Master class: how to cut a bottle with a thread - nothing complicated! How to cut a glass bottle with a regular thread? Easy and fast! How to cut a glass bottle at an angle

The decor of glass bottles has been quite popular lately, and since many are interested in the question of how to cut glass bottle at home, without using a glass cutter, then I want to devote today's master class to a simple, but interesting way cutting bottles with a thread ...
In this connection, the topic of this master class is “How to cut a bottle with a thread - nothing complicated!”.

For work we need:
1. Glass bottle;
2. Woolen threads;
3. Solvent (can be kerosene, alcohol, cologne, acetone);
4. Scissors or stationery knife;
5. Gloves (will protect the skin of the hands from exposure to the solvent);
6. Lighter or matches;
7. To protect the eyes, just in case, goggles (in fact, there are no fragments, but caution is never superfluous);
8. Deep basin filled cold water.

So, how to cut a bottle with a thread? We take a woolen thread, measure and cut it in such a way that it is enough for 3-4 turns of the bottle.
We immerse the measured and cut thread in the solvent, and immediately wrap the bottle in the place where it is planned to make an “incision”. You can simply wrap the thread or tie it in a knot, in this master class I just wrapped it.

After that, we set fire to this thread with matches or a lighter, and it is better to keep the bottle in an inclined position - strictly horizontally (parallel to the ground), gently scrolling around the axis.

The fire will burn for about 30-40 seconds, as soon as the lit thread goes out - quickly lower the bottle into the prepared basin filled with cold water.

Next, the characteristic sound of cracked glass will be heard, and the bottle will instantly split into two parts. This type glass cutting is based on a rapid change in temperature, we all know from the lessons of physics that glass expands when heated, and narrows when cooled, respectively, with a sharp change in temperature, a kind of glass destruction occurs and it simply cracks!

We figured out how to cut a bottle with a thread, but how to process sharp glass edges? Can be used sandpaper or stone for sharpening knives. Lastly, you should process the edges of the bottle, previously immersed in water, so processing is easier and faster (hands are better protected rubber gloves). Friends, please do not forget about the notorious safety precautions, after all you will work with fire and glass, goggles on your eyes, gloves on your hands and a basin with large quantity water is a must!

Everyone is well aware that when going on a hiking trip (hiking, water, horse) in sparsely populated areas, we always forget to take some kind of important little thing, but ... if you get lost in the forest, be sure to read it. But it is also well known that for our tourist this is not a reason for discouragement. Because in such cases, he is almost always rescued -

Here, let's say you took with you a very sufficient supply of glass bottles with different contents, but forgot to grab mugs and glasses. They didn't even take a glass! A civilized western tourist would consider that the event is hopelessly spoiled and should be returned. But not you, because you are our tourist, and you have no doubt: something from the field of handicrafts will save you. Carefully examining the empty bottle, which you hold by the middle part, you notice that the bottom of the bottle is in the shape of a glass, and top part- the shape of an overturned glass. And that's it, problem solved! Further - a matter of technology: it remains only to cut off the bottle in the middle. It is clear that a glass cutter is not taken on a hike, but you remember the trick you once saw with cutting off a glass bottle with a thread. And the focus was as follows. The bottle was tied with a thread soaked in kerosene, the thread was set on fire, and when it burned out, the bottle was sharply immersed in cold water. Here it cracked just along the line of burning of the thread, and it only remained to carefully separate the halves of the bottle.

And so, the disclosure of focus - bottle cutting(from the heading "handmade crafts")

Without delay, we get down to business. Starting with preparation necessary materials and tools. This is:

- Glass bottle;

- a long strong thread;

- kerosene or lighter fluid (or other combustible liquid);

- a bowl of cold water (or a pond on the bank of which you made a halt);

- matches or a lighter;

- a tablespoon for tapping on the bottle;

- protective glasses;

- a brick or stone with a rough surface to remove sharp notches on the cut (it’s very good if a small file, a whetstone or sandpaper is accidentally lying around in the bushes - zero).

Then we go to main procedure .

1. Having cut the thread of the desired length (2-3 turns around the bottle plus tying a knot), soak it for a couple of minutes in a flammable liquid.

2. Very carefully, trying not to smear the flammable liquid on the glass outside the cut line, tightly tie the thread in 2-3 turns around the bottle along the intended cut line. At the same time, make sure that the strip of thread is of the minimum width, and that the knot is also minimum size. This will provide smooth edge cut.

3. Put on safety glasses. Holding the bottle horizontally above the basin or above the surface of the reservoir at a safe distance from the face, set fire to the thread and slowly turn the bottle around its axis. This is so that the thread burns, if possible, simultaneously along the entire circumference. Let the thread burn out completely - until it burns out completely by itself.

4. Then immediately dip the whole bottle into cold water, holding it with your hands by the bottom and by the neck. As a result of a sharp change in temperature, the glass will crack exactly along the line of combustion of the thread (which is why the layer of thread on the bottle must be narrow).

5. If the glass does not break by itself, then you gently tap the working part of the spoon (which is on the side of the mouth) along the cracking line of the glass (the spoon should be at hand so as not to miss the moment). After that, the bottle is divided into a glass and a glass.

6. Smooth out any protrusions on the edges of the cut parts with a brick, file, etc. Of course, do this in the water so that small fragments of glass and brick do not scatter in the wind, aiming at the eyes. At least the glass should be sufficiently wet. Having finished grinding the edges, you get a wonderful glass and a pretty glass for use. Just do not forget to plug the bottom of the glass with a cork (that is, the neck of the former bottle).

7. Hand crafts using fire require compliance with fire safety requirements. Therefore, make sure before starting the entire procedure described that you have everything you need in case of a small fire. Water is at your fingertips, it remains to have some kind of dense cover just in case. And, more importantly, you start the operation only after you have completely sobered up, otherwise you can neglect fire safety and burn something.

When you learn how to cut a glass bottle well with a thread, you can use this skill to make other handmade crafts from bottles to decorate your home. It can be a vase for flowers, table lamp, champagne flute. At home, you will even have a diamond-coated file for grinding the cut line, not to mention fine sandpaper. You can cut the bottle not only parallel to the bottom, but also at any angle. The cut line can be pre-drawn using an elastic band for money and a felt-tip pen.

Useful articles

Why throw away glass bottles when you can make delicious ones out of them. decor elements that will look chic in any interior? If you think that cutting a bottle is very difficult and even dangerous, you are mistaken. There are several simple ways to help you do it safely so you can create your little masterpiece.

How to cut a glass bottle

This video shows 2 ways to cut glass. One of them uses glass cutter, and for the other you only need hot and cold water!

By cutting the bottle into 2 parts, you can make anything from it: from a candlestick or a glass to a hanger for outerwear. The main thing is to have a rich imagination!


1. You can make such cute vases from wine bottles.

2. Or shovels for cereals.

3. And even creative glasses!

Use this advice to add originality to your interior and make it unique. These unique items will definitely decorate your home!

Workshop on cutting a bottle with a thread

Everyone is well aware that many useful and original things can be made from unnecessary glass bottles with your own hands. However, not everyone knows how easy it is, because many have no idea how to cut off part of the bottle without a glass cutter. We offer you a master class on how to cut a glass bottle with a regular thread quickly and easily at home without using a special tool.

In order to cut a glass bottle we need:

  • A piece of ordinary cotton thread.
  • Acetone or alcohol.
  • Cold water container.
  • Matches or lighter.

Thread cutting order

Step 1

Cotton thread soaked in acetone

We mark with a marker the line along which you want to cut the bottle. Wet the thread in acetone and wind it several times along the intended line. We tie the rope and cut off its ends.

Tie the thread tightly

Trim the ends of the thread

Step 2

Holding the bottle in horizontal position over a container of water, set fire to the thread. In this case, the bottle must be rotated to ensure uniform heating.

We set fire to the thread

Step 3

As soon as the thread burns out, immediately dip the bottle into a container of cold water. From a sharp temperature drop, the glass itself will crack along the line where the rope was.

Dip the bottle in very cold water

Step 4

Separate the two parts of the bottle with your hands

At the last stage, it remains only to process the edge with an emery or file. Further from the received glass you can do original candlestick or a vase for flowers, decorating the product to your own taste, in general, experiment!

Sanding the cut with sandpaper

Hello dear readers! The decor of glass bottles has been quite popular lately, by the way, we have already considered this topic in the review “Bottles in the interior: they found a use for them!”, And since many are interested in the question of how to cut a glass bottle at home, without applications glass cutter, I want to dedicate today's master class to a simple but interesting way of cutting bottles with a thread ...

In this connection, the topic of this master class is “How to cut a bottle with a thread - nothing complicated!”.

For work we need:

  1. Glass bottle;
  2. Woolen threads;
  3. Solvent (you can kerosene, alcohol, cologne, acetone);
  4. Scissors or stationery knife;
  5. Gloves (will protect the skin of the hands from exposure to the solvent);
  6. Lighter or matches;
  7. To protect the eyes, just in case, goggles (in fact, there are no fragments, but caution is never superfluous);
  8. Deep basin filled with cold water.

So, how to cut a bottle with a thread? We take a woolen thread, measure and cut it in such a way that it is enough for 3-4 turns of the bottle.

We immerse the measured and cut thread in the solvent, and immediately wrap the bottle in the place where it is planned to make an “incision”. You can simply wrap the thread or tie it in a knot, in this master class I just wrapped it.

After that, we set fire to this thread with matches or a lighter, and it is better to keep the bottle in an inclined position - strictly horizontally (parallel to the ground), gently scrolling around the axis.

The fire will burn for about 30-40 seconds, as soon as the lit thread goes out - quickly lower the bottle into the prepared basin filled with cold water.

Next, the characteristic sound of cracked glass will be heard, and the bottle will instantly split into two parts. This type of glass cutting is based on a rapid change in temperature, we all know from the lessons of physics that glass expands when heated, and narrows when cooled, respectively, with a sharp change in temperature, a kind of destruction of glass occurs and it simply cracks!

We figured out how to cut a bottle with a thread, but how to process sharp glass edges? You can use sandpaper or stone to sharpen knives. Last, you should process the edges of the bottle, previously immersed in water, so the processing is easier and faster (it is better to protect your hands with rubber gloves). Friends, I ask you not to forget about the notorious safety precautions, after all you will work with fire and glass, goggles on your eyes, gloves on your hands and a basin with plenty of water are a must!

How to cut a bottle with a thread (video):

Dear readers, now you know how to cut the neck of a bottle, but if you have any additional questions, ask them in the comments! In the next master class, we will make a vase from the received bottle, so as not to miss the release of a new article, subscribe to site updates.

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