processing and sawing of boards is harmful to health.

Drywall (gypsum board)

It is rightfully considered one of the most popular materials for leveling walls, ceilings and floors, interior partitions and even decorative elements such as arches, columns, spheroids, multi-level ceiling coverings, etc. The main component of drywall sheets is gypsum filler and this determines many of the positive qualities of the building material. So, drywall is chemically inert, its acidity is approximately equal to the acidity of human skin, it does not contain and does not emit chemical compounds harmful to humans into the environment. A standard board is 93% gypsum dihydrate, 6% cardboard, and another 1% surfactants, starch and moisture.

Thus, the fragility of the panels makes it difficult to transport, loading and unloading. For the same reason, GKL cannot withstand significant physical exertion and is not recommended for leveling floors. Suspended plasterboard ceilings can withstand a weight of no more than 4 kg per square meter, while stretch ceilings can carry a load of more than 100 kg per square meter.

A variation or more modern modification of a simple drywall sheet is painted or laminated drywall, gypsum vinyl or gypsum board- colored drywall, with a vinyl coating. A fundamentally new material that has an initially exclusive appearance with a wide choice of decor. It is used for interior wall cladding, for sewing up window slopes, creating partitions, shop windows and exhibition racks, without additional finishing.

Laminated drywall, gypsum vinyl or gypsolam - colored drywall, pasted over with a vinyl coating

These environmentally friendly non-combustible panels are a gypsum board glued on both sides with a special cardboard. They have an ideal geometry and are used for the construction of internal partitions and filing ceilings. Supplied in sheets 2700 (3000) x 1200 x 12 mm. Special brands of drywall are produced for wet (bathroom) and fire hazardous (fireplace wall) rooms. They are painted in "signal" colors - red and green. There is drywall and increased plasticity (thickness 6 mm, width 900 mm) for sheathing rounded walls. On the basis of drywall, “sandwich” panels are made with a heat-insulating layer of polyurethane foam (up to 50 mm). They are already used for interior cladding of exterior walls without subsequent insulation and vapor barrier. This significantly reduces construction time.

Advantages of drywall:

  • does not burn, but with significant heating is destroyed;

Disadvantages of drywall:

  • low strength, brittleness;
  • greater vulnerability to moisture even of a moisture-resistant variety;
  • does not tolerate low temperatures and significant temperature changes;
  • only suitable for interior decoration.

gypsum board

Gypsum boards practical, modern and environmentally friendly material, as it is made without the use of toxic substances from natural gypsum, which does not conduct electricity and has no smell. Gypsum board meets all fire safety requirements. Gypsum board, gypsum tongue-and-groove board (PGP) is the main material in the construction of partitions, suspended ceilings, and various decorative ledges. It is used for leveling ceilings, walls, "stitching" communication systems. Gypsum board is moisture resistant and standard. Standard is used in buildings with normal humidity. For damp rooms, plates with hydrophobic additives are intended. Such plates are easily distinguished by their characteristic green color.

Advantages of gypsum boards:

  • environmental and sanitary safety;
  • easy to process: cut, drill;
  • low combustible material, flammability class G1
  • relatively cheap.

Disadvantages of gypsum boards:

  • low strength, brittleness;
  • great vulnerability to moisture even of a moisture-resistant variety.

Gypsum fiber sheet

Gypsum fiber sheet (GVL) is a modern environmentally friendly homogeneous material with excellent technical characteristics. It is produced by semi-dry pressing of a mixture of gypsum and cellulose waste paper. According to its physical properties, the gypsum fiber sheet is a fairly strong, solid material, also famous for its refractory qualities.

Gypsum fiber sheet, due to its versatility, has become very widespread in the construction industry. It is used for the installation of interior partitions, floor screeds, suspended ceilings, wall cladding and fire protection of structures. GVL for the floor is popular, which serves to assemble the base of the floor covering, as well as the facing option, with which, for example, wooden surfaces are sheathed, thereby increasing their fire resistance. Depending on the area of ​​application, gypsum-fiber sheets are divided into two types: GVLV (moisture resistant) and GVL (ordinary).

Advantages of gypsum fiber sheets:

  • GVL in comparison with GKL more easily tolerates sawing in any direction, as it is homogeneous in composition;
  • Higher strength due to reinforcement with cellulose fiber;
  • Increased sound insulation.

Flaws gypsum fiber sheets:

  • Less bending strength than GKL;
  • Less suitable for interior decoration than GKL;
  • The need for pre-treatment before painting.

Cement particle boards (DSP)- ideal material for exterior cladding of frames and partitions in damp and flammable rooms, serves as a good leveling base for all floor coverings. It has a hard and smooth surface, is plastered and tiled, sawn with a hacksaw, non-flammable, resistant to moisture and temperature fluctuations. Supplied in sheets 3600 x 1200 x 10 (12, 16, 20 and 26) mm.

Plywood is one of the most common materials widely used in construction. Plywood is produced by gluing several layers of peeled veneer with phenol-formaldehyde resins. For this purpose, as a rule, birch or coniferous veneer of small thickness is used. The choice of these species is due to their wide distribution in our forests: in Europe, New Zealand and some other countries, oak, maple, hornbeam and even pear are widely used for the production of plywood of various grades. Veneer bonding is carried out under pressure at elevated temperature. The resulting sheets are cooled, and after a short curing time they are collected in packs of 10 or 20 pieces.

Depending on the wood and glue used in the production of plywood, it is classified into:

  • plywood of increased moisture resistance (FSF)
  • plywood of medium moisture resistance (FC)
  • bakelized plywood (BF)

- is plywood coated on one or both sides with a paper-resin coating. This coating very effectively prevents the penetration of moisture, is highly resistant to abrasion and the formation of mold and fungus, resistant to corrosion and destruction. This type of plywood due to lamination is quite popular. Using lamination, you can apply almost any pattern or imitation under: oak, poplar, maple, birch, walnut, pine and larch.

Advantages of plywood:

  • high tensile and bending strength;
  • perfectly sawn, drilled and fastened with both nails and screws;
  • relatively inexpensive material.

Disadvantages of plywood:

  • resins used in veneer bonding contain a rather high concentration of phenolic compounds;
  • combustibility;

Oriented Strand Board

Oriented Strand Board (OSB), produced by pressing chips up to 0.7 mm thick and up to 140 mm long under high pressure and temperature using a small amount of adhesive resin. OSB boards are 3 times stronger than chipboard and MDF boards due to the location of the chips longitudinally in the outer layers and transversely in the inner ones. With such strength, OSB is a very flexible material and is excellently used in construction and finishing works. OSB boards of various thicknesses (from 6 to 30 mm) are sheathed in attics, ceilings, walls, rough floors, formwork, wall panels, fences and collapsible structures are made from them. On the floor under the laminate, the thinnest slabs are usually used - 6 and 8 mm thick, for structures and formwork thicker ones - from 10 mm. OSB-3 is a more durable version of this material used in low-rise construction in high humidity conditions. Also, because of the original texture, OSB is a favorite material for decorators and designers for interior decoration. From OSB, a rather spectacular design of the ceiling or elements in built-in furniture or in walls is obtained.

Along with conventional OSB boards, there are also OSB grooved- a plate with the processed ends a groove - a crest, from the 2nd or 4th parties.

Advantages of OSB:

  • strength relative to other boards used;
  • moisture resistance is higher than that of chipboard and gypsum board;
  • wide size range;
  • cheaper chipboard;
  • holds screws well, even when re-driving.

Disadvantages of OSB:

  • it is processed worse than chipboard due to the heterogeneity of the structure;
  • dust released when cutting OSB irritates the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes.
  • contains formaldehyde, especially in moisture-resistant boards.

glass-magnesium sheet

glass-magnesium sheet or glass-magnesite sheet (SML) white, reinforced with fiberglass, 40 percent lighter than GVL, flexible, durable, fireproof, moisture resistant. Thanks to the reinforcing fiberglass mesh, LSU can bend with a curvature radius of up to three meters. This quality allows it to be used on uneven surfaces. High moisture resistant qualities allow it to be used in rooms with high humidity. It is allowed to stick any finishing materials on the front side of the plate. With a sheet thickness of 6mm, it is able to hold fire for 2 hours, withstands heating up to 1500 degrees. Sheet thickness: 3-20 mm.

Glass-magnesium sheet (SML) is a universal sheet finishing material based on magnesite and fiberglass. The manufacturing technology and composition of the material give it such qualities as flexibility, strength, fire resistance and moisture resistance. Its qualities allow it to be used on uneven surfaces and reduces the possibility of sheet fracture during installation and transfer. In addition, this material is environmentally friendly, does not contain harmful substances and asbestos, does not emit toxic substances even when heated. Unlike drywall, LSU-Premium class refers to slow-burning materials (NG).

The scope of glass-magnesium sheet is extremely high. As with drywall, ceilings, walls and interior partitions can be made from it. Moreover, with the help of glass-magnesite sheets, it is possible to finish the exterior facades of cottages and houses. LSU is a reliable basis for any kind of finishing. The new material is ideal for showers, saunas, swimming pools - after all, the glass-magnesium sheet is able to withstand high humidity, temperature changes and open fire. A variety of putties, paints, and adhesives can be applied to the surface of the LSU. You can stick wallpaper, aluminum-composite panels, veneer, plastic, ceramic, glass or mirror tiles.

The front (smooth) surface of the sheets is intended for painting, wallpapering, laminating and applying various types of decorative textures without preliminary, final filling and priming of the entire surface of the material. The back (rough) surface of the sheets is designed for strong adhesion when gluing piece facing and decorative materials (ceramic or tile, veneer, etc.), or the material itself onto walls and floors, gluing sheets together. LSU can be mounted on a fastening system, both made of metal and wood. And also directly on the building envelope with glue.

Along with conventional glass-magnesium sheets, recently more and more often began to appear laminated glass-magnesium sheets with a variety of patterns and thicknesses of the outer coating.

Advantages of glass magnesite:

  • Moisture resistance - does not undergo deformation, does not swell and does not lose its properties;
  • Fire resistance - magnesite panels are non-combustible material;
  • Good sound insulation - a 12mm panel in terms of sound transmission corresponds to four layers of a twelve-millimeter drywall sheet, or a brick wall 150mm thick;
  • High strength and flexibility - can bend with a radius of curvature from 25 cm to 3 meters;
  • Lighter than similar boards made of wood or gypsum;
  • Low thermal conductivity, can be used as an additional insulation;
  • It can be used for decoration, both outside and inside.

Flaws glass-magnesite :

  • More brittle than gypsum fiber sheet;
  • When filling joints, it is necessary to use putties on chemical adhesives;
  • Properties vary considerably depending on the manufacturer and LSU class.

Fiberboard is a board material made by pressing a special wood fiber (wood wool) and an inorganic binder (magnesium binder). The fiber is obtained from the waste of the woodworking industry, as a result of processing on wood-planing machines. One of the advantages of fiberboard plates is their low volumetric weight. Fiberboard is fire resistant: the chips are impregnated with cement, and when exposed to fire, only soot is formed on them. The material allows for various finishes, is easily attached to any structure using nails, self-tapping screws, dowels, and is easy to saw.

- slow-burning, biostable material, which is used as heat-insulating, structural-heat-insulating and acoustic materials in building structures of buildings and structures with relative humidity not higher than 75%.

Conventional fiberboards are produced with a thickness of 3-5 mm using gray cement as a binder. These plates are used for various types of thermal insulation, for roofing and plastered partitions. Acoustic boards are usually made from fine wood wool (0.75-2 mm), which improves their appearance, are not covered with anything, and are also tinted in colors that are in harmony with the interior or are made using magnesite or white cement instead of gray. Composite fiberboard is a two- or three-layer panel with a middle layer of thermal insulation material such as rigid foam or mineral fiber (mineral silicate wool). The thickness of the middle layer usually ranges from 15 to 140 mm, although the outer layers of fiberboard have a thickness of 5 to 20 mm. In this case, the level of thermal insulation is significantly increased.

Advantages of fiberboard plates:

  • Ease of installation;
  • Good heater;
  • Mechanically strong;
  • Extensive decorative possibilities;
  • Good moisture resistance and fire resistance;
  • Soundproofing;
  • Hygiene, harmlessness to human health and the environment;
  • Do not spoil rodents and insects, does not rot.

Flaws fiberboard slabs :

  • Low bending strength;
  • Significant weight.

Feel free to comment on the article if you have something to add to this material. If you find errors or inconsistencies. Perhaps you know some other similar material not presented in this article?

Many of us are well aware of the basic properties of, for example, ordinary plywood - its strength, rigidity, stability and dimensions.

But, most likely, you are not familiar with the properties of other sheet materials that have appeared in recent years.

No matter what project you have to produce, we will help you find the material that is ideally suited to your tasks.

Improved properties thanks to modern developments

All sheet and board materials, including plywood, belong to the broad category of man-made wood products. Unlike natural, natural wood, when boards and beams are simply sawn from a tree trunk and dried, artificial materials are obtained through further processing, seeking to improve or change some properties.

For example, plywood consists of many thin layers glued to each other so that the direction of the fibers of each layer is perpendicular to the adjacent ones. This increases strength, reduces dimensional fluctuations, and allows beautifully textured woods to be used only on the outer layers.

Although plywood still dominates the market, there are a growing number of new sheet materials made from shavings, sawdust or powdered wood that are mixed with glue and special additives and then pressed. This is how widely known chipboards and fibreboards (chipboard and MDF) are produced. Even traditional plywood has changed by partially replacing the inner or outer layers with other materials, and becoming popular high density plywood is glued together from many very thin layers of veneer.

The article describes the purpose and properties of a dozen sheet and plate materials. Note.

We did not include some materials, such as OSI (oriented strand board) and antiseptic plywood, intended for construction and not for carpentry work.

Description of sheet materials

  • 1. Material
  • 2. Description
  • 3. Application
  • 4. Standard sizes
  • 5. Varieties
  • 6. Benefits
  • 7. Disadvantages


1. chipboard

2. Consists of sawdust and wood flour with special additives. Thermal pressing into sheets and plates.

3. Widely used as a flooring underlay, for making cheap cabinet furniture. Limited use in workshops for the manufacture of some devices.

4. Sheets and plates with a thickness of 6; 12; 16; 19; 25 and 32 NI.

5. PBU - for the subfloor M-S, M-1, M-2 and M-3 - for the manufacture of cabinet furniture and countertops.

6. Low cost and availability, ease of processing and relative dimensional stability.

7. Insufficient rigidity, low moisture resistance. The fastener does not hold well.

1. Chipboard with melamine coating (LDSP)

2. One or both surfaces of chipboard are lined with paper impregnated with melamine resins. On cheap varieties, plastic is simply glued, and on expensive ones it is firmly bonded to the base by heating.

3. Great for making cabinet furniture as the plastic surface is easy to clean. Use to make fixtures and simple router tables.

4. Sheets and plates with a size of 1250×2500 mm and a thickness of 5; 12; 16 and 18 mm.

5. There are no standard gradations of chipboard, but there are so-called "vertical" and "horizontal" varieties. Expensive varieties usually have a thicker and more durable coating film.

6. Inexpensive available material with an easy to clean surface. Wide range of colors. There are varieties coated with kraft paper or natural veneer.

7. Heavy material with low moisture resistance. The cut edges are often damaged by chips when cutting with saw blades not designed for this material.

1. Hardboard

2. A mixture of ground wood fibers with resins, pressed into sheets. One or both sides of the sheet may be smooth.

3. Great for making DIY fixtures and workshop furniture, especially the two smooth side variety. Perforated hardboard is a convenient means for hanging tools.

4. Sheets with a thickness of 3 and b mm.

5. Rough (2 green stripes), standard (1 green stripe), medium hard (2 red stripes), hard (1 red stripe), S1S (one smooth side), S2S (both smooth sides).

6. Available and inexpensive material, easy to process, relatively stable, good coloring.

7. Standard and draft grades are not moisture resistant, poorly sanded and do not hold fasteners well. Their edges are easily damaged.

1. Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF)

2. A mixture of cellulose fibers with synthetic resins, compressed by heating.

3. Great for making fixtures, cabinet furniture, painted products, trim profiles. It is used as a base for sticking veneer and plastics.

5. Main variety: Industrial. Cheap varieties are designated by the brand "B" or "shop". Also classified by density: standard - MD, low density - LD.

6. Smooth surfaces, no internal and external defects, stable thickness. Sticks well. Edges are easy to process.

7. Heavy material. Ordinary screws do not hold well.

1. Coniferous plywood

2. Cross-glued layers of softwood veneer.

3. Garden furniture, outdoor buildings and structures, workshop furniture, flooring base.

4. Sheets and plates with a thickness of 6; ten; 12; 16; 19 and 22 mm sizes 1220×2440 and 1225×2500 mm.

5. Grades A, B, C, D (I, II, III, IV).

6. Cheaper hardwood plywood. On premium plywood, the face veneer often has a beautiful texture pattern.

7. Beautiful appearance often hides many defects. Low hardness.

1. Laminated plywood

2. Plywood with a double-sided coating of thick paper impregnated with synthetic resins.

4. Sheets and plates with a thickness of 6; eight; ten; 12; 16 and 19 mm with dimensions of 1220 × 2440 mm.

5. Classified by grade in the same way as hardwood plywood. The outer layers (glued over with paper) are made of grade B (II) or A (I) veneer, the inner layers are made of grade C (III) veneer.

6. Smooth surfaces paint well. Easily processed. Durable weather resistant material.

7. Heavy material. Limited availability.

1. Decorative plywood

2. Plywood with outer layers of fine wood veneer.

3. It is used for the manufacture of furniture and interior decoration.

4. Sheets with a thickness of 3; 6; ten; 12; 16 and 19 mm.

5. Veneer grades on the front side: AA, A, B, C/D/E on the back side: 1,2,3,4.

6. More stable and cheaper than solid wood. No external defects on the front side. Beautiful appearance.

7. Thick sheets can be heavy. Thin veneer is easily damaged. The edges of the parts have to be covered with overlays.

1. birch plywood

2. Glued together from thin layers of veneer. In expensive varieties, there are no internal defects.

3. Applied to making fixtures, furniture, drawers.

4. Sheets with a size of 1525×1525 mm and a thickness of 4; 6; 5; 9; 12; 15 and 18 mm.

5. Grades: AA, A, B, C, D.

6. Rigidity, stability, no defects. Holds screws well. Finished edges are decorative.

7. Heavy material. The outer layers are birch veneer only.

1. Plywood «Appleply»

2. American variety of high quality birch plywood with fine wood veneer outer layers.

3. Used in the same way as European birch plywood, mainly for decorative purposes.

4. Sheets and plates with a thickness of 6; ten; 13; 19; 25 and 32 mm with dimensions of 1220 × 2440 mm.

5. There is no gradation by grade, but grade "B" or "A" veneer is used for the outer layers.

6. Rigidity, stability, no defects. Holds fasteners well. Variety of veneer on front sides.

7. Limited availability, high cost.

1. flexible plywood

2. All inner layers of the veneer are perpendicular to the outer ones, which allows the plywood to be bent across the fibers of the outer layer.

3. The main use is as a base in the manufacture of furniture.

4. Sheets 3 and 10 mm thick, 1220×2440 mm in size. Sheets of other thicknesses are produced on request.

5. Bends along small radii without cracking, does not require steaming or cross cuts.

6. With increased flexibility, it allows you to make rounded corners and decorative shapes.

7. Not applicable for loaded structures. The quality of the veneer on the front sides is not standardized.

1. Always carefully measure the thickness of sheet materials before selecting grooves or tongues in adjacent parts. For example, the thickness of plywood is often 0.3-0.8 mm less than the nominal.

2. When sawing sheet materials on the saw, place them face up to avoid chipping. When cutting with a circular saw, they should be placed face down.