Strong windows. What plastic windows are considered the best. Choosing accessories: functionality and brand

Plastic windows are the most popular choice. They are durable, sound insulating well, easy to care for, and their thermal insulation properties are especially important in continental climates, with hot summers and harsh winters.

What plastic windows are better to choose for an apartment? This question will help answer rating of plastic windows by quality, compiled in 2018 based on user reviews from the sites Irecommend and Otzovik.

Also, when compiling the window hit parade, such criteria as the longevity of the company, the popularity of the products, the quality of service and, of course, the price were taken into account.

The cost of a double-leaf window is from 7,500 rubles.

Opens the rating of the best plastic windows "Panorama" - one of the oldest manufacturers of plastic windows on the Russian market, which has been afloat for more than 20 years. Over the years, the St. Petersburg company has glazed more than one and a half million square meters. So far, only one thing upsets users - that the company's service is so unobtrusive that it is difficult to get information about possible options.

The cost is from 14,000 rubles.

SOK, or Samara Window Constructions, was founded in 1999. The company does not have its own production, and the profiles are manufactured under the patronage of the German concern Profine. In the rating for the quality of profiles for plastic windows, manufactured Profine KBE profile is considered one of the best, they have many accolades for durability and strength. Cons: windows may turn yellow, possibly due to a violation of technology at the Russian manufacturing plant.

Prices - from 9,500 rubles.

Belgian concern The Deceuninck Group is one of the top three PVC window manufacturers worldwide. The Russian branch of the company has established itself by creating a new profile system "Favorite Space", which received the "Innovation Time" award for high energy efficiency. It is important that the company's windows are ISO certified. Cons: The company's cheap options are generally worse than similar budget offerings on the market.

Prices - from 8,703 rubles.

Proplex windows are manufactured in the Moscow region using Austrian equipment, and raw materials and components from leading suppliers in the United States and European countries are used in production. Although Proplex windows are more likely to be positioned as a budget product, they are of sufficient quality even for Siberian frosts. PVC is of good quality - it does not crack or turn yellow over time. Complaints from users are mainly accessories - its quality leaves much to be desired.

The cost is from 9,000 rubles.

Russian full cycle window company. This means that they make windows exclusively by themselves, starting from the development of the window and ending with its installation. The advantages of the company are an extensive network of dealer companies with representative offices in more than 80 cities of Russia. Unfortunately, one of the disadvantages is that the quality of both the windows themselves and their installation is very dependent on the dealer company. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the head office of the company does not accept complaints about unscrupulous dealers - find out, they say, for yourself.

Turnkey cost - from 9,000 rubles.

The company owns one of the largest factories in Russia for the production of PVC profiles, built under the supervision of Austrian specialists in 2001. Since then, the company has developed many types of profiles, ranging from standard triple to exotic five-chamber. At the moment, seven types of profiles have been created for any needs of the client. Of the benefits - they easily bend under windows of any shape. Of the minuses - in some cases they may turn yellow, and the fittings are not the best.

The average cost is 21,900 rubles.

The company has its own production from German components of the highest quality, which allows us to deliver the required orders in a timely manner, up to such unusual ones as meteorite protection windows(Undoubtedly, the residents of Chelyabinsk should appreciate them). More traditional systems are distinguished by thoughtful design, endurance and durability. Salamander has some of the best PVC windows on the market in terms of quality, but there is also a downside - the price.


Price, on average - 8,700 rubles.

The third place in the ranking of plastic window manufacturers is occupied by KBE company - its windows have long become one of the most the most popular solutions for glazing an apartment. The profile is highly appreciated by both users and specialists - it is not for nothing that the company's specialists participated in the development of GOSTs for windows in 1997-1999, making KBE windows practically a standard. Users are generally satisfied, believing that KBE is one of the best plastic windows and represents the best price / quality ratio. But, of course, a lot depends on the supplier and installer.


Can be ordered for 6,660 rubles.

German company REHAU has been developing and manufacturing PVC window systems since 1969. Over the years of the company's existence, many profiles have been developed, ranging from the classic three-chamber to the innovative six-chamber. Unfortunately, a lot depends on the vendor and installer. Well, I don’t really want to overpay for an advertised brand either.


Installation cost, on average - 11,500 rubles.

VEKA is considered the best profile for plastic windows on the Russian market.
is another German company that has been on the market for over 45 years. VEKA is one of the largest brands in the world, with representation not only in European countries, but also in Latin America, Southeast Asia and China. In 1999, the first VEKA plant in Russia was built. The company produces only top quality A profiles according to European standards, which one to choose is up to you. Pleasant appearance, variety of profiles, endurance and temperature stability are the qualities that attracted the attention of buyers. But, again, a lot depends on the installer company and the quality of the fittings.

Let's talk about how to choose plastic windows correctly. In a modern apartment, all interior details should be carefully thought out, because they are a significant part of your life.

Therefore, the choice of such an important detail of the interior of your home as windows should be approached with particular care, paying attention not only to aesthetics, but also to reliability in operation. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of windows in a modern apartment, because it is through them that sunlight, air, as well as external sound sources enter the room.

How to choose good plastic windows

Let's take a closer look at modern metal-plastic windows and consider the advantages that make them so popular. One of the main advantages is soundproofing. Now the noise of the street will not prevent you from enjoying the comfort and coziness of your home nest.

Having installed metal-plastic windows in your house, you can be sure that even in severe winter the house will be warm, because such windows favorably feature a high level of thermal insulation.

Reliability and durability are no less important characteristics of modern metal-plastic structures. Since the windows are not exposed to the summer sun, rain and frost, in other words, they are not exposed to atmospheric influences, and as a result they do not warp, do not crack, their service life is up to 20 years.

Also, metal-plastic windows are unpretentious in care - you just need to remember to wash them with detergent from time to time. A wide choice of shapes, colors, textures and design methods allows you to realize the most unusual design ideas, and simply give the room a cozy and elegant look.

How to choose the best windows, when choosing between plastic and wooden ones, take combined ones, because they contain all the advantages and eliminate the disadvantages of these two types.

We are convinced that metal-plastic windows are the ideal solution for a modern, warm and comfortable home. Now let's dive into the details. How to choose good plastic windows, the most common types of window designs are blind, tilt and turn.

Which window profile to choose

So, a blind window is a fixed, non-opening window. In operation, it is more reliable, since it does not have moving parts, but the room still needs to be ventilated, and therefore the combination of a blind window and a window that opens is popular.

Opening windows are divided into rotary and tilt-and-turn. A hinged window is a structure that opens with sashes inward, that is, traditionally.

A more complex design is a tilt-and-turn window, which opens both inward, horizontally and vertically (the upper part of the window leans back). This design is more convenient, because you yourself choose how convenient it is to open the window at a particular moment. Which window profile to choose is up to you, of course, but the tilt-and-turn design is the most popular.

Depending on the size of the room, you can choose a single-leaf window (which consists of one window structure), a double-leaf window (it, respectively, consists of two window structures), and a three-leaf window. When installing windows, it is necessary, if possible, to avoid wide sashes, for the reason that they go far into the room and do not allow the use of areas of living space. In addition, the “heavy” sash creates an additional load on the fittings.

How many cameras should there be?

A very important point is the number of window cameras. The more chambers the window includes, the stronger and warmer it will be. Accordingly, if you want to protect yourself from the jokes of a harsh winter, it would be more profitable to choose a three-chamber double-glazed window, consisting of four glasses, between which three air chambers are formed.

The thickness of the glass is 4 mm, the space between the glasses is 10 mm. With simple calculations, we get the thickness of a three-chamber double-glazed window of 48 mm. If you are not afraid of frost, or in winter the climate pleases with mild weather, you can stop at a one- or two-chamber window. But residents of panel houses need to take note that double-glazed windows do not provide optimal thermal insulation.

The space between the glasses, except for air, is filled with inert gases or their mixtures to improve the heat and sound insulating characteristics of the double-glazed window. The most commonly used are argon and krypton, which are obtained by separation from liquefied atmospheric air.

When choosing a double-glazed window, it is important to remember that the thermal insulation of a window directly depends on the tightness, thickness of the glasses and the distance between them. And tightness, in turn, depends on the quality of the sealant.

Cheap designs use a short-lived silicone sealant that will cost twice as much to replace as its original cost.

What should be the glass

In modern windows, instead of ordinary glass, so-called low-emission (energy-saving) glass can be used, with a special coating with a layer of silver atoms.

Advice. You can check the intimacy of windows in a simple way: bring a lit lighter or match to the window. By the number of reflections of the light in the window, judge the number of cameras: if there are three reflections, then the window is two-chamber, and if four - three-chamber.

Also, using a match or a lighter, you can check for the presence of energy-saving glass - it does not cast a red, but a purple glow.

How long a new window will serve you depends on the thickness of the metal reinforcing profile that reinforces the PVC structure, which must be galvanized without fail, otherwise corrosion will begin to destroy it after a while.

Often, the cost of double-glazed windows is associated with the absence of galvanized iron. But, as the proverb says, we are not rich enough to buy cheap goods. When answering the question of how to choose the best windows, you need to remember that with savings, you can later spend more on replacement and repair.


A very important addition to the window design is fittings. Having spent money on windows, you should not save on bolts, handles, turning mechanisms, and other trifles, otherwise you will suffer from skewed sashes that constantly jam and stop. Additional expenses will not hit your wallet, but will pay off a hundredfold.

White is considered the traditional color of double-glazed windows, but if there is a desire, the color and texture can be ordered for every taste: both in a different color and “under the tree”. Additional accessories are also purchased: mosquito nets, window sills, safety glasses, etc.

No less important than the quality of the windows themselves is the installation process, on which the quality of their operation largely depends. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to personally control the installation of windows.


When choosing windows, special attention should be paid to the manufacturer. To date, the most famous and reliable manufacturers on our market are Rehau, Salamander, VEKA and others.

Founded in 1948 in the Bavarian city of Rehau, Rehau was the first company to replace conventional materials with polymers. For more than half a century, Rehau has delighted customers with outstanding innovation and reliability.

The German company Salamander started producing profiles for PVC windows and doors manufacturers in 1973, and today the company is one of the leading European manufacturers of PVC profiles for window structures.

VEKA is also a German company, known in the CIS market for more than ten years. The company's products are distinguished by a wide choice of design forms and a variety of color shades. Of the advantages of the company's window structures, one can confidently name strength, tightness and good ventilation. But Veka windows do not always come out of the battle with fifty-degree frosts with honor.

I hope we answered your question, how to choose plastic windows correctly and not regret your decision. Choose worthy and enjoy the warmth and comfort of the hearth!