Consumption of finishing materials. Required material consumption for semi-dry floor screed Consumption of materials in construction per m2

The most affordable and easiest way to level walls is to plaster them. Before buying certain building materials, you need to know how many of them will be required for a given area. Getting started, we recommend that you perform an accurate calculation of the plaster consumption per 1m2, so as not to make a mistake with the purchase required amount consumable. Using our plaster consumption calculator, you will avoid delays in work and material waste that will inevitably arise when buying insufficient or too much a large number mixtures.

When filling in the fields online calculator take into account the initial curvature of the surfaces per 1m2 (the layer of plaster depends on the parameter) and the type of materials used. When choosing a coating, it is important to know the plaster consumption per 1m2 for a particular type of base. And the expense decorative plaster will differ from the consumption of the main, leveling mixture.

1.Calculator for calculating the consumption of plaster per 1m2

Specify the parameters of the wall for plaster, the brand of your dry mix and the consumption will be calculated automatically.
(Attention! Separate the fraction from the number with a “point”, not a “comma”!)

2. Factors affecting the consumption of the mixture for plaster

Two factors influence certain mixture costs - the type of plaster and the curvature of the walls. Depending on them, the required amount of material is determined.

  • Type of plaster depends on the base (concrete, brick, wood, drywall). Therefore, the calculation is carried out for each specific case. Plus, the approximate consumption is prescribed on the packaging.
  • Curvature of the walls or deviations vertically, horizontally shows the plaster consumption per square meter. It is generally accepted that in new panel houses the deviation indicator is 20-25mm.

3. Calculation of plaster

The consumption of mortar for plaster is determined by the appropriate method. First you need to determine the average thickness of the proposed layer. For example, a 10m2 wall with a curvature deviation of 1 is to be finished; 3 and 5 cm (when hung on the surface at 3 points). Next, sum up 1+3+5=9. Then we divide by the total number of points 9:3=3.

As a result, the average layer of plaster is 3 centimeters. In this case, the maximum layer can be 5 cm, and the minimum is about 1 cm. Attention! If the surface is finished along the beacons, then the thickness of the layer should be equal to the height of the beacons, that is, about 6 - 10 mm. Next, look at the packaging and read the manufacturer's recommendation.

For example, material consumption is carried out - Volma plaster or Knauf Rotband. The packaging says that to cover 1 m2 of the base with a layer of plaster of 10 mm, 8.5 kg of the composition is needed. The consumption of materials for plaster is calculated according to the following formula: 8.5 kg / cm * 3 cm = 25.5 kg per 1 m2 of base. For our entire surface of 10m2, we need 255kg (10m2 multiplied by 25.5kg/m2).

Each mixture is sold in bags with a total weight of 30 kg. Therefore, we calculate the number of bags required for finishing. For this, 255 kg: 30 kg = 8.5 bags. We round the figure to 9. The determination method does not present any difficulties, so there should be no question of how to calculate the amount of plaster.

4. Consumption of plaster depending on its type

Depending on the type of plaster, its consumption is determined. Consider the most popular types mixtures and their estimated consumption.

  • Decorative plaster requires 8 kg per 1 m2. However, much depends on the type of decorative mixture. For example, Venetian plaster, the consumption of which will be about 70 to 200 g per 1 m2, requires lower costs.
  • The gypsum mixture needs about 9 kg per 1 m2, where the layer should be about 10 mm.
  • Rotband requires 8.5 kg per 1 m2, while the layer thickness is 50 mm.
  • The cement mixture requires 16–18 kg per 1 m2.
  • Bark beetle plaster is spent at the rate of 2.5–3 kg per 1 m2.
  • Vetonite requires about 1.5 kg per 1 m2.

In the event that you are confused in all these figures and the calculations cause you difficulties, you can use a typical online calculator. Such programs exist on many construction sites and allow you to determine the amount of material required with a minimum error.

However, they will make a good calculation if you have already decided on the type of mixture and know the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe intended surface to be treated, as well as the average layer thickness (these data are needed for a competent calculation). Enter numbers in the cells and get a specific total.

At self-fulfillment repair work need to be able to calculate the cost building materials. This will help save money when buying them. The consumption of cement per 1 m2 of plaster depends on the quality of the surface on which we will apply the mortar, specifications mixtures and textures of the resulting coating.

Consider how to independently determine the consumption of the mixture, depending on the thickness of the layer and the type of plaster used.

Types of cement mortars for plaster

Plaster mixtures used for wall decoration differ in the presence of certain components in the composition and their ratio. Subdivided into types:

Type of mixtureCharacteristicsProportions
Cement - sandAre applied to draft internal and exterior finish The result is a durable, moisture-resistant coating. Suitable for finishing walls, ceilings in unheated, wet rooms and for facade cladding. The constituent components are cement and various fillers: sand, plasticizers, etc.The standard solution is prepared in the proportion of sand and cement 1:3.
Cement grade M 400 can be diluted 1 part to 8 parts of sand.
M 100 is mixed in a ratio of 1:2.
The composition is selected depending on the type of surface, layer thickness, operating conditions.
To increase plasticity, PVA glue is added to the finished mixture in a ratio of 50-100 ml per 10 liters of the finished solution.
Cement - limeThey have good adhesion to all kinds of surfaces. Used for finishing plinths, cornices made of stone and wood. Lime has bactericidal properties, protects the surface from mold and fungal infections.1 part cement and lime to 5 parts sand.
For a bag of cement 25 kg we take 21 kg of lime, 280 kg of sand, 50 liters of water.

The cement composition is most often used for rough wall decoration. Thin layer cracks during operation, therefore it is recommended to apply cement-sand mortars with a thickness of 3 to 6 cm, depending on the material from which the walls are made and the technology used for applying plaster.

What affects the consumption of materials

The amount of mortar depends on the degree of evenness of the walls. The more defects, the more mixture will be required.

The consumption of cement for wall plastering can be easily calculated independently. Consumption is determined based on the following components:

  • type of solution and its components;
  • how even the walls are, and what material they are built from.

AT high-rise buildings the deviation of the plane in terms of level is 2–2.5 cm. The greater the surface roughness, the more thick layer will have to be applied.

To reduce, the surface is treated with a primer in several layers. It contributes to the dedusting of the surface, reducing the absorbency and better adhesion of materials.

At the junction of two surfaces made of various materials, we mount the construction grid. Because of this, a thicker layer is required. plaster mortar. produced according to a special method.

In the houses of the old building, you can find perfectly even walls, but more often the walls in them are crooked.

Calculate the layer thickness

We determine the difference in the surface relative to the vertical plane using a plumb line or the installation of beacons.

Methods for determining the curvature of walls:

  • we lower the plumb line from the ceiling, find the most protruding point of the wall, then measure the depth of the depressions.
  • as lighthouses we use long even slats; we apply them to the wall, and we see how curved it is; measuring holes in the wall.

For clarity, we give an example of calculating the layer thickness cement plaster for a 12 sq. m.

We add up the depth indicators of the depressions on the walls and divide the result by the number of beacons: (2 + 3 + 4 + 5): 4 \u003d 3.5 cm. The thickness of the plaster layer will be equal to 3.5 cm.

Standard consumption rates

In one bag 25 kg

The average is indicated on the package, taking into account a layer of 10 mm, it is individual for each manufacturer. If we apply the solution with a thickness of 2 cm, then we multiply the quantity by 2, etc. For plaster, the average consumption is 8.5 kg per sq.m.

If we take a bag of 25 kg, then 8.5:25 \u003d 0.34% of the amount of the bag will disperse the plaster per 1 m2.

Consider in the table the calculation of cement consumption for wall plastering, depending on the thickness of the applied layer at standard rate consumption of 8.5 kg per sq. m:

Marble chips give the mixture "Bark beetle" a relief

Composition for finishing plaster The bark beetle incorporates marble chips, thanks to which a relief surface with an interesting structure is obtained. Standard consumption ranges from 2.5 to 4 kg. Each manufacturer indicates these indicators on the label.

Venetian plaster is applied with a layer of several millimeters, due to this, a small consumption of the mixture is obtained from 70 to 200 grams per square meter. m. Working with such material requires experience in order to qualitatively apply it to the surface, it is better to invite a professional.

Gypsum compositions are consumed in the ratio of 9 kg per sq. m. on our website will help you quickly calculate how much of this material is needed for finishing works.

At the time of buying plaster mixture you need to add 10% to the estimated amount of material so that in the process of performing work you do not have to run to the store.

We plaster with our own hands

Apply three coats of plaster

After having calculated right amount material and purchased dry ingredients, we proceed to work.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We prepare the surface. We clean the wall from dust and flaking building materials. We clean rust and oil stains.
  2. We prime the surface in 2-3 layers, each subsequent one is applied after the previous one has dried.
  3. The plaster is applied in three layers. First of all, we spray a solution of medium consistency on the wall, this can be done by hand, with a spatula or thrown from a ladle. Then we rub the composition over the surface with a rule or a grater: on concrete surface apply with a thickness of 4-5 mm, on brick up to 7 mm, on wood up to 10 mm.
  4. The second layer is the main one. We knead the solution a little thicker than for spraying. With a spatula or trowel, we apply the composition to the wall and rub it over the surface, level it.
  5. We apply the last layer with a thickness of no more than 4 mm, for it we prepare more liquid solution. We apply a topcoat on a moistened base layer. After setting, but before the surface dries, we perform grouting. For more details see this video:

A variation of wall plastering is beacon finishing, which allows you to create a perfectly flat surface.

The guides are set strictly according to the level at a distance slightly less from each other than the width of the rule. Beacons can remain in the wall or be removable.

Rule from the bottom up

Stages of applying plaster on lighthouses:

  1. The area between the beacons is filled with mortar, leveled using the rule. We fill in all the voids and carefully level.
  2. We carry out the covering, we rub the surface well.

It is necessary to prepare such a volume of the solution that we have time to apply before it solidifies.

Be sure to study the calculations of plaster consumption before starting work

Repair is not complete without leveling the walls and performing plastering works. Processed cement composition surface serves solid foundation for finishing.

In order not to make a mistake when purchasing materials when self repair or control the builders, you need to know how much material is consumed. After studying this article, you can easily calculate these indicators.

In the manufacture of monolithic mixtures, the consumption of material per 1 m 3 of concrete depends on its strength class, the higher it is, the more binder is required, in this case cement. The real numbers are normalized state standards and depend on the expected mechanical load, which will be carried out on the element during its operation.

Below we will look at what cement-based concretes are, give a table of constituent ingredients, and also show a video in this article as an addition to the material.

Concrete classification

Note. A mixture of binder with aggregates, dissolved in water, after its evaporation turns into fake diamond called concrete.
The full process of hardening in vivo is 28 days, as required by the instructions.


Concrete can be divided according to medium density, such as: extra light (less than 500kg / m 3), light (from 500kg / m 3 to 1800kg / m 3), heavy (from 1800kg / m 3 to 2500kg / m 3) and extra heavy (from 2500kg / m 3 and more).

  • To extra light, made by autoclave method. They are also considered as heat-insulating, as they have low thermal conductivity.
  • Light group is made using artificial or natural porous aggregates. Also it can be cellular concrete without fillers - closed pores are artificially created in the cast block. Such materials are used not only as structural materials, but also for wall insulation, since due to the pores of the blocks, thermal conductivity is significantly reduced.
  • To receive heavy concrete use crushed stone of granite, diabase, limestone and other dense rocks . Such mixtures can be used for slab and strip foundations, walls, columns and other monolithic structures. In addition, it is made various blocks, slabs and floor panels.
  • For especially heavy types, cast iron shot, steel filings and shavings, scale, barite, and the like are used as fillers. These materials are mainly used in construction. nuclear power plants as tampons for radiation protection.

Other differences

The structure of the solidified substance can be dense, porous, cellular and large-porous.

The difference in mixtures also consists of a binder, according to which, in fact, they give the name to concrete, so it can be:

  1. polymers;
  2. polymer cement;
  3. Ground slags and alkaline solutions (slag-alkaline);
  4. Bitumen;
  5. Gypsum;
  6. silicate (lime);
  7. Cement, Portland cement (basic type).

Among other things, such a material can be classified according to its intended purpose or future field of application, on which the consumption rate of materials per 1 m 3 of concrete will mainly depend. They can be structural, structural and heat-insulating, heat-insulating, hydraulic, road, chemically resistant, heat-resistant and decorative.

For example, for hydroelectric power plants, dams need to be built and the dam itself is built from, but in order to repel water, it is covered with a thin waterproofing layer. Although its price is quite high, but the effect is worth it.

Used for finishing work decorative concretes, as in the photo above - it can be paving slabs, artificial stone or washed panels where it is washed away upper layer cement-sand dough, exposing the aggregate - crushed stone, pebbles, marble chips. It can also be solutions based on decorative (white or colored) cement.

Making a mixture

Class brand Density kg / m 3 Water resistance (W) Cement (kg) Crushed stone (kg) Sand (kg) Water (l)
B15 M200 2400 8 260 1080 900 155
B15 M200 2385 8 280 1040 895 165
B20 M250 2405 8 300 1080 865 155
B20 M250 2390 8 320 1040 880 165
B22.5 M300 2415 8 340 1080 835 155
B22.5 M300 2400 8 360 1040 830 165
B22.5 M300 2390 8 380 1000 830 175
B25 M350 2420 8 380 1080 800 165
B25 M350 2405 8 400 1040 795 165
B25 M350 2395 8 420 1000 795 175
DP0 M400 2430 10 420 1000 770 155
B30 M400 2420 10 445 1040 765 165
B30 M400 2410 10 470 1000 760 175

Using this table, you can calculate the consumption of materials per 1 m 3 of concrete

Note. This table provides data for quality cement M500.

In this situation, having a table in front of our eyes, it will not be difficult for us to calculate the consumption rates of materials per 1 m 3 of concrete in accordance with GOST 7473-1994. For this, let's take the most popular mix B22.5 (M300), which is used to fill a tape monolithic foundation in low-rise construction.

So, according to the table, for 360 kg of cement, we need 1040 kg of crushed stone and 830 kg of sand (we do not take into account water, since it evaporates and is not included in the mass of the finished structure). This means that 360 + 1040 + 830 = 2230 kg of all ingredients, but we are interested in the material consumption per 1 cubic meter of concrete, so here we have to make small mathematical calculations. The key number we will have is 2.23 m 3 - this is 2230 kg of ingredients in the aggregate (volumetric and massive measures converge very closely).

We need cement 360 / 2.23 = 161.4 kg; crushed stone - 1040 / 2.23 \u003d 466.35 kg; sand - 860 / 2.23 \u003d 385.65 kg. Now let's check - 161.4 + 466.35385.65 = 1013.4 kg. We did not get exactly 1000 kg, because when dividing the results we had to round off, but the principle of calculation is clear and you can use it to determine the consumption of materials per cube of concrete of any brand.


In addition to bulk elements (cement, crushed stone, sand), the consumption of material per cube of concrete may include reinforcement for metal frame. For strip monolithic foundations in low-rise construction, 1 ton of a rod with a periodic section (10-12 mm) per 5 m 3 of mortar is usually sufficient. There are also other norms for higher loads, but this is a separate issue. Happy computing!

Flow calculation cement screed per 1 m2 is mandatory procedure, which allows you to determine the exact ratio of components, in particular cement. It is the correctness of the obtained indicators that makes it possible to create a basis that is distinguished by reliability and durability. Also, the expense determines the financial costs that will be required to purchase materials.


It must be borne in mind that the calculation of the screed is made taking into account the components included in its composition. The main substances are cement and sand, to which the necessary additives are mixed. The mixture is made by adding water. The resulting ratio depends on the final result.

The purpose of the coating can also affect the consumption of material:

  1. Create a surface to be used in technical room. It can be the floor in the back room or garage.
  2. fill rough coating thickness from 80 mm. For this purpose, it is best suited concrete mix for floor screed, which includes a large fraction. To obtain lower indicators, it copes with the task and cement-sand mortar, but subject to reinforcement.
  3. Finishing option, which serves as the basis for subsequent cladding decorative materials. The coating has a thickness of 5 to 30 mm.

The main thing is to correctly determine the purpose of the surface in order to create a truly reliable design.

Preparation process for flow determination

Before performing the necessary calculations, preparation should be made to help achieve an accurate result:

  • Everything superfluous is removed from the room, the base must be completely free. If required, the old coating is removed.
  • The surface is assessed for possible damage. In the presence of cracks putty putty is carried out.
  • After the initial preparation, the zero level is set. According to the measurements of height differences, the final thickness of the coating is determined. It is this indicator that is one of the main ones in order to calculate the consumption of cement for a screed when pouring per 1m2.

On a note! It should be borne in mind that the values ​​\u200b\u200bof 1 m² when working with a floor screed are not entirely correct, since the surface has a third indicator - thickness. That is why cubic values ​​are initially determined.

Screed calculation technology

Calculation of screed flow starts with the choice optimal composition for work. There are currently two large groups: ready mixes and solutions requiring preparation. The first variety is much preferable as it already has the exact amount necessary components and additives.

Calculation of the finished dry mix

Due to the fact that ready-made dry mix for screed allows you to get a better result, it is becoming increasingly popular. It must be borne in mind that the characteristics of the finished compositions vary, so you should familiarize yourself with the products in advance.

Each package contains information about the consumption of material per 1 m2 with a coating thickness of 1 or 10 mm. To obtain values ​​that depend on the actual thickness, the following actions are performed:

  1. Computed total area rooms by multiplying the length and width. With a complex configuration, it is advisable to refer to the plan of the house or apartment.
  2. The thickness of the floor is translated into meters, the indicators are multiplied.
  3. The resulting value is divided by 0.1.

Calculation example:

The area of ​​the room is 10 m2. The required thickness is 0.05 m.

10*0,05 = 0,5/0,1 = 5.

Approximate consumption finished composition for a 10 mm floor screed - 14.6 kg.

14.6 * 5 \u003d 73 kg of dry matter.

Thus, the total amount of the required composition per 10 m2 with a thickness of 50 mm is 0.5 cubic meters. Water is added based on the conditions that are determined by each manufacturer individually.

Consumption of traditional solution

Consumption of material for a floor screed, prepared by hand

To calculate the required amount of the composition prepared by yourself, you need to do the following:

  • The cubic value is determined, for this the area is multiplied by the thickness. For example, 30 m2 * 0.04 m = 1.2 m3.
  • The consumption of cement per 1 m2 of screed is calculated at the rate of one part of cement to three parts of sand.
  • The total number of parts is 4, which means 0.3 m3.

0.3 is a part of Portland cement for an area of ​​30 m2 with a thickness of 40 mm. Sand accounts for 0.9 m3.

  • Based on approximate data, one cubic meter of cement is equal to 1300–1400 kg.

1300 * 0.3 \u003d 390 kg.

  • One cubic meter of sand is 1625 kg.

1625 * 0.9 \u003d 1462 kg.

  • To obtain a solution, water is added to the dry components, its amount varies from 0.3 to 0.5 liters per 1 kg of cement.

Thus, for 30 m2 with a coverage of 40 mm, 1852 kg of dry mix and about 200 liters of water will be required. Accordingly, 61 kg of composition and 6.5 liters of liquid are needed per 1 m2.

The purchase of draft building and finishing materials for repair and finishing works is carried out by the specialists of the supply service of the company under the supply contract. Constant monitoring of material consumption is carried out without exceeding the norms allotted for each. Consumption table draft material will allow you to independently control the spending of each of the items according to the provided list. Additional reasonable privileges for our clients and customers will be: and the assistance of qualified specialists in repairs.

List of draft materials.

Material name




per 1 m2


Mix plaster "Rodband" 30 kg

1 cm 8.5 kg

Betokontakt "Euro" or "Feidal" 20 kg

1 layer 0.35 kg

Tongue-and-groove block dimensions (667*500*80)

1 m2 3 pcs

Foam block (5)(7)(10) dimensions (250*600)

1 m2 7 pcs

Drywall moisture resistant (10)(12) dimensions (1200*2500)

1 sheet 3 m2

Profiles and guides "Knauf"

1 PC 3 m.p.

Lighthouses (0.6)(1.0)

1 PC 3 m.p.

Corners galvanized

1 PC 3 m.p.

Mix "Pescobeton M300" 40 kg

1 cm 20 kg

Mix "Alabaster" 50kg

- -

Expanded clay backfill 0.5 40kg

1 cm 12 kg

Facade reinforcing mesh with 5/5 mesh

1 roll 50 m2

Insulation "Penofol foil"

- -

Insulation "Penoplex" dimensions (600 * 1200)

1 PC 0.72 m2

Tile adhesive "Knauf - Flisen"

1 m2 4 kg

Self-leveling floor "Prospectors"

1 cm 19 kg

Coating waterproofing "Ceresit" 25 kg

1 layer 3.5 kg

Mix for laying blocks "Perlfix" 30 kg

1 m2 6 kg

Primer "Prospectors" 10 l

1 layer 200 ml

Putty "Vetonit LR +" 25 kg

1.5 kg

Putty "Pufas" 25 kg

1 mm 1.3 kg

Putty "Uniflot - Knauf" 25 kg

1 layer 1 kg

Putty "Fugen Fuler" 25 kg

1 mm 0.8 kg

Finishing putty"Pro Form" or "Shitrok" 28 kg

1 mm 1.2 kg

Glue ready "Oscar" 10 kg

1 m2 250 ml

Fiberglass cobweb "Oscar"

1 roll 50 m2
27 - -

Trash bags

- -

Timber and boards

- -

Plumbing communications pipes and fittings.

  • REHAY pipe for laying water supply.
  • Pipe "Polypropylene" for laying cold hot water.
  • Plumbing combs (distributive manifold)
  • Pressure regulators (with and without pressure gauge)
  • Plumbing fittings (faucets, adapters, couplings, sleeves, etc.)


  • Cable "NYM" 3/1.5
  • Cable "NYM" 2/1.5
  • Cable "NYM" 3/2.5
  • Cable "NYM" 2/2.5
  • Cable "NYM" ¾
  • Cable "NYM" 3/6
  • Corrugation diameter 16
  • Corrugation diameter 20
  • Socket boxes (concrete)
  • Socket boxes (drywall)
  • Automatic machines ABB assortment


  • Fasteners self-tapping screws, dowel nail, press washers in stock
  • Buckets, assorted rule
  • Packing material masking tape, gloves
  • Adhesive material silicone, glue in a tube, sealants in assortment