How to find out what key is on the computer. How to find out the serial number of Windows when the OS is no longer possible to boot

Have you ever lost your keys? A strange question, of course, but meanwhile, if you somehow “lost” your Windows activation key, then you have lost the license, and therefore the money that you paid for it. In addition, it is not possible to prove the legality of using Windows without an activation key.
However, there is good news. You can find the key yourself. Even if it is lost, it can be restored. Now we will tell you how to do it. So, in order.

What is a Windows Activation Key?

The Windows activation key, or in other words - the license key is one of the tools with which the licensing of the Microsoft product you purchased takes place. This is a license. The key is a 25-character code. This is a combination of Latin characters in different registers with numbers. The code is written as a sequence of five five-character "words" separated by a dash. It looks like this:

The license key is a confirmation of the legality of your use of the product. No other methods or means may be used for this purpose. For example, a sales receipt of the store where you bought the computer, or a cash receipt or other payment document.

What is a license key for?

You will need a Windows key for:

  • system reinstallation
  • installing a new version, for example 10th
  • updating Windows to the next version
  • confirmation of the legality of the purchased product
  • receive regular operating system updates

What are the types of keys?

Windows license keys come in several types and have different designations: Installed Key, Product Key, and OEM Key.
Product Key and OEM Key are essentially the same, just different labels, the design of which was constantly “improved”, used a different name.
The OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) or Product Key is the key of the operating system preinstalled by the manufacturer on your computer or laptop. Each computer or laptop with the Windows operating system installed has Microsoft branded stickers. The computer manufacturer purchased and installed the operating system for you on your computer. The plus is that you don't have to pay extra for a Windows license, the minus is that the key is "bound" to this device. It is not possible to transfer the system to another computer. The key is stored in the BIOS. But it is almost impossible to lose it.
Installed Key is a "free" activation key. You get it when you buy a "boxed" version of Windows for self-installation on your computer. It is also printed on a sticker on the packaging box.

How can I find out the license key of my system?

The easiest way is to read it from the sticker. But there are a few "buts". Stickers sometimes tend to get lost or simply erased to such an extent that it is impossible to read the key on them. In addition, Microsoft periodically changed the design of the stickers. The changes ranged from minor to radical. Here, for example, with which sticker Asus was bought with Windows 8.1 preinstalled on it

Windows 8 activation key

The sticker on the laptop case does not contain a license key. It is embedded in the BIOS. This method is used to activate Windows 8/8.1
Therefore, the surest way remains - to extract information about the activation key from Windows itself.
Microsoft offers its own version of how to Find out the Windows activation key.
Not always, however, this method works, oddly enough. It happens when this script still “does not see” the activation key of the operating system, but issues the following line: ВВВВВ-ВВВВВ-ВВВВВ-ВВВВВ-ВВВВВ. Also, this script only shows the Installed Key (ending 6F4BT) and does not provide information about the OEM Key.

Therefore, you can use various programs. For example, ProduKey. The result of defining a key looks like this:

The picture shows that there are two keys: Installed Key (end 6F4BT) and OEM Key (end 2GV33). The Installed Key appeared in this case, after a “clean” installation of Windows 10 on a laptop on which Windows 8.1 was installed by the manufacturer with an OEM Key (end 2GV33).

How can I lose my activation key?

Very simple. One user, convinced of the advantage of Windows 10 over his 7, decided to finally switch to 10. Moreover, Microsoft again announced the closure of the free transition from January 1, 2018.
There are two ways to go - upgrade and clean install. The difference is that when updating, the data on the computer's disks remains safe, and most of the installed programs will remain installed. In fact, there are always risks, so many people prefer to do a clean installation, after saving the data in the cloud storage or on an external drive. Here, during a clean installation, the user formatted the disk on the computer and ... almost lost the last opportunity to upgrade to Windows 10 legally. When formatting, along with the remote 7, the key was also lost (if it were 8, then the key would simply be taken from the BIOS). When he tried to read the key from the sticker, he saw that it was simply overwritten to the point of unreadability.
Why “almost lost”, because, fortunately, there was a backup copy of Windows, from which, using ShowKeyPlus, the key was extracted.

What are the ways to recover the key?

Everything is easier with the 8th, this is just the case when you don’t need to restore anything, because it’s almost impossible to lose. The OEM key is in the BIOS. You can view it in the BIOS using the program

It would seem that it could be easier than to carry out such an action as finding out the Windows 8 key. But in fact, this is not quite an easy task, since only the product code is displayed in the system properties, and not the key itself.

Why it might be needed

A few years ago, it was common practice to place a sticker on the back of a laptop or inside the system unit: here you could easily see the Windows 8 license key on it. But since the value of the laptop form factor is in its mobility, frequent friction with different sticker surfaces quickly fell into disrepair, and the information on them became unreadable. And this could be critical if the key was not prudently rewritten somewhere in a safe place.

After a little thought, the manufacturers found a fairly simple and at the same time relatively reliable tool for saving licensed data. It was decided to sew activation information into the BIOS - the primary subroutine responsible for launching and debugging the operation of all components and modules of a personal computer. But if something happens to the hard drive and motherboard, then even after replacing them, the license will be lost.

Fortunately, the user has at his disposal tools for implementing such a task as finding out the Windows 8 product key. And this can be done in several ways. In general, this is an optional operation, but its usefulness can be greatly underestimated. So let's take a closer look at the options available.


You can find out the serial number of Windows 8 both through the tools embedded in the operating system itself, and with the help of utilities from third-party developers. And it is worth noting that in the G8 itself there are several ways to do this, but some of them are extremely impractical, while the latter only partially cope with the task. We simply will not consider such untenable options.

So, let's start with the basic tool, and then we'll look at several third-party ones.

File creation

The reader will have to create a small file that, when opened, will display the information of interest.

To do this, you need to create a text document in any place convenient for the user.

Then open it up and either enter it manually or copy and paste the following:

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

regKey="HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion"

DigitalProductId = WshShell.RegRead(regKey & "DigitalProductId")

Win8ProductName = "Windows Product Name: " & WshShell.RegRead(regKey & "ProductName") & vbNewLine

Win8ProductID = "Windows Product ID: " & WshShell.RegRead(regKey & "ProductID") & vbNewLine

Win8ProductKey = ConvertToKey(DigitalProductId)

strProductKey = "Windows 8 Key: " & Win8ProductKey

Win8ProductID = Win8ProductName & Win8ProductID & strProductKey



Function ConvertToKey(regKey)

Const KeyOffset = 52

isWin8 = (regKey(66) 6) And 1

regKey(66) = (regKey(66) And &HF7) Or ((isWin8 And 2) * 4)


Cur = regKey(y + KeyOffset) + Cur

regKey(y + KeyOffset) = (Cur 24)

Cur = Cur Mod 24

Loop While y >= 0

winKeyOutput = Mid(Chars, Cur + 1, 1) & winKeyOutput

Loop While j >= 0

If(isWin8=1) Then

keypart1 = Mid(winKeyOutput, 2, Last)

winKeyOutput = Replace(winKeyOutput, keypart1, keypart1 & insert, 2, 1, 0)

If Last = 0 Then winKeyOutput = insert & winKeyOutput

a = Mid(winKeyOutput, 1, 5)

b = Mid(winKeyOutput, 6, 5)

c = Mid(winKeyOutput, 11, 5)

d = Mid(winKeyOutput, 16, 5)

e = Mid(winKeyOutput, 21, 5)

ConvertToKey = a & "-" & b & "-" & c & "-" & d & "-" & e

Then you need to select "File" and find the item "Save as".

First of all, in the window that opens, you will need to select the “All files” position in the “File type” column. Then you will need to fill in the "Name" field. In principle, you can name the file whatever you like, but the main thing is to add the following at the end: .vbs. It is when this extension is specified that everything will work, but if this is not done, then nothing will work.

Once the above is done and the information is saved, the file can be opened. First, a window will appear exclusively with the key, and after clicking "OK", a second window will appear on the screen, where the information will be presented in a more detailed form.


To find out information about the OS key, there are both specialized utilities and those in which such tools are only incorporated as a small part of the available capabilities.

Of the specialized utilities, we can mention the tiny program ProduKey, the sole purpose of which was to set the value of the activation keys of all possible products from Microsoft. If the reader has Microsoft Office, then the program will also display its license key. The application is free, and it can be easily and simply downloaded on the developers' website in the appropriate section or by immediately clicking on the link.

Open the archive, run the utility and look at what is of interest.

Similar license information can also be obtained from applications such as Everest, AIDA64 or Free PC Audit. The first is the predecessor of the second, but they are united by the fact that both of them are paid. The latter is their analogue and has almost the same functions as the first two, but it is distributed free of charge. You can get it on the developers website or by following the link.

After downloading, you just need to open the application and wait until it collects all the necessary information.

After the scan is completed, the license key will be visible immediately - on the first page in the corresponding column.

How to find out the Windows 8 key: Video

A very standard and common situation prompts many to read this material: I once bought a laptop with a licensed Windows 7 or 8 operating system installed. After a certain time, due to the need to reinstall Windows or for any other reason, you need an activation key that was indicated on the sticker , which is located on the bottom of the laptop, however, over the months and years of operation of the laptop, it has long been erased or completely peeled off. How to be?

If your PC is running Windows with an activated license key, then "getting" it from the operating system will not be difficult. If by icon My computer right click and open Properties, then below we will see only product code, not the activation key itself. It is also important to distinguish between what you need to get - just the code that was listed on a special sticker or the code for Windows 8, which is in the BIOS of the computer.

Screenshot of "My Computer" properties

For Win8 from BIOS using RWEverything

To extract the OEM license key Windows 8 from the BIOS of a laptop or desktop computer, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with - in it we looked at how to use the program to get the Win8 key from a new type of BIOS: UEFI. This method is also relevant for those who are trying to restore the key if another OS was installed instead of licensed Windows 8 "from the store".

Screenshot of RWEverything

Windows activation key in AIDA64

If you need an activation key for an installed and running system, you can use the already familiar program for a complete PC diagnostic - - go, get acquainted, download and install. Then run the program and open the tab Operating system. In chapter License Information in field Product key and the required activation code for Windows will be indicated.

Screenshot of the AIDA64 program

In AIDA64, as well as in RWEverything, you can see the key sewn into the BIOS. To do this, go to the tab Motherboard, then ACPI. In chapter Table Description find MSDM and in the field SLS Data the 25-character Windows activation code we need will be registered.

Screen AIDA64

Finding an activation key via KeyFinder

A simple utility from Magical Jelly Bean. This small program does not take up much space and gives out only the bare minimum of information, but it is exactly what we need. You can download KeyFinder from here (the official website of the developers), it is available in two versions - the free one is enough for us. Download, install, run. In the left window, select the software for which you need to find out the activation key - in this case, we are interested in Windows 7 Home Premium. CD Key and there is the desired code.

Screenshot Key Finder

Instead of a conclusion

This list could be continued indefinitely, since there are at least a dozen more popular utilities for solving the same problem, but I think that the set provided will be enough for you. There are also various scripts on the Internet that use VBScript or PowerShell to extract keys without installing extra programs. Everyone chooses the method that is more convenient for him.


To enter a product key, go to the appropriate section of the operating system. To do this, call the "Start" menu and right-click on the "Computer" item. Select the "Properties" attribute from the list that appears.

In a new window, you will see information about your computer and the operating system version you are using. To go to the product activation section, at the bottom of the "Windows Activation" menu, click on the "Activate Windows Now" link.

In the window that appears, you will be asked to choose one of the methods for activating the system - directly via the Internet or by phone. The first option is considered the most convenient activation option. The second option should be selected only if you do not have a working network connection.

After selecting "Activate Windows over the Internet", enter the product key that is printed on the box with the license disc. If the combination is entered correctly, you will see a message about the successful activation procedure.

To receive the code by phone, select "Show other activation methods". After that, enter your product key, which is indicated on the box with the Windows 7 disc. After that, click on the link “Use automatic telephone system”. In the next window, select the country of your residence and call the number indicated on the screen.

To activate, follow the instructions of the answering machine. The automatic program will ask you to enter the product code, which will be shown on the screen. Input must be done using the phone keypad. If the operation is performed correctly, you will be informed of the activation code, which you will need to write down or immediately enter in the activation program window. If you cannot enter the code correctly, stay on the line to consult with a Microsoft support specialist.

Useful advice

OS activation is necessary to prevent the use of unlicensed software and serves as a means of combating pirated copies of Windows.

Before using the installed OS, you must activate it. This procedure is a guarantee of using a licensed copy of the product on a specific computer, and is also designed to reduce the level of illegal copying and installation of pirated versions of the OS. To activate the installed operating system, you can use one of the three available methods.


Internet activation.
1. Open the "Windows Activation" window, to do this, left-click on the corresponding tray icon or use the "Start" menu.
2. Click the "Yes, activate Windows online" button.
3. Click the Windows Activation Privacy Statement, then the Previous and Next buttons.
4. In the window that opens, do one of the following:
To activate and register your copy of Windows at the same time, click Yes, Register and Activate Windows and Windows Registration Confidentiality Agreement, then click the Previous and Next buttons. Fill out the registration form and click "Next";
to simply activate Windows (without registering it), click "No, do not register, only activate Windows", then click the "Next" button.
5. When activation is complete, click OK.

Manufacturers of modern laptops and computers are actively refusing disk drives, since any program or game can be downloaded from the Internet, and the presence of a drive only makes a PC more expensive for the end buyer. At the same time, users who are accustomed to receiving a Windows disk and a license key bundled with their computer look at the issue of reinstalling the operating system with difficulty. While Windows itself can be installed from a USB flash drive, a license key is still required from it. In this case, users have a question: how to find out the Windows product key that was preinstalled on a laptop (desktop computer), or installed later from a disk that is not currently available? It is enough to do this, both by means of Windows and with the help of third-party programs.

Asking the question of determining the license key of the operating system operating on the computer, you should understand such concepts as Installed Key and OEM Key. In fact, they are both Windows license keys, but there are some differences between them. The way they are defined also differs.

Installed Key is the installation key of the operating system operating on the computer. It can be determined on those laptops and desktop computers on which Windows was installed by users on their own from a disk or in the form of a digital copy purchased via the Internet and activated.

The OEM Key is the license key for the version of Windows that was originally installed on the computer. The OEM key information is hardwired into the motherboard of a laptop or desktop computer and cannot be changed.

Therefore, if your computer was running Windows 8 at the time of purchase and later upgraded to Windows 10, the OEM and Installed key information will be different. At the same time, if you want to install Windows 8 on a new computer, you will need to enter the OEM key - only it will work with this version of the operating system. The Installed Key is fine if you want to install Windows 10.

Attention: You can use an existing OEM or Installed key only for the version of the operating system that is installed on the computer. You cannot enter a key from a Windows 10 Basic version to Professional build.

How to find out the Windows 10 key using the operating system?

On any computer, having administrator rights, you can find out the Windows 10 license key without third-party programs and applications. At the same time, the procedures are different, in the case of determining OEM and Installed keys.

It is very easy to find out the license key of the operating system, which is "sewn" into the computer's motherboard, if you know the command that is specifically provided for this in Windows 10. To determine the OEM key, do the following:

The key issued by the OEM can be used to reinstall the version of the operating system that was originally installed on the computer.

Using a single command, it will not work to determine the Installed Key, and it is hidden a little deeper in the Windows operating system. But if you wish, you can get information about the Windows license key without installing third-party applications on your computer. To do this, do the following:

  1. Launch an empty standard Windows notepad, which can be found in the following path: "Start" - "All Applications" - "Windows Accessories" - "Notepad".
  2. Copy the following code into an open text editor program:
function Get-WindowsKey ( param ($targets = ".") $hklm = 2147483650 $regPath = "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" $regValue = "(!LANG:DigitalProductId" Foreach ($target in $targets) { $productKey = $null $win32os = $null $wmi = "\\$target\root\default:stdRegProv" $data = $wmi.GetBinaryValue($hklm,$regPath,$regValue) $binArray = ($data.uValue) $charsArray = "B","C","D","F","G","H","J","K","M","P","Q","R","T","V","W","X","Y","2","3","4","6","7","8","9" ## decrypt base24 encoded binary data For ($i = 24; $i -ge 0; $i--) { $k = 0 For ($j = 14; $j -ge 0; $j--) { $k = $k * 256 -bxor $binArray[$j] $binArray[$j] = ::truncate($k / 24) $k = $k % 24 } $productKey = $charsArray[$k] + $productKey If (($i % 5 -eq 0) -and ($i -ne 0)) { $productKey = "-" + $productKey } } $win32os = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -computer $target $obj = New-Object Object $obj | Add-Member Noteproperty Computer -value $target $obj | Add-Member Noteproperty Caption -value $win32os.Caption $obj | Add-Member Noteproperty CSDVersion -value $win32os.CSDVersion $obj | Add-Member Noteproperty OSArch -value $win32os.OSArchitecture $obj | Add-Member Noteproperty BuildNumber -value $win32os.BuildNumber $obj | Add-Member Noteproperty RegisteredTo -value $win32os.RegisteredUser $obj | Add-Member Noteproperty ProductID -value $win32os.SerialNumber $obj | Add-Member Noteproperty ProductKey -value $productkey $obj } } !}

Please note that the Installed Key is displayed in the "Product Key" item. You can also learn some details about the operating system used on your computer by following the steps above.

How to find out Windows keys using third-party programs?

From the instructions above, you can see that it is very easy to find the Windows OEM Key, but getting to the Installed Key is much more difficult, and the procedure for detecting it using Windows tools takes a lot of time. If there is no desire to conduct it, then you can install a third-party application that will independently detect information about the OEM Key and Installed Key on the computer, and then issue it to the PC administrator.

One of the simplest and most convenient programs for determining the Windows key is ShowKeyPlus. It can be downloaded from the official website of the developers absolutely free. At the same time, the program not only displays information about the license keys of the version of Windows used, but also allows users to save the information received in a txt document.