Schemes of vegetable gardens with fruit trees. The layout of the fruit and berry home garden. Here is one example of successful garden planning.

Many of our compatriots have their own country plots or summer cottages. It is rare that a land owner does not take the opportunity to grow their own crops to indulge in natural food. However, summer residents are not always satisfied with the location of plantings on their acres, which affects the convenience of caring for the garden, and, accordingly, the harvest.

Development of a site project and garden planning on 6 acres

The layout of the garden and vegetable garden on a suburban area is just as important as the correct one, therefore, special attention must be paid to this step on the path to arranging a country dwelling. To successfully design a garden and vegetable garden, it is necessary to draw up on paper.

On the plan, in addition to the house or summer cottage, it is necessary to place all the necessary plantings that are planned to be grown.

There should be a place for fruit trees and shrubs, and for vegetables, as well as for decorative flowers. For the convenience of harvesting and caring for plants, it is recommended to divide the land plot into several parts.

The decorative area should be located closest in order to constantly delight the owners and decorate the house, and the fruit and berry and vegetable area should be some distance away from the house.

Site landscape design option

The layout of the garden and vegetable garden begins with the choice of a suitable place near the house. In order for the choice to be made correctly, it is necessary to analyze some existing conditions:

Choosing a place for fruit and berry crops

Confusion when choosing a place for certain shrubs is highly undesirable, and can lead to a poor harvest, so drawing up a plan for the location of fruit and berry plantations will help to avoid this. When drawing up a garden plan for 10-15 acres, the following should be considered:

Location on the site of ornamental plantings

For many summer residents, a suburban area is not only a place for growing crops. Most city dwellers go out of town to relax from the daily hustle and bustle, so a favorable environment is very necessary for them.

In order for the restoration of strength after a hard week of work to be most productive, you should take a responsible attitude to the layout of the ornamental garden. Consider the key points that you need to pay attention to when organizing a site:

Garden layout

Not a single plot for a country house can do without a garden.

The original version of the arrangement of the garden in the country

Particularly industrious grow on it everything that can be accommodated, while others only provide themselves with fresh greens for the summer table. Be that as it may, when planning vegetable beds, you cannot do without drawing up a plan. Consider the main features of the layout of the garden:

  • Given that most vegetables are photophilous, it is necessary to provide them with sufficient light;
  • Particular attention should be paid to watering the beds. To do this, it is necessary to provide an automatic irrigation system, or simply install containers to collect rainwater;
  • It is necessary to think over the location of the plantings in such a way that it is convenient to reach the middle of the garden. The optimal width is 1.2 meters;
  • The distance between the beds should be convenient for movement. As a rule, the width of the tracks is made at least half a meter;
  • In order not to litter the area with cut leaves and leaves, you should think about creating a compost pit.

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You can often hear from inexperienced summer residents that their trees do not produce such fruits as expected. And they begin to buy ultra-modern seedlings, cutting down all previously planted trees. But in most cases, the people themselves are to blame for the fact that the trees grow poorly and bear fruit. Most likely, tree planting was carried out according to the principle “the more the better”, there was no question of garden planning at all. And the result of such work was ever-sick, fruitless plants.

The main thing for every owner of his own plot to understand is that the creation of a garden, just like the creation of a house, must begin with careful planning.

Where does the garden begin?

The garden begins with what needs to be carefully analyze soil quality and climate in which your trees and shrubs are to grow and bear fruit. If your site has too clay or sandy soil, then it is worth fertilizing it with black soil, peat and other useful components so that the roots receive enough nutrition.

Climatic features that interfere with fruiting:

  • too cold winters;
  • late spring frosts;
  • excessive moisture.

Therefore, trees should be selected based on the climate in which they will grow. Otherwise, you will never get fruit.

tree selection

Choosing fruit trees and shrubs for a garden plot should be strictly local selection. After all, only those apple, pear and cherry plum trees that are accustomed to the local climate will be able to successfully bear fruit. They perfectly adapt to changes in temperature and humidity, delighting their owners with fruits, if not every year, then every other year.

Southern fruits - apricots and peaches-very afraid of autumn dampness. This is due to the fact that in a humid climate, flowering does not end with pollination, and they become just barren flowers without fruits. And pollen, along with moisture, simply falls to the ground. No less dangerous for these shrubs are spring frosts, which occur at the time of flowering of apricots.

Sweet cherry does not tolerate the proximity of groundwater, and if reclamation is not carried out in time, the plant will wither in the very near future. Excessive dampness in the spring also does not bring benefits: the fruits begin to blacken and crack even before they ripen. Therefore, the planting of shrubs should be carried out in previously drained soils.

It is worth choosing plants, strictly considering their performance. Think about whether it is worth allocating a few meters of land for trees that will bear fruit every five or six years, or is it still easier to go to the store and buy a few kilograms of apricots or peaches, and plant trees on this land that will delight you with the harvest.

Gallery: garden layout (25 photos)

Plot marking

In order to know which trees to plant on the site, you need to draw a diagram on paper, which will contain all the existing buildings and those that you still plan to build: a house, a bathhouse, outbuildings. In addition, you should draw those trees that you are not going to uproot.

This is necessary because every building or tree casts a shadow on everything that grows on your site. Consequently, shrubs, trees and other plants will begin to stretch in the direction where there is more light. They spend a lot of energy on this, which could be spent on laying fruit. This will last until the top of it gets closer to the light and overcomes the barrier. And therefore, if your house or bath completely obscures the planted trees and shrubs, then they cannot always outgrow them and they will never bear fruit.

In order to properly distribute the trees on the site, you should also paint the height of each building and the direction of the world. Shade those areas on which the shadow will be located almost around the clock. These zones not suitable for planting trees and shrubs. Here you can safely plant flowers, make a pond or pool. In order for the trees to bear fruit, shade zones should be excluded from the places for planting them.


Now you should figure out how to plant trees on the site correctly. To begin with, the gardener must decide how many trees and shrubs will grow in the garden. If you do not want to periodically prune the plants, then on one hundred square meters of a garden or orchard, you can plant no more than 7 pears or apple trees. Because growing up, they will begin to interfere with each other, casting a shadow. And so a private house will only decorate a garden and a vegetable garden on a site.

If pruning of plants is still planned, then you can plant up to 15 fruit trees on one hundred square meters. If you consider yourself to be smart summer residents, then spend money on columnar trees and plant them at a distance of a meter from each other. Examples of trees of this type can be found on the Internet or in a seedling store.

It is worth remembering that pruning leads to a decrease in fruit only in apricots and cherries, because the fruits grow along the entire branch, and therefore it is not customary to cut them. All other trees require constant pruning. This will help add light to the fruiting branches, and the fruits will become larger. The best option would be to form a crown in the form of a ball or wall if you planted plants near the fence.

Apple and pear trees should be planted at a distance of at least three meters from each other.. But the planting of shrubs can be carried out at a distance of at least one and a half meters from each other. The layout of the garden and vegetable garden should be carried out from south to north, so the plants will not cast shadows and interfere with each other.

Do not make the garden rectangular - it will not be very convenient when caring for plants. If the gardener has broken a rectangular orchard, then he will have to move around with equipment and fertilizers very carefully so as not to damage the tree trunks with a wheelbarrow.

Garden plan

The modern layout of the garden has ceased to be strictly rectangular. And this happened because right angles are completely inconvenient to go around with a wheelbarrow during fertilization or watering the beds. Therefore, modern beds are made in such a way as to make it more convenient. Interesting ideas for planning a garden plot can be peeped from other summer residents and gardeners.

Nevertheless, there are a number of basic principles that help to achieve the maximum yield from the minimum number of beds:

If the gardener chose not to think about the layout of the garden or vegetable garden, then he will have to thoroughly suffer with the cultivation of garden and garden crops. So, having thoroughly sweated once, planning the location of trees or vegetables on the site, you can save yourself from unnecessary work in the future.

The Earth for us is a natural wealth that fed our grandfathers and parents. Today, only a small percentage of people manage to interact with it directly - coming to summer cottages a couple of tens of kilometers away, living in rural settlements or their own private house within the city. All these options often converge on one thing - cultivation work, weed removal, planting of cultivated plants and (or) ... Sometimes, all these things are carried out on the "weekend", after working working days. But, after all, you also need to relax, go out to the summer terrace or just stand on the edge of the garden and contemplate how you were able to properly plan the garden on your site.

Of course, while the endless expanses of the snow cover are in front of you, you don’t really “plan”, but you have a warm blanket, a cozy chair, you have brewed delicious tea for yourself and you can start to decide from a theoretical point of view how you want to plan the garden.

If you decide, you can give each square meter of land such a look that cultivated plants will give up to 15% -20% more yield, the flowers will be slimmer, and the eye will only rejoice

Based on this, we offer you the following theses, which We will reveal during our “journey” in planning a “workspace”:

  • We decide on the landing plan;
  • We form the correct dimensions and position of the beds;
  • Alternation of cultures - what is it and what is eaten with;
  • Combined landing;
  • Crop rotation and many other "topical" issues and their solutions.

Bed planning

Soil in the garden

We are sure that you, as an experienced person in terms of the annual choice of crops grown on your site, know that in order to plan them, you need to know which soil in the garden is more suitable for a particular variety or variety. And if earlier this was done “by eye”, now it is necessary to correctly determine the soil composition, which means that it is imperative to find out acidity (pH).

This is quite simple to do - take samples taken in the garden to a special laboratory. Be sure, for a more accurate composition, you need to take several samples from different parts of it. If you do not want to wait a long time, pay, or are just interested, and Can this test be done at home?, we answer - albeit not so accurate, but possible. To do this, take the same “samples”, mix them thoroughly to get a literally homogeneous mass and pour some into a jar or other container. Next, pour some vinegar and see the result. There will be 2 of them, and each will point to its designation:

  • On a soil sample, when in contact with vinegar, bubbles appear, which will mean neutral pH;
  • The vinegar will soak into the ground with no visible reaction, which will determine acidic pH soil.

Let's say right away that this is not the most accurate analysis, but it allows you to quickly and more clearly highlight this important issue.

Planning rules or how to plan a garden

In addition to the composition of the soil, plan a site the competent arrangement of those several beds that you are already “sorting out” in your imagination will help. Here are some rules to help you with this:

  • The best option for the location of the garden is a flat area. In cases where the site is on a slope, choose the southern or southeastern part;
  • Be sure to resolve the issue with. Innovation or automation is not important here - it's your choice. Both large and small gardens love the availability of water, which will be more convenient for you;
  • We define the soil. Chernozem is best suited to plan a garden and get a rich harvest. But if heavy clay predominates in the soil, you will have to ennoble it and bring peat, sand, or black soil itself to the site;
  • If you have not yet decided how to make beds correctly and where to start, start by laying out the site at a distance from the trees. They will not create a shadow, and at any time the ground will be warmed up by the sun's rays.
  • From south to north beds are located if the site you own is in a lowland. Often, the earth is constantly damp, which means that it needs to be warmed up by the sun;
  • West to East, beds are planned in case of dry soil. The aisles will be under the shade of the plants, which will retain moisture;
  • With ground slope, it is better to break the beds across;
  • South side suitable for planning a garden, and northern- a garden, if the site is not initially flat.

How to plan a garden

We create a landing plan

We agree that planning a garden is a painstaking work that will take a single day, but without it you will not make rich harvests, and this place will not become your rest.

The first thing to start with - Draw a plan of "possessions" on paper

The drawing should contain the most complete information: shape and size, information about the acidity of the soil, its orientation. Next, break the site into zones - a garden, a vegetable garden, a residential and economic zone. It will be great if you observe, and bring in, the magnitude of the shadow from buildings, trees. Now, in order to more clearly plan the garden, we make its “model”. To do this, cut out strips of paper and write the name of the plants you will be planting, as well as important fixtures such as watering centers,. Place them, "play" and find the right combination. For those who think that these actions “can be omitted”, let’s say that it’s better to prepare on paper than to find the right places in the garden itself in the spring. When all forms and places are determined, you can think about the varieties and varieties of crops that are needed in the garden.

Correct beds

If there are no proper beds in the garden, then rest will not work - everything will be painstaking work. Therefore, we will pay attention to the beds in order to correctly plan the garden.

  • Lowering or lifting

There are several positions of the beds: deepened, raised, level with the ground. The level is determined by the availability of watering every day, natural conditions. For example, if you cannot water your beds every day, then it is better to deepen them, and vice versa.

  • Dimensions

Forms can be completely different, the most important thing is easy access. If the length can be any, then the width for easy access should not be more than 1 meter. Optimum width - from 60 cm. Size design - according to your desire (brick, slate, etc. or not to design).

  • Crop rotation for your crops

This is one of the most important issues that must be addressed not only in order to plan the garden, but also to get a rich harvest. The sequence of "returning to the same place" is about 4 years. Therefore, we advise you to divide the entire area into 4 sections, and follow all the necessary sequences, according to the crop rotation tables.

  • Combined planting crops

Here, in order to correctly plan the site, it is worth knowing which cultures cannot get along side by side, and which ones will even help to grow, forming a “community”. For example, beans and, among agronomists, are called "Three Sisters" because their growth rates are perfectly matched. But, it is worth knowing that not all plants are so “friendly”. Dill and a knowledgeable person will never plant nearby. The same applies to beans and. In order to understand exactly which cultures help, and which ones “scam” each other, see the TABLE:

Culture compatibility table

Culture compatibility table

Interesting tip: garlic can not only help a person to strengthen the immune system, but also allow you to take care of the "immune system" of plants. So, they will be much less sick. To do this, make a useful infusion according to the recipe: cut 5 garlic cloves and pour boiling water over them (1 liter), and then close the lid and let it infuse for about 20 minutes. Immediately after this, in order to prevent any diseases, it is possible to water indoor and garden plants with this infusion.

Planning and planting a garden in 6 acres

Planning a large garden is quite simple, because of the good dimensions. But here on 6 acres you can’t really clear up. But this is not a problem, especially if you take into account a few nuances:

  • Garage position;

Do not arrange a garage in the depths of the cottage (house), because it will be necessary to allocate a road (entrance) for the car.

  • The garden on the south side will cover the vegetable garden with shade for most of the day;
  • Installation of the brazier is best done from the windward side;
  • The non-standard shape of the flower beds will allow not only to plan the garden, but also visually expand it;
  • A mini-garden located in the barbecue area or gazebos will decorate the perimeter and save space;

To do this, the block is knocked down from the boards, earth is poured and flowers or crops are planted. The bed can be fenced with wattle to limit the beds.

  • Drainage systems in the lowlands are simply irreplaceable;

If your site is located on a slope, then the lower part will always contain excess moisture. It is the drainage systems, disguised as special terraces, that will visually and actually make the use of the site more convenient.

These tips will serve as a good lesson, both in planning a simple garden of small sizes, and large plots.

So, adhering to the above measures, you can make the right garden this spring right from a piece of paper, which will bear fruit to your delight.

We wish you to relax on your personal plot and not to believe people who say that work in the countryside turns into torture. Turn your site into a fairy tale right now.

Like any responsible event, laying the future garden on the site begins with planning: how carefully you think through all the details of the placement of capital and outbuildings, how responsibly you treat the choice of a place for trees, shrubs, vegetable and berry plants, will depend on the abundance harvest, and the comfort of your stay in the country.

When planning a garden and vegetable garden, there are many nuances to take into account, so take your time, calculate several suitable options at once, and then choose the best one.

If you want your garden to not only bear fruit, but also look wonderful, you need to make a little effort and a little imagination already when laying it. This is a very responsible job: it includes a large number of simultaneously running processes, besides, the preparatory work and planting of plants must be carried out in a short time.

The laying of a garden deserves special attention also because the mistakes made at the same time are difficult to correct in the future, since fruit trees are planted once for many years.

How to fill your garden with beautiful and prolific plants? In order to properly plan the backyard garden, use the advice of experienced summer residents presented on this page.

Planning the territory of the future garden

Whichever path you choose, the laying of the future garden should begin with a clear layout of the territory. All plants must be planted immediately in a permanent place, as transplants greatly harm the plants. In order not to be mistaken, think over the site plan to the smallest detail and sketch all your ideas.

Use your site measurements to plan your garden and orchard by drawing a plan to scale. Such care is needed not only to accurately determine the landing site. You can easily calculate the number of selected plants.

When planning the various zones of their garden, they usually try to make sure that the playground is clearly visible from the kitchen or from the recreation area.

It doesn’t matter if you are planning a berry garden or a vegetable garden on your site or not - it is simply necessary to make a working area. After all, the garden will be planted with plants that need care.

In the working area there is a barn with inventory, a pit for a compost heap. And since this zone is not very attractive, it can be hidden by plants.

When the entire site is divided into zones and measurements are made on the ground, you need to think about communication between the zones, that is, about paths and paths. It is better if the tracks do not run at right angles, but begin to bend smoothly.

Walk along the marked paths, check: is everything convenient? If all is well, you can move on to placing plants around the site.

If you cannot imagine your life without fresh vegetables, then take a well-lit place for the garden, located not on the aisle and in such a way that the trees do not interfere with the normal growth of vegetables.

When planning the design of the garden, in order for the plantings to please you not only with their appearance, but also with the harvest, trees are placed at a distance of 4 m from each other, shrubs - 1.5-2 m. To create hedges, plants are planted at shorter intervals, depending on the type of fence.

A recreation area can be located next to the house. Berry bushes located on it, formed on trellises, and fruit trees on trunks will create a special comfort. Do not place a pool or other body of water near the playground.

Look at the photo - when planning paths in the garden, you need to take into account that they must provide access to every corner of the site:

The width of the path should be sufficient so that a garden wheelbarrow can pass through it normally.

Here is one example of successful garden planning:

    • Low hedge of chaenomeles
    • on the lawn
  • Hozblok
  • paved paths
  • Compost
  • Garden of columnar apple trees
  • hedge from
  • Patio
  • Golden currant hedge
  • Lawn
  • Arch with Actinidia
  • Playground
  • flower garden
  • Composition of bushes - on boles and ordinary
  • Garden
  • Gooseberry
  • coastal plants
  • Path covered with gravel
  • plums
  • Three pear trees

Planning a place to plant plants in the garden

As experienced gardeners advise, when drawing up a site plan, it is important to be guided not only by your desires, but also by the needs of plants, therefore, when planning a garden, it is important to choose the right place for planting them.

Any plant for normal growth and development needs good lighting. However, this does not mean that they must roast all day in the open sun.

As shown in the photo, when planning a vegetable garden, trees should only be placed in an open area:

This is especially true for plants formed in the form of trellises, cordons and palmettes. This need is due to the fact that when shading, the branches will grow unevenly, one-sidedly, strongly stretched, and, therefore, it will be difficult to form and further care for the plantations.

In addition, mature trees have a limited number of branches where overgrown branches can form. To extend the productive period, it is important to take care of good lighting of these particular branches, because they bear fruit.

When planning a garden on a plot, shrubs can be content with a shaded position, as they are less demanding on lighting. In addition, the root system of shrubs is more superficial, which means it is more demanding on moisture conditions.

Where to start building your garden? How to properly arrange trees and shrubs in the country?

The garden at all times was considered a wonderful decoration of any home. And one of the wonders of the world - the Hanging Gardens of Babylon - was a truly magnificent and unique creation. These gardens were maintained around the clock by several thousand slaves. Now gardens are planted mainly in order to provide themselves with berries and fruits for the winter. It is very important to plan the garden correctly, since on a small plot of land you want to place as many various trees, shrubs, berries, etc. as possible. The yield of fruit trees depends on various factors, and therefore, when placing trees on a plot, it is necessary to take into account not only natural conditions, but also the biological characteristics of each type of fruit crop.

❧ The Mesopotamian king Gilgamesh of Uruk (early 3rd millennium BC) was famous for his gardens. The courtyards were shady and had many flower beds. Fruit trees in the gardens abounded with a variety of exotic varieties. Swimming pools were surrounded by date palms. Bulls, lions, ostriches and monkeys were bred in enclosures in the far corners of the gardens.

So, for example, when placing trees in a garden plot, it must be remembered that different cultures have different requirements for light. There is a general rule for planning plants in a summer cottage. Plant height should increase from south to north. In other words, vegetables and strawberries should be planted in the southernmost part of the site, and apple and pear trees should be planted in the northern part. In the middle of the site, medium-sized breeds are placed, such as cherry, plum, as well as a variety of berry bushes.

In addition, when planting various fruit crops in your summer cottage, you should pay attention to the fact that in the future, when the trees grow, they do not shade neighboring garden plots. When planting trees on the site, follow certain rules - for example, the distance from the trees to the boundaries of the site should be at least 3 m. And at a distance of 1 m from the border (fence), you can plant several bushes of raspberries, currants or gooseberries. These cultures feel good even with partial shading.

Among other things, you need to place plantings on the site in such a way that they do not interfere with the movement of air. If the site is too densely forested, then this will interfere with the outflow of cold air, which in turn will lead to difficult wintering conditions for trees. It often happens that in densely planted areas, trees and shrubs die from frost even in not the most frosty winters.

There are two main styles of garden planning: regular (or geometric) and landscape (or natural).

With regular garden planning, plantings are placed symmetrically with respect to the main axis of the composition, while the straightness of rows and paths is also observed, and the same distances between trees of the same species are maintained. In this case, you can choose a scheme for planting fruit trees, both square and rectangular, or even place trees on the site in a checkerboard pattern. Trees planted in a checkerboard pattern make good use of sunlight. If the site is located on a slope, then the f direction of the rows should be done across the slope. The square scheme is suitable for areas that have a square or almost square shape. Rectangular placement is suitable for areas that have an oblong configuration. There is also a variation of the rectangular scheme. It is characterized by wide-row dense planting, and in contrast to the rectangular scheme, trees are planted more densely in rows, but a fairly large space is left between the rows.

If you prefer the natural style, when plants grow as they wish, then the second style of planting is suitable for you - landscape. Using this scheme, you can place plantings on your site in any way you want. Trees and plants arranged in a free-style yard make the yard more inviting. In addition, the use of landscape style provides for the widespread use of a variety of ornamental plants. Landscape style is very well suited for those areas that have natural bumps, small slopes and depressions, etc. All these features of the relief can be used to create an interesting landscape composition in your garden.

Thinking over what fruit trees you will plant on your site, you should pay special attention to the apple tree. In Russia, the apple tree is perhaps the main fruit crop, which is unpretentious to weather conditions and gives a rich harvest.

When choosing varieties of fruit trees, one should take into account the fact that a certain variety of any species can be grown on the site only on the condition that trees of other varieties grow in the neighborhood at a distance of no more than 50-70 m. Otherwise, pollination and fruit set will not occur in trees of the same variety.

When choosing berry crops, you can pay attention to berries such as garden strawberries, colloquially called strawberries, black, red and white currants, gooseberries, and raspberries. Strawberries are good because they reproduce easily and begin to bear fruit in the second year after planting. Currants, especially black currants, are very rich in vitamins, and therefore several bushes of this crop should grow in every garden plot. Raspberries also grow quite quickly, so if you want to get a crop of berries in the shortest possible time after setting up a garden, then start with these crops. And if we talk about volumes (harvest), then the richest harvest is harvested from redcurrant and gooseberry bushes.

❧ Scientists have found that fruit trees that grew near heating mains develop faster and better, unlike trees of the same species and varieties that grow in other places. I wonder if it is possible to grow a garden that will produce a rich harvest in a short time if a root heating system is installed?

When planting a variety of berry crops on a garden plot, it should be remembered that they can be placed under trees only when the seedlings of fruit trees have just been planted and are still very small. As the trees grow, berry bushes should be removed from under them, as this makes pest and disease control more difficult. If any buildings are planned on the site, then it is better not to plant fruit trees or shrubs too close to the buildings. Over time, as crops grow, they can make it difficult to approach buildings, and even a low building will shade trees or shrubs, stunting their growth.

When planting fruit trees, pay attention to the fact that it is best to plant trees of each crop separately. This is necessary to optimize the control of pests and plant diseases. Since it sometimes happens that the timing of spraying trees of one species coincides with the fruiting time of other species. Considering that on the garden plot all work on the care of fruit trees is carried out manually, it is possible to leave the aisles not very wide.

When planning a garden on a personal plot, you should think carefully about all the points associated with planting fruit shrubs and especially trees, because the garden is laid once and for many years.

When planning a garden, consider the following:

❧ what species of fruit bushes and trees are suitable for a given climatic region;

❧ In order not to make a mistake with plant varieties, it is best to estimate their yield in advance. This will help determine the number of seedlings;

❧ wishing to get rich harvests, it should be taken into account that the placement of nearby trees of different varieties of the same ripening period will ensure cross-pollination during the flowering period, which in turn will serve as a guarantee of a good harvest in the future;

❧ it is best to find out information about the compatibility of different varieties of fruit trees and shrubs, since the proximity of some crops can lead to a decrease in yield;

❧ in order to avoid problems with the placement of trees on the site, you can first create a planting scheme on the plan. Draw a site plan on paper, cut out circles of the desired diameter from another sheet of paper, which will indicate shrubs and fruit trees. So, for example, an adult apple tree of the Antonovka variety has a crown diameter of 3 m on average. This means that when planting apple trees of this variety, it is necessary to calculate at what distance fruit trees of other species or shrubs can be planted from them;

❧ It is useful to know that, as a rule, a very good microclimate is created on the southwestern side of any building, which is expressed in long-term illumination and protection from cold winds. And this means that the temperature regime here will be the most optimal for heat-loving plants;

❧ if in your area groundwater lies close to the soil surface, then use this circumstance to your advantage. On a site with a close location of groundwater, you can plant shrubs or plant a garden on it;

❧ when planting a new garden in place of the old one, it is necessary to remember about crop rotation. If you plant a young apple tree in place of an uprooted one, then it will grow poorly.

The best option is to plan ahead for planting in the garden. But if, in addition to the garden, buildings are also planned on the site, then, of course, the garden should be laid out after the construction work is completed. Otherwise, the equipment will crush the newly planted trees and raze the strawberry plantation to the ground.