Synopsis of GCD in the senior group of preschool educational institutions. Abstract of the lesson for the senior group. wintering birds



  1. To form an interest in the world of animals, a desire to watch birds and help them;
  2. Introduce the concepts of "migratory birds" and "wintering birds";
  3. To expand children's knowledge about the diversity of birds of the North;
  4. Learn to recognize and correctly name birds living in the area where children live;
  5. Improve the ability to highlight the characteristic features of different birds.


  1. Develop thinking, speech, independence;
  2. Develop the ability to build cause-and-effect relationships.


  1. Develop the ability to focus on the task at hand;
  2. To cultivate the ability to listen to peers, not to interrupt;
  3. Cultivate a kind, respectful attitude towards the natural world.

Priority educational area: "Knowledge".

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health", "Artistic creativity", "Reading fiction", "Music".

Activities: cognitive, motor, game, communicative, creative.

Methodological techniques :

Practical - game, game situation, independent work with handouts (cards);

Visual - viewing;

Verbal - artistic word, questions, conversation.

Preliminary work:

Bird watching during the walk;

Reading poems, stories about birds (V. Bianchi “Who sings with what?”, “Cunning fox and smart duck”, Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Crane”, D.N. Mamin - Siberian “Grey Neck”, etc.

Examination of illustrations with various types of birds, subject pictures depicting various types of birds.

Material for GCD : musical accompaniment (audio recording “Voices of Birds”, a song about birds), pictures of birds on TV, medals with coloring pages, color pencils, cartoon “Gray Neck”, pictures of food for birds.

GCD progress:

Organizing time

AT. -Let's get in a circle. Children, together with the teacher, stand in a circle.

AT.- I propose to tune in to gaining new knowledge, to create a good mood. The following exercise will help us to do this:

“Guys, what time of year is it in the yard? (autumn). It often rains in autumn. We don't like it - frown. But sometimes the sun still peeks out from behind the clouds - let's smile at the sun. Here it shone into our right eye - we close it, now into the left - we close it. And now we will perform all the movements in turn: we will frown our eyebrows, smile, we will close our right eye first, then the left one ”

Acquaintance with new material on the topic

AT.- That's great! What autumn signs do you know? (children's answers: it's raining, the sky is gloomy, the leaves are turning yellow, etc.) Do you know that one of the signs of autumn is the departure of migratory birds to warmer climes? These birds are called "migratory". And some stay with us for the winter. Guess what they are called? ("winterers").

AT .-I'm not in vain talking about birds. Guys! Today we will go on a trip to the tundra. Who lives in it? Listen carefully! (A recording of one of the bird voices sounds.) Do you hear? Guess who we're going to visit? (to the birds). So go ahead! (music sounds, children follow the snake teacher)

AT .- So we found ourselves in the tundra! Look who's waiting for us here? (a polar owl toy with an envelope in its beak sits on a chair). This is a polar owl. Polar, because it lives beyond the Arctic Circle. What other birds living in our area do you know? (children's answers).

AT. - I suggest you look at the screen ( viewing pictures of birds living in the North). Which birds are familiar to you? Maybe you saw some birds walking on the street? (children's answers) How are these birds different from each other? (carefully consider the coloring of the birds and name the difference between the coloring of the head, tail, wings, torso)? And how are they similar? (They all winter with us; they have a head, tail, body, beak, wings, legs; they can fly; they breed chicks).

And look what's in the owl's beak? The teacher takes the envelope and asks the child to read its contents (Danil B.):

"Hello children! We are the birds of the North, we are glad to welcome you as our guests! Migratory birds have flown to warmer climes...and we have absolutely nothing to eat! We are desperate! Help us!"

The teacher addresses the children:

Guys, how can we help the birds? What do they eat, who knows? (children's answers)

Let's call the birds to eat:

The forest and fields are covered with snow, (WAVE HANDS)

The earth sleeps under the snowdrifts. (PALM UNDER THE CHEEK)

They are looking, looking for birds, what to profit from. (HANDS WALK BEHIND BACK)

For a long winter in our forest

We prepared food for the birds. (PULL OUT PALM)

Come, birds, you feed here! (CALLING THE BIRDS)

Guys, how will we feed the birds? What is needed for this? Here's a hint:

What is the table among the birches

Open air?

Treats even in the cold

Birds of grain and bread.


And here's more:

Between the branches a new house,

There is no door in that house.

Only a round window -

Not even a cat can get through.


AT.- Attention to the screen! (there is an image of a feeder and a birdhouse on the screen). What is it? And what do the feeder and birdhouse look like? What are they made of?

AT.-I suggest you make a feeder from the constructor.

Children are offered the details of the designer. It is necessary to divide the children into 2 teams and offer to make one a birdhouse, and the other a feeder (according to a pre-prepared sample of the teacher).

AT.- Well done. Owl loves it.It turns out that making a feeder is not all! You need to know what kind of food to put in it. And if you don't know what will happen then? (children's answers). What kind of food do birds like? (seeds, grains, seeds, berries, but there are also those that feed on mice and other small rodents (owl).

Game: "Bird Food"

Pictures of various products are laid out on the table. The task of the children is to choose pictures depicting what the birds eat. (Game version: the teacher names the products, the children clap if the teacher calls what the birds eat).

AT. You're tired? I suggest you get some rest.

Mobile Russian folk game "Woodpecker"

Children stand in a circle. A child acting as a woodpecker stands in the middle of the circle. Children dance around the "woodpecker" and pronounce the first two lines:

“A woodpecker walks by the barn,

Looking for a grain of wheat.

"Woodpecker" in response says:

"I'm not bored alone,

Whoever I want, I'll take."

With the last word, "woodpecker" quickly takes one of the guys in the circle by the hand. And the children should quickly get up in pairs. The child left without a pair becomes a woodpecker in the next game.

AT. You have probably seen how birds do not fly in the cold, but sit ruffled. (ask the children to show how the fluffy birds sit on the branches) They will fluff up, fall silent. Why are they doing this? Why sit and not fly? (children's answers). It turns out that birds do not fly in the cold, because in flight the bird freezes much faster. When a bird sits, between the feathers it has a motionless air . It does not allow cold to the bird's body and retains heat. In flight, frosty air rushes to the bird's body from all sides, and the bird freezes on the fly.

And in winter frosts you can see how the bird stands on one or the other leg (let the children try to show how the birds do it). Why does the bird need it? (children's answers). It is she who warms her feathered legs, lifting them from the cold ground. This is how the bird warms up.

How else do birds keep warm? (invite the children to find a couple and snuggling tightly against each other to “warm up”).

AT.- Lisa Beresneva prepared for us a poem by A. Yashin. "Feed the birds in winter":

Feed the birds in winter.

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.

Their food is not rich.

Need a handful of grain

One handful -

And not scary

They will have winter.

How many of them die - do not count,

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And the birds are warm.

Is it possible to forget:

Could fly away

And stayed for the winter

Along with people.

Train the birds in the cold

To your window

Tatyana Matsaeva
Abstract of the lesson in the senior group on the topic "Wintering Birds"

Target: To form and consolidate knowledge about wintering birds.

Tasks. Educational: consolidate knowledge about wintering birds; continue to learn to distinguish wintering and migratory birds; cause a desire to learn new facts from their lives; expand and activate the vocabulary of topic« Birds» . Educational: to form a kind and caring attitude towards wintering birds. Educational: to improve the ability to establish causal relationships, attention, memory, holistic perception.

Material. For the educator: a tape recorder and an audio cassette with a recording of forest voices birds; colored silhouettes birds(bullfinch, titmouse, sparrow, dove, crow, magpie, waxwing, owl, crossbill, woodpecker) with stands; wooden feeder; a tray with rowan berries and wild roses, maple, sunflower and pumpkin seeds; millet, buckwheat, bread crumbs, lard; a letter from Magpie in an envelope. For children: coloring by topic, trays with sketchy details of parts of a magpie made of black paper (beak, wing, head, paws, tail) and white (torso). On the wall - posters: "Winter forest", "Winter Hut", under them is a cardboard feeder and a tree branch.

Educator. Correctly. It was summer and birds sang loudly and beautifully. Autumn has come and many birds fled to warmer climes. What are they called birds? That's right, flights. Name migratory birds.

Children. Geese, rooks, cranes, starlings, swallows...

Educator. And some the birds stayed for the winter. How can they be called?

Children. wintering.

junior caregiver (included). You have received a letter from a magpie! Gives the teacher a large envelope with the address "Kindergarten "Sun". children senior group».

caregiver (reads letter).

"Dear Guys! I invite you on an exciting journey in which you will learn a lot of interesting things about us, wintering birds, and most importantly - help us to winter. And to make the journey interesting, complete my tasks! Ready? Then sit down!"

Children sit at the tables and do the first task magpies: "Fold bird On the tables are parts of the body birds from which children collect bird. The child who completed the task first does the same on the board.

Educator. What you folded the bird?

Children. Magpie.

Educator. What parts did you make it out of?

Children. Body, head, wings, tail, legs.

Educator. Let's let's think: why does a bird need a beak, wings, paws, feathers, tail, claws, eyes, neck? (Answers.) Is everything the birds are the same? What is the difference? (Answers.) That's right, size, color, shape of body parts, etc. Well done! Completed the first task. Now let's go to the forest clearing. To do this, you need to get up, turn to the right and take six steps forward, clap three times behind your back and sit in a semicircle on the mat.

Children follow the instruction exercise for orientation in space and perform the second task magpies: "Guess the riddles and tell me about the answer!" Children guess riddles, the teacher takes out a colored silhouette birds and puts it on the table. Children talk about birds. The teacher supplements their answers with interesting facts from life. birds.

First riddle

Knocking all the time, hollowing trees,

But they are not crippled, but only healed.

The woodpecker is a doctor of the forest kingdom, cleans the bark of a tree from the larvae of harmful insects. With a strong, straight, sharp beak, it extracts bark beetles and caterpillars from under the bark of trees and licks them with a long tongue covered with sticky saliva. And the woodpecker loves feast on: picks spruce or pine cones from a branch, fixes it in a fork in a tree and husks delicious seeds. The woodpecker has stiff tail feathers and short legs, with two fingers pointing back. This helps him move vertically along the tree trunk.

Second riddle

The trees sleep, the grass sleeps,

But she does not sleep all night.

Mom teaches kids

Catching mice at night.

Owl - predatory bird. She hunts at night, and sleeps during the day, hiding in a deep hollow. Sees great in the dark. An owl's hearing is fifty times better than a human's. Lush plumage protects it from the cold, and rounded wings and a wide short tail help to fly silently. The sharp claws of an owl are designed so that bird can firmly grab prey and deftly climb tree trunks.

Third riddle

Bird on a big pine tree

We chirp: "Kle-kle-kle!".

The hard beak is like a cross,

Eats seeds from cones.

The crossbilly has an amazing beak - very strong, thick, laterally compressed, in the form of a cross. It allows you to easily and quickly extract seeds from pine and spruce cones - the main food for crossbills. And it is also surprising that they breed chicks in winter, in the most harsh January frosts. A deep nest with thick walls, insulated with a carpet of fluff, feathers and hairs, saves the chicks from the cold. Mom - crossbilly does not fly out of the nest until the chicks fledge. At this time, a caring father, a crossbill, feeds her.

Educator. Where do these live birds?

Children. In the woods.

Educator. How can they be called?

Children. It's forest birds.

Then the children complete the third task magpies: "Play - ka!"(an outdoor game is organized "Birds").

The birds are sitting in the nest (children squat)

And look at the street (turn head to side).

They want to take a walk

And quietly everyone is flying (children "scatter" flapping their arms like wings).

Sitting in the nest again (children squat).

Then finger gymnastics is carried out "Sing - ka, sing along - ka, ten birds - a flock". Children pronounce words, bend their fingers, starting with the little finger; at the end, they clench their fingers into fists.

Sing - ka, sing along - ka, ten birds - a flock.

This bird is a nightingale

This bird is a sparrow

This bird is an owl, a sleepy little head,

This bird is a waxwing

This bird is a corncrake

This bird is a starling, a gray feather,

This one is a finch, this one is a swift, this one is a cheerful siskin.

Well, it's an evil eagle.

Birds, birds, go home!

Children sit in a semicircle in their places and complete the fourth task. magpies: "Guess and name!".


We differ in color

Meet us in winter and summer.

If we flap our wings -

We'll be in the blue sky.

We can twitter

Caw, sing and coo.

Feed us in winter...

Children, who are we? Name!

Children call wintering birds(bullfinch, titmouse, sparrow, magpie, crow, dove, waxwing, the teacher exposes their color silhouette images. Children note the characteristic features birds, the educator supplements the answers if necessary.

The bullfinch has a bright red chest, and the wings, tail and cap are black. It feeds on berries, extracting seeds from them.

Titmouse is a small bird, its abdomen is yellow, its back is greenish, its head is black, its cheeks are white. In summer it feeds on insects, plant seeds, and in winter it flies closer to human habitation.

The back of a sparrow is brown, with wide longitudinal black stripes, the tail and wings are dark brown, and the head is gray.

Magpies have black heads and wings. The tail is also black, long and straight as an arrow. Magpies - useful birds. They save trees from beetles and larvae, they pick up any garbage, like janitors, with their beaks.

Crow - large bird. The head, beak, throat, wings, tail and legs are black, while the breast and back are grey.

Ravens are omnivores birds.

Waxwing plumage is elegant, pinkish-brown. The head is decorated with fervent silver-pink tufts. And on the wings are bright red even stripes. Waxwings love ripe berries of mountain ash, hawthorn.

Then the children complete the fifth task magpies: "Arrange birds. There are posters on the wall "Winter forest" and "Winter Hut", under them - a feeder made of cardboard, a tree branch.

Educator. Guys, pick one bird, call her and find her a place in the forest or on the feeder, near human habitation.

Sample: "The crossbill lives in the forest, it feeds on the seeds of pine and spruce cones".

Educator (talks about why some birds in winter they fly closer to humans and human habitation). wintering birds they feed not only on insect worms, they eat the seeds of various plants, and near people's homes they find bread crumbs, cereals, and in the cold season they can do without live food. But in a short winter day birds they do not have time to find food in sufficient quantities, especially in snowstorms, frosts, and also after thaws, when on tree branches and shrubs ice crust, and then winter feeding saves them from death. Guys, we can help you wintering birds? what is needed for this? (Answers.) And now let's get up, turn to the right, take five steps forward, look first up, then to the left, bend over, look into the closet.

Children complete the sixth task magpies: "Find an item!". They find a wooden feeder and a tray with prepared food for birds: rose hips, unsalted bacon, millet, seeds, white bread, oats, etc.

caregiver (together with the children she says what is on the tray). here is food for any taste: soft bread crumbs, nourishing, mouth-watering seeds, healthy oatmeal, delicious ripe berries, nutritious, fresh fat.

Children carry the feeder to the table where the figurines are birds, and perform the seventh task magpies: "Fill the feeder for wintering birds» . They fill the feeder, saying who they want to treat and what.

Sample: “I’ll pour seeds for the sparrow, because they are appetizing, satisfying”.

Then the children complete the eighth task magpies: "Name the rules of feeding birds. Call the rules (teacher helps if necessary): feeders are hung in quiet places on tree branches, bushes; fill them every day4 during severe frosts and snowfalls, add more food; feeders are regularly cleaned of husks, litter, snow; never feed birds black bread and salted lard.

Educator. It's time to complete the last, ninth task magpies: "Don't yawn - answer questions!". So questions.

What is called birds that do not fly to warmer climes? (wintering.)

Why in winter many animals and birds from the forest thicket huddle up to human habitation? (Easier to find food.)

Which bird breeds chicks in winter? (Crossbill.)

Who is called "doctor of the forest kingdom"? (Woodpecker.)

Why you need to feed in winter birds? (In winter feed the birds are missing.)

Did you enjoy the trip? (Answers.)

caregiver (reads the second part of Magpie's letter). "Dear Guys! Today you have successfully completed all my tasks, learned about what we are, birds, different, what benefits we bring, and how you can help us. I hope you, watching us, will have fun and joy, and find a comfortable place for the feeder and take care of us all the way. winter. And I hope that you will tell other children about us. I give you, friends, small gifts. Your Magpie.

The teacher distributes gifts to the children from Magpies - coloring pages « Birds» .

Educator. Let's fulfill Magpie's wishes? We will take this feeder to our site. And also, I think we need to tell the children from other groups about wintering birds. Let's make an album « Birds» and give it to the kids. In this album we will put your drawings, applications and stories about birds and about how to take care of them.

The children take the feeder to the site, find a place for it and feed it. birds daily. Gradually create an album « Birds» and give it to children of middle age groups.

Svetlana Petrenko
Synopsis of GCD in the senior group on cognitive development "Wintering Birds"


Contribute to the formation of ecological culture in children; instill love for birds and develop respect for them.



Clarify and expand children's ideas about wintering birds; what they eat, how they can be helped;

Strengthen the ability of children to recognize and name birds.


Raise interest in the diversity of the surrounding world.

Cultivate love for birds and careful attitude to them in the winter,


Develop skills for the conscious and appropriate use of words in accordance with the context of the statement;

Improve dialogical speech;

correctional developing: develop involuntary attention, logical thinking, visual memory, motor coordination

correctional and educational: to cultivate mutual assistance, cooperation, the ability to work in a team.

Equipment: pictures, slide presentation « wintering birds» with a recording of singing birds, split pictures.

preliminary work: monitoring birds while walking.

Planned results: active participation of children, the ability to formulate answers to the questions of the educator, possession of dialogic speech.

The use of modern educational technologies:

Elements of health-saving technology (physical education minute, gymnastics for the eyes)

Elements of fairy tale therapy (massage point of health).

ICT technology (presentation for class.).

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational part.

"All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And smile at each other

I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other so that we have a good mood all day long.

II. Main part.

caregiver: Children, this morning the guard handed me a strange envelope. There a note: "Children of the 14th groups, I have for you mystery:

Dreaming of a spider at night

Miracle Yudo on a bitch.

Long beak and two wings.

Arrives - things are bad.

And who is the spider afraid of?

Guessed? This is (bird)

And the task! Someone cut the photos wintering birds. Collect pictures tell me what it is birds. Lesovichok.

caregiver: Who understands what? (children's answers). What birds we call hibernating? (Wintering are those birds, who are not afraid of the cold, stay with us for the winter and do not fly south to warmer climes in the fall).

And here is another sheet. Riddles?

A game "Give me a word" (Children call the word and show the picture in the study area)

In winter, on the branches of an apple tree!

Collect them quickly!

And suddenly the apples fluttered

After all, this is… (bullfinches).

She does not sit still

Carrying news on its tail.

Maybe they have little use.

But I'm proud of myself... (magpie)

In the forest under twitter, ringing and whistling,

Knocking forest telegraph operator:

"Hey, thrush, buddy!"

And signs (woodpecker).

Wearing a gray vest

And the wings are black.

Twenty couples are circling at once.

Everyone is screaming: Kar! Kar! Kar! Kar! (crow)

I catch bugs all day

gobbling up worms

I do not fly to a warm land

Here, under the roof I live

Chick-chirp! Don't be shy

I'm seasoned (sparrow)

caregiver: All we know the birds? Do you want to know?

Working with a presentation « wintering birds»

The gray crow sat on the fence,

The gray crow looked around the yard.

She croaked angrily ten times -

She composed a gray story about the yard.

Crow - cunning, dexterous and resourceful bird! This is a major bird, it is not distinguished by the brightness of the color. The head, beak, throat, wings, tail and paws of the crow are black, and everything else is gray. Crow is an omnivore bird so its diet is varied. It feeds on scraps and leftover food.

He is called the bird of the world.

From the rooftops it rushes to the ground like an arrow,

If he sees a mountain of crumbs.

Gray, white and good.

Pigeons are strictly diurnal. Food is usually collected on the ground, in connection with which they walk well. They feed on the seeds of various plants that are collected on the ground.

In a yellow t-shirt and black vest

Bird the tit perched on a branch.

Tenkat loudly bird titmouse,

She is not afraid of severe frosts.

The plumage of the titmouse is bright and beautiful - it seems that the bird is dressed in a yellow blouse with a black tie and a green cloak, and adorned her head with a dark hat. She easily jumps on branches and with the help of sharp and tenacious claws deftly climbs tree trunks. When the cold comes, tits. they eat grains, bread crumbs, and their favorite delicacy is lard.

Hard worker spotted woodpecker

Caulked hollow birds.

The day worked. No more strength!

All pecked, pecked, pecked.

In summer, spotted woodpeckers feed on tree insects, and in winter - on the seeds of coniferous trees. In spring, the woodpecker drinks birch sap. This is one of the very useful the birds of our forests: works all year round for the destruction of pests.

An owl sits on a branch.

She can barely see during the day.

And as soon as the night comes

How the eagle will become big-eyed.

Owl - predatory bird. She hunts at night, and sleeps during the day, hiding in a deep hollow. The owl has a large head, which it deftly turns in all directions, almost no neck and round unblinking amber eyes. In winter, owls remain in our area.

White-sided talker

On the top of the spruce

Cracked, screamed,

I got sick, swayed.

Magpie-white-sided - feathers on its sides are completely white. The head and wings are black. The tail is also black, but with a very beautiful greenish sheen, long and straight as an arrow. in winter birds move closer to people - scatter through the villages, settle in the city outskirts. Next to a person is more satisfying and warmer.

Sparrow gallops fast

The bird is a gray baby.

Drifting around the yard

Collects crumbs.

Sparrow is a small, cheerful, lively bird. Despite the seeming inattention and fussiness, these birds are very smart and quickly get used to people, realizing that it is next to a person that you can get food. People often feed wild birds, especially in winter, and sparrows know about it. Sparrows - love grains and bread crumbs.

Here on the branch, look

Bullfinches in red T-shirts.

Fluffed out feathers

Lurking in the sun.

The bullfinch looks smart - he is always in red. In fact, red breasts are bullfinch males, females look much more modest. Their chest is greenish-gray. The bullfinch feeds on the buds and seeds of trees and shrubs, berries, from which he chooses seeds, likes to peck rowan berries.

The crossbill has an amazing beak - very strong, thick, laterally compressed. The tip of the upper part of the beak is bent down with a hook, and the lower, stronger part of the beak is bent up, so we get a beak in the form of a cross. Klest is very fond of spruce and pine cones, a strong beak deftly peels the cones with a cross. The crossbill is also surprising in that it brings out chicks in a bitter frost.

They played the pipes

whistled: "Swirl-swir!

We peck rowan brushes

We'll have a feast in the forest!

Waxwings live in coniferous forests. In summer they feed on berries, insects and plant shoots. In winter, they like to eat mountain ash. In the cold, they move to human housing.

Gymnastics for the eyes

(Exercises are performed sitting or standing, with rhythmic breathing, with a maximum amplitude of eye movement)

1. Focus your gaze on the index finger of the left hand extended straight in front of you. Bending the arm at the elbow joint, gradually bring the index finger closer to the nose, without taking your eyes off the tip of the finger.

Repeat 5-6 times.

2. Circular eye movements - their rotation to the left, up, right, down, and then right, up, left, down.

Repeat 3-4 times on each side.

caregiver: Rested? Let's continue.

Slides 11-13. Didactic attention game "Who flew away?"

Slides 14-16. Didactic game "Who's hiding?"

Slides 17-19. Didactic game "A fourth extra?"

Physical education minute "Nimble tit jumps"

Jumping nimble tit

She doesn't sit still

(jumping on the left foot)

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

(jumping on the right foot)

Spinning like a top

(circling in place)

I sat down for a minute

(sit down)

She scratched her chest with her beak,

(stood up, tilting the head to the right - to the left)

And from the track to the fence,

(jumping on the left foot in place)


(jumping on the right foot)


(jumping in place on two legs).

Didactic game "Collect a picture"

caregiver: Are you ready to complete the task of the lumberjack now? (Subgroup work, individual work).

caregiver: Well done, you did the job. Wintering birds are not afraid of frost, they fly a lot themselves try get food even in the coldest weather. They look for insects hidden in cracks in the bark, in the cracks of houses and fences, look for fruits and seeds of deciduous plants, cones of coniferous trees with seeds. They come to our homes for help. And we must help you survive winter to feathered friends. And what do we need to do, how to help them survive in the cold season? (children's answers).

caregiver: Correctly, birds be sure to feed in the winter, build feeders for them. Don't forget to clean these feeders before putting food in them.

feed birds in winter

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.

Their food is not rich

Need a handful of grain

One handful - and not terrible

They will have winter.

How many of them die - do not count,

It's hard to see

But in our heart there is

And they are warm.

Is it possible to forget;

Could fly away

And stayed for the winter

Along with people.

accustom birds in winter

To your window

So that without songs it was not necessary

We welcome spring.

caregiver: Let's remember together what what does a bird eat? (children's answers).

Slide 21. Didactic game "Feed birds

III. Final part.

Educator. You already know a lot about wintering birds, and for you to learn even more, I have prepared for you coloring pages wintering birds in the drawing corner. And we will take millet for a walk to feed birds.

Reflection. A game "True False"

Reinforcement outside of class: Pictures birds in the study area, bullfinch templates, coloring pages birds, drawing samples in the center of creativity.

Further work:

We are planning to develop a project.

Abstract of the lesson in the senior group

"Wintering Birds"

Subject: "Wintering Birds"


To form an idea of ​​wintering and migratory species of birds.

Form a holistic view of the world around;

To develop a humane, emotionally positive, caring attitude towards birds, motivation of interest in their protection.


projector and screen, computer, bird migration maps, bird cards.


Verbal - story, conversation

Visual - presentation demonstration

Lesson progress:

Story-conversation with a demonstration of the presentation, guessing riddles.

Planned results:

Ability to recognize and distinguish between the most common wintering and migratory birds of our region;

Ability to select appropriate bird feed;

Careful, caring attitude towards birds: making feeders, feeding;

Cognitive interest in observing the life of wintering birds.

slide 1

Educator: Today we will talk about birds. What kinds of birds do you know?

Children: migratory and wintering

slide 2

Educator: Correctly! Do you know why they are called that?

Children: No.

Educator: Now I will tell you .

In the cold season, it is important for many birds to feed themselves. But there is a lot of snow outside the window, and the birds cannot find food in the snowdrifts. In order not to die, birds fly to warm lands. Such birds are called migratory. The behavior of birds in autumn, the flight schedule depend on a number of reasons. Those who have more food - stay longer, those whose food disappears - fly off earlier. Usually, insectivorous birds start first, then granivorous birds fly away, followed by waterfowl. Birds of prey are the last to depart - they rob on high roads - flyways, feed on other birds. Therefore, they are not in a hurry.

But there are birds that do not care about the cold. All year round they find suitable conditions for existence in their homeland, enough food and do not fly. These birds are called wintering settled.

Some birds, uniting in small flocks, gradually migrate to the south. This is what bullfinches do, for example, which seek out areas with little snow or rich in berries and other food, without having certain permanent wintering grounds. Such birds are called nomadic.

slide 3

Educator: Why do migratory birds fly away?

Children: Because it is cold?!

Educator: The main reason is the lack of food in the cold season. Insects disappear, hibernate or die, snow cover does not allow foraging on the ground, finding seeds of herbaceous plants. Waterfowl cannot winter in frozen bodies of water.

slide 4


The flight of birds is called migration. Where do the birds fly? Insectivorous birds are the first to leave their nesting sites: swifts, wagtails, cuckoos, swallows and starlings. (demonstration cards with the image of birds). As soon as autumn comes and the nights become cool, swallows, swifts and cuckoos gather in flocks and go to the African continent. Starlings fly to the Mediterranean region. Wagtails go to winter in Africa, Asia, or India. The map also shows some other species of migratory birds and their migration routes.

Educator: To determine exactly where the birds fly away, some birds are caught and a ring with a number is put on the paw. If the bird is caught again in another country, then by the number it will be possible to determine where it came from.


The record holder for the flight distance is the arctic tern. The bird winters in the Southern Ocean and Antarctica where it flies from the North Pole. Flights of these birds last four months. In general, terns fly from 20,000 to 30,000 km. During migrations, birds stay close to water so that food can always be found. Migrating, terns annually travel around the world.

slide 5

Educator: and now I am offering you to solve riddles about migratory birds.

Flutters quickly above the ground

There are enough midges on the fly
And flickers in height
With a black arrow on the tail.
Her house is made of clay
Like a small basket.

Children: Martin

Educator: Correctly.

One of the fastest birds are swallows. The shape of their body is ideally adapted for flight, the wings are arrow-shaped, and the tail is forked. Outwardly, swallows look like swifts.

The legs of the swallows are weak, it is difficult for them to support the body. Therefore, swallows never walk on the ground. They are always in flight, and when they get tired, they sit on tree branches or telegraph wires. Even swallows drink on the fly, scooping up water from the river with their beaks.

Like other migratory birds, with the onset of cold weather, swallows fly south for wintering, to warm countries. In the spring they always return to their native places.

By the behavior of swallows, you can predict the weather. If the swallows circle high in the sky, it will be warm and dry. But they fly almost at the very ground - which means it will rain soon.

slide 6


The wedge flies curly to the south,
Not wanting to meet the blizzard.
Flying around the floor of the earth
Rushing into the distance...

Children: Cranes

Educator: And right again! Cranes can be seen in the sky twice a year. Having lined up in a wedge, they fly away to warm countries in the fall, and return to their native nests in the spring.

Cranes, arriving from the south, announced their return by cooing. When singing cranes, peasant women in Russia went out into the field and tumbled or rolled from side to side seven times, speaking to their back so that it would not hurt.

Cranes are large birds with broad wings. Their plumage is gray, but there are also white cranes - Siberian Cranes that live in Siberia.

Cranes build their nest in a swamp among thickets of reeds and sedges. They eat worms, bugs, frogs. Young shoots of sedge nibble, and when marsh berries ripen: cranberries, cloudberries and lingonberries, they feast on them.

In spring, cranes arrange dances. One pair of cranes starts the dance, and then the whole flock joins it.

Slide 7


What kind of a bird is this?
Little gray one.
Knows many melodies.
It whistles, then it trills.
But modest. Among the branches

Children: Nightingale

caregiver: Guessed again. The singing of this bird is so pleasant to human hearing that the expression "Sings like a nightingale" has become winged. This is how people talk about a talented singer or singer. And the culprit, the nightingale, is a small bird with long legs and large eyes. The singer does not like winter and he waits out the cold season far from his native lands, in Africa. But as soon as spring comes, the nightingale hurries back home. Moreover, nightingale flocks fly exclusively at night. Arriving in their native places, they settle near forest rivers and lakes, in dense thickets of willow or in bushes of bird cherry and wild rose.

Slide 8


There is a palace in the courtyard
A singer lives there.
Very clever fellow
And his name is...

Children: Starling

Educator: Well done! It has long been customary that the arrival of starlings means the arrival of spring. When it is still cold outside, and the April sun is just beginning to warm up, the cheerful trill of the starling marks the end of the long winter and the onset of the long-awaited warmth.

A couple of starlings nest in rock crevices, in hollows, but most of all they prefer birdhouses - special houses built for them by people. It happens that impudent sparrows have chosen a birdhouse for the winter. Starlings have to fight to win back their homes.

Although the starling sings well on its own, it likes to imitate the singing of other birds. Starlings are often kept as pet birds. It is easy to train them to whistle musical melodies or pronounce individual words. Often, starlings can reproduce completely incredible sounds: the whistle of a locomotive, the sound of an automobile engine, the creak of a door, the neighing of a horse, etc.

Slide 9

Educator: How to help those birds that have remained to winter. In the hungry and cold winter period, it is very important to feed the birds. Children, do you know what to feed the birds?

Children: Bread, cereal...

Educator: Ornithologists (people who study the life of birds) advise how to properly feed birds in winter. They recommend making a grain mixture of different seeds, most of this mixture should consist of sunflower seeds

With pleasure, birds will feast on the seeds of watermelon, pumpkin, melon, hemp, thistle, nettle, quinoa and burdock. They also peck at the corn kernels.

It should be borne in mind that watermelon seeds should first be detailed. Then nuthatch or tits will eat them with pleasure.

As a top dressing during a hungry period for birds, the menu can include meat, lard, as well as beef or chicken fat. It must be borne in mind that meat and fat should be unsalted. How to feed the birds?

Lard or meat should be cut into small pieces and strung on twine. Then the products are hung on the branches of trees or bushes. But in order to prevent the feeding of crows, jackdaws, magpies, dogs or cats, the pieces should be placed away from the ground.

The most beautiful visitors to the feeders - waxwings and bullfinches - are attracted by hawthorn and mountain ash berries. Fruits can be prepared in advance by drying the autumn harvest. What not to put in a bird feeder

When compiling a bird menu, it is worth considering some limitations. To do this, you should know what you can not feed the birds in winter. It is strictly forbidden to introduce any spicy, salty, fried, as well as sour foods into the menu for birds. Black bread poses a great danger to them.

Slide 10

Educator: It is important to responsibly approach the manufacture of the feeder itself. The food in it should not get wet and be blown out by the wind.

In the picture you can see different types of feeders

The main thing is, no matter how beautiful and comfortable your feeder is, it is useless if there is no food in it. Feed the birds regularly and they will visit your feeder frequently. And this will give you the opportunity to observe the amazing life of feathered friends.

slide 11

caregiver: And now it's time to check if you know winter birds.

He is disheveled, pugnacious.
Restless, loud.
On the asphalt, under the window,
Bread collects crumbs.
Bathed in dust
Or in a puddle aground.
Guess it fast
This bird...

Children: Sparrow

Educator: Sparrows are old neighbors of man. They build their nests next to people's houses, and sometimes right on them - under the roof, in the cracks of the walls or behind the cornices of windows and doors. Sparrows are surprisingly unpretentious. They eat any food, help gardeners, destroying harmful insects. But on occasion, they can also harm crops, pecking out grains. "Bey the thief!" - shouted the peasants in the old days, seeing a flock of small birds in their fields. Hence the name of the sparrow.

Sparrows are city and field. City sparrows are small gray birds, and field sparrows are brighter - they have a brown cap on their heads and two light stripes on their wings.

Sparrows communicate with each other with loud chirps, reporting on feeding sites or that a predator is sneaking up on the flock. Together it is easier to find food and avoid danger.

slide 12


Likes seeds and lard,
I flew in the yard in the morning
This little bird.
Guess who? ...

Children: Titmouse.


They say that the tits were nicknamed so for the song that they sing: "si-si" and "tsi-tsii". Tits have a yellow belly, a greenish back, and a black cap on the head. The size of a titmouse with a sparrow and the same nimble and lively. They tirelessly scurry along the branches of trees and peck at midges and insects.

Titmouse make nests in hollows of trees, which were once hollowed out by a woodpecker, and then abandoned. Sometimes, if the tree is old and rotten, tits can make a hollow themselves. Inside the hollow, the birds line their nests with fluff, feathers and animal hair.

Tits can be called champions in the number of eggs laid. On average, the female lays 10, sometimes 14–15 eggs. In addition, tits have two clutches. During the season, one pair of tits hatches 20-30 chicks. While the female sits on the eggs, the male takes care of her and brings food.

Tits do not fly away for the winter to warm countries, but survive the winter, hiding in a hollow. In a snowy winter, there is very little food, and the birds have a hard time. In search of food, they fly to the dwelling of a person, where grains or bread crumbs fall to them.

slide 13


The bird walks in a red cap.
And finds beetles in the bark.
This is my old friend.
And the bird is called...

Children: Woodpecker.

caregiver: Who among us has not heard how the restless drummer of our forests, the woodpecker, is knocking, hammering on a tree. But you can recognize a woodpecker not only by knocking, but also by a characteristic cry similar to “ki-ki-ki”. The woodpecker is a smart bird. Knocking on wood, he locates insects by sound and carefully removes them from under the bark. Tree insects, larvae, ants are the favorite prey of this bird. The woodpecker has a very long (for birds) tongue. Why does he need this? The woodpecker is not a talker! With his tongue, from all corners, he pulls out insects that harm the tree. It's not for nothing that he is called the "doctor of the forest."

Slide 14


Well, this is the bird of the world,
Soared only in the sky
Quickly descended to our feet,
Feel free to walk on the road
And he's only afraid of cats
We give her seeds and crumbs.
With us a bird all year round,
Sings cooing.

Children: Pigeon.

Educator: Well done! Perhaps this is the most famous bird in the city. These birds are so accustomed to life in the city that they are not at all afraid of people, often taking food directly from the palm of a person. For many centuries, pigeons and humans have peacefully coexisted with each other. And people even at one time taught these birds to deliver mail. In many countries, the dove is considered a sacred bird, and in our time, doves have also become a symbol of peace. But those pigeons that we see every day in the city and which are called "blue doves" are only a variety in the pigeon family. The “Sizars” also have free forest brothers.

Educator: Well done boys! Now you know what birds are. And also how to help wintering birds survive the cold. Guys, at home with your parents, prepare feeders for your feathered friends, in winter the birds need our care! And do not forget that the feeder should not be empty.

Abstract of the lesson in the senior group on ecology "Wintering Birds"

Purpose: to reveal the ecological knowledge of children

Tasks: to summarize the knowledge of children about wintering and migratory birds; consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior in the forest; to teach to perceive the situation proposed by the educator, to take part in it; develop the ability to classify, compare, think logically, cultivate interest in the inhabitants of nature, the desire to protect and protect them.

Material: cards with birds, painted tree (winter, summer picture, natural food for birds (grains, pine nuts, seeds, unsalted bacon, bread crumbs, rowan or sea buckthorn berries), recording of bird voices, origami paper.

Lesson progress:

Forty flies.

Educator: Trouble, trouble, guard, save, help, trouble happened in the Kingdom of Birds - all the birds were afraid of someone and got mixed up. Now no one knows what kind of birds he belongs to and where he lives, what habits he has. The kingdom is in complete disarray and confusion. Oh, where did I get to? You recognized me? (children's answers). Guys, can you help me clean up the forest? And the birds in our kingdom are not simple: there are wintering birds here, there are also migratory ones. We will plant wintering birds on this tree, and migratory birds on the picture where summer is drawn. After all, where they are now is a real summer. - What are the names of the birds that stay with us for the winter?

Wintering -That's right, wintering.

Who are migratory birds?

These are the birds that fly away from us in autumn to warmer climes.

Well done, right. And we will play the game "Confusion" (children stand in a circle, playing with a stick).

The body of birds is covered with hair.

The starling lives in a hollow.

Chicks hatch from eggs.

Migratory birds fly to warmer climes.

People make birdhouses for crows.

Birds build nests from boards.

Birds gather in a flock and fly home.

The best singer of all birds is the woodpecker.

Competition 1. "Who will quickly divide the birds depicted on the cards into migratory and wintering."

Children should separate them and name them.

Well done. You did everything right. Migratory birds are not adapted to store food for themselves for the winter and get it in winter conditions. In the summer they live with us, build nests, breed chicks. And with the onset of cold weather, they fly to hot countries in order to return to their native lands in the spring.

Just let's help the birds fly and do a little exercise

Here is the morning! Stop sleeping!

Before you take off

You need to stretch your wings.

Up wing, down wing

And now vice versa! (One straight arm is raised, the other is lowered, hands change with a jerk.)

We spread wings to the sides,

And bring the shoulder blades together. (Hands in front of the chest, jerking the arms to the sides.)

Leaning left and right

And swayed back and forth. (Tilts left-right, forward-backward.)

We squat on command

One, two, three, four, five.

We do the exercise.

Chur, friends, do not lag behind! (Squats.)

Let our migratory birds fly to their warm lands. And we will stay with our winter friends.

What kind of birds, guys, are sitting on our tree? Just raise your hands and don't speak in unison.

Bullfinch, titmouse, woodpecker, crossbill, magpie, crow, sparrow, cuckoo. -Correctly. - And how did you guess that it was a bullfinch?

It has a red chest and black wings and tail. You can ask another 2 - 3 children about the titmouse, magpie, cuckoo. (And how did you guess that it was ....)

Okay guys.

Guys, what do you think, is it easy for birds to get food in winter? Children's answers.

How can we help wintering birds? Children's answers. Educator's story Seeds of various plants are suitable for feeding birds: hemp, sunflower, melon, watermelon. Oats, millet are pecked only by sparrows, wheat bread crumbs are also suitable for them. Tits, in addition to seeds, are very fond of raw unsalted lard or meat. Crows are omnivorous birds. Crossbills love the seeds of spruce and pine cones. There are many spruce and pine cones in the forest in winter. Bullfinches prefer berries of mountain ash, sea buckthorn, barberry. Wintering birds are not afraid of frost and manage to get food even in the coldest weather. They look for insects hidden in cracks in the bark, in the cracks of houses and fences, look for fruits and seeds of deciduous plants, cones of coniferous trees with seeds. But during snowfalls, snowstorms and severe frosts, birds starve and even die. They come to our homes for help. And we must help our feathered friends survive the winter.

And now, guys, let's go to an unusual dining room, choose food for our birds and put it under our tree. Let our birds feast on our treat.

Competition 2. "Choose food for birds"

Guys, do you know how to solve riddles?

Then listen carefully to my unusual riddles.

Who's on the tree, on the bitch

The score is: “Ku-ku, ku-ku! "(Cuckoo.)

Even though I'm not a hammer

I knock on wood:

It has every corner

I want to explore.

I walk in a red hat

And a great acrobat. (Woodpecker.)

Knocking all the time

Trees are hollowed out

But they are not crippled

But only heals. (Woodpecker.)

Apples on the branches in winter!

Collect them quickly!

And suddenly the apples fluttered

After all, this is. (bullfinches).

Flying all night

Gets mice.

And it will become light

Sleep flies into the hollow. (Owl.)

She jumps at the house

And her name is. (crow) .

little boy

In a gray coat

Sneaking around the yards

Picks up crumbs

Wandering through the fields -

Stealing hemp. (Sparrow.)

Who flies, who chirps

Want to tell us the news? (Magpie.)

It crackled in the morning: “Por-r-ra! Por-r-ra! »

What about time?

Such a mess with her

When it crackles. (magpie)

And also, guys, a friend of a pigeon told me that you are very talented and know how to make birds out of paper.

Is it so? What is the name of the technique when figures are made from paper?

Let's get our fingers ready for work.

(Finger gymnastics “Curious Crow” is being held)

Children make origami birds.

Well done. Guys, do you think we helped our birds to restore order in their kingdom?

Yes, of course, we divided the birds into wintering and migratory, helped us find food for ourselves. And our bird friends thank you for your help with their songs (the sounds of bird voices sound).