Landscape design styles (19 photos): the most famous directions. What are the styles of garden design? Eclecticism is not a lack of taste, but its refined manifestation

Every land owner wants his or her garden to be truly unique and beautiful. As well as in the design of housing, the site can be decorated with various styles of landscape design. Each of them is somewhat similar, but at the same time they are completely different. Therefore, before arranging a garden, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the most popular styles of landscape design and their characteristic features.

Landscape or English style in landscape design

The main goal of the landscape style (its second name is "English") is to create an imitation of the natural landscape. At first glance, this task may seem quite simple, but in fact, gardeners should take into account quite a lot of subtleties and nuances. In addition, you can not do without an artistic eye.

Landscape style in landscape design is distinguished by its asymmetry and lack of geometry, which are a prerequisite for a regular garden.

Style Features

Landscaping in the English style should always be well-groomed. But at the same time, it is important that this is not noticeable. Of course, except for the lawn, which must be mowed without fail. The tradition of keeping it neat among the British originated more than one century ago.

English style is a neat lawn, winding paths, various shrubs, trees, flowers. To bring the style to the end, it is desirable to have at least a small pond with water lilies and other plants. You can also plant a small weeping willow on its shore.

Advice ! For the best visual effect, it is recommended to use those flowers that take root well in the area.

The most popular flowers are roses, mallows, delphiniums, as in our conditions they grow best. In the spring they can be replaced by tulips, crocuses or daffodils. Another important rule for planting flower beds is that they should grow in fairly dense clusters. This will create an even more attractive appearance.


You can complement the style with various gazebos, benches and similar details. However, they should be built from natural materials: wood, natural stone. Various forged figures will also be appropriate.

Also, the house itself should not be left unattended. The porch can be decorated with floor or hanging flower pots. And the walls of the building itself can be covered with ivy.

Regular (French) style in landscape design

Strictness and absolute symmetry are indispensable conditions for recreating a regular style in landscape design. The most popular are axial compositions. That is, in the center is a key object (a fountain, a large tree, a sculpture, or even a house). And already from it paths of the correct form are directed in different directions, along which a neatly trimmed lawn is “covered”. Various flowers, shrubs, flowers and trees are also appropriate. However, they must be symmetrically located.

It is also possible to create colorful colored . The plants in them must be planted in a certain order so that a beautiful and original pattern is created during flowering.

You can complement the French style in landscape design with various sculptures, as well as natural and artificially created reservoirs.

Also, it would not be superfluous to create a “arbor”, which can hide a person from prying eyes. However, unlike the English style, they are “erected” from various shrubs and are called bosquet.

Plant selection

For a garden to be truly beautiful, not only the placement of plants is important, but also their choice. So, to create a style you will need:

Scandinavian style in landscape design

The Scandinavian style in landscape design is an abundance of randomly spaced, but at the same time harmoniously combined decorative elements and various plants.

Garden furniture is an indispensable attribute of any garden plot. In this case, it should be wicker or wood.

Advice ! Often, designers use large hewn logs as benches. And to better recreate the effect, any unusually shaped snag is placed next to or on it.

Tall green plants next to the furniture should be in abundance. It is even better if they envelop her with their leaves.

Small details are the key to a successful Scandinavian garden. Therefore, it will be great if various village utensils are involved in the overall picture.

What to consider when applying

The Scandinavian garden cannot be imagined without stones. They must be in abundance. In addition, it is better if, in addition to ordinary blocks, smaller stones are used. Also, artificial grottoes and a fireplace can be built from stone. The first can be diluted with various plants. The fireplace also serves as a decoration, but you can also arrange evening gatherings in front of the fire.

The paths must also be made of stone. Also, square or rectangular areas are laid out from this material. To add contrast, bright colors can be planted around their perimeter. In the center of this site, you can place a large stone boulder of a large size (or several smaller blocks superimposed on each other).

Plants can be used any. But preference is given to berry bushes and fruit trees. In the Scandinavian style, colorful plants are used in small numbers and in certain areas.

Style Russian estate in landscape design

The main difference between the style of the Russian estate in landscape design lies in the skillfully combined practicality and beauty. In such a garden, bright and lush flower beds are in perfect harmony with a small garden where various vegetables and fruits grow.

Important ! The presence of a vegetable garden and fruit plants in particular does not just add practicality. Their presence is a prerequisite for the Russian garden.

Another characteristic feature of the Russian estate is the naturalness and slight "tatteredness". However, this does not mean that you can let the life of the site take its course. On the contrary, creating naturalness is sometimes much more difficult than perfectly trimming all the shrubs.

There is no place for various exotic plants, as well as bizarre stone figures in a Russian estate. Birches, oaks, lilac bushes and similar plants come in their place. At the same time, the choice of a landing site should be taken seriously.

Site zoning

The Russian soul is not only generous, but also broad. We always want more space and opportunities. In a Russian garden, with proper zoning, all desires can be fulfilled, while each corner will have a specific purpose.

In front of the house, you can equip a beautiful front garden, which for the neighbors will serve as the hallmark of the entire garden. Only bright flowers that bloom at different times should be planted on it. This will allow you to enjoy the bright colors of nature from spring to autumn.

On the rest of the site, you can also install a place to relax. And nearby you will see a compact flowering garden. And if the plot area is spacious, you can build a real Russian bath. As a result, the Russian garden will become a wonderful place for relaxation for the whole family.

Japanese style in landscape design

Asian philosophy has always differed from European. Garden decoration is no exception. The main task of the Japanese style in landscape design is unity with nature.

A feature of the style is its versatility. You can create a Japanese garden on plots with different areas (optimally 1-8 acres).

When creating, everything should look natural. Therefore, it is better to use plants and stones that grow and are mined in your environment. In addition, you need to completely forget about symmetry, because nature has a completely different taste. She does not accept geometry, but she perfectly creates unique and inimitable landscapes.

The ideal option for a Japanese garden would be to recreate several zones. At the same time, it is desirable that their perimeter be of irregular shape. Each of the zones must be interconnected through various transitions. It is better to use plants and materials that allow you to create a smooth transition.

Another condition of the classic Japanese style is the use of only calm and delicate colors.

Chinese style in landscape design

Those who equip their garden for the first time, and are not yet fully versed in the intricacies of various styles, can easily confuse the Chinese style in landscape design with Japanese.

In fact, they have a lot of differences. For example, Japanese landscape design emphasizes the superiority of nature. The Chinese, on the other hand, put their merits and opportunities on a par with the environment.

Thus, when designing a Chinese-style site, it should be borne in mind that the following five elements must be present in the design:

  • Water;
  • Earth;
  • Fire;
  • Wood;
  • Metal

There are a lot of design options for a Chinese garden. Therefore, to better define them, they can be divided into several categories.

  • Classic garden. This option combines only bright colors. This applies to both plants and decorations.
  • Philosophical garden. In order to achieve solitude with thoughts, one should, on the contrary, abandon colors. It is better to choose plants of calm tones that give a comfortable shade.
  • A home garden is more like a modern vegetable garden. Plants in this version are completely devoid of geometric shapes.
  • Calm or aggressive. In the first case, preference should be given to low plants and decorations. An aggressive garden is the opposite. Equipping the garden in this way, you should choose tall plants.

Strict flower beds, impeccably trimmed trees and shrubs. It is based on stable, time-tested canons of classical art. This style landscape design would look best on plots big size - from 15 acres. This garden needs a lot of maintenance. . English style (landscape) - free placement of elements and a complete lack of symmetry. This style is naturalness itself. It seems to merge with the surrounding nature, it does not have any regular geometric and deliberately created forms. best size site for this style - from 12 acres.

. french style - clarity and perfect symmetry. The garden in this style is very refined and cozy. The soul of the garden is harmony. A lawn of a simple form, a few fruit and ornamental trees, a paved area next to the house, low curbs along the paths, fountains ... This style is suitable for both 6 acres as well as for larger areas.

. Country style (rustic) - naturalness and ease. Everything about it is reminiscent of rural life. Country is characterized by some negligence, cheerfulness, a motley mixture of bright colors. The garden should grow many beautiful flowers, characterized by simplicity and unpretentiousness. This garden does not require complex maintenance and can be arranged on a plot of any size, but optimally - from 6 to 12 acres.

. Ecodesign - recreating a corner of the wild, and the main thing here is naturalness. Minimum intrusion into nature. A pond, "dry" retaining walls, large stones among plants, forest trees, shady corners - all this is about him. If you like to enjoy the view of the forest or meadow, this style landscape design- For you. It is economical and easy to maintain. It is suitable for areas of all sizes and shapes.

. Japanese style - the center of peace and tranquility. Its mystery lies in its simplicity. This is a special philosophy. All elements are symbolic and full of hidden meaning. This garden is designed for contemplation and reflection, and therefore every detail in it should play a certain role. On the whole, the Japanese garden should help to let go of one's own thoughts, to know the beauty and infinity of the world. This style landscape design suitable for plots of absolutely any size, but optimal from 6 to 8 acres.

. East style - colorfulness and cheerfulness. It is rich in bright accents and original details. Unusually comfortable and conducive to communication. The abundance of sunlight is one of the requirements in this style. Patio, mosaics, fountains, carpet beds, domed roofs and "lancet" windows for pavilions, lots of ceramics. Oriental style is characterized by the use of mirrors in the design of the garden. Oriental style in landscape design ideal for plots before 6 acres, with a close location of neighboring houses.

. fantasy - riddle style. There must certainly be some secret in this garden, and the secret is very ancient. Winding paths and paths leading to "nowhere", old brick, moss on stones, overgrown ponds and streams, dry trees and bizarrely shaped snags ... All this gives rise to the image of the distant Middle Ages, Gothic. best size site for this style from 8 to 25 acres.

. mediterranean style - nostalgia for the sunny south. Turkey, Spain, Italy, Greece... Endless blue skies, refreshing breezes and short warm showers... There are no lawns in this style. Baskets and containers with fragrant plants are mainly used, which are displayed in picturesque groups on a patio or gravel backfill. Ceramics, handmade accessories, geometric ornaments, sea shells, etc. are also used. Garden areas are visually separated by numerous wooden pergolas and trellises. This style looks in small areas - from 6 to 8 acres.

. exotic style - the image of distant tropical countries. A riot of colors, shapes, as well as bizarre accessories (African idols, figurines of tropical animals and birds) and unusual combinations. This style of landscape design uses only natural materials: lots of stone, dark wood, gravel and sand. Plants are arranged in tiers, like in the jungle. Dense plantings, many hedges - not molded. As a reservoir, a stream or swamp. best size plot - from 6 to 20 acres.

. Romantic style(free) - the name speaks for itself. It has no strict limits. Complete freedom of creativity and imagination! The main thing here is harmony and peace, individual presentation and a sense of romance. Old, large trees with spreading foliage, many flowers, climbing plants can grow in this garden. This style of landscaping combines landscape and regular, geometric forms, with both symmetry and asymmetry. The main thing is that such a variety does not violate visual harmony. It is best to arrange this style on the site - from 8 to 25 acres.

. Scandinavian style - conciseness, naturalness, simplicity and good quality. Accents and contrasts are a must. Let them be few, but they should be bright. Garden accessories are used a little, but they can be large. Some household items of the past are also used to decorate the garden in this style: cart wheels, old inventory, dishes, etc. Weaving is widely used: baskets, hanging panels, garden figurines. The Scandinavian garden promotes good rest and mood. Easy to care for. The best plot size for his device is from 5 to 7 acres.

. High tech - modernity, dynamism, individuality. Here you can realize even the most daring fantasies. First of all, hi-tech is manifested in a combination of the latest materials and plants: from the most ordinary to the most spectacular. Unusual designs and accessories can be the highlight of a garden. There is geometric symmetry or asymmetry here. For this garden, it is important to choose plants with an interesting shape of leaves and crowns, making catchy accents from some. This garden is easy to care for. The size of the plot doesn't matter.

. Modern - graceful and mysterious. The lines are smooth, fluid, bewitching, arched, as if flowing into themselves. It also has elegance and meaning. Landscaping garden in modern style - mainly has a decorative function. It requires meticulous care. Art Nouveau is characterized by plants with an acute leaf shape, but there should be especially many climbing plants (girlish grapes) on the site. In the Art Nouveau garden, only natural materials are used: natural stone, dark wood, forging from metal with a complex pattern. The optimal plot size for this style is from 10 acres.

. Baroque - chic, picturesque, sophistication. His soul is a rose. In it you will not see dark wood, sculptures and stones. The main colors of this style are red, yellow, orange, white and pink, as well as gold. Baroque combines elements of classical and romantic styles. This garden is luxury itself. Oversaturation with elements, an abundance of garden decor is simply amazing. Front lawns with flower borders, hedges, openwork arbors, flower beds - islands, white forging and gilding - truly, a palace attire. This garden needs constant care. best size plot - from 15 to 20 acres and more.

. Alpine style - a beautiful mountain landscape. In such a garden, the house usually stands at the highest point of the slope, so that a beautiful panorama opens from there. Stone is the soul of such a garden. Here it is present everywhere: retaining walls, flower beds made of stone, streams and waterfalls, paved areas and steps, etc. The zones in the alpine garden should be partially visible and provide a single, interconnected picture, therefore, solid partitions are not used here, basically the garden is zoned by levels, podiums, paving borders. The garden may contain several alpine slides, rock gardens and rockeries. Cascading reservoirs are interconnected by streams. Gardens of stones, mosses and heathers will definitely take you right to the mountains... Alpine style trees - conifers (mountain pines, juniper, thuja, spruce, etc.) Alpine style plot size - from 6 to 30 acres.

. forest style - a work of art created by nature itself. Intrusion here should be minimal. It is only necessary to link the house with nature, place accents in some places, emphasize something. The main thing is not to violate the originality of nature and use everything that is given. The key element is the forest landscape and everything connected with it (wild flowers, ponds, streams, etc.) Redevelopment in the garden is minimal. The main material is wood. Everything must be made from natural materials. The size of the plot doesn't matter.

. Architectural style - this is the correctness of forms, clarity, engineering calculation. Although regular, modern and high-tech styles are intertwined in it, it has its own "ideological foundation". An individual approach is the main thing in such a garden. Emphatically geometric lines and shapes reign here: squares, circles, triangles, etc. A characteristic feature of the architectural style is a theme that is repeated in several elements. A certain rhythm should be visible in it (a square border - a square pond - rectangular paving elements). Symmetry is a must in this garden. The range of light colors and their shades prevails. The best plot size for a garden in this style is from 6 to 20 acres.

. Minimalism - conciseness, simplicity and expressiveness. If you are a lover of restraint and modern style, then minimalism is designed specifically for your garden. Geometry here means compositionality, and not the use of only symmetry and regularity. There are many relics here. Use only one material in the garden. Here you will not find winding paths, many outbuildings, a lawn decorated with flower borders. The line and shape of each element of the layout is maximally revealed. A small number of details. The motto of minimalism is "more in less". In this garden, it doesn't matter what, but what matters is how. Optimal size site - from 6 to 12 acres .

A person is closely connected with nature, which is why when he has a dacha or a house with a small plot of land, he wakes up with a desire to create the garden of his dreams: it can be a simple garden with a garden, intricate weaves of lawns and paths, or a simple manor in Russian style. To bring your ideas to life, it is very important to choose the right style for the future garden, according to the scientific style of landscape design. The word style itself is a set of creative techniques and ideas, due to the unity of artistic content and theme. It is necessary not only to correctly apply the planning technique, but also to decide on the color scheme, select plants, small architectural forms, type of decorative paving, garden equipment.

It is known that garden styles have existed since time immemorial: suffice it to recall the legendary wonder of the world - the gardens of Babylon, the description of which has come down to our days. In ancient Greece, Egypt, Rome, there was also gardening art, which became the basis for the formation of classical styles. Over time, the principles have been transformed, and the fashion for decorative elements is constantly changing. Recently, people's interest in traditional styles has been growing - for example, a classic noble estate - here, and a small pond, and a pair of snow-white beautiful birch trees, and lawns planted with wildflowers. Mediterranean and oriental motifs are also interesting.

The decorative details of the garden also attract attention - unusual planters, sculptures, flowerpots, bridges, bird feeders and birdhouses are actively used in the gardens. The fashion for sundials is returning - a trend in Europe, however, now they play not so much a practical role as a decorative one. Green sculptures are also a new-fangled element - and these can be both intricate clipped figures, as well as ordinary shrubs, and weaving plants grown on a metal frame. In any case, existing trends should not put you in a rigid framework, it's time to show your imagination and decide on bold experiments.

Conventionally, all styles of landscape design are divided into 2 groups: regular and landscape. If the regular styles are characterized by the presence of some regularity and strict geometry, then the landscape style emphasizes the closeness of a person to Mother Nature and allows you to realize all ideas. Let's take a look at each of the styles in more detail.

Regular landscaping styles

French style landscape design

This style cannot but delight, because it is the very embodiment of luxury and elegance. It requires the presence of strict geometry, so that the man-made nature of the created garden is deliberately emphasized, and there is not a single hint of the naturalness of the composition. Wide alleys, graceful figures, parterre lawns, beautiful flower beds - these are the main elements of this style. Strict symmetry must be observed in the layout: it is preferable to cut shrubs in the form of geometric shapes or straight lines. True, such a garden will require considerable care.

photo: French style landscape design

An obligatory element in the French garden is a pond in the center of the composition, framed by cascades and sculptures. Lawns and flower beds are not high, they are in sharp contrast with bosquets - this is the name of trees and shrubs that are trimmed in the form of green walls. Paths lined with paving slabs with a green frame of undersized shrubs will look very nice.

First, form your garden idea on paper: all elements must be arranged in a strict order and be geometrically correct - build the bends with a compass. Remember that in such a garden there should be two points - the top one, where the house is located, from there a view of the entire plot should open, and the bottom one, where the main entrance is located. If you have a significant elevation difference on your site, you can form a cascade of flat terraces and connect them with stairs. An interesting solution would be the creation of labyrinths from thickets of honeysuckle, juniper or hazel. An elegant forged lattice can become a fence for such a garden.

Italian or Mediterranean landscape design

Initially, this style assumed the presence of strict geometric shapes and perpendicular paths. The center of the composition is a reservoir, around which there is a paved area and rare flower beds. The garden is surrounded by a sheared hedge or an elegant fence. A special solemnity can be given to the garden with the help of alleys and fountains, and spherical and cube-shaped shrubs and trees will become a harmonious frame for the paths.

photo: Italian landscape design style

Also a characteristic feature of this style is the patio - this is a platform on a hill, located next to the house. Here you can place garden furniture, decorate the patio with sculptures and flowerpots with vegetation, and both coniferous and deciduous trees and shrubs are appropriate.

Moorish or Muslim garden

A characteristic feature of this style is the use of several squares, the center of the composition is a fountain or pond, and around it plants are planted in a geometric sequence and paths are broken. Pools and fountains are often lined with marble or decorative glass, it is worth remembering that water in Islam is sacred, it is purification and life, without it the Garden of Eden is simply impossible to imagine.

photo: Moorish style of landscape design

The framing of such a garden are galleries, which are entwined with roses or wild grapes. A characteristic feature of such a garden is a corner of aromas where spicy herbs are planted - such a heavenly place will surely appeal to the owners who adore spices and unusual aromas. Tiled or mosaic paving is common in the courtyard - it is both simple and elegant.

landscape styles of landscape design

This style is based on naturalness, it is a harmonious combination of human labors with the gifts of nature. There is no place for symmetry, geometric lines and shapes, most often the main role is played not by the house, but by the garden, while the building is hidden behind thick undergrowth or entwined with wild grapes. Picturesque reservoirs, winding paths, plants planted in tiers - all this is a landscape style. If you have an uneven area, do not worry, because this style involves alternating hills, slopes and flat areas.

photo: English style landscape design

For reservoirs, it is worth creating a natural frame - planting near-water plants, sprinkle the soil with sand or pebbles, pave the paths with wild stone or cut tree trunks. Low shrubs are planted along the paths, but there are few flowers in the English garden - most often these are wildflowers and unobtrusive garden flowers - chamomile, calendula, aster, bluebell, and they are planted not in flower beds, but in chaotic groups.

chinese style landscaping

This type of gardening art originated many centuries ago, its characteristic features are naturalness, spontaneity, in fact, it is a world in miniature, giving its owner a sense of harmony and peace.

photo: Chinese style landscape design

In the foreground in such a garden - water and stones, and only then architecture. Flowers play only a fleeting role, coniferous trees, bamboo, stunted shrubs will organically fit in, but the lawn may be completely absent. It is definitely worth building a wooden pointed gazebo for tea ceremonies in the open air, stretch a bridge across the pond, and Chinese lanterns can be hung around the perimeter of the site

Japanese garden

Most often, a garden in this style occupies a small area, its beauty is in symbolism. Stone sculptures and figurines framing the reservoir, a light gazebo, and natural vegetation will be appropriate here.

photo: Japanese style landscape design

A special place in the Japanese garden is occupied by cherry blossoms - the embodiment of beauty and resilience. Perfectly get along in our climate and bonsai - bonsai, coniferous plants and low shrubs. Do not forget about the stones - chaotic heaps and intricate compositions will complement the Japanese garden.

Modern styles of landscape design

One of the modern styles, dictated by the trend of fashion trends. It implies the presence of simple lines and open space.

photo: Modern style in landscape design

There is no place for elaborate decorations and unnecessary details, a minimum of accessories is enough. The paths are laid out with slabs, a platform is created in the patio where you can put simple modern furniture, plants in the garden can be planted in a container. The layout can be asymmetrical, but the flower beds are characterized by strict geometric lines.

Cozy rustic style: in fact, it is in search of this unique comfort that many people buy summer cottages. A characteristic feature of this style is the use of simple and uncomplicated forms and natural materials. The texture and color of the decorative elements should be similar to the material from which the house is built - it can be stone, wood or brick. The garden is filled with different colors - flower beds with bright flowers are appropriate here - mallows, peonies, phloxes, calendula, marigolds, dahlias and others.

photo: Country style in landscape design

There are no visual restrictions in such compositions. It is advisable to make furniture yourself - in extreme cases, chairs can be made from stumps, and a table from several boards. You can use clay pots, wattle, old painted buckets or barrels - the main thing is not to be afraid to show your imagination and then your summer cottage will be really unusual and very cozy.

The "English garden" style appeared in the 18th century as a counterbalance to the formal style. One of the ardent adherents of the new style and opponent of French gardens was the English poet Alexander Pope (1688 - 1744), who called in 1713 in his essay on gardening to return from geometric forms to "the sweet beauty of unadorned nature." He formulated the basic rule of the English garden as follows: "Nature should not be forgotten in anything ... Be guided by the spirit of the place."

The English style received its further development thanks to the romantic direction in art and literature - the movement against classicism and its love for order, discipline and restraint. In garden design, the influence of Romanticism was shown in the use of plants for emotional inspiration. However, romanticism focused not only on emotions: at that time, the peasantry, previously despised, was erected on a pedestal. And initially it was the peasants who created the English gardens.

A truly English garden originally had more practical than aesthetic value. That is why in English gardens almost all herbs were either medicinal or used for culinary purposes, and many trees were fruit trees. And only later, when the new style spread beyond the peasant circles, did the aesthetic properties of the garden come to the fore. English gardens of that time had a mystical charm and were designed to create a romantic atmosphere.

Later, English gardens became very popular in the United States: the abundance of rose bushes, perennial flowers, vine-covered arbors and climbing arches - all this allowed to create an atmosphere of carefree fun.

A romantically minded owner with a large plot (8-10 acres) may be interested in an English garden. This ornamental gardening will please the eye with its naturalness and will not require reconstruction. The gardener of such a picturesque corner will be able to admire its beauty for many years.

English gardens - free, landscape gardening. It should bring out the beauty of the natural landscape and hide its flaws. This landscape garden creates the illusion of a natural garden. The garden consists of several green lawns or lawns of an oval, round shape, interconnected. Lawns around the perimeter are planted with trees and shrubs. These plantings can be fruit or ornamental.

In the center of the English garden is a pond. It can be a pond, a stream or a free-form pool. Near the pond - weeping willow, slender thuja or cypress. Trees with a weeping or pyramidal crown are an essential element of an English romantic garden. They create an atmosphere with a somewhat sad mood.

A gardener creating a romantic English garden does not welcome many flowers. They land parterre near the house and around the reservoir.

Around the lawns, you can lay paths overgrown with cut grass. This is a purely English tradition. Sometimes tile is laid on the paths, sprinkled with gravel.

Since the basis of the English garden is the greenery of plantings and lawns, it is better to break it up in damp areas or constantly water it abundantly. Lawns need to be mowed regularly. As for the trees on the site, when they grow old, they are replaced by young ones.

A characteristic feature of this style is that plants are planted at first glance haphazardly, evoking thoughts of a "natural landscape".

To create an English garden, you can use the following tips:
. Plants typical for the English garden: mallow (stockrose, pink marshmallow), foxglove, columbine, roses, daisies, chamomiles, pansies, peonies, violets, primroses, delphinium, wisteria, etc. Tall and lush grass is well suited for lawns.
. Plant flowers and shrubs in the flower beds as densely as possible. The garden should be full of greenery and flowers (historically, this is due to the abundance of rain in England). Even in dry areas, you can achieve the desired effect by using drought-resistant plants.
. Use arches, pergolas and trellises entwined with plants.
. In an English garden there should be benches: they are used both for convenience and as an additional decoration of the garden.
. As a material for small architectural forms, brick, gray natural stone, wrought iron, natural wood are best suited.

American garden

Perhaps the main difference between the American garden and many others is the lawn in front of the house, empty and flat, like a billiard table. Every week, without fail, the owner walks along it with a lawn mower, rattling "all over Ivanovo".

But the white fence that encloses the site from the street is not a characteristic detail at all. Much more often do without it. Much more common is the "island" - a small raised flower bed, located slightly away from the path to the house.

Among wild large stones, delivered specially from afar, rhododendrons and a small maple are planted, whose leaves turn crimson in autumn.

So, the green "cloth" of the lawn and a small flowering island - that, in fact, is all that can be seen from the street. But from the yard on a plot of several tens of acres, the owners arrange forest "wilds", in the thicket they put a bird village of several houses. A swing is hung on a high bough of the largest tree. The view from them is good, and even adults, no, no, yes, and they will remember their childhood, soaring up on them. In the depths of the site, a traditional house for garden tools was hidden. Americans do not like to store inventory in a residential building.

Not far from the old tree, a "wild" pond was dug. Its shores are strewn with pebbles, lined with sedge and reeds, and a free wind brought from somewhere "unplanned" Ivan-tea. Water lilies grow in the pond, they feel great here, and decorative fish flicker between their stems in the depths. Sometimes flocks of migratory birds sit here to rest. In America, they are not afraid of people at all.

The layout is done in such a way as to block the garden and the house from the northern winds with dense plantings. At the lawn on the south side, a “window” is left overlooking the sea bay. This place is decorated with a border of bright colors. The lateral boundaries of the site are decorated with sheared hedges lined at the base with a variegated host.

Italian garden (Italian garden)

The Italian style of the garden, which became widespread during the Renaissance (XV century AD), is also called Medicean. This term is derived from the name of one of the most famous Italian families - the Medici, whose representatives ruled Florence for a long time. The Medicean type of gardens had a regular layout, like the French garden, however, the main difference was that when working out the garden, great attention was also paid to architectural structures. Thus, the villa was a certain compositional component and had a clear relationship with the surrounding landscape.

If you have a small plot (about 5 acres), and you want to hide from the annoying looks of your neighbors, it is best to arrange an Italian courtyard. This is a small garden, surrounded on all sides by a fence, wall or buildings.

Such a courtyard-garden is a perfectly equal area, divided by straight or diagonal paths into simple geometric shapes. Not only flowers are grown here, but also medicinal herbs. In the center is a rectangular or round small pond. If done according to all the rules, then the reservoir should be with a fountain. In general, the Italian courtyard is arranged as if it were an extension of the house, another large room, only without a roof.

And wildlife is allowed here only in a “combed” form. Shrubs and trees are usually sheared. Moreover, this tradition has come down to us from Ancient Rome, where shrubs were shaped like ships, vessels, temples, figures of people, birds and animals. Now it is customary to get by with simpler forms of a ball and a cube. The courtyard itself is paved with tiles or sprinkled with sand, crushed bricks or gravel. Fruit trees are arranged in orderly rows, most often along the boundaries of the site. And even they are not left alone, with a haircut giving them the shape of a ball.

An Italian-style plot may look like this. In the center is a small tiled pool. Crocuses, tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, lilies, levkoi are planted on rectangular flower beds. And, of course, roses. Flowers complement aromatic herbs - sage, lavender. The garden is decorated with a very Italian pergola, entwined with girlish grapes. And on it you can start up morning glory, which will break the green background with colored gramophones. A piquantly designed well looks funny, which, although it falls out of the general style, solves the problem of irrigation.

To create an Italian style garden:
■ Start planning your garden at home. The architecture of the facade of the house should have symmetrically located arches and ledges overlooking the garden.
■ Terrace your garden if possible. Retaining walls should have ledges and colonnades. Often, hedges are grown near the walls from trimmed bushes. The terraces are connected by stairs.
■ If your garden is large, spruce it up with lots of small pieces of architecture. These can be gazebos, pavilions, pools, monuments, sculptures, poultry houses, fountains, marble benches and even small temples.
■ When planning your garden, develop walking routes.
■ In the warm season, tubs with lemon trees can be placed near the benches.
■ In front of the facade of the building, when creating an Italian-style garden, lay out a flat garden (parterre) with symmetrical flower beds and fountains.
■ If space permits, you can plant a small garden of fruit trees with lawns and streams.
■ In almost every Italian garden you can see alleys of cypresses and growing trellises of roses and grapes, hazel, pomegranates or quince.
■ Fountains can be made in the form of a bowl with a small sculptural composition. You can also arrange several ponds on the periphery of the garden, it is important that they are rectangular in shape.

Chinese garden (Chinese garden)

In Chinese culture, landscape design has always been an art, and the creators of gardens have been guided by the traditions and values ​​of society and religious principles. Gardens in China have been planted since the 11th century BC, from the time of the Zhou state. Moreover, if the Europeans say that a garden needs to be planted, then the Chinese build gardens.

In the Chinese garden, there are no neat lawns, as in the English, and clear lines, as in the regular French style. Chinese gardeners imitate nature and try to create a corner of nature in a small area, as diverse as China itself. Mountains, lakes, rivers and trees can be present in this landscape. It is important that the garden helps a person find balance and harmony with the nature around him.

To create a Chinese-style garden, use three fundamental classical principles:

1. The garden should look as natural as possible. In the Chinese garden, you should create the feeling that you got out into nature, and everything around appeared without the help of a person. Arbitrary images in such a garden are dominant, allow you to enjoy the touch of nature and invite you to reflection and meditation.

2. The garden should be built in such a way that it is a self-sufficient world in miniature. In order for the owner of the garden to be favored by the forces of the universe, the symbols of the components of the universe should be placed in the garden - the signs of yin and yang, symbolizing the unity of opposites. Stones and water, garden flowers and natural landscape, as well as drawings and architectural forms should emphasize the harmony of your garden.

3. The Chinese garden should bring new impressions and emphasize the diversity of images even in a small space. To do this, use a multi-dimensional perspective, lay paths and bridges in such a way that you need to take more steps to get from one place in the garden to another. Often, gardens in China consist of several small gardens, completely different in design, separated by shrubs, galleries, walls, or even buildings.

In addition, to create Chinese-style gardens, you should adhere to the following recommendations:
■ Plant trees in the garden with twisted branches, crooked trunks, and bare roots. Chinese gardeners are very fond of mountain pines - a symbol of courage, strength and longevity, and bamboo - a symbol of life-giving emptiness. Peach and plum in China is a "tree of happiness", and weeping willow is a symbol of the masculine principle "yang".

■ Lawns in the garden can be planted with medicinal plants or cereals. Tree-like peonies are often also grown in such a garden, which in China are called the “king of flowers” ​​for their height (from 1 to 1.5 meters) and longevity. Such peonies can grow up to 100-150 years in one place. Also in the Chinese garden, chrysanthemums and irises are grown, which are planted near ponds, stones and on hillsides.

■ It is important to know that according to the Chinese beliefs, the garden is an extension of the house, and if it is devoid of vegetation, it is open to winds that will carry away the vital energy "qi". Therefore, plant a variety of plants in the garden, frame the walls with ivy and wild grapes. Your plants will retain healing energy and bring health and longevity to your home.

Moorish garden

The first Moorish (Muslim) gardens are oases in the hot desert, ennobled by man. The famous Hanging Gardens of Queen Semiramis - one of the seven wonders of the world of antiquity - were created in this style. Legend has it that Nebuchadnezzar II, the ruler of Babylon, married a Median princess to confirm the military alliance of the two powers against Assyria. However, Babylon, unlike the flowering Mussels, stood on a bare plain, and the princess was very homesick. In order to please his wife, Nebuchadnezzar II ordered the construction of these majestic structures.

Moorish style in landscape design is often compared to heaven on earth. It comes from Africa, but today's interpretation is more of a southern Spanish origin: Muslim culture left deep roots here during the period of Arab rule. Subsequently, the fabulous, sweet, alluring gardens of Scheherazade were adapted by Christians, but the basic principles of the Moorish style that won the hearts of Europeans were preserved.

The most important, central element of the garden is a water source, fountain or reservoir. Water in the eastern countries has magical power, because it is the most valuable jewel. Alleys or canals diverge from the source in four directions. They symbolize 4 rivers flowing from the Garden of Eden in all directions of the world. The resulting 4 parts of the garden - 4 squares - in turn are divided into new 4 parts. And again in the center of each part - a sparkling source with divergent alleys.

With all the geometric correctness and structure, exotic plants, herbs, trees and shrubs are placed absolutely arbitrarily, filling the garden with fragrance and sophistication. Lawns are practically absent, and all the space between trees, shrubs, flowers is paved with tiles.

Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to repeat or accurately reproduce all the splendor of the gardens of the Alhambra, Taj Mahal or Humayun in modern central Russia. But a piece of paradise can be realized even in rather ascetic climatic conditions. An important advantage of the Moorish garden is its unpretentiousness in maintenance. It is enough to initially build a composition, and subsequently maintain the natural growth of trees and shrubs. Moorish style does not require large spaces, but the smaller the area of ​​​​the garden, the more carefully the selection of plants used is carried out.

Furniture for the interior is also selected in an oriental style, decorated with all kinds of pillows. Closed Moorish-style gazebos are equipped with large windows, so in summer it will not be stuffy.

To create a Moorish style of landscape design, follow these rules:
. The heart of the Moorish garden is the reservoir. It could be a pond, a fountain or a canal. Traditionally, for Moorish gardens, water is a great value, so the reservoirs are usually not very large in size, but they are arranged in such a way that water is always visible from any corner of the garden.

The classic arrangement of the garden is a fountain or pond in the center, from which water flows in channels to the four cardinal directions to the edges of the garden. If the garden is regular, then the canals divide it into four equal squares, and if the Moorish garden is large enough, each of the larger squares can be divided into four smaller ones in the same way.

Moorish gardens, like French ones, are distinguished by geometric correctness and regularity in planning. However, the plans of the Moorish gardens are reminiscent of oriental patterns, the vegetation in such a garden usually grows without any processing with garden shears and quickly fills the entire space between paths and ponds.

Free spaces in the Moorish garden are filled with decorative paving with multi-colored tiles or stones. The patterns performed may resemble an oriental carpet.

The Moorish style has several important features. For example, you can not use statues and fountains depicting the figures or faces of people, as this is prohibited by the Muslim faith.
Water in hot Muslim countries is highly valued, and fountains usually do not have pressure, which allows water jets to shoot high up. For the Moorish garden, small murmuring streams are traditional, which flow from tall vases set in the center of a reservoir decorated with Muslim stars.

Also, the large Moorish garden is characterized by pergolas, covered arches and galleries entwined with flowers and wild grapes.

A rose garden is often arranged near the pool, but it is worth choosing flowers not only by color, but in such a way that the combination of their aromas during flowering creates a pleasant composition.

German garden

1. Ordnung muss sein. "Order first" is a favorite German proverb. Saying this phrase, the typical German has a very soulful expression on his face. The innate love for cleanliness, in the opinion of the Russian inhabitant, sometimes takes the form of quiet insanity: Saturday and Sunday morning lawn mowing, when all normal people should still bask in bed, periodic plucking of seed heads from pansies and the complete absence of weeds in flower beds and paving crevices - the easiest sacrifices the Germans can make to maintain order.

It comes to the point that long distances between plantings of perennials are specially left so that you can freely walk and weed. And then wash the tool to a shine (or even disinfect it) and put it on a specially designated shelf in a garden shed with starchy white curtains on the windows.

2. The Germans have an amazing ability to combine the incongruous. Even in the most practical solutions (and the Germans are well-known pragmatists!) they will always add a drop of romance. For example, when choosing garden lamps, a typical German will always ask himself: why spend money on stationary lighting if the Moon exists, and from less global luminaries - torches, solar-powered lanterns and candles, which will also create a more intimate mood in the evening garden? Stationary light, well, at the entrance to the house it is necessary, but only with motion sensors. These savings will justify the cost.

3. Love for comfort and relaxation pushes the Germans not only to the neighborhood with the Russians in the resorts of Turkey, but also to carefully plan their site under the motto "Minimum worries - maximum pleasure." This approach dictates a certain structure of the garden: usually it is a large lawn or paving areas larger than planting areas, sometimes with tapeworm, sometimes without. Indeed, fewer plants means less work. The desire to have as much free time as possible explains the attachment to coniferous and evergreen deciduous trees and shrubs, decorative all year round and not requiring special care - once planted and you can safely rest all four seasons.

It is rare that anyone is engaged in the cultivation of flyers from seeds - they cost a penny, are purchased as needed and thrown away immediately after the loss of decorativeness. One of the main elements of the garden is a recreation area with an obligatory barbecue (meat in all its manifestations is a traditional German food) - the American version of our barbecue, around which the whole family gathers every weekend. How does this fit in with mowing the lawn and plucking pansies, you ask? So the order is first of all, and then the barbecue. Plus, a little gardening is fun too.

4. The need to show a certain level of prosperity and be at least as good as the neighbors is another characteristic German feature. It is usually reflected in the design of the entrance area - deliberately for show, for a casual observer from the road. This pseudo-openness, flowering plants, usually hydrangeas, roses, clematis, architectural grasses, yuccas, are designed to give the impression of stability and prosperity and perform the same role as a photograph with a snow-white smile of thirty-two teeth on a resume of an ordinary German.

The seasonal change of container plantings and decorative decorations at the entrance and on the balcony often turns into a competition between neighbors - who is brighter, more interesting, more beautiful. The reason for changing the scenery is not only holidays (Christmas, Easter), but also simply, for example, the beginning of autumn.

5. For all the friendliness and seeming openness in urban gardens (or with dense buildings), the boundaries of public and private are very clearly marked, which is manifested not only in the lowered blinds on the evening windows, but also in the presence of a strictly defined private area in the garden, in which access only to close people. If there is a plot behind the house, it is usually hidden from neighbors by high, dense hedges. In villages where houses are more sparse and there are many beautiful landscapes, owners can afford to use beautiful landscape views in the garden structure without fear of "getting under surveillance."

6. The Germans are more born engineers and architects than gardeners. Germany is famous for its beautiful landscaped parks, stunning urban landscaping and creative water features. In private gardens and public parks, you can see many successful compositions from an architectural and coloristic point of view ... but at the same time, the Germans, unlike the British and Russians, completely lack botanical interest - what difference does it make what the variety is called, the main thing is that it looks the way it should.

Therefore, very often in garden shops you can see, for example, roses with the label "Hybrid Tea Rose" and a photograph of a flower, without specifying the variety. Here everyone is a designer for himself, so professionally made small gardens in Germany are a rarity.

7. Love for a small homeland and its history is reflected in private gardens. In the former coal-mining regions of North Rhine-Westphalia, for example, you can often find a disused mining cart adapted for a flower garden. It looks touching, if not fabulous. Speaking of fairy tales, it was in Germany that they invented garden gnomes and generously placed their figures in their gardens.

Sometimes they look out of place, sometimes they are obviously kitsch, but it is clear that this is a typical German way of decorating a garden. The Germans are not usually limited to gnomes, and garden centers sell dozens of varieties of plastic ducks for the pond, cats and dogs for the garden, and garden sculptures from various materials. I do not presume to condemn such a love for scenery, but in my opinion, in German gardens there is a clear overabundance of small architectural forms.

8. The inhabitants of Germany are hardworking people, and, like Russians, they are drawn to the land, because such a pastime helps to relax and unwind in nature from home and office, exclusively for their own pleasure. Many urban dwellers who have green spaces only on the balcony rent "dachas" - plots of land one or two acres unsuitable for construction, usually along railways, just to have plenty of gardening on the weekends.

It is amazing how similar these German dachas are to ours, only a little smaller and more well-groomed. Garden, shed, sun, air and good beer - one of the German recipes for happiness, and this is confirmed by statistics. Societies of summer residents are growing year by year, and the average age of their members has become ten years younger since the mid-nineties.

Russian garden

The Russian garden is distinguished by its simplicity and practicality. Since ancient times, a regular garden has been used in Russia. The main purpose of such a garden was to harvest fruits and medicinal plants. Therefore, any ornamental gardening is uncharacteristic for the Russian garden.

Near the house there must be a front garden surrounded by a low fence. Flowers in the front garden are grown completely different: roses, lilies, calendula, chamomile. On rich estates, round flower beds with daisies and dahlias are very popular.

Russian nature is unthinkable without birches. Therefore, not a single estate could do without a romantic corner planted with birches, mountain ash and fir trees, purple lilacs and white hydrangeas and a gazebo in a shady corner among mock oranges, ferns, irises and sweet peas. This discreet unpretentious landscape is so close to the Russian heart!

In autumn, the Russian garden was decorated with asters, chrysanthemums, sunflowers - a favorite in every garden.

All outbuildings and the yard were located directly next to the house.
Behind the house and the yard was a vegetable garden. Apples, pears, cherries, plums have always been grown in Russian gardens. Especially, of course, apples fell in love.

Of the shrubs, the most popular at all times were currants, raspberries, gooseberries.

Due to the geographical location, not all types of plants could grow in Russia. Only with the development of selection did varieties of heat-loving plants begin to appear, adapted for life and fruiting in our difficult conditions.

Grapes, cherries, and apricots did not immediately come to Russian gardeners in the middle lane. But they were very fond of in Russia and took their rightful place among the centenarians of the Russian garden.

Garden in Thailand

Gardens in Thailand are given a lot of attention. The gardens here are philosophical in nature, they serve as a place of meditation for Buddhists. The most famous garden in Thailand is the garden of the Royal Palace in Bangkok. Here you immediately find yourself in an atmosphere of incredible color diversity, sophistication of forms, gilding, brilliance.

It is difficult for a European to endure this. But here is a modest tree, a piece of even lawn, a trimmed bush. And all the usual, soothing. In the gallery with sculptures of the emerald Buddha, terrible demons, you involuntarily begin to peer into compositions of ornamental plants among gray stones and in concrete vases.

There are also marigolds, and petunias, there is even greenery of the lawn.
Flowers are planted not only in the ground. Potted plants are popular in the decor. A palm tree suddenly appears in the middle of the alley, planted in a Chinese vase.

Stones play a big role in gardens. They are specially brought to the capital from the north of the country.
Bangkok is located on swampy soil, which creates certain difficulties in setting up and maintaining gardens.

Once upon a time, Thailand was dominated by the jungle. It was in the jungle that the Thais felt at home. When they lived in a common tribal space, each had its own individual sanctuary, far in the forest. Until now, this tradition has been preserved. In the capital of Thailand, next to modern buildings, you can see small gardens arranged with great taste, where a home for the spirit is hidden among the greenery. It is decorated with garlands and bouquets, standing out brightly against the backdrop of skyscrapers.

Thais prefer gardens that are close to the natural landscape, but you can often see smooth transitions from natural to man-made landscapes.

The heart of every Thai home is a garden with an indispensable pool and fountain. The dwelling is as if permeated with a garden, or rather tied to it, as has been customary since antiquity. Moreover, in the informal zone, behind the house, most of the life of the owners passes.

This tradition is preserved even in the gigantic hotel complex "Ambassador", in the center of which there is a garden. Through the glass of the first floor, it visually passes into the bamboo groves around the hotel, the waves of bushes on the terraces, its pools have something in common with the beach and the sea.

In this country there are no pronounced stereotypes, replicated techniques. There is only a successful combination of ancient tradition and everything that Thai culture has absorbed throughout its history.

French garden

The "French garden" style, which is also called the regular, geometric or formal style of landscape design, developed rapidly from the 17th to the 18th century. Such gardens were very popular during the time of Louis XIV, but the historical name of the style is not accurate, since the idea of ​​​​creating regular gardens appeared in the Renaissance in Italy.

The style reached its apogee in the 19th century in England, where gardeners learned to grow plants in the form of exotic forms (such as geometric shapes, animals, birds, etc.). The main idea of ​​​​forming a French garden in landscape design is a clear order and symmetry in one.

Imagine a flat garden, as open as possible to the surrounding nature. The basic principle of its layout is the clarity and perfect symmetry of its composition. In front of the house, a parterre is broken, usually completely covered with flowers. It is bordered by a low curb of cut shrubs or paths sprinkled with sand or gravel.

The French style is a development of the idea of ​​a regular layout. Here the gardener's art will prevail over nature, subordinating it to a strict order and forging it into clear geometric shapes.

Shearing plants are often given an artificial shape. A clear green wall of sheared hedges is an indispensable element of a French garden. Another integral element is triangles and pergolas, braided with climbing plants. Bosquets are very popular - dense arrays of trees surrounded by clipped shrubs.

Shady alleys, perceived by us as something painfully Russian, actually came to us from France. True, the French cut the crowns of the trees. By the way, a small bosquet in an amateur garden is not such a crazy idea. Trees can be fruit, and a shrub, for example, barberry.

Relatively new elements in the French garden are concrete tiles on the paths, paving the paths with special bricks. Pots and containers with flowers near houses are very popular with the French.

Of course, a French garden is a very impractical garden. This is not a fruitful garden, but a resting garden.

To create a French garden landscape design style:
■ Form the main idea of ​​creating a garden. All elements on the plan must be geometrically correct, all bends must be built using a compass.
■ Shape the French garden so that it has two key points - the bottom one, which is the main entrance, and the top one, which offers a view of the entire garden. The top point is usually a house with a garden.
■ If the area where the French garden is to be laid out has a significant difference in height, the garden is formed by a cascade of flat terraces connected by stairs and surrounded by retaining walls.
■ Cascades of fountains, strict pools, small wall fountains are well suited for decorating a French garden.
■ Carefully select plants for landscaping a French garden. It is very important that the plants are well cut, resistant to diseases, quickly take on a geometrically correct shape and have a fairly monolithic appearance.
■ An integral part of the French park - carefully trimmed, smooth green lawns.
■ Be sure to use bosquets - evenly trimmed trees and shrubs that form green walls. With the help of a bosquet, you can create secluded areas for recreation and work in the fresh air.
■ The French garden is characterized by an abundance of antique-style sculptures and a general atmosphere of solemnity and theatricality.
■ Maintaining a French garden necessarily requires the constant work of a gardener. It is necessary to cut bushes, trees and lawns daily and carefully, take care of paths and flower beds.

Japanese garden (Japanese garden)

The first records of gardening in Japan date back to the 6th century. In the then capital of Japan, the city of Nara, gardens were laid out on the territory of the emperor's palace using the traditions inherent in the Chinese style. The main elements that were used in the design of the garden are stone and water.

Also, since the 8th century, when Chinese monks brought Buddhism to Japan, the Japanese began to create rock gardens. It was believed that the stones hide statues of the Buddha in themselves, which means they are sacred, whether a statue was carved from a stone or not. Gardens, consisting of stones and sand, were outstanding works of that time. From the 9th to the 12th centuries, a new capital was built - the city of Kyoto, in which Japanese craftsmen embodied the features of their perception of the world in new gardens for wealthy citizens.

Gardens for tea ceremonies allowed enjoying the harmony of wildlife, leading leisurely conversations in the gazebo.

The deep blue sky, the greenery of the lawn, overgrown with moss, as if with delicate skin, the dazzling whiteness of the walls of the house, the cinnabar of flowers on the balcony and the bridge over the artificial stream ... There is nothing superfluous here, harmony is achieved by few means. All the elements of nature are presented on a small plot near the house.

The earth is personified by huge boulders - "mountain ranges", white stone chips of paths, contrasting with green moss. Water is represented by a "mountain" stream, flowing in an arc into a pond. The fire represents the traditional stone lantern "tahi-gaga", installed on a hill next to the source of the stream. Once upon a time in Japan it was customary to put such lanterns in the tombs of saints and in temples, but today they adorn many gardens with their expressive form.

The world of plants in the Japanese garden is represented by bamboo, pine, hosta and heather. A lone pine tree is usually given a sculptural form. To prevent the crown from growing, as in the wild, all branches are periodically cut off. Thanks to this, green “pillows” were obtained, comfortably laid out on pine branches.

Bamboo in the Japanese garden "exists" in several forms: gates and a water tray are made of it, retaining walls of thick trunks are placed on the slope near the pond.

At the entrance gate and along the border of the site, live bamboo is planted. Any, even a weak breeze, sways their thin stems, and he leans over, as if welcoming guests.

The curved path very symbolically intersects with the stream in the very center of the site. Here, a light curved bridge is thrown across the water.

The Japanese believe that when crossing a bridge over an obstacle, a person enters another world and opens up completely new perspectives for himself.

To create a Japanese landscape design style, use the following rules:
. The main rule when creating a Japanese garden is to maintain the contrast between open and closed spaces. Do not strive to fill every piece of soil, harmony in everything is the basis of Japanese culture.
. For the Japanese style of garden design, a pond is an indispensable element. It is desirable that it seems natural - it can be a stream, a pond or a waterfall. Water will add dynamics to the landscape and will perfectly help to escape from the daily routine of a big city. A small bridge can be thrown over the stream, which is often painted red.
. If it is not possible to use water for a Japanese garden, you can create a dry stream bed or a sand lake. Waves painted on the sand will create the illusion of water and help you relax while contemplating them.

Choose the following shrubs and trees for planting: azalea, cherry, camellia, cotoneaster, dwarf spruce and pine, and other small conifers. Crocus, hosta, cyclamen, water lilies, Japanese iris and other similar herbaceous plants will help decorate your garden. Bonsai, bamboo, ferns, moss, curly coniferous bushes, various ornamental herbaceous plants, lawns with grass of low height will add harmony to the Japanese garden.

Stone paths are well suited for decorating a garden. Take hard and rough stones of irregular shape about 30 cm wide and lay out a path through the garden with them. The distance between the stones is 30-45 cm.
. Add Japanese-style landscaping to your garden. You can put a small gazebo in the garden for a tea ceremony, a beautiful lantern made of silk or rice paper with hieroglyphs will look good. You can also put a small Buddha statue.

Throughout the history of the development of gardening art in different countries of the world, their own unique types of gardens and styles of their design have been formed. Despite the fact that some of them have managed to lose their original features by our time, their basic concept and principles of organization to this day are a source of inspiration for landscape designers designing modern backyard territories.

The main types of gardens and their design styles

In landscape design, two main, basic principles are distinguished, in accordance with which the future image of a landscaped area is formed - these are the so-called formal (regular) and landscape (landscape) styles.

It is noteworthy that all these elements in the overall composition are combined in such a way that the visitor is not able to immediately capture the entire territory of the park with a glance, but could admire the opening views while walking through its isolated spaces - “green rooms”, pavilions, courtyards and halls. .

Dutch gardens

They can be considered a model of efficient and maximally rational use of space. Most of them are characterized by the features of a formal style: here you can observe the same strict symmetry, thoughtful arrangement of geometric elements and shapes. However, in some variations of the design of Dutch gardens there is a pronounced landscape style, along with which there is an efficient use of space and light.

This trend is explained quite simply: The Netherlands is one of the most densely populated European countries, so the area of ​​the local territories is usually small and requires a professional approach to its organization and arrangement.

A distinctive feature is the abundance of flowers - tulips, snowdrops, daffodils. A striking example here is the world-famous Royal Flower Park in the Netherlands.

English landscape gardens

They belong to one of the oldest trends in landscape gardening art. Formed for the first time in England at the beginning of the 18th century, this landscape style began to actively spread throughout Europe, displacing the previously more popular formal direction “à la française”, which was used as the main style in European gardening at that time.

French landscape, formed under the influence of the English landscape style (Ermenonville Park);

The French Renaissance is the forerunner of the French formal style, which arose on the basis of the principles of the Italian Renaissance (Chateau Ambleville castle with parks in the spirit of the Italian Renaissance).

Italian gardens

Stylistically based on the use of symmetry and strict geometry. It was this direction that had a tremendous impact on the formation of the concept of English and French gardens, and on the history of landscape art in general. A significant role in this was played by the Renaissance, during which the landscape gardening areas in Italy began to expand, acquiring a more pronounced geometry and symmetry in their appearance.

Before the Renaissance, the medieval Italian garden was enclosed in solid wall insulation and served exclusively as a place for growing fruits, vegetables and medicinal herbs, or, in the example of monastic gardens, for spending time in prayer and meditation. Figuratively speaking, with the onset of the Renaissance, the wall between the garden and the landscape outside it was destroyed, and fountains, antique sculptures, water objects began to appear in the territories - everything that was designed to delight and surprise.

As an example of such a landscape organization, one can cite the palace and park complex Palazzo e Giardino Giusti (Giusti Park) in the east of Verona, built back in the 16th century, and to this day is considered one of the best examples of Italian garden and park art.

Japanese gardens

A group that includes such traditional types of gardens and private parks as:

stone lanterns;

Tsukubai - small stone pools, mainly for ritual purposes;

Fences, barriers, various devices and devices (shishi-odoshi, etc.);

Trees and flowers (azaleas, camellias, ginkgo, Japanese cedar, sakura, bamboo, willow, Japanese cypress, etc.);

Live fish - mainly multi-colored koi (so-called "brocade carps") are common in Japan.

As examples that clearly demonstrate the canons of the Japanese style in landscape design, one should cite such well-known parks as:

Kenroku-en (Kanazawa);

Koraku-en (Okayama);

Kairaku-en (Mito).

Korean garden style

They are another example of using the principles of landscape design style. Initially (like Japanese ones) formed under the influence of Chinese trends in landscape design, they eventually acquired their own unique character, filled with elements of Korean culture and traditions.

The classic type of landscape gardening in Korea is characterized by such details as:

Evergreen trees and plants - mainly Korean cedar and bamboo;

Natural streams, waterfalls;

It is noteworthy that in the organization of such landscapes, both formal and landscape style techniques can be used.

The most famous example of a traditional Persian garden is the park at the mausoleum-mosque of the Taj Mahal, located in Agra (India). Despite the fact that this historical and cultural object is located outside of Iran, its organization clearly demonstrates the main canons of a special planning style characteristic of Persian gardens - the so-called. "charbag" ("chaharbag"). This style of landscape design provides for the division of space into four rectangular parts, separated by paths or channels with running water.

Spanish gardens

Separate, independent direction. Having largely adopted the features inherent in Persian, Islamic and Roman styles, this type of garden has acquired its own unique character over time and gained popularity in different parts of the world - primarily in countries with a hot and dry climate.

An interesting feature of the organization of most gardens in the Spanish style is the use of numerous techniques and heterogeneous elements aimed at activating the human senses (hearing, smell, touch, etc.). Thus, in the arrangement of territories subordinate to this direction, the following are used:

Small multi-level fountains with bubbling water;

Fragrant flowers and fragrant herbs;

Fruit trees;

Artificial ponds, etc. "reflecting" pools;

Objects that provide shade and coolness: arcades (a continuous series of equal arches), pergolas, trellises, garden pavilions;

Drip irrigation systems that provide freshness and humidity.

The use of symmetry in the improvement of territories subordinate to this direction is one of the basic principles of the original Spanish style. Good examples of its implementation are well-known historical and cultural sites - such as the Generalife - the former residence of the emirs of the Nasrid dynasty who ruled Granada, the Maria Luisa Park in Seville, the Alcazar of Seville.