Instructions for assembling the cabinet from the company's company. Simple assembly of the wardrobe with your own hands: instructions for implementation. What should I pay attention to when making a sliding wardrobe

Many of us are faced with the need to purchase a closet. The closet model has become very popular. Its door design is extremely convenient and saves free space in the room. They are even used as a partition. There are two ways to solve this issue:

  • contact a company that assembles furniture;
  • order cabinet parts and assemble it yourself.

The second option, of course, will cost less than the first. But this process will require certain skills and abilities. It is very important to correctly measure all design parameters, consider the dimensions of all compartments and shelves, the height and width of the product. If you are ready to take on this job, then you need to figure out how to do it.

Preparatory stage

Step-by-step instruction

To do everything correctly, you must follow the instructions. Let's Let's look at the whole procedure in more detail.

Door installation

Be careful when working on doors. The ease of use of the door also depends on the quality of the profile. It is sold unassembled and consists of the following parts:

  • guides - rails;
  • base - lower frame;
  • side frames (C, H) act as door handles, and rollers, the upper frame are attached to them;
  • plastic and rubberized rollers;
  • stopper for the bottom guide;
  • a strip of pile, which is attached to the end of the door, serves to soften the blow from closing the doors;
  • silicone sealant for mounting the mirror.

The sealant must be applied along the entire length evenly and accurately. On the mirror, which is in a horizontal position, the profile frames are attached at the top and bottom. Next, the side frames are put on the mirror in a vertical position. The frames are interconnected with self-tapping screws in the prepared holes.

Door installation begins with fastening. We measure the attachment points at the bottom and top of the cabinet. The guides are attached with self-tapping screws with press washers, also into the prepared holes. First install the top part, combining with the side frames, then the bottom. Use a level to avoid warping. Place a stopper to secure the door. We insert the door into the upper and then lower it into the lower guide. The lower rollers adjust the height and angle of the door. Your wardrobe is ready.

At each stage, pay attention to the scheme for assembling this model. To clarify all the difficult points, watch the video instruction. If you doubt your building skills and design abilities, contact the professionals.

How to assemble the sliding wardrobe can be found in the "Instructions for assembling the sliding wardrobe", which is in the package. However, there are some details that require their strict observance. A sliding wardrobe is furniture that performs many functions, now such models are very widespread.

Sliding wardrobe "Maestro"

Assembling the wardrobe "Maestro" from the company "BTS - furniture" takes a little time and is not particularly difficult. To make the installation of such a product for an adult man who more or less owns an instrument is a matter of one or two hours. It is recommended to watch the video tutorial first.

Parameters in millimeters:

  • 170 cm wide;
  • in height 222 cm;
  • to a depth of 60 cm.

Parameters of the cabinet "Maestro"

Inside the shelves are arranged functionally and thoughtfully. There are also mezzanine shelves. Cabinets are produced covered with a pleasant soft color (wenge or ash). The front of the cabinet can be loreto or oak. White doors create an image of imposing and sophistication. There are large-format mirrors with special facet processing.

View of the cabinet from the inside

Installation guide

Before assembling the cabinet, prepare the necessary tools and parts

Before you start assembling the Maestro wardrobe, you should read the step-by-step instructions.

  1. In the package you should find:
  • leading fasteners;
  • racks that attach the sidewalls;
  • internal bulkheads.

It is necessary to find the main structural elements, so the algorithm for assembling this product will already be approximately clear.

If you confuse the main blocks, you will have to start all the work again, having previously disassembled the already assembled elements.

  1. Assembly of the main block, frame.

When assembling the Maestro sliding wardrobe, first of all, you should mount the node, which is located below. The massive plate is screwed to the supports, which are located along the elongated side. The fasteners are self-tapping screws (confirmants), which work quite effectively. The hex wrench is sold with the cabinet and is always included in the package.

  1. Installation of internal bulkheads. The lower ends of the partitions have holes, chopsticks (small cylindrical wooden elements) are inserted and fixed into them. Vertical bulkheads are mounted (maybe someone will have to help, the elements weigh a little, but they are bulky).
  2. Shelf installation. The installation of the shelves is very important, they give rigidity to the entire structure, in this case they perform the same role as the frames of the ship. Shelves can be "planted" on self-tapping screws, it will be quite reliable.
  3. Installation of racks on the side, installation of the cover. The final chord is the installation of racks and a cover on top. These nodes are placed almost simultaneously. First of all, the side elements are mounted, at the bottom they are fixed with self-tapping screws. Then the top cover is installed, in this case, carefully study the drawing so that all joints and holes match.
  4. Design centering. You should take a tape measure, a square and a two-meter level. Diagonals are measured, angles are set. The structure is fixed with self-tapping screws.
  5. Installation of chipboard sheets. Sheets are nailed on the back side of the product. Also, these elements give the cabinet additional stability and rigidity. The sheets have different processing, they are often covered with a pleasant color. They are nailed with the help of small nails, which are included in the package. As a rule, the markup where to nail such carnations is present on the panels.
  6. The most time-consuming and crucial moment is the installation of rails. At the bottom of the rail there are special recesses along which the wheels move, this process should take place without any effort. There are already holes in the guides, it will only be necessary to fix them correctly with self-tapping screws.

The distance between the edge of the base and the front cream should be no more than 2.45 cm.

As you can see, the Maestro cabinet has a simple assembly scheme. It is required to observe attention and accuracy, if there is an error during installation, the doors will move with difficulty or they will jam.

If you assemble a sliding wardrobe with your own hands, you can save a significant amount from the family budget. It’s great if the owner already has primary skills in working with furniture, but even beginners today will learn how to make a sliding wardrobe with their own hands, even if at first glance the task seems super complicated. The step-by-step master class described by us, as well as drawings and photos of each stage, will allow you to quickly and efficiently carry out installation.

What materials and tools are needed for assembly

Today, the sliding wardrobe occupies a leading place among products for storing things. It has a lot of functions, in addition, a wide range of models and a range of sizes. The main advantage of sliding wardrobes is that they do not “eat up” additional space for opening doors. That is why, in the conditions of small-sized "stalinok" and "Khrushchev" when choosing between a wardrobe and a compartment, preference is given to the latter option.

Assembling a sliding wardrobe at home does not seem to be a hopeless task at all. To do this, you just need to have tools, material, and also familiarize yourself with the technology.

Often, when you buy a product without paying for the services of assemblers, the manufacturing company must attach drawings of the product and its photo in finished form to the product. In addition, the accompanying documents list all the parts of the kit, which are numbered in order. Just by looking at the drawing, you can gradually assemble the furniture by intuition.

In order to start the assembly process, you should prepare the following tools:

  • building level (with its help, the evenness of the frame relative to the floor and walls is checked);
  • corner;
  • regular and rubber hammer;
  • Phillips and straight screwdriver;
  • yardstick;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill for metal - to install a plinth made of aluminum;
  • wood drill.

You may also need a drill, a jigsaw and sandpaper.

Important! Before starting work, be sure to check the completeness of the goods that you have delivered, and the compliance of the proposed parts with the assembly scheme. Pay special attention to accessories. This means that if the assembly scheme prescribes the presence of drawers, then the kit should include ball guides.

Step by step wardrobe assembly

Before starting work, you need to familiarize yourself with the stages of work to be performed. Almost all coupes are assembled according to this algorithm:

  • plinth;
  • frame;
  • back wall;
  • shelves and guides;
  • compartment doors.

Only after passing all the stages is the introduction of all internal elements. These include retractable baskets, rods, drawers, pantographs and hooks. Here are step-by-step instructions for completing each stage.

Plinth installation

The assembly of all types of compartments begins with their lowest part, which subsequently will bear the entire load of the structure. Find the part you need in the kit and put it in front of you. Take screwdrivers or a screwdriver, a hexagon, a tape measure and a pencil for marking. Check if the screws and special plastic camouflage plugs are in place. The assembly takes place according to the following algorithm:

  • On the part intended for the bottom, mark the place for installing the plinth.
  • You can use adjustable legs instead of plinths, but the place for them should also be noted.

  • Drill a hole for the fastener.
  • Attach the bottom with confirmations (corners) to the planks using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws.
  • Assemble the cross supports for the plinth, which are designed for greater stability.
  • Note that some furniture options, for example, the Phoenix model, require adjustable legs. This is embodied simply: plastic plugs are cut off with a knife, and the legs themselves are screwed into holes specially drilled in the bottom with a diameter of 10 mm.

Case assembly

Carefully study the diagram, as the assembly of the case in the future ensures the safe operation of the cabinet. The stability of all internal elements depends on how well and reliably it will be installed.

Important! In order for the assembly of the cabinet to be accurate, it is necessary to check in detail the evenness of the floor surface in the place where the furniture will be located. To do this, use the building level. If during the check you find differences, adjust the twisted legs.

Only then start collecting the box. Action plan:

  • It is better to carry out the entire assembly while standing, since it is almost impossible to mount a perfectly fitted cabinet in a prone position. But it is important to remember that for the final assembly, you need to leave a minimum of 100 mm for the installation of the roof.
  • In those parts that are designed for the bottom, drill a few holes and insert the anchor. On these fasteners, rack-mount strips will subsequently be mounted.
  • Installation of standing panels must be carried out by two people. First of all, the left sidewall is inserted, and while one of the partners holds it, the second one inserts the right side.
  • After that, the middle rack is installed, if it is provided for by the drawing, and the last one. Behind it, the roof is being installed. If you are assembling the product in a standing position, then it is better to fix the roof by planting it on confirmations or corners.
  • Do-it-yourself built-in wardrobes like a maestro are much more difficult to assemble. It is better to work with them in a group of 3-4 people strictly according to the instructions.

Rear wall mounting

In order to attach the back wall, you need to correctly select consumables-fasteners. Often assemblers choose fasteners incorrectly, so over time the back sheet of fiberboard moves away from the frame.

Interesting! In the days of the Soviet Union, fasteners were carried out using nails, but this is undesirable.

Follow this algorithm of actions:

  1. Get a sheet of hardboard behind the cabinet.
  2. Holding it with your hands, take short self-tapping screws and use a screwdriver to screw them in every 10-20 cm around the perimeter. If the cabinet model has several elements that make up the back wall, then fasten them end-to-end using special furniture tightening fasteners.

How to install shelves and rails

So that after a while you don’t have to disassemble the furniture and redo all the work from the very beginning, make sure that the frame is stable and reliable, then proceed to filling the insides with various functional elements: rods, shelves, drawers and guides.

Important! Before starting installation, make sure that you have all the necessary fittings.

First of all, pay attention to such nuances:

  • Shelves are fastened using self-tapping screws and corners. For this purpose, the parts already have drilled holes. Mark the distance between the shelves, and attach them to the sides and the center bar.

  • Do-it-yourself sliding wardrobe doors are fastened quickly and easily. First, install the upper rails for the doors, after that the lower rails. We emphasize that the installation of these elements is carried out strictly in a perfect straight line. It directly depends on whether the door will be easy to move during operation.
  • A clothes rail is installed on special flanges. They usually come with a set. If necessary, the excess pipe is sawn off with a hacksaw.
  • Fasten the mechanisms for the operation of retractable elements, place them in their places.

Finishing door installation

In order for the do-it-yourself sliding sliding wardrobe to be ready for operation, it is necessary to mount the sashes.

Important! A sliding wardrobe is considered to be properly assembled if the upper rails are attached at the same level with the front edge of the sides, and the lower roller blinds recede from them by 1-15 mm.

  • The first part of the doors that will move along the rear rail is installed. Install it with a roller in the lower groove, and then in the upper one.
  • Repeat manipulations with the second part.

Remember! Do all the work carefully if you have a glass door in the kit. This part of the wardrobe is one of the most expensive, so make sure that it does not break or fall out due to inept installation.

  • Completion - the installation of stoppers for the doors, which will not allow them to jump off the fashionable sliding system.

Important! Do-it-yourself corner wardrobe is mounted in the same way. The only difference between the corner model is that in this case different types of doors can be used: coupe, standard or screen type. The latter are used to equip precisely the corner part of the structure. Such furniture can be placed in a hallway or a small living room, saving space and using the available space as efficiently as possible.

As you can see, it is quite simple to assemble a fashionable sliding wardrobe on your own. You need a minimum of tools, care and clarity in following the instructions. Have you had any experience in making similar structures? Write in the comments.

Video: Instructions for assembling a sliding wardrobe with your own hands

Today, you can easily use the services of professional furniture assembly. But some want to do everything themselves, and the point here is not even in costs, but in curiosity and interest. We will tell you how to assemble a wardrobe yourself in our article.

How to assemble a wardrobe with your own hands

Young families often have to deal with the problems associated with the situation of their "nest". Sometimes the situation is further complicated by the lack of funds to buy new furniture. In addition, the small size of the living space makes it necessary to think over the location of all interior elements in advance.

You can cope with this problem if you assemble a closet with your own hands - this way you will get a place to store your existing things that will fit you in size.

If you prepare for the process (buy tools and materials in advance), you can easily assemble the cabinet yourself. To do this, you do not need professional skills.

It is easier to assemble a cabinet if you break down all production activities into several stages. The work consists of a set of successive activities:

    Schema design.

    Preparing the necessary tools.

    Buying parts and giving them the desired shape and size.

    Construction assembly.

Before assembling the cabinet, you should prepare tools that may come in handy during the process:

    electric drill - to tighten screws and drill holes;

    hammer - with its help you will hammer dowels;

  • building level;

    a simple pencil - for taking measurements and making marks;

    glue - useful for gluing the pile;

    a hacksaw for wood, which will allow you to fit all the parts to the desired size;

    Lots of screws and dowels.

Initially, it is necessary to check the quality of each detail of the future design. Surfaces must be free of bulges, cracks, scratches and other defects. When transporting parts of the cabinet, try to observe safety precautions. All components must be securely fastened to the body of the vehicle.

Before assembling the cabinet, you need to draw up a sketch and determine the location of the structure. Here you need to focus on personal preferences and the availability of free space. In most cases, cabinets are located in the closet, in the corner of the room or near the wall.

The standard ratio of height and length is equal to 1.62. That is, if the ceiling height is 3 m, the optimal cabinet length is 185 cm (300 / 1.62 = 185.1). Cabinet parts can have a depth of 40, 50 or 60 cm. Of course, you can assemble a cabinet of completely different depths, but it is worth considering that too high a value for this parameter makes the operation of the furniture not very convenient.

Having chosen a suitable location, you can begin to draw up a sketch, which is a detailed diagram showing all the elements of the future cabinet. It can be prepared manually on paper or using Excel and Basis computer programs. The advantage of the latter program is the ability to calculate the size and quantity of all the parts that will need to be cut.

Cabinet filling example

For the manufacture of shelves, chipboard is most often used. Shelves are fastened with self-tapping screws and corners.

Before starting the assembly process, you need to prepare the necessary materials. Sawing and edge processing of parts can be ordered at the place where you will purchase them.

In order to assemble a structure measuring 1.5 × 2.4 m, you will need:

    three horizontal parts 1.5 × 0.6 m;

    two vertical parts 2 × 0.6 m (cabinet walls);

    one partition 1.35 × 0.6 m;

    three partitions for shelves measuring 0.325 × 0.6 m, which will be installed vertically;

    one sheet for a shelf with dimensions of 1.5 × 0.3 m;

    three partitions for a shelf 0.3 × 0.4 m.

The main task at this stage is to calculate the number of parts and their dimensions without errors. If the sketch is inaccurate, there is a risk of buying the wrong amount of materials that will be needed.

How to assemble a wardrobe: a sequence of actions

  1. First you need to install a board 1.5 × 0.6 m on the floor and attach two side elements to it. If there is a skirting board on the floor, it is better to remove it so that the side parts do not need to be adjusted under it. For fixing parts, it is better to use dowels. They allow you to securely attach the elements to the cabinet wall.

To attach the remaining elements to the bottom board, self-tapping screws and metal corners are useful. In some cases, shelves are installed using plastic corners, but fasteners made of such material are less reliable.

  1. The next step is to assemble the shelves inside the cabinet: two boards are attached to the vertical part and three transverse compartments, which are placed in a horizontal position.
  2. The compartments are fixed in a similar way - on self-tapping screws and metal corners. If it is possible to get close to the walls, which are located on the side, then euro screws can act as fasteners.
  3. The upper outer shelves are attached. Three vertical partitions of the structure are attached to a horizontal board with dimensions of 1.5 × 3 m. The frequency of fastening partitions is 0.5 m.

If you want to assemble the floor-to-ceiling cabinet yourself, it may be difficult to secure the top cover.

It is necessary to leave a place on top to insert the hexagon. An alternative option is to attach the cabinet lid to the metal corners from the inside.

This gives you two hanger compartments that can hold coats, dresses and shirts. On one side of the cabinet you will get a shelf, and the other side will be divided into three small compartments.

How to assemble a closet

Is it possible to assemble a sliding wardrobe by yourself? To do this, you need to determine the correct procedure. The first step is to check the integrity of the package - whether all the cabinet parts have been delivered. At your disposal should be several boxes of chipboard (at least two), doors and packaging with hardware.

Please note that hardware and other additional parts may be packed with chipboard. When receiving cabinet parts, carefully check the contents of the boxes and the inventory, as it is not uncommon for suppliers to “forget” to put some items.

In order to assemble a wardrobe, you will need a set of the following tools:

    Phillips screwdriver PH2;

    hex key with a width of edges 5 mm (L-shaped);

    roulettes (or rulers);

    level (optional)

    drills and drills with a diameter of 5 mm.

A screwdriver with bits (hex and cruciform) will help to speed up the work significantly, but, of course, you can assemble the cabinet without it.

It is quite difficult to assemble the cabinet alone, so before starting work, we recommend finding an assistant for yourself so that you can ask someone to hold the part or give the tool. Before you start assembling the cabinet, you should free all the parts from the packaging material and lay out the boards according to size. So you can immediately determine the purpose of each element.

Each panel has characteristic holes, so it is almost impossible to assemble the parts incorrectly.

There are three chipboard connection schemes:

    with the help of confirmed screws;

    using eccentric couplers (minifixes);

    with the addition of wooden dowels (chopiks) to one of the above methods.

The joints differ from each other by characteristic holes that can be found on the plane and at the ends of the boards. The use of confirmations provides for the presence of holes of two types:

    In one part - through, in a plane with a diameter of 7 mm.

    In the second part - deaf, with a diameter of 4.5 or 5 mm.

The same number of holes are made for eccentric ties:

    In one part - deaf, in a plane with a diameter of 5 mm, where the minifix stem is screwed.

    The second part has a hole at the end (8 mm), connected to a recess in the plane with a diameter of 15 mm for the clamping cylinder.

For dowels, blind holes are made both from the end and in the plane with the same diameter of 8–10 mm.

Pay attention to the set of hardware from your cabinet, by their presence you can determine the type of connections and the sequence of collecting parts.

Remember also that the front side (end) of the boards is glued with an edge, and the back (where the fiberboard is nailed) remains bare. This will help you properly assemble the cabinet, including the correct placement of shelves, lintels and sides.

Determine the purpose of the panels

Carefully inspect all parts so as not to miss blind holes and additional markings. Initially, you need to install the bottom - the bottom of the wardrobe.

There are two types of bottom: with adjustable legs and without them. If legs are attached to the bottom, then the bottom can be easily identified by the presence of blind or through holes with a diameter of about 10 mm, where they are inserted. Sometimes the legs are not inserted into the holes, but are installed with screws (in this case, the bottom of the cabinet will have the appropriate markings).

The bottom of the cabinet without legs has a different design. It is based on side panels and special strips (plinths) 50-100 mm wide, which are located along the perimeter of the surface and do not allow it to fall under the weight of the cabinet elements. A feature of the design of such a bottom are additional holes for dowels for attaching the base.

By putting aside the bottom of the cabinet, you can also immediately select the roof (top panel). Its size will be similar to the parameters of the bottom, only with fewer holes.

The search for sidewalls is usually also not difficult - these are the longest parts with holes for attaching shelves on one side. The inner vertical lintels are shorter than the side walls and have characteristic holes at the ends, which are intended for confirmations or dowels.

In order to separate the shelves from the rest of the cabinet, you just need to choose the same (small) boards in size, which are glued on only one (front) side. Sliding wardrobes are almost never equipped with overhead shelves, so they must have at least two holes at the ends on both sides.

The design of the closet often provides for the presence of two additional large shelves. One is installed at the bottom as a stand for shoes, and the other at the top is used as a mezzanine. The dimensions of both elements are identical.

If there are drawers in the closet, then their components are quite easy to find - these are boards with the smallest dimensions (the width of the boards is about 120 mm).

Rules for installing various hardware

For those who want to assemble a cabinet with their own hands, the question often arises: is it necessary to glue wooden dowels? It should be understood that if they are glued, it will not work to disassemble the cabinet if necessary (when moving or repairing) without damaging the fasteners. The use of glue does not make the structure more rigid or durable, therefore gluing is advisable in cases where the connection is made only with the help of dowels, without the help of screws or minifixes.

How to install dowels correctly? They are hammered exclusively into holes on the plane and in no case into the end of the chipboard, since the board may crack when connected. It is recommended to insert dowels by hand or using a rubber mallet. It is also possible to use a metal hammer, but they need to work very carefully so as not to pierce the panel through with a dowel.

The minifix rods are screwed with a Phillips screwdriver. A screwdriver is not very suitable for these purposes, since you can easily turn it in the hole and fixing the connections will be unreliable. After the panels are connected and the rods have entered the holes, the eccentric disks can be inserted. This makes it easier to assemble the cabinet, because if the disk is not centered correctly in advance, the minifix rod will not go into the hole to the end.

When tightening a furniture screw (confirmation), do not make much effort so that it does not turn in the hole. But if this still happened, try sealing the hole with three ordinary matches.

How to assemble a closet: procedure

It is easier to assemble the cabinet if you lay it face down on the floor. At the beginning of the process, be sure to measure the diagonal of the side panel (not the length, but the diagonal). This parameter should be 5 cm less than the height of the ceiling so that the assembled cabinet can then be raised. Otherwise, you can assemble the cabinet while standing, but you will need help to hold the side panels.

If you want to assemble a wardrobe yourself, it is better to start from the bottom. Install the legs (or plinths) on the bottom of the cabinet and insert all fixed hardware into the holes: dowels and minifix rods. After that, you need to insert all the hardware into one of the sidewalls and connect to the bottom. If the wardrobe is wide with vertical lintels, you should install the closest panel to the already standing side part. Then you can install the shelves in order between them from the bottom up. Then, in a similar way, assemble the next jumper and fix it with shelves.

Before installing the second side piece, see how the top should be fixed. If the "roof" is installed on top of the entire structure, then you first need to fix the sidewall. And if the top panel should be located between the side panels, before attaching the last of them, then you must first fix the top.

We nail the back wall

After you managed to assemble the frame, you can proceed to fixing the fiberboard from the back. Most often, the back panel consists of several parts, so in order to avoid errors, you should determine the location of each of them before installation. Long-term storage of chipboard leads to slight deformation (especially for the side elements). An arc (“belly”) appears on the panel, which can be eliminated if the fiberboard is properly nailed.

That is, by attaching the board to the cabinet, you first need to find and nail the flat side. Then, aligning the curvature, you should nail the second side. Fiberboard is cut on sawing machines and has a rectangular shape that is close to ideal. The described method allows you to level the cabinet, correcting the diagonal curvature. You can check the quality of the work performed using a tape measure (the permissible deviation is 5 mm per 1 m).

Some cabinets are equipped with radius additions on the sides of the structure. These are independent elements that can be easily assembled and attached to the cabinet using special furniture ties. The same applies to the decorative figured roof (“visor”), in which the backlight is mounted.

Installing additional items

These include box blocks, trempel tube, hooks, pantograph, lights. These parts are standard commercial products, each of which has its own instructions with a detailed description of the dimensions and installation work.

The exception is a pipe for hangers. In width, it is fixed exactly in the middle of the cabinet, and the height can be any. Most often, the pipe is installed below 50-100 mm from the top shelf.

Door system installation

If you yourself managed to assemble the wardrobe and install all the necessary elements, then you can begin the installation of its doors.

We offer to consider the most popular system, which is used most often due to its low cost. The kit consists of two rails: high (which is installed on top) and low (with slots for wheels) - mounted on the bottom panel of the cabinet. In most cases, there are no holes in the guides, therefore, before assembling the cabinet doors, you need to prepare a drill with a diameter of 5 mm. Recesses in the lower bar should be drilled between the grooves in one row: two along the edges and the rest between them with a frequency of 300 mm. Holes are drilled in the upper bar in the same way, only in two rows (separately for each groove). Fastening is carried out using furniture screws 12–16 mm long with a countersunk or flat head.

Important. Before installing the lower bar, do not forget to insert special stoppers for doors into the lower slots - each has a separate parking stopper, which is set after adjusting it.

Installing guides

The top guide is installed flush with the end of the roof. First you need to fix one side of the bar, then align it with the end, and then install the second. Next, you need to fasten the remaining intermediate screws. If you assemble the doors in the described sequence, then the skew of the bar can be eliminated.

Important. The bottom rail is fixed not flush, but indented from the end into the depth of the cabinet by 15 mm. This distance ensures that the doors will stand in a strictly vertical position without tilting.

Door installation

The next step is to install the doors, but first you need to deal with the pattern on them (if any). The first step is to install the door on the rear slots. To do this, carefully insert the upper part into the rear upper groove, squeeze the spring-loaded lower wheels and bring them to the lower rear slot. If the design of the cabinet provides for more than two doors, it is necessary to install the second door on the rear rails in the same way. The outer door is placed last.

Door adjustment

Now your task is to properly adjust the doors. For these purposes, at the bottom of the doors on both sides there are holes and adjusting screws for a hexagon by 5.

Using an L-key, turn the bolt clockwise or counterclockwise. Pay attention to how the gap between the door and the sidewall changes - the smaller its width, the better.

After adjusting the doors, you need to correctly adjust the stoppers. They are designed to keep the doors stationary in the closed position. Set them in such a way that the wheel exactly hits the stopper, and the end of the door does not reach the wall by about a millimeter. When there is more than one door, the extreme latches are first adjusted, and then the rest are adjusted relative to them.

On the side ends of the adjusted doors (on both sides) it is necessary to stick a buffer fleece tape. This tape helps prevent the doors from colliding with each other, as well as preventing damage to the chipboard. Sometimes, after filling the cabinet with things, the design is slightly deformed, after which the doors need to be re-adjusted.

First you need to make sure that all work on leveling the walls, floor, finishing (including the installation of an apron), wiring, connecting sockets and conducting water supply is completed. It will be very difficult to complete the listed types of work with an already installed kitchen cabinet.

Before assembling a kitchen cabinet, take care of preparing the necessary tools:

    perforator, drill with a diameter of 6 and 8 mm, a drill (and an adapter for it) and corresponding drills;

    screwdriver (required!);

    jigsaw or hacksaw for metal (to saw off the countertop);

    hex key;

    tools: square and level, tape measure, hammer, pliers and cutter.

Advice!You can borrow the missing positions from someone, but it is better to purchase these tools yourself in order to be able to use them if necessary. A screwdriver and a hammer drill will come in handy in every home.

In order to assemble a kitchen cabinet, you should also prepare various fasteners:

    furniture nails;

    euro screws;

    mounting strip (rail) for hanging;

    silicone-based sealant;

    ties that fasten the sections together;

    self-tapping screws: 15–16 mm for fittings and 70 mm for hanging cabinets;

    corners, dowels, anchor bolts (usually attached to the headset);

    conductor for dowels (preferably).

If you have a manual that tells you how to assemble the cabinet, study it carefully. It should describe (or draw) and number the details of the headset, as well as determine the assembly sequence. Then you need to check the integrity of the package and decompose all the available elements. Since today almost all kitchen sets consist of modules, the process of assembling a cabinet resembles working with a designer.

Usually, they start to assemble a kitchen cabinet from the bottom: first, they install the lower cabinets, then the countertop, then they form and hang the upper modules, draw markings on the wall, and then the modules are installed and hung.

What is the algorithm for installing kitchen cabinet parts? Do you need to assemble the lower sections first or, conversely, the upper ones? You can install in these two ways. There are masters who start the installation process from the upper modules so that the lower cabinets do not interfere with work.

Please note that the upper cabinets are installed without facades, so their installation will be easier. Plus, in this way you can identify the gaps between the facades directly on the wall.

If you decide to assemble the kitchen yourself, it is better to start from the bottom tier. Standard cabinets are divided depending on the type of construction, each of which has its own characteristics.

So, it was decided to assemble the kitchen, starting with the lower modules.

    First of all, we connect the bottom with the side walls using the euro screws that are included in the kit.

    We carry out the installation of the upper strips, on which we will then lay the countertop. Then we measure the diagonals of the cabinet using a tape measure. If their length differs by no more than 1.5–3 mm, we continue the workflow.

    We fix the back wall of a rather thin fiberboard with small nails or a construction stapler. In order for the fastening to be reliable, follow the step frequency (it should not exceed 8-10 mm).

    We install the legs on the bottom of the cabinet, fixing them with self-tapping screws.

    We install hinges in pre-made nests and fix them with self-tapping screws, then we attach the lower facades to the hinges.

    After the cabinet is in a vertical position, you need to align the doors using the adjusting screws on the hinges.

If you managed to assemble the headset, you need to install the handles at the end.

Drawers are easier to assemble using a slightly different technology.

    First, on the side walls, you need to make markings for installing metal guides.

    In accordance with the markings, we fix the guides, and then we connect the side walls with the bottom and upper slats.

    We assemble retractable elements by installing mechanisms on their side surfaces.

    Note! The bottom of such boxes is the weakest point. It is best to fasten it with a construction stapler with a step frequency of 5–8 mm.

    We equip the front parts of the drawers with handles.

This item is the easiest to assemble.

    First you need to assemble the "cabinet box" by connecting the bottom, top and side walls with euro screws.

    We install the loops in the nests and fix them with self-tapping screws.

    Advice! Do not rush to hang the doors, this will make it difficult to mount the cabinets on the wall.

    The last step is attaching the hangers. If everything worked out, feel free to proceed with the installation of a kitchen cabinet.

We begin the installation process with the installation of the upper part of the structure, since the assembled lower cabinet with the worktop already installed can make it difficult to install the hanging modules.

    We apply markings on the wall to fix wall cabinets.

    We measure the height of the countertop and add 50 to 60 cm to the resulting value, depending on our height. Thus, we get the height of the lower edge of the wall cabinets.

    From this line we measure the distance to the attachment point of the wall cabinet and draw another line. Here we will fix the fasteners.

    Advice! If your headset has a corner cabinet, you should start assembling the upper part from it, and after its installation, proceed with the installation of the remaining elements.

After marking, you can begin to install fasteners.

    In the event that we hang cabinets on hinges, we need to drill recesses with a diameter of 8 mm in the wall and hammer plastic dowels into them.

    Then we install locking screws with hooks at the ends in the dowels and then hang the cabinets.

    Another way is to hang elements on a metal tire. To do this, fasteners of a special shape are attached to the modules themselves, which cling to a metal profile fixed to the wall (as in the photo).

This method is considered more reliable, so it is better to use it if possible, besides, the cost of the tire cannot be called high.

After installing the modules, you can hang the fronts and align them using the adjusting screws.

Assembling the floor part is a little easier than the rest.

    First, with an electric jigsaw or a hacksaw with a thin blade, we cut holes in the back walls of the pedestals for communications. The edges of the cuts are treated with a silicone-based sealant to protect the cabinet from getting wet and deforming.

    We fasten the cabinet to the place intended for it, set it according to the level, then connect it with furniture ties with neighboring cabinets.

    After installing all the cabinets, we install the countertop.

    If the countertop does not fit, cut its panel and install a protective end cap.

    Note! The worktop must be installed in such a way that the gap between it and the kitchen wall is at least 5 mm (to avoid deformation).

How to assemble the tabletop:

    We lower the countertop onto the cabinets and make markings on its lower surface at the installation site of the sink.

    We remove the countertop and, placing it on a table or workbench, cut out a hole for the sink. This can be done by drilling several holes with a drill and connecting them with a jigsaw.

    We install and fix the sink on the countertop, then we process the junction with silicone sealant.

    We carry out the installation of the countertop with a fixed sink on the kitchen cabinets, after which we align it horizontally and plane, and then fix it on the kitchen modules. To do this, you can take special fasteners or simply drive the spikes on the countertop into the sockets drilled in the walls of the modules.

    The junction of the tabletop and the wall can be masked with a special plinth.

Here's how to assemble the kitchen cabinet. Now you can connect the sink to the water supply and sewerage, place household appliances and use the kitchen as usual.

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If you by purchasing closet, decided to save money on furniture assemblers, then this article with detailed instructions and some secrets will help you assemble a cabinet without the mistakes that beginners usually make. We hope that this article will save you not only time for assembly and disassembly, but also your expensive nerves. Sliding wardrobes have different designs, and the way they are assembled may differ slightly. We offer you the most common and common wardrobe, assembly instruction which will help during the assembly of other models.

Wardrobe assembly tool

To assemble the wardrobe, you need a screwdriver, a screwdriver, a set of hex keys, a tape measure, and a clerical knife. Sliding wardrobe with three doors with sliding shelves and a bar for hangers Cabinet plinth assembly There are two types of wardrobes, in some the plinth is screwed to the body separately, in others the side walls are the base of the plinth and are connected by a longitudinal plank-plinth. This cabinet has a separate plinth, which is assembled using Minifixes(furniture corners).

The indent should be the same on all sides.
Make sure the corners are 90 degrees. Usually furniture makers use self-tapping screws with a size of 4 * 16. Sometimes the plinth can be screwed a little closer to the front side if you have a wide plinth in the room. We nail the support legs to the base. Sometimes the manufacturer completes the cabinet with adjustable legs, with which the level of the cabinet is adjusted.
Cabinets are assembled for convenience mainly in a lying position, so it is recommended to provide enough space for mounting the cabinet in advance.

Assembling the cabinet body

Follow the enclosed instructions carefully. All parts and fasteners have their own designation. It is very important not to confuse the body parts, which at first glance are the same and may differ by only two or three holes. Otherwise, when the cabinet is almost assembled, you will have to disassemble it again and put the parts in their place. Lay the pieces of the side walls parallel. Important! Be careful not to confuse the top and bottom of the parts, as well as the front side with the back. The front side always has an edge, the back side can have a groove for the back wall made of fiberboard.

This cabinet is also assembled with furniture fasteners Rafix. A part that looks like a minifix, but has a plastic case. We screw the rods from the rafixes into the holes intended for them and tighten them with an eccentric. Be careful until the cabinet body is assembled and the back wall is installed, all fastenings can be easily break out. Do not skew cabinet parts, keep even corners. Installing the rear wall of the cabinet. After the cabinet body is assembled, the connections are tightened, it is necessary to turn the cabinet over and lay it face down. In order not to scratch the front of the cabinet, it is advisable to put cardboard or a rag under it. You can use cabinet packaging.

Cabinet Diagonal

Before fixing the wall of the cabinet, you need to set the diagonal so that all corners of the cabinet are 90 degrees. To do this, you need to measure the two diagonals of the cabinet with a tape measure. They must be equal in length (See the diagram). Some cabinets do not have a groove for the back wall and it is simply nailed to the end. It is better to use self-tapping screws or a stapler with long hardened staples. Since the wall usually consists of two or more parts, a connecting strip is provided at the junctions. If there is none, then it is better to fasten it to the internal parts with a stapler, since the thickness of the chipboard body is 16 or 18 mm, when you screw two parts of the fiberboard to it, you only have 9 mm left. stock. It is easy to miss with a self-tapping screw and go past the end of the part, where the back wall is connected and screwed.
Now the cabinet can be placed. Lifting is best done with an assistant. It's easier and safer that way. When the cabinet is installed in its place, you can mount the shelves. For this, either shelf holders, or corners, or rafiks are provided. We screw the rods of the raffixes into the sockets under them and lower the shelf on top of them. It is easier to start installation from the top shelves.
We fasten the roller guides. Self-tapping screws should not protrude so as not to interfere with the course of the rollers.
Insert the assembled boxes into the guides. They should slide out easily without rubbing. We fasten the flanges for the rod. Usually there is a markup for self-tapping screws. If not, then it is necessary to step back from above 7-10 cm, enough to be able to hang hangers.

Installation of wardrobe doors

Now that the cabinet is almost assembled, it remains to install the doors. It is desirable to pre-adjust the level of the cabinet. Otherwise, the doors will not close tightly.
To install the top rail, you need to drill at least 5 holes for self-tapping screws, two on each side and one in the middle. The guide should be aligned with the edge of the cabinet lid.
To install the lower guide, it is also necessary to drill three holes with a diameter of 4 mm, and chamfer with a larger diameter drill so that the head of the self-tapping screw is flush with the guide. Sliding wardrobe guides from different manufacturers require different indentation of the cabinet edge. To simplify the installation, you can simply put the guide on the installation site, and fix it when the doors are installed.
Installing the door in the rails. First, the upper rollers are inserted into the upper guide and raised to the stop, then the lower rollers are inserted.
First, two side doors are inserted into the second track, then the middle door into the first track.
The doors are adjusted with a hex key (sometimes with a “cross” screwdriver). If the level is correctly set, the door should fit snugly against both walls of the cabinet.
Now you can glue the sealing brushes. First, the protective film is removed. Attention, after removing the protective film, it is not recommended to touch the place where the brush will be glued with your hands. Oily fingerprints will make the brushes stick worse.