Social qualities of the individual, social status and social role. Characteristics of the social qualities of the individual

Social qualities of people: concept, types, mechanisms of formation


The concept of human social qualities

The most complete definition is given by sociology, explaining social quality as a concept that captures certain socially defined characteristics of an individual, social groups and classes, inseparable from the mode of existence and activity of historical subjects. The very concept of "personality" designates in sociology the historically established, socially conditioned typological unity (quality) of an individual. Therefore, a personality is a concrete expression of the social essence of a person, a certain way realized integration in an individual of socially significant features and social relations of a given society. The term "personality" was formed from the Latin words "persona" (mask of an actor, role, position, meaning, face) and "personare" (to speak through). Thus, it used to denote the stylized mask of an actor. Therefore, in a sense, all people wear "social masks". For many years, people have been learning how to become a man among people, to comply with certain norms, rules, role instructions. In that sense, the word "personality" denotes the totality of such social qualities (expressed in certain stereotypes of behavior) that an individual demonstrates in front of an "audience". So, personality is a product of social development, and in this regard, the main thing in it is its social quality.

Social qualities are not reduced to individual qualities, no matter how complex they may be in themselves. The evolutionary precursors of the social qualities of a person are forms of inherited biological behavior, i.e., such psychological constructions that are partially used in the subsequent genesis of the social. These include the need for an animal to stay in a group, the ability to obey the "norms" of behavior, i.e., the ability to self-restraint, the transfer of the form of parental relations to other people's cubs and weak individuals, overcoming "zoo-psychological individualism" under pressure from the needs of the community.

The natural forces of man, especially the higher forms of the psyche, are filled with social content only when they begin to perform certain social functions.

Thus, the social qualities of people are common qualities that are repeated, stable in the behavior of various groups and communities of people.

The Philosophical Encyclopedia interprets the concept of social qualities in this way - this is the concentration of human experience, the joint and individual activities of people, their various combinations, compositions, syntheses. Social qualities are contained in the existence of people, in their abilities, needs, skills, knowledge, their inherent forms of behavior and interaction. Social qualities are developed, distributed, complicated (or simplified) in the process of development of human contacts, cultural exchanges, economic and other interactions between social communities. Acting as intermediaries between various social qualities, they themselves are part of these qualities, becoming forms of realization of their being. In other words, social qualities "come to life" and "live" only in the social process, in the interactions of people and people, people and things, in the dynamics of reproduction and renewal of social life.

Linguist Kim I.E. this is how this concept is explained - the social qualities of a person represent his ability to social activity and the characteristics of his social behavior.

A feature of the expression of qualities is the presence of a reference morphological class intended for their designation - an adjective. The meaning of the quality, however, can be expressed by nouns, verbs and adverbs, as separate lexemes, and (in the case of a noun and a verb) separate forms or particular paradigms of forms.

Quality can manifest itself in different quantities, which is reflected in the grammar of the adjective (category of the degree of comparison), in its derivational potential (the presence of regular derivatives with a value of low and high intensity of quality), as well as in its semantic and syntactic valencies, namely, the presence of dependent adverbs of measure and degree. There are other grammatical, derivational and lexical means of expressing the gradualness of qualities: a noun with a person meaning, a noun with a quality meaning, an adjective, short (predicative) or full (attributive), verb or verb phrase.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Kostyuchenko A.A. under the socially significant qualities of people he understands the qualities that contribute to the solution of socially significant tasks, the formation of the individual as a citizen: organization, independence, social activity, social initiative, responsibility, sociability, reflection, emotional stability, empathy.

Psychologists agree that with the general lack of development of the problem of personality traits, it is rather difficult to outline the range of its socio-psychological qualities. And although the problem is at the very initial stages of its development, however, at least it is possible to establish agreement on one point: the socio-psychological qualities of a person are qualities that are formed in joint activities with other people, as well as in communication with them. Both the one and the other series of qualities are formed in the conditions of those real social groups in which the personality functions.

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SOCIAL QUALITY - a concept that captures certain socially defined characteristics of the individual, social. groups and classes, inseparable from the mode of existence and activity of the historical. subjects. The very concept of "" in sociology denotes a historically established, socially conditioned typological. unity () individual. Therefore, the individual is the concrete expression of societies. the essence of a person, in a certain way realized in the individual socially significant features and social. relations of this about-va. The term "personality" was formed from the Latin words "persona" (mask of an actor, role, position, meaning, face) and "personare" (to speak through). So arr., earlier it denoted a stylized mask of an actor. Therefore, in a certain sense, all people wear "social masks". For many years, people have been learning how to become a man among people, to comply with certain norms, rules, role instructions. In this sense, the word "personality" denotes the totality of such K.s. (expressed in certain stereotypes of behavior), to-rye demonstrates to the "audience". Moreover, if psychologists study the "actor" more in and of itself, i.e. his inner world, then sociologists are interested in the other side - his social, socially conditioned roles in the world of people. So, personality - societies. development, and in this regard, the main thing in it is its social. quality. The personal manifestation of the individual is the social activity carried out by him. activity, i.e., a set of actions in various ways. spheres and at different levels of the organization social (see) about-va. In the process of such activity, each individual pursues certain social. goals and interests, while in order to achieve them, he uses a variety of means - economic, social, political. and ideological. K.s. are not reduced to individual qualities, no matter how complex they may be in themselves. For a psychologist, individuality means a set of physical characteristics inherited and developed in the process of ontogenesis. and psychic. features that distinguish this person from all others. In other words, we are talking about individually unique qualities, but not about K.s. societies. creatures. It is known that the nature of educational activity, that is, the acquisition of new qualities and the development of abilities, genetically goes back to this kind of animal activity. Evolutionary predecessors of K.s. personality - a form of inherited biological. behavior, i.e. such psychological. constructions, to-rye are partially used in the subsequent genesis of the social. These include the need for the animal to stay in a group, the ability to obey the "norms" of behavior, i.e. e. the ability to self-restraint, the transfer of the form of parental relationships to other people's cubs and weak individuals, overcoming "zoopsychological. individualism" under pressure from the needs of the community. Highly developed primates (for example, monkeys), who grew up in isolation from adults and did not adopt the necessary communication experience from them, turn out to be completely unadapted to life in the community of their own kind. However, biogenetic K.s. a person acquired by him in communication with other people and in the process of socialization, with certain "patterns" of the operant behavior of animals, formed as a result of the fusion of hereditary and lifetime properties through the mechanism of immunity, imitation, etc., does not yet indicate about their substantive similarity or identity. No matter how detailed or exhaustive the higher primates are with a human being, and no matter how convincing examples are given to confirm this (say, about the similarity of the tool activity of humans and animals, about the similarity of mediated, ritually stylized forms of behavior, etc.) - all this does not allow explaining a completely new stage of development - the appearance of K.s. person. The natural forces of man, especially the higher forms of the psyche, are filled with social. content only when they begin to perform certain social. functions. Sociology is primarily interested in the personality in the process of its social. activities, to-paradise unfolds in a special coordinate system - soc. relations and social role prescriptions. Hence the need to single out the socially typical, that is, the general quality, repetitive, stable in behavior is different. groups and communities of people - in other words, K.s, characterizing societies. relations and the main trends in their development. Lit .: Formation of a new quality in the development of society. M., 1968; Kharin Yu.A. Categories of social dialectics. M., 1979; Velik A.P. Social movement: phenomena and essence. M., 1982; Dialectics of modern social development. M., 1985; The problem of man in Western philosophy. M., 1988; Frankl V. Man in search of meaning. M., 1990. A.I. Kravchenko

Russian sociological encyclopedia. - M.: NORMA-INFRA-M. G.V. Osipov. 1999

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    SOCIAL INSURANCE- SOCIAL INSURANCE. Contents: Social insurance in tsarist Russia. . 194 Social insurance in the USSR ........ 196 Social insurance in the capitalist countries ............................ 204 Social insurance in tsarist Russia. ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

    social housing- Social housing - a way of providing citizens with housing, in which the ownership of home ownership belongs to the state or municipality. In world practice, this term combines many forms of real estate rental, ... ... Wikipedia

    quality 3.1.1 quality degree of conformity of a set of inherent characteristics (3.5.1) with requirements (3.1.2) NOTES 1 The term “quality” can be used with adjectives such as poor, good or excellent. 2 The term "intrinsic" ... ...

    social animal- Not to be confused with an animal companion. Social animals are organisms capable of active interaction with other individuals of their species. Communities of gorillas and other higher primates have a complex social structure. All ... ... Wikipedia

    SOCIAL CONTRADICTION- the interaction of opposite tendencies in the development of social phenomena, which at the same time are in internal unity and interpenetration, acting as a source of self-propulsion and development of social processes and their scientific knowledge. ... ... Sociology: Encyclopedia

    the quality of life- 2.1.35 quality of life: Degree of satisfaction of a set of needs and interests of a citizen, family and society as a whole. Paragraphs 2.1.24 2.1.35 (Introduced additionally. title= Amendment No. 1 (IUS No. 04 2014)). 2.2 Types of social services Source: GOST R ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    social service quality- 2.1.21 social service quality: A set of properties of a social service that determines its ability and ability to meet the needs of a social service client and carry out his social rehabilitation or social adaptation. A source … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    social welfare- manifests itself in a wide (sufficient for a given individual) dynamic system of social ties, with the presence of positive interpersonal relationships in the form of friendship, love. S. b. abroad. research is assessed by the success of the physical, mental, ... ... Psychology of communication. encyclopedic Dictionary

    Quality of social service- 2.1.21. #Quality of a social service#: a set of properties of a social service that determines its ability and ability to meet the needs of a social service client and carry out his social rehabilitation or social adaptation ...… ... Official terminology

    The quality of life- R. Bauer's term, denotes the positive aspects of human life and functioning. N.M. Bradbury was the first to present data on this in the form of an indicator of emotional balance, that is, the sum of positive emotions minus the sum of negative emotions. Works ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

Personality is a social phenomenon. It is closely connected with time and expresses everything that is in historical man.

Personality is a conscious and active person who has the opportunity to choose one or another way of life. It all depends on the personal and psychological qualities that are inherent in the individual, they must be properly understood and taken into account.

Personality is a human individual acting as a subject of conscious activity and relationships. We can say that a person is an integrity that integrates all mental processes, properties and states. The mental characteristics of the personality are manifested and formed in the behavior, actions and deeds of the personality, i.e. become a personality.

The personality of a person as a member of society is in the sphere of influence of various relations that develop in the process of production and consumption of material goods. The process of personality formation occurs both under the influence of the sphere of political relations and ideology. Ideology as a system of ideas about society has a huge impact on the personality, largely forms the content of its psychology, worldview, individual and social attitudes. The psychology of the individual is also influenced by the relations of people in the social group to which it belongs.

The study of the social qualities of a person has a very solid tradition, both in general and in social psychology. Starting from the enumeration of various social qualities of a person through a description of their structure, social psychology came to the conclusion that it is necessary to understand the system of personality qualities. But the principles for constructing such a system have not yet been fully developed. In general terms, the solution is contained, in particular, in the works of A.N. Leontiev. Considering personality itself as a systemic quality, he believed that such an approach should dictate psychology and a new dimension for the study of personality, "is it a study of what, for what and how does a person use what is innate to him and acquired by him?" It is possible, obviously, to build a system of personality traits, arranging them in accordance with these foundations. But a more detailed answer to the question can be given only by studying the manifestations of personality in those real groups in which its activity is organized.

A person's upbringing is characterized by various social qualities, reflecting the various attitudes of the individual to the world around him and to himself. Together, these qualities determine the richness and uniqueness of each individual, its uniqueness. In the characteristics of an individual, some qualities may be absent and may represent a wide variety of combinations.

The social qualities of people are common qualities that are repeated and stable in the behavior of various groups and communities of people.

The Philosophical Encyclopedia interprets the concept of social qualities in this way - this is the concentration of human experience, the joint and individual activities of people, their various combinations, compositions, syntheses. Social qualities are contained in the existence of people, in their abilities, needs, skills, knowledge, their inherent forms of behavior and interaction. Social qualities are developed, distributed, complicated (or simplified) in the process of development of human contacts, cultural exchanges, economic and other interactions between social communities. Acting as intermediaries between various social qualities, they themselves are part of these qualities, becoming forms of realization of their being. In other words, social qualities "come to life" and "live" only in the social process, in the interactions of people and people, people and things, in the dynamics of reproduction and renewal of social life.

Korobitsyna T.L. characterizes the upbringing of a person by various social qualities, reflecting the various attitudes of the individual to the world around him and to himself. She believes that together these qualities determine the richness and originality of each individual, its uniqueness. In the characteristics of an individual, some qualities may be absent and may represent a wide variety of combinations. If an important task of education is to promote the flourishing of each individual, then an equally important and responsible task is to ensure that any individual meets the basic criteria accepted in society. In this regard, the task arises of establishing relatively few, but the most important socially significant qualities that can be considered mandatory for the citizens of our country. Such qualities can serve as indicators of upbringing, i.e. the level of social development of the student, which characterize the measure of his readiness for life in society.

N.I. Monakhov singled out the social qualities that can be formed in younger students.

  • 1. Partnership - proximity based on comradely (friendly) relations; joint participation in something on an equal footing; relations between people based on the commonality of their interests, manifested in mutual assistance and solidarity, respect and trust, goodwill and sympathy.
  • 2. Respect for elders - a respectful attitude based on the recognition of their merits. Respect is one of the most important requirements of morality, implying such an attitude towards people in which the dignity of the individual is practically recognized (in appropriate actions, motives, as well as in the social conditions of society).
  • 3. Kindness - responsiveness, sincere disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.
  • 4. Honesty - sincerity, directness, conscientiousness and impeccability; moral quality, reflecting one of the most important requirements of morality. It includes truthfulness, adherence to principles, fidelity to the obligations assumed, subjective conviction in the rightness of the ongoing work, sincerity to others and to oneself in relation to the motives by which a person is guided, recognition and observance of the rights of other people to what legally belongs to them.
  • 5. Diligence - love for work. Labor - work, occupation, effort aimed at achieving something. Diligence is a moral quality that characterizes the subjective disposition of the individual towards his work activity, outwardly expressed in the quantity and quality of its results. Its manifestations are labor activity, conscientiousness, diligence, diligence of the employee. As a social quality of a person, industriousness is one of the expressions of her positive attitude towards work, which psychologically implies: the need and habit to work, enthusiasm and enjoyment of the labor process, interest in achieving a useful result of labor.
  • 6. Thrift - careful attitude to property, prudence, frugality; a moral quality that characterizes the caring attitude of people to material and spiritual wealth, to property.
  • 7. Discipline (organization) - subordination to discipline (mandatory for all members of a team, obedience to the established order, rules); keeping order.
  • 8. Curiosity - a tendency to acquire new knowledge, inquisitiveness; internal interest in obtaining new information in order to satisfy the cognitive need.
  • 9. Love for beauty (aesthetic development) - a constant strong inclination, passion for what embodies beauty, corresponds to its ideals
  • 10. The desire to be strong, dexterous - a persistent desire to achieve a physical or moral opportunity to act actively.

Determining the level of development of these social qualities will help determine the level of social development of the student.


1. Why is the question about the essence of a person formulated “What is a person?”, And not “Who is a person?”

The question of the essence of man is formulated in this way in order to emphasize the philosophical aspect of the problem. The German philosopher I. Fichte (1762 - 1814) believed that the concept of "man" does not refer to a single person, but only to the genus: it is impossible to analyze the properties of an individual person, taken by himself, outside of relations with other people, i.e. outside society.

2. What is the essence of a person as a “culture-creating” being manifested in?

The essence of man as a “culture-creating” being is manifested in the fact that man is the bearer and creator of culture. Culture is oriented towards the humanistic self-realization of a person, his creative self-expression. Man himself actively influences the environment and, as a result, forms not only the history of society, but also himself.

3. What are the main (essential) distinguishing features that characterize a person as a social being?

Man, as a social being, has:

Highly organized brain;


articulate speech;

The ability to create tools of labor and transform the conditions of one's existence;

The ability to creatively modify the world around, to create cultural values;

Ability to self-knowledge and self-development;

The ability to develop spiritual guidelines for one's own life.

4. How does self-realization reveal the social qualities of a person?

Self-realization is the process of the most complete realization by the individual of his capabilities, the achievement of the intended goals in solving personally significant problems, which makes it possible to fully realize the creative potential of the individual.

The American scientist A. Maslow (1908 - 1970) attributed the need for self-realization to the highest human needs. He defined it as the most complete use of talents, abilities, opportunities; this need is realized through the purposeful influence of the individual on himself. The ability of the individual to self-realization is a synthesis of abilities for purposeful, personally significant activity, in the process of which the individual reveals his potential to the maximum.


1. How do you understand the meaning of the judgment of the ancient Greek philosopher Epictetus: “What am I? Human. If I look at myself as an object separate and independent from other objects, then it follows that I live long, that I be rich, happy, healthy; but if I look at myself as a person, as a part of a whole, then it may sometimes happen that in relation to this whole I must submit to illness, want, or even perish an untimely death. What right have I to complain in such a case? Don't I know that by complaining I cease to be human, just as the leg ceases to be an organ of the body when it refuses to walk?

In this judgment, the ancient Greek philosopher Epictetus shows us the duality of the structure of man, namely his social and biological essence.

The ability to think, to create something new in the course of one's life, although it distinguishes a person in relation to animals, however, does not separate him from nature.

Man is part of both society and nature.

2. What is the philosophical meaning of the statement of the Russian biologist I. I. Mechnikov: “A gardener or cattle breeder does not stop before the given nature of the plants or animals that occupy them, but modify them according to need. In the same way, a scientist-philosopher should not look at modern human nature as something unshakable, but should change it for the good of people”? What is your attitude to this point of view?

Today, man himself modifies nature, and in the recent past, man himself had to adapt to nature. Today we see that the development of economic activity has become one of the most important factors that affect the development of nature. But the ecological problems of the Earth are obvious, people began to think about the need to foresee the consequences of such changes and try to prevent them as soon as possible. Thus, man must change nature, but not to the detriment of nature.

Social qualities that can be formulated in younger students according to N.I. Monakhov. The personality traits of a student according to I.I. Ponasenko. Socially significant qualities of lawyers. Stages of age development of the individual. Social conditions of socialization.
Brief summary of the material:

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Kazan, 2011



The concept of human social qualities

Types of social qualities of a person

Mechanisms for the formation of human social qualities


List of used literature


Despite the fact that the social qualities of a person are studied by a large number of scientific disciplines, such as: sociology, pedagogy, philosophy, linguistics, psychology, etc., the topic remains controversial and not sufficiently developed, and therefore very relevant.

The purpose of this study is to define the social qualities of a person, the types and mechanisms of formation.

Research objectives:

1. Analysis of the literature on the topic of the test. Theoretical study of socially significant qualities of people based on the materials of scientific literature.

2. Conducting an empirical study of the social qualities of people.

3. Analysis of the obtained results.

Hypothesis: the social qualities of people are not inherited and arise exclusively in the process of socialization.

Object of research: social qualities of people.

Subject of research: concept, types, mechanisms of formation of social qualities of people.

Research methodology: analysis of selected scientific and practical literature.

The work consists of three chapters, introduction, conclusion, list of references.

The work is done on 18 sheets.

The concept of human social qualities

The most complete definition is given by sociology, explaining social quality as a concept that captures certain socially defined characteristics of an individual, social groups and classes, inseparable from the mode of existence and activity of historical subjects. The very concept of "personality" designates in sociology the historically established, socially conditioned typological unity (quality) of an individual. Therefore, a personality is a concrete expression of the social essence of a person, a certain way realized integration in an individual of socially significant features and social relations of a given society. The term "personality" was formed from the Latin words "persona" (mask of an actor, role, position, meaning, face) and "personare" (to speak through). Thus, it used to denote the stylized mask of an actor. Therefore, in a sense, all people wear "social masks". For many years, people have been learning how to become a man among people, to comply with certain norms, rules, role instructions. In that sense, the word "personality" denotes the totality of such social qualities (expressed in certain stereotypes of behavior) that an individual demonstrates in front of an "audience". So, personality is a product of social development, and in this regard, the main thing in it is its social quality.

Social qualities are not reduced to individual qualities, no matter how complex they may be in themselves. The evolutionary precursors of the social qualities of a person are forms of inherited biological behavior, i.e., such psychological constructions that are partially used in the subsequent genesis of the social. These include the need for an animal to stay in a group, the ability to obey the "norms" of behavior, i.e., the ability to self-restraint, the transfer of the form of parental relations to other people's cubs and weak individuals, overcoming "zoo-psychological individualism" under pressure from the needs of the community.

The natural forces of man, especially the higher forms of the psyche, are filled with social content only when they begin to perform certain social functions.

Thus, the social qualities of people are common qualities that are repeated, stable in the behavior of various groups and communities of people.

The Philosophical Encyclopedia interprets the concept of social qualities in this way - this is the concentration of human experience, the joint and individual activities of people, their various combinations, compositions, syntheses. Social qualities are contained in the existence of people, in their abilities, needs, skills, knowledge, their inherent forms of behavior and interaction. Social qualities are developed, distributed, complicated (or simplified) in the process of development of human contacts, cultural exchanges, economic and other interactions between social communities. Acting as intermediaries between various social qualities, they themselves are part of these qualities, becoming forms of realization of their being. In other words, social qualities "come to life" and "live" only in the social process, in the interactions of people and people, people and things, in the dynamics of reproduction and renewal of social life.

Linguist Kim I.E. this is how this concept is explained - the social qualities of a person represent his ability to social activity and the characteristics of his social behavior.

A feature of the expression of qualities is the presence of a reference morphological class intended for their designation - an adjective. The meaning of the quality, however, can be expressed by nouns, verbs and adverbs, as separate lexemes, and (in the case of a noun and a verb) separate forms or particular paradigms of forms.

Quality can manifest itself in different quantities, which is reflected in the grammar of the adjective (category of the degree of comparison), in its derivational potential (the presence of regular derivatives with a value of low and high intensity of quality), as well as in its semantic and syntactic valencies, namely, the presence of dependent adverbs of measure and degree. There are other grammatical, derivational and lexical means of expressing the gradualness of qualities: a noun with a person meaning, a noun with a quality meaning, an adjective, short (predicative) or full (attributive), verb or verb phrase.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Kostyuchenko A.A. under the socially significant qualities of people he understands the qualities that contribute to the solution of socially significant tasks, the formation of the individual as a citizen: organization, independence, social activity, social initiative, responsibility, sociability, reflection, emotional stability, empathy.

Psychologists agree that with the general lack of development of the problem of personality traits, it is rather difficult to outline the range of its socio-psychological qualities. And although the problem is at the very initial stages of its development, however, at least it is possible to establish agreement on one point: the socio-psychological qualities of a person are qualities that are formed in joint activities with other people, as well as in communication with them. Both the one and the other series of qualities are formed in the conditions of those real social groups in which the personality functions.

Types of social qualities of a person

Korobitsyna T.L. characterizes the upbringing of a person by various social qualities, reflecting the various attitudes of the individual to the world around him and to himself. She believes that together these qualities determine the richness and originality of each individual, its uniqueness. In the characteristics of an individual, some qualities may be absent and may represent a wide variety of combinations.

If an important task of education is to promote the flourishing of each individual, then an equally important and responsible task is to ensure that any individual meets the basic criteria accepted in society. In this regard, the task arises of establishing relatively few, but the most important socially significant qualities that can be considered mandatory for the citizens of our country. Such qualities can serve as indicators of upbringing, i.e. the level of social development of the student, which characterize the measure of his readiness for life in society.

Monakhov N.I. singled out social qualities that can be formulated in younger students.

Partnership - proximity based on comradely (friendly) relations; joint participation in something on an equal footing.

Respect for elders is a respectful attitude based on the recognition of their merits.

Kindness - responsiveness, sincere disposition to people, the desire to do good to others.

Honesty - sincerity, directness, conscientiousness and impeccability.

Industriousness is the love of work. Labor - work, occupation, effort aimed at achieving something.

Thrift - careful attitude to property, prudence, frugality.

Discipline - subordination to discipline (mandatory for all members of a team, obedience to the established order, rules); keeping order.

Curiosity - a tendency to acquire new knowledge, inquisitiveness.

Love for the beautiful is a constant strong inclination, a passion for what embodies beauty, corresponds to its ideals.

The desire to be strong, dexterous is a persistent desire to achieve a physical or moral opportunity to actively act.

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