How to determine the degree of intoxication in ppm. The degree of intoxication in ppm and the calculation of ppm of alcohol in the blood. 6 ppm alcohol is how much you drink and how it affects driving

According to the consequences of taking ethanol, there are three degrees of alcohol intoxication. The severity of symptoms is directly related to the physiological characteristics of the patient, his state of health, the quality and dose of alcohol, snacks presented at the feast. The possibility of a non-standard reaction of the body to alcohol, a pathological response, should also be taken into account.

The assessment of the post-alcohol state is important both for the health of the patients themselves and for the people around them, since it prevents many negative consequences. This is especially important for the prevention of accidents.

Table of basic concepts

Differences in the degree of intoxication according to characteristic features correspond to several basic concepts that are easiest to present in a table.


Medicine claims that banal intoxication has three degrees of severity: first (mild), second (pronounced) and third (severe). Some divide the third degree into strong, peak, comatose. All of them have their own characteristics that reflect ethanol poisoning.

Objective fixation of the state of the drinker is based on two points: symptoms of poisoning and depression of the psyche. They are closely intertwined and constantly changing from a maximum of visual symptoms to a minimum: aggression on depression.

The criterion for the degree of ethanol intoxication is the concentration of ethyl in the exhalation of the patient and in the blood serum. There is no complete agreement between the level of ethanol recorded by special devices and the clinic.

The spread of numbers depends on the individual characteristics of the subject, his physical data.

The decisive role in this situation is played by alcoholic liver enzymes, designed to break down and neutralize ethanol. Correspondence to ppm in the blood of the concentration of alcohol in the vapors of exhaled air is determined in a table.

First degree

The onset of ethanol poisoning is characterized by the dominance of symptoms of neuronal depression. At this time, up to 0.7 mg / l of ethanol is fixed in the exhalation of the person taking alcohol, and the concentration of alcohol in the blood is determined equal to half a ppm (1.5‰).

Clinically, intoxication is mild: some delayed motor reaction, loss of concentration, inability to concentrate, superficial attention to detail. Self-criticism is lost, speech is slurred.

In general, the patient feels psychological comfort. Everything is fine with him, nothing bothers him, there is a slight euphoria. He is lively, sociable, creative. Shows interest in the opposite sex, cheerful, liberated.

Clinical symptoms are visualized by a rush of blood to the face, some fussiness, talkativeness, an increase in blood pressure, tachycardia. This is the response of the ANS to the effects of alcohol.

Time frames: from several minutes to several hours. The recovery stage is abruptly replaced by lethargy and a complete loss of interest in what is happening. Narcologists are convinced that the first degree of intoxication corresponds to the process of absorption of alcohol in the intestines and ends with the cessation of resorption. The processing and withdrawal of ethanol are the next stages of pathological changes in the body. Encephalopathic manifestations from the brain recede.

But there is no complete coincidence of resorption and the onset of intoxication. Elimination is fixed by the level of ethyl in the venous blood, without taking into account the delayed action of alcohol metabolites that enter the CNS with the bloodstream, and for a long time demonstrate high activity in relation to neurons, prolonging the consequences of poisoning.

When the clinical picture of intoxication prevails over the symptoms of CNS stimulation, they speak of the second degree of intoxication.

Second degree

It is also called alcohol toxicity.

It is characterized by the concentration of ethanol vapor in the exhalation of the patient up to 1.35 mg / l and in the blood - from one and a half to two and a half ppm.

Such intoxication has fundamental differences from the initial degree:

  • Speech becomes heavy, slow, the patient turns as if with stones in his mouth. He hardly selects the right words, diction is broken. There are difficulties with pronunciation, pronunciation.
  • Fine motor skills are paralyzed. Even handwriting (a reflex, in fact) changes beyond recognition. Sometimes the signature of a drunk in court needs to be identified by experts. The patient begins to shake from side to side, unable to walk in a straight line. The movements are sweeping, jerky.
  • The consciousness of the drinker becomes fragmented. Something is remembered. Something - no. Therefore, it is not possible to give a coherent answer to the questions, to reproduce the full picture of what happened several hours ago. Space and time become abstract concepts as associations in brain activity are broken. Assessment of the external situation is much more difficult.
  • There is an overestimation of self-esteem. There is impulsiveness, inappropriate behavior.
  • For this degree of intoxication, sudden mood swings, resentment, irritability, capriciousness, a desire to drink again in order to return the initial sensations of comfort are considered normal.
  • After all this, phlegmatic people simply fall asleep, while they completely forget everything that preceded sleep. Waking up, they cannot understand where the feeling of weakness, dry mouth came from. The post-intoxication state is a mystery to them. However, they are not able to work normally for two or more days.
  • Cholerics in this stage are always aggressive and eager to fight for any reason. They threaten others, try to call their high-ranking patron on the phone. They fall asleep suddenly, while the story repeats itself in the morning exactly, as with phlegmatic people.

Third degree

This is the peak of ethanol toxicosis. Symptoms of suppression of neuronal activity and alcohol intoxication of internal organs predominate. The quantitative concentration of alcohol in the exhalation reaches 1.5 mg / l and exceeds 2.5 ‰ in the blood. If the level of ethanol is more than 3.5 mg / l or 5‰, death is declared.

Clinically, a severe degree of alcohol intoxication is expressed by stupor and coma with a possible fatal outcome. The main role belongs to ethanol metabolites.

The patient loses contact with the real world, he is not oriented either in space or time, loses the ability to self-service, urinates and walks under himself.

All internal organs, body systems cease to function. Without the provision of timely and professional assistance, the patient dies. The rehabilitation period in case of a favorable outcome stretches for weeks.

Custom Shapes

There are two options for the "wrong" response to alcohol in terms of the degree of intoxication: altered and pathological.

The change may appear as:

  • Dysphoria, when there is no stage of euphoria, and the mood immediately becomes gloomy, with fits of anger, a desire to conflict.
  • Paranoia, which is characterized by exceptional suspicion, nit-picking, whims, resentment against others for their incorrect behavior towards the patient. Any word from the side is regarded as humiliation, deliberateness, malicious intent are seen in it.
  • Hebephrenia, manifested by foolishness, arrogance, the desire to play the role of Petrushka at the fair.
  • Hysteria, when the situation turns into a theatrical production, where the main director and the leading actor are drunk. Everything is demonstratively, exalted, too much. But everything can end with a real suicide. The goal of a drunk is to attract attention by any means.

Pathological intoxication is quite different. It occurs suddenly, with uncontrollable emotions, delusions, hallucinations, unreasonable fear, uncontrolled aggression. It also ends abruptly. Fragments of what happened the day before are stored in memory.

There are several forms of pathological intoxication:

  • Resembling an epileptoid seizure with a complete loss of spatial and temporal orientation, chaotic actions, senseless excitement, affective anger and fear.
  • Hallucinatory-paranoid manifested by sudden delirium, suspicious alertness, visions, incoherent fragmentary speech.

Non-standard forms of ethanol intoxication do not have a clear quantitative characteristic. They can occur with any amount of alcohol in the body and do not have a clear justification for the causes.

Summary table on the degree of alcohol intoxication

The correlation of the severity of intoxication with its signs can be most clearly represented by a table.

Stage Units Clinical manifestations
Initial (easy) from 1.5‰ to 2‰
(this is up to 1.5 ml of pure alcohol in the bloodstream per 1 kg of body weight)
A little euphoria, talkativeness, a sense of comfort, loss of concentration, superficial attention to detail, high self-esteem that has no basis.
Average (expressed) from 2‰ to 3‰
(this is up to 2.5 ml of ethanol in the blood per 1 kg of weight)
Euphoria is replaced by irritability, aggressiveness, depression, speech and motor activity are falling, the processes of inhibition of the central nervous system predominate. Partial amnesia progresses, the sense of danger is lost. Loss of coordination of movements.
Severe (acute alcoholic toxicosis) from 3‰ to 5‰
(this is up to 4.5 ml of ethyl per 1 kg of weight)
Lack of coordination, loss of vision and hearing, amnesia, stupor with the transition to a coma, the development of AMI or stroke.

An alcohol concentration above 5‰ corresponds to asphyxia, cardiac arrest and death. However, narcologists warn that with ethanol intoxication, it can occur with any degree of poisoning of the body.

At risk are women, children, patients who have consumed alcohol for the first time and chronic drunkards.

There are several diagnostic methods for determining ethanol intoxication:

  • A sharp specific aroma from the mouth.
  • Anamnesis (somatic pathology, brain injury, dose of alcohol taken).
  • Physical examination.
  • Laboratory examination of urine and blood: UAC, OAM, saliva immunochromatography, Rappoport test (reaction with manganese and sulfuric acid when breathing into a tube), Mokhov-Shinkarenko (contact of silica gel with sulfuric acid in the same way).
  • Consultation of a neurologist, narcologist, psychiatrist.

What does drunkenness depend on?

The degree of ethanol intoxication is due to physiological and other reasons. It is influenced by gender, age, state of health, somatic diseases, emotional characteristics at the time of the feast. But in the same way, the quality and quantity of alcohol, the abundance and type of snacks, the time spent at the table, and measures for the preliminary prevention of intoxication can aggravate or alleviate the condition of the drinker.

Chronic alcoholism, brain injury can contribute to the development of a pathological response of the body to any dose of alcohol. The bottom line is perverted resorption (absorption), accumulation of toxins in the blood and their incorrect removal through the liver and kidneys.

alcohol withdrawal rate

The degree of intoxication is closely related to the rate of ethanol excretion from the body. It is different and depends primarily on gender (for women, alcohol leaves the body more slowly, up to 0.1 ppm per hour, and for men, more than 0.15 ppm). Scientists have proven that intoxication in 2 ppm is leveled only after a day. All this time, the liver is under tremendous stress, hepatocytes are destroyed, prerequisites for inflammation and fibrosis arise.

In addition, the speed of excretion provokes a hangover.

It must be remembered that endogenous ethanol of the order of 0.3 ppm is constantly present in the body. That is why such a figure is taken as the basis for the level of alcohol that allows you to drive a car. All other indicators of the breathalyzer are criminal in our country. The West is more loyal to motorists: the Germans and the French are allowed 0.5 ppm, the Irish and the British - 0.8 ‰.

Alcoholism is a deadly pathology that develops as a result of regular and prolonged use of alcohol-containing products. Dependence on alcohol is formed in a person at the physical and mental level. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people die from ethyl alcohol poisoning and chronic alcoholism.

A person under the influence of alcohol becomes dangerous to others. This is especially true for drunk drivers. According to statistics, accidents with a fatal outcome are more often committed by people under the influence of alcohol. What are the degrees of alcohol intoxication in ppm, it is important to know for every person - the owner of a car.

Alcohol affects each person differently.

To determine the concentration of alcohol in the human body, the unit of measurement is ppm. This is a Latin word and it means in translation “for a thousand”.

One ppm is equal to a thousandth of a specific number or is 1/10 of one percent.

To determine the presence of alcohol in the human body, a special device is used - a breathalyzer. The degree of intoxication is determined in ppm in the exhaled air, which a person produces in a special tube-mouthpiece.

What are the stages of intoxication depending on ppm

It is almost impossible to deceive this device, so there is no doubt about the reliability of the result. But how to determine your own intoxication if there is no tester at hand?

Determining the level of intoxication

When drinking alcohol, a person exhibits certain symptoms. They vary depending on the amount of alcohol consumed. With a mild degree of intoxication, the symptoms are as follows:

  • dizziness;
  • unsteadiness of gait;
  • incoherent speech;
  • unnatural shine of the eyes.

Symptoms of intoxication are growing, and even with a severe degree of alcohol intoxication, a person can lose consciousness, even memory. A highly intoxicated person will also have no reflexes to external stimuli; in the worst case, alcohol intoxication can lead to coma and death.

The degree of intoxication in ppm table

Specialists have developed a special system for classifying various degrees of intoxication with reference to ppm. Each degree has its own symptoms and in its own way affects the well-being and behavioral reactions of a person. For convenience, all data can be displayed in one table:

Stage of intoxication ppm Symptoms
first or easy 0,5-1,5 mood improves, self-esteem increases;

lethargy disappears, tension decreases;

slightly reduced speech and motor functions

second or middle 1,5-2,5

the conversation of the drunk becomes monotonous, speech expressiveness is lost;

initial euphoria is replaced by irritability;

there is aggressiveness towards others;

the sense of self-preservation disappears;

decreased memory and coordination

third or strong 2,5-3 the ability to coordinate their movements completely disappears;

there is a loss of hearing and visual abilities;

severe drowsiness develops;

the person may lose consciousness;

sometimes there is involuntary defecation and urination

fourth or heavy 3-4

the ability to move will be lost;

speech functions disappear;

a person does not recognize people, terrain;

full or partial amnesia (memory loss) is noted;

possible alcoholic coma, leading to death

fifth or deadly over 5 this stage is characterized by complete damage to the central nervous system and the work of all internal organs, this degree of poisoning almost always leads to death

But this state of intoxication in ppm, given in the table, is considered average. Alcohol acts on a person individually and selectively.

What does drunkenness depend on?

The level and extent of the impact of alcohol on the human body depends on a number of many factors. It is noticed that in women the degree of intoxication develops much faster, especially on certain days of the monthly cycle.

What is the permissible level of alcohol in a person's blood

The form of intoxication is influenced by a number of physiological reasons, as well as additional ones that do not depend on human physiology.


  • the person's age and gender;
  • initial state of health;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • emotional state at the time of drinking.

Other factors affecting the degree of intoxication:

  • type of alcoholic beverage;
  • availability and quality of snacks.

In addition to the average degrees of intoxication, there is also an atypical form of intoxication. It occurs in people after a head injury of varying severity. Also, indicators of the stages of intoxication may diverge in persons suffering from chronic alcoholism.

alcohol withdrawal rate

The rate of elimination of alcohol also varies. If for women this figure averages 0.08-0.1 ppm per hour, then for men the process is faster - about 0.1-0.15 ppm every 60 minutes. This process is long and difficult, especially for the liver.

It has been proven that when drunk with an alcohol concentration of 2 ppm, the body will be cleansed of the decay products of ethyl alcohol and will fully return to normal only after 20-24 hours. This time also varies. For some, just a couple of hours is enough to sober up, while the other suffers from a long and severe hangover.

How much alcohol is excreted on average, depending on the type of alcohol

Therefore, it is almost impossible to determine the exact level of alcohol content in the body without having a breathalyzer at hand. Especially considering that the speed of intoxication is also variable. For some, a couple of sips of beer is enough, while the other retains clarity of thought even after a bottle of vodka.

When can you drive

In the blood of even a completely sober person, with a thorough examination, you can find natural alcohol. It contains about 0.3 ppm. This level is considered natural and the only one at which you can drive a vehicle in our country.

But in some foreign countries, the authorities are more loyal to drivers who drink alcohol. In such countries, the maximum ppm threshold for them is increased. For example:

  • German and French policemen wish you a good journey even if you find 0.5 ppm in your blood - there it is considered the maximum allowable rate;
  • but in Ireland and England, you can safely roll out while driving a car, being in a mild degree of intoxication, the maximum permissible rates there are even higher and amount to 0.8 ppm.

What threatens the violator

In Russia, there are very strict laws regarding drunk driving. If any degree of intoxication was recorded by the traffic police, the violator faces the following fines:

  1. At the first fixation of a violation, a fine of 30,000 rubles. Also, the car owner's rights are withdrawn for up to 2 years.
  2. With the second detention of this driver, the amount of penalties will already be about 50,000 rubles. Plus, the violator is already facing a real term of imprisonment for 10-15 days. He will lose his rights for 3 years.

How many ppm is in each type of alcohol

Again, alcohol affects each person differently. Moreover, alcohol can affect the same person differently at different times of the day and with a different physical and mental state of a person. If we take the average indicators, then they can be reduced to the following figures:

  • beer (0.5l): 0.5 ppm;
  • vodka (300 g) or beer (2.5 l): 1.2 ppm;
  • vodka (1 liter): 5 ppm.

That is, we can say that a couple of bottles of vodka for the average person can be a lethal dose. But, even being in a mild stage of intoxication, drivers can create dangerous situations on the road.

Alcoholism is a phenomenon that is the most dangerous in social terms. The number of people suffering from addiction to alcohol is increasing every year. Recently, doctors often diagnose alcoholism even in very young teenagers. Remember that becoming an alcoholic is very simple and easy, but giving up addiction is much harder.

In contact with

The broad concept of "ppm" means one thousandth (one tenth of a percent) of any number or volume. Promille in a narrower sense allows you to consider the presence of alcoholic vapors in the air exhaled by a person, expressed in milligrams per cubic meter (mg / m3). The standard unit of ethanol in the blood, taken as 1 ppm, is identical to the ratio in which the blood alcohol content and its concentration in the pulmonary alveoli are, that is, 1 ppm unit will correspond to 0 45 mg / m3 of ethyl alcohol in the exhaled air. All these complex concepts and calculations are very important, since an incorrect determination of how much alcohol is exhaled with air or released during a blood test can cost the drunk person health, life, and traffic police problems.

A bit of math

The presence of alcohol in the bloodstream, expressed by the numerical designation ppm, is due to how much alcohol was consumed and what type it belonged to.
For example, 40 mg is the content of ethyl alcohol in 100 ml of vodka, that is, the concentration is approximately 0 5-0 6 ppm (0 15-0 5 mg / m3 in exhaled air). The maximum level is reached within 30-120 minutes, and is excreted at a rate of 7-10 mg per hour, which means that approximately 4-5 hours after drinking an intoxicating drink, its traces will not be detected.

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The human body always contains alcoholic components produced as a result of certain metabolic processes. Their number does not exceed 0 008-0 4 ppm in the blood (0-0 29 mg / m3 in exhaled air), although the minimum allowable volume for detection by laboratory research methods exceeds 0 3-0 35 ppm - only at this level is the fact of drinking vodka and of similar drinks is becoming recognizable, but not yet punishable. The accumulation of ethanol in the blood below 0 37 ppm does not confirm the presence of alcohol intoxication.

It's important to know

To determine how much per mille of alcohol is in the blood of a particular drunk person, you need to take into account such data as:

  • gender (women get drunk faster than men);
  • age (it is more difficult to get drunk at 37 than at 65);
  • weight (alcohol is excreted faster with optimal - from 50 to 80 in men, from 45 to 75 in women - body weight than with less than 37 kg of live weight);
  • the volume of alcohol consumed (the higher the dose, the harder it is for the body to “part with it”);
  • the ratio of alcohol consumed to body weight (in percent).

Based on these data, it is possible to obtain information about

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  • how much alcohol contains a particular organism in a particular period of time;
  • volume and type of drink consumed;
  • How long does it take to remove alcohol from the body?

This information is primarily needed for a detailed examination of the degree of intoxication of a driver who has sat behind the wheel while intoxicated. Basically, traffic police officers determine intoxication by external symptoms, that is, the presence or absence of:

Different volumes and their impact

A blood alcohol content of 3 ppm or more (air - 0 5 and 2 mg / m3) is not acceptable - this is a lethal dose for a person who does not drink too often and not too strong alcohol. Fans of vodka and similar strong drinks, approaching the diagnosis of alcoholism, acquire a high threshold of resistance (tolerance) to alcohol, so the lethal degree of intoxication is reached after drinking a larger amount of alcohol. Conversely, people who do not drink at all can say goodbye to life if an amount of alcohol is taken inside that slightly exceeds the allowable volume.

Symptoms of intoxication from 0-0 4 ppm and higher in the blood (0-0 29 mg / m3 in the air) reflect the following table.

0-0 4 0-0 29 The stage of relative sobriety with slight inadequacy in behavior. A drunk person is overly talkative, he is in a good mood, although there is a certain obsession. Although the test will not be able to reliably determine how much vodka or other similar drinks were drunk, it is better to avoid meeting with the traffic police
0 15-0 5 0 30-1 Achieving this degree of intoxication is accompanied by an unjustified increase in self-esteem, a desire to "show character" by violating the norms of society and/or morality. A person loses the ability to concentrate, which means that he is not able to adequately assess the threat, loses control over coordination. At the same time, no matter how much vodka / beer / wine he drank, the state of intoxication is ignored
0 4-1 0 8-2 Exceeded any acceptable dose of alcohol, as evidenced by unsteady gait, slow reaction, distortion of perception, drowsiness, nausea, rapid transition from anger to fear, and then to apathy and back
0 7-1 2 1 4-2 4 The state is inadequate, the dose of alcohol taken is almost fatal, the likelihood of coma is high
1 1-1 6 2 2-3 2 Symptoms - lethargy, apathy, lack of response to pathogens, sometimes - paralysis. The likelihood of a fatal outcome is extremely high, even if a person does not leave the house
1 5-2 3-4 The last, deadly degree of intoxication. Coma, paralysis, respiratory failure, circulatory failure, hypothermia, death

With the volume of alcohol in the blood over 3 ppm, an extremely likely mortal danger to the health and life of the drinking person and the people around him. If, in a state of lesser intoxication (up to 0 8 ppm), it is strictly forbidden to drive in order to avoid problems with the traffic police, then a larger amount of ethanol means, in the end, a fatal outcome due to paralysis of the respiratory tract or other similar reasons.

The larger the volume, the more dangerous driving

Revealing the degree of intoxication in ppm helps to assess how dangerous a drunk driver is for himself and completely strangers. His reaction speed and his focus on driving decrease depending on how much the person has drunk. The following table shows this in more detail.

0 2-0 5 Poor assessment of the situation, difficulties with the perception of moving light sources, the desire to violate traffic rules - speeding, risky driving, non-observance of the distance between cars. When driving a vehicle, there is a danger of getting caught by the traffic police, even if the analysis does not reveal intoxication
0 5-0 8 Incorrect estimation of the distance between vehicles, problems with balance, decrease in the adequacy of the assessment of signals from other cars, traffic lights, traffic police officers
0 8-1 2 The driver experiences the relaxing effect of alcohol - narrowing the field of view, distortion of the surrounding reality, loss of concentration. The danger to the drunk and others becomes maximum
1 2-2 4 Complete failure of vision, inhibition of reaction, failures in orientation to the terrain. In such a state, it is difficult not only to drive a vehicle, but also to maintain consciousness.

If the driver drank alcohol before getting behind the wheel and driving the car, then he risks not only provoking an accident, but also receiving a substantial fine and suspension of driving rights.

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To prevent such situations, every motorist should know what norms and concentrations of intoxicating substances are permissible in the blood under the legislation of the Russian Federation.

For this purpose, special tables were created, focusing on which you can understand how much the norm is exceeded, and whether it is possible to drive after a certain amount of alcohol.

Who tests drivers for sobriety and how

In order to legally punish drivers, traffic police officers, when determining the state of intoxication, are required to focus strictly on the limits that are regulated by laws. You should know how to determine whether the driver is drunk or not.

A drunk person driving is considered when, according to the indicators of an alcohol tester, the norm of 0.35 ppm () was exceeded. This is the minimum limit that was declared at the legislative level.

In a good way, all traffic police services were required to acquire digital breathalyzers, which will fix alcohol poisoning of the body more accurately than a conventional device.

By blood

According to the composition of the blood, the use of alcoholic beverages, their quantity and intensity, will be determined by a physician - a specialist working in an institution where such checks are carried out on drivers.

It should be noted that not every medical institution undertakes such examinations of citizens driving vehicles.

When a blood test is taken for examination, measurements are made in a unit such as ppm. It reflects 1/1000 of a liter of pure alcohol contained in the blood. This is equivalent to 1 ml of alcohol liquid.

The procedure for checking a driver in a medical organization for his drunkenness is as follows:

  1. The driver and the employee of the State traffic inspectorate are required to come to the medical institution with the documents already filled out - a protocol (in which the place where you need to specify data on ppm is empty) and a referral.
  2. After the study, the doctor will fill out an examination report, which will reflect 12 points.
  3. 20 minutes after the initial examination, a second examination is carried out, where analyzes are already taken for processing in the laboratory.
  4. Samples and their processing must be carried out in 2 containers, one of which will be stored for 90 days. This is necessary in case you need to conduct a re-examination during the trial.
  5. The final medical opinion is drawn up in 3 copies - for physicians, the driver and the traffic police officer.
  6. If the expert considers that the driver cannot be called drunk, then the detainee is released, regardless of what the road breathalyzer showed before.
  7. The medical verdict must be announced in the room where the detainee and the traffic police inspector are also present.
  8. If at least one of the above points is not observed, the results of such an examination by the court will be invalidated.

The twelve points of the inspection report disclose information on the following:

  • pupil reaction to a beam of light;
  • movement of the eyeballs;
  • heart rate data;
  • nature of breathing;
  • pressure indicators;
  • color and condition of the skin;
  • biological samples of saliva, urine, blood, lips;
  • movement coordination;
  • intelligibility of speech;
  • general psychophysiological state.

If there is a need to be checked by a doctor, then the road service officer does not have the right to enter data on the ppm numbers shown using a portable breathalyzer in the protocol.

In empty places, information about the check-up will be entered on the basis of a medical report.

By exhaled air

Ethanol can also be presented as an ethereal substance, therefore, by exhaling into a special device, the content of alcohol-containing vapors can be detected if the driver has been drinking before.

For inspections, employees of the State traffic inspectorate use the following devices:

  • AlcoQuant 6020, Germany;
  • "Alcotest 6510", as well as model - 6810 (a popular option!), Germany;
  • Alcotest 7410 Plus com, Germany;
  • "Alkont 01", Belarus.

The procedure for conducting an inspection, which should be according to the law, carried out by an employee of the road service when detaining a suspected motorist:

  1. The traffic police officer is required to introduce himself in the form.
  2. Further, he explains the essence of the offense - driving a vehicle while intoxicated.
  3. Politely asks the driver to pass a test on special equipment.
  4. The driver must breathe into a special disposable mouthpiece inserted into the device with him.
  5. The printer of the breathalyzer should print out a receipt, which indicates the date, time of examination, results and the ordinal norm of the resulting receipt.
  6. After the verification, in the presence of 2 people acting as witnesses, a protocol can already be drawn up.
  7. The protocol prescribes all the signs of intoxication, including digital data in units of measurement - ppm, taken from the devices.
  8. If the result seemed less than 0.35 ppm, then the traffic police officer is still obliged to write out a protocol, but indicate in it that no alcohol intoxication was detected.
  9. Then he gives a copy of the document to the driver and releases him.
  10. In the case when the ppm was exceeded, the traffic officer is obliged to ask the driver if he agrees with the results.
  11. If agreed, a protocol is written and then a punishment is imposed through the court.
  12. In case of disagreement, the motorist is sent to a medical institution for an expert check of a medical examination.
  13. To do this, the traffic police officer writes out a referral form, which indicates the medical institution where the motorist should apply. And in the protocol, the policeman does not indicate anything yet.
  14. The policeman and the detainee go to the doctors together, on a traffic police vehicle, since at this stage it is understood that the driver is not allowed to drive the vehicle.

The refusal of the driver to pass the test, called the “medical examination”, will be considered as another offense listed on.

It is fraught with the payment of a large fine, the arrest of a vehicle with its forcible removal to a daily parking lot, as well as deprivation of the right to drive a car for a certain period.

Such decisions are made by the court, and not by the traffic police. The prerogative of the establishment of the State traffic inspectorate is only to identify a violation, fix it in the protocol, and then hand it over, along with all the accompanying papers, to the court to determine the measure of responsibility for the offender.

Blood alcohol table

The main document regulating the ban on when exactly you can’t drive after drinking alcohol is dated 12/10/1995, which was last edited on July 26, 2020.

The ability to drive a car is limited for those who drank alcohol and, after a test on the breathalyzer, received a result of 0.16 mg / l. However, this figure will be approximately 0.35 ppm.

From a medical point of view, this is not entirely suitable for determining whether a person is drunk or not. But article No. 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia for 2020-2013 determined precisely this range.

If we compare the norm in previous years, before the amendments to the laws, then, for example, in 2013 it was 0.01 mg.

This suggests that the driver had to be absolutely sober, and for this he would need not to eat or drink those products that do not belong to alcoholic products, but contain alcohols in substances.

The indicator should be less than 0.16 mg / l when exhaling or 0.35 ppm when taking blood for analysis. Then the detained citizen will be released and will not be considered a violator.

The value of the indicator in ppm may vary, and it depends on the following factors:

  1. The age of the person driving the car.
  2. Driver weight.
  3. Physique - with a dense body, the concentration of alcohols in the blood decreases exactly per unit of body weight.
  4. Driver gender.
  5. Quality, quantity and general availability of snacks when drinking.
  6. Satiety of the stomach before taking an alcoholic drink inside.
  7. Level of degree of alcohol.
  8. The volume of the dose drunk.
  9. Genetic predisposition to the perception of alcohol by the body.
  10. Individual tolerance of alcohols.
  11. The state of health, internal organs of a person.
  12. General condition of the driver.

In men, alcoholic substances are retained less than in the body of women. The older the person, the more alcohol will be released into the blood, because with age they will be absorbed worse and worse.

Healthy people accumulate less alcohol in their blood than those who have certain diseases. In the table below, 100 g is taken for 1 single dose. ingested alcoholic beverage.

Table in exhaled air

The removal of alcohol from the blood and the body as a whole serves as the main criterion for determining when it is already possible to drive a car, and when it is not yet possible, and it is worth waiting for the complete breakdown of alcohol components.

Also important information is how much alcohol can be detected in the exhaled contents of the test material.

It should also be remembered that alcoholic beverages are different, the ethanol content in them differs in volume. There are low-alcohol (non-fortified wine), there are strong drinks (vodka).

How much and what exactly the driver drank will greatly affect the volume of those alcohols that will appear after exhalation into the breathalyzer tube.

How to determine the degree of intoxication yourself

Every driver should be aware that alcoholic substances are extremely slowly excreted from the body. It makes no difference what dose was taken, ethanol is slowly broken down.

When the driver is well versed in the tables, which indicate the time to remove alcohol in relation to the amount drunk and the composition of the drink, then it will be easier for him to navigate the clock in order to understand how quickly the ethanol will disappear.

In the table below, you can consider and compare your age, gender, dosage of alcohol consumed, as well as the time it will be present in the blood.

The maximum alcoholic substance can be retained in the blood for up to 37 hours. It is also possible to determine how many ppm will be shown on the recording device by the amount of a drink drunk by a person with specific weight parameters.

Let's take a simple table as an example:

The template standard for calculations is taken as follows: the amount of alcohol in the blood is 33 gr. for the average weight of a man - 80 kg.

For self-calculations, many sites even offer to use a calculator online for free.

The input data in this case is usually:

  • the amount of drink (or several drinks) consumed;
  • the strength of the drink in degrees;
  • gender indication;
  • body mass;
  • the number of hours that have passed since the alcohol was consumed.

After all the data is entered, the button for calculations is usually pressed, which is called differently everywhere, but conveys the same meaning.

The issued results will show not only what is the concentration of ethanol in the blood (in ppm), but also after how many hours you can already drive a car again.

Ethanol is excreted in humans at different rates. In each case, the rate of cleansing the body is individual, depending on gender, health status. The alcohol calculator allows you to estimate the average, approximate level of alcohol in the blood plasma, calculate when the driver can drive a car.

Alcohol calculator

The concentration of alcohol contained in the blood is calculated using a calculator that takes into account the strength, volume of drinks drunk, gender and weight. The calculator is based on a formula proposed in 1932 by the Swedish chemist Eric Widmark for use in forensic practice.

Calculations using the Widmark formula are quite complex, and to make the task easier, an alcohol calculator was created based on it. It is easy to use, just enter your data correctly to get the result.

The calculation result reliably reflects the amount of ethyl alcohol received with drinks. The resulting value takes into account the average rate of decrease in blood alcohol content, equal to 0.15‰/hour.

Blood alcohol calculator:

Table of intoxication in ppm

The table can also do a good service for drivers who have not consumed alcohol. After all, ethyl alcohol is found in small quantities not only in drinks. The breathalyzer of a policeman on the road can show up to 0.6 ‰ after the driver has consumed kvass, 0.2 ‰ after kefir.

Blood alcohol table:

The degree of intoxication in ‰ (ppm) well-being Impact on driving
0,2-0,5 The state is slightly different from sobriety, there is excessive talkativeness, obsession, but within the limits of decency.There is no reaction to moving cars, there is a desire to increase speed, the ability to estimate distance is impaired.
0,5-0,8 The condition is accompanied by euphoria, violation of morality, loss of control over behavior, impudence.The adaptation of vision to changes in lighting, the perception of red color is weakened. The driver does not see a traffic light, red brake lights.
0,8-1,2 Events are inadequately assessed, symptoms of alcohol poisoning appear - nausea, apathy, disorientation. The mood changes from indifference to outbreaks of aggression, anger.The ability to adequately assess distances is lost, the reaction slows down. The driver notices late and does not have time to react when cyclists, fences, and parked cars appear in the field of view.
1,2-2,4 Unpredictable behavior, tendency to apathy. Signs of poisoning increase, vomiting, involuntary defecation appear.Coordination is lost, visual reaction is reduced, there is no adequate assessment of the situation. All of the above is accompanied by a monstrous arrogance.

At a value of more than 2.4 ‰, the threat of paralysis and heart attack becomes real. Above 3 ‰ - suppression of respiratory reflexes, decrease in temperature, coma, risk of death.

At ppm 3.8 and above, a person can die from paralysis of the respiratory center in the brain.

Duration of action of alcohol

The rate of utilization of ethanol in the body depends on the characteristics of metabolism, the state of the digestive system, liver, pancreas. The breakdown of ethyl alcohol requires enzymes that may be inactive or even absent.

The degree of intoxication of a person depends on factors:

  • person's weight, height;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • the state of the digestive, respiratory urinary system.

Using an alcohol calculator, you can assess the degree of intoxication, but it will not be possible to accurately determine the amount of ethanol in the blood from the tables. Ethanol excretion rates in humans at different times and under different conditions are very different.

The speed of sobering up depends on the state of health of a person, namely, on the functionality of his liver and pancreas. In chronic diseases, the withdrawal of alcohol from the body slows down, intoxication sets in sharply, and symptoms of alcohol poisoning are strongly manifested.

Splitting features

A special role in the detoxification of the body belongs to the liver. Prolonged alcohol abuse impairs its functions, destroys the organ, and leads to cirrhosis. The more damaged the liver, the less alcohol causes intoxication and poisoning.

The absorption of ethyl alcohol begins almost immediately after drinking the drink, an hour later the maximum amount of ethanol accumulates in the blood.

The process slows down with the simultaneous use of fatty foods. After excretion from the blood, alcohol is still found in the urine, cerebrospinal fluid.

The strength of alcoholic beverages matters. Strong drinks are excreted longer, so if it takes 4 hours to neutralize 100 grams of vodka, then intoxication from a bottle of beer disappears after 2 hours.

Beer will not be felt when breathing after 30 minutes, and alcohol vapors after taking 100 g of vodka are felt in the exhaled air for 1.5 hours.


100 g of vodka in terms of 96% ethyl alcohol is 40 g of pure alcohol. To determine the degree of intoxication, the amount of alcohol (‰) must be divided by the total weight of body fluid.

All fluid in the body of men on average corresponds to 65-70% of body weight, and for a person weighing 70 kg, the weight of all fluid will be: 70 kg × 70% / 100% = 49 kg.

To calculate the degree of intoxication, the amount of pure alcohol contained in 100 grams of vodka, which is 40 g of alcohol, is divided by the total amount of water in the body. The total liquid in this case is 49 kg. Dividing 40 by 49 gives you 0.82 ppm.

The degree of intoxication of a woman is also calculated, taking into account that the share of water in the female body accounts for from 55% to 60%. With a high fat content, there is less water in the body. The more muscle, the higher the percentage of fluid.

To simplify the calculations of what level of alcohol in the blood, a calculator has been developed. It allows you to determine the degree of intoxication without much mental effort.

absorption in the body

After ethyl alcohol enters the stomach, it is absorbed into the bloodstream, then carried through the bloodstream. 90% of alcohol is absorbed in the liver, the rest is broken down in the kidneys, intestines, skin, and lungs.

The difference in the rate of elimination of toxins in the female and male body, in particular, depends on the vital volume of the lungs. Alcohol is excreted at an average rate of 0.1 ‰ per hour. And with intoxication of 1.2 ‰, sobering will come in 12 hours.

In women, the rate of ethanol excretion is 1.2 times lower than in men. Accordingly, in a woman with a degree of intoxication of 1.2 ‰, sobering up will occur in 12 × 1.2 = 14.4 hours.

Complete withdrawal of alcohol from the blood

Permissible amount of ethanol in the blood

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, drivers of vehicles are prohibited from using intoxicants. The maximum blood alcohol level allowed by law is 0.16 mg/l in the air exhaled during the test, introduced as a possible error of the measuring device.

In ppm, the permitted value of alcohol in the blood is 0.336‰. This concentration in the blood occurs after an hour if a man weighing 80 kg consumes:

  • 50 g of vodka;
  • 50 g of cognac;
  • 200 g of champagne;
  • 200 g of wine;
  • 500 g of beer.

Women are more sensitive to alcohol. The level of ethanol in their blood will not exceed the norm one hour after consumption:

  • 30 g of vodka;
  • 30 g of cognac;
  • 100 g of wine;
  • 100 g of champagne;
  • 330 g of beer.

A man weighing 80 kg, drinking 100 g of vodka, can confidently drive in 3 hours. Drinking 200 g of wine - after 1.5 hours, and drinking 1 liter of beer - more than 4 hours. During this time, the level of ethanol in the blood will decrease to an acceptable 0.336‰.

For the maximum removal of alcohol from the blood of a man weighing 80 kg, a longer period of time will be required: 100 g of vodka are excreted in 4 hours, and 100 g of champagne in 1 hour.

Allowed 0.16 mg / l in the exhaled volume of air, 0.336 ppm in the blood. This value falls within the error limit of the breathalyzer - a device for measuring alcohol on exhalation, and is considered the permitted limit for vehicle drivers.

Maximum allowable rates