Types and characteristics of ceramic tiles, advantages and disadvantages - why has this roof been trusted for thousands of years? Natural tiles - production, types, pros and cons Flat ceramic tiles

Work on laying flat strip tiles can be carried out in two ways: two-layer or scaly.

Covering the roof slope with flat strip tiles: a - two-layer coating; b - scaly coating.
Roof elements in the figure: 1) rafter leg; 2) flooring; 3) leveling rail; 4) obreshetina;
5) half of a flat tape tile; 6) solid tiles.

First you need to complete, on which the tiles will be attached. Then we lay out the first and last rows of tiles, but do not fix them. This is a temporary laying designed for marking and visual control. On the crate, it is necessary to mark the placement of the front columns and every 3-5 vertical columns. This will also help control the correct laying of the shingles.

The first row of tiles on the cornice overhang is laid on two purlins, hooking with spikes to the upper purlin. The second row of tiles cling to the first row. The remaining rows are laid out as the first, with the exception of the last row, which is laid as the second row of tiles. When laying, it is necessary to shift the rows of tiles by half the elements, that is, odd rows on the edge have whole tiles, and even rows on the edge have half tiles.

When fixing tiles, there are several rules that are recommended to be followed in order to ensure the reliability and strength of the roofing. So, for example, all elements of the tiles that were laid along the eaves and gable overhangs must be fixed, and this rule applies to any angle of inclination of the roof. In the remaining rows, only every second or third tile can be fixed on the slopes - and the unreinforced ones will cling to other rows with spikes. But with a strong slope, it is necessary to fix all the elements of the tile in general.

Flat tiles are nailed to the crate with nails or attached with clamps. A clamp is a steel strip designed to fasten building elements; in the case of tiles, they are placed after the tile element is hooked with a spike to the crate. The right horizontal lapel of the clamp is bent over the laid element of the tile, the next element of the tile is brought under the left lapel, and the lapels are closed from above with a new row of tiles. So we get outwardly completely invisible, reliable fastening.

Laying flat tiles on the ridge and ribs of the roof

The ridge and ribs of the roof are covered with special ridge grooved tile elements. They are laid on the skate in the same direction as on the slope. On the ribs, tiles are always laid from the bottom up. The connection of the ridge and the ribs must be closed with a roof rosette.

Laying tiles on a ridge: 1) a bar of crate; 2) ridge beam; 3) rafter leg;
4) capercaillie fastener; 5) wire for fixing ridge tiles; 6) bracket; 7) clamp;
8) flat tape tiles; 9) ridge grooved tiles.

With each of its elements attached with a wire and additionally coated with a solution, this will give tightness. A nail is driven into the crate, one end of the wire is tied to it, and the other end clings to the ear of the tile. Each element of the tile on the ridge or edge is installed in such a way that the seam rim fits neatly into the circular groove of the previous tile element.

Roof to wall connection

If the geometry of your roof is such that there is a situation where the roof adjoins the wall, then the junction is closed with a galvanized steel apron. At the same time, the upper row of the apron is nailed to the wall, or rather, to a special rail embedded in the wall by means of chasing and installing the rail into the resulting groove, and the lower edge of the apron is simply superimposed on the row of tiles adjacent to the wall.

Ceramic roof coverings are considered the oldest of all roofing materials. Natural tiles are made from clay, which is prepared in a special way and mixed with various materials. This allows us to talk about the high environmental friendliness of the coating and its good durability.


Natural ceramic tiles are made from ordinary pottery clay (Creaton, Erlus, Tondach). This natural mineral perfectly tolerates the effects of water and temperature changes. But pure clay does not differ in plasticity, therefore, to give it elasticity, various synthetic substances are added to the powder. There are two options for the production of ceramic panels:

  1. Tape. The finished clay mixture is poured into a large flat mold, which is processed using pressure and high temperature. After the resulting plate (or tape) moves on the rolling table and cut. Such production is characterized by high speed, therefore this type of tile manufacturing is most often used in factories;
  2. Stamping. Here is a slightly different system. A large number of molds or stamps are used into which the clay mixture is poured. After pouring, it is processed in an oven. The next step is to press the stamps. This allows you to create tiles with an interesting texture or an unusual wave. Such a tile is more expensive than a tape one, but it is distinguished by its beauty and durability.
Photo: ceramic tile Roben

Another type of natural tile is cement-sand (Sea Wave, Irta, Koppo). Like clay, it has excellent technical characteristics and is environmentally friendly, but at the same time it costs an order of magnitude cheaper than ceramic. Such roofing materials are made from a mixture of concrete and colored polymer pigments. Externally, these panels are almost indistinguishable from clay, but they are much cheaper. It should be noted that concrete and clay have almost identical composition. The only difference is that clay, in order to obtain high hardness, must be fired in a kiln at a temperature of 1000 degrees, and concrete - 600.

Types of natural tiles:

Advantages and disadvantages

Not every house can be laid with ceramic or concrete natural tiles. The fact is that its main disadvantage is its high weight. For ceramic panels, it can reach up to 70 kg per 1 square meter. This can affect the stability of the entire structure (especially if the foundation is pole or pile). At the same time, a metal tile is characterized by a weight of up to 20–30 kilograms per square meter.

Another significant disadvantage is that the installation of the coating can only be done panel by panel. For example, if a soft tile for a flat roof is laid in layers, then ceramic or concrete is attached to one panel. Also for laying you will need to use special fasteners. These should be fairly long construction nails. For example, as for slate - 100 or 200.

In addition, the installation of this type of roofing requires a special design of the rafters. They must be reinforced, otherwise, the beams will not withstand the pressure and the walls will begin to deform. This is a very important point that needs to be calculated at the design stage of the building.

Benefits of using natural tiles:

  1. Of all types of roofing, this is the only one that allows the roof to “breathe”. Accordingly, much less condensate is collected. This is useful for buildings located near bodies of water;
  2. This roof is very durable. It is able to withstand not only various atmospheric precipitation, but also physical impacts. A particularly well-known quality is wind resistance - metal sheets are often torn off, while there is no more natural panel;
  3. Durability up to 100 years. Houses with ceramic coating can be used for up to 100 years without worrying about the floor. Of course, the masters recommend updating ceramic or cement tiles every 10 years, but this is not a critical requirement;
  4. This type of tile does not age. Clay and cement do not lose their aesthetic properties from exposure to sunlight. This is very important, because often a dull color becomes one of the reasons for replacing the roofing;
  5. It can be installed without special equipment. All you need is a hammer, nails, level;
  6. Ceramics and concrete have excellent sound insulation properties. Siding, metal tiles and other similar materials make a lot of noise during rain from drops. Ceramic or concrete tiles practically do not make any sounds. This is especially true when designing a residential attic.


Video installation instructions for natural tiles BRAAS

Step-by-step instructions on how to install a roof made of Braas natural tiles:

Price overview

You can buy natural tiles in almost every city, its price depends on the specific manufacturer and the types of this roofing material. The coating is sold both from the manufacturer and in company stores.

Even in ancient times, people noticed extraordinary properties of baked clay, which manifested themselves in special strength and the ability not to pass water. This feature of the material allowed it to be used for many centuries.

Main raw materials, from which ceramic tiles are made, also is clay.

Today, this type of tile is one of the most popular roof coverings. The secret of its success is that ceramic tiles are beautiful, environmentally friendly and durable: it retains its aesthetic and technical qualities for a long time.

We bring to your attention alternative types:

Despite the fact that the basic material for the manufacture of ceramic tiles has remained the same, the technology for manufacturing this coating has reached new heights with the help of modern equipment. The manufacture and sale of this material is carried out in many countries. Consider the most popular firms in Russia.

  • Known in the world of roofing German brand Koramic which offers large selection of colors and shades of tiles. A wide range of accessories from the manufacturer is also presented.
  • No less popular in our country Roben company (roben), which produces more than one and a half thousand building materials from natural ceramics. The company provides 30-year warranty on the resistance of tiles to frost and also claims an average service life of 150 years.
  • The largest world leader in the production of all types of tiles - BRAAS company (braas), which has factories in 37 countries around the world. The peculiarity of braas ceramic tiles produced by this company is that during its manufacture mixing several types of clay, which ensures a homogeneous structure of the tile and always its flawlessly even color.
  • Another notorious company on the market in Russia - Creaton (creaton). The peculiarity of its products is the production of pressed tiles, the plate of which has grooves on all sides. Creaton natural ceramic tiles are characterized by profiled surface, conical or arcuate shape.

Regardless of the manufacturer, ceramic tiles are classified, reflecting all the features of its production and appearance. The nature of the tile connection can be simple (one rib clings to the gutter in the photo below) or complex (the gutter is attached with two or more ribs).

Photo of Koramic tiles

The coating is presented in various forms:

  • Flat ("beaver tail"). It looks like a flat plate with a rounded end. During laying, each tile from the top row should cover the junction of the other two that are in the row below;
  • Groove. Each tile has special grooves that are securely connected by a “lock” fastening and are laid in one layer.
  • "Monastic" (grooved). Possesses a curved form, keeps within two layers. Moreover, the lower layer is arced down, and the upper one is vice versa. The outer joints should go to the joints of the lower ones.

Tile "beaver tail"

According to the form of production, the tile is divided into tape with a curved edge and tape with a double curved edge. Tiles are also distinguished by the features of the coating. She happens natural(without additional coverage), engobed and glazed.

According to the laying method, there are:

  • Single layer (simple);
  • Double layer (double).

BRAAS coating

Photo of Roben coating

Advantages and disadvantages of ceramic tiles

Note best qualities this tile.

Despite the undoubted advantages of ceramic tiles, the coating has some cons:

  1. The material is heavy, therefore, when performing work, it is required to use special laying technologies. In this regard, the skill of builders should also not be questioned, but it is quite expensive.
  2. Not cheap and ceramic tiles. It is significantly more expensive than its competitors in the roofing market.
  3. Laying the material is also a laborious process. You will need a solid foundation, which will have a frequent crate and reinforced rafters.
  4. Every kind of roof(they can be domed, single or double, etc.) needs a different approach, different methods of work.
  5. Laying requires a strict sequence of actions and obligatory observance of all the rules presented in the installation instructions.

Specifications of tiles

The sizes of produced ceramic tiles are usually divided into 3 classes:

  1. large format;
  2. medium format;
  3. Small format.

Large-format tile is convenient because it allows reduce roof assembly time, facilitate the work of masters. They are used when covering large and rectangular roofs.

The consumption of small-format tiles is 20 pieces per square meter. The range of its application is small parts of the roof with complex geometry. With its help, you can lay out various patterns with plates of different colors and shades.

Tile tiles with dimensions and quantity per square meter average between the first and second types are called medium format.

Separately, you need to dwell on the weight of this type of tile. The weight of ceramic tiles is approximately 50 kilograms per square meter., the weight of one fragment is about 4-5 kilograms.


Ceramic tile is a heavy roofing material, therefore the arrangement of the roof truss system and the installation of the tile itself is more difficult and more expensive than other materials.

How to make a roofing cake?

It must be understood that the roof of the house consists not only of the material with which it is covered, but also of a number of other parts necessary for the implementation protective functions.

Roof structure consisting of many layers(rafters, vapor barriers, insulation, waterproofing, ventilation, battens and counter battens, various accessories for tiles, snow retainers, gutter systems and decorative ornaments) forms a roofing cake.

Now a few words about some important parts of the roofing pie:

  1. Vapor barrier. It does not allow vapors from the house itself to get into the heater.
  2. Thermal insulation. Insulation is needed to reduce heat loss in winter and keep cool in summer. It has another important function - soundproofing.
  3. Waterproofing serves as a second frontier to protect the insulation from external moisture.
  4. The ventilation system is the main fighter against dampness. With its help, moist air does not get under the roof.

roofing cake


Only the correct arrangement of the "layers" of the roofing cake will be able to ensure the good operation of these important components and allow the roof of ceramic tiles to serve for a long time without the cost of repairs.

We calculate the number of tiles for the roof

The roof may have several slopes, which are located at different angles. Tiles need to be laid, the size of which will depend on the angle of the roof slope.

If the resulting values ​​are multiplied, then we find out the usable area.

The next step in the calculations will be the calculation of the amount of material (pieces of tiles) required per square meter. The results obtained must be rounded up.

It is necessary to add one more tiled row to the received figure. After all, some whole parts will need to be cut, and it is also possible that a certain number of tiles will be damaged during installation.

We are preparing the crate

Note that the weight of ceramic tiles per square meter is about 40-50 kg. Here it is also necessary to add the load from the snow, which may be different depending on the region. The consequence of this is the construction of a powerful structure of the truss system.

However, for its production it is not necessary use a thick beam, it is enough to make the installation step of the rafter legs smaller. An excellent choice would be slats having a rectangular cross section. with side dimensions of about 75 and 150 mm.

To form a flat plane of the slope (after all, the previous elements are overlapped), a beam lying parallel to the eaves, should be wider than the elements of the row by about 20 mm.

The number of grid rows must be one row more than the number of horizontal tiles rows.

Installation of ceramic tiles: installation instructions

Ceramic roof tiles also differ in the way the tiles are attached. Some of them are attached using fixing grooves, while others need to be attached using special fasteners.

The technology for laying ceramic tiles is quite simple:

  1. It is advisable to lay out the top row so that it is parallel to the ridge (the so-called ridge knot with ceramic tiles). After, parallel to the overhang, lay the lower rows. In this case, there is no need to fix the tile to the crate. This must be done after all the rows are laid out. Next, layer by layer lay subsequent rows. Flat tiles must be laid so that the tiles of the upper row go into the joints of the two elements of the lower one.
  2. Fix tiles should be guided by the recommendations placed on the product packaging.
  3. On the valleys, halves of tiles are suitable. Bars are laid under the groove, and waterproofing is placed on top. Next comes the turn of strengthening aluminum gutters.
  4. Special strips are attached to protect the roof from snow.
  5. To make the lower cornice overhang, you need to attach a rail with a thickness equal to the level of the entire structure. To fasten this rail, self-tapping screws or galvanized nails are used.
  6. To make a skate, you need to attach the upper poles, stepping back 22-42 cm from the edge of the ridge board. A ridge board is attached to the upper crate, which is placed so that it, located on the top row, does not touch the ridge board.
  7. A special plastic element is attached to the edge of the ridge.

Scheme of installation of additional elements

Coating laying

Useful video

We invite you to watch a very detailed and interesting video on the installation of tiles:

Now a beautiful spectacular roof made of first-class materials is the hallmark of a house and can say a lot about the status of its owners, for example, a roof made of natural tiles. This is a time-tested classic coating associated with good quality, durability and good taste.

Ceramic tiles look gorgeous in houses located in picturesque areas among a pine forest, near a river or beautiful meadow expanses. Made from natural materials, made in natural colors, it emphasizes harmony with the natural environment of the house. Depending on the deposit where the clay was mined, fired tiles have a different shade. Currently, cement tiles are considered no less popular.

Ceramic and cement tiles - what's the difference?

They are made from natural materials: ceramic from clay, cement from Portland cement and quartz sand. The significant weight of both materials implies the construction of a strong frame for its installation, and it must also be taken into account in the calculations when designing building structures.

For high-quality installation of tiles, you will need the services of a specialist in laying tiled roofs. Both ceramic and cement tiles can be used on any type of roof, including those with complex configurations.

How long will she last?

Ceramic tiles are rightfully considered the most durable material - their service life is 150 years. At the same time, it does not lose its operational properties, and its appearance with the appearance of a patina “with age” only adds aesthetic charm. Less profitable in this regard is cement tiles, which do not have the effect of aging, and their age is limited to 70-100 years, which, however, is not so small.

According to technology, the ideal roof slope for ceramic tiles is 22-45 degrees, for cement - 22-60 degrees. If it is necessary to lay on steeper slopes, it is necessary to fasten each of its elements separately to the crate.

Types of tiles

Munch Nunn("monk-nun") consists of concave and convex elements. First, “nun” elements are laid on the base from the ridge to the canopy, which create concave gutters. The places of their connection are closed with 5-8 cm overlaps with convex tiles "monks".

It is laid in a coronal way. Applied on curved surfaces and easy to install, it is a classic tiled roof covering.

Complicated roof can be laid slotted tiles. Its elements, thanks to the "tolerances" on the locks, can be moved apart relative to each other, allowing for more free laying on curved surfaces.

When laying tiles, per 1 sq. m. surface is 13 elements of ceramic slot tiles, 10 cement or 40 flat. There is also a large-format tile, the dimensions of which allow you to lay 11 pieces per 2 sq.m.

For laying on tapered roofs, so-called roofing wedges are available, which allow you to adjust the covering of a roof with a complex shape.
Cement tiles are single (S-shaped Dutch) and double.

How much does a natural tile roof weigh?

1 sq. m. ceramic tiles can weigh from 39 to 72 kg, cement - 45 kg. This creates a significant load on the supporting structure of the roof. In addition, the way the tiles are laid also matters. The most popular - flat tiles - is also the heaviest of roofing.

The advantage of a heavy roof is its ability to suppress noise and withstand strong winds. If the tile is laid correctly, its individual elements “behave” like keys during a strong wind: they rise and fall. Tiling helps to reduce the cost of insulating materials. And in the event of a "failure" of a separate tile, it is easy to replace it.

Roofs with ox-eye windows look gorgeous. In such roofs, slotted or flat tiles are used, which, due to their small size, make it possible to lay the roof on curved surfaces in a coronal or scaly manner.

What additional elements are used?

So, for laying a roof with tiles, manufacturers produce elements for gable overhangs (fronton tiles), for installations above the roof level (through passage), for attic lighting (transparent), various elements for curved roof surfaces (with a very small radius). To cover the joints of the roof slopes, special ridge tiles are used.

Tubular, corner and lattice snow guards, roofing and support steps are also used, with the help of which movement is carried out on the roof.

How durable are tiles?

Tiles are an exceptionally durable and reliable roofing material. The process of its firing and drying takes place at a temperature of 1000 degrees. Ceramic tiles are fire resistant, and their frost resistance is 150 cycles. Cement tiles are also resistant to temperature fluctuations (100 freeze and thaw cycles).

For even greater protection of tiles from moisture, engobe is applied (a protective coating of liquid clay, which reduces the moisture capacity of tiles to 5%) and glazing. For enhanced protection of cement tiles from moisture, frost, ultraviolet rays and pollution, it is coated with acrylic or acrylic-silicate paint. Low porosity and moisture capacity prevent the accumulation of moisture and the absence of biological corrosion.

Flexible tile or metal tile

Natural tiles without a protective layer are more porous, therefore more prone to dirt, moss and lichens on the surface (however, they do not affect the strength of the tiles). To keep the tiles clean, especially if the house is located in a forest or is surrounded by tall trees with inevitably falling leaves, it is recommended to wash the roof once a year with a stream of water under strong pressure.

The most resistant to overgrowth is glossy glazed ceramic tiles.

In the coastal area near the sea, roofing is particularly tested for strength by aggressive sea winds that affect the structure of materials.

Can a slate roof be replaced with shingles?

In this case, it is the specialist who must determine the technical condition of the frame on which the slate was laid - whether this structure can withstand the heavier weight of the tiled roof, and whether the section and the distance between its elements are suitable for laying a new coating.

Often, insulation and dry plaster boards are placed on the old frame before replacing the roofing. If the technical condition of the old frame does not meet the requirements for laying tiles, it must be replaced. And finally, let's watch a video on how to choose the right metal tile.

We hope this article will be useful to you.