Early purple flowers. Ten of the best spring flowers for a country flower bed with descriptions and photos. Houseplants with yellow flowers

An amazing thing - in winter a person rejoices in the white robe of the earth, fluffy snowflakes falling from the sky, hard frost, but as soon as the first month of spring comes, we suddenly feel how tired we are of black and white winter painting! The body craves warmth and light, the eyes - bright colors, and every spring the soul seems to get out of the shell towards the renewed world, which is reborn to a new life.

The first flowers of spring in the forest and meadows

The first thawed patches have just appeared in the forest, and life invisible to the eye is already boiling on them - various larvae, insects have awakened in the earth, the earth itself is ready to take into its bosom every living creature, every smallest blade of grass. And now, among the islands of porous snow, the most daring flowers - snowdrops - begin to appear. We call everything snowdrops spring primroses, although the true snowdrop - galanthus - is only one of the many types of spring primroses. This is the very first flower in spring, and it does not grow in all regions. The flower looks like a small white flashlight on a thin stem. It can withstand temperatures down to -10 degrees. Only in such a cold it becomes fragile, as thin glass. But as soon as the sun comes out, the galanthus comes to life.

Delicate snowdrops - the awakening of nature

The legend of the Slavs says how once Winter the old woman decided not to let Spring come to the earth. The flowers drooped with fear, one snowdrop was not afraid, opened its petals. The sun saw him, warmed everything on earth with its warmth and made way for the beautiful Spring. Since then, spring and the snowdrop have been inseparable.

The first flowers of spring, which in many areas are also called snowdrops, are nothing more than sleep-grass, corydalis or backache. They say that once the leaves of the lumbago were so large and wide that Satan, who was expelled from paradise, could hide behind them. But the Archangel Michael, having discovered his refuge, threw an arrow at him. And the leaves of sleep-grass remained shot through - dissected into thin slices. The lumbago also blooms even when sub-zero temperature. The whole secret of this, it turns out, is in the cup of the flower. She, like a concave mirror, collects solar heat. And the temperature inside the cup is +8 degrees.

What other flowers appear first in spring?

A little later, the snowdrop blooms yellow, like the sun, spring adonis, or adonis. In some regions it is also called the old oak.

In Russian villages, spring is the time when domestic birds begin to hatch their chicks. At this time, it was strictly forbidden to bring home both adonis and sleep-grass, it was believed that these flowers could harm future bird offspring.

Spring is here, it's time to bloom. It's time when the air is filled with spring aromas. Each flower looks at us as if it wants to say something. Perhaps, if you listen carefully, you can understand what the flowers are talking about?

If we are rarely in nature in spring, in the city we are always in a hurry somewhere, then it happens that we do not notice the first spring flowers. But their diversity surprises and captivates their modest beauty.


It is still only the middle of April, it often snows, but when I leave the house in the morning, I see among the fallen on hastily snow-blooming blue scillas. These are the first flowers I saw this spring. I understand - spring is finally here! During the day, the snow will melt, but drops of blue sky will remain.

Scilla flowers, photo:

They will delight our eyes for about a month. For spring primroses, this is a lot.

Scilla is a blue snowdrop of the lily family, a perennial herbaceous bulbous miracle up to 15 centimeters high. A very hardy flower. Usually grows under shrubs in partial shade, but can grow in full sun. Propagated by bulbs, but can seeds. After flowering, the seeds remain in the soil, and they need to be planted after harvest. Spilling seeds will bloom in two to three years.

If you want to plant onions in your garden, do it in autumn (September). Spring flowers are planted at a depth of 5-7 cm, at a distance of about 10 cm.

In gardens, with blueberries, you can close the soil between plants that by May did not have time to gain strength and did not turn around, for example, between peonies, astilbes. hosts.


Very similar to the blueberry, it is usually considered the first spring flower. It is also a perennial low bulbous plant.

Snowdrop white:

Its flowers are bell-shaped, drooping, white with green spots on the edges of the petals. The snowdrop is very winter-hardy, undemanding to soils, it grows better in open places, unlike the blue spell, just like it, it reproduces by bulbs and seeds.

Scillas and snowdrops grow in the same place for at least six years.

goose bow

Belongs to the genus Liliaceae, also small-bulbous with a height of peduncles up to 15 centimeters. It is also called yellow snowdrop.

The leaves have a pointed shape, grows in forests, ravines, thickets of shrubs. Goose onion is one of the first spring forest, meadow inhabitants, possessing medicinal properties. These properties have long been known to the Russian people. Since ancient times, wild geese, returning home after a long flight, stopped and plucked wild onions with pleasure, which restored their strength after traveling from the south.

Goose onion, photo:

This modest but useful flower appears one of the first in spring.

AT wild nature and in gardens it also grows almost out of the snow and quickly gains a green mass.

This is a faithful companion and medicinal assistant of tourists who go on May trips.

The beautiful bird cherry is a symbol of the coming spring and the renewal of nature. Find out more about her!

Forest spring primroses. Excursion. April 1st, 2014

A good tale about 12 months, the one where brother April helped a kind girl to find snowdrops in a snowy forest. A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it. They say that Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak “spied” the plot of the fairy tale from the Greeks or from the Czech writer, and there such phenological phenomena are quite possible. Recently, in Central Russia, in the fall, the wild rose suddenly blooms, then the alder. But still, these are exceptions to the rules that nature has developed for its own good, adapted to possible short-term temperature fluctuations. Such as yesterday's Moscow blizzard with snow.

It is still cold and there are no pollinating insects at all, but there are heavy gusts of wind, aspen and alder are blooming. They have adapted to the fact that there are no winged helpers. Therefore, in large quantities produce pollen and there is even such a concept as “Alder has become dusty”.

On the same days, willow begins to bloom, and a little later, other willows. It is to them that the first awakened insects fly, but the willow has a protective device against the cold. All of a sudden it will start flying for a week in April, all the bees will sleep. Therefore, the good ability of many of our willows to sprout is played leading role in their settlement - an abandoned field in a few years can turn into impenetrable willow thickets.

At the same time, one of its main plants, cotton grass, begins to bloom in the swamp. In the harsh conditions of the tundra and swamps, insects also cannot help in pollination.

And again the wind comes to the rescue. Pollination occurs throughout the entire territory of one swamp at the same time, and therefore all plants bear fruit together and at once, in summer the swamp begins to resemble a large cotton field.

In humid places, in swampy clearings, an inconspicuous plant begins to bloom - the spleen. Tourists walking through the forests in spring may not even understand what they are walking through. flowering plants He is so invisible to the eye. Perhaps it would be inconspicuous for insects, but they also see in the ultraviolet range. And if they don’t see it, the “adapted” spleen can pollinate itself and disappear underground in a couple of weeks until next spring. Such plants are called ephemeroids.

But this plant is difficult not to notice, or rather not to smell. Walking along April forest, the snow is still crunchy, but when warm, more often at the edge or clearing, the traveler is covered with a surprisingly pleasant, subtle and alluring aroma. Here it is - an inconspicuous bush wolf's bark.

Its scent attracts overwintering butterflies and bees like a cat's valerian tincture. In repeatedly felled forests middle lane wolfberry is usually a thin small bush. And only once I got caught in Valdai national park real giant with a trunk 4 centimeters thick and a huge dense two-meter cap of flowers.

The wolfberry pleases us with the smell, like many early-flowering shrubs even before the leaves are fully blooming.

In the undisturbed dark spruce forest, which both in winter and summer will flare up in one color with rich blue paint, a noble liverwort. It seems to me that this saturated color it retains in the first few days of flowering.

And near, under spruce paws, if you look a little closer, you can find a completely inconspicuous plant with almost black flowers. This is an evergreen European hoof.

The background for the spring forest is the anemone forever trembling in the wind - to the north and west of Moscow it is the white oak anemone.

To the south and east, yellow buttercup anemone dominates.

For me, sleep-grass has become a real fairy tale of pine forests, old birch groves, and sunny edges. Twenty years ago, it was quite common in nature at a small distance from cities. But everything is changing, today this plant is in almost all central regions in the regional Red Books. In the Novgorod region, together with the Valdai National Park, we organized a small expedition, but found only a few plants in two places.

One more interesting plant spring forest - Peter's cross.

It does not have green leaves, as well as chlorophyll. will run out short period flowering and the mysterious Peter's Cross, as Count Dracula will go underground until next spring or even for several years.

In the meantime, last year's shoots of the fern-ostrich are beautifully glowing in the setting sun in the aspen forest. Not a primrose, of course - but pretty. Some even put it in vases, but these are certainly not villagers, but biologists.

In more southern or eastern oak forests, the grassy cover in spring is not green, but blue. As botanists say, this blueberry aspects, i.e. creates a specific color background.

Siberian blueberry, like all lilies, accumulates in a bulb all year round nutrients. And then it breaks through the dry and rather dense litter of broad-leaved forests and rushes
up to the light.

The goose onion does the same in the oak forest.

Once there was a calm in the riverine ribbon oak forests on the right bank of the Seversky Donets. Quiet, the foliage is not yet noisy, because the buds have not blossomed. Taking off this goose bow from a low point, I always felt a very quiet rustle. Do voles rustle? No - it was thousands of woods and goose onions rushing towards the light through the old foliage.
And on the sandy alluvial dune on the left bank of the Oka, the goose onion does not need to overcome the crust of old leaves. That's how he grew up so sloppy.

And in a small forest stream, and on floods, on rivers, marigold rises from the water

Beautiful marigold at the very beginning of flowering, while the buds look like small yellow-green balls, or on the first day full bloom.

And then huge burdocks of leaves will stick out of the water, petals that have flown around will float on the water and try, build a picture in complete chaos of yellow.

So the first mosquito appeared, which means almost summer. There will be other herbs - violet, oxalis, bathing suit, orchis and venus slippers, bells and gentians. But this is another, summer story about flowering plants.

And finally. I think it’s not even worth reminding the readers of my blog that primroses are good where they could grow. In a bouquet, they will droop in a few minutes. But digging is not worth replanting, only a super experienced person will be able to model natural conditions on the personal plot, observe all the conditions of hydration, shading and nutrition for such fragile creatures. But if you have time, go out to spring forest with a camera, look for the heroes of my story, at least to find out their names.

After a long gray winter, spring becomes a life-giving sip that quenches thirst for bright colors. That is why spring flower bed causes the greatest aesthetic delight. But what plants to fill it with so that it sparkles with all the colors of the rainbow? In this article - spring flowers with photos and names. We will talk about a variety of spring flowers suitable for decorating a border, alpine slides and all types of flower beds.

Such beautiful holiday, like Women's Day, pleases with abundance beautiful flowers, among which leadership is held, of course, by tulips. However, this is a greenhouse beauty, because in the garden it will bloom no earlier than May. Considering that in most regions there may be snow before the end of March, it is too early to talk about the design of the flower bed.

Therefore, you can either grow tulips on the windowsill, or wait a bit. After all, it all starts with the April violet, passing the baton of garden tradescantia, lupine, tulips, daffodils and other delicate representatives of the flora.

First of all, I want to pay attention to undersized flowers that can braid a huge flower bed. Lush and bright bloom will please the following.

During the flowering period, this plant is covered huge amount small peduncles, and in summer it simply decorates the flower bed with fresh green leaves. If you plant a gypsophila in a small pot, it will grow like a lush "standing" bush.

In the flowerbed, she spreads out as soon as she can. It is worth noting that she does not like waterlogging and tends to dry sunny areas.

It is lightness, elegance and unimaginable aroma. the best way characterize this species. The bush reaches 15 cm in height and grows "singly".

Therefore, to decorate a border or curly path, it is necessary to propagate carnations by seeds or vegetatively divide the bushes, planting them at a short distance.

Attracts not so much with a peduncle, but with light leaves and the ability to rapid reproduction. Although it is hardy and easily tolerates heat, it is better to plant it in cool shady places.

This beautiful graceful flower of a milky shade can grow up to 50 cm, however, in shady places its height rarely exceeds 25 cm. At the same time, it will delight you with many peduncles.

Wanting to give your flower bed individuality, it is worth putting a few unusual representatives of the beautiful flora there.

It is large and small. The first during flowering releases an arrow up to 1 m high, at the end of which a huge purple ball flaunts, resembling a faded one in structure. The second is a low bush with many graceful pink peduncles.

Another good choice for decorating a border or "background" of a flower bed. In appearance, this plant very much resembles a small wild onion, only the flower is slightly different. By the way, this species often used to create alpine slides.

Admirers purple will not pass by this plant, reminiscent of luxurious bunches of grapes. Lupins or "wolf beans" come in several varieties, but the most beautiful is still purple. The best "neighbors" for him will be lilies, phloxes, and delphiniums.

In fact, this is a colored chamomile, which is characterized by unpretentiousness and early flowering. Interestingly, this plant contains pyrethrins - substances that allow you to get rid of bedbugs. Therefore, dried flowers can be spread in the basement or in other places where these insects are found.

This plant is so simple and unpretentious that many of its long time treated solely as a weed. But it soon gained popularity in the design of urban flower beds, which are difficult to regularly care for. Therefore it good plant to decorate the area behind the fence - no one will vomit it for sure, but it looks better than ordinary grass.

It is interesting that this bush blooms in different time- for someone in early May, and for someone only in June. A lot depends on where you land. Although he prefers partial shade, flower stalks appear earlier in the sun.

Of course, all the flowers presented above are beautiful and original in their own way, but they cannot be called independent in terms of design, since not everyone likes them. Most often, they only surround those representatives of the flora, the beauty of which does not lend itself to skepticism. Speaking of spring flowers - leaders, it is worth mentioning daylilies, peonies, irises, tulips and daffodils.

Shape the flower bed according to your preferences, and it will become a magical piece of fairy tale on your site.

The earliest spring flowers in my garden

Real spring in the country begins with the appearance of the first flowers, do you agree? Perhaps that is why we love plants so much that wake up before anyone else, enlivening flower beds and delighting the soul of the gardener. Now, in anticipation of these small miracles, I propose to recall together the earliest flowers of our gardens.

early flowering bulbs

The most numerous and popular among early spring flowers, of course, are all kinds. They are planted, as a rule, in autumn, and now in those regions where spring comes early, they are already admiring the first flowers. The article will give you inspiration and spring mood, and we will talk a little more about the very first bulbs blooming in our gardens.

Snowdrop (galanthus)

It was not for nothing that it was called a snowdrop - this cold-resistant plant blooms as soon as the snow melts in the garden. The first ones appear already in early March - of course, depending on the climatic conditions of your area.

Galanthus it is best to settle in conditions close to its natural habitat - along shrubs, under trees that in early spring still do not give a dense shadow. If you want snowdrops to bloom in a flower bed, keep in mind that this plant is - ephemeroid: at the end of a rather short vegetative period, its aerial part dies off.

The snowdrop propagates by seeds (thanks to the ants dragging seed boxes, it can settle in your garden on its own) and daughter bulbs. Plant galanthus in autumn; in the spring after flowering, overgrown nests can be divided.

If you want to know more about this herald of spring and admire his photographs, check out the publications:


The earliest among - botanical species: Crocus Tommasini, crocus aureus, crocus ankyra, crocus emperor and a number of others - in suitable climatic conditions may bloom as early as February. A little later, the baton is picked up by large-flowered dutch hybrids, which impress not only with the size of the flowers, but also with their bright expressive colors.

Botanical crocuses bloom earlier, but hybrid ones are larger. A photo

These amazing flowers are appropriate almost everywhere: they are planted in flower beds, and in small groups on, and under bushes and trees; they are suitable for . You can learn more about growing crocuses, their classification and use in the garden from the article.

Plant spring-blooming crocuses in autumn; it is better to use baskets for planting, because crocus bulbs are extremely popular with. This suitable for flowers both a sunny area and a corner in a diffused shade deciduous shrubs and trees. It is not necessary to dig up bulbs every year - they do this only when they want to share an overgrown nest.

If you would like to plant crocuses in your area, check out our catalog of major online gardening stores to select varieties to plant.

Muscari (mouse hyacinth)

Exceptionally unpretentious, surprisingly fast growing and extremely attractive plant worthy of settling in any flower garden. There are quite a few species and varieties of muscari, and they may vary in terms of flowering, but the very first bloom in April. In the article, I talked in detail about these flowers, their varieties and my impressions.

Muscari - bright and unpretentious flowers. A photo

Vesennik (erantis)

Sunny golden flowers vesennik will give a wonderful mood. Moreover, they appear when the garden has not yet blossomed. bright colors. Flowering - depending on the climate - begins in March or April. Surprisingly, this flower is not afraid even of late snowfalls!

Sunny erantis flowers give a spring mood. A photo

Tiny plants (no more than 10 cm in height, flower diameter - about 2.5 cm) look best in group landings. They are spectacular both on their own and in combination with other early spring bulbs - iridodictiums, crocuses and snowdrops.

In nature, erantis lives in the forest, so for planting it, the place under deciduous trees and shrubs will be the most successful, but any other area located in partial shade will do. Vesennik is sensitive to soil moisture: it does not tolerate drought or stagnant water.

Read more about this plant in the publications:

Scilla (scylla)

The most common - Siberian blueberry- blooms in favorable conditions already at the end of March. Most often, it can be recognized by the bell-shaped drooping flowers of a sky-blue hue, but in varietal woods, the flowers can also be white.


This plant is very diverse: scientists know about 550 species of primroses, of which only a small part is grown in culture. I talked about what they are and how to grow them from seeds in the article. But it’s not at all necessary to devote time to such a laborious task - you can buy already finished plants.

Primroses are charming primroses. A photo

Primroses tolerate division and transplanting well, I happened to transplant them even when flowering. Just be careful when purchasing lushly flowering bushes in flower shops: often these are hybrids grown on various stimulants, stuffed with fertilizers for abundant flowering and healthy appearance. Deprived of "doping", they do not survive. My experience tells me that it is safer to buy flowering primroses in the market - from gardeners who sell their surplus plants.

Primroses bloom, depending on the species, from April (and in more warm climes- since March), abundantly and for a long time. Moreover, in some species, repeated flowering is possible in late summer - early autumn. They can be grown not only in the garden, but also on balconies, loggias, terraces - this is a good container plant.

Primrose reproduces well by seeds, and you can choose the varieties you are interested in in our catalog, which contains offers from large online seed stores and planting material.

Primula F1 Paloma, mix 79 rub LOOK
Russian Garden

Primula Matryoshka, mix 13 rub LOOK
Russian Garden

Primrose large-flowered, mix 17 rub LOOK
Russian Garden