April is the time for the "green" bombardment! Why seed bombing is a good opportunity for small production in small towns

Seed “bombs” (or seed balls) are not exclusively guerrilla gardening – in fact, this planting method is a great way to spread seeds, especially in large volumes and in infertile soil. Use of rich useful substances The “bomb” gives the seed a great start and reduces its need for chemical fertilizers. Below you will find simple instructions for the production of seed "bombs".

Method 1 of 2: Regular seed bombs

Method 2 of 2: Frozen Bombs

  • In fact, it's better to bury the "bombs". Left on the surface, they can disintegrate and be eaten by insects or animals.
  • In the case of very small spaces or few seeds, don't bother making seed bombs. Better plant the seeds in the usual way by digging a hole and placing it in the seeds with compost. Seed bombs only pay off in large areas where a tractor cannot be used for seeding and if you have a lot of people willing to help.
  • You can share seed balls with volunteer groups revegetating badlands (find one that doesn't do anything illegal). it great way meet new people.


  • When using sawdust, make sure it is not made from any exotic (potentially toxic) wood or pressed wood.
  • Don't do anything illegal or unethical. Many plants can devastate areas originally created by dedicated gardeners.
  • Don't use pure compost as a seed bomb substrate - it's too concentrated undiluted.
  • Seedbombing is rarely used in dry, hot climates, because without constant moisture, the balls will disintegrate and turn into dust, not providing the plants with the moisture they need.
  • Seed bombing should not be carried out on foreign territories without permission.

Urbanism is in vogue now. The word is so widely heard that the people who pronounce it have even stopped speaking “correctly”, namely, New Urbanism. It is already clear to everyone - the one who is fond of this very urbanism is most likely none other than a young entrepreneur who is familiar with all the current trends. And the most relevant, the most “European” trend today is ecology, you can’t argue with that.

The global trend “ecology” is deciphered each time in different ways, and most of the latest articles on our site are devoted precisely to a detailed decoding of another entrepreneurial initiative that has closely linked its future with the New Vision.

As part of the educational program on modern eco-urban studies, we wrote about what constitutes such a fashionable trend as “permaculture”.

Permaculture, urban environmental guerrillaism, urban food growing, anti-globalism, veganism. All these phenomena are often synonymous with each other or complement each other, being parts of one synergistic system. But the main thing is that all these socio-political trends, similar and hitting the same target, could not but affect modern business. Especially for business in large cities with a population of over a million. Before a young entrepreneur who wants to succeed in a million-plus city, the question is acute: who to be? Or even so: with whom to be?

It's time to talk about one simple product, the production and sale of which is commonplace abroad and a curiosity (so far - a curiosity) in the cities of the CIS. seed bombs. The market niche is free, you have an advantage.

Seedbombs: a must-have for a young and modern city dweller

Of course, if you run a store for inexpensive semi-finished meat products or sell vodka, it is unlikely that your counter will decorate this product - seed bombs.

But if you are an entrepreneur, somehow connected with eco-trends:

  • rent out bicycles
  • run a vegan shop or cafe,
  • sell accessories self made,
  • natural cosmetics and...

It's time for you to master the process of making, marketing and selling seed bombs.

seed bomb

Scroll through Instagram with the tag #seedbomb. You will find great product samples: seed bombs in "factory" packaging with different design and various bright “understandable” slogans, for example, this slogan:

Throw and Grow! (Translated into Russian - "scatter and grow")

Of course, you will have to work hard to come up with a good Russian slogan.

Why are seed bombs needed?

Seed bombs or Seedbomb are balls the size of an IKEA meatball, rolled from nutritious humus (compost-feeding), ordinary clay, hot pepper and a variety of live seeds suitable for germination.

Therefore, if you are the owner of a store that sells land, compost and seeds for home gardeners and summer residents - amateur gardeners - you have great advantage at the start of this business.

Seed bombs are made by young urban activists (urbanists) themselves or purchased in stores for environmental guerrilla actions.

According to the fashion that "green" Americans and Europeans began to introduce back in the 70s of the last century, all abandoned urban areas must be turned into blooming gardens by the citizens themselves.

There are too many unattractive wastelands and "bald" places in cities, disfigured by the depression of culturally and economically damaged microdistricts.

And sometimes the whole city, including even its Center, looks like one big dangerous "outskirts", a flawed microdistrict...

Landscaping wastelands and no one right lawns urban eco-activists and urbanists are engaged not “for beauty”, although for it too.

The strategic goal of throwing seed bombs is to prepare the diseased and depleted urban soil for growing healthy (!) Food on it in the conditions of the city!

In Spain, where permaculture has been flourishing for a long time, you will find constant, conspicuous examples of how the total youth fashion for “balcony” and “lawn” crop production is changing the face of the city and city blocks (even very modest ones!) It seems that in Spain no one goes to the market for greens and vegetables, and even more so to the supermarket!

Seedbomb - a ball rolled from clay - contains the seeds of the so-called green manure plants. Green manure plants have long been known to man and are used by him in agriculture for healing, feeding, preparing depleted or simply poor soil, land. Siderates include legumes, cruciferous, the most popular siderat is lupine, known as a wonderful "healer" of the soil back in the days of Pliny the Elder, an ancient Roman historian and traveler.

The green manure plant is unpretentious, it takes root and survives in any land without requiring care - that is why seed bombs from green manure are so easy and logical to use in ecological urban guerrillas.

The soil, on which green manure plants have grown for several years in a row, becomes healthy and full-fledged - suitable for growing crops of all agricultural crops necessary for the human diet.

Making seed bombs is not that difficult on your own, if the consumer of a fashionable eco-lifestyle really has the skill to work with earth, clay, water with his hands ...

But if there is no such skill, then Internet and simple shops of eco-things and small things come to the rescue, supplying urban activists with ready-made seed bombs, which do not need to get their hands dirty in the process of making them. Dry humus-clay balls in a catchy package (which you and your marketers will take care of) just need to be scattered on the dried lawns of the city or near your home, or even germinated in your home. flower pot. Why is it not a reason for a company of young friends to make an appointment with each other in the city and spend a few hours in the open air with benefit and fun? Why - you - do not provide young consumers with your old goods and services - an additional (and fashionable) occasion for meetings, acquaintances, self-esteem, report in in social networks about a fun day?

Hot pepper, which is added to the "dough" of the future seed bomb, does not allow the birds to peck at the mouth-watering hill, on which the bomb will fall into the natural environment before it hardens and germinates. An unpretentious tenacious siderat seed, which lies in a seed bomb, will ensure almost one hundred percent germination and success of the event, will not turn it into a deliberate "booth" without meaning and useful result.

And this means that by selling seedbombs, your business will actually sell people - a joy and a worthy reason - to be proud of yourself. And such a business always expects sure success. At least in cities with a population of over a million.

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Created on 04/15/2012 19:33

Most of all in eco-communities today the issue of balance between oxygen and oxygen is discussed. carbon dioxide. It is not at all easy to achieve and maintain it while deforestation and the spread of deserts continue, and world states are just beginning to rebuild their economies on the principle of a low carbon footprint. But for four decades it has been expanding social movement"seedbombing" ("bombing with seeds"), which finds its adherents both among the "green" lovers of mischief, and in the scientific bio-engineering environment!

The Seedbomb project was designed to green the arid corners of the planet and cut down areas with minimal human involvement, but maximum care for future seedlings. First, the bomber plane drops capsules of nutrient-rich soil and seeds.

A transparent cap made of a special bioplastic for some time after landing will act as a greenhouse - letting through Sun rays, it will protect the seeds from being eaten by rodents and birds, and green sprouts from premature drying. After some time, the plastic will disappear without a trace: it will be processed by microorganisms prudently settled for this purpose inside the capsule. True, this will happen not earlier than the young plants are strong enough and will be able to independently find their “place in the sun”.

However, it is not at all necessary to rent a Boeing if you want to green your own city! You can follow the example of the New York Green Guerilla Group, which back in the 70s of the last century was anti-inspired by the lack of wildlife and clean air in the heart of the Big Apple, and for the first time decided on unauthorized landscaping of one of the abandoned car parks.

Since that time in different countries In the world, pockets of “partisan” movements began to emerge, advocating unscheduled, extraordinary landscaping of urban landscapes. On Earth Day, "green garnets" were reminded once again: "Brooklyn Industries" decorated themed bracelets with them, like large beads ...

Abroad, "seed bombs" today can be bought in a store or in a special machine: these balls are made of clay, compost and seeds various plants you can play war games, ladies and gentlemen! Activists throw them wastelands, fenced areas of industrial zones, railways, lawns and sidewalks where tiles are missing. So, in the most unexpected places, sometimes in asphalt cracks or joints concrete slabs wonders of nature bloom - poppies and buttercups, chamomile and strawberries. In short, seedbombing is the entertainment of the future.

"Green pomegranates" are quite easy to make with your own hands. For this we need clay - it contains nutrients, stimulates root growth and, most importantly, is heavy enough so that future seedlings will not be blown away by the wind after landing. You will also need biohumus, water and seeds of unpretentious plantsthat do not require additional care. These can be seeds of typical representatives of the flora of your region, or flower seeds in bags - it's not so important. We mix 11 parts of clay, 11 parts of fertilizers and 2 parts of seeds in a bucket. Now dilute the dry mixture with water until a viscous mass is obtained. We roll it into balls and leave it to dry for three days.

April-May is the “golden” time for seedbombers, because in the middle of spring it is usually worth rainy weather, and for the scattered "grenades" you do not need to run with a watering can. We collect a full pocket of "ammunition" - and you can immerse yourself in the peaceful bombing of the concrete jungle!

The global development of mankind is a “thing” far away for most ordinary people, but at the same time, we should not forget that these same global trends have a real impact on the lives of each of us. As the simplest example, the "shale revolution" in the United States seems to have nothing to do with us, but in practice, today the Russian budget has already felt a decrease in tax revenues from Gazprom. It seems that the gas did not reach Europe, but the prices had to be reduced. We reduce prices, reduce budget revenues, and then, like in dominoes, there should be a reduction in budget expenditures and a decrease in wages state employees (not so important real or hidden due to inflation). I won’t reveal a big secret if I say that it is the state employees in small towns and provinces that form demand and, as a result, their purchasing power decreases at the same time as the revenue of stores and all small and medium-sized businesses in the region. So some big global problems of the global economy can have a very specific impact on small businesses in the outback.

True globalization and general trends have the opposite effect, the result of which, in fact, was the emergence of a new direction for business development, by the way, excellent.

Today we will talk about the creation of a small production of a new product for our market called seed bombing (seed bombs).

seed bombing as a phenomenon that arose relatively recently in Europe and is one of the manifestations of the now fashionable permaculture. In short, we are talking about the urban environmental movement, which includes a host of other manifestations, ranging from growing food in urban conditions (who have not seen the beds on the roofs) to anti-globalism. The essence of seedbombing itself is quite trivial and is characterized by the slogan Throw and Grow! - “scatter and grow”, we are talking about the greening of megacities. For those who are not residents of megacities, it is difficult to understand such a movement, but, in fact, we are talking about forced greening of urban areas.

Seed bombs are clay balls, to be precise, vessels (they are made by the most different forms) in which the soil substrate is placed, mixed with the seeds of green manure plants (plants that restore the soil). Less often, flower seeds are used as a filling, after all, the main purpose of seed bombing is to plant landscaping of wastelands and other unsightly areas where ordinary flowers do not take root, another matter undemanding plants green manure, which not only make the territory greener, but also really restore the soil. After all, on the one hand, many young people want to lead an active life and fight against all manifestations of globalism, to improve the environment, but on the other hand, this very active struggle is not associated with a shovel, earth and all other “charms” of real cultivation of wastelands and parks. Just as an alternative, seedbombing is used, because in order to carry out landscaping in this version, it is enough to throw the territory with seed bombs and after the first rain we will get a green territory.

How does the seed bomb work?

As I wrote above, the seed bomb is an earthen vessel in which there is a substrate of the earth with seeds. The technology is quite simple, the clay shell of the bomb acts as a protective shell for the seeds and soil inside, and such a bomb can lie for a long time in adverse conditions, but as soon as it rains (and heavy enough), the clay shell gets wet, revealing the soil with seeds. The presence of water and, of course, a small amount of soil substrate makes it possible to quickly germinate and fix green manure plants. And then nature does its job, the plants themselves, used as fillings for seed bombs, have high level vitality and the ability to grow in the most specific places, the main thing is to give them a start.

Thus, urban youth reveals their civic position and at the same time does not particularly “strain”.

Why is seed bombing a good opportunity for a small production in small towns?

The main problem in the manufacture of seed bombs is the high level of manual labor, European practice shows that consumers are quite selective and happy to buy original forms. As a result, all seed bombs are made by hand, and where is the cheapest manual labor? Of course, in provincial cities and countryside, it is here that you can set up a mini workshop for the production of seed bombs with a low cost.

What do you need to organize your own production of seed bombs?

  • Requires a small space
  • A couple of workers for the manufacture of the bombs themselves;
  • A couple of people for making land mixture. Actually, it is possible to use two options here, in the first case, buy ready substrate, in the second, to make this same substrate yourself. The second option in Russia is preferable. The fact is that the upper ball of soil from a deciduous forest is perfect as a substrate for seed bombs. The technology is simple, we go to the nearest deciduous forest (but not to oak), remove the top leaves and collect upper layer soil to a depth of no more than 3-4 cm. We sift the collected mixture and get an excellent substrate, better than any ready-made one.
  • Another person for packing finished products.

In fact maximum amount employees is 5 people plus the owner, a minimum of 3 people will be needed.

What does it take to make a seed bomb in a small workshop?

To create seed boms you will need:

  • powder clay
  • flattening substrate or other prepared soil
  • seeds wild plants– green manure
  • capacity (bucket/container)


Mix 10 parts clay, 10 parts flattening soil and 2 parts seeds in a container.
Add water so that you get a nice viscous clay mass.
Roll up balls - “seed bombs”, although you can choose absolutely any shape, it all depends on the flight of fancy and pistols or grenades.

Let the bombs dry for about 3 days.

In order to really assess the profitability of such a business idea in the form of creating your own small production in a small town, it is worth talking about how much it is being sold. Without being cunning for a long time, just go and have a look:

average price of a pack of 8 seed bombs approximately $25; 25*35 rubles = 875 rubles

the real cost of one bomb is not higher than 5 rubles, total 8 * 5 = 40 rubles.

Total 875 rubles (price) - 40 rubles (cost) - 20 rubles (packing) = 815 rubles operating profit.

Of course, when we talk about 800 rubles, this is not net profit, because there is still delivery, overhead, and so on. At the same time, with such a difference, there is something to think about, especially since even without organizing a full-fledged workshop, you can slowly make them at home and sell them via the Internet, than not a home business without investments. True, there is a significant minus, you need to make your own online store and sell through special services you can read about them.

So it can be used as a purely small home business hobby, if you have any questions, ask, I will try to answer.

Interesting on this topic

War has been declared on boring lawns and wastelands!

Join the Green Guerrilla movement and start seedbombing. Green Eco-Bombs will help you turn a dull wasteland into a beautiful blooming paradise as quickly and cheerfully as possible. A bonus to the fun - butterflies and bees will appreciate the efforts and become welcome guests in the ennobled area.

The tube contains 8 units of the most harmless and peaceful weapon in the world - the one that will restore the bald areas of our planet and make it even more beautiful. Each green bomb is filled with a carefully selected mixture of seeds. Size with Walnut made from special nutrient soil, which contains everything necessary for exuberant growth, it is waiting for its explosion.

Seed Green Bombs for Urban Guerrillas and Creative Gardeners

Eco-bombing in the city:

The movement of green guerrillas - people with a creative approach to landscaping abandoned or unused urban corners - was born in the 70s. Now guerrilla gardening has become extremely important in Russia, because often government measures to improve infrastructure and compact development deprive the city of already rare islands of vegetation. And for speedy landscaping or hard-to-reach areas, we've released seed bombs!

Garden revitalization:

The beds and the lawn - it does not look like a dream garden at all! Why not create (at least in the neighborhood) a luxurious flowering meadow?

For successful bombing all you need is you, a piece of land and, of course, green bombs. The packaging is just enough for an ecological shelling of your (or neighbor's) garden. Green eco-bombs will add naturalness to it, and if bombed with due diligence, they will turn it into a branch of heaven on earth.

Rules for a successful green bombing:

  • Green bombs are best detonated from April to August.
  • Eco-bombs can be stored and detonated for two years.
  • Different types Green Bombs contain different seeds. Think about what the environment is missing and choose the appropriate eco-bombs.