Abstract of a modeling lesson in the senior group “Insects. Chafer. Plasticine insects. Master class with a step-by-step photo Butterfly from plasticine - modeling insects with children

Elena Levenkova
Summary of GCD for visual activity(sculpting) in preparatory group"Dragonfly"

Theme: Dragonfly


1. Continue to teach children to sculpt insects - a dragonfly;

2. To form in children the ability to creatively use a variety of modeling techniques to create an expressive image of a dragonfly;

3. Develop the ability to convey the shape of parts, their proportions, expressiveness of postures, movements, details;

4. Raise a steady interest in visual activity - modeling.

Materials and equipment:

Plasticine, planks, stacks, pieces of coarse fabric, small beads or beads, autumn leaves from cardboard wet wipes, audio recording.

Preliminary work:

Looking at dragonflies in an encyclopedia and on a laptop, talking about insects

Integration of educational areas

- health- to preserve and strengthen the physical health of children;

- communication- continue to improve dialogical speech, the ability to argue one's position when analyzing handicrafts;

- music– introduce children to the world of classical music;

- socialization- educate the ability to benevolently evaluate the work of peers, rejoice at their success;

- work- to consolidate the ability to prepare materials for the lesson on their own, to maintain their workplace in order.

Lesson progress:

Part I - Conversation, examination of the sample

(bell rings)

Attention! One minute left before the opening of the Good Deeds Workshop. Masters can take their places in the workshop. Please check if everything is ready for work: plasticine, plank, stack. Dear masters! What good deed are we doing today? (to sculpt dragonfly sisters for the Dragonfly from the fable of I. A. Krylov “The Dragonfly and the Ant”).

Children, look, there is such an exhibit in the exhibition hall of the workshop. I want to show it to you. (Examination of the sample is in progress) What parts can you identify in a dragonfly? What shape is the head of a dragonfly? What does the body look like? How many wings does a dragonfly have? What do they look like? Guys, look what a beautiful pattern on the wings. How can you depict it on your craft? (with a stack) I will tell you one secret on how to make a beautiful pattern. (the teacher shows the "print with a rough cloth" technique) What color of plasticine can be used for wings? For the body and head? Guys, we all know that the dragonfly has very big eyes. How can you depict them? (sculpt balls from plasticine) And on the sample, the eyes are made of beads: large and shiny.

Real masters of their craft create their own, unlike others, crafts. I am sure that you will fashion many different interesting dragonflies. Your dragonflies may take off, land, look around, get scared. You will find the material necessary for the design of your craft on this table. And to make our crafts bright, expressive, I suggest the masters turn into dragonflies for a minute and do a warm-up. Stand next to your chairs.

Physical education minute

Dragonfly-dragonfly, / head turns to the right, to the left /

Greater beauty. / hands forward, up and through the sides down /

Blue eyes, / pops /

Lace wings, / arms up, down /

You fly over the water, / tilts to the right, to the left, arms to the sides /

You scare mosquitoes.

Part II - Doing work by children

In the course of work, the educator provides assistance to those who need it, using leading questions: “How will you connect the wings to the body?”, “Head to the body?”, “What will you make the eyes from?”, “Are the head and body the right size ?”, “Head and eyes?” etc. If necessary, the educator individually shows some techniques on his material.

Part III - Analysis

Children, now the earth is already cold, put your dragonflies on leaves so that they do not freeze (in general children's table) (Children, standing around the table, look at crafts, talk about who likes which craft and why). (The teacher notes the correctness of the transfer of forms, proportions, beautiful color combination, expressiveness of the pose, the beauty of the pattern on the wings)

I think that our dragonfly will no longer be so lonely, because she now has a big Friendly family and many beautiful sisters. But soon winter will come, they may freeze. How to help them? (You can make a house for them). Think of what you can make a house for a dragonfly and make it at home. Ask your dad, mom, older brother or sister to help you. When the house is ready, bring it to the group and we will place your dragonfly in your house.

How kind you are: you took pity on the dragonfly, responded to her request for help. She will not be lonely and cold, you still need to cheer her up. How can we do this? (You can sing or dance a fun dance)

Children dance the Guilty Cloud dance

Program content: to teach children to compose descriptive stories about insects from pictures, to continue to teach coherence, deployment, continuity of the statement; reinforce the skill of self-control of pronunciation in independent speech; fix the use of nouns in the genitive case; activate the dictionary on the topic "Insects"; develop memory, attention, verbal-logical thinking; to cultivate a steady interest in the life of insects.

Material for the lesson: an envelope with a letter from insects, pictures of insects or toys - insects, a picture of a camomile with a set of insects. Demo Material"Chamomile" from the series "Play and count".

Preliminary work: looking at pictures, toys, children's magazines, encyclopedias, reading K. Chukovsky's fairy tales "The Tsokotuha Fly", "Cockroach", "Forest Mansions" M. Mikhailov, "How the Ant Hurried Home" by V. Bianchi "The Happy Bug" G. Skrebitsky, watching cartoons, application "Butterfly", modeling decorative plates depicting insects.

Methods and techniques: game moment - a letter came, consideration of the scheme, games: “Who is gone”, “Finish the sentence”, “The fourth extra”, an explanation of the educator, independent stories of children, the result.

Lesson progress:

Hello dear guests, we are glad to welcome you as our guest.

Educator: Guys, tell me, please, what seasons do you know?

Children: Winter. Spring. Summer. Autumn.

Educator: And what season do we have now?

Children: Spring.

Educator: Let's show with an arrow on our calendar what time of year it is. Tell me, by what signs in nature do we know that spring has come?

Children's answers: The snow is melting. Streams run. The sun shines brightly. Buds swell on trees. The first leaves are unfolding. The birds are flying. The grass is green. The first flowers appear. Insects appear.

Educator: Guys, I suggest you take a trip to the world of insects. Imagine that we are in a green meadow. Who we will meet here, we will find out with the help of riddles.

1. We are forest dwellers,

Wise builders.

From the needles of the whole artel

We build our house under the spruce. (Ants)

2. The bear found honey in the forest,

Little honey, a lot. (Bees)

3.Flies all day,

Everyone gets bored

The night is coming

Then it stops. (Fly)

4. I wanted to pick a flower,

But the flower has flown away.

What is this insect? (butterfly)

What are butterfly wings compared to? (with a flower). What are butterfly wings? (bright, light, large). How many wings does a butterfly have? (four). Having guessed the riddle, you will find out who flew to visit the butterfly:

Flying - buzzing

Sits down - is silent. (Bug)

Educator: Guess another riddle:


Flew over the lawn

Pat over the flower

Teacher: Look at the bee in the picture. Does she have wings, what are they, how many legs does she have? Do the math. Guys, why can insects fly? They have wings. Let's choose insects in the pictures that can fly, that have wings. Name them.

Teacher: Our journey continues. We meet a new insect. Spider.

Spiders live in the grass, but where else can they be found, where do they live, what kind of house do they have? (in the web). Do spiders fly? Why not? This is a crawling insect.

Educator: And now I suggest you play a game.

The game "The fourth extra" (The teacher calls four words, the children must identify the extra word by ear and explain their choice).

- Beetle, bee, ant, cat;

- elephant, butterfly, bumblebee, caterpillar;

ladybug, mosquito, plate, dragonfly;

- Christmas tree, cockroach, fly, grasshopper;

- bee, butterfly, mosquito, bed.

The child to whom the teacher throws a ball or ball answers.

After the game, there is a knock on the door.

Educator: Guys, let's see who came to us. (The assistant teacher in the costume of the postman Pechkin brings a letter from insects). The teacher reads the letter and tells the children:

There was a misfortune. It turns out that Winter does not want to release insects into the wild. So the insects are asking for your help. And in order to help them, you need to tell Zima about insects, solve riddles, because she has never seen them. Guys, why do you think? (There are no insects in winter). If Winter likes your answers, she will definitely release the insects. Therefore, we need to try.

But first, let's stretch our fingers.

Held finger game"Bee":

Came to us yesterday

Striped bee.

(make hand movements)

And behind her bumblebee-bumblebee

And a cheerful moth

Two beetles and a dragonfly

(we bend our fingers, starting with the thumb).

Like flashlight eyes. (We make circles from fingers, bring them to our eyes),

Buzzed, flew (waving hands),

We fell down from fatigue (we drop our palms on the table).

Educator: And to make it easier for you to tell, I have prepared pictures - hints. Let's look at them (children look at the pictures and determine what and how to tell).

A violinist lives in the meadow,

He wears a tailcoat and walks at a gallop.

Guess who this violinist is. (Grasshopper)

Not a beast, not a bird

Nose like a needle.

Flies, squeaks, sits down, is silent (mosquito)

On the chamomile at the gate

The helicopter descended.

golden eyes,

Who is this? (dragonfly).

Small in stature, but hardworking,

And a real hunter.

Collects a house from needles,

The forest saves from caterpillars. (Ant).

Here's another riddle:

Dot, dot, two hooks - these are the legs of a beetle,
two shiny petals move apart slightly,
on the right is a dot, on the left is a dot, with black dots on the sides.

Did you guess?

Yes, it's a ladybug. How is it different from a bee, wasp, bumblebee? (answers)

She has hard wings, they are called hard elytra and cover the flying ones. The ladybug is a small orderly, she saves gardens and orchards from death by eating more than small insect- aphids.

Ladybug must be protected.

Educator: Guys, butterflies, bees, beetles, ants, spiders, grasshoppers - these are all insects. Now we will also turn into insects.

Physical education:

I am a big dragonfly

Very round eyes

I'm spinning like a helicopter

Right, left, back, forward.

I flew and flew

And a little tired.

She sat on a chamomile and flew again.

(Children follow the text)

Educator: A dragonfly flew, waved its wings, and from this a light breeze suddenly blew. (Children blow, lips with a tube). And then the insects appeared, were glad that you freed them, and let's have fun. We saw a chamomile in the meadow and were surprised. What was the chamomile? (large, white, beautiful, elegant). Insects had fun, flew, fluttered, and were so tired that they decided to rest on a camomile. They sat down, there was enough space for everyone, the chamomile is big.

What insects sat on a chamomile (children's answers)

Educator: Let's play the game "Finish the sentence" and tell who is where?

  • An ant sits near (a flower)
  • Ladybug crawls on ... (leaf)
  • A bumblebee hid under (a leaf)
  • The caterpillar sits on ... (flower)
  • Butterfly flies over (a flower)
  • A beetle sits under (a flower)
  • Dragonfly flies around (a flower)

Educator: Insects rested on chamomile, they got tired of sitting and they decided to play hide and seek. One will hide, then the other. Let's also play and try to guess who hid?

The game “Who is gone? (on the development of attention, memory).

Educator: Today you learned about some insects, among them there are useful and there are harmful, therefore, when meeting with them, you must always be careful, because when they meet with a person, they defend themselves.

Rules of conduct when meeting with insects:

1. Seeing vespiary, do not touch him. Watch its inhabitants from afar, otherwise the wasps will sting anywhere.

2. If a bee is flying around you, try to be calm, do not wave your hands. If she bit then, it is necessary to remove the sting, rub the stung place with a soda solution.

3. Having met an ant on the way, do not touch it, then it will not bite you.

Every insect is busy, wants goodness and life for itself

Master Class. Modeling insects.

Author: Chepeleva Tatyana Alexandrovna
The material is intended for children of preschool and younger school age, teachers and educators.

Quite recently, by chance, I acquired a bunch of soft, fluffy wire called "chenille". And they gave me a whole package of film for paper basis for laser printers (such as laminating film). So I thought, how to use this "wealth"?

Materials: chenille, paper-based transparencies for laser printers, plasticine, toothpicks, CD marker, scissors.

Target: production of plasticine crafts-toys.
Show the possibilities of new materials (chenille, transparent film) in modeling.
To diversify the technique of working with non-traditional materials in modeling.
Improve the skills of modeling, manual labor, drawing.
Clarify and enrich children's knowledge of insects;
To form stable ideas about the color, shape, size of the insect offered as a sample.
Introduce children to poems, riddles, sayings about insects.
Develop an eye, fine motor skills of hands, speech, attention, thinking.
Raise interest in the world of insects, nature.

Vesna Krasna has started work. She didn't get down to business right away. At first, I thought: what kind of picture would she draw?
Here stands a forest in front of her - still gloomy, gloomy in winter.
“Let me decorate it in my own way, in spring!” She took thin, delicate brushes. She slightly touched the birch branches with greenery, and hung pink and silver earrings on aspens and poplars.
Day by day, the picture of spring is getting more elegant.
Everything is alive around. Feeling the heat, insects and spiders crawl out of different lye. May beetles buzzed near the birch branches. The first bees and butterflies fly to the flowers.
And for each of them, Spring is Red, she came up with an important thing.
(Georgy Skrebitsky)
Today we will sculpt insects. What? Let's consider.
№1 Dragonfly
You see everything dragonfly -
You have big eyes!
Your chirping flight
Like a helicopter in the sky.
You are in an "emergency" landing -
You boldly stick out your paws.

Let's take a look at her body parts. How many are there, what do they look like?

1. We sculpt the same - head, torso, tail.
2. We connect them, for strength, with a toothpick, and lubrication.
3. We cut the chenille wire into identical parts, according to the number of legs. We draw wings on the film.
4. We bend the wire for the legs, cut out the wings.
5. We connect all the details.
6. Add eyes (finished). But the daughter does not like them: “It doesn’t look like it!”
7. Add plasticine green balls - great eyes!

No. 2 Green beetle(unfortunately I didn't get the name)
I'll put a bug in my palm -
Let him sit there for a while.
Oh oh oh! How he tickles!
Wants to get out soon! (Svetlana Bogdan)

1. Consider the green beetle.
2. We roll 2 small balls - the head, more - the torso. We select chenille. Green is missing, we take blue.
3. We flatten the ball for the body, form a similarity. We string the head and torso on a toothpick. Chenille bend by 6 equal parts, cut.
4. We bend the “legs” with a ladder, stick it into the body. Add eyes. Ready!

No. 3 Spider - tarantula.
A spider in the corner
Weaved both the house and the net.
Now he is resting
The fly is waiting.

- We are considering. We count the number of legs, there are 8 of them. Another 2 antennae.

1. Roll up large, medium, small balls.
2. We put everything on the toothpick in sequence 3. We cut the smallest one with a knife - we get eyes.
3. We measure, chenille into 8 equal legs and 2 small antennae, cut.
4. We stick the legs into the body. Wow, what a resemblance!
No. 4 Fly

Annoying fly. Yuri Entin

Annoying Fly
The circle buzzes above the ear.
The circle buzzes over the ear
Annoying Fly.
Annoying Fly -
No voice, no hearing.
No voice, no hearing
Annoying Fly.

1. Daughter Julia, categorically, does not want to sculpt a green fly. We agree that there are yellow ones too. We sculpt 3 balls - for the body, head, eyes. We select chenille.
2. We roll out a large ball into a “dumbbell”, we form a ball-head like a barrel. Fasten with a toothpick. Add eyes. Chenille cut, bend.
3. On the film we draw, as similar as possible, the wings. We cut them out.
4. We connect all the parts into a single fly.

When the modeling is over, it is necessary to remember the story of Georgy Skrebitsky
"Spring-artist". Ask the question: “What is the important thing, came up with Vesna Krasna, for insects”? Let the children think and express their guesses.

Tatyana Morozova

Program content: To reveal in children the ability to plan their work, to correctly create an image insect, transfer their structure, size, independently choose a method modeling, transfer texture, relief using stacks and additional materials. To consolidate the ability to sculpt objects using tables - diagrams depicting the order of manufacture insect.

Enrich and activate the child's vocabulary, enhance life experience on the topic insects.

Develop fine motor skills, imagination, compositional skills.

Cultivate respect for insects.

Methods and techniques: surprise moment, use artistic word, showing, examining, questions to children, Practical activities children, summary.

Material and equipment: envelope, photos and illustrations insects(butterfly, bee, grasshopper, ant, ladybug, plasticine, stacks, boards for modeling, tables - schemes depicting the order of manufacture insect, Tray With Grass. Sound accompaniment of the voice insects.

preliminary work: viewing illustrations and photos insects, reading fiction about insects, solving riddles about insects, watching cartoons, watching walking insects, in the flowerbed, acquaintance with models of existing features insects.

Lesson progress:

The teacher brings to the group an envelope with a letter from Queen Rose, who asks the children to populate the flower kingdom with residents. But first you need to solve riddles in order to find out which inhabitants Queen Rose is talking about.

On a fragrant flower, a flying flower sat down,

All four petals moved at the flower.

I wanted to rip it off - it fluttered and flew away! (Butterfly) Show insect.

What does a butterfly eat? (plant juice, nectar)

Butterflies drink nectar with a long spout called a proboscis. Can you catch butterflies? Why? (No, we can hurt the butterfly)

Butterfly wings are covered with small colored scales. If we grab the butterfly by the wings, then the scales will fly around, and the butterfly will not be able to fly. What will happen to her? (will perish)


Flying over the lawn

Pat over a flower -

How many wings does a bee have? (4) Where do bees live? (in hives)

What benefits do bees bring to people? (they give honey)

The main benefit of bees is not even honey, but pollination of flowers. By smearing the legs in pollen, the bees carry it from plant to plant and pollinate it. Without bees, many flowers simply would not be able to reproduce, and there would be no flowers left on Earth.

What happens to the bee after it stings? (Stinging, the bee dies)

Small in stature, but hardworking,

And a real hunter.

Collects a house from needles,

The forest saves from caterpillars (ant) Show insect.

Ants live big families. What is the name of their house? What are they building from? (Anthill. Build from twigs, leaves, straws, blades of grass).

They are very hardworking insects, can carry objects up to 10 times their mass. What benefit do they bring us? (eat harmful insects) . They are called the orderlies of the forest.

Who has the whole back in dots?

Who grazes on the leaves?

Who do we ask to take to the skies

And bring us bread from there? (ladybug). Show insect.

What benefits do "cows"? (eat harmful insects)

That's right, they're called aphids.

The last riddle.

Jumping spring -

green back,

From grass to blade of grass

From branch to path (Grasshopper) Show insect.

And how can we find out if there is a grasshopper in the clearing or not (We will hear him sing)

That's right, he rubs one wing against another and it turns out such a song of a grasshopper. We say that he does not sing, but chirps. Grasshopper eats pests, such as caterpillars.

Guessed all the riddles of Queen Rose. How do we call them in one word the inhabitants who are needed in the flower kingdom? (insects)

What else insects you know?

What are flowers for? insects? (pollinate flowers).

Physical education minute

overstayed insects in the meadow spread their wings and flew: Bee flying buzzing: w-w-w. mosquito flies, ringing: z-z-z-z. The grasshoppers jumped. A butterfly flew in, swirled, fluttered its wings. Suddenly the wind picked up and roared. Run to me, hide. Everyone ran away. Well done.

Do you remember what Queen Rose asked for? ( populate flower kingdom by inhabitants - insects).

I suggest you blind them, and schemes will help us.

The teacher asks the children to choose their favorite insect. Children are seated at tables on which lies a diagram of this insect.

What parts does it consist of insect? (head, chest and abdomen, 6 legs, two antennae, some have a proboscis and wings).

How do we make wings?

How do we make paws?

To get down to responsible work, I suggest you prepare your fingers!

Finger gymnastics

Came to us yesterday

Striped bee. They wave their hands.

And behind her a bumblebee - a bumblebee For every name insect bend finger.

And a cheerful moth

Two beetles and a dragonfly

Like flashlight eyes. They make circles from the fingers and bring them to the eyes.

Buzzed, flew

They fell down from fatigue. They drop their palms on the table.

Now let's get down to the responsible cause: we blind the inhabitants for the flower kingdom. In your work, you use the techniques known to you modeling, and for the originality of your work, I have prepared the material that lies on your trays. You can use it to design your work.

Practical activities of children

At the end lessons starts recording sounds that produce insects.

We will place the finished works on our green meadow. Queen Rose will be very grateful to you!

What did we talk about today?

What we blinded the insects?

What tricks molds you used? (Rolling, rolling, flattening, pinching, pulling, pressing).

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Abstract of a lesson in kindergarten for children 5-6 years old on the topic: "Insects" (senior group)

To expand and consolidate children's knowledge of insects, to introduce the general concept of "insects" into the active dictionary of children. Continue to practice making proposals different designs using the union because - because. Continue learning to compose short story through a series of paintings. Activate, enrich vocabulary children on the topic. Continue to learn to guess riddles and justify your answer.

Cultivate a good attitude towards small neighbors on the planet.
Develop visual and auditory memory.
Develop connected speech.
Develop figurative speech.
To develop the verbal and logical thinking of children, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, reason, draw conclusions, exclude the fourth extra subject with the justification of their answer.
Develop general motor skills, coordination.
Equipment: subject pictures of insects (butterfly, bee, grasshopper, ant, caterpillar, ladybug, dragonfly). Flower, didactic game“The fourth extra”, D / and “What first, what then” (plot pictures that show the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly). A table covered with a green cloth, on which there are flowers, a letter, insect toys - a bee, a ladybug, a dragonfly, an ant, a beetle, a fly, insect hats.

Lesson progress:

1. Kinesiology exercise "Cross Steps"
- Today we will go to visit the little inhabitants of the forest clearing - insects. Getting ready for the trip:
“We went out to the forest clearing, raising our legs higher,
Through bushes and tussocks, through branches and stumps.
Who walked so dexterously, did not stumble, did not fall?
2. Organizational moment.
Children come to a table covered with a green tablecloth, on which there are only flowers and a letter. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that there is no one in the clearing. There is a letter (turn on disturbing music) from which the children learn that an evil spider has bewitched insects and you can save them if we complete all the tasks of the spider.
- Look, there is no one in the clearing, I do not see a single insect. Only the letter lies, I wonder from whom it is? He reads the letter: “Dear guys, we are in trouble, the butterfly writes, the evil spider has bewitched us, help us, please!”
Draw the attention of children to disturbing sounds coming from a forest clearing.
- Children, can you offend insects? Why? (children's answers)
3. Introduction to the topic.
- Guys, something happened to the six-legged kids, are you ready to help? The teacher reads the text:
Once over the insects
An evil spider swept by
In a colorful meadow
He bewitched everyone.
For butterflies to flutter
The ant worked.
And wasps to buzz
You help quickly.
Take your knowledge with you
And take kindness
And this six-legged
Help the little ones!
- And to help our six-legged kids, you and I will also turn into insects. I have magic flower who will help us. The teacher takes a magic flower and pronounces the words together with the children:
Close your eyes and repeat after me:
- Help us, flower, turn us into insects! (put on hats)
Here we have turned into insects, and we will go with you to a forest clearing. Pass insects, sit down. And here is the first task from the spider (in an envelope): "You need to solve riddles and find clues."
4. Riddles. Topic conversation.
The teacher reads riddles, the children guess, and the child who has the cap of the named insect gets up, finds his picture and puts it on the board.
She has four wings
The body is thin, like an arrow.
And big, big eyes
They call her ... (dragonfly).
- How did you guess that it was a dragonfly, what words helped you find the answer?
Drinks the juice of fragrant flowers,
Gives us both wax and honey.
She is nice to all people
And her name is ... (bee).
What words helped you guess that it was a bee?
He is a real worker.

Very, very hardworking.
Under a pine tree in a dense forest
He builds a house from needles. (ant).
- What words helped you guess that it was an ant?
She is bright, beautiful
Graceful, light-winged.
She looks like a flower
And he likes to drink flower juice. (butterfly).
- What words told you that it was a butterfly?
She is sweeter than all the bugs,
The back is scarlet on it.
And circles on it
Black dots. (Ladybug).
- And in this riddle, what words suggested that it was a ladybug?

I know for sure, everyone knows
Among green grass
There is one of the insects -
Legs above head!
- The nose is long
voice call,
Much smaller than a cat
And worse - fleas. (Mosquito)
- Flying all day
Everyone gets bored
The night will come
Then it will stop. (Fly)

- How can you call in one word those who are depicted in the pictures?
What is the main feature of all insects? (All insects have 6 legs.)
- Is a spider an insect?
- Name the insects that are predatory (dragonfly, grasshopper, ladybug)
Why are they called predators? (Because they prey on other insects.)
- name beneficial insects. (butterfly, bee, ant.)
- What benefits do bees, butterflies, ants bring? (Bees pollinate flowers, give us honey and wax. Ants carry the seeds of many plants through the forest. Butterflies pollinate flowers.)
- name harmful insects. (A fly carries germs, a caterpillar eats plant leaves, a mosquito carries infections.)
- Well done, they guessed all the riddles, and we saved the dragonfly and the bee (put the dragonfly and the bee in the clearing), but other insects are waiting for our help, let's move on.
5. Fizminutka "Centipede"
1. There was a centipede
(children walk in a rhythmic step, slightly springy)
On a dry track.

2. Suddenly it started to rain: Drip-drip-drip!
(Children stop and sit down.)
- Oh, forty paws will get wet!

3. I don't need a runny nose
(children walk, raising their knees high, as if walking through puddles),
I'll go around the puddles!

4. I won’t bring dirt into the house
(children stop, shake one leg),
Shake every paw!
(shake other leg).

5. And then I will stomp
(children stomp their feet)
- Oh, what thunder from paws!
- Let's go further, there are other insects waiting for our help.
- Look, guys, another envelope with tasks.
Children stop and sit at tables. The task must be completed independently (individual work)
6. The game "4 extra". Making sentences with the union "because".
- Look carefully at the pictures and say which picture is superfluous here and why do you think so?
An extra spider, because it does not belong to insects.
Extra ant, because he does not fly, and the rest of the insects fly.
An extra butterfly, because it flies, and the rest of the insects do not fly.
An extra butterfly, because the rest of the insects are predatory.
- having completed this task, we also saved the ant (put the ant in the clearing).
Let's continue our journey.
Logarithmic exercise "Insects over the meadow". Children read poems, performing various movements.
Zhu-zhu-zhu - the bee buzzes,
I'm flying from afar. (Children wave their hands rhythmically)
Z-z-z - the mosquito squeaks,
Bite soon in a hurry. (Exhibit forefinger, make rhythmic throws of hands forward).
Phew, wow, like a locomotive
The bumblebee puffs, - carried the pollen. (Rhythmically stamping feet)
The beetle is buzzing: gu zhu, gu zhu.
I'll wake anyone up (rhythmically clap their hands).
- Let's continue our journey.
We went to the lawn and found an envelope. – What an unusual envelope, it is different from the others. (the teacher takes out the diagrams from the envelope)
- Let's take a look at these diagrams and make up a story.
7. Stories of children in a chain:
The butterfly laid its eggs on the flower.
Then came the caterpillars.
The caterpillars fed on the leaves and grew rapidly.
Then the caterpillars turned into pupae.
Butterflies emerged from the pupae. They have wet wings. Butterflies dry their wings in the sun. As soon as the wings dry, the butterflies begin to fly.
Finger gymnastics:
The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up
I didn't want to sleep anymore.
Moved, stirred
Soared up and flew.
- We helped to disenchant the butterfly (put the butterfly in the clearing)

8. Breathing exercise"Plant a butterfly on a flower" (at the table).
- The back is difficult, you need to be careful, take a deep breath of air with your nose and make a quiet breeze on the butterfly so that it is on the flower. The salvation of the next insect depends on this.
(put a grasshopper and a beetle in the clearing).
Educator: So our journey has come to an end, what good fellows you are all for helping the insects. The insects thank you all.
Look how beautiful the meadow has become. Let ants and beetles crawl on the ground, let grasshoppers jump on the grass, let butterflies and dragonflies fly, and let the world we live in always remain blue and green! And it's time for us to return to Kindergarten. But first we need to turn into children again.
- And in order to turn into children, we need to guess the insects by sound and show them. (Children-insects fly, jump, flutter, make characteristic sounds).
The teacher takes a magic flower and says the words: Close your eyes and repeat after me:
- You are a flower, help and turn us into children!
- Did you enjoy being insects? (children's answers)
- And if you had such an opportunity to turn into insects again, who would you like to turn into and why?
We rested in a clearing in the forest, and it's time to return to kindergarten, but before returning, the fairy wants to find out whether it is good or bad to be an insect.
- What will happen to the meadow, forest, our nature, if insects disappear?
Children come to the conclusion that if insects disappear, plants will disappear, animals and birds will die: one cannot exist without the other. Insects are part of nature, and nature must be protected, loved and protected.
- You were all great today!
12. Relaxation. "Butterfly flutter"
- Guys, today we traveled a lot, we are tired. Let `s have some rest.
Sit on the rug, close your eyes and remember how you were insects.
Imagine a beautiful spring day. You are sitting on a green meadow. Everything around is calm and quiet. You are warm and comfortable, you breathe easily and calmly. Imagine that you are light butterflies with large and beautiful wings. Your arms are light, light, they are butterfly wings. And your body also became light, light, flapped your wings and flew. With each inhalation and exhalation, you float higher and higher in the air. You feel good and happy. But now it's time to go home. Stretch and open your eyes on the count of three. Smile at each other.