The right diet for drying the body: a weekly menu for women. Drying the body for girls: a menu for a month by day

Not every girl who visits the gym is going to compete, but probably every one of them will want to sit down and see her body with a minimum percentage of fat. The fat burning period should be carried out if a certain muscle mass has already been gained and there is a permanent experience calculated in months (at least six months), otherwise there will simply be nothing to “dry”. It is also important to understand that proper drying is not just weight loss, it is a decrease in body fat while maintaining muscle mass as much as possible.

Drying for girls at home and for competitions is not much different, as well as the menu by day, since in both cases the main task is to acquire a beautiful embossed body. The only difference is that in the last days of the competition, a stricter diet is used: water intake is limited and carbohydrates are completely excluded, and the day or a few hours before entering the stage, the athlete consumes carbohydrates and gets a full muscle body.

But this is all very individual, and such actions are best carried out under the supervision of a personal trainer. If drying is required for life, then no schemes with carbohydrates and water are needed. Let's find out what the drying of the body for girls should be like. We will write out the menu for a month by day for the first 7 days, and indicate the principles of manipulating nutrients at subsequent stages.

How to start drying girls

On average, a fat burning diet lasts from 1 to 2 months, depending on the existing fat layer. It is better to set realistic goals and not expect to dry out in one week. The entrance to drying should always be smooth and gradual, so it is much easier to endure food restrictions, and the result is a better shape than when you are in a hurry and do everything at an accelerated pace.

Nutrition during drying should be fractional, in small portions - 5-7 times a day and nothing more. Carbohydrates should be consumed in the morning, or before training - 1-2 hours before. Immediately after training, it is recommended to drink whey protein isolate, and after half an hour or an hour to fully eat vegetables and protein.

Be sure to include in the menu when drying the body of any girl polyunsaturated fats, which are found in (especially a lot of red - salmon, trout, pink salmon), nuts, avocados and linseed oil. A fat deficiency is extremely harmful to the female body, which can cause a lack of menstruation, deterioration of the hair and skin, so do not be afraid of the right fats.

What should be excluded from the menu immediately:

  • sugar
  • cakes and any bakery products
  • products containing animal fats - butter, sour cream, milk, fatty meats - pork, lamb, fatty parts of chicken and beef

Can be consumed in moderation:

  • fruits with a high glycemic index - pear, banana, peach no more than 1 piece per day and only in the first week, sour berries and fruits with low GI can be consumed throughout the drying, but in moderation
  • sometimes you can eat starchy vegetables - corn, beets, pumpkin, potatoes (of course, boiled or baked without oil and only in the first or second week)
  • egg yolks, but not more than 2 per day

What can girls eat on drying:

  • boiled or baked chicken breasts, skinless turkey fillet, egg whites, any fish, including red, seafood
  • fat-free cottage cheese, but not more than once a day
  • fresh greens and vegetables with a high fiber content - tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, celery, asparagus, broccoli, green peas, salads of any kind, celery, parsley

Non-starchy vegetables can be eaten as much as you want, they are not taken into account when calculating the caloric content of the diet, since there are practically no calories in them. It is also important to drink at least 2-3 liters of water per day.

How and how much to eat carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are probably the most difficult thing for girls who adhere to the drying menu. Their excess can slow down the process of fat burning, and the lack of them will significantly worsen the psychological and physical condition. If you feel constant lethargy, fatigue and apathy while drying at home, you are ready to break loose and eat a huge cake, then you should increase the amount of complex (not simple!) Carbohydrates.

It is important to understand that serious restrictions await you, and you will always experience a slight feeling of hunger, but if you feel like a vegetable and are not able to do anything, then this is wrong! Therefore, it is worth focusing not only on averages, but also on your own feelings, body characteristics, if necessary, increasing or decreasing complex carbohydrates.

For example, let's take a girl weighing 55-60 kg and 165-168 cm tall. In the first week of drying, she will need 100 grams of carbohydrates every day, that is, 2 grams per 1 kg of body weight. Every week they will decrease, in the second it should be reduced to 60-50 grams per day, in the third, consume no more than 50 grams, but follow your feelings. The fourth week - we reduce the consumption of coals to a minimum, if weight loss is going badly, then we alternate 50 grams - for two days, that is, one day without carbohydrates at all, the second day - 50 grams for breakfast.

All carbohydrates are calculated in dry form, since porridge swells when cooked, and, accordingly, the weight increases. Where to get - from oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, whole grain bread, brown rice.

Number of proteins

On drying, you need at least 2-2.5 grams per 1 kg of body weight, that is, a girl weighing 50-55 will need at least 100 grams. However, if a girl has a decent muscle mass, and her weight is 60-65 kg due to muscles, then she needs to increase the amount of proteins in her menu to 150-200 grams per day. Mostly you should consume protein from animal foods - meat, fish, eggs and protein, vegetable protein is consumed in an amount of no more than 10-20%.

In the first two weeks of drying, the amount of proteins is 50-70%, fats - 10-15%, carbohydrates - the rest, in the third or fourth week of proteins - 70-80%, fats - 10%, carbohydrates - the rest, in the last week proteins are reduced to a maximum, and carbohydrates to a minimum, fats remain, you yourself can determine the ideal ratio depending on your own shape and well-being.

Photos of girls before and after drying

Even the most exhausting sports activities do not guarantee instant fat burning. Then you have to resort to a special diet called drying. Then you have to resort to a special diet called drying. However, this way of eating and training has its own nuances that apply to girls and women. They will be discussed in this article.

The most important thing to pay special attention to is nutrition. During the drying period, training is secondary, both for women and men.

The drying process is all about fat burning and water reduction. It is used by professional athletes to prepare for competitions. Read more in the article "". As already mentioned, cutting is used by professionals, but amateurs can use some cutting principles, such as nutrition and training regimen, and get rid of excess fat deposits on the body.

Usually it (the drying period) lasts about 1-2 months (the optimal period is 5-6 weeks) and includes not only mandatory physical activity, but also a thoughtful diet.

Drying food for women

In nutrition, it is important to adhere to some basic rules.:

Drink more water (about 2.5 liters per day);
- eat only protein foods before training;
- do not eat after training for an hour or two, and after that only protein foods are allowed;
- do not skip breakfast;
- Count your daily calories.

List of products that should definitely be excluded:

- bakery;
- sweet, alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
- smoked and salty products;
- fast food;
- fruits (except lemons, kiwi, grapefruits, green apples).

Cereals (buckwheat, barley, oatmeal);
- oat bran;
- pasta made from rye or whole grain flour;
- fresh vegetables (peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, beans) and various greens (parsley, dill, cilantro);
- nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts, pine nuts);
- water;
- unsweetened tea (preferably green or ginger).

You can also leave honey, cocoa, dried fruits, but consume them in limited quantities.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates


The amount of carbohydrates definitely needs to be reduced. This is especially true of simple carbohydrates (most of them are listed among the prohibited foods), which should be completely excluded from the diet. However, this should be done gradually - for example, by arranging the so-called "pre-drying" period, during which the amount of simple carbohydrates is gradually reduced.

Fruits in the diet can be left (in particular grapefruits, kiwi, lemons and green apples), but they must be consumed in the morning and in a small portion. Complex carbohydrates (potatoes, grain bread, cereals) can be eaten, but in limited quantities (no more than twice a day).


It is not forbidden to consume fats, but it is better to do it in small amounts and not on the day of training. It is best if they are contained in natural products like cottage cheese and milk. It also does not hurt to take vitamins with polyunsaturated fatty acids (for example, omega-3).


The main part of the diet is occupied by proteins: chicken breasts and fillets, low-fat cottage cheese, egg whites, fish, boiled squids, etc. But you should not overdo it with the use of proteins. The allowed amount is no more than 2 grams per kilogram of body weight per day (from the third week of drying, it should be reduced to 1 gram per kilogram).

Sample menu for drying the body for women

You can use this menu as a base and subsequently modify it to fit your regimen and physical activity. This diet can also be used during the entire drying period.


Breakfast: oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, two eggs, tea (green or plain, but unsweetened);
- Lunch: meat / fish with buckwheat / rice, low-fat yogurt;
- Snack: a glass of kefir or some nuts;
- Dinner: fruit salad, kefir.


Breakfast: scrambled eggs, half a grapefruit, tea (ginger or just unsweetened);
- Lunch: fish soup (for example, fish soup), boiled fish with rice;
- Snack: a handful of dried fruits;
- Dinner: a portion of meat or fish, vegetables.


Breakfast: oat bran, nuts, green tea;
- Lunch: rice, chicken breast, greens;
- Snack: a sandwich with honey;
- Dinner: fat-free cottage cheese, yogurt.


Breakfast: vegetables, two boiled egg whites, tea (unsweetened);
- Lunch: vegetable soup (you can add potatoes), a portion of meat;
- Snack: kefir and some cottage cheese;
- Dinner: baked, stewed or steamed fish, vegetable salad (no mayonnaise!).


Breakfast: buckwheat or oatmeal, dried fruits, tea (unsweetened);
- Lunch: boiled fish with stewed beans;
- Snack: a little buckwheat;
- Dinner: fruit salad, yogurt.


Breakfast: porridge, two eggs, tea (ginger, green or just unsweetened);
- Lunch: stewed mushrooms or beans with chicken, some vegetables;
- Snack: cottage cheese and dried fruits;
- Dinner: steamed fish, seaweed.


Breakfast: protein omelette, apple, tea (unsweetened/green);
- Lunch: a portion of meat or fish with vegetables and rice;
- Snack: one "allowed" fruit (green apple, half grapefruit, kiwi);
- Dinner: vegetable salad (no mayonnaise!).

For the entire drying period, it is necessary to reduce the amount of carbohydrates to almost a minimum, but this should be done gradually, excluding fruits, cereals and grains, and reduce water consumption to 1.5 liters per day. In the last week, when the drying ends and the recovery period begins, it is very important not to “break loose” and not “stun” the body with a large amount of simple carbohydrates. It is necessary to return their consumption gradually, approximately in the same way as they were removed from the diet.

Drying workouts

As for the training program, it is important not to forget about both strength and aerobic training: the former increase calorie consumption, the latter help to burn fat. Therefore, the best option is to alternate strength and aerobic exercise (or strength exercise and rest days instead of aerobic exercise).

Alternate according to the following scheme:

Monday - power;
- Tuesday - aerobic (or rest);
- medium - power;
- Thursday - aerobic (or rest);
- Friday - power;
- Saturday - aerobic (or rest);
- Sunday - rest.

Both complex exercises that affect several different muscle groups at once, and more specialized ones designed to work out a specific group (for example, exercises for the gluteal muscles, leg muscles, abs, etc.) are suitable as strength exercises.

If you choose specialized exercises, then it is better to engage in one or two muscle groups on one training day.

For example :

Monday - buttocks and thighs.
- Wednesday - legs.
- Friday - arms and back.

It will not be superfluous to do 1-2 exercises for the press during each workout. To do this, it is enough to start training from the bar for 1-1.5 minutes (or more).

As for aerobic exercise, running, brisk walking, cycling, jumping are suitable here. You can use special simulators (treadmill, bicycle, Nordic walking machine, etc.). In addition to the main physical activity, active recreation is suitable: swimming, cycling, roller skating, ball games, etc.


Whatever you are doing, whether you are losing weight, drying or gaining mass, always think about what you are doing and why. Approach the processes of building and modeling the body intelligently.

To give the muscles greater relief allows drying the body for girls, based on two fundamental factors - well-constructed workouts and diet. The aerobics and athletics program must sign to every detail and be performed one hundred percent correctly.

The drying period requires not only proper training, but also a thorough accounting of all calories consumed. If the body is deficient in nutrients, the process of gaining relief is significantly inhibited. This can have negative consequences both for the figure and for the whole organism.

Many people mistakenly believe that both women and men dry themselves in exactly the same way. The period of giving relief to the muscles in girls is characterized by a smaller presence of aerobics and an almost identical amount of athletic exercises, and nutrition in general should be completely different.

Reducing daily calorie intake and taking fat burners certainly helps to achieve the desired relief, but leads to a reduction in muscle volume. Nutrient deficiency forces the body to look for an additional source of nutrition, which is muscle tissue.

You can save both muscle mass and get relief without any fat-burning drugs and a radical cut in your usual diet. It is enough just to redistribute the amount of nutrients - the percentage of protein (protein), fats, carbohydrates in the diet.

It is important to understand that carbohydrates are divided into simple and complex. The former, which include confectionery and flour products, provoke obesity. The use of complex carbohydrates (pasta, black bread, cereals) in moderation does not significantly affect weight.

The amount of both simple and complex carbohydrates on drying is necessarily reduced. It should be inferior in volume to the proteins used during this period.

Women weighing between 50 and 55 kg should consume no less than 100 g of protein per day. If the weight exceeds the norm due to the muscles, the dose of protein is much higher. A girl with 10 kg of muscle mass, that is, with a weight of 65 kg, needs at least 160 g. Two-thirds of this dosage should come from animal food and protein powder.

Fatty foods, if they are present in the diet in a minimal amount, do no harm. This also applies to the drying period. The main thing is not to exceed the required norm, that is, to eat fatty foods only in those volumes that the body needs. The maximum daily dosage of fats in the menu of a girl who is engaged in order to give relief to muscles cannot exceed 10%. Most, that is, 60% should be exclusively proteins, and from 25 to 30% are carbohydrates.

The daily caloric intake for women who are drying is from 35 to 40 kcal per 1 kg of their own weight. You need to eat five to six times a day with short breaks and extremely small portions, each of which should not contain more than 40 g of protein. Long intervals between meals, on the contrary, slow down the metabolic rate, which leads to obesity.

You can also eat immediately before going to bed, but in small portions and exclusively from high-quality and wholesome food. The best option would be cottage cheese or a protein shake. They are easy to digest, satisfy hunger, contain important nutrients for the body and maintain a good metabolic rate.

The carbohydrate component of the diet is reduced gradually. The first week of drying, the amount of nutrient is reduced and maintained at the level of 40%, and in the next 7 days it is already reduced to 35%. And only from the third seven-day period they switch to 25-30%.

The return to a normal diet should also be gradual. Otherwise, one cannot do without negative consequences both for the figure and for the function of the gastrointestinal tract.

Most modern girls want to have a slender silhouette, but do not use simulators or do any exercises, preferring a less active way to lose weight - a diet. Drying cannot take place without training, which involves performing exercises that involve the maximum possible number of muscles.

The main condition for proper drying is maintaining muscle mass. Otherwise, if you do not do this, that is, do not train, the body will simply begin to feed on the already existing muscles, as it will perceive it as an unnecessary energy load. But, returning to the issue of nutrition, the transition from carbohydrate to protein foods should be without specific and strict restrictions.

The girls' menu for the drying period can be based on the following products:

  • Basic - boiled protein, lean chicken breast, steamed, boiled or baked, boiled squid fillet, lean boiled white fish - foods that can be eaten without any time limits.
  • Controlled carbohydrate sources - buckwheat and oatmeal, diabetic rye pasta, cabbage, herbs, cucumbers, other vegetables, except for root crops, the amount of nutrient in which is calculated according to recipes and tabular data.
  • Drink. You should drink only pure water, unsweetened ginger tea.

Sugar in the diet for drying is excluded altogether. It is not added not only to drinks, but also to food.

From the diet are completely excluded:

  • dairy products due to the monosaccharide lactose, which is milk sugar;
  • fast carbohydrates, which are sweets and flour products;
  • fats, that is, no fat or fried meat.

The optimal maximum fat loss limit is 200 g. Of course, you can lose much more, but this can lead to a sharp deterioration in well-being and disruption of the normal functioning of the body.

Girls with any physique and weight should lose no more than 1.5 kg per week. If the process of losing weight takes place at a much higher speed, then the muscles lose quality and shape, as the body begins to drink muscle fibers.

Calculations should never be violated and neglected when performing strength and aerobic training. Aerobics also puts a lot of stress on the body. It requires exactly the same amount of energy as strength training.

If the fat layer is small, then girls should generally minimize aerobic exercise. It should be done according to the principle of "pumping", when the muscles are pumped up due to high-volume training with low intensity.

Modern sports supplements are highly effective and useful both for the body and for the relief. They contain vitamins and amino acids that stimulate the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract. In order for them to bring maximum benefit, you need to know everything about how to properly take sports nutrition.


It is an effective product for achieving excellent results in bodybuilding. Women should take creatine and ribose during the cutting period only when they want not only to gain relief, but also to lose the maximum amount of body fat. The intake of the supplement is necessarily accompanied by an increase in aerobic loads. This is due to the fact that the ATP reserves spent on training are replenished by creatine, and not by one's own muscle tissues.


Indicated for use during the "relief" cycle for all girls. It, unlike meat, eggs, fish, does not require a large amount of energy. Taking a protein shake and amino acids allows you to get protein, but without significant energy loss.

Girls with a weight exceeding the ideal by 8-10 kg, not because of body fat, but mainly due to muscles, should take amino acid complexes and protein instead of creatine. Both BCAAs and protein powders have proven themselves well. They will also be useful for girls with magnificent forms.

It is recommended to take 5 g of BCAAs before and after training. Protein shakes are drunk 60 minutes after class, and one and a half or two hours before training, they use any sports product with a high content of natural protein and a small amount of carbohydrate. It is permissible to take BCAA in the morning (also 5 g), and before going to bed you can drink casein protein or eat fat-free cottage cheese.

It should be remembered that excessive enthusiasm for both strength and aerobic exercise, as well as improper sports nutrition, will not be able to bring the desired result. The effect will be one way or another, but much lower than what it would be with the right and competent approach.

The relief period for women requires serious aerobics and moderate athletics. There shouldn't be any frustration. Excessive enthusiasm for aerobic exercise can lead to the fact that the body either begins to develop unevenly, or the weight drops sharply.

Such consequences occur due to the fact that there is a lot of fat in the female body, and little muscle mass. Power loads, if properly restored and eat, allow you to increase muscles. Aerobics activates fat-burning processes, but does not help muscles develop.

Performing a large amount of strength training promotes the breakdown of fat without losing muscle. Aerobic exercise works in a completely different way. If they are high, muscle fibers suffer. Aerobics inhibits anabolism and begins to suppress the process of splitting fat cells, which causes obesity and a constant feeling of fatigue.

The correct set of drying training for girls consists of exercises in which the whole body is involved, and a very small amount of aerobics. The total number of sets for each exercise is 5-6, and repetitions when training the bottom - from 15 to 20, and the top - from 12 to 15 times.

With weights do two repetitions more. It should always be the final set that should be refused. The intervals between sets are from 90 to 120 seconds. This training scheme is aimed at involving muscle fibers to the maximum and activating anabolic processes.

When the goal is to get rid of a large amount of body fat, the training requires some changes. You need to give up rest between exercises, and do a circuit training. It lies in the fact that they do one approach for each exercise, and the total number of cycles is brought up to 4-5 per training. Aerobics after circuit training should be postponed. This part of the training complex is recommended to be postponed to the next day, and not to be done on the same day as strength exercises.

Women who do not need excessive weight loss can limit themselves to the usual pumping workouts and aerobic exercise. The latter begin to be performed after strength exercises. Aerobics should be done only after maintaining a break of at least ten minutes.

The moderation of aerobic workouts does not mean that they should be too easy. If classes are held on an elliptical trainer, then the mode is set so that you can practice for at least a quarter of an hour, but train for no more than 10 minutes. Three such ten-minute approaches do. This is quite enough.

A full set of drying exercises, including running on an exercise bike, ellipsoid or bicycle ergometer, is required to be done three times a week. You should not overload yourself on non-training days, exhausting yourself with long walks and fasting. This kind of behavior is harmful. Neglecting full recovery and rest is not useful, as well as excessive enthusiasm for anaerobic exercise.

Each girl can increase her weight by 15 kg, but gaining exclusively muscle mass, while maintaining a feminine and beautiful silhouette. Women can achieve great results in muscle growth only with the use of special preparations. However, if you take into account and follow all the above recommendations, girls can achieve quite significant results in bodybuilding.

Who is contraindicated to dry?

Not all girls in certain periods of life or in the presence of health problems are shown drying. Contraindications are:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diabetes;
  • dysfunction of the pancreas and liver;
  • diseases of the intestines and stomach;
  • kidney failure.

Diet "drying the body for girls"- a popular nutrition system aimed at getting rid of body fat as quickly as possible and normalizing weight. A feature of such a diet is that the goal is not just weight loss, but a decrease in the amount of adipose tissue in the body while maintaining muscle mass. Previously, "drying" was often used by male bodybuilders, trying not to leave a single gram of fat on the body, while pumping up relief muscles. Recently, this dietary nutrition system has been the choice of many girls seeking to lose weight and create ideal body shapes.

The meaning of the diet and its basic principles

Drying the body is a carbohydrate starvation, that is, a decrease in the calorie content of food by eliminating a significant amount of incoming carbohydrates. Since an excess of sugars (glucose) with insufficient consumption leads to the formation of body fat, the rejection of such food helps to break down already existing fats to provide the body with the required energy. Drying for girls differs little from that used for men. The only exception is a slightly larger amount of vegetable oils allowed in the diet of women.

The principles of building a diet "drying the body":

1. Be sure to engage in aerobic sports during this nutrition program.

2. Eat fractionally, in small portions, at certain times of the day up to 4-5 times.

3. Drink more water (up to 2.5 liters).

5. Do not eat before and after training (2 hours).

6. Do not give up carbohydrates completely at the first stage of the diet, if the body is under severe stress.

7. Make dinner very light.

8. Don't skip breakfast.

9. The duration of the diet is up to 6 weeks; by the end of it, the intake of carbohydrates should be minimized.

10. Up to two-thirds of the food from the daily diet is taken in the morning.

11. A sharp and strong decrease in glucose should not be allowed in order to avoid complications.

12. All food is cooked boiled, stewed, steamed.

13. The total calorie content of foods per day is reduced by 300-400 kcal compared to the usual.

Contraindications to the diet of drying the body

It is strictly forbidden to engage in experiments in nutrition for people with diseases of the liver, kidneys, disorders of the heart and gastrointestinal tract, as well as for those who have a lack of muscle mass. It is better to postpone the diet if there is an important and responsible business ahead, for example, passing a session.

What will have to be abandoned?

When drying the body, you can not eat fruits, which often brings additional stress to the body. Animal fats are also excluded, while all protein foods are consumed only fat-free. Of course, you can’t eat fast food, bread, pastries, smoked meats, canned food, salty foods, drink soda, alcohol.

What can you eat?

The basis of the diet is protein food. Basic products - egg protein, boiled squid, chicken breast, cottage cheese, white fish. In the morning you can eat oatmeal, buckwheat, rye pasta, cucumbers, cabbage, herbs, tomatoes, beans, bell peppers. The total allowed amount of carbohydrates is no more than 2 g / kg of body weight per day in the first 2 weeks of the diet. Later, it decreases to 1 gram per kilogram of body weight per day.

Be sure to season your food with small amounts of cold-pressed vegetable oils. At first, you can eat a little whole grain bread until the body gets used to giving it up. In addition to water, it will be useful to drink tea without sugar (green, ginger).

Sample menu for the week

The first day.

Breakfast: oatmeal porridge, 2 proteins, a glass of tea.

Dinner: boiled breast, cucumber salad.

Afternoon snack: a small portion of buckwheat on the water.

Dinner: stewed fish with cabbage.

Second day.

Breakfast: protein omelette, a glass of skim milk.

Dinner: a piece of boiled beef, pepper and parsley salad with butter.

Afternoon snack: boiled fish with asparagus.

Dinner: cottage cheese with kefir.

Day three.

Breakfast: buckwheat on the water, boiled egg.

Dinner: a portion of fish soup without potatoes, a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, a piece of fish.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with 2 pcs. dried apricots.

Dinner: stewed fish and coleslaw.

Day four:

Breakfast: oatmeal, tea.

Dinner: stewed squids with a spoonful of sour cream, bell pepper salad.

Afternoon snack: cauliflower soup.

Dinner: cottage cheese with kefir.

Day five.

Breakfast: omelet from 2 proteins, cucumber, tea.

Dinner: mushroom soup, boiled chicken, greens.

Afternoon snack: salad of cucumbers, bell peppers.

Dinner: steam fish, cabbage salad.

Day six.

Breakfast: eggs with tomatoes, tea.

Dinner: beans stewed with chicken breast, greens.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with kefir.

Dinner: buckwheat with boiled breast.

Day seven.

Breakfast: a plate of oatmeal with a handful of raisins, tea.

Dinner: stewed fish with vegetables.

Afternoon snack: vegetable salad.

Dinner: baked squid, portion of cottage cheese.

If the body strongly "resists" the absence of carbohydrates, it is allowed to eat 1 apple or half a grapefruit per day for a snack during the first week of drying.

How to eat next?

From the second week, it is advisable to give up fruits completely, or leave half a day, no more. Evening meal should include only cottage cheese, kefir, boiled meat, fish. From the third week, the rejection of fruits should become complete. From the fourth week, the number of cereals per day is up to 6 tablespoons, and from the fifth, cereals are also abandoned in favor of protein foods. The sixth week of the diet excludes dairy foods, and after that you need to smoothly return to the menu of the first week.

For all the time, drying the body can help get rid of 10 or more kg. weight, while the muscles acquire an attractive relief. The disadvantage of such a nutrition system is the imbalance of the diet in recent weeks, so it should not be practiced more than 2 times a year.

Which allows you to get rid of fat as much as possible, dry your body. It is very popular in bodybuilding, among bodybuilders, as it removes subcutaneous fat, gives the muscles a beautiful relief.

Drying the body is a protein diet with a low intake of carbohydrates. It is considered extreme: the diet consists mainly of protein products, and the amount of carbohydrates is reduced to a critical level.

It must be said that drying the body is not a universal diet for weight loss. If there is no certain sports training and muscle reserve, then it is better to use another, safer method to deal with extra pounds.


A protein diet for drying is only suitable for physically prepared, healthy people. If it is used incorrectly, a lack of carbohydrates can turn into ketoacidosis, when metabolic products, in particular acetone, accumulate and poison the body. As a result, ketoacidosis coma may develop.

Even for a healthy person, it is better to first consult a doctor, and carry out the procedure under the guidance of a fitness instructor.

Diet for drying the body is contraindicated in patients with diseases of the excretory systems, heart, digestive organs, diabetes. Low-carbohydrate nutrition often causes weakness, inhibition of action, drowsiness, apathy. If there are symptoms of malaise, the taste of acetone in the mouth, the diet should be interrupted immediately.

Diet stages

Experts suggest dividing the body procedure into four stages for the body to gradually get used to the change in diet and prevent complications:

  • The first stage takes about 28 days. Its purpose is to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates. The diet in percentage terms looks like this: carbohydrates 30, proteins 50, fats 20;
  • The second stage takes approximately 7 days. Carbohydrates are kept to a minimum: carbohydrates 10, proteins 80, fats 10;
  • In the third stage, proteins take up almost the entire diet. Ordinary water is replaced by distilled water. Duration - 7 days;
  • At the final stage, for several days, the diet consists of carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (GI).


  • High-calorie foods that do not have special benefits are excluded: products made from flour of the highest and first grades, sweets, sugar, smoked, sausages, fast food, sweet fruit juices, sweet fruits, alcohol;
  • The basis of the diet is low-fat protein products: turkey or chicken fillet, low-fat cottage cheese, dairy products, egg protein, low-fat fish, seafood. A large amount of protein supports and preserves muscles even during hard workouts;
  • Vegetable oils should also be in the daily diet. They are a source of essential fatty acids;
  • All carbohydrate foods should have a low glycemic index (GI). The glycemic index is a shorthand for the rate at which carbohydrates are broken down in the human body. Foods with a low GI are digested slowly by the body without accumulating fat in the body. These are whole grain cereals, for example, buckwheat, rye pasta, vegetables with a lot of fiber, low in carbohydrates: cabbage, cucumbers, various greens, tomatoes;
  • Dishes containing carbohydrates should be present in the morning menu, because they take a long time to digest. Proteins are the afternoon and evening meal;
  • You can't skip breakfast. You need to eat in small portions. The interval between meals should be no more than three hours;
  • It is better to use a lot of purified water, about two liters, green tea, so that there is no dehydration;
  • A sports diet for drying the body is accompanied by regular intense workouts so that the muscles are in good shape and the skin is elastic. You need to develop a suitable set of exercises with your fitness instructor. It should consist of strength and aerobic exercises.

In an effort to acquire a spectacular muscular figure, some combine this diet with the intake of special fat burners. Doctors and sports instructors claim that their use is very dangerous for health, since such drugs provoke an accelerated metabolism and the development of ketoacidosis.

Drying the body for men

The main rule for drying the body in men is that the more body fat, the less carbohydrates and more proteins should be present on the menu.

You can not drastically reduce the caloric intake, as the metabolic rate will slow down, and fat burning will decline.

A man needs, together with a trainer, to calculate the daily calorie intake based on his weight and the intensity of training. Experts advise to gradually reduce the calorie content of the diet to 17-18 kcal per kilogram. This calorie content is most optimal for sports and getting rid of fat reserves.

You can reduce calories by reducing the amount of food you eat. To dull the feeling of hunger, it is better to eat fractional portions, 6-7 times a day.

The following foods must be present in the diet:

  • Protein: poultry fillet, fish, beef or pork lean, low-fat cottage cheese dishes. It is good to supplement the diet with healthy seafood;
  • Vegetable fats: nuts, vegetable oils.

Here's what to avoid:

  • Kefir and yogurt with a fat content above 3% should be excluded;
  • It is also recommended to reduce the consumption of salt, hot spices, ketchups;
  • Fried foods should be avoided. When cooking, use a double boiler, grill. It is better to eat stewed, baked, steamed dishes.

Success depends on the athlete's ability to endure and focus. It is useful to make notes in a special diary in order to trace the dynamics of changes in the body and your feelings.

During training, it is better not to deal with heavy weights, but to do with light weights. Exercises should have some cyclicality, 3-4 circles. Each should have no more than 15 entries and be replaced sequentially.

The daily workout schedule looks like this:

  • chest, arm muscles are developed;
  • training of the shoulder girdle, back;
  • day without training.

Training should be combined with jogging. Every day you need to increase the duration of jogging gradually, by 10-15 minutes. Physical exercises, aerobic sports will greatly increase the expected effect.

Drying the body for women

All the fundamental principles of the diet apply to the diet for drying the body for women.

A sharp restriction of carbohydrates and calorie intake can lead to completely different results and various ailments. Even experienced bodybuilders are not advised to get too carried away with this diet.

In any case, women should consult with their doctor and trainer. It is worth remembering that during pregnancy, as well as during lactation, low-carbohydrate nutrition is excluded.

Diet when drying an untrained body removes not only body fat, but also affects the muscles. To avoid this, you need constant in the form of running, systematic exercises in the gym.

The diet is best done in four stages, gradually minimizing the presence of carbohydrates in the diet. As already mentioned, the first three stages provide a smooth transition to protein foods, at the fourth stage, carbohydrate foods with a low glycemic index should be consumed.