The benefits and harms of broccoli cabbage for the health of the body. Broccoli, benefits and harms to the body - who can be dangerous dietary product

11.10.2017 2 613

Broccoli, benefits and harms to the body - who can be dangerous dietary product?

Broccoli cabbage, the benefits and harms of which have long been studied, has beneficial properties for both men and women, and children, at the same time, contraindications are known in which it is worth refusing to use ...


Broccoli benefits for women, men and children

Almost everyone knows that broccoli, the benefits and harms of which have been known since the time of Hippocrates, is an excellent dietary product, it is allowed to be used for many diseases, as well as for feeding children from the first year of life. This cruciferous vegetable has a record low calorie content - only 34 kcal per 100 g of product and contains at least 10 vital vitamins, trace elements and minerals. Lots of ready-to-eat plant and protein.

Due to the high content of vitamins E, PP, C, A and others, in broccoli, the benefits and harms for women focus on the genital area - these biologically active compounds are involved in the formation of sex hormones and help easy pregnancy. In addition, the amino acids that make up the vegetable have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and nails, they become strong, shiny and elastic, do not exfoliate, do not split.

Broccoli, the benefits and harms of which are considered, contains compounds that affect the state of the nervous system. So, B vitamins and folic acid are directly involved in the creation of neural connections, there are more of them in healthy broccoli than in other products, so it is recommended for inclusion in the diet for babies. The benefits of broccoli for children are not limited to a positive effect on the central nervous system, the vegetable also stabilizes the digestive tract, saturates the blood with elements that contribute to the proper formation of all internal organs.

The benefits of broccoli for men have also been well studied by scientists - representatives of the strong half of humanity often have problems with the heart and blood vessels. Every third man has high cholesterol, and this problem is easily solved by broccoli. In addition to a complex of amino acids and bioenzymes that break down complex fatty acids, it contains a lot of fiber, it absorbs excess cholesterol in the intestines like a sponge, and this is precisely what determines its benefits to the body.

Broccoli has good health benefits in case of intoxication or acute poisoning - the substances contained in it absorb toxins and remove them from the body, amino acids and complex compounds start the process of regeneration of damaged tissues. This property of broccoli is widely used in the rehabilitation of patients after long illnesses and surgical interventions.

How to eat broccoli for health benefits

In broccoli, the benefits and harms are concentrated exclusively in its buds, which form curly dense heads of cabbage and, according to recent studies, more calories are required for their absorption by the body than is extracted from the product - this feature is called negative calorie content. It is widely used in nutrition, and is especially useful in cases where other ways to eliminate excess weight do not work.

Steamed broccoli - pictured

Almost all nutritionists recommend using broccoli for weight loss, since in addition to reducing the total calorie content of meals, this vegetable prevents problems with the intestines. The effect of broccoli on the intestines is not limited to the purification of cholesterol and toxins - the product significantly enhances peristalsis. Given that the vegetable also accelerates metabolic processes, it becomes clear why broccoli has become so popular with those who want to lose weight quickly and without problems.

The newfangled broccoli mono-diet causes some concern among doctors and nutritionists, because despite the balanced composition and general benefits for the body, this vegetable cannot cover the needs of the body. If you use only broccoli for food, the benefits and harms of the product will be redistributed towards the last characteristic, that is, harm.

How to Consume Broccoli to Reap the Benefits:

  1. Vegetables are recommended to be steamed or in plenty of water without adding salt. If you don't know, broccoli can be quite a tasty and easy side dish. Boiled cabbage goes well with lean meat and fish
  2. A decoction of broccoli should not be used for food. Moreover, you should not lay raw cabbage in soup broth - this type of cruciferous accumulates a lot of nitrates, and easily gives them to the water in which it is cooked
  3. It is undesirable to combine broccoli with fatty sauces, mayonnaise and sour cream, while the benefits of the vegetable can be significantly reduced.
  4. You can also eat broccoli raw - it is in this form that cabbage is useful for people with gastritis with low acidity, and for those who suffer from heartburn, it is better to eat boiled cabbage
  5. You can not cook broccoli for a long time, even for a couple, the optimal duration of heat treatment is 7 minutes. Under such conditions, all vitamins will be preserved in the cabbage, and its structure will become tender.
  6. Broccoli should not be fried in oil even for 1-2 minutes. Delicate cabbage buds literally absorb carcinogens from the oil. There will be no benefit from such dishes, and the harm can be very pronounced.

Broccoli can be called a universal product and the benefits of it can be extracted in various ways. Broccoli cabbage is good in salads, first and second courses, smoothies are prepared from it in combination with fruits and other vegetables.

Broccoli - harm to the body and contraindications for use

Like other vegetables, in broccoli cabbage, the benefits and harms are combined evenly, and under certain conditions this crop can cause irreparable damage to health, here are the contraindications doctors indicate for broccoli:

  • exacerbation of gastritis, especially if the acidity is increased
  • peptic ulcer in the acute stage
  • tendency to gas
  • reflux disease, which is accompanied by severe heartburn
  • acute inflammatory processes of the digestive tract

In the case of these diseases, the harm of broccoli is to create additional irritation of the mucous membrane, which is not desirable in acute inflammatory and other pathological processes. The abundance of fiber in broccoli is potentially dangerous in terms of increased gas formation. Do not overlook such an aspect as individual intolerance, if after eating this variety of cabbage unpleasant symptoms appear, it is better not to use it in the future.

Broccoli is a healthy and tasty product that is recommended for use in many ailments. However, do not lose sight of the fact that broccoli benefits and harms are combined equally, almost like drugs from a pharmacy. The consumption of this vegetable should be moderate.

Includes asparagus varieties with green and purple heads. It is in many ways similar to cauliflower, but its head is looser. Broccoli, whose useful properties and unpretentiousness in cultivation were first discovered by the Italians, is boiled, fried, canned, frozen, cooked with it delicious soups and salads. The delicate texture of the vegetable, unobtrusive taste, uniquely high protein content, combined with a low amount of fiber, deservedly gave the right to call broccoli a dietary product. Together with nutritionists, cabbage is recommended for use by doctors and cosmetologists.

Composition of broccoli

Broccoli contains:

Water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates;

Trace elements: iron, selenium, manganese, zinc, copper;

Macronutrients: calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium.

Vitamins: provitamin A (β-carotene), C (), E (tocopherol), PP (niacin), K (phylloquinone), B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B4 (choline), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (), U (vitamin-like substance methionine).

By the presence of a shock amount of provitamin A, which improves vision, this crop surpasses many other vegetables. Broccoli has a high content of vitamins E and U. The latter helps in the treatment of peptic ulcers of the digestive tract. It is not inferior to cauliflower in the presence of potassium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, calcium.

Compared to cauliflower, broccoli has twice the amount of protein. In terms of the content of easily digestible protein, broccoli is comparable to green peas. The presence of essential amino acids in a vegetable equates it to beef, the presence of lysine and isoleucine - to protein. Calorie content of broccoli is about 28 - 34 kcal per 100 grams.

The benefits of broccoli for the digestive system

The vegetable is especially useful for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Dietary fiber and fiber contribute to the removal of toxins from the intestines. Fiber helps fight constipation. Thanks to her, food of the “correct” consistency passes through the intestines faster.

The special substance sulforaphane contained in broccoli kills harmful bacteria that provoke gastrointestinal ulcers and cancer. Methionine (vitamin U) also helps fight peptic ulcer disease, reduces the degree of manifestation of inflammatory processes. Other vitamins and magnesium soothe the stomach, improve digestion, and maintain the necessary acidity. Broccoli improves appetite, stimulates the secretion of bile.

Broccoli contributes to the proper balance of cholesterol metabolism in the body. Unnecessary fats and fatty acids "leave" the body along with the fibers. The liver begins to make up for the loss of fatty acids from the body's reserves, as a result -. Substances present in cabbage protein prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the body. Nutritionists give advice on how to cook broccoli deliciously, while preserving its beneficial properties: you need to steam the vegetable, then the greatest effect will be achieved in the fight against excess cholesterol.

Help broccoli in diseases of the blood, heart, blood vessels

Due to the high amount of iron, copper and protein, cabbage is an excellent remedy for the treatment of anemia. Vegetable chlorophyll also has a beneficial effect on blood formation. The presence of β-carotene, vitamins, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids contribute to the maintenance of normal heart function. Potassium, magnesium and numerous vitamins in broccoli normalize high blood pressure. Regular consumption of broccoli reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

Diabetes mellitus increases the chance of vascular and heart disease by five times. Vessels suffer from an increase in blood glucose levels. To restore health to the heart and blood vessels, British scientists strongly recommend including broccoli in the diet. The sulforaphane contained in broccoli promotes the production of enzymes that protect the circulatory system and vascular cells.

Broccoli with its beneficial properties, when eaten regularly, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and the onset of premature aging. This is helped by choline and methionine, they do not allow cholesterol to accumulate. Vitamins C and E, β-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin are responsible for maintaining youth and attractiveness. Their high concentration gives a noticeable antioxidant effect, protecting body cells from free radicals. For information: the content of vitamin C in broccoli and lemon is the same.

Help with cancer

Substances indole-3-carbine, sinegrin, anetholtrithione and sulforaphane, found in broccoli during research, have a pronounced activity against cancer. Indole-3-carbine activates the system to fight cancer cells. Sinegrin stops the process of dividing cancer cells, and then destroys them. The substance anetholtrithion reduces the risk of breast and rectal cancer.

Sulforaphane destroys the bacteria that cause stomach ulcers and prevents the development of many types of cancer. This substance is also capable of killing bacteria that are not affected by antibiotics. It is found in the greatest amount in cabbage sprouts. The total mass of sulforaphane is concentrated in the seed of the plant, it is evenly distributed over the developing sprout.

As a result of research, it was found that broccoli is of great benefit in the prevention of cancer of the breast and prostate glands, colon, ovaries and bladder. There is a positive experience of doctors in Canada and America in the prevention of prostate cancer. Patients suffering from this disease, as an experiment, at least twice a day, ate dishes of broccoli. This helped stop the growth of the tumor. Japanese experts recommend eating this vegetable in the treatment of radiation sickness, as sulforaphane stops the growth of melanoma (skin cancer cells).

The benefits of broccoli for metabolism, bone and nervous systems

The substance kaempferol helps to remove toxins, has an antihistamine, tonic, tonic effect, and keeps blood vessels in good shape. Broccoli promotes the removal of salts of heavy metals and increases the protective properties of the human body when exposed to radiation. Phylloquinone (vitamin K) helps to restore the balance of vitamin D metabolism. The well-established process of vitamin D intake and the low calorie content of broccoli will help control excess weight.

Phosphorus and calcium, which are in sufficient quantities in cabbage, are indispensable substances for strengthening bone tissues and the effective functioning of the brain, the preservation of intelligence. The medicinal properties of broccoli are effective for arthritis. According to the latest reports of scientists, it prevents the destruction of cartilage in the joints.

Broccoli improves the condition of hair, nails and skin. It is considered an effective anti-cellulite product. Copper is responsible for the elasticity of connective tissues, and zinc protects a person from free radicals. Carotenoids are good for eye health, protect the organs of vision from cataracts.

Broccoli normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. Helps to cope with stress and depression. Doctors advise eating cabbage for the prevention of nervous disorders. Vitamins of group B, only six types of vitamins of this group are found in a vegetable, keep the human nervous system in balance.

Contraindications and harm of broccoli

It is not recommended to eat broccoli for people with high acidity of gastric juice and with diseases of the pancreas. In some cases, individual intolerance to the vegetable is possible. The content of guanine and adenine in a decoction of broccoli makes it harmful. Therefore, everyone, both healthy and sick, should not eat a decoction of broccoli.

Broccoli for people, cooking secrets

Improper diet and lifestyle lead to stagnation of fluid in the body. It also happens due to hypertension. Broccoli helps to normalize the water-salt balance in the body. Potassium gently and harmlessly removes excess water and salt from the body. The vegetable is also good for the thyroid gland. The properties of broccoli, the benefits and harms of which, when compared, greatly outweigh the benefits, are used in the preparation of delicious dietary dishes.

Experts advise including cabbage in the diet of pregnant women and women planning to conceive a child. Regular consumption of broccoli reduces the likelihood of pathologies in a child. Broccoli is good for kids. From 7-8 months, cabbage can be introduced into the baby's diet as complementary foods.

Doctors recommend including vegetables in the diet of people weakened after illness and the elderly. It strengthens the immune system. Broccoli phytoncides do not allow pathogenic microbes to multiply, creating a natural environment for the prevention of respiratory viral and bacterial diseases. To protect against colds, you should drink a glass of fresh broccoli juice once a day.

If we talk about how to cook broccoli deliciously while retaining its beneficial properties, the best option would be to add raw young cabbage to salads. If the vegetable is more mature, then steaming or stewing in a small amount of water for no more than 5 minutes will retain almost all the nutrients. If you cook broccoli longer, then there will be little benefit from it.

Broccoli is known for its health benefits. It is believed that it contains more vitamins and minerals than any other vegetable.

Broccoli is a dietary product.

Regardless of the type (this cabbage is not only green, similar to a tree, but also purple with a small number of inflorescences), broccoli has the following beneficial properties:

  1. Decreased blood levels. A large amount of soluble fiber in broccoli slows down the absorption of fats and promotes their removal from the body.
  2. Reduces inflammation and manifestations of allergies. Kaempferol from broccoli reduces the body's reactivity to potential allergens, and omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Antioxidant. All vegetables of the cruciferous family, which include broccoli, have a high concentration of vitamin C, flavonoids, lutein, zeaxanthin, betacarotene and other substances that neutralize free radicals and protect body cells from peroxidation products.
  4. Strong bones. Broccoli contains a lot, which is necessary to maintain normal bone mineral density and prevent osteoporosis.
  5. Prevention of thrombosis and bleeding. The high amount of vitamin K in this cabbage helps to keep the blood clotting and anti-clotting system in balance.
  6. Healthy. Broccoli contains the substance sulforaphane, which protects the endothelium, the inner lining of blood vessels, from damage and inflammation that can be caused by sugar, metabolic syndrome, and metabolic diseases.
  7. Suitable for diet. Broccoli is rich in slow-release complex carbohydrates, fiber, which helps the gastrointestinal tract work, maintains normal blood sugar levels and prevents overeating. What's more, a cup of chopped broccoli has the same amount of protein as a cup of rice or corn, but half the calories!
  8. Body cleansing. Glucaraphanin, gluconasturcin and glucobrassicin are special phytonutrients that take part in all stages of detoxification: activation of the process, binding of toxins and their removal.
  9. Maintaining acid-base balance. Each chemical process in the body requires its own acidic or alkaline environment. Excessive acidity increases the risk of disease. Broccoli successfully neutralizes excess acids and helps us stay healthy.
  10. prenatal preparation. The high concentration of folic acid in cabbage will help not only prepare for pregnancy, but also solve problems with conception!

Composition and calories

100 grams of broccoli contains:

ComponentContentPercentage of Recommended Daily Allowance
The energy value34 kcal1.5%
Carbohydrates6.64 g5%
Protein2.82 g5%
Fats0.37 g1%
cholesterol0 mg0%
Cellulose2.60 g7%
folate63 mcg16%
Niacin0.639 mg4%
Pantothenic acid0.573 mg12%
Pyridoxine0.175 mg13%
Riboflavin0.117 mg9%
Thiamine0.071 mg6%
Vitamin A623 IU21%
Vitamin C89.2 mg149%
Vitamin E0.17 mg1.5%
Vitamin K101.6 mcg85%
Sodium33 mg2%
316 mg7%
Calcium47 mg5%
Copper0.049 mg5.5%
Iron0.73 mg9%
21 mg5%
Manganese0.210 mg9%
Selenium2.5 mcg5%
0.41 mg4%
Carotene-ß361 mcg-
Cryptoxanthin-ß1 mcg-
lutein-zea-xanthine1403 mcg-

How to choose and store?

Fresh broccoli is now available all year round. When buying, try to choose a bright, dense cabbage with a good aroma. Withered specimens with yellowed areas, broken branches will no longer be of much use. Best of all, of course, is the broccoli that you grew yourself, but if you don’t have a summer cottage, just try to buy vegetables from trusted sellers.

At home, place purchased broccoli florets down in a container of salt water, and after 30 minutes, rinse under running water. This way you can wash off all the pesticides and dirt from the cabbage.

Broccoli can be cooked and eaten right away or frozen. Surprisingly, there are even more vitamins in industrially frozen cabbage than in store-bought cabbage. This is due to the fact that vegetables are frozen almost immediately after harvest, but they are sold fresh much later (with the exception of markets where direct deliveries are made), when some of the nutrients have time to collapse.

What to cook?

In broccoli, you can eat both inflorescences and leaves with stems.

Application options:

  1. Fresh cabbage florets can be eaten raw or in salads.
  2. Broccoli florets can be steamed or quickly stir-fried and then mixed with other vegetables, drizzled with a dressing of oil, onion, pepper, garlic and salt, and served with meat or poultry.
  3. Broccoli pairs very well with cauliflower, so add them to soups and stews a few minutes before they're done.
  4. Puree steamed broccoli. This side dish is perfect for.
  5. Add cabbage florets to omelettes.

Long cooking (longer than 2 minutes) or microwaving broccoli is not recommended. During heat treatment, folates, antioxidants, phytonutrients are destroyed, and cabbage loses its beneficial properties.


Like other members of the cruciferous family, broccoli contains a substance that can trigger an exacerbation of thyroid disease in people with endocrine disorders, so it is better for them not to consume such cabbage.

Broccoli intolerance is an extremely rare individual feature, so this vegetable can be considered completely harmless.

Fans of a healthy diet will be interested to know what benefits and harms broccoli brings to the body. Does cabbage have useful properties, what is it used for, are there any contraindications for its use?

Chemical composition, nutritional value and calorie content of broccoli

Asparagus (also called broccoli) is considered a versatile product that can be used for cooking every day. It provides the body with the maximum amount of healthy substances.

Broccoli contains:

  • a complex of vitamins (A, C, E, K, PP, U, group B);
  • phytoncides;
  • omega-3, beta-carotene, serotonin;
  • sulforaphane - an organic compound that destroys bacteria that not even all antibiotics can cope with;
  • dietary fiber, cellulose;
  • micro and macro elements (copper, cobalt, iron, potassium, iodine, chromium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, selenium).

In terms of the number of certain groups of vitamins, cabbage is significantly superior to other products. For example, if you eat 100 g of broccoli every day, the body will receive the daily intake of vitamin K and C. Vitamin A in this serving is 390 mcg (at a rate of 900 mcg per day).

Cabbage is 85 - 90% water, about 3% in its composition are proteins, 6 - 7% are carbohydrates, 0.5% are fats. The high protein content and its nutritional value make broccoli a good substitute for meat and eggs.

There is a low calorie content of broccoli - 34 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, such cabbage is successfully used for preparing dietary dishes.

Broccoli health benefits

Asparagus cabbage is advised to be regularly taken by people with digestive and heart problems, as well as to strengthen the nervous system and prevent other diseases.

How does broccoli work?

  1. Stimulates the work of the intestines, prevents the development of disorders, dysbacteriosis.
  2. Destroys pathogenic bacteria in the stomach that cause ulcers or gastritis.
  3. It cleanses the body of toxins, carcinogens, reduces the risk of developing cancerous tumors.
  4. Normalizes the level of insulin in the blood.
  5. Strengthens blood vessels, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  6. Improves appetite.
  7. Increases immunity.
  8. Helps normalize cholesterol levels.
  9. Strengthens bone tissue, improves the condition of hair and skin.
  10. Improves vision, reduces the risk of developing eye pathologies.
  11. Increases stress resistance.

Friends, hello to all.

On the agenda today we have broccoli, benefits and harms, its medicinal properties and contraindications, as well as cooking dishes from this amazing vegetable. I did not expect that this culture is so

The name broccoli comes from the Latin word for "hand". Broccoli is considered a wild cabbage and the progenitor of all the other numerous varieties of this vegetable. Outwardly, it resembles cauliflower, differing from it in less dense inflorescences and smaller leaves with a corrugated surface.

The height of an adult plant varies from 60 to 90 cm, and at the end of the stem a lot of flower stalks are formed with dense groups of small buds collected in a loose head. If it is cut off, then lateral shoots of stepchildren with the same heads begin to branch off from the stem. This property of a plant allows to increase its productivity and term of use.

In culture, there are two types. The first, more familiar to us, is Brassica oleracea, or calabrese, and has a hard head of dense white, green or purple inflorescences on a rather thick stem. In the West, varieties with a cone-shaped head of yellow, orange and brown shades are also bred.

The second one is Brassica italica. asparagus or Italian broccoli, forms many stems with small heads. This cabbage is eaten with stems that taste like asparagus.

There are more than 200 varieties of this cabbage in the world. In Russia, five varieties and hybrids are included in the State Register:

  1. Early ripe variety Tonus;
  2. Mid-season variety Linda;
  3. Mid-season hybrid Fiesta;
  4. Mid-season hybrid of Arcadia;
  5. Mid-late Monterey hybrid.

Also on the shelves of vegetable shops you can find a wide range of many other varieties of this vegetable. By the way, broccoli is one of the most ancient vegetable crops; it was grown in ancient Rome about two thousand years ago. The Romans brought broccoli to Byzantium, from where it got to other countries. Currently, this type of cabbage is widely distributed throughout the world. Well, well, we figured out the appearance of broccoli, now we can proceed to the study of its useful properties.

Broccoli benefits and harms, composition, calorie content and beneficial properties of vegetables

To understand the benefits and harms of broccoli, you need to understand its composition. According to scientific research, this vegetable is rich in the following elements useful for our body:

  • Vitamins E, PP, B6, B1, K, B2, A, C;
  • Minerals calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, iodine, boron, chromium;
  • Nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates, indigestible fiber and carotene.

In addition, broccoli is a natural source of sulforaphane, a substance that can reduce the risk of cancer and reduce existing tumors, preventing them from developing. Vitamin C present in this cabbage is several times higher than the content of ascorbic acid in citrus fruits and black currants. And the protein found in broccoli cabbage is equated by nutritionists with meat and egg protein, it is so rich in amino acids and antioxidants. And all this splendor is crowned by a rather low calorie content, only 34 Kkl per 100 g of raw and 27 Kkl per 100 g of boiled product, where:

  • Proteins: 2.82 g (~11 Kcal)
  • Fats: 0.37 g (~ 3 Kcal)
  • Carbohydrates: 6.64 g (~27 Kcal)
  • Energy ratio between proteins, fats and carbohydrates (b|g|y): 33%|10%|78%
  • Dietary fiber - 2.6 g
  • Water - 89.3 g
  • Mono- and disaccharides - 1.7 g
  • Ash - 0.87 g.

At the same time, broccoli contains the following amount of vitamins, micro and macro elements:

trace elements

Iron - 0.73 mg

Zinc - 0.41 mg

Copper - 49 mcg

Manganese - 0.21 mg

Selenium - 2.5 mg


Calcium - 47 mg

Magnesium - 21 mg

Sodium - 33 mg

Potassium - 316 mg

Phosphorus - 66 m


Vitamin A - 0.386 mg

Vitamin PP - 0.639 mg

Vitamin A (RE) - 386 mcg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.071 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.117 mg

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic) - 0.573 mg

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.175 mg

Vitamin B9 (folic) - 63 mcg

Vitamin C - 89.2 mg

Vitamin E (TE) - 0.78 mg

Vitamin K (phylloquinone) - 101.6 mcg

Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) - 1.1071 mg.

Thanks to a perfectly balanced combination of nutrients, broccoli can quickly satisfy hunger without fear of gaining extra pounds, even if you eat it in unlimited quantities. This cabbage is also widely recommended by doctors for dietary nutrition in many diseases, as it has many useful properties, which are described below.

Useful properties of broccoli

Very often you can hear how people are interested: what is healthier, broccoli or cauliflower. It was said above about the unimaginably complex chemical composition of broccoli and the many vitamins and minerals contained in the vegetable, so the answer is obvious. Let us analyze in more detail the beneficial properties of the mentioned substances.

  • Vitamins B1, B2, B6 have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system, restoring the cells of the white and gray matter;
  • Vitamin A has a general antioxidant effect;
  • Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, improves the condition of the vascular walls, helps the body fight pathogenic viruses and bacteria during colds
  • Vitamin E promotes cell renewal throughout the body, increases elasticity and accelerates hair growth, gives the skin peach velvety, and nails strength
  • Vitamin U accelerates the healing of erosions and ulcers on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines
  • Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) promotes the removal of bad cholesterol, regulates the exchange between fats, proteins and carbohydrates, stimulates the liver and pancreas, causes the thyroid and adrenal glands to secrete hormones corresponding to each of the glands, participates in stimulating the production of sex hormones in men and women, and also, when interacting with B vitamins, contributes to the normal development of the brain in children
  • Vitamin K regulates the process of blood clotting in the body, therefore it is also called anticoagulant or antihemorrhagic vitamin, it prevents any internal and external bleeding
  • Potassium helps to remove excess salt and water
  • Calcium is an indispensable assistant in building the skeleton, as well as in the growth of hair and nails.
  • Magnesium strengthens the heart muscle
  • Sodium maintains the body's water-salt balance
  • Manganese and zinc stimulate the growth of new cells and tissues, normalize the functioning of the genital area and the adrenal cortex
  • Copper, together with iron, purify the blood, and also protect the body from the development of anemia.
  • Selenium removes salts of heavy metals, prevents the introduction of harmful carcinogens into the body, has a beneficial effect on the general mental state, which significantly affects the quality of sleep and the level of working capacity
  • Chromium supports the pancreas by balancing the production of insulin and the release of sugar into the blood
  • Iodine stabilizes the functioning of the endocrine system, thereby improving the condition of the thyroid gland.
  • Sulfarafan protects against the formation of oncological tumors
  • Phytoncides and chlorophyll strengthen the body's defenses, helping it survive spring hypovitaminosis and resist seasonal colds and viruses
  • Fiber helps cleanse the intestines from toxins accumulating there.

Agree, all the described properties of the elements included in broccoli make the vegetable a real storehouse for our health. Even official medicine, which does not strongly favor herbal remedies in its pure form, recognizes the benefits of this cabbage in the treatment of various diseases and includes it in dietary tables for hearts, diabetics, people with disorders of fat metabolism and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Based on the above analysis, we can conclude that broccoli has the following medicinal properties:

  1. Strengthen immunity;
  2. Improve metabolism;
  3. Strengthen blood vessels and free them from bad cholesterol;
  4. Protect against oncological neoplasms or stop their development when they already exist;
  5. Increase the body's resistance to various viruses and microbes;
  6. Improve the work of the nervous system;
  7. Normalize the work of the stomach, liver, pancreas and intestines;
  8. Reduce blood sugar levels;
  9. Regulate blood density, preventing the formation of blood clots;
  10. Influence the production of thyroid hormones, adrenal glands and sex glands;
  11. Stop the leaching of calcium from the bones;
  12. To promote, under certain conditions, a beautiful slim figure by converting fat and carbohydrates into energy;
  13. Improve the appearance and health of skin, nails and hair by saturating the body with a rich vitamin complex.

Now let's see how all these benefits of broccoli affect people with various diseases, and whether this cabbage can harm anyone.

The benefits and harms of broccoli for our health in various diseases

Due to the extensive vitamin and mineral composition in official medicine, broccoli was recognized as a vegetable of the 21st century. Doctors of various specializations recommend it to their patients as a dietary and medicinal product in raw and boiled form. This cabbage is suitable for maintaining and restoring health in many diseases, but first of all it is prescribed for:

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as it contains potassium and magnesium necessary for the circulatory system, and also has the ability to remove harmful cholesterol from the body.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since broccoli perfectly improves metabolic processes, stimulates intestinal motility and the production of digestive juices, and its composition contains a substance that is stronger than many antibiotics and can effectively fight the gastric bacterium Helicobacter.
  • Metabolic disorders, because broccoli perfectly establishes the interaction of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, turning them into energy and amino acids, a particularly good effect is observed in obesity, gout and diabetes.
  • Hormonal malfunctions in the work of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and sex glands, with hyperfunction of the first and insufficiency of the latter.
  • Diseases of the skin, hair and nails, especially if these diseases are associated with allergic reactions and vitamin deficiencies.
  • Oncological neoplasms as an additional tool to the main antitumor therapy.
  • Intoxication of the body due to serious illnesses, poisoning, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, the use of drugs, the action of chemicals, anesthesia - that is, a direct damaging effect on liver cells.

To help your body with these ailments, you can simply eat broccoli, it will benefit both raw and boiled. However, doctors went further and created medicines and dietary supplements based on this cabbage, here are some of them:

  • Indol forte Evalar is a natural non-hormonal preparation of the dietary supplement group for maintaining female reproductive health, it has a beneficial effect on the functions of the mammary glands, endometrium, myometrium, cervix, ovaries. It is enough to take one capsule per day, the course of treatment is 30 days.
  • INDOL-M - Dietary supplement for maintaining and restoring the reproductive health of men, the composition includes sabal palm, broccoli cabbage extract, extract from the mixture and cruciferous vegetables, vitamin C, indole-3-carbinol. The supplement is recommended for men with problems of the reproductive system of an oncological nature, as well as for normalizing the activity of the prostate gland, the hormonal status of men, and preventing the aging process of the body. Take 2 capsules 1 time per day with meals, drinking plenty of water, a course of 3-6 months, be sure to consult your doctor before using.
  • Indinol is a non-hormonal drug of natural origin, obtained from extracts of broccoli and green tea leaves. It is used for diseases such as mastopathy, inflammation and hyperplasia (overgrowth) of the endo and myometrium, cervical dysplasia due to papilloma virus damage. The recommended dose is 1-2 capsules 2 times a day, the duration of treatment is up to 6 months, prevention and after gynecological operations 3 months. Contraindications - individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation, low acidity of gastric juice or taking drugs that reduce it. Before using, be sure to consult with your gynecologist.

Brokkofit - capsules with broccoli extract, is not a drug, belongs to the group of dietary supplements. The drug can be recommended as a dietary supplement to the diet as an additional source of indole-3-carbinol and polysaccharides. Additive "Brokkofit" contributes to the normalization of the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the processes of digestion, the prevention of manifestations of premature aging. Has detoxifying properties.
Attention, the intake is indicated only for adults, the dosage is 1 capsule 1-2 times a day with meals, it is contraindicated for children of all ages, pregnant and lactating women, people with individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Before use, consultation with a doctor is required.

Also, since April-May 2017, the American Research Institutes have been developing and testing a new drug for people who have had a heart attack or stroke. Doctors say that the sulfarafan found in broccoli is able not only to resist cancer cells and human papillomavirus, but also to effectively clean blood vessels from bad cholesterol, which is so necessary for patients with atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, angina pectoris and other heart ailments. Currently, active trials and improvements of the new drug are underway, which, according to media reports, should be completed by February - March next 2018. If everything succeeds, then medicine will receive a new low-cost natural medicine that can replace statins used to combat high cholesterol. The broccoli tablet promises to outperform its synthetic counterpart in terms of effectiveness and affordability, as well as being completely safe for liver health.

Probably, because of the praises sung above, you, dear readers, have the impression that broccoli is a panacea for many diseases, and it has no side effects or contraindications? Alas, but I will disappoint you, our gorgeous doctor has the flip side of the coin in the form of contraindications and possible side effects. There are very few of them, but everyone should know and remember this fact. So, the harm from eating broccoli can get:

  • Persons with individual intolerance to any component of the vitamin-mineral complex of cabbage;
  • People suffering from hypothyroidism, since cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli, block the production of thyroid hormones;
  • Those who have increased acidity of gastric juice, peptic ulcer of the stomach or 12 duodenal ulcer or pancreatitis;
  • After operations on the intestines, since the vegetable enhances its peristalsis due to the large presence of coarse fiber in the cabbage, which leads to intestinal colic.

And yet, both sick and healthy people should absolutely not use broccoli broth or decoction, as well as fry this cabbage over high heat with a lot of oil. After all, during such a powerful thermal effect as frying, useful substances burn out, and harmful carcinogens are formed in the oil, and when boiled, toxic substances guanine and adenine are released into the water. Carcinogens, accumulating in the body, can lead to cancer, and guanine and adenine, which are purine bases, increase the risk of getting gout. Thus, both fried broccoli and a decoction of it are a huge harm, despite the fact that the vegetable itself has such great benefits.

The benefits and harms of broccoli for the body, depending on gender and age

Now let's talk about the benefits and harms of broccoli for the body of healthy people, both adults and children. Let's start with the strong half of humanity, that's what official medicine says about this.

Useful and harmful sides of broccoli for men according to official medicine

According to doctors from the University of California at Berkeley (University of California at Berkeley), men who actively eat broccoli are 5 times better protected from prostate cancer than those who do not eat this cabbage. Such a magical effect is associated with the substance 3,3 '-diindolylmethane or DIM in broccoli. This chemical component has the ability to prevent the growth of cells of hormone-dependent oncological formations, in particular prostate cancer.

According to other medical sources, in addition to the anti-cancer property, the described cabbage also has the ability to prolong the period and improve the quality of male sexual life. This happens due to special enzymes that are able to penetrate the male DNA and work at the cellular level. And since the proteins contained in broccoli are equal in energy value to meat and egg, this vegetable is excellent for men involved in sports and watching their weight and muscles. In a word, broccoli is a very useful thing for men, and the harm from it will be only with individual intolerance. Now let's see how our cabbage affects the health of the fair sex.

The benefits and harms of broccoli for women

According to the research of the same California Institute, the anti-cancer property of broccoli extends to the body of women. It has been noticed that women whose diet contains a lot of broccoli dishes are several times less likely to fall ill with such hormone-dependent oncological ailments as:

  • Mastopathy;
  • Myoma and fibromyoma of the uterus;
  • Cysts and polycystic ovaries.

This is due to the substance sulforaphane in the vegetable, which gives broccoli antitumor and bactericidal properties. No less, this cabbage will be useful for expectant mothers, because it:

  1. The rich vitamin composition will strengthen the immune system;
  2. The presence of iron and vitamin C will protect against iron deficiency anemia;
  3. Potassium and magnesium will support the heart;
  4. Calcium will protect teeth from destruction and hair loss;
  5. And fiber and coarse fibers will prevent possible constipation.

Another amazing property of broccoli is the ability to activate metabolic processes in such a way that the eaten fats and carbohydrates are converted into energy. It is useful to take note of this fact for women who watch their figure and weight, go in for fitness and love to go on a diet from time to time. Due to the fact that the calorie content of broccoli is only 27-37 kcal per 100 g of the product, and you can eat it almost without restriction,
This cabbage is great for one-day unloading. Kilograms with such a diet melt away, but there is no hunger and damage to health. By the way, there are others on the blog that you will find by clicking on the link.

As you can see, the nutritional value of broccoli for the female body is very, very high, but that's not all. The medicinal properties of the vegetable have found their application in cosmetology, both salon and home, and we will discuss this side.

Broccoli in cosmetology, mask recipes and uses

On the basis of this vegetable, resourceful beauties have invented many simple and effective masks for the face, hair and the whole body. Here are some of them:

1. For oily and combination skin

take 1 tbsp. l. Broccoli puree and mix it with 1 tbsp. l. Green clay. Apply this mixture on a cleansed face, hold the mask for 20-30 minutes, and then wash with warm running water without soap.

2. For dry skin

Mix 1 tbsp. l. Broccoli puree and sour cream. Apply the mask for 20-30 minutes, and then wash your face with running water at a comfortable temperature.

3. For face, décolleté and hands

Take 2-3 steamed broccoli florets, 1 tbsp. l. green peas, orange juice and white yogurt. Combine all the ingredients and use a blender to turn them into a cream. Apply the resulting mass on the face, décolleté or hands for 20 minutes, and then rinse off the mask with pleasantly cool water.

4. Mask with avocado

Connect 2-3 steamed cabbage inflorescences, 1-2 tbsp. l. Freshly squeezed orange juice and 1 tbsp. l. avocado pulp. Using a blender, turn this mixture into a cream and apply it on the face, neck, décolleté or hands for 20 minutes. Next, rinse off the mask with cool running water.

In home cosmetology, in addition to inflorescences, broccoli juice and oil are also used. The first is extracted from the leaves and the head, and the second from the seeds.

Juice is most often used to heal hair and is called natural silicone. Like industrial silicone used in the hairdressing industry, it eliminates split ends, does not allow them to become electrified, makes curls obedient and smooth, covers them along the entire length with a resistant protective layer. At the same time, the hair remains light and fluffy, and each hair from root to tip receives useful nutrients.

To give your curls juicy health from broccoli, it is enough to use an ordinary juicer, and rub the resulting product into a clean scalp and distribute it along the hair shafts. After half an hour, you will need to rinse your head with warm running water.

The oil pressed from the seeds of the vegetable is good to add to ready-made creams, tonics, lotions and shampoos. They can wipe the face and hands. It goes well with other vegetable and essential oils, vegetable and fruit purees, dairy products and herbal remedies. Broccoli oil remarkably moisturizes, nourishes and rejuvenates the skin and hair, so ladies of all ages and with any skin type can use it. Well, well, we figured out the beautiful half of humanity, now let's see if our broccoli is good or bad for babies.

Is broccoli good or bad for babies?

Hypoallergenicity - mothers can safely feed their infants with broccoli puree, there will be no diathesis and other similar troubles.

Prevention of constipation - due to the presence of a large amount of fiber in the vegetable, peristalsis is established, which leads to normal bowel cleansing.

Strengthening the body's defenses - which is achieved due to the presence in broccoli of a rich and well-balanced mineral and vitamin composition and a large number of phytoncides.

And this amazing vegetable more than replaces meat and egg white for the little man, to which, by the way, babies often have an allergy. It has also been observed that broccoli helps children who have had bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory system recover, so pediatricians often recommend including it in the diet of those children who live in families of smokers.

The age at which you can start feeding broccoli puree is from 6 months for breastfed babies and from 4-5 months for babies on an artificial cradle. To prepare the dish, it is enough to take 2-3 inflorescences, boil them or hold them for a couple of 5 minutes, and then rub through a sieve or chop in a blender.


If the vegetable was bought at the market or in a store, and not grown in your own garden, then the inflorescences should be soaked for 2 hours in cold water before cooking.

The volume of the first portion is not more than 1-1.5 teaspoons, then, with normal perception, the portion can be increased by 1 tsp, and, please, no salt, the baby still does not feel it under the age of one.

As you can see, broccoli brings a lot of benefits to the little man, although the dark side of the coin is also present here. Firstly, the child may have an individual intolerance to the vegetable, and then he will feel bad. Secondly, if the baby is prone to diseases of the stomach and pancreas, complementary foods from the described cabbage are categorically contraindicated for him. And, finally, thirdly, if the mother has problems with the thyroid gland in terms of reducing its function, and the family lives in an iodine deficiency zone, then before starting feeding with broccoli dishes, the baby should exclude the presence or predisposition to hypothyroidism. Yes, and you also need to be able to cook our useful beauty correctly, let's consider this issue.

How to cook broccoli with health benefits, broccoli recipes

There are a lot of recipes for cooking delicious and healthy dishes from broccoli. Soups are cooked from this cabbage, side dishes are prepared for meat and fish, added to pies and salads. But, despite all the variety of culinary masterpieces, there are also general rules here, namely:

  1. Broccoli should not be subjected to prolonged heat treatment, otherwise it will lose the lion's share of its healing qualities, and the beneficial substances will be destroyed. The maximum cooking, stewing, steaming or frying time is 5 minutes.

2. In no case should cabbage broth or decoction be eaten, as it contains toxic substances. If you want to make soup, then after boiling the vegetable is removed from the liquid and placed in a broth from other vegetable ingredients of the dish.

3. If the recipe involves frying the inflorescences, then the oil should be used to a minimum, choosing a high-quality, well-refined product. A large amount of oil will kill all the useful substances, fill the dish with carcinogens, and it will also not contribute to the slimness of the figure.

4. If the cabbage was bought at the market or in the supermarket, and not from a familiar gardener, or not grown in your own backyard, before eating the inflorescences, they must be soaked in cold water for 2 hours.

Zucchini and broccoli soup

Take 300-400 g of cabbage, 1 medium zucchini, 2 heads of shallots, 1 tbsp. l. 15th sour cream, 1 carrot, half a bunch of parsley, 1 liter of vegetable or chicken broth (these broths can be mixed in 05 liters of each). Disassemble the broccoli into inflorescences, cut the zucchini and onion into cubes, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Put all the vegetables in a saucepan and pour the broth, let it boil and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Before serving, season the soup with sour cream and finely chopped parsley.

Broccoli and spinach soufflé

Take 400 g of broccoli, 100 g of Adyghe cheese, 1 bunch of spinach, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences and boil for 3 minutes in boiling salted water. Chop spinach, mix with boiled inflorescences and use a blender to turn this mixture into puree. Drive an egg into it, mix everything thoroughly, grease the form with vegetable oil, put the resulting puree there, sprinkle it with grated cheese and bake in the oven for 15 minutes.

Steamed broccoli as a side dish for meat or fish

Take half a kilo of inflorescences, rinse them well with cold running water and put them in a deep colander. Place it in a pot of boiling salted water and cover with a lid. Wait 5-7 minutes, everything, the side dish is ready. Serve steamed florets with stewed chicken, steamed veal or fried fish.

Broccoli fried with mushrooms

Take 0.5 kg of a vegetable, rinse it well, sort it into inflorescences and steam it as described above. Fry 300 g of any mushrooms with finely chopped onions until cooked, and then put broccoli florets in the same pan and mix everything, and do not forget to salt the dish a little. Delicious dinner is ready, bon appetit.

That's all for today, now you know what broccoli is, what benefits it has, and when it can be harmful. Prepare soups and main dishes, salads and pies from it and be healthy. And if this article was useful to you, please share it with your friends on social networks, the buttons for which are located just below. And be sure to share your opinions, experiences and broccoli recipes in the comments. And I say goodbye until the next posts, with love, your Tatyana Surkova.

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