Fetus. The structure of the fetus. Fruit classification. Juicy and dry fruits. See what "Drupe (fruit)" is in other dictionaries Or recognize the tree as good and its fruit as good; or make the tree bad and its fruit bad, for the tree is known by its fruit.

Fetus- the reproductive organ of flowering plants, which develops after fertilization from the ovary of the pistil.

The fruit consists of seeds and a pericarp surrounding them. The pericarp develops from the walls of the ovary, in which, after fertilization, they begin to accumulate nutrients. Sometimes other parts of the flower take part in the formation of the fruit - perianth, receptacle, stamens, pedicel.

The pericarp protects the fruit from mechanical damage, adverse environmental conditions, and also serves to spread plants. Many animals and birds, feeding on fruits, carry the seeds long distances in their digestive tract, where they remain unharmed, and, having fallen to the ground in a new place, germinate. Some animal seeds, such as squirrels, chipmunks, are collected and hidden in different places where they also grow. The fruits have adaptations with which they stick to the paws and hair of animals, and are carried away to new places (for example, the fruits of a string, burdock).

Some dry fruits have flight adaptations - wings:

Fruit classification

  1. Dry (bean, pod, box, nut, acorn, caryopsis, achene, leaflet)
  2. Juicy (drupe, berry, apple, pumpkin, orange)

By number of seeds:

  1. One-seeded (caryopsis, achene, nut, drupe)
  2. Multi-seeded (bean, pod, box, berry, pumpkin, orange, apple)

By opening, dry fruits are divided:

  1. Opening (bean, pod, box)
  2. Non-opening (caryopsis, achene, nut)

By origin, all fruits are divided:

  1. Simple fruit - develops from a flower with one pistil.
  2. Composite fruit - develops from a flower with several pistils.
  3. Seed fruit - develops from the inflorescence, if the flowers in it have grown together.

simple fruits

Opening dry multi-seeded fruits - bean, pod and box. After ripening, these fruits are opened, and the seeds are scattered around.

Fetus bean have peas, beans, yellow acacia, beans. After ripening, two of its wings open, to which seeds are attached. In contrast to him, pod seeds are attached to the median septum. Pods have garden cabbage, turnip, radish, etc.

Fetus box they have poppy, black henbane, cotton, etc. In poppy, the box is opened with holes, and the seeds spill out when the stem is swaying.

In cotton - cracking of the valves.

Non-opening single-seeded dry fruits are distributed as a whole, along with seeds. Their pericarp breaks only when the seed begins to germinate. These include walnut, caryopsis and achene.

Nut- its pericarp is hard, lignified. Nuts have hazel, oak (its nut is called an acorn).

Zernovka- found in the family of cereals - wheat, rye, etc. In a caryopsis, the pericarp fuses with the seed peel.

Achene- sunflower, cornflower, dandelion. In the achene, the pericarp does not fuse with the seed coat. The dandelion seed has a crest that allows it to fly:

The elm seed has a transparent wing:

Dill achene carries two seeds (two seeds)

Drupe - juicy one-seeded fruit. It is formed in cherries, peaches, plums, bird cherry, etc. Three layers are distinguished in the pericarp of the drupe:

  1. Outer - thin skin
  2. Medium - juicy pulp
  3. Internal - hard lignified bone

The seed lies freely inside the seed.

Berry- a juicy multi-seeded fruit in which the seeds lie in a juicy pulp. Berries have gooseberries, grapes, tomato, lily of the valley, kiwi

pumpkin- a fruit in which the outer layer of the pericarp has a woody density, and the seeds lie in the juicy pulp - pumpkin, melon, watermelon:

Pomeranian - polyspermous juicy fruit, similar to a berry, but having a thick soft skin covered with zest - found in citrus fruits - orange, lemon, etc.

Apple- a multi-seeded fruit, in which the juicy pulp is formed not by the ovary, but by the flower tube. Seeds lie in membranous chambers. (Apple tree)

prefabricated fruits

Prefabricated achene- on a juicy, overgrown convex receptacle there are small dry achenes - found in strawberries, strawberries

Prefabricated drupe- on a white, dry, overgrown conical receptacle, numerous juicy drupe fruits are located. Raspberries and blackberries have such a fruit.


Seed fruit are several mature, fused fruits. They are dry and juicy.

Juicy infructescence- in pineapple, mulberry.

Dry seed- have beets, spinach

If games or simulators do not open for you, read.

A lot but right Question 1. What is the origin and structure of the fruit?

After the formation of the embryo has begun, the flower enters a new phase of development, which ends with the formation of the fetus. In parallel with the formation of seeds, the ovary begins to grow. A pericarp is formed from the walls of the ovary, which surrounds the seed - this is how the fetus is formed. The fruit consists of the pericarp and seeds. The pericarp is the overgrown and modified walls of the ovary. Often other parts of the flower (the bases of the stamens, petals, sepals, receptacle) also participate in the formation of the pericarp. Seeds are formed from ovules. The fruit is considered false if, in addition to the ovary of the pistil, other parts of the flower take part in its formation - the receptacle, perianth, stamens.

Question 2. On what grounds are the fruits divided into simple and prefabricated, dry and juicy?

A fruit formed from a single pistil in a flower is called real (simple). If the fruit is formed from several pistils of one flower, it is called complex (combined) - raspberry, blackberry. Depending on the amount of water in the pericarp, juicy and dry fruits are distinguished. Ripe juicy fruits have juicy pulp in the pericarp.

Based on the structure of the pericarp, real fruits are divided into dry and juicy. Fruit varieties are also determined by the number of seeds in the fruit. Dry and juicy can be single-seeded and multi-seeded. As a result, four types of fruits are distinguished: dry single-seeded, dry multi-seeded, juicy single-seeded, juicy multi-seeded (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Examples of fruits:

A - grain of wheat; B - sunflower achene; B - pea bean;

G - cabbage pod; D - poppy box; E-drupe of cherry;

Zh - potato berry "; 3 - apple of an apple tree.

Question 3. What juicy fruits do you know? What plants have juicy fruits?

Juicy one-seeded fruits: drupe (cherry, plum); complex drupe - a group of drupes formed from one flower (raspberry, blackberry).

Juicy multi-seeded fruits: berries (grapes, tomatoes, cranberries, currants); apple - a false fruit, in the formation of which an overgrown receptacle - hypanthium (apple, pear, mountain ash) takes part; pumpkin - a false fruit, in the formation of which the receptacle (watermelon, pumpkin) takes part; orange - citrus fruit (lemon, tangerine).

Question 4. What is the difference between a berry and a drupe?

The berry contains inside the juicy pulp a lot small seeds. In a drupe, there is only one seed inside with a lignified inner layer of the pericarp - a bone. There are single-seeded berries (barberry) and numerous drupes (elder, water lily).

Question 5. What dry fruits do you know?

Dry one-seeded fruits: caryopsis - the seed grows tightly with a thin pericarp (rye, wheat); achene - leathery pericarp, does not grow together with the seed, often has a tuft or fly (sunflower, dandelion); lionfish - achene with a pterygoid appendage (ash); walnut - hard pericarp, woody (hazel); nut - nut small size(hemp); acorn (oak).

Dry multi-seeded fruits: box - opened with holes or cracks (poppy, henbane, cotton); leaflet - opened along the abdominal seam (larkspur); bean - opens along two seams - abdominal and dorsal, seeds are attached to the pericarp valves (plants of the legume family); pod - between the valves there is a longitudinal partition to which seeds (mustard) are attached; pod - its length exceeds the width by no more than three times (shepherd's bag).

Question 6. What is the difference between a bean and a pod?

A bean is a dry fruit consisting of two flaps on which seeds are located. When the bean matures, its wings dry out and curl up, throwing out the seeds. Such fruits are in beans, peas, beans, acacia. The pod, like the bean, has two valves, but the seeds in the pod are located not on the valves, like in the bean, but on the septum of the fruit. Pods are typical for colza, cabbage, radish, turnip, rutabaga, radish, levkoy.

Question 7. What type of fruit can nuts, acorns be attributed to and why?

Walnut and acorn are referred to as dry nut fruits because they have one-seeded indehiscent fruits with a dry pericarp.

Question8. What is the role of fruits in plant life?

The most important functions of the fruit are the protection and distribution of seeds.

The fetus is one of the organs flowering plant. The structure of the fruit is diverse, therefore, they distinguish Various types fruits. The functions of all fruits are the same: the preservation of seeds and the promotion of their distribution.


Any fruit is formed from a flower, so only flowering plants have fruits.

Sometimes they say that the fruit is an overgrown ovary. Initially, the ovary inside contains ovules with eggs. After pollination of the flower and subsequent double fertilization, the ovules become seeds. The walls of the ovary gradually thicken, transform, and turn into a pericarp.


The fruit is made up of:

  • seeds;
  • pericarp.

Rice. 1. The structure of the fetus.

During the development of the pericarp, various organic matter. Some of them give the fruit color, others attract animals with their smell.

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The number of seeds and the nature of the pericarp are the main features by which different types of fruits are distinguished.


The pericarp can grow strongly and accumulate a significant amount of water. In this case, the fruit is called juicy.

Rice. 2. Juicy fruits.

If there is little water in the pericarp, the fruit is classified as dry.

Both juicy and dry pericarp equally successfully perform the function of seed protection.

Rice. 3. Dry fruits.

Fruits are also classified according to the number of seeds. There are fruits with one seed (peach), and multi-seeded (gooseberry).

Table "Classification of fruits"

The table shows only the main types of fruits. There are a number of peculiar fruits characteristic of a small number of species. For example, the fruit of a pomegranate is pomegranate. Its pericarp is dry, but it is incorrect to attribute it to dry fruits, because the peel of pomegranate seeds is very juicy.

There are complex fruits, consisting of simple ones. For example, the fruits of raspberries and blackberries are composed of small drupes.

Some types of fruits are similar. The difference between a nut and an acorn is a lignified pericarp. And the bean differs from the pod in the absence of internal partitions.

Also, the fruits differ in:

  • opening methods;
  • distribution patterns in nature.

For example, a box, a pod and a bean are classified as dehiscent fruits, and an achene, a caryopsis and a nut are non-dehiscent.

The main methods of distribution of fruits:

  • wind;
  • water;
  • animals.

Some fruits scatter seeds on their own. During maturation, inside the fruit is created high pressure, and the seeds are thrown out.


Small flowers of many plants are collected in inflorescences. With the formation of fruits, the inflorescences turn into infructescences. So, the sunflower flowers are collected in a basket. Each flower, when ripe, produces an achene. All achenes are collected in infructescence.

The variety and value of fruits is very great. For many animal species, they are the basis of nutrition.

A person also cannot live without fruits, since they are to this day for us. irreplaceable source various organic substances

  • carbohydrates;
  • vegetable oils;
  • vitamins;
  • proteins.

Therefore, people today, as in ancient times, collect the fruits wild plants, and also cultivate cultivated plants, giving:

  • fruits;
  • vegetable oils;
  • vegetables;
  • medicinal substances;
  • coffee and cocoa;
  • cereals.

The Indians of America considered the chocolate tree sacred and believed that cocoa enlightened the mind. Latin name tree - Theobroma, which means "divine food."

The cotton fiber used to make cotton fabric is also part of the fruit. These are the hairs on the seeds.

What have we learned?

preparing a report or homework in the 6th grade in biology, you need to remember that the fetus contains seeds - rudimentary daughter organisms. Its natural function is to keep the seeds until ripe and to promote their dispersal. According to the nature of the pericarp and the number of seeds, various types of fruits are distinguished. The value of fruits for human nutrition and many animals is very high.

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¨ simple

¨ complicated, or made

infertility -

© The consistency of the pericarp:

¨ dry

¨ juicy

© Number of seeds:

¨ single-seeded fruits (plum, wheat);

¨ polysperms

¨ opening -

¨ non-opening -

© Simple fruits:

¨ box-shaped fruits(Fig. 54) :

§ bean

§ pod, pod

§ box- a multi-seeded fruit formed by two or more carpels (tobacco, cotton). Boxes can be single-nested and multi-nested.

¨ Nutty fruits(Fig. 55) :

§ nut- fruit with woody pericarp, not fused with the seed coat, formed from two carpels (hazel). Hazel nuts are enclosed in plush

§ nut

§ lionfish

§ acorn

§ achene

§ weevil

¨ Berry fruits (Fig. 56):


§ orange, or hesperidium- fetus citrus plants(orange, lemon). The exocarp consists of an outer epidermis covered with a cuticle and a layer of wax, and a chlorophyll-bearing parenchyma with oily glands (when the fruit ripens, chloroplasts turn into chromoplasts, and green fruits

turn yellow or orange). Mesocarp loose, white, spongy, dry and tasteless. The endocarp is membranous, consisting of several layers of dense parenchyma and inner epidermis. Endocarp cells form long-stalked juice sacs filled with cell sap that make up the edible pulp of the fruit.

§ pomegranate - fruit, the pulp of which is formed from the juicy outer layer of the seed coat of numerous seeds. The pericarp and floral tube tissues of the mature fruit dry out and form a hard leathery peel.

§ Apple(Fig. 57) -

§ pumpkin(Fig. 57) - a multi-seeded fruit with a hard, hard, lignified or leathery exocarp and a fleshy meso- and endocarp; overgrown placentas (pumpkin, cucumber) take part in the formation of the fetus.

¨ Drupe fruits:

§ juicy drupe

§ dry drupe

© prefabricated fruits(Fig. 57):

¨ prefabricated drupe(polydrupe

¨ team nutlet(multi-nut) - a set of many nuts (buttercup, adonis, cinquefoil). A polynutlet of strawberries and strawberries is a strongly overgrown fleshy and juicy hypanthium, on the convex surface of which nuts are located near the recesses. He's called strawberry. Rosehip polynut - cynorodium -

We will talk about two very popular with gardeners fruit crops: raspberries and strawberries (or, in the common people, strawberries). I want to tell you, dear readers, about the features of the fruits of these plants, which everyone has called berries since childhood - raspberries, strawberries.

Perhaps for the layman there is no difference in how to call the fruits of raspberries and strawberries, but this should be interesting to every inquisitive gardener.

First of all, it must be clearly understood that the fruit is the final stage of flower development. Modern plants have a huge variety of fruits that fit into a certain system.

All fruits are classified according to a set of characteristics, in particular:

  • Consistency: juicy and dry.
  • According to the type of gynoecium or, simply, according to the structure of the system of pistils in a flower, forming ovaries, from which fruits are formed.

    Raspberries and strawberries have an apocarpous type of gynoecium, that is, the flower has many individual pistils, which can be clearly seen in the photographs. In this, raspberries and strawberries are similar, although the fruits form different ones.

The peculiarity of apocarpous fruits is that they are prefabricated, that is, each pistil forms its own fruit, and many of these fruitlets form a prefabricated fruit.

Thus, the strawberry fruit is an apocarpous dry polynutlet.

That is, the fruits of strawberries are small nuts that you can see on the surface of the "berry", as we used to call the strawberry fruit. What we think of as a beautiful berry is actually an overgrown juicy, fleshy receptacle. Some experts suggest introducing another type of fruit - strawberries or frags, to determine this type of multi-nut. Therefore, it will be correct to call the “berry” strawberries strawberries.

The fruit of raspberries, unlike strawberries, is a juicy fruit and is called a multi-drupe, which consists of many juicy fruitlets - drupes.

The fruits of this type are similar and may differ in color, size and number of drupes. Blackberries, stone fruits, cloudberries have this type of fruit.

Thus, the berries familiar to us are not berries at all. A berry is a juicy, simple, cenocarp fruit. The flower from which such a fruit is formed has one pistil. As you can see in the photo, currant flowers have one pistil, and currant is an example of a berry fruit.

The fruit is also a berry in gooseberries, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers and many other plants.

Those readers who do not care what botanists think about strawberries and raspberries, but their taste and usefulness are important, can choose raspberry seedlings and strawberry seedlings in our seedling catalog: raspberry seedlings, strawberry seedlings.

Classification of plant fruits

The fruit is the reproductive organ of flowering plants that develops from a single flower and contains seeds. From an inflorescence, even the most compact, such as, for example, a mulberry, a seed is formed; in raspberries, an outwardly similar formation, but originating from a flower, is a combined fruit. In addition to the ovary, other organs of the flower can also participate in the formation of the fetus: receptacle, perianth, bracts, etc.

The wall of the fruit (in fact, it is the fruit itself, without seeds) is called the pericarp or pericarp and includes three layers (exo-, meso- and endocarp, in simple fruits, clearly distinguishable by consistency).

Since the fruit is formed from the pistil, the classification of fruits is based on the typology of the gynoecium. From a flower with one pistil, a monocarpic fruit, monocarp, is formed (from perennials - species of bamboo, bean, plum drupe).

Sometimes, in a complex pistil, the carpels grow together and form a pseudomonocarp with one seed in the chamber (hazelnut, drupe of nuts, acorn, as well as the achene of Compositae and the caryopsis of cereals). Two or more pistils of one flower form a coenocarp (the pistils grow together, as in citrus, apple, cruciferous, pumpkin, as well as a berry, a box, etc.) or apocarp (the pistils are free: peony multi-leaf, ranunculus multi-nutlet, raspberry multi-drupe).

In apocarpous fruits, individual fruitlets are clearly distinguishable. The evolution of plant organs goes in two main directions - accretion and reduction, i.e. the initial form of the fetus should be considered apocarp.

In the table, fruit types are arranged in the direction of evolution - from top to bottom (i.e., a drupe is a reduced polydrupe, etc.)

Fruit classification

Dry one-seeded fruits

Caryopsis - the seed tightly grows together with a thin pericarp (rye, wheat).

Hemicarp - leathery pericarp, does not grow together with the seed, often has a tuft or fly (sunflower, dandelion).

Lionfish - achene with a pterygoid appendage (ash).

The nut is a hard, woody pericarp, the nut differs from the nut in small size (hazel).

Acorn - the pericarp is less rigid than that of a nut; at the base, the fruit is surrounded by a cup-shaped cupule with a protective cover (acorn).

Dry multi-seeded fruits

A pod is a fruit made up of several carpels.

There are several ways to open the box: with holes, a lid, teeth, flaps, etc.

Leaflet - a single-celled fruit that opens along the ventral suture (the line of fusion of the edges of the carpel) - larkspur.

Bob is a single-celled fruit formed by one carpel, opening along two seams - abdominal and dorsal, the seeds are attached to the valves of the pericarp (plants of the legume family).

A pod, a pod is a two-celled fruit, the seeds are attached to a longitudinal partition located between the valves (mustard).

Pod - its length exceeds the width by no more than three times (shepherd's bag).

Juicy one-seeded fruits

Drupes - fruits with a woody woody inner layer, the pericarp is differentiated into a thin surface layer, fleshy middle layer.

Cherry, plum, peach, are examples of this type of fruit.

A complex (combined) drupe is a group of drupes formed from one flower (raspberry, blackberry).

Juicy multi-seeded fruits

A berry is a fruit with a juicy, fleshy pericarp, with the exception of a thin top layer. (tomatoes, cranberries, currants, grapes).

An apple is a false fruit, in the formation of which, in addition to the ovary, an overgrown hollow receptacle - hypanthium, the lower parts of the stamens, sepals (apple, pear, mountain ash) take part.

Pumpkin is a false fruit, in the formation of which a swollen, overgrown, fleshy receptacle (watermelon, pumpkin) takes part.

Pomeranian is a citrus fruit (lemon, tangerine), in which the outer layer has containers with essential oils, the middle layer is dry spongy, white, and the inner one is juicy, fleshy.

Fruit classification

There is no generally accepted classification of fruits. Various classifications are based on the following features:

© The number of carpels that form the fruit:

¨ simple fruit - a fruit formed from the ovary of a single pistil (pea, cherry, poppy);

¨ complicated, or made, fruit - a fruit formed from several pistils of one flower (raspberry, blackberry, buttercup).

Some plants may form infertility - fruits more or less fused into a single whole, formed from the flowers of one inflorescence (figs, pineapple, mulberry, sugar beet).

© The consistency of the pericarp:

¨ dry fruits - fruits with dry, woody or leathery pericarp (beans, hazel, henbane);

¨ juicy fruits - fruits in which the entire pericarp or part of it is juicy or fleshy (pear, currant, watermelon).

© Number of seeds:

¨ single-seeded fruits (plum, wheat);

¨ polysperms fruits (gooseberry, melon, tomato).

© Peculiarities of fruit opening:

¨ opening - fruits that, after seed ripening, crack at the seams or along the surface of the carpel (peas, balsam, violet);

¨ non-opening - fruits from which the seeds are released after the destruction of the pericarp (oats, dandelion, hazel).

The following types of fruits are distinguished.

© Simple fruits:

¨ box-shaped fruits(Fig. 54) :

§ bean- a single-celled, often multi-seeded fruit (sometimes single-seeded, for example, in clovers), opening simultaneously along the ventral and dorsal sutures, the seeds are attached to the fruit valves along the ventral suture (white locust, lupine, sweet pea);

§ pod, pod- a two-celled, multi-seeded fruit formed by two carpels, the seeds are located on the partition between the valves (levka, colza, cabbage); at

the length of the pod is four or more times the width (mustard, cabbage), the length of the pod is two to three times or equal to it.

§ box- a multi-seeded fruit formed by two or more carpels (tobacco, cotton).

Boxes can be single-nested and multi-nested.

¨ Nutty fruits(Fig. 55) :

§ nut- a fruit with a woody pericarp that does not grow together with the seed peel, formed from two carpels (hazel).

Hazel nuts are enclosed in plush- leaf-shaped wrapper, developing from three fused bracts;

§ nut- differs from walnut in smaller sizes (buckwheat, linden);

§ lionfish- a nut without a cupule, having a wing formed from scaly bracts and bracts (birch, alder) fused with the pericarp or from segments of the perianth (elm, sorrel) adhering to the pericarp;

§ acorn- a fruit with a thin-skinned or thin-woody pericarp that does not grow together with the seed, formed by three carpels; has a cup-shaped plush formed by modified sterile branches of the inflorescence (oak, beech);

§ achene- a fruit with a leathery pericarp that does not grow together with the seed, most often formed from two carpels; often has appendages, which are modified bracts or parts of the perianth (aster, dandelion);

§ weevil- a fruit with a thin membranous (less often fleshy - in some bamboos) pericarp, fused with the seed peel, formed from two (less often three) carpels (rye, rice, bamboo).

¨ Berry fruits(rice.

berry- as a rule, a multi-seeded fruit with a juicy fleshy endo- and mesocarp, in the pulp of which the seeds are immersed, and a thin membranous or leathery exocarp (grapes, tomatoes, lingonberries, blueberries, cranberries);

§ orange, or hesperidium- the fruit of citrus plants (orange, lemon).

The exocarp consists of an outer epidermis covered with a cuticle and a layer of wax, and a chlorophyll-bearing parenchyma with oily glands (when the fruit ripens, chloroplasts turn into chromoplasts, and green fruits

turn yellow or orange). Mesocarp loose, white, spongy, dry and tasteless. The endocarp is membranous, consisting of several layers of dense parenchyma and inner epidermis.

Endocarp cells form long-stalked juice sacs filled with cell sap that make up the edible pulp of the fruit.

§ pomegranate - fruit, the pulp of which is formed from the juicy outer layer of the seed coat of numerous seeds.

The pericarp and floral tube tissues of the mature fruit dry out and form a hard leathery peel.

§ Apple(Fig. 57) - as a rule, a multi-seeded fruit, in which the pulp develops mainly from the tissues of the floral tube (the base of the stamens, petals and sepals) or to a small extent from the tissues of the exo- and mesocarp; the inner part of the fruit (endocarp), membranous or cartilaginous, forms the walls of nests with seeds (apple, pear, mountain ash, hawthorn);

§ pumpkin(rice.

57) - a multi-seeded fruit with a hard, hard, lignified or leathery exocarp and a fleshy meso- and endocarp; overgrown placentas (pumpkin, cucumber) take part in the formation of the fetus.

¨ Drupe fruits:

§ juicy drupe- a fruit with a fleshy juicy mesocarp and a woody endocarp (stone) (plum, cherry, sweet cherry);

§ dry drupe- similar in structure to juicy drupes, but when fully ripe, the mesocarp dries up (almonds, walnuts).

© prefabricated fruits(Fig. 57):

¨ prefabricated drupe(polydrupe) - a set of many drupes located on a common receptacle (raspberries, blackberries):

¨ team nutlet(multi-nut) - a set of many nuts (buttercup, adonis, cinquefoil).

A polynutlet of strawberries and strawberries is a strongly overgrown fleshy and juicy hypanthium, on the convex surface of which nuts are located near the recesses. He's called strawberry. Rosehip polynut - cynorodium - a fruit formed by an overgrown pitcher hypanthium, in the lower part of which nuts are attached.

drupe fruit, drupe fruit

  • - After the fertilization of the egg has occurred and the formation of the embryo has begun, the flower or only the gynoecium enters a new phase of development, which ends with the formation of the fetus, ...

    Biological Encyclopedia

  • - a juicy fruit with a sharp differentiation of the layers of the pericarp: a thin leathery extracarp, a juicy intercarp and a lignified intracarp containing the seed and forming a stone ...

    Biological encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - a one-seeded fruit, in which the differentiation of the pericarp into 3 layers is clearly expressed. Exocarp - leathery, usually thin; mesocarp - juicy, fleshy, rarely dry or fibrous ...
  • - 1) an organ of angiosperms, developing from a flower. Its functions are the protection of seeds and their dispersal. The ovary or ovary and the "floral tube" fused with it take part in the formation of P., less often the receptacle ...

    Agricultural Encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - 1) In animals, the embryo from 3 months. stage until birth. P. is surrounded by amniotic fluid and nearby: germinal membranes ...

    Agricultural dictionary-reference book

  • - a fruit in which the pericarp is made of hard woody extracarp, juicy or dry intercarp and very thin skin. Single-seeded K. predominate, K. with two and large quantity seeds...

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  • - simple upper monocarp juicy one-seeded fruit with woody endocarp, e.g. at cherries, cherries. Less often K. happens dry, eg. at the almond...
  • - see polybone ...

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  • - see Fruits ...

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  • - a fleshy fruit of plants with a hard woody stone and a juicy or large or small dry and fibrous outer layer. Distinguish between single-bone and multi-bone ...

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  • - the fruit of plants with a hard woody bone and a fleshy or leathery outer layer ...

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  • - drupe The fruit of some plants with a hard stone and a fleshy or leathery outer layer...

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  • - bone "...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - 1. drupe, drupe, drupe, drupe, drupe, drupe, drupe, drupe, drupe, drupe, drupe, drupe, drupe 2...

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  • - noun, number of synonyms: 2 melon fruit ...

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  • - noun, number of synonyms: 1 fruit ...

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“Someone spotted the fruit…”

From the book Hello, it's me! author Carriers Valery Kuzmich

“Someone spotted the fruit…” A book is written when it needs to be written. In the year of Volodya's death, I could not write it, it was too hard. Only five years later it seemed to me that the moment had come to put everything in its place. Marina Vladi Now Marina

fruit of ignorance

From the book Life of Leonardo. Part two. [with illustrations] author Nardini Bruno

The fruit of ignorance So, Leonardo began to look everywhere for the faces of the saint and the murderer. “Giovannina, the face is simply fantastic - in the Santa Catarina hospital”, “Cristofano from Castiglione - in Pieta, he has a beautiful head”, “Christ - Giovan Conte, lives with the cardinal del Mortaro. "After

the Forbidden fruit

From the book Valkyrie of the Revolution author Vaksberg Arkady Iosifovich

Forbidden Fruit All autobiographies begin with the author's birthday and with a story about his parents. The woman to whom this book is dedicated is already in her declining years, but long before her death, summing up her life and starting to work on her memoirs, she changed this tradition. She is

20 Monstrous Fruit

From the book of the Baroness. In search of Nike, the Rothschild rebel author Rothschild Hannah

20 Monstrous Fruit At eleven o'clock in the morning on October 15, 1958, a Wednesday, Nika left New York, heading into big trouble. Acquaintances have repeatedly spoken of her as a person who attracts trouble. As a child, she climbed a tree too high, as a girl

the Forbidden fruit

From the book Everything is very difficult author Kapitanovsky Maxim Vladimirovich

Forbidden Fruit Hello, dear impatient reader! Welcome to this book! All my life I could not stand all sorts of prohibitions and tried to break them as much as possible, especially when it almost threatened nothing. for this


From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(KO) author TSB


From the book Words of the Buddha author Woodward F. L.


From the book Words of the Buddha author Woodward F. L.

Fruit Like the mighty ocean, the bhikku is the abode of mighty creatures such as makara, whales, large fish, sea deities, sea serpents, and sea devas; as monsters dwell in the mighty ocean, whose existence extends to one, two, three, four, five hundred yojanas, -


From the book Kitzur Shulchan Aruch the author Ganzfried Shlomo

33. Or make the tree good and its fruit good; or make the tree bad and its fruit bad, for the tree is known by its fruit.

From the book Explanatory Bible. Volume 9 author Lopukhin Alexander

33. Or make the tree good and its fruit good; or make the tree bad and its fruit bad, for the tree is known by its fruit. (Luke 6:43). According to Jerome, in the speech of Christ there is a syllogism called by the Greeks??????? (inevitable, cunning, from which it is impossible to get out). If a,


From the book Following Christ author Bonhoeffer Dietrich

Fruit “Whoever receives you receives Me, and whoever receives Me receives Him who sent Me; whoever receives a prophet, in the name of a prophet, will receive a prophet's reward; and whoever receives the righteous, in the name of the righteous, will receive the reward of the righteous. And who will give one of these little ones only a cup to drink


From the book Tree of Yoga. Yoga Vriksha the author Iyengar B K

The Fruit By studying asana practice at a deep level, I have shown you how, even with just one asana, you can achieve complete human integration. However, when we talk about physical yoga, mental yoga, spiritual yoga, jnana yoga, bhakti yoga, kundalini yoga, siddha yoga and


From the book Buddha, the brain and the neurophysiology of happiness. How to change life for the better. Practical guide. by Mingyur Yonge

FRUIT Experience changes the brain. Jerome Kagan. Three captivating