The development of speech in the preparatory group, the topic of dishes. Synopsis on the development of speech “What different dishes” (senior group). Abstract of a lesson on the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech and coherent speech in a preparatory group for school with OHP

Correctional and educational tasks.

  • Consolidation in speech of a noun with a generalizing meaning tableware.
  • Refinement and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic .
  • Perfection grammatical structure speech through exercises in the formation of plural nouns in nominative case, the only and plural verbs of the present tense, the syllabic structure of words, the agreement of the numeral with the noun.

Correction-developing tasks. The development of dialogic speech, speech breathing, general motor skills, visual and auditory attention.

Correctional and educational tasks. Formation of a positive attitude to participate in the lesson, independence.


  • Object pictures with images of dishes.
  • The plot picture "Set the table".
  • Cut pictures.
  • Scheme-support for compiling a descriptive story.
  • Easel.
  • Planar images of cups with pieces of cotton wool glued to them.

Lesson progress

1. Organizing time. Children are invited to the office, say hello, come to their chairs at the table. Before each of them is placed a subject picture.

The one with the cup sits first.

The child sits down.

Now the one who has the cups will sit down.

The child sits down.

You can sit down to someone who has a knife.

The child sits down.

Now for the one with the knives.

The child sits down.

The pictures are removed from the table.

Today we will talk about dishes. List the names of the dishes that you know.

Children list the names of dishes.

What is the utensils for?

The children answer the question.

2. The game "Val is visiting."

Playing out the situation "Valya is waiting for guests."

Who do you see at the table?

Let's pick a name for her, should it start with the sound [v]? (children offer names)

Valya is waiting for guests and asks us to help set the table. Now you will choose the dishes that I will talk about and put them on the table.

- : take the yellow teapot and put it on the table.

The child chooses dishes.

Well done. Correctly. What is the kettle for?

To make tea.

- : Take the red cup and put it in front of the teapot.

The child chooses dishes.

Good. What is the cup for?

To drink tea.

- ::Take a white vase and put it behind the teapot.

The child chooses dishes.

Correctly. Why do you need a vase?

Put flowers.

-: .. take the blue sugar bowl and put it near the teapot.

The child chooses dishes.

Right. What is a sugar bowl for?

Pour in sugar.

Well done! You helped Valya very well. She thanks you.

3. Game "What has changed?"

The remaining items are removed from the table.

Let's continue the game. Look again at the picture and remember what is on the table. Close your eyes. (The yellow teapot is removed from the table and a red teapot is put in its place.) Open your eyes. What appeared on the table?

Red teapot.

What was missing?

Yellow teapot.

Correctly. Look at the table again, close your eyes. (The sugar bowl is removed from the table and the milk jug is put in its place.) Open your eyes. What appeared on the table?

Green milkman.

What was missing?

Blue sugar bowl.

Well done! You were very attentive, clap yourselves.

4. Finger gymnastics"Helpers".

Children are invited to the carpet, they are invited to stand in a circle and do finger gymnastics.

One two three four, Alternately rhythmically hit the fist on the fist and clap their hands.
We washed the dishes
Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon Fingers are bent, one at a time for each name of the dish
And a big ladle.
We washed the dishes One palm slides over the other.
We just broke a cup The fingers curl up again.
The ladle also fell apart, The nose of the teapot broke off.
We broke the spoon a little. Alternately rhythmically hit the cam on the cam and
So we helped mom. clap their hands.

5. Exercise "What did you buy?"

I invite the children to the easel, in front of which there are chairs in a semicircle. Pictures with images of dishes are displayed on the easel.

What do you see in the pictures? List.

Children. Vases, basins, cans, glasses, pans.

Let's stomp these words: "wa-zy", "ta-zy", "bi-do-ny". "hundred-ka-ny", "cast-ryu-li". (Pronounces words in syllables, simultaneously stomping a rhythmic pattern.) Now I will show one of the pictures and ask you: what did you buy? You will name the picture and stomp the title.

6. Dynamic pause . Monkey game.

The kids are on the mat.

Now we will try to depict dishes. First we will draw a teapot. Put your right hand on your belt like me left hand bend in the form of a spout and inflate the tummy.

I show how to perform movements and poses, and the children repeat.

Well done! Now let's draw a cup. Squat down and put your left hand on your belt, like me.

The children perform the movements according to the show.

Excellent! Now let's turn into spoons. Stand up straight, raise your arms and close them over your head, like me. You did very well.

7. Broken cup game.[Application]

Children are given envelopes with split pictures and subject pictures for them.

See what beautiful cups drawn in pictures. The envelopes have the same cups, but "broken". Help me "glue" them. Arrange the parts of the picture correctly.

At this stage, an individual approach is carried out, some of the children are collected with visual support, some from memory, and some by overlay.

8. Game "1, 2, 5".

I will name the number, and you will add the word cup (glass, pan, can, dish) to the number.

One cup.

Two cups.

Five cups.

9. Exercise "Let's blow tea."

Children stand near their chairs, they are given flat images of cups with pieces of cotton wool glued to them.

I suggest you have some tea, but it's hot. Let's blow on him. At my command, you will inhale and blow on the "steam", without puffing out your cheeks, stretching your lips with a tube. Like this.

The exercise is repeated 2- 3 times.

10. Game "What is superfluous?"

4 subject pictures with images of dishes and toys are placed on the board.

The game we are going to play is called "What's wrong?" What do you see? List pictures.

Plate, saucepan, ball, glass.

What is missing here and why?

Extra ball. He is a toy.

What about everything else?

Correctly. Name the following pictures. (A new set is placed on the typesetting canvas: a cup, a plate, a glass, a mug.)

What is redundant and why?

Extra plate. You can't drink from it.

What about the rest of the dishes?

You can drink.

Right. Well done! Clap yourself.

Exceptions are being worked out according to the principle of the purpose of dishes (tea, kitchen, dining room)

11. Learning to compose description riddles according to the model with visual support.

I invite children to my place one by one and show each of them a subject picture so that other children do not see it. A support scheme is used to compose a descriptive story.

Look at the picture, ::. Talk about the subject without naming it. What's this? What is she? What is on it? What is it for?

Child. She is white and round. It has flowers on it. They eat soup from it. What's this?

This plate.

Well done. You did the puzzle correctly. And the guys are great too. They quickly guessed it.

The rest of the children make up riddles in the same way. I give them the help they need.

12.End of class.

Evaluation of children's work.


I. A. Morozova, M. A. Pushkareva "Introduction to the outside world." Summaries of classes for working with children 6-7 years old; M., Publishing house "Mosaic-Sintez", 2007

N. V. Nishcheva "Summary of subgroup speech therapy classes in the senior group of kindergarten for children with ONR". St. Petersburg, Publishing house "CHILDHOOD - PRESS", 2007

O.I. Krupenchuk teach me to speak correctly.

V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko "Front speech therapy classes in the senior group for children with ONR". M., Publishing house "Gnome and D", 2004

Tanya Sosonnaya
Abstract on the development of speech in preparatory group"Tableware"

Program content: Activate dictionary by topic " Tableware". Develop the ability to use plural nouns, change plural nouns in the genitive case. Strengthen the ability to form relative adjectives. Introduction to homonyms. Formation of habit of use simple sentence. Develop attention, memory, speech.

Dictionary: glass, wooden, metal, porcelain, coffee, tea, kitchen, household, plastic, ceramic, enameled, spout, neck, handle, bottom, walls.

Equipment: tape recorder, illustration "Swamp", subject pictures on the topic " Tableware", split pictures "Teapots", d / and "What without what".

V .: The one who calls crockery.

(Weeping is heard, Fedor enters)

Q: Fedor, what happened?

F: Oh, woe, woe. She ran away from me tableware. What should I do?

V .: Children, help me find crockery. Go home, put yourself in order and the house, and we will help you find crockery.

Water: This is who was going to help Fedora. I won't give it to her crockery. I myself need her.

V: Oh, who are you?

Water: I, Vodyanoy.

V .: No, Vodyanoy, this is not possible. How will Fedor be without crockery? Neither boil tea, nor cook borscht.

Water: Well, so be it, I'll give it. But if you are not afraid, complete all my tasks.

Q: How can we find you?

Water: I live in a swamp, I won't tell you anything else, I want to sleep.

V .: Well, children, let's go to the swamp. Die yourself, but save a comrade. We will go over the bumps to the swamp. And here is the swamp. But how can we find the Waterman? Let's ask the frog. She lives here and knows everything. The frog will get all the tasks of the Waterman from the swamp.

And here is the first task.:

There are many different crockery. Need to name a canteen crockery.

And what is the name utensils for tea? And for coffee? But this one what dishes? (kitchen).

And a can, a can, a bucket, a tank is what dishes? (household).

Tableware made of glass is what dishes?

Tableware made of metal is what dishes?

Tableware made of plastic is what dishes?

Tableware made of wood is what dishes?

Tableware covered with enamel what dishes?

V: We have completed this task. The frog gives us the second. I will talk about one item, and the one who has many of these items will talk about many items.

Now tell me, what did Fedora have a lot of?

(Lots of buckets, saucers, plates, etc.)

The frog is waiting for us on the third bump. And here is the mystery.

From a hot well, water flows through the nose.

Children, something is not right here. It can be seen that the teapot broke and was glued incorrectly. You have broken teapots on your tables. Let's glue them.

V .: Here are some beautiful teapots turned out. Now name the parts of the teapot.

(Spout, handle, lid, bottom, walls).

Fizminutka: Here is a frog along the path

Jumping with outstretched legs

I saw a mosquito (sit down)

screamed: "Kwa-kva-kva!".

V .: Our frog is already on the next bump. Here is a task. What is drawn here has parts that are named the same. Try to find and name these parts.

The girl's nose and the teapot's nose.

The neck of a girl and the neck of a jug.

V .: And here is the next bump. Frog, give us the next task. Need to name without what?

Pot without a handle. Sugar bowl without lid. Teapot without spout. Bucket without a handle. A cup without a saucer.

Q: This is the last task. So that dishes returned to Fedora, let's say about good words. Which tableware?

(beautiful, shiny, transparent, new, clean, etc.)

Water: Oh, what good fellows you are, and how smart. I didn't sleep and heard everything. So be back Fedora dishes. And you come to me again. And now I really sleep.

F: Oh, children, thank you for your help. I brought you a treat for this.

V .: Children, let's tell Fedora what to do with crockery so she doesn't run away again.

Children: Dishes need to be washed.

Dishes need to be protected.

Dishes need to be cleaned.

crockery needs to be put in place.

Related publications:

Purpose: development of coherent speech. Tasks: Correctional and educational: to expand and consolidate ideas about the dishes, their purpose, details, etc.

Synopsis of continuous educational activities for the development of speech "Utensils" Abstract continuous educational activities on the development of speech Topic: "Dishes" Purpose: To form ideas about the properties of dishes.

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Synopsis of an open integrated lesson in the middle group for the development of speech "Dishes" Municipal Preschool educational institution Chuchkovsky Kindergarten №1 municipality-Chuchkovsky municipal district.

Abstract of a lesson on cognitive development in the middle group "Fedorina dishes" Purpose: to increase the cognitive activity of children through the organization various kinds children's activities, emotional motivation.

The purpose of the lesson: the development of children's speech, the enrichment of the vocabulary on the topic "dishes"

1. Consolidation in speech of nouns with a generalizing meaning of dishes.

2. Improving the grammatical structure of speech through exercises in the formation of plural nouns in the nominative case, the singular and plural of present tense verbs, the syllabic structure of words, the agreement of the numeral with the noun

3. Formation of the ability to compose a descriptive story according to the scheme

4. Formation of the ability to answer questions with a full detailed sentence

5. Development of memory, attention, fine motor skills.

Type of lesson: consolidation of previously acquired knowledge

Form of occupation: group

Duration: 30 minutes

Participants: children of the preparatory group for school, educator

Age of students: 6-7 years old

Equipment and materials: a letter from Grandma Fedora, a chest, Fyodor's doll, split pictures, 4 extra cards, a diagram for compiling a descriptive story, illustrations of dishes

Preliminary preparation:

Examination of dishes and materials from which they are made

Reading fiction: K. I. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief", A. Gaidar "Blue cup", Brothers Grimm "Pot of porridge", Russian folk tale"The Fox and the Crane"

Conversation "Dishes yesterday and today"

Methods and techniques of working with children: observation method, demonstration method, game method, storytelling, reading, exercise method, practical work method

Lesson structure:

Lesson stage


Introduction to the topic of the lesson. Reading a letter from Fedora

Main part

Didactic game "Guess riddles"

Didactic game "Compare".

Physical education "Teapot-groucher"

(Development logical thinking, memory. Develop speech activity

Drawing up a descriptive story according to the scheme

Didactic game "The Fourth Extra"

Final part

Reflection, summing up the lesson

Lesson progress:

1. Introduction

Hello guys, I'm glad to see you so beautiful, kind, in a good mood!

Guys, today we received a letter in kindergarten. Here it is (the teacher shows the children a letter). Let's open it and find out what is written in it. (Open letter, read content)

“Hello, dear guys! Oh, woe to me, woe! All the dishes ran away from me! Come to me, help me, please, return the dishes. And I promise you that I will improve.

Best regards, Fedora"

Guys, what to do? It is necessary to help Fedora improve and return the dishes back, but in order to return them, you must complete tasks. Well, let's go to Fedora to visit and help her? (Yes)

Children imitating the movement of the train go to visit Fedora

2. Main body

Guys, here we come to visit Fedora. Here is Fyodor Ivanovna. (the teacher takes out the doll to Fedor). To return the dishes, you first need to remember their names.

Didactic game "Guess riddles".

Guys, listen carefully to the riddles and try to guess them.

I puff, puff, puff,

I don't want to get hot anymore.

The lid rattled loudly.

“Drink tea, the water has boiled!”

I don’t eat myself, but I feed people.

Both in the dining room and in the kitchen,

In the restaurant and everywhere:

If they cook - then in ...


Fry on ... (frying pan)

For us it is necessary

After all, we eat food from it

deep and shallow

Her name is ……….


We take her by the hand

We drink tea and coffee from it.

Well done, you have solved all the riddles.

Guys, while the dishes from Fedora, offended by her, ran away, she broke, split into pieces. Let us help Fedora and collect all her dishes. Uvas cut pictures on the tables. You collect them and you get a whole picture - some kind of dishware. And then you tell us about it.

Didactic game "Collect the dishes"

(To develop the ability to analyze and synthesize figurative thinking. spatial perception, imagination, logic. Exercise in compiling a whole picture from parts.)

The children name their assembled picture (I have assembled a cup (teapot...)) and

Well done! That's how many items of utensils we have collected.

Now let's take a closer look at your pictures, and we'll compare them. You will answer my questions.

Didactic game "Compare".

(Development of logical thinking, memory. Develop speech activity)

Children alternately in pairs, as they sit at the tables, make a comparison.

  1. 1. How is a saucepan different from a frying pan? (The pan is tall and has two handles, and the pan is low, wide, it has one handle).
  2. 2. How is a jug different from a bottle? (The jug has a handle).
  3. 3. What is eaten from a deep plate? (They eat cabbage soup, borscht, soup from a deep plate).
  4. 4. What is eaten from a small plate? (Eat from a small plate .......).
  5. 5. What is the difference between a teaspoon and a tablespoon? (Teaspoon is shorter and not as deep).
  6. 6. Why can't a spoon do the work of a fork? (the spoon has no teeth, like the fork, the spoon is round).

Did you enjoy comparing items?

Let's play with you again, come to me here on the carpet, stand in a circle.

Guys, do you remember what different dishes Fedora had? Let's tell you what dishes are, what they are made of.

A ball game is played in a circle, the children, receiving the ball in turn, answer.

Didactic game "What are the dishes made of?".

(Develop memory, attention, speech, exercise in the use of adjectives, develop speech activity)

Spoon made of wood - wooden ...

Porcelain cup – porcelain…

Crystal vase - crystal

Metal grater - metal

Glass carafe - glass

Plastic oiler -

Cast iron pan -

Clay bowl -

Steel knife -

And now all the children are turning into teapots-grouches.


"I'm a grumpy teapot"

I'm a grumpy teapot, a troublemaker, a nutcase

steps in place

I expose my belly to everyone

hands on the belt

torso twists

right left

I boil tea, bubbling and shouting:

hand clapping

Hey people, I want to have tea with you.

jumping in place

Children are invited to sit on the chairs, standing here on the carpet in a semicircle.

Guys, we remembered what different dishes are. Where are the dishes stored? In the kitchen. And in such different dishes are stored various products.

Didactic game "Each product in its own dishes."

(Development of logical thinking, memory. Develop speech activity)

Put butter in…

Pour sugar...

Pour milk...

Salt is in...

Pepper in...

The bread was placed in...

Fruit …

Rusks …

Juice poured...

Herring in…

Sweets for tea in our…

Guys, did you notice that Fedor came to us with a chest. You want to know, to see what lies in Fyodor's chest. The teacher takes turns inviting 3-4 people to the chest. They take out the contents of the chest and talk about it, describe it using a reference diagram. The teacher starts the game (gives a model of education)

Name of the dish

What is it made of

How to use

1. This is a small cup, it is red. She has a handle, bottom, walls. It is made of porcelain. They drink tea from it.

2. plate

4. frying pan

Well, now it's time to help Grandmother Fedora arrange the dishes in the kitchen on the shelves. I will now tell you how Fedora herself did it, and you will say whether it is right or not. Or she messed up something.

Didactic game "The fourth extra".

(Develop the ability to highlight an extra word. Explain your choice)

Find the extra item and explain why it is superfluous. And so, I say.

Pot, bread box, frying pan, kettle (food is not cooked in the bread box).

Cup, glass, mug, fork (the fork is not intended for drinking).

Spoon, fork, knife, saucepan (pan is not a cutlery).

Kettle, samovar, cup, frying pan (frying pan is not tea utensils).

Vegetable cutter, mixer, meat grinder, plate (they eat from the plate).

Well done! We sorted out the dishes, helped Grandmother Fedora, laid out and put everything in its place.

3. Final part

Guys, our journey with you to visit Grandma Fedora has come to an end. Let's remember what we did today and how we helped grandmother Fedora (children's answers)

You are all great fellows!

tatiana stepanova
Synopsis of GCD in the preparatory group for the development of speech "Dishes"

Topic: Topic: "Tableware".

Target: the formation of a dictionary.

Tasks: enrichment children's speech, consolidating children's knowledge about the appointment crockery, to exercise children in the formation of single-root words in agreement of nouns with adjectives, to form the ability to distinguish and name objects of tea, dining and kitchen crockery. To instill in children a sense of help, a desire to do a good deed, to bring joy to their friends.

Equipment: picture pictures crockery, Malysh and Carlson, sets of game tea, dining and kitchen crockery, mailbox, the envelope.

GCD progress.

Good afternoon guys. Today I received a letter. Let's open it together and find out who it is from. (open the letter and take out the letter and the picture with the Kid).you know who it is (children's answers).

Then the teacher reads the letter "Guys! Good afternoon. You all know that my best friend Kwrlson is a big glutton. And I decided to surprise him. When Carlson flew away on his own business, I furnished his kitchen - put a table, chairs, cabinets, gas stove. When Carlson arrived, he flew around the kitchen, looked and asked me: -What should I cook food in? Guys, help me figure out what tableware Carlson needs in the kitchen. Well, let's help the Kid deal with crockery(children's answers).

Tell me, so what tableware needed in the kitchen to cook soup? What can you fry an egg in? What else can you fry in a pan (children's answers).Well done! Everything that you called me here is called kitchen crockery(showing pictures of the kitchen crockery? And who knows why you need such a ladle with holes (picture of a colander (children's answers).Yes, pasta is washed through it and it is called a colander. Let's repeat together. (pronounce this word).But what kind of leaf is this? (show pan).Why do we need it in the kitchen? Of course, buns, pies are baked on it, and it is called a baking sheet. Let's repeat this word together (pronounce this word).You have already said that soup is cooked in a saucepan. And tell me, if the soup was cooked from potatoes, what would it be called? From peas? From rice? From chicken? (children's answers).Children, look what the whole kitchen utensils made of metal So what is she like? What if it's made of aluminum? (children's answers).Let's repeat once again what applies to the kitchen crockery(children's answers).Guys, well, Karlson will cook the soup for himself in a saucepan. And he will eat it from what, from the pan (children's answers).Of course, from a plate. The plates from which soup is eaten are called soup plates. Let's repeat. (children repeat together).There are also small plates from which they eat main courses. And this is called soup (picture display).Who will say why it is called that? (children's answers).Of course, in order to put on the table a large number of soup, it is poured into a tureen. After all, the pan on the table will look ugly. Let's repeat together - tureen (children pronounce this word).Tell me, where do they put the salad? Herring? What is the salt in? Pepper? What do we put bread in? What about napkins? Well done. Guys, everything that you just called is called a dining room. tableware(showing pictures of the dining room crockery) .Look how much it is. Imagine how hard it is for mom to wash it. Let's help mom (a physical minute "Mom's helpers" is held).Oh, there is something else in the letter. Let's take a look. Some kind of invitation.

I wanted to have a ball

And invited guests.

I took flour, I took cottage cheese

And baked a crumbly pie.

It turns out that Carlson decided to invite guests to his place. Drink tea with a cake that he baked himself. Guys, tell me what crockery should I put it on the table for tea? (children's answers).What will we pour the jam into? What do we put sugar in? What about oil? Where will the candy be? What will we drink tea from? Tell me, what do we put the cups on? And what will we pour tea from? What do you think, is this tableware for tea what will be called? Correctly. Such tableware will be called tea (showing a tea crockery) .Tell me, if the guests don't drink tea and coffee how is that dishes will be called(children's answers and showing a picture of a coffee shop crockery) .Guys, I want to tell you that these are the sets crockery are called services. Let's repeat (children repeat).If this is a tea set, what will the service be called? Table set? coffee set (children's answers are accompanied by pictures with services) Services are made from various materials. Here is a service made of plastic, what will it be called? From clay? From glass? From ceramics? From a tree? Look, there's something else in the letter. It's clear. The kid writes that he and Carlson accidentally cut pictures with the image crockery and cannot collect them. Let's help (we play a game with split pictures).Guys, you all have a birthday once a year. Think and say what you will treat the guests and what put the dishes on the table. (children's answers).Guys, I suggest you send a parcel to our friends in which we will put tea, coffee, table sets, as well as kitchen crockery. Come to the table and take that crockery which I suggested to you (children choose crockery and put it in a parcel).Well done. And I also want to invite you to arrange in group an exhibition of services. To do this, at home with your parents, you will find pictures depicting tea, coffee and table sets and bring them to group. And we will arrange an exhibition with you. And now the postman has come and he will pick up our parcel and send it to Malysh and Carlson. (we give the parcel to the postman and we say goodbye).

Synopsis of GCD in the preparatory group for the development of speech "Dishes"

Target : the formation of a dictionary.

Tasks : enrichmentchildren's speech , consolidating children's knowledge about the appointmentcrockery , to exercise children in the formation of single-root words in agreement of nouns with adjectives, to form the ability to distinguish and name objects of tea, dining and kitchencrockery . To instill in children a sense of help, a desire to do a good deed, to bring joy to their friends.

Equipment : picture picturescrockery , Malysh and Carlson, sets of game tea, dining and kitchencrockery , mailbox, envelope.

GCD progress.

Good afternoon guys. Today I received a letter. Let's open it together and find out who it is from.(open the letter and take out the letter and the picture with the Kid) . Do you know who it is(children's answers) .

Then the teacher reads the letter "Well, let's help the Kid deal withcrockery (children's answers) .

Tell me, so whattableware needed in the kitchen to cook soup? What can you fry an egg in? What else can you fry in a pan(children's answers) .Well done! Everything that you called me here is called kitchencrockery (showing pictures of the kitchencrockery ? And who knows why you need such a ladle with holes (picture of a colander(children's answers) .Yes, pasta is washed through it and it is called a colander. Let's repeat together.(pronounce this word) .But what kind of leaf is this?(show pan) .Why do we need it in the kitchen? Of course, buns, pies are baked on it, and it is called a baking sheet. Let's repeat this word together(pronounce this word) .You have already said that soup is cooked in a saucepan. And tell me, if the soup was cooked from potatoes, what would it be called? From peas? From rice? From chicken?(children's answers) .Children, look what the whole kitchenutensils made of metal So what is she like? What if it's made of aluminum?(children's answers) .Let's repeat once again what applies to the kitchencrockery (children's answers) .Guys, well, Karlson will cook the soup for himself in a saucepan. And he will eat it from what, from the pan(children's answers) .Of course, from a plate. The plates from which soup is eaten are called soup plates. Let's repeat.(children repeat together) .There are also small plates from which they eat main courses. And this is called soup(picture display) .Who will say why it is called that?(children's answers) .Of course, in order to put a large amount of soup on the table, it is poured into a tureen. After all, the pan on the table will look ugly. Let's repeat together - tureen(children pronounce this word) .Tell me, where do they put the salad? Herring? What is the salt in? Pepper? What do we put bread in? What about napkins? Well done. Guys, everything that you just called is called a dining room.tableware (showing pictures of the dining room crockery ) .Look how much it is. Imagine how hard it is for mom to wash it. Let's help mom(a physical minute "Mom's helpers" is held) .Oh, there is something else in the letter. Let's take a look. Some kind of invitation.

I wanted to have a ball

And invited guests.

I took flour, I took cottage cheese

And baked a crumbly pie.

It turns out that Carlson decided to invite guests to his place. Drink tea with a cake that he baked himself. Guys, tell me whatcrockery should I put it on the table for tea?(children's answers) .What will we pour the jam into? What do we put sugar in? What about oil? Where will the candy be? What will we drink tea from? Tell me, what do we put the cups on? And what will we pour tea from? What do you think, is thistableware for tea what will be called? Correctly. Suchtableware will be called tea(showing a tea crockery ) .Tell me, if the guests drink not tea, but coffee, then how is itdishes will be called (children's answers and showing a picture of a coffee shop crockery ) .Guys, I want to tell you that these are the setscrockery are called services. Let's repeat(children repeat) .If this is a tea set, what will the service be called? Table set? coffee set(children's answers are accompanied by pictures with services) Services are made from various materials. Here is a service made of plastic, what will it be called? From clay? From glass? From ceramics? From a tree? Look, there's something else in the letter. It's clear. The kid writes that he and Carlson accidentally cut pictures with the imagecrockery and cannot collect them. Let's help(we play a game with split pictures) .Guys, you all have a birthday once a year. Think and say what you will treat the guests and whatput the dishes on the table . (children's answers) .Guys, I suggest you send a parcel to our friends in which we will put tea, coffee, table sets, as well as kitchencrockery . Come to the table and take thatcrockery which I suggested to you(children choose crockery and put it in a parcel) .Well done. And I also want to invite you to arrange ingroup an exhibition of services . To do this, at home with your parents, you will find pictures depicting tea, coffee and table sets and bring them togroup . And we will arrange an exhibition with you. And now the postman has come and he will pick up our parcel and send it to Malysh and Carlson.(we give the parcel to the postman and we say goodbye) .

Guys! Good afternoon. You all know that my best friend Kwrlson is a big glutton. And I decided to surprise him. When Carlson flew away on his own business, I furnished his kitchen - put a table, chairs, cabinets, a gas stove. When Carlson arrived, he flew around the kitchen, looked and askedme : -What should I cook food in? Guys, help me figure out what kind of dishes Carlson needs in the kitchen. Well, let's help the Kid deal with the dishes(children's answers) .


Two people stand opposite each other, join hands and raise them higher.

Both speak in unison :

As we are tired of the mice, they gnawed everything, everyone ate. We'll set up a mousetrap, and then we'll catch the mice!

The task of the players while the presenters are saying a rhyme is to run under their clasped hands. But on last words the presenters drop their hands sharply and one of the players is sure to be caught. The one who fell into the mousetrap joins the catchers. The mousetrap grows. The game continues until one mouse remains - the winner.

"Two Frosts"

On opposite sides of the site, two houses are marked with lines. The players are located in one of the houses. Two drivers, two Frosts(Frost - red nose and Frost - blue nose) stand in the middle of the platform facingchildren :

We are two young brothers, I am Frost - a blue nose,

Two Frosts are remote, Which of you will decide

I'm Frost - a red nose, To go on a path?

All the chorus players answer :

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost!

After that, they run to another house, and the Frosts try to freeze them.(touch with hand) . The Frozen ones stop at the place where the Frost overtook them. They stay like that until the end of the run. Frosts count how many players they managed to freeze. After 2-3 runs, new Morozov are chosen. At the end of the game, the result is summed up: which Frosts froze more players.

Directions. A player who runs out of the house before the signal or stays in the house after it is also considered frozen.

sedentary game"Who's got the ball?"

With the help of a counter, the driver is selected, who becomes the center of the circle. Children stand in a circle tightly with their shoulders to each other, hands behind their backs. The driver must guess who has the ball. The instructor starts the game, he has a small ball in his hand. Walking in a circle, the instructor gives the ball into the hand of one of the players, and the children must pass this ball in one direction or another in a circle so that the driver does not notice.