Philosophical wise sayings about life. Folk wisdom of other countries. Philosophers of love

Every person sooner or later begins to think about the questions: why do I live in this world, what is my purpose, what is the enduring meaning of my stay here? Winged expressions about life are by no means accidental. At different times, scientists and self-sufficient philosophers pondered the essence of being and tried to find answers to the questions that disturbed them. Short phrases about life emphasize the depth of existential-everyday experiences and their inherent significance in our modern reality. In fact, even today the minds of people are concerned with eternal topics and the statements given in this article reflect the main idea of ​​all great thinkers - the search for truth in the diverse manifestations of life.

Boris Pasternak: “To live life is not a field to cross”

The meaning of this wonderful phrase is that life is always new and always remains a mystery. It opens before us gradually, like the greatest mechanism: section by section, moment by moment. Years pass, some events are replaced by others, but one thing remains unchanged: the beauty and grandeur of this world. A person, having been born, begins step by step to master the horizons of his capabilities, tries himself in different areas of activity, builds relationships with people. Not everything turns out smoothly and easily at once. The difficulties we face build character, teach us to overcome obstacles and not be afraid of their appearance in the future.

Statements about would be incomplete without the discovery of a simple truth, which Oleg Georgievich repeatedly pronounces at his seminars: we are responsible for our actions, but how often do we try to achieve a state of happiness, acting outside, without turning inside ourselves? A true master of psychology and an expert in the field of the human soul, he no doubt knows what he is talking about.

Omar Khayyam: “I came into this world, has it become richer? I will leave, will the great one suffer damage? Oh, if someone would explain to me why I was born from dust, should I become nothing again?

Beautiful expressions about life sought to be left behind by thinkers of different times. Omar Khayyam is known to the world for his original quatrains, which are called "rubay". In his lines, he touches on essential topics related to the stay of a person on earth and emphasizes the importance of every day lived. Khayyam selflessly searched for the meaning of life and tried to explain it to himself in all possible ways.

Valery Sinelnikov: "We ourselves create diseases and problems for ourselves"

It has long been known that the famous homeopath and psychotherapist Valery Sinelnikov in his books repeatedly emphasizes that people themselves are able to control their emotions. In other words, we ourselves choose what to feel and how to act in certain situations.

The winged expressions about life presented in the books of this author help thousands of people get rid of ailments, gain self-confidence, become a more holistic person, able to rise above the circumstances of their own existence and constantly improve. Personal growth, according to Valery Sinelnikov, is an integral part of a successful, constantly developing personality.

Esther and Jerry Hicks: "It's not what you do that matters, it's how you feel about what you do"

How often in life we ​​strive to have quick results and are unreasonably upset that momentary desires do not come true immediately! Meanwhile, it is extremely important precisely with what mood we act, and not what, in fact, we achieve.

After all, you can solve the problem in an unworthy, dirty way: to deceive or set someone up. But the advantages gained in this way will not really warm us up, will not bring the expected results. Deception always returns to the one who started it. You cannot experience stolen joy. Short phrases about life, as a rule, are very capacious and deep in content. In other words, do anything as long as it brings real benefit to you and those around you.

Richard Bach: "What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly"

If we pursue a certain goal, we will always have difficulties. Any difficulties that arise on the way of moving towards something are necessary stages that must be adequately passed. So we seem to be moving step by step towards our results. But they do not appear suddenly, not from a combination of random circumstances, but through systematic fruitful work on oneself, intentional self-change, personal growth.

Osho: "Most people sleep from birth to death"

Modern psychological science has made an amazing discovery: the human essence has an unlimited potential of possibilities. However, most of us do not use the ability inherent in nature for self-development and self-improvement. People live very boring and monotonous lives, trying to adapt to circumstances instead of striving for better and more. They are driven by fear, not true intentions.

In such a difficult situation, healing phrases about life can help.

Just imagine how you would live, what goals you set, what tasks you solved, how you would think in general if you knew that everything is possible? Surely, what, due to some uncertain circumstances, now seems unattainable and difficult to you, in conditions of boundless self-confidence, would seem natural, possible, real, understandable.

Winged expressions about life, such as those listed in this article, show that the great sages of antiquity, as well as modern philosophers and psychologists, consider the most important hypostases of life from different angles, emphasize its undeniable value. For people who are seeking, highly developed intellectually, educated, who, one way or another, think about the meaning of life, it is very useful to read the great works of philosophers.

Phrases about life, filled with light and faith in success, can warm the soul, direct it to new victories and achievements.

How often does a person say something really smart and valuable? Certainly much less than any stupid phrases. But, as the Bible tells us, in the beginning was the Word. It is this that allows us to reveal our thoughts as much as possible and convey it to others.

Beautiful phrases that carry in themselves, as a rule, appear in the head of smart and great people. They are usually quoted and called aphorisms. Let's get acquainted with a selection of the best quotes on a variety of topics.

Folk wisdom of Europe

We do not always know exactly the author of any aphorism. They may be "of the people." So, a simple peasant somehow expressed an idea in a conversation - and here is a finished quote, already going to the people. Abstruse phrases were not included in such a set of words. People preferred something simple and concise, something that could be quickly picked up as a solid argument or backing up their opinion.

So proverbs and sayings appeared in the world. They are an important part of folklore. In them, in fact, the whole mentality of the people-author is visible. There are Russian phrases that have sunk into the soul and are very often repeated in the daily vocabulary.

The European tradition of proverbs and sayings is very similar to ours in meaning and content. How can this be explained? Of course, our extremely connected historical past and a common monotheistic religion. If you wish, you can easily find analogues of Russian morality within the folklore of other European peoples.

As can be seen from the comparative table, the meaning of the listed smart phrases is the same, despite the fact that they are present in the lexical everyday life of the peoples of different countries.

Folk wisdom of other countries

When confronted with the cultural heritage of people from other continents, an equally huge source of wisdom is discovered. These abstruse phrases carry a lot of information, convey the meaning of the lives of these people, their history and allow us to better understand their mentality.

For example, residents of Europe and Russia are well aware that a real man does not cry. A true husband should not express his emotions in public, especially such as grief and disappointment. Yes, and by itself you should not “dissolve the nurses”, you just need to take it and do the job. However, the Indians from North America look at us with a grin because of this:

  • "A strong man cries, a weak one does not."
  • "The weak are afraid of their feelings."
  • "The soul has no rainbow if there are no tears in the eyes."

This is how this people, who have always lived in the wild and did not know enlightenment, treated the manifestations of emotions - as a natural need of any creature. Maybe you should listen to these wise phrases expressed by representatives of the indigenous population of America?

On the example of the deep thought of the Chinese, one can understand how differently we see, know and feel the world. Often the philosophical phrases of the people of the Celestial Empire are so different from what we are accustomed to consider as wisdom that one wonders - how can one and the same earth feel so differently?

Here is how the Chinese speak about the significance of a person, his “I”, which, according to the philosophy of Tao, does not exist at all:

  • “If you are, nothing has been added; if you are not, nothing has been lost.”

For Europeans and Russians, this sounds not only incomprehensible, but sad and depressing.

In addition, the search for peace is of great importance for the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire. For them, he is the secret goal to which a person must strive in order to become one with nature. That is why the interesting phrases of this country are closely related to the description of trees and flowers. They often refer to spring.

The Chinese attach great importance to harmony and unity. The whole world in their view is just an echo of the Tao River, which flows in some other dimension.

They are sure that at the end of the journey everyone is the same, no matter who they were in this life. Many of their sayings speak of this.

Power Quotes

From the time of primitive existence, man wants to be above the rest, he longs to stand at the head of the tribe. He dreams of commanding, managing, because he is sure that he knows everything better than anyone. Power is a terrible force, and not everyone is worthy of it. However, the desire to achieve high status is one of those qualities due to which people changed our whole world.

Power was especially revered in Antiquity, mainly in Ancient Rome, where civic activity was placed above all else. We could hear interesting phrases from the lips of people of that time:

  • “I'd rather be the first in this village than the second in Rome” (Gaius Julius Caesar, during an overnight stay in a small village).
  • “To rule is to fulfill duties” (Seneca).
  • “Before you begin to command, learn to obey” (Solon of Athens).

In the future, the thirst for power never let humanity out of its tenacious embrace. It becomes the object of expression of many politicians, writers and public figures. Each of them (as well as any other person, isn't it?) was concerned with questions of power. Perhaps, due to their wisdom, they found answers to some of them, from which we can learn by looking at their clever phrases:

  • “Violence, if it allows itself to delay, becomes power” (Elias Canetti).
  • “The minister should not complain about newspapers and even read them - he should write them” (Charles de Gaulle).
  • “Power is given only to those who dare to bend down and take it” (Fyodor Dostoevsky).

Many later, after the Middle Ages, saw the root of all troubles in power - both in the need to obey and in the desire to command. Philosophers and writers agreed that all people are equal, and the very concept of the world order, where one person can order another, is contrary to our high nature.

Alas! Humanity is still stuck at the level where power is the most important engine of human emotion. People cannot imagine how one can disobey.

War quotes

However, one must still fight for power. After all, other people very, very much want to take it away. When two endless desires for power collide, war begins.

Mankind has succeeded in waging wars, and abstruse phrases about them flow like water. That's what people do most of the time. They learn to fight from an early age, and therefore war takes up a lot of space in their minds. Some praise her, others give advice on how to avoid military conflicts, others sneer.

That war cripples billions of lives, destroys thousands of countries, wipes out millions of cities and cultures from the face of the earth, it will always have a place in someone's head. And the longer humanity exists, the more it realizes how much destructive energy war generates. We are trying harder and harder to get rid of it. Declare war on war.

People used to talk about how great it is to fight. How much true courage, valor, courage and patriotism are manifested in this. Now we are getting closer to the fact that people are realizing that killing another person will never bring anything good.

  • "War... War never changes" (Fallout, video game).
  • “Generals are a striking case of developmental delay. Which of us has not dreamed of being a general at the age of five? (Peter Ustinov).
  • “I do not know of a single nation that would be enriched by the victory in the war” (Voltaire).
  • “If we want to enjoy the world, we have to fight” (Cicero).

Friendship Quotes

Since ancient times, friendship has meant deliverance from loneliness, salvation and support. And betrayal is the most terrible sin, according to most peoples of the world. Take even Dante - weren't traitors tormented in his worst, the ninth circle of Hell?

The veneration of friendship has found an important reflection in every culture of the world. Many thought it necessary to notice its importance. Phrases with meaning, telling about the power of friendship, are very common in the sayings of great philosophers and writers of different times. Among them are such great names as Socrates, Aristotle, Johann Schiller, Benjamin Franklin, Mark Twain. All of them skillfully focus on the quality of friendly relations.

  • “Friendship is not such a miserable light to go out in separation” (Johann Schiller).

Quotes about love

Love has always had power over people. And sometimes it captured friendship more strongly, forcing them to step over principles. A person is having a hard time without it. This feeling has been visited by millions of people. The wiser they were, the more it consumed them. Poets and musicians, writers and playwrights - many wrote only about her, about love. Abstruse phrases do not suit her, only sincerity and honesty suit her.

At the same time, it became a topic for speculation, material for excellent manipulation. Thousands of monotonous works impose the image of false, not sensual, "mandatory" love in everyone's life. But what does the real one look like? Clever phrases about this were left to us by great people:

  • “To resist love is to supply it with new weapons” (Georges Sand).

Freedom Quotes

Man's desire to be free manifests itself with different strength in different eras. No matter how often people forget about it now, the desire to escape from someone's control and power lives in every person. And this despite so many prevailing factors: the war makes him a slave, friendship with someone bad takes all his strength, and false love forever deprives him of sleep and requires submission.

And only by getting rid of all these misfortunes, you can become free. And it is precisely this kind of freedom that people always aspire to, it is precisely for it that they are ready to die. people are forced to think: how free are we?

This higher struggle - for one's own will - is directed precisely at the first, bestial and herd trait - the desire for power. And when every person, even the smallest, kills the king inside himself, and when everyone starts “squeezing the slave out drop by drop,” then we can talk about the free world. A world where everyone has the right to make mistakes. Where one person cannot kill another, not because he will be punished for it, but because he does not give himself the inner right to do so.

  • “A people accustomed to living under the rule of a sovereign and, thanks to chance, becoming free, hardly retains freedom” (Nicolo Machiavelli).
  • “He who sacrifices liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security” (Benjamin Franklin).
  • “Only by losing everything to the end, we gain freedom” (Chuck Palahniuk).

Quotes About the Meaning of Life

Every person from time to time is interested in: “In the name of what do we exist and come into this world?” Phrases about the meaning of life probably have more mysteries than answers. You can argue with them and not share the opinions of their authors. And rightly so, because for each person the answer to this question is individual. And his future, goals and desires depend on what he will be.

However, this does not hurt to listen to smarter people. The expressions and phrases of those who were looking for the meaning of being can help us and guide us in the right direction.

  • “The meaning of life is to achieve perfection and tell others about it” (Richard Bach).

funny quotes

And what is left for a person to do when he renounced the thirst for power and war, had true friends, knew true love, gained freedom and found the meaning of life? Of course, one thing is to laugh with happiness.

Despite all sorts of clever phrases, human life, first of all, is incredibly funny. In all its tragedy, sorrow, need, it continues to be funny. And only subtle people understood this with all their hearts. For example, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov knew how to laugh at his own grief: “How so! There are so many terrible and bad things in our life, and it is declared that it is ridiculous!” It is as if he, feeding the whole family with the daily work of a writer in his youth, dying of consumption, burying his brothers, never tasted the taste of grief ... But the fact of the matter is that the stronger a person is, the more he is able to sneer about their troubles.

And great and wise men understood this. None of those whose beautiful phrases are presented above have ever missed the opportunity to joke. Laughter is the main evidence of a living soul of a person. Here are some of their famous ironic sayings:

  • “I didn’t fail the test, I just found 100 ways to get it wrong” (Benjamin Franklin).
  • "Murderers and architects always return to the scene of the crime" (Peter Ustinov).


Phrases with a meaning that is deeply hidden in them will never lose their relevance. Such are they in themselves - aphorisms, an important part of human culture. After all, how much intelligence is needed to fit your strong message in one or two sentences! It is only for this possession of rhetoric and eloquence that a person can be called wise.

After all, this is such a big job - a well-tailored phrase. Examples clearly show that people have always, at all times, worried about the same thing. Human nature is unchanging and, apparently, will be so for a long time to come. Therefore, quotations, aphorisms and proverbs will remain an inexhaustible source of the main treasure - intelligence and wisdom.

How often do we encounter such a problem as a sticky conversation. This problem occurs from time to time even among the most sociable people, the thing is that it is very difficult to find common topics with some interlocutors. This happens in cases where the interlocutor is either little known or not able to talk. Cool phrases will help in this matter. They can be different, funny, philosophical or ordinary everyday.

The main thing is to know in which cases which cool phrases to use. This is what will be discussed further. No, in this article we will not give specific examples of expressions and phrases, you can easily find them on the Internet or in books. We will talk about the situational relevance of a particular kind of phrases and their construction, because quoting is not always appropriate, sometimes it becomes necessary to show off your own intelligence.

So, funny phrases. Such expressions include various phrases aimed at raising the mood of the interlocutor, liberating him and increasing his communicative capabilities at the time of the dialogue. When using funny phrases in a conversation, the main thing is to respect the bounds of decency and in no case resort to vulgarity and black humor, if you are just starting a conversation, this can lead to trouble and give the interlocutor the wrong idea about you. Subtle humor, unobtrusiveness and impersonality are the key to a successful dialogue using funny phrases.

Philosophical phrases have great impact when talking with a girl or with a person who is higher than you on the intellectual ladder, for example, with a teacher. When using philosophical phrases in a conversation, the main thing is not to overdo it with wisdom and abstruse words, perhaps some girls like it, but not everyone and the latter more. If the dialogue takes place with an adult who is a priori intellectually developed better than you, as the online magazine of quotes and aphorisms recommends, it is better to slow down, otherwise you will look stupid when the interlocutor begins to delve into the knowledge of the world of philosophy, be more restrained and choose or re-read all philosophical literature so as not to fall into the dirt face.

Well, as for everyday phrases that can be included in the category of funny ones, it’s pointless to talk about this a lot, it’s enough to say that you won’t find such phrases in textbooks, they must be born in your head. And for this to happen, you just need, from time to time, to force your brain to work in the right direction.

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Philosophers Quotes » the best collection of cool quotes, aphorisms, sayings, sayings, catchphrases and wise thoughts

Force and reason are two concepts that rotate in different planes, and force will never be able to refute the truth.

Reason - a happy gift of man - and his curse.

We are what we ourselves have inspired about ourselves and what others have inspired us about us.

Rich is not the one who has a lot, but the one who gives a lot.

Social progress requires the standardization of people, and this standardization is called equality.

Man is the only animal for whom his own existence constitutes a problem which he must solve and which he cannot avoid.

The desire to live is innate in every organism, and a person cannot but want to live, no matter what he likes to think about it.

Man has become a commodity and regards his life as a capital to be invested profitably.

The main life task of a person is to give life to himself, to become what he is potentially. The most important fruit of his efforts is his own personality.

Destroying the world is the last, desperate attempt to keep this world from destroying me.

Faina Ranevskaya quotes. both funny and philosophical ... / Faina Ranevskaya's philosophy

God made women beautiful so that men could love them, and stupid so they could love men.

For a number of reasons, I cannot now answer you in the words you use. But I sincerely hope that when you return home, your mother will jump out of the gateway and bite you properly.

Have you ever been told that you look like Brigitte Bardot?

No never.

And rightly so, they didn't.

You are still young and look great.

I can't give you the same compliment!

And you, like me, would lie!

Lesbianism, homosexuality, masochism, sadism are not perversions. There are, in fact, only two perversions: field hockey and ballet on ice.

If the patient really wants to live, doctors are powerless.

Women are smarter, of course. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has legs?

The bell does not work, when you come, knock with your feet.

Why feet?

But you are not going to come empty-handed!

Health is when you have pain in a different place every day.

When I die, bury me and write on the monument: "She died of disgust."

My favorite disease is scabies: I scratched myself and still want to. And the most hated is hemorrhoids: neither to see for yourself, nor to show people.

A real man is a man who remembers a woman's day exactly and never knows how old she is. A man who never remembers a woman's birthday, but knows exactly how old she is, is her husband.

Well, this one, like her ... So broad-shouldered in the ass ...

Spelling errors in a letter are like bed bugs on a white blouse.

Loneliness is a state of which there is no one to tell.

Oh, those insufferable journalists! Half of the lies they spread about me are not true.

Let it be a little gossip that should disappear between us.

Now, when a person is embarrassed to say that he does not want to die, he says this: he really wants to survive in order to see what happens next. As if if it were not for this, he would immediately be ready to lie down in the coffin.

Family replaces everything. Therefore, before starting it, you should think about what is more important to you: everything or family.

A fairy tale is when he married a frog, and she turned out to be a princess. A true story is when the opposite is true.

Sclerosis cannot be cured, but it can be forgotten.

Making a bad movie is like spitting into eternity.

The union of a stupid man and a stupid woman gives birth to the heroine mother. The union of a stupid woman and a smart man creates a single mother. The union of a smart woman and a stupid man gives rise to an ordinary family. The union of a smart man and a smart woman gives rise to easy flirting.

Getting old is boring, but it's the only way to live long.

Old age is when it's not bad dreams that bother you, but bad reality.

Ma'am, could you exchange a hundred dollars for me?

Alas! But thanks for the compliment!

I was smart enough to live my life stupidly.

I'm watching this for the fourth time and I must tell you that today the actors played like never before.

So that we can see how much we overeat, our stomach is located on the same side as the eyes.

This lady can already choose for herself whom she impresses. (To the expressed opinion "Mona Lisa does not impress me.")

Yesterday I was visiting N. And I sang for them for two hours ...

So they need it! I can't stand them either!

I don't drink, I don't smoke anymore and I never cheated on my husband - because I never had one.

So what does it mean that you do not have any flaws at all?

In general, no. True, I have a big butt and I sometimes lie a little ...

I love nature.

And this after what she did to you?

Life is a long jump from pi.dy to the grave.

There are people in whom God lives; There are people in whom the devil lives; And there are people that live only worms.

I hate cynicism for its general availability.

My life is terribly sad. And you want me to stick a lilac bush in my jo. and do a striptease in front of you.

All my life I have swum in the toilet with the butterfly style.

Discussing a recently deceased actress friend:

“I wish I had her legs—she had lovely legs! Too bad they're gone now."

About his work in the cinema: "The money is eaten, but the shame remains" ...

Old age is just disgusting. I believe that this is the ignorance of God when He allows us to live to old age. (late 70s)

It’s scary when you’re eighteen inside, when you admire beautiful music, poetry, painting, and it’s time for you, you haven’t done anything, but you’re just starting to live! (late 70s)

Faina Georgievna, how are you?

Do you know, honey, what is shit? So it is in comparison with my life - jam.

How is your life, Faina Georgievna?

I told you last year that shit. But then it was marzipan.

We were accustomed to single-celled words, scant thoughts, play Ostrovsky after that!

There are two, maybe three thoughts in my old head, but at times they raise such a fuss that it seems there are thousands of them.

A child from the first grade of school must be taught the science of loneliness.

Tolstoy said that there is no death, but there is love and memory of the heart. The memory of the heart is so painful, it would be better if it did not exist ... It would be better to kill the memory forever.

Kritikess - Amazons in menopause.

Damned nineteenth century, damned upbringing: I can't stand when men are sitting.

When a jumper has pain in her legs, she jumps while sitting.

Why do women devote so much time and money to their appearance, and not to the development of intelligence?

Because there are far fewer blind men than smart ones.

Animals, which are few, were listed in the Red Book, and which are many - in the Book of Tasty and Healthy Food.

On an empty stomach, a Russian person does not want to do anything and think, but on a full stomach, he cannot.

If a woman walks with her head down, she has a lover! If a woman walks with her head held high, she has a lover! If a woman keeps her head straight - she has a lover! And in general - if a woman has a head, then she has a lover!

About director Z.: "Perpetum male".

I'm like an old palm tree at the station - no one needs it, but it's a pity to throw it away.

I spoke long and unconvincingly, as if I were talking about the friendship of peoples.

My life ... I lived around, everything did not work out. Like a redhead by the carpet.

Talent is like a wart - you either have it or you don't.

Do not have a hundred rubles, but have two breasts!

You have to live in such a way that even the bastards remember you.

Funny phrases.. discussion on liveinternet - Russian online diary service

They came up with protection from a fool, but there is no protection against fucking * ba ...

To avoid frequent divorces, it is not enough to live in perfect harmony. You have to live and body to body

I want the sex of MTS employees to be the same as my connection: just entered and immediately threw out

Last Friday of July. Sysadmin day. Evening. Technical support, when asked to correct the encoding, answers "You have *** letters." I do not know what to do...

I give the installation for good! Good should be in glass containers from 0.5 to 1 liter

First, a woman gives birth from a goat, and then she looks for a ram to feed them.

If a brilliant idea came to the head of the boss, then someone will be doing shit all day ...

So that you mark yours in "McDonalds"!

An avalanche descended, and all the skiers finished at the same time...

The truth rarely comes with a human face

The Russians were the first to send a man into space, because they send the best in the world

Grisha is drilling a wall from the 4th floor, and it feels like all the radio stations of the Soviet Union are working ...

To give birth to a daughter means to reproduce a means of production with an instrument of labor

And let's wrap ourselves with double-sided tape and go to glue women!

"Good vodka!" - he managed to say ...

Girl or woman? Neither this nor that! Girl!

Traveler Fyodor Konyukhov finally took a vacation. He intends to spend it in a stuffy office (A. Kozak)

The Society of Wild Animal Lovers will love a wild animal

He was a walrus, but very peculiar, because he did not climb into the hole, but on cold women

Alcohol and sex are bad for your health, especially if you don't get enough of them.

Looking for a woman of the opposite sex

She is a student ... So we'll get by with vodka

He was smart and tried to change lives. He became wise and changed himself. So in the world there was one more bastard

Muscovites! Love Tajiks laying asphalt in your yard! Your ancestors started the same way...

Let's tear each other's rudiments...

The desire to be the first to leave the traffic light in order to show everyone the ass is a clear sign of latent homosexuality

Unlike a fool, the possibilities of a genius are not unlimited...

All stories end with a wedding. But no one has yet said what happens after (Barbra Streisand)

You and I are intelligent people, asshole

Whoever does not know how to receive joy from a small thing is content with a lot (Igor Melikhov)

In a black-black city, on a black-black street, in a black-black house, in a black-black apartment, two black-black men are sitting, and one says to the other: “I will never refill cartridges myself!”

The word philosophy comes from two Greek words: phileo - "love", and sophia - "wisdom". It is a form of knowledge of the world. Its main tasks have always included the study of the laws of the whole world and society, as a part of it, the process of cognition itself, as well as the comprehension of moral values, questions about life, freedom, love and other concepts that have puzzled more than one generation of people. Philosophical statements about life and its components have come down to us: love, justice, good and evil, freedom, religion of the brightest representatives of human society. In essence, philosophy is not so much a science, it is rather a worldview, how this or that person sees the world.

About philosophical statements

Almost every person is engaged in philosophy in life, setting himself questions and answering them to the best of his education, life experience, practical skills and other things. If experience and knowledge are not enough, then a person turns to the wisdom of people who have achieved certain achievements.

Such people are scientists, writers, prominent public figures with certain knowledge and experience. They leave behind a legacy in the form of works, recorded thoughts, works from which people have extracted the most valuable philosophical statements, which often become their mottos and guide to life.

A person striving for certain achievements is necessarily inquisitive, tries to develop, improve, knowing full well that experience and knowledge are worth a lot, they make a person wise.

Life is purpose and action

Every person thought about the meaning of life and how to live it. The writer J. London, known for his works full of fortitude, said that the destiny of a person is life, not existence. The concept of "life" includes not just living, providing basic needs, but also something else, without which a person will not be happy, satisfied with his fate, satisfied with his life, will not find meaning in it.

To live, you need a goal - for the sake of what it is done. It is well known that life without a purpose is a waste of time. According to V. Belinsky, without a set goal there is no action, without interests there can be no goal, and without action there is no life itself.

Philosophical statements about the life of the ancient Greek thinker Aristotle contain such a rule that the good of a person to whom he aspires depends on the observance of two conditions: a correctly set ultimate goal of any activity and finding the right means that will lead him to this goal.

About the meaning of life

According to Freud, the question of the meaning of life has been raised by people countless times, but never a satisfactory answer has been given. This is partly because each person is different. He defines the meaning of life for himself. Therefore, many thinkers see it differently. Interestingly, for most people, the meaning is to achieve certain goals that everyone in life sets for himself. As the German philosopher W. Humboldt wrote, half of the success in achieving a goal is stubbornly striving for it.

Reading philosophical statements about the meaning of life, you understand that each of them is often the result of not only reflections, but also life experience. The German poet and philosopher F. Schiller wrote that a person grows as long as his goals grow. As soon as he comes to terms with the ordinary, is satisfied with the results achieved, his growth as a person stops. Simple dreams lead nowhere. Honore de Balzac noted that in order to achieve your goal, you must first go.

So the great Russian writer M. Gorky sees the meaning in life primarily in the beauty and strength of striving for goals, he notes that every moment of life should have its own purpose. You need to go without stopping and not being distracted by obstacles and trifles. On this occasion, F. M. Dostoevsky wrote that if, going to the goal, you stop in order to throw stones at all the dogs barking at you, then you will never reach it.

Sayings about freedom

The most interesting and controversial are philosophical statements about freedom, because it is this important and complex concept that has worried thinkers and philosophers for many centuries. Freedom was and remains a mystery, since the concept carries the most unexpected content, which changes over time and depends on various factors. Hegel has such words about the idea of ​​freedom that it is indefinite, multifaceted, subject to great misunderstandings, which cannot be said about other philosophical concepts.

Philosophical statements are also different in this regard. Justinian, the Byzantine emperor, defined freedom from the point of view of a politician and ruler as the natural ability of a person to do whatever he wants, if it does not forbid force and law. The ancient Greek philosopher Democritus considered a free person who is not afraid of anyone and does not hope for anything. B. Shaw has a slightly different opinion. He presented freedom as a responsibility that everyone fears.

Philosophical concept of justice

In philosophy, it is customary to distinguish between two concepts of justice. The first is the justice of law, or, in other words, procedural justice. In this case, it is achieved through the correct functioning of the mechanism of the law. It is here that justice is a logical, one might say, mechanical assessment, according to the fixed provisions of the law. But is it always fair? In the second concept of justice, there is an appeal to higher values ​​that are not reflected in the law and are called the moral court.

It is this concept that introduces some confusion into the logic of the justice of the law, which is not always consistent with morality. This is evidenced by well-known philosophical statements of wise thinkers. Even Plato said that in many states it is believed that justice is what the ruling power needs, which is represented by people and is not always consistent with the highest values. Or justice is perceived as the decision of the majority, which, according to I. Schiller, cannot be its measure.

The law does not always correspond to divine concepts of justice. On this occasion, T. Jefferson said that when he thinks that the Lord is justice, he is seized by fear for his country.

Religion in human life and philosophy

The philosophy of religion, its significance in human life belongs to a number of important philosophical disciplines, it is often singled out as a separate part as religious philosophy. It is aimed at the knowledge of religion. Its appearance is associated with religious and mythological culture, since a person explored not only external life, but also internal - spiritual.

The philosophical statements of most thinkers confirm this. As F. Bacon said, with a superficial study of philosophy, a person tends to deny God, with a deep study of it, the human mind turns to religion.

Nikolai Berdyaev argued that when science turns into philosophy, the latter turns into religion. Science cannot answer many questions of life, but religion answers all questions unambiguously.

About truth in human life

The philosophy of life is impossible without truth, which is rooted in antiquity. The goal of any knowledge is truth, but philosophy, in addition to this, explores it as a subject. What is truth? All famous philosophers have thought about such a concept as "truth". Plato believed that in the case when a person says something that corresponds to reality, this is the truth, otherwise he is lying. From the principle that is affirmed by thought, that is, in reality, the concept of philosophy was developed. I. Kant introduced into it the concept of "adequacy" - the agreement of thinking with itself. In other words, an adequate description of objective reality by a person can be considered truth.

Philosophers of love

Love was elevated by philosophers, writers, poets to an omnipotent force that moves and transforms the world. The philosophy of love leads thinkers to reflections, allowing them to comprehend the nature of feeling, to evaluate its role in the life of every person. Love personified the path to happiness. Philosophical statements about love reflect the depth of feelings full of passions. This was reflected in the words of G. Heine, who defined it as the most victorious and sublime passion, which, thanks to the all-conquering power, is contained in "... boundless generosity and supersensual unselfishness."

O. Balzac said that love lives only in the present. This is the only passion that does not want to recognize the past and the future. Moreover, it was considered happiness to experience this feeling personally, this is evidenced by numerous philosophical statements about love. A. Camus wrote that not being loved is a failure, and not experiencing love yourself is a disaster.

Great about the happiness of people

Along with love, which some people associate with the highest point of happiness, famous philosophers did not disregard the concept itself. A rather significant difficulty here is that each person understands happiness differently. Aristotle spoke about various perceptions of happiness, at the same time emphasizing that this concept represents well-being and a good life. O. Splenger associated it with the kinship of souls and harmony. G. Andersen argued that only by benefiting the world, one can be happy.

Philosophers of Wealth

Two poles in human life - wealth and poverty - did not go unnoticed by philosophers. This topic did not leave anyone indifferent. The question why some people can make money out of nothing, while others, working around the clock, do not have a penny, is relevant at all times. Comprehending the concept of wealth, thinkers made their own conclusions, their interesting philosophical statements suggest that the point here is not in higher justice, but in the person himself, in his attitude towards himself.

The ancient Greek philosopher Democritus wrote that greed for money is much harder than need, since from the growth of desires, there is also an increase in needs. The ancient Greek philosopher B. Bion wrote that the misers are so concerned about their wealth, as if it were their own, but they use it little, as if it were someone else's.

good and evil

The philosophy of life has always paid great attention to the problems of good and evil, trying to help humanity understand their essence and help find ways to achieve good and avoid evil. There were various philosophical schools and currents that in their own way established the relationship between evil and good, searched for and determined their own ways of asserting virtue and combating the offspring of evil - vices. As with any subject of philosophical research, philosophers have a different attitude to this concept. This is evidenced by the philosophical statements of great people.

Good is always stronger than evil, and there is more of it. From the latter it is unbearably painful, and the good often goes unnoticed. As the Persian poet M. Saadi said, with the help of kindness and gentle words, you can lead an elephant by a thread. The great L. N. Tolstoy said that people are loved for their good and not loved for the evil that they have done. The question of how to distinguish good from evil is quite acute for people. On this occasion, M. Cicero wrote that the most disturbing fact in a person's life is ignorance of good and evil.

Philosophy, the mother of all sciences, helps a person answer many questions concerning various spheres of life, relations between society and people, and the knowledge of life moves humanity forward.

The superiority of philosophers over ordinary people lies in the fact that even if the main theories collapse, their life will go on. – Aristippus

Philosophy is an important phenomenon, not a secondary one. – Seneca (Junior)

In nature, only love is a bottomless and boundless quantity! No matter how you imagine, you will not find a limit to it. Schiller F.

The torch of love is often lit again, thanks to fiery jealousy. This is what love philosophy is all about. Margot Bressington

Philosophy, you control life, thanks to you cities are built, and disparate personalities are united into a vital community. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

Philosophy is the study of life experience. — Francesco Patrici

Love can be given, there can be no talk of acquiring this feeling for money. Longfellow G.

The main reason for philosophizing is a great desire to achieve happiness. Author unknown.

Love those around you, but don't let them deceive you. – Kozma Prutkov

Too passionate love feeling eventually satiates. It is as little good for the stomach as too tasty food is for the stomach. Ovid.

Love is the most interesting human weakness, for which one can hardly be blamed. Dickens C.

Read the continuation of philosophical aphorisms on the pages:

There are two kinds of love: one is simple, the other is mutual. Simple - when a loved one does not love a lover. Then the lover is totally dead. When the beloved responds to love, the lover at least lives in him. There is something amazing in this. Ficino M.

Not to be loved is just a failure, not to love is a misfortune. - A. Camus

When there is no one you love, you have to love what is. Corneille Pierre

The girl who laughs is already half conquered.

The shortcomings of the girlfriend elude the attention of the lover. Horace

When you love, you discover such wealth in yourself, so much tenderness, affection, you can’t even believe that you know how to love like that. Chernyshevsky N. G.

All buildings will fall, collapse, and grass will grow on them, - Only the building of love is imperishable, weeds will not grow on it. Hafiz

The moments of meeting and parting are for many the greatest moments in life. – Kozma Prutkov

False love is rather the result of ignorance rather than a lack of ability to love. J. Baines.

Love makes sense only when it is mutual. Leonardo Felice Buscaglia.

There are many cures for love, but there is not one sure remedy. — Francois La Rochefoucauld

Love is the only passion that recognizes neither the past nor the future. Balzac O.

Just as ugliness is an expression of hatred, so beauty is an expression of love. Otto Weininger

Love is in the heart, and therefore desire is impermanent, but love is indispensable. Desire disappears after its satisfaction; the reason for this is that love comes from the union of souls, and desire - from the union of feelings. Penn William

You cannot love either the one you are afraid of or the one who is afraid of you. Cicero

The source of all delusion in life is lack of memory. Otto Weininger

Constancy is the everlasting dream of love. Vauvenarg

Love itself is the law; it is stronger, I swear, than all the rights of earthly people. Any right and any decree Before love is nothing for us. Chaucer J.

Love is an amazing counterfeiter, constantly turning not only coppers into gold, but often gold into coppers. Balzac O.

One should love a friend, remembering that he can become an enemy, and hate an enemy, remembering that he can become a friend. – Sophocles

When we love, we lose sight. Lope de Vega

Love deceived is no longer love. Corneille Pierre

If a woman hates you, then she loved you, loves or will love you. – German proverb

Love is like a tree; it grows of itself, takes deep roots in our whole being, and often continues to grow green and bloom even on the ruins of our heart. Hugo W.

Philosophy heals the spirit (soul). - Unknown author

A person feels his duty only if he is free. Henri Bergson

Love is stronger than anything, holier than anything, more unspeakable than anything. Karamzin N. M.

There is no time limit for affection: you can always love while the heart is alive. N. M. Karamzin

Love for a woman has a great, irreplaceable meaning for us; it is like salt for meat: impregnating the heart, it protects it from spoilage. Hugo W.

Love is a theorem that must be proven every day! Archimedes

There is no power in the world more powerful than love. I. Stravinsky.

Equality is the strongest foundation of love. Lessing

Love that is afraid of obstacles is not love. Galsworthy D.

One day you will understand that love heals everything, and love is all that is in the world. G. Zukav

The science of good and evil alone is the subject of philosophy. – Seneca (Junior)

Love is a person's idea of ​​his need for a person to whom he is attracted. – T.Tobbs

Love is not a virtue, love is a weakness, which, in case of need, can and must be resisted. Knigge A.F.

Philosophy is the teacher of life. - Unknown author

In love, silence is more precious than words. It is good when embarrassment fetters our tongues: silence has its own eloquence, which reaches the heart better than any words. How much a lover can say to his beloved when he is silent in confusion, and how much intelligence he reveals at the same time. Pascal Blaise

A woman does not want to be talked about her love affairs, but she wants everyone to know that she is loved. — Andre Maurois

The love of wisdom (the science of wisdom) is called philosophy. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

Love is the desire to achieve the friendship of someone who attracts with his beauty. Cicero

Marriage and love have different aspirations: Marriage is looking for benefits, love is located!. Corneille Pierre

Love is blind, and it is able to blind a person so that the road that seems to him the most reliable turns out to be the most slippery. Navarre M.

Love is one - the fun of a cold life, Love is one - the torment of hearts: It gives only one moment of comfort, And the end is not visible to sorrows. Pushkin A. S.

Love is the beginning and end of our existence. Without love there is no life. That is why love is what the wise man bows before. Confucius

Love is a disease of tenderness. – A.Kruglov

Love is like a tree: it grows by itself, takes deep roots in our whole being, and often continues to grow green and bloom even on the ruins of our heart. – V. Hugo

No person is able to understand what true love is until they have been married for a quarter of a century. Mark Twain

Evolution is an unceasingly renewed creativity. Henri Bergson

Everything that is not colored by love remains colorless. – G. Hauptman

Oh, how deadly we love, As in the violent blindness of passions We most surely destroy everything, What is dear to our heart! Tyutchev F.I.

Love must not ask and must not demand; love must have the power to be sure of itself. Then something does not attract her, but she herself attracts. Hesse.

We fight to live in peace. Aristotle

The lover is always ready to believe in the reality of what he fears. Ovid

Love! It is the most exalted and victorious of all passions! But its all-conquering strength lies in boundless generosity, in almost supersensible disinterestedness. Heine G.

To love means to recognize the correctness of a loved one when he is wrong. – Sh. Pegi

In jealousy, there is more love for oneself than for another. La Rochefoucauld.

Love burns differently according to different characters. In a lion, a burning and bloodthirsty flame is expressed in a growl, in arrogant souls - in neglect, in gentle souls - in tears and despondency. Helvetius K.

Every obstacle to love only strengthens it. Shakespeare W.

The quarrel of lovers is the renewal of love. Terence

To love means to stop comparing. – Grasse

First to live, and only then to philosophize.

Time strengthens friendship, but weakens love. – LaBruyère

Philosophy and medicine have made man the most intelligent of animals, divination and astrology the most insane, superstition and despotism the most unfortunate. – D. Sinopsky

Love is not stained with friendship. The end is the end. - Remarque

Triumph over oneself is the crown of philosophy. - Diogenes of Sinop

Love is a tendency to find pleasure in the good, perfection, happiness of another person. Leibniz G.

The future is most talked about by those who do not have it. Francis Bacon

Love is the only one of all spheres of human communication, which is an amazing interweaving of spiritual and physical pleasure, creating a feeling of fullness of life with meaning and happiness. S. Ilyina.

Such is the law of lovers: They are all brothers to each other. Rustaveli Sh.

The only thing that matters at the end of our time on earth is how much we loved, what the quality of our love was. Richard Bach.

Isn't it a delusion to seek peace in love? After all, there is no cure for love, the elders tell us. Hafiz

Love is like a sticky disease: the more you are afraid of it, the sooner you catch it. – Chamfort

Most of all, people love when they are loved.

Nothing strengthens love like insurmountable obstacles. Lope de Vega

Seeking diversity in love is a sign of impotence. Balzac O.

Man has an eternal, uplifting need to love. France A.

It is much easier to yearn for someone you love than to live with someone you hate. LaBruyere J.

Conjugal love multiplies the human race; friendly love perfects it. — Francis Bacon

To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another. Leibniz G.

Love is like the sea. Its expanse knows no shores. Give her all your blood and soul: there is no other measure here. Hafiz

A person is ready for a lot to arouse love, but decide on everything to arouse envy.

Pythagoras was the first to give philosophy its name. – Apuleius

Love hurts even the gods. Petronius

Love is characteristic only of a sane person. Epictetus

Bring philosophy down to earth. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

The philosophy of each specialty is based on the connection of the latter with other specialties, at the points of contact of which it must be sought. Henry Thomas Buckle

A woman knows the meaning of love, and a man knows its price. — Marty Larney

It is easier for a woman to fall in love than to confess her love. And it's easier for a man to confess than to fall in love. – Konstantin Melikhan

Love is a lamp that illumines the universe; without the light of love, the earth would turn into a barren desert, and man into a handful of dust. M. Braddon

In love there is despotism and slavery. And the most despotic is a woman's love, which demands everything for itself! Berdyaev N. A.

This is how nature works: nothing strengthens love for a person so much as the fear of losing him. Pliny the Younger

The more a person shows love, the more people love him. And the more he is loved, the easier it is for him to love others. – L.N. Tolstoy

Love grows from waiting for a long time and quickly goes out, quickly getting its own. Menander

Whoever loves no one himself, it seems to me that no one loves him either. Democritus

Love conquers everything, and we will submit to its power. Virgil

Love, like a fire, goes out without food. – M.Yu. Lermontov

I know for sure that love will pass, When two hearts are separated by the sea. Lope de Vega

Love should not cloud, but refresh, not darken, but brighten thoughts, since it should nest in the heart and mind of a person, and not serve only as fun for external feelings that give rise to passion alone. Milton John

When you love, you want to do something in the name of love. I want to sacrifice myself. Want to serve. Hemingway E.

The truth is that there is only one highest value - love. Helen Hayes.

For a person who loves only himself, the most intolerable thing is to be alone with himself. Pascal Blaise

Love is rich in both honey and bile. Plautus

Joy and happiness are the children of love, but love itself, like strength, is patience and pity. Prishvin M. M.

Everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds. Voltaire

When love comes, the soul is filled with unearthly bliss. Do you know why? Do you know why this feeling of great happiness? Only because we imagine that the end of loneliness has come. Maupassant G.

If you seek to solve a problem, do it with love. You will understand that the cause of your problem is the lack of love, for this is the cause of all problems. Ken Carey.

He who truly loves is not jealous. The main essence of love is trust. Take away trust from love - you take away from it the consciousness of its own strength and duration, all its bright side, therefore - all its greatness. – Anna Steel

Love is a priceless gift. It's the only thing we can give and yet you keep it. L. Tolstoy.

Love is harder to break than hordes of enemies. Racine Jean

For love there is no yesterday, love does not think about tomorrow. She greedily reaches for the present day, but she needs this whole day, unlimited, unclouded. Heine G.

Old love is not forgotten. Petronius

You can't pick roses without being pricked by thorns. – Firdousi

Love is a competition between a man and a woman to bring each other as much happiness as possible. – Stendhal

Black suspicions cannot coexist with strong love. Abelard Pierre

Who did not know love, he still did not live. molière

Friendship often ends in love, but love rarely ends in friendship. – Ch. Colton

Philosophy is always considered a lamp for all sciences, a means for doing any deed, a support for all institutions ... - Arthashastra

There are no great things without great difficulties. Voltaire

No mind, no heart, no soul In love is not worth a penny. Ronsard P.

Love is too great a feeling to be only a personal, intimate matter for everyone! Show B.

If there was no one to love, I would fall in love with a doorknob. — Pablo Picasso

True love cannot speak, because true feeling is expressed more by deed than by words. Shakespeare W.

Others think that old love must be beaten out with new love, like a wedge with a wedge. Cicero

Love cannot be harmful, but if only it were - love, and not the wolf of selfishness in the sheep's clothing of love ... Tolstoy L.N.

To die of love is to live by it. Hugo W.

Everyone has the same love. Virgil

Love and hunger rule the world. – Schiller

Love is not cured by herbs. Ovid

Philosophy is the mother of all sciences. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

There is no such nonsense that some philosopher would not teach. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

What should be guided by people who want to live their lives flawlessly, no relatives, no honors, no wealth, and indeed nothing in the world will teach them better than love. Plato.

The first sign of love: in men - timidity, in women - courage. Hugo W.

There must be love in life - one great love in a lifetime, this justifies the causeless bouts of despair to which we are subject. Albert Camus.

Love destroys death and turns it into an empty ghost; it also turns life from nonsense into something meaningful and makes happiness out of misfortune. Tolstoy L.N.

The first sign of love: in men - timidity, in women - courage. – V. Hugo

In love, longing competes with joy. Publius

The forces of love are great, disposing those who love them to difficult feats, to endure extraordinary, unexpected dangers. Boccaccio D.

You need to live always in love with something inaccessible to you. A person becomes taller from what stretches up. M. Gorky.

Do we have the power to fall in love or not to fall in love? And do we, having fallen in love, have the power to act as if it had not happened? Didro D.

Truth cannot contradict truth. Giordano Bruno

Like a fire that flares up easily in reeds, straw, or hare hair, but quickly dies out if it does not find other food for itself, love ignites brightly with blooming youth and bodily attractiveness, but will soon die out if it is not nourished by spiritual virtues and good disposition of young spouses. . Plutarch

Deceived in love knows no mercy. Corneille Pierre

There is love that prevents a person from living. Gorky M.

Love, love, when you take possession of us, you can say: sorry, prudence! Lafontaine

The greatest joy in a person's life is to be loved, but no less is to love yourself. Pliny the Younger

Only the one who has ceased to love is restrained. Corneille Pierre

If the choice in love were decided only by will and reason, then love would not be a feeling and passion. The presence of an element of immediacy is also evident in the most reasonable love, because out of several equally worthy persons, only one is chosen, and this choice is based on the involuntary inclination of the heart. Belinsky V.

Philosophy is the medicine of the soul. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

Anyone who loves loneliness is either a wild beast or the Lord God. Francis Bacon

Choose who you love. Cicero