When, to whom and where to complain about the lack of heating? Where to complain about the lack of heating? How to write a complaint? Slightly warm batteries in the apartment where to complain

Publications, 16:06 20.10.2011

Heating in the apartment: what is the heating rate and how to make it warmer


How many in degrees

We’ll warn you right away: in order not to download the rights in vain and to no avail, you first need to make sure that the temperature in your home really falls short of established norm. And in Russia, frankly, they are not resorts. Doctors note that most of us are comfortable at 23 - 25 degrees. However, the developers of housing and communal standards, apparently, decided to harden the population, and set the following indicators minimum temperature for apartments in the cold season:

Living room +18 degrees, in the building of the first year of operation +20;

Corner room +20 degrees;

Kitchen +18 degrees;

Bathroom +25 degrees.

In the lobby and stairwell the entrance should be at least +16 degrees, in the elevator +5, in the basement and attics at least +4 degrees.

These indicators are set State standard Russian Federation GOST R 51617-2000 "Housing and communal services. General specifications"(approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2000 N 158-st).

Control measurement

If your apartment is clearly cooler, and the batteries are barely warm, the first thing you need to do is call the control room management company(UK), serving the house (DEZ, housing department, private UK). Write down the date, number of your application and the name of the operator who accepted it. According to the rules, on the same day, a caretaker technician or an engineer from the management company should be sent to you. The arriving public utility company conducts official temperature measurements to make sure your claims are justified.

The procedure should look like this: the temperature is measured at inner wall each room, kitchen and bathroom at a distance of one meter from the wall and at a height of 1.5 meters from the floor. Based on the results of the check, an act is drawn up in two copies, one of which is issued to the owner of the apartment.

If the temperature readings are below the GOST minimum, then the management company is obliged to take measures to normalize the heating in your home. Please note: there are no clear deadlines for this in the legislation, so lawyers advise using the reasonable time rule (it is spelled out in Article 314 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Based on this rule, your demand must be fulfilled within 7 days from the date of its presentation. The employees of housing maintenance organizations themselves confirm: if the applicant (the owner of the apartment) behaves competently and persistently, then in practice his problems with heating are usually resolved within 3-5 days.

If public utilities are pulling rubber

How to convince public utilities that you are a competent and persistent consumer? Once you have received the certificate of temperature measurement in your apartment, prepare a claim. In it, indicate that the heating service is provided of poor quality, since the indoor microclimate indicators established by GOST R 51617-2000 are not observed (clause 4.16.2). In this regard, you demand the elimination of deficiencies within a reasonable time on the basis of Article 314 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Print out two copies of the claim. Transfer one to DEZ (ZHEU or other management company). On the second, you should put a mark on acceptance. Alternatively, you can submit a claim. by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. In this case, a reasonable period will be counted from the date the utilities receive your letter.

If your management company shows miracles of sluggishness, does not respond to a claim or "dynamite" in any other way, contacting several more instances will help stir it up.

1) The authorities of your locality. In Moscow, this is a district government, in other regions - district administrations, village councils, etc. In such bodies there is always a subdivision (department, committee) in charge of housing and communal services. The author of this material has tested on her own experience the effectiveness of filing a complaint about heating with the council - it worked very quickly.

2) "Hot lines" of energy supply organizations. You can find phone numbers on the Internet or find out at the help desk.

3) State Housing Inspectorate. This body is authorized to control, among other things, the quality utilities, the work of managing organizations and issue mandatory instructions to violators.

Question in the topic: maybe put an individual heat meter?

This question is increasingly being asked recently by residents who want to save money in the light of the constant rise in the cost of housing and communal services. Basically, housing code RF allows you to do this. However, experts believe that in practice, such a measure is more likely to result in an additional and at the same time stupid burden for the wallet, rather than a real savings tool. The fact is that in most of our houses (except for new buildings of the latest generation) apartments have such a piping layout, in which it is simply impossible to regulate the heat consumption of each particular battery. So, by putting the meter, you can only observe its performance, but most likely it will not be possible to reduce or increase the heating.

Well, why do you have such fun?

Anna Dobryukha

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Even in new buildings, problems with heating are not uncommon. What can we say about secondary housing, built 30-40 years ago. Where to go and how to behave competently in order to quickly "warm up" the batteries? Let's formulate an algorithm of actions.

16:06 20.10.2011

How will it look like:

Even in new buildings, problems with heating are not uncommon. What can we say about secondary housing, built 30-40 years ago. Where to go and how to behave competently in order to quickly "warm up" the batteries? Let's formulate an algorithm of actions.

During the start heating season for people who live in apartment buildings, there are new troubles associated with clarifying the formation of low temperatures in apartments.

Some residents have begun to get used to periodic failures during the supply of heat and are trying to heat their homes with different heaters or other methods.

But such equipment cannot provide a comfortable temperature for living throughout the house, which makes it necessary to find out the cause of a malfunction in the heating system.

But where can residents turn in such cases, if there is no heating, and the temperature in the yard is below zero?

Why is there no heating? Find the reason.

When it gets really cold

If you have problems with the cold in the apartment, you can chat with your neighbors on the site to find out how they are doing with heating.

In the case when the neighbors' apartments are provided with heat, it means that the problems are individual in nature and are relevant only for this living space.

In this case, it is necessary to make an appeal to the DEZ, which serves this house, or in the HOA, if the person is a member of a homeowners association, to the management company, submitting a request to send special equipment to this apartment.

A special technician is obliged immediately upon arrival to inspect the communications and find out the reasons for which there is no heat, and take some measures to eliminate it.

Based on troubleshooting laws, a utility organization that provides heating services for residential buildings is given no more than a week. An easy repair of the internal heating system must be carried out over several days.

If the cold also spreads to the residents of the entire entrance, then the reasons for this situation will be larger. There is a possibility that some major accident occurred on the heating systems, and in order to eliminate it, the utilities turned off the heating.

During such a development of events, it is also necessary to know where to turn in case of a heating problem? In this case, you can contact the Management Company or the Housing Inspectorate. Most often, during the heating season, such organizations open a “hot line” to receive calls from citizens.

When to File a Complaint

Sample Complaint

In the case of ignoring such calls and expressing unwillingness to find a solution to the problem of high-quality heating of the apartment, you must contact the listed structures in writing.

And the application must be drawn up in two copies, on one of the copies they must put a mark, which includes the number and date of receipt of the document for consideration.

Thanks to the law, a written application cannot be ignored, on the basis of which a specialist should be sent to take temperature measurements in each room.

It is also necessary that measuring device was at a level of 1.5 m from the floor and a meter from the outer wall. The results of the inspection serve as the basis for drawing up an act reflecting the results of the measurements taken. One of the copies of this document must be picked up by the owner of the apartment.

Based on the current sanitary and epidemiological rules, the following temperature standards must be maintained in the premises of residential buildings.

What should be the temperature in the apartment at different times of the year

These are standard temperature indicators in the apartment, if they do not correspond to reality, you can safely file a complaint.

In cases where a representative of the housing organization did not appear, it is necessary to draw up an act on your own, inviting the rest of the tenants to testify. It is imperative to indicate in the act that the invited employee of the housing organization did not appear when examining the apartment.

Not knowing where to turn to solve problems related to heating, it is necessary to contact and write complaints to the following authorities:

To local governments. At the moment, it has become possible to do with Email. The address can be easily found on the official website of the administration of the city or other locality where you are.

Rospotrebnadzor. The complaint must include the name and address of the management company. In winter, specialists of a certain government agency solve heating problems.

And based on the results of the audit, which was carried out by the experts of RosPotrebNadzor, the head of the Management Company will be issued an order to troubleshoot problems associated with temperature regime in a residential building. The order always indicates the deadline for the execution, for the violation of which a penalty is provided.

To the prosecutor's office. A written complaint demanding the initiation of proceedings against the director of the management company under Art. 7.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

By tradition, there should be a stand with information for citizens who apply to the housing inspection.

In Russia, order in the housing and communal services sector is still very far away, which is why every resident must know where to turn for problems with heating, in its absence or poor functioning. The activity of the struggle of residents will modernize the work of housing and communal services faster.

Moscow. "Hot lines" on heating issues. Where to call?

    For questions about the onset of the heating season, as well as for all other problems with heating, utilities, complaints about poor-quality heating supply to the house, you can call here:

    The same organizations also accept all kinds of comments on the supply of electricity.

    if they can’t solve your question, they communicate with you incorrectly, then you can still call here:

    Of course, if residents and citizens have questions about the new heating season, they can call the hotlines. Here are some phone numbers for example.

    Hot phones for heating, electricity and hot water:

    Hotlines of the Moscow Housing Inspection for heating problems in the districts:

  • On September 29, heating was turned on in all districts of the city in Moscow. Muscovites are lucky, but we are freezing and counting the average daily temperature. Published phones, which are recommended to call in case of any problems, cold batteries and other things. True, complaints have already appeared on the network that it is impossible to get through on some phones. Unfortunately, this is natural at the beginning of the heating season.