Pregnancy test positive next steps. Positive pregnancy test: what's next? Tumors and hormonal imbalance

Have you already decided that it's time to have a baby, and you are looking forward to two cherished stripes? How to determine an interesting position? When is it worth doing a pregnancy test, how to do it correctly? Learning how to do a pregnancy test at home ...

Today, home pregnancy tests are actively used by girls and women around the world. A correctly performed pregnancy test will help you determine the presence or absence of pregnancy without any extra effort and cost.

What is a home pregnancy test and how does it work?

The pregnancy test is a simple and easy-to-use biochemical system designed for the early detection of pregnancy through the determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG test). HCG appears in the blood and urine of a woman only after fertilization and the onset of pregnancy. If the concentration of hCG in the urine of a woman exceeds a certain critical value, a pregnancy test will show a “positive result”.

Modern home tests help determine the onset of pregnancy with an accuracy of up to 98% (provided that you carry it out correctly). Home pregnancy tests can be bought at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

When should you take a pregnancy test?

Any pregnancy test contains a special indicator that determines the hCG indicator and changes its color if the hCG concentration exceeds a certain critical value - those same two strips.We understand that you want to see 2 stripes as soon as possible and please your future dad. But there is no point in doing a pregnancy test before the first day of delay. Ideally, a pregnancy test can be performed with confidence one week after the first day of a missed period. For the greatest certainty, you can do several pregnancy tests from different manufacturers. To confirm the reliability of the result, it is recommended to repeat the test again, about a week after the first attempt, regardless of its results. As a control check, a blood test for hCG in a laboratory or clinic should serve.

What are pregnancy tests?

Today you can choose for yourself two main types of pregnancy tests:

  • Type 1 pregnancy tests measure the concentration of hCG in the blood. Such tests are available only in special clinics, so you need to contact a doctor or a laboratory to conduct them.
  • Type 2 pregnancy tests measure the concentration of hCG in the urine. This pregnancy test is also called a home test. Such pregnancy tests are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

In modern pharmacies, you can find many varieties of home pregnancy tests. The cost of a home test is also different (from 40 rubles), it depends on the company, the form of application (jet test, pipette or test that requires urine sampling).

Before you conduct a pregnancy test, be sure to determine its type and carefully read the instructions.

Many home tests work on the same principle. Some of them involve collecting urine in a container and introducing a test into the urine to a certain level (strips). Others require holding the test under a stream of urine. The time after which the result will be determined varies from 30 seconds to 10 minutes. After contacting the home pregnancy test with urine and the time required by the instructions has elapsed, you can determine the result.

In various tests, the results can also be displayed differently, more often these are strips - indicators, there are also special icons - on electronic tests.

  • The first strip (control indicator), it indicates that the test is working and suitable for use.
  • The second strip (pregnancy indicator), it shows the presence (appearance of a strip), or the absence of pregnancy (absence of a second strip).

The intensity of the color of the pregnancy indicator (second bar) has no meaning in pregnancy tests, unlike ovulation tests. Even if you saw a pale pink stripe, this is evidence of pregnancy.

How accurate is the result of a home pregnancy test?

As practice shows, home pregnancy tests show a very accurate result (up to 98-99%). The reliability of the result will depend on the following factors:

  • Pregnancy test expiration date - make sure the test is valid.
  • Strict adherence to test instructions.
  • Do not rush to distinguish the result - the most optimal determination time is 10 minutes.

It should be borne in mind that the concentration of the hCG hormone increases as pregnancy progresses. Therefore, your test will give the more accurate result the later you do it and vice versa!

What to do next if the pregnancy test is positive?

If a home pregnancy test showed a positive result, be sure to visit a gynecologist, do an ultrasound to 100% confirm the result and exclude diseases, including ectopic pregnancy.

Also, the doctor will advise the main steps to maintain pregnancy, vitamins and necessary drugs (for example, taking folic acid, if you have not started drinking it before planning a pregnancy). Early registration in gynecology will help you easily transfer your interesting position, bear a healthy baby and maintain your own health and beauty.

There is hope! A few BUT...or can the test be negative BUT you are pregnant?

  • The test may give a false result even a week after the delay. If your suspicions of pregnancy remain, be sure to visit a gynecologist.
  • If you are taking certain medications that contain the hCG hormone, they can also affect the accuracy of the result.
  • And, of course, do not smoke, drink and take drugs. They will affect not only the results of the pregnancy test, but also your health and the health of the unborn baby.

Pregnancy has many symptoms, including low blood pressure, nausea, and irritability. Confirm conception at home allows the use of express strips and analyzers. However, even a positive pregnancy test does not always guarantee pregnancy.

Despite the high accuracy of the study, in some cases it is possible to obtain an incorrect result. How to correctly interpret the data received, how to eliminate the possibility of error and what to do when two stripes are found - we will consider further.

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The onset of conception is indicated by various signs, symbols or text. What a positive pregnancy test looks like is directly related to the manufacturer of the analyzer and.

Description and pictures

More information about the symbols used can be found in the instructions for use. The most common designations are shown in the table below.

Table 1. What a positive result looks like for various analyzers

TypeMorePictures depicting a positive pregnancy test
test stripsA budget version of the analyzer, which is a paper strip moistened with a chemical composition. Reacts to the onset of gestation with 2 stripes
TabletThe analyzer is made in the form of a tablet, where a drop of urine is placed with a pipette. Easy and hygienic to use
JetTo obtain the result, it is enough to place the absorbent head under the urine stream and wait
DigitalThe most modern analyzer that displays the result in text form

Most analyzers are able to give a correct answer only after the expected start date of critical days. When answering the question of whether 2 strips can be found before menstruation, the focus should be on the device itself.

Before menstruation, only tests of the latest generation can determine gestation. As a rule, with their help, information can be obtained 3-4 days before the delay.

How to understand if menstruation began with a positive test?

After conception, menstruation stops. However, if, upon detection of 2 strips, menstruation began, then the following options are possible:

  • the analyzer has been misused or damaged;
  • bleeding is a consequence of the introduction of the fetal egg into the uterus;
  • has come;
  • there are other pathologies of bearing.

Bleeding in combination with 2 strips is a cause for immediate medical attention.

Why pulls the lower abdomen?

Almost all women experience discomfort during pregnancy. Often, with a positive result, the expectant mother pulls the lower abdomen. This may be due to an increase in size or, as well as bloating.

What does brown discharge mean?

In some cases, brown smears are found on the underwear. Brown discharge is a warning sign. A symptom may signal a threat of termination of pregnancy, but it can also appear during a normal course, for example, when an embryo is introduced into the uterus.

Oocyte implantation

What is a false positive reaction?

Sometimes the cherished 2 strips are not a confirmation of gestation. Unfortunately, there are also false positive pregnancy tests.


There are several factors that lead to the distortion of information. Among them are the poor quality of the analyzer itself, and a violation, and certain pathologies.

Table 2. Causes of a positive test in the absence of conception

Analyzer DefectThe device may be expired or damaged due to improper storage
Failure to follow instructionsA positive pregnancy test in the absence of pregnancy is often detected when the analyzer is used incorrectly
Taking hormonal drugsFalse positive pregnancy test may be due to medication
Ovarian dysfunctionIf there is no pregnancy, and the test is positive, then this pathology should be excluded.

Why is the test negative in the morning and positive in the evening?

As a rule, this situation is associated with illiterate application. a different picture may be observed: in the evening the test is negative, and in the morning it is positive. This is due to the fact that it is in the morning urine that the highest concentration of hCG is observed - the hormone to which modern analyzers react.

What is a weak positive reaction?

After the second strip may not be colored enough. Such a pregnancy test is called "weakly positive". Such a result usually signals the onset of conception and is not considered a deviation.

Weak positive test

The test showed 2 strips - what to do next?

After receiving a positive result and emotions have subsided, you cannot sit idly by. The answer to the question of what to do next, after the test showed 2 strips, is only one - to contact a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct an examination and tell you in detail about the main nuances of expecting a child.

When to go to the gynecologist?

There is no set deadline for going to the appointment and finding out what to do next. However, the visit is definitely not worth delaying.

Experts, answering the question of when to go to the gynecologist after a positive test, are advised to contact the doctor as soon as possible.

Such a result may be associated with a defective analyzer, use before a delay, or taking hormonal drugs. If the suspicion of the onset of gestation persists, then it is better to wait a couple of days and re-examine immediately after waking up.

As a rule, errors are found quite rarely. When used correctly, the analyzer displays the correct result in 97 cases out of 100.


  1. 2 stripes speak eloquently about the onset of conception.
  2. After conducting a home study, you should immediately visit a gynecologist to confirm the condition and exclude deviations.
  3. However, it happens that the test result is positive, but there is no pregnancy according to the ultrasound. In this case, some pathologies should be excluded or the hormone regimen should be compared.

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The first weeks of pregnancy are the most important stage in the development of the baby and the happiest for the expectant mother. Pregnancy has arrived! The next step is to visit an antenatal clinic as soon as possible and carefully monitor your well-being.

Folic acid

Women planning a pregnancy, as a rule, are under the supervision of a doctor and, on his recommendation, take vitamin B9. Folic acid prevents development in the fetus in the first 28 days after conception, and its absorption from natural products is not always possible. Therefore, the first thing to do is go to the pharmacy and purchase a vitamin (the norm of folic acid per day is 0.4 mg), a gynecologist will tell you about taking other nutritional supplements.

Sign up to see a doctor

Positive pregnancy test - what next? Make an appointment with a doctor immediately! A visit to the gynecologist should not be debugged, it is better to do this before the end of the eighth week of pregnancy. The specialist will determine the term, issue directions for ultrasound and tests, give recommendations regarding health and nutrition.

Give up bad habits

It is better to get rid of bad habits before conception, but the first trimester does not exclude this action. Alcohol in any form is eliminated immediately and completely, it increases the risk of developing malformations of the central nervous system and fetal heart, and leads to mental retardation. Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood and increases the risk of miscarriage. If you stop smoking in the first trimester, the risk of preterm labor and the birth of a baby with a low birth weight will decrease several times! If you are taking any medications, remember that some of them are dangerous in the first trimester. For example, they may cause miscarriage or increase the risk of malformations. Contact a specialist to clarify the dosage of the drug or its replacement. Do not take any medication without consulting a specialist.

Be careful

The fetus is most vulnerable to adverse external factors until the eighth week. During this period, avoid anything that can harm. These are X-rays, contact with chemicals and pesticides, visiting saunas and solariums, lifting weights, large crowds of people. Before the procedure in the dentist's office, warn about your position.

Stick to proper nutrition

When you see a positive pregnancy test and think about what to do next, first of all, think about the contents of your refrigerator. A complete and varied diet is the key to the health of the expectant mother and baby. Raw foods are prohibited, such as eggs, meat, seafood, unpasteurized milk.

It is undesirable to consume the liver due to the high content of vitamin A - an overdose dangerous for the fetus is possible. Limit your intake of coffee, green and black tea, and chocolate. These products contain caffeine, which adversely affects the development of the child, and in the worst case, leads to miscarriage.

  • Home pregnancy test: how it works
  • Reason 1. Failure to meet the test check time
  • Reason 2. Recent miscarriage or abortion
  • Reason 3. Chorionic adenoma (molar pregnancy, hydatidiform mole)
  • Reason 4. Taking medications
  • Reason 5. Diseases
  • Can pregnancy tests be trusted at all?
  • What to do if the pregnancy test is positive

Home test systems for determining pregnancy are very popular today, they are so simple and reliable to use - manufacturers talk about 98 and even 99% reliability of the results. If you are wondering what is wrong with that 1%, then here are five reasons why a pregnancy test can be false positive.

Home pregnancy test: how it works

Home pregnancy tests are based on determining the concentration of one of the hormones - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine. With the onset of pregnancy, the level of this hormone in the blood of a woman rises sharply, and it can be detected both in the blood and in the urine.

There are several varieties of home pregnancy tests, and usually the manufacturer gives clear and detailed instructions on how to use them. So, some test strips need to be lowered to a certain level in a container with urine, others need to be urinated (or drop urine on the contact area of ​​the test).

Depending on the choice of the manufacturer, a “+” sign, the words “yes”, “pregnancy” may appear on the test strip of a pregnant woman, but most often - two indicator lines. One of them appears in any case (this confirms that the test is working, and you followed the instructions exactly), the second - only with an increased level of hCG in the urine, that is, it indicates pregnancy. The second strip may be noticeably paler than the first, but still indicates a positive result. It is with these tests that women make the most common mistake.

Reason 1. Failure to meet the test check time

All tests have a time interval when the result should appear clearly and clearly - usually not earlier than 3-4 minutes after contact with urine and not later than 10-30 minutes after. If you look at the test later, after an hour or more, then for the second strip you can take the evaporation line - the border to which urine has risen along the test strip. After the dough dries, the dividing line becomes clearly visible, and it can be confused with an indicator strip.

Always strictly follow the test system manufacturer's instructions!

Reason 2. Recent miscarriage or abortion

After an abortion (natural or artificial), the level of hCG in a woman's body decreases, but, of course, not immediately. In some cases, it may take up to 35 days before the concentration of this hormone returns to normal, and the average time interval for establishing hormonal balance is 19 days. Of course, a pregnancy test during this period will show a false positive result.

If you have had a miscarriage or an abortion, you have used contraception, and your pregnancy test remains positive after three weeks, this is a reason to get a medical examination. Part of the placenta may remain in the uterus, which continues to produce hCG. If you do not take any measures, then in the future it will lead to inflammation and serious health problems.

Reason 3. Chorionic adenoma (molar pregnancy, hydatidiform mole)

A rare in Russia (according to various sources, one case per 1000-3000 pregnancies), but quite common in the countries of the Far East (one case per 120 pregnancies), a genetic anomaly in which the maternal chromosome is “lost” during conception, and the non-viable embryo contains either only the father’s chromosomes , or a double set of chromosomes of the father and one - of the mother. There may not even be a fetus at all, but at the same time, a pathological proliferation of placental tissue occurs.

This pathology is easy to identify with ultrasound, but if a woman does not go to the doctor, then she may consider herself pregnant for some time: her stomach grows, she suffers from toxicosis, and the results of the test strip inspire confidence. However, chorionadenoma is a dangerous pathology that can provoke severe uterine bleeding and the formation of a malignant tumor. Pathology is rare, but let's not forget about it!

Reason 4. Taking medications

The vast majority of medications, as well as foods (including alcohol) do not affect the results of a pregnancy test. The only exception is drugs that contain hCG (they are used to treat infertility). If you are taking these drugs on the advice of your doctor, you will need to choose another way to test for pregnancy.

Reason 5. Diseases

Various diseases can affect the level of hCG in the body. It changes when:

  • premenopause or menopause;
  • oncological diseases of the ovaries, bladder, kidneys, liver, lungs, colon, breast and stomach;
  • kidney disease or urinary tract infection;
  • ovarian cyst.

In addition, there is the so-called "phantom hCG" - the chemicals in the pregnancy test can react with them in the same way as with the hormone itself. The doctor finds out that we are talking about “phantom hCG” by determining the content of chorionic gonadotropin by other methods. If the results of different tests differ significantly (sometimes by dozens of times), then we are talking about just such an error.

Can pregnancy tests be trusted at all?

Can! But it must be remembered that it varies greatly in different women and at different points in pregnancy. It reaches its maximum at 8-9 weeks after conception. If you are anxious to find out about a positive result and you try to take the test before the date of the expected period, then it is very likely that you will get a false negative result. It is much more common than false positive.

What to do if the pregnancy test is positive

If a pregnancy test shows a positive result, you must notify your doctor. Only a specialist can confirm whether you have a normal pregnancy or a false positive test result.

If the test shows a negative result, but you still think that pregnancy is possible, you should also consult a doctor.

The accuracy of the pregnancy test is high - 99%. But do not forget that someone falls into the 1% of exceptions!

According to medical news today

Delayed menstruation is the main, but not the only sign of pregnancy. Symptoms can also serve as a signal: malaise, depression, toxicosis, sleep disturbance, and even increased basal body temperature. A special express test will help to determine more precisely at home. It will show if conception has occurred. The main thing is to decide correctly what to do after a positive pregnancy test if the strips show a false result.

Reliability of a pregnancy test

A home tester determines pregnancy by the level of the hCG hormone in a woman's urine. To get the result, it must be immersed in urine and look at the reflected indicators - on the control strip, an indicator of pregnancy. Rapid tests are of different types in terms of their functionality: some are highly sensitive and should only be substituted under a stream of urine, while others must be left in it for a while. It is important to follow the enclosed instructions exactly so that the indicator is reliable.

The reliability of the express test largely depends on compliance with the operating rules, but the result can also be a false negative / positive in such cases:

  • the expiration date of the device has expired;
  • the rules for storing the device were not observed;
  • when used incorrectly;
  • the test was taken too early;
  • when taking drugs containing hormones or diuretics.

The device may not detect the presence of pregnancy in a woman who has diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract, cardiovascular system, or abuses alcohol. It is worth noting that a home test often falsely indicates an ectopic pregnancy, so if you have suspicions, it is better to consult a doctor and conduct an additional examination.

What is a positive pregnancy test

Indicators of home tests are based on the content of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine: if the egg is fertilized and it is fixed on the wall of the uterus, the hormone begins to be produced and its level rises. The device captures these actions and shows a positive pregnancy result. After fertilization, the concentration of hCG increases every day: the more time has passed, the more likely it is to correctly determine pregnancy. The optimal period is two weeks from the estimated moment of conception.

How many strips on a pregnancy test

With a positive result, almost all home rapid tests show two bright lines. Moreover, it is not necessary that they be the same as in the photo in the instructions. Sometimes it happens that the test showed two stripes, but one of them did not fully appear: it has a dull color, is blurry or poorly visible, but this result should still be regarded as positive. If the second strip does not appear at all, the pregnancy test is negative, carried out ahead of time, the device is damaged or misused.

What to do if the pregnancy test is positive

Positive results mean that pregnancy is likely to occur, but to be sure, it is recommended to repeat the diagnosis again in one to two days. If the indicators match, then the first thing to do after a positive test is to contact a gynecologist's clinic for women: confirm the correctness of the test and register a little later. The doctor will conduct an additional examination, prescribe tests.

This must be done, regardless of whether a woman plans to bear a fetus and give birth or is going to have an abortion. Even at an early stage, various deviations may occur and treatment or mandatory interruption will be required if the fetus is terminally ill. For example, the main thing that a gynecologist will determine is the location of the fetal egg: if it is located in the uterus, this is the norm, but if it is in the fallopian tube, this is a pathological pregnancy, which is extremely dangerous for women's health.

How to check the results of a home pregnancy test

Some do not trust pharmacy tests and prefer more reliable methods, regardless of the results obtained. If in doubt, the tester readings can be double-checked in the following ways:

  • The first thing you can do is to purchase a rapid test from another manufacturer or do another test in a couple of days. It is worth noting that there are folk methods of home testing, but it is not recommended to resort to them so as not to harm health.
  • To show more precisely whether conception has occurred, a blood test for the level of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin will help. In the blood of a pregnant woman, the content of the hCG hormone is significantly higher than in the urine, and such an analysis will be more accurate.
  • The third way is to conduct ultrasound diagnostics: traditional or intravaginal, the latter is considered more accurate. However, unlike a blood test, which determines conception as early as the tenth day, ultrasound will be effective no earlier than 4-5 weeks.

There are also external signs by which the gynecologist judges the presence of an embryo. With the help of palpation, the doctor examines the uterus and evaluates its size, the condition of the appendages. Examines the mammary glands, external genital organs and, by their condition, determines whether conception has occurred. In pregnant women, the labia swell slightly, acquire a bluish tint and become cool. It is important to remember that such an examination should only be trusted by an experienced qualified doctor, since exposure to the abdomen and internal genital organs at an early stage can adversely affect the embryo.

Positive test but no pregnancy

Many are interested in - can the test be false positive and why can it be wrong? Yes, sometimes it happens that the test results are positive, while other types of examinations indicate the opposite and the reason for the delay in menstruation is different. This indicator is called a false positive pregnancy test. All pharmacy devices for home use determine pregnancy by the increased level of the hCG hormone in the woman's body. But there are other reasons when the level of human chorionic gonadotropin increases.

Reasons for a false positive test

A positive test in the absence of pregnancy may be due to the use of a low-quality device or its improper use. In such cases, you can purchase another analogue and repeat the procedure. Very often, women take stains of a dried liquid for a second strip, which look similar, so the result must be recorded no later than five to seven minutes after testing.

If everything is in order with the device and the results are repeated, then the problem is in the body. The level of hCG in the urine could rise due to the acquisition of characteristic diseases or after taking hormonal drugs, drugs containing human chorionic gonadotropin. The increased content of hCG in the urine of a woman keeps for some time after an abortion, miscarriage, removal of an ectopic pregnancy.

For which diseases is a pregnancy test positive?

In the human body, an increase in the level of hCG in the blood, urine can cause the formation of a cyst or a malignant tumor, and not only in women, but also in men. The most common female diseases that increase the degree of hCG are uterine chorionepithelioma and hydatidiform mole. An increased level of the hormone will accompany the course of the disease until complete recovery and gradually decrease after the elimination of the disease.
