Table setting for 2 persons. Simple table setting rules. How to properly set the table for different events

Lunches, friendly dinners and just tea parties with friends - so you want to do everything right and beautiful, so that everyone is comfortable, so that
the time spent was truly enjoyable for everyone. But surprising guests with culinary talent or entertaining with an interesting conversation is far from everything.
No matter how tasty and original the treats are, it is important to serve them correctly, to present them in accordance with the rules and etiquette. Perhaps for some it seems like an unimportant "tribute to tradition", but think about it, this "science" of table setting is more than one hundred years old.

The art of table setting has been formed for thousands of years, improving with each new generation. It represents a multifaceted and interesting feast culture. Just think how many peoples and nationalities are on our Earth! Each and every one of them has not only their own cuisine and their own way of life, but also their own principles of serving dishes and table setting rules. This science can be studied endlessly, without ceasing to be surprised and look for something new.

Of course, today we will not be able to cover the entire scope of existing traditions and features, but it is quite possible to “slightly open the door” to this interesting World and give several answers to the question of how to lay the table. I offer you a few rules of the generally accepted, "European" table setting, used in many countries, including Russia.

Simple secrets of table setting, which we sometimes tend to forget

Firstly, I want to clarify right away that the decision on how to set the table is made by each hostess independently. There are many options that meet the basic rules. The main thing to remember is that this "art" is more dependent on the taste and wishes of the person setting the table. It doesn't have to be about financial possibilities. Believe me, a simple tablecloth with paper napkins can look very beautiful and sophisticated.

When setting the table, try to take into account the number and type of dishes, take care of the availability of the necessary utensils, cutlery and other items in advance. For example, if there are dishes on the menu that you need to eat with your hands, stock up on enough napkins or prepare a bowl for washing your hands.

When setting the table, be guided by the circle of guests (close friends, colleagues, relatives with children, etc.). It is necessary to provide comfortable conditions for each of the guests. If you plan to have small children at the table, most likely you will need to replace the fork and knife with a tablespoon or dessert spoon.

It is important that the table setting matches the type and occasion of the feast.
If it's a business or formal dinner (such as an introduction dinner), it's best to stick to a more subdued, neutral style. If only friends and close people are among those invited, the serving may be more free, using additional table decorations and other things.
It is also important to remember that all elements of the table setting should be combined not only with each other, but also organically fit into the overall interior of the room. Classics are transparent glass goblets and white plates, which are universal for almost any table, if there are none, then try to choose the most suitable service from the available ones.

The main “favorites” of table setting, as already partially mentioned earlier, are: tablecloth, napkins, crockery, cutlery and various decoration items. In order to correctly and quickly arrange the numerous items involved in setting the table, a certain sequence of actions is provided, guided by it, we will try to set the table.

Answering the question "how
set the table", it would be appropriate to say about the tablecloth

Naturally, before setting the festive table with dishes and cutlery, it must be covered with a tablecloth. Today in stores you can find plastic and oilcloth tablecloths of different colors and patterns. They are certainly beautiful, but more suitable for everyday use.

A linen (fabric) tablecloth is considered truly festive and “homemade”. It can be colored, plain or with a pattern around the edges. Her choice depends on the type of feast, the color of the dishes used, the general interior of the room. Ideally, it should go well with curtains and furniture upholstery (if there is one in the room).

The best option is a tablecloth with a plain, preferably light, central part. Bright and colorful canvases can not only distract from dishes, but also quickly tire due to the saturation of colors and the contrast of the pattern. If you decide to use a dark-colored tablecloth, try to match it with light-colored dishes, this will make the appearance of the table more harmonious and pleasant.

And, the main thing. Whatever tablecloth is preferred, it must be spotlessly clean and well ironed. If you are afraid for its quality and appearance, in some cases the tablecloth can be covered with a thin transparent oilcloth or a beautiful matching napkin unfolded under each plate.

Crockery and cutlery

After setting the table with a tablecloth, arrange plates, glasses and cutlery. At the same time, it is recommended not only to wash and wipe them thoroughly, but also, if possible, polish them to a shine. Multi-layer paper napkins or stiff cotton towels that do not leave lint work well for this.

On the eve of the feast, do not be too lazy to clean the cutlery, they should not have streaks and water stains. Moreover, this is not acceptable in the case of glassware for drinking: wine glasses, glasses, glasses and glasses must be perfectly transparent, which is easy to check by light.
After bringing the serving items to the required state, we begin to arrange them:

    1. a snack plate (medium-sized plate) is located at a distance of about 2 cm from the edge of the table strictly opposite each chair;
    2. to the left of the snack plate (at a distance of 5-15 cm) a bread plate (pie) is placed. However, in a home, even a festive, feast, it is rarely used;
    3. in case several dishes are provided, a small dining room is placed under the snack plate.

During the meal, a timely change of plates is provided, in accordance with the dishes served.

Next, we move on to cutlery. The knife and tablespoon are always placed on the right side, the fork on the left. The dessert spoon is placed behind the plate, with the handle to the right. At the same time, it must be taken into account that, according to the rules, a person begins to use the devices lying at the outer edge, then, as the dishes change, he takes the devices towards the plate. The distance between adjacent appliances, as well as between appliances and a plate, should be 0.5 - 1 cm.

Wine glasses, glasses, glasses, etc., are also calculated for only one type of drink. The wine glass is placed on the right, the water glass on the left. More often they are displayed in one line, but it is not customary to display more than three items in a row. When the table is fully set, items for drinks are placed in two rows.


About how to set the table with napkins, or rather how to serve napkins - a special conversation. Someday it is necessary to devote a separate article to him, to talk about

addition options and the possibilities of decorating the table with them. Now let's talk about some basic rules.

This important serving attribute is used at all feasts without exception. For important festive celebrations, linen (linen, cotton) napkins are more often used, sometimes they can be replaced with paper ones. A folded napkin is placed on each guest's snack plate. If paper napkins are used, they can be placed under the right edge of the plate.

Arrangement of devices with spices

Appliances with spices are placed at the end of the serving. They are installed in the middle of the table on special stands. Salt and pepper must be required; mustard, table vinegar, vegetable and other seasonings - as needed (in accordance with the menu).

How to lay a festive table and
everyday with jewelry

The main decoration of any table is, of course, flowers. They are pleasing to the eye and pleasant to almost everyone. But, at the same time, using them for serving, try to take into account a few nuances:

    1. Most importantly, make sure that none of the invited guests are allergic to this type of plant.
    2. Do not use flowers with a strong smell for a table bouquet. Mixed with the aroma of dishes, it can become cloying and produce an undesirable effect.
    3. Place the vase at an appropriate distance from dishes and cutlery so that pollen or accidentally fallen petals cannot get into the food.

In addition to flowers, figurines, various figurines and souvenirs are also used to decorate the table. So, if any holiday or family celebration served as a reason for the feast, you can use the appropriate paraphernalia to decorate the table.

For example, for Christmas or New Year, make a beautiful composition of candles, tinsel, Christmas decorations or souvenirs (observing safety measures when lighting candles); for a wedding celebration, use small figurines of doves, figurines of the bride and groom, flowers; when preparing a youth or children's birthday - focus on bright colors, for children - pick up images of your favorite characters; when decorating a table for colleagues for a professional holiday, a good solution would be to use small items associated with professional activities, etc. The main thing, remember, in everything a reasonable measure is important.

And yet, whatever decoration you choose, be it a flower bouquet or a figurine, it should be such a height that all guests can freely see each other.

A few words about etiquette
Try to create comfortable conditions for each of the invitees. Remember that the hostess can offer guests certain places, or let them choose their own.
A sign of the end of the feast can be a used linen napkin left by the hostess on the table. Otherwise, even when temporarily leaving the table, both guests and hosts in no case put a napkin on the table (only on a chair).
When inviting guests, the hostess should make sure that the menu contains dishes for all guests. If for some reason the guest does not eat any food, it is important to notice this in time and, without focusing attention, offer him an appropriate replacement.

Enjoy your feasts and happy holidays with your family, friends and loved ones!

Tatiana Raduga

Table setting according to all existing rules is always a sign of attention from the owner of the house to his guests. Unfortunately, a properly laid table is not so often seen today, especially at home. However, table setting is a true art, once mastered, you bring beauty into your life. That is why it is so important to know the rules of table setting - to be able to create a festive atmosphere in your home every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and on holidays to surprise your guests with fantasy decoration, intricately folded napkins and luxurious tableware.

Table setting sequence

The table should be served according to the following plan: tablecloth; plates; cutlery; glasses, wine glasses, glasses; napkins; table decoration. At first, table setting may seem like a really complicated science to someone, but after some time, when table setting according to the rules becomes a habit, it will seem to you that this task is easier than ever!

Table setting begins with spreading tablecloths on the table. It would seem, what could be easier? Threw the tablecloth over the table - and it's ready. In fact, there are certain rules in this regard.

First, the tablecloth must be perfectly ironed and presentable. There is nothing good in setting the table with a crumpled tablecloth or oilcloth. The smoothed tablecloth, or rather its corners, should fall opposite the table legs, covering them evenly. There are also requirements for lowering the tablecloth from all sides - at least 25 cm and, in no case, not lower than the seat of the chair.

Such requirements were not introduced by chance, since too small a tablecloth descent on the table looks ugly, and too large - it causes inconvenience to guests. After you have covered the table with a tablecloth, it's time to start arranging the plates.

Types of plates

The purpose of most of the plates from the table above can be easily guessed by their name, however, there are also dishes that are not entirely obvious. The patty plate is used to serve croutons, patties or bread. The chill plate is used to serve various appetizer dishes such as oysters, salads or stews. The bowl plate, as you can easily guess from its shape, is used to serve several types of salads or side dishes at once. It is also used to serve fondue. Fried eggs are served in an egg plate, jam, jam or honey is placed in a socket, and a bowl is intended for serving fresh berries, jelly and fruit salads.

What kind of plates you put on the table on a festive or weekday evening depends on the number of dishes served. Serving for a two-course dinner involves one plate, for a four-course dinner - another.

Naturally, the plates on your table should be perfectly clean and dry. It is advisable to polish them to a shine before serving.

According to the rules, a snack plate (see the table above) is located in front of each chair. Do not put it on the very edge of the table, it does not look very presentable! The patty plate is placed to the left of the diner, as you can see in the photo above.

If you set a table with several dishes, in this case you place small canteens under the snack plates, etc.

Types of cutlery

  • 1,2,3,4,6,31 - spoons: coffee, tea, dessert, table, for making coffee, for ice cream;
  • 5, 7, 8, 9 - tongs: large confectionery, for asparagus, for ice, small confectionery;
  • 10 - a device for trimming cigars;
  • 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 26 - forks: for lemon, lemon, cocotte, fish, dessert, dessert, snack bar, snack bar, dinner fork for second courses;
  • 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25 - knives: for the second fish dishes, dessert, dessert, snack, snack, table knife for main courses;
  • 24 - ladle;
  • 27, 28, 29, 30 - blades: confectionery, for pate, for fish, caviar;

After arranging the plates, you should immediately lay out all the necessary cutlery. Knives are placed to the right of the plates, forks to the left. A tablespoon is placed near the knife. For a festive dinner of several dishes, the cutlery should be laid out as follows, starting to the right of the plate: a table knife, a fish knife and a snack knife. You put a butter knife on a patty plate. If it is supposed to serve first courses, a soup spoon is placed between the snack and fish knives. If fish is not provided on the festive table, a tablespoon is placed instead of a fish one. To the left of the plates are forks corresponding to the knives in the same order in which the knives are laid out: canteen, fish, diner.

Also, do not pile cutlery one on top of the other, the distance between forks and spoons should be about 1 cm.

Table setting: glasses, wine glasses, glasses

To the right, behind the plates, we put the glasses from largest to smallest. Depending on what drinks will be served on the table, glasses for water, white / red wine, champagne, a glass for juice, a glass for spirits and glasses are sequentially set. When placing glasses, hold them by the stem so as not to leave fingerprints on the glasses themselves.

Table setting: napkins

What is a festive table without napkins? Napkins are not only a wonderful table decoration, but also a very practical thing. Napkins are linen and paper. Cloth napkins are not intended for wiping hands or face, there are disposable paper napkins for this purpose. Fabric napkins, on the other hand, are usually beautifully decorated by good housewives so that guests can put them on their laps.

Table decor

Regardless of whether you have a festive dinner or a daily breakfast, a properly served table involves decorating it with flower arrangements, fruit vases, the same cloth napkins, dishes with bright vegetables, etc.

The New Year holidays are approaching, and, therefore, festive feasts. A tastefully served table can turn even an ordinary meal into an aesthetic pleasure and a sense of celebration. Setting the table at home, you can slightly deviate from the strict canons of serving, which are strictly followed in restaurants and at official receptions. But still there are a few golden rules that should be observed even at home.


Table setting always begins with the spreading of the tablecloth. For a ceremonial reception, tablecloths made of shiny fabrics will look appropriate, coarse linen fabrics are suitable for an unpretentious table, and tablecloths in pastel colors will be good for home gatherings.

Of course, the tablecloth must be spotlessly clean and ironed. But in an effort to maintain purity, you should not cover it with oilcloth on top. The canvas should descend from all sides of the table no less than 25 cm, but not lower than the seat of the chair: too short a tablecloth will look sloppy, and too long will cause inconvenience to guests.

The canvas should go down from all sides of the table no less than 25 cm, but not lower than the seat of the chair.


The serving set on the table can be different, it depends on the dishes that will be served, so without a well-thought-out menu, you can’t start serving. It is important to provide for each guest about 80 centimeters of table length and make sure that the location and appearance of each set of devices are completely the same. All serving items on the table should match both each other and the interior in color and shape.

Make sure that all utensils and cutlery are clean and free from water stains. To do this, it is enough to wipe them with a warm and damp towel, and then polish them dry.


First, a decorative serving plate is placed in a central place, at a distance of at least two centimeters from the edge of the table. On it put a plate for snacks or soup. For puree soup, a soup plate is served, and for clear soups and broths, a cup. At the top left, eight centimeters from the decorative one, they put a small pie plate for bread and butter.


Cutlery that will be needed during meals is laid out on the sides and top of the serving plate. Forks are placed on the left with their horns up, and knives are placed on the right, with the blade towards the plate. The device that will be needed first lies farthest from the plate, so the snack fork and knife are placed the farthest, followed by fish and the closest are canteens.

Cutlery should not be under the edges of the plate.

If there is no dessert on the menu, then the soup spoon is placed on top of the serving plate; if dessert is planned, it is placed to the right of the row of knives. Dessert and fruit utensils are placed above the snack plate - parallel to the edge of the table.


It is important to follow the rule - each drink has its own vessel, so the number and type of wine glasses and glasses depend on what drinks will be served at the table. For example, red wine, brandy and cognac are served in large, slightly bellied glasses, while smaller glasses are used for white wine. Champagne tastes best in tall narrow glasses, and cocktail glasses can be used for juices and mineral water.

Glasses are located to the right and above the serving plate. At a distance of one and a half centimeters from the tip of the knife, a glass for mineral water or juice is placed. Then at an angle of 45 degrees from the edge of the table - a glass of wine and a glass of vodka. The same procedure works here as with appliances: the glass farthest from the plate is used first.

Glasses are located to the right and above the serving plate.


Each guest should have an individual napkin, which should be beautifully folded and placed on a snack plate at the end of serving. There are many ways to fold napkins, and it's best to make them look fresh and attractive instead of minty.


Stylish details will set guests in a festive mood and help to feel the atmosphere of solemnity, but their number should not be excessive and interfere with serving and arranging dishes.

If you have a beautiful figurine, then it can become a wonderful decorative element on the festive table. Candlesticks in combination with exquisite tableware and beautiful glasses look especially elegant.

Fresh flowers look very fresh and original. To make them look harmonious and not disturb the guests, their height should not exceed the largest glass in the serving. It is better to put a small vase with flowers in the middle of the table and make sure that the bouquet does not have a strong smell.

If your holiday is thematic, for example, New Year's, then suitable decorative elements can be placed on the table - spruce twigs, figurines of snowmen or Santa Clauses, silver "rain", small gifts for guests.

Placement of dishes

The festive table should not “break” from an overabundance of dishes and utensils, so that each of the guests has a sufficient amount of personal space.

Salt and pepper cutlery should be placed in the center of the table at a short distance from each other. You can also put devices with mustard and sauces there. Butter is served with a special knife, and mustard is served with a small spoon. Bread boxes are placed on opposite sides of the table so that all guests can easily reach them.

Bread boxes are placed on opposite sides of the table so that all guests can easily reach them.

Cold snacks are arranged, alternating fish, meat and vegetable dishes. Soup should be served in a tureen, while hot dishes should be served in special dishes. All dishes and salads should have separate spoons.

Bottled drinks should be placed uncorked on the table. Fruit and mineral water is placed in different places on the table and opened immediately before the start of the feast. Juices and fruit drinks are served in jugs, vodka and strong liqueurs are best placed on the table in decanters. Wine and cognac are served in bottles.

It would be right to start the holiday with the delivery of cold dishes - salads, sandwiches, and only then proceed to serving hot dishes - first, second and dessert.

Nowadays, a beautifully laid table represents hospitality, and food in such an environment is especially tasty. Do not miss the opportunity to make the New Year's holiday even more joyful and elegant!

    Do you pay attention to New Year's table setting?

Every self-respecting hostess should know the basic rules of table setting for etiquette. This is the art of beautifully arranging cutlery in accordance with the rules of good manners. Table setting has a rich history: each era had its own rules for table decoration, which changed over time. Of course, there are many subtleties and nuances, but it is not necessary to apply them all. It is enough to know the basic rules of table setting.

General table setting rules

A table laid according to the rules of etiquette always pleases the eye and it is pleasant to spend time behind it with a leisurely conversation. The basic rules for serving are quite simple.

  • All cutlery must be perfectly clean. To achieve sparkling cleanliness, they need to be wiped with a damp, warm towel. Then wipe dry thoroughly.
  • Make sure that there are no smudges on the cutlery and dishes.
  • An important part of serving is the tablecloth. It must be perfectly ironed. Cover the table with it so that the edges slightly cover its legs. They should hang down by about 25-30 cm. There is no need to additionally cover the tablecloth with oilcloth, because this is not accepted by the rules of good manners.
  • The number of cutlery depends on the number of dishes that will be served to the table.
  • You need to arrange the devices for each guest in the same way.

By following these basic rules, your table will always be decorated according to etiquette.

Tablecloth on the table

  • The classic and win-win option is white tablecloth . She always looks elegant and solemn.
  • However, don't be afraid to experiment. It should be selected depending on the overall color palette of cutlery, the interior and the type of feast. But there is one golden rule: the tablecloth should be combined with curtains and furniture upholstery.
  • Usually light shades are preferred. But they can be colored, plain and with a pattern. But the pattern should be located along the edge, because excessive variegation can distract the attention of guests. If you chose a dark-colored tablecloth, then the cutlery should be a light shade.
  • Now a large selection of shapes and materials of tablecloths, but usually choose its rectangular or triangular shape. It is best to choose one made from fabric, especially from natural materials - it will add even more comfort to the feast. The size should be such that its edges can cover the legs of the table, and the ends should hang down by 25-30 cm, but not be lower than the level of the seats.

The tablecloth for table setting is spread as follows: open, take the ends on one side. Then it is lifted, shaken and sharply lowered down. This makes it easier to level it. But you don’t need to stretch it too much and pull around the corners.

If the surface is polished, then it is worth laying an oilcloth under the tablecloth. The main thing is that it is clean and well ironed.

Cutlery - layout

To location cutlery etiquette must be approached responsibly. No need to put all kinds of devices on the table. They must match the festive list of dishes. Cutlery is divided into individual (which each guest has) and auxiliary - they are needed in order to lay out dishes.

  • In table etiquette, it is customary to first place dishes made of earthenware or porcelain, then place the appliances, and only then put glass or crystal.
  • Glasses and wine glasses should be placed holding the stem.
  • According to the rules of etiquette, the spoon and knife should be placed to the right of the plate, and the fork to the left.
  • You need to use the cutlery, starting from the outer edge, changing them towards the plate as you change dishes.
  • The distance between the cutlery and the plate should be 0.5-1 cm.

The figure shows the location of cutlery. Of course, the set of forks, spoons and knives depends on what dishes will be served on the table. Also selected depending on drinks and glasses with wine glasses.

Serving plates

There is a plate order.

  • Snack plate - it is placed in front of each chair at a distance of about 2 cm from the edge.
  • Pirozhkovy plate (bread) - it is customary to put it on the left side of the diner at a distance of 5-15 cm.
  • If you serve several dishes, then a dining room is placed under the diner.

The duties of the hostess include timely replacement with clean plates.

Serving with napkins

They are an integral part of serving. Folding napkins beautifully is a real art. The more solemn the holiday, the more refined they can be folded.

The material is chosen depending on the type of feast. You can take it to the holiday cotton or linen e. They are usually meant for guests to place on their laps.

If you decide to use paper, then they are removed under the right edge of the plate. Or they are placed in the general availability.

Napkins can be of any color, as long as they are beautifully and neatly folded.

Spice utensils

It is customary to put them on the festive table at the very end of serving. They are placed on special stands in the center of the table. So you can use small boards or saucers as coasters. It must be a salt and pepper shaker, as well as additional mustard, vinegar, vegetable oil and other spices.

Glasses for drinks

It is necessary to remember in serving and about glasses. They can be made from both glass and crystal. For stronger alcohol, small glasses are intended. Therefore, a wine glass, a glass, a glass, glasses should be on the table.

Selected depending on the color of the drink. For red wine, they should be more than for white. Champagne is served in special glasses. There are also special beer glasses. Vodka is usually served in glasses.

The following set of cutlery must be present on the table:

  • pie plate;
  • diner;
  • wine glass;
  • saucer;
  • coffee cup and saucer.

Bread can also be served in a wicker basket, and butter can be served in a butter dish made of ceramics or porcelain - this way it retains its taste properties. Sausage and meat cuts are served in an elongated plate. Cheese is served as a whole piece on a porcelain board, a knife for cutting cheese is placed next to it.

A snack plate is placed opposite the center of the chair, a pie plate is placed to the left of it. The knife is placed to the right of the snack plate, with the blade towards it. Fork - on the left side, teeth up. A teaspoon is placed with the handle to the right, parallel to the table. In the center are placed vases with flowers, napkins and devices with spices.

How to serve lunch and dinner

The dining table setting is carried out taking into account that it is possible to serve guests conveniently and quickly. To do this, put a snack plate on a stand, on the left side - a pie. Cutlery is placed between them - on the right is a knife and a spoon, and on the left is a table fork. And in front of the cutlery is a wine glass.

Also, when setting the table for dinner, you should place a ladle with which you need to pour the soup. This must be done carefully so as not to stain the tablecloth. If you dripped a little, you need to blot the stain with a napkin. The main thing is not to attract the attention of guests, so as not to disturb the calm flow of the conversation.

Dessert table setting

To serve the dessert table, it is permissible to choose a brighter tablecloth. The ideal option would be to use a special tea set. It is customary to place beautiful lace napkins in the center of the table and under the tea cups. Serving a sweet table according to festive etiquette consists of the following cutlery:

  • cups and saucers (the cup must be turned with the handle to the right);
  • teaspoons (placed on a saucer, even spoons can be placed behind a cup parallel to the table, with a handle on the right side);
  • small teapot;
  • a large kettle for boiling water;
  • table setting for dessert involves the use of a sugar bowl, in which lump sugar is served along with tongs, or a special bowl;
  • a vase for jam or jam is placed on the left side;
  • lemon for tea is served on a special tray with a two-pronged fork for unfolding;
  • the milk jug is placed on a pie plate on the right side of the guest.
  • Before each guest should put a plate for bread and sweets. Diagonally to the right of her is a cup and saucer, a teaspoon is placed next to it. A special spatula for serving the cake should be placed on the right side of the main plate.
  • Saucers are placed on the table, tea or coffee is poured into cups only when all the guests have taken their seats. Sweets are served on an elegant table: buns, pies with sweet filling, cakes, muffins, sweets and fruits. From alcoholic beverages, wine and liqueurs are acceptable.

For a youth company, you can make a buffet table. It is served with a stack of plates (8-10 pieces in one stack). Behind him are placed cloth napkins. Glasses and wine glasses are placed next to the drinks. If there are smoking people in the company, ashtrays are placed at the ends of the table.

Festive table setting

Banquet table setting helps create a festive mood. The main thing is not only to serve dishes correctly, but also to decorate the table beautifully. Table setting for a banquet depends on what dishes are served at the celebration. But there are principles of the classic design of the festive table.

Chairs must be placed at a distance of 50 to 80 cm from each other so as not to violate the personal space of guests.
The tablecloth should be light shades, bright and dark colors are best left for tea tables. Its edges should hang no more than 20-30 cm. So that the knock from the dishes does not distract the guests from the conversation, an oilcloth or soft cloth is laid under the tablecloth. But the main thing is that it be perfectly ironed and clean.

A napkin is placed on a serving plate and a plate intended for hot dishes is placed on it. On the left side of the snack plate, a patty plate is placed so that they are on the same line. The serving plate should always remain in its place, and others can change during the serving of dishes.

Forks and spoons should be no more than 3 pairs. To the right of the serving plate, put a soup spoon, snack and table knives, blade to the plate, and put the forks on the left side. On the right, you can put only a fork for oysters. Forks are placed with the prongs up, and the spoons are with the convex side on the table.
Location principle: the dish that is served first is the distant device.


Serving a festive table is also an opportunity to show your creative abilities. You need to pay attention to decor items - a win-win option is the use of flowers. Usually they are placed in the middle of the table - it can be a bouquet or a composition.
It is important to consider the following nuances:

  • so that none of the guests are allergic to them;
  • the bouquet should not contain flowers with a strong aroma;
  • a vase with a bouquet must be placed at a distance from the cutlery.

For the New Year or a romantic date, you can choose a more original table decoration. At the New Year's feast, you can put a composition made of pine needles, Christmas toys, tinsel. Candles are perfect for a romantic evening. On the table, the atmosphere of the holiday will be conveyed by objects in the form of wedding rings, figurines of the bride and groom, doves.

With a special imagination, it is worth approaching the design of the table for a children's birthday. You can attach balloons to the back of the chairs, and pictures from your favorite cartoons will be a bright detail. It is important that all decorative elements are designed in the same style. They should not be too high so that guests can see each other. The main thing is not to overdo it with decoration, so that serving at the holiday and decoration complement each other.

Depending on the interior and imagination, a festive or dining table can amaze guests with its sophistication. And additional serving elements will give it brightness and originality. The listed design principles are not complicated and are an indicator of good tone.

Video: how to set the table

Full table setting creates a feeling of luxury, but sometimes leads an unprepared person into a stupor. Different types of utensils and appliances turn the meal into a ritual. Therefore, at such pompous meetings, many feel insecure and even a piece does not go down their throats. But learning to understand the intricacies of table design can be quite easy. To do this, remember the correct order of arrangement of cutlery.

There are different ways and styles of serving. You should remember the mandatory principles that do not need to be violated in order to maintain a cozy stop. The following serving rules apply:

  • devices are used according to the order of their priority;
  • first take those that are farthest from the dish;
  • the knife is placed with the point to the plate and nothing else;
  • a glass of water should be placed over the knife;
  • forks are always located to the left of the plate;
  • spoons should be on the right.

The basic serving rules are simple and well remembered. They can be easily used at home and delight guests with a special holiday atmosphere.

Table setting basics

The basic design of the table excludes the use of a full set of devices. It is suitable for home celebration. This type of serving includes a set of:

  • plates;
  • spoons;
  • forks;
  • knives;
  • glasses;
  • napkins.

If the holiday menu does not include a meal that should be eaten, for example, with spoons, these devices can be excluded.

informal table

If there is a meeting in a friendly company, then there should be no place for pomposity at the table. For such cases, there is a separate way of decoration.

Informal serving techniques:

  • put a napkin in the place where the plates with the main dish will be placed;
  • put forks to the left of the plate: diner and dining room in the order in which the dishes are served;
  • on the right side of the plate, lay out a knife, a dessert and a tablespoon, and in the specified chain;
  • the snack plate should be on the left side of all forks;
  • place a plate for bread and a knife for butter on top of the forks;
  • cups, glasses and glasses are placed above those devices that are on the right side.

Formal style table

A responsible event or a big celebration requires thorough preparation. This also applies to serving. It is possible that a special menu will be thought out for such an evening, which will include the main course, soups, appetizers, perhaps oysters.

It is worth remembering the same basic rule: the appliances should be placed in the same order in which the dishes will be served.

The principle of organizing a formal serving:

  • to the left of the dish, forks should be located in the following sequence: snack bar, for fish, dining room;
  • put soup on a plate for the second;
  • if there are oysters on the menu, a special fork should be served. It must be placed further than all appliances from the plate on the right side, and not on the left, like the rest of the forks;
  • after the oyster forks, they are laid out in the indicated sequence: a tablespoon, a fish knife, a table knife;
  • place a plate for bread and a knife for cutting butter on top of the forks;
  • cup, glass and glass should be on top of the appliances that are on the right side of the plate.

At the end of the main part of the meal, you need to arrange a table for dessert.