Laboratory work in biology is rod and fibrous. Practical work “Structure of root hairs and root cap. The internal structure of the root

(lesson developed by modular system– 3 × 30¢)

Subject. Root structure. Types of roots. root systems. Modifications

roots. Laboratory work No. 2: root and root systems. Root modifications.


To form a holistic view of the root, as one of the main organs of the plant;

Continue to develop the mental activity of students - the ability to analyze, generalize and draw conclusions;

To instill practical skills and abilities (life competence).


Give the concepts of "root and types of roots", "types of root systems";

Develop practical skills to distinguish between types of roots and types of root systems;

To acquaint students with root zones, their structure in connection with the functions performed;

Determine the role of the root in plant life and its significance for humans.

Basic concepts: types of roots, types of root systems, root hair, cap, picking, symbiosis, modification of the root, root zones, bark, conducting systems.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, wheat germ, beans, radishes, tomato seedlings, indoor plants, magnifiers.

Literature: 1. , .

4. Learning new material - 45 min.

Student's message - 3 min.

5. Application of acquired knowledge in practice (L. R.) - 7 + 8 min.

6. Comprehension of the studied material - 15 min

7. Homework - 3 min.

8. Reflection - 1 min.

During the classes

I.Organizing time.

II.Updating the studied (blitz survey):

1. Structural microscopic unit of plants - ......

2. The cell consists of - ......

3. Groups of cells similar in structure and functions

are called……

4. The organ of a plant is ... ..

5. The organs of the plant are the following - .......

6. What is the meaning of the expression: “A plant is a holistic organism?”

III.Motivation learning activities.

Do you know how to properly plant a plant? Today we will learn how to do it with you.

When a strong wind blows, it is difficult to hold an umbrella. What force is needed to hold a linden with a thick trunk and branches at strong wind or a hurricane? You need the strength of a mighty giant. The root has this power.

What is a root?

IV.Study of new material.

1. Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

No matter how thin, inconspicuous

Root under the ground

But cannot live in the world

Any flower without it.

Why? (a question to the class)

2. Your associations with the word "root" (everything, not only in relation to plants) - making an associative bush.

The main part of the word Nail

Plant organ ï ROOT ð Tooth

Hair Evil

3. encyclopedic Dictionary(according to Ozhegov) interprets: root - beginning, origin, source, source. So, which words from the definition are more suitable for the concept of "plant root" (base, beginning, source).

Specifically for plants...

Strengthens the transport of substances

Nourishes ï ROOT ð Vegetative organ

Stores Underground - Absorbs


Today your knowledge of the functions of the root will expand, and you will learn about some of them in more detail (synthesis organic matter, excretion of metabolic products, cohabitation of roots with other organisms, modified roots, supply and storage of nutrients).

3. Types of roots (demonstration of 2 week old seedlings).

Having examined the roots, we see that they are different in size - in length and thickness.

Slide #1

Distinguish main, lateral and additional(adventitious) roots are types of roots. The main root develops from the germinal root, additional roots develop from the lower part of the stem, and lateral roots develop from the main and additional roots.

4. Root systems.

Let's look at bean and wheat sprouts. What are their differences? (lack of the main root in wheat), but similarities? (presence of lateral roots)

Slide #2

All kinds of roots(?) plants form root system.

Let's remember what a system is. (consists of parts that are closely related to each other and represent a single whole):

a) Tap root system - the main root develops from the embryonic root, grows throughout life, from the main - lateral roots (it can also be formed by additional roots)

Slide #3

b) fibrous root system - in wheat, the development of the main root from the germinal root stops, and additional roots develop from the lower part of the stem, and from them - lateral ones.

What types of roots do you know? And the types of the root system? What types of roots form the tap root system? And fibrous? ( class question)

Main features root system is the presence or absence of the main root. Most plants have a tap root system ( dicot plants), and fibrous - monocotyledonous cereals (wheat), lilies, etc.

Conclusion: each type of root is part of the root system.

Equipment and materials: fixed roots of wheat, beans; handout - herbarium of root systems.

1. Draw the structure of the root, indicate the types of roots in the figure.

2. Consider the herbarium of the proposed plants. Determine the types of their root systems.

3. Draw diagrams of the structure of these root systems, indicating the types of roots.

4. Make a conclusion:

1) what is the structure of the root?

2) types of root systems?

3) what is the difference between the types of root systems?

8. Microscopic structure of the root (longitudinal section).

All types of roots have the same structure.

Slide #4

The following zones are distinguished in the root: root cap ® division zone ® growth (stretch) zone ® suction zone ® conductive zone.

Slide #5

Slide number 4

b) the zone of dividing cells - up to 1 mm: thin shells of cells, cells without vacuoles - this is the top of the root. It provides root growth deep into the earth. This growth is unlimited (throughout life). If you cut off this part of the root, it stops growing in length (deep into the earth);

c) zone of stretching (growth) - a few mm (due to it, the main elongation of the root occurs).

Slide number 6

d) suction zone - a few cm (work with radish seedlings and a magnifying glass) - the zone is presented as a white pubescence). These are root hairs.

Each root hair is an outgrowth of root cells (bark) with very thin membranes. The hairs secrete mucus, which helps to set the soil particles (grow with them), which facilitates the absorption of water and nutrients. They are being formed. quite quickly - in young apple seeds - in 30-40 hours. In 4-month-old rye, there are up to 14 billion of them, and the total length is more than 10 thousand km. Live 10-20 days. New root hairs are formed in the lower part of the root.

Slide #4

e) the conduction zone is the main mass of the root. lateral roots are formed here. Substances absorbed by the root hairs are delivered to this zone. How? The root hair contains a high concentration of soil solution. Where and where will the water go? (Diffusion process) Water moves from the soil to the root hair (there is less salt in the soil).

Root hair functions:

Isolation: a) carbon dioxide dissolves the mineral substances of the soil;

b) metabolic products - mineral salts, K, Ca, Mg, enzymes, amino acids, sugar, urea; growth stimulants (tomatoes) that enhance the development of microorganisms (bean roots accumulate N in the soil -?)

Slide #8

9. Internal structure root (cross section)

Independent work with the textbook - p. 46, fig. 40(2min)

1) Integumentary tissue ® skin

2) Main fabric ® bark

3) Educational tissue ® lateral roots

4) Central cylinder ® xylem, phloem, supply of nutrients.

5) counterflow of nutrients.

10. What influences root development?

a) enhances their growth:

Soil rich in organic matter;

Loose soil (oxygen);

Hilling the stem (additional roots) - pour the earth to the base of the stem;

Pick (demonstration of tomato seedlings with and without a pick)

What happens to the root after removing its tip? (a question to the class)

Some plant precursors secrete growth stimulants (after tomatoes, haze plants and gourds grow well)

Fertilization (potassium salts)

b) inhibits root growth:

Waterlogged soil;

Dense soil (little oxygen);

Old roots (apple tree roots inhibit the development of young plants);

The use of green fertilizer from the tops of cabbage, tomatoes,

Very dry soil.

11. Modification of the roots (this is additional functions root)

Slide №7,8

a) underground roots:


root tubers

b) elevated roots:


Support (pillar) slide number 11

Air - slide number 10

Walking - slide number 9

Roots suckers (ivy room)

12. Role modified roots

Student Message: "This amazing "fruit" (carrot)"

13. Continuation of laboratory work (part 2)

Equipment: beets, carrots, dahlias, indoor ivy, monstera, magnifiers (work according to options).

1. Consider the proposed plant roots and name their modifications (write in the table).

2. Examine the roots through a magnifying glass - trailers of ivy and monsters. Explain what you see.

3. Make a conclusion about the significance of modified roots in plant life.

V. Homework: §9, 10, 13 - read. Answer questions, learn concepts. Make puzzles, crossword puzzles.

VI. Comprehension of the studied material.

1. Let's try to increase the number of branches of our associative bush "root" based on the new knowledge gained.

Synthesizes substances

absorbs" width="150" height="103 src="> Root Stores


Place for other organisms to live

Raw materials for industry

Stimulates the growth of other plants.

2. We collected hot poppies in a bouquet

Lots of blue forget-me-nots

And then we felt sorry for the flowers

planted in the ground again

It just doesn't work...

From any breeze sway

Why crumbled and wither,

They won't grow and live without roots

Why? What happened to the plants? (questions to the class)

3. The game "Yes-no"

The main root develops from the germinal root - ...

Additional roots grow from the stem ...

Additional roots - ....

Lateral roots are formed only from the main root - ...

The main root is needed to fix the plant in the soil - ...

Nutrients can be deposited in the lateral roots - ....

The root hair absorbs nutrients from the soil - ....

The root crop is formed from the main root, it is deposited

nutrients -….

Root hairs are located in the suction zone - ...

Lateral roots limit the zone of cell division - ...

Never loosen the soil, this leads to the destruction of the roots - ...

Earthworms must be destroyed, they undermine the roots

plants -…

Plants need to be watered only during the hot time of the day - ....

When transplanting plants, you need to carefully clean the roots from the ground ....

2. Proverbs (explain why?)

Whoever wants to defeat a weed must uproot it.

Mother - damp earth, feeds everyone, waters everyone, everyone with her warmth


3. Pig under an ancient oak
I ate acorns to my fill, to satiety;
Having eaten, she slept under it;
Then, tearing her eyes, she got up
And she began to undermine the roots of the oak with her snout.
"After all, it harms the tree?"

What do you think: harm or help?

4. Compilation of a crossword puzzle "All about the root and its functions" with semantic

in a word (dictionary according to Ozhegov) "beginning".

VII. Reflection(signal cards red, green and


    FULL NAME. teachers - Zavgorodnyaya Svetlana Yurievna

    OU. - MBOU "CSSH "No. 1"

    Thing - Biology

    Class - 6

    Lesson topic - The structure and functions of the root. Laboratory work №4. The structure of the root hair. Root systems»

    Target : to form an idea of ​​the structure of the root and that the plant organism is a holistic organism, where each organ has its own function and structure.



    consider the structure of the root - the root zone;

    inform students about the main types of root systems;

    explain the dependence of the functions of the root on its structure.


    develop the ability to independently formulate hypotheses, establish cause-and-effect relationships; concisely and clearly formulate your thoughts;

    develop learning skills to search for and systematize information;

    develop the ability to analyze, draw conclusions and reasonably answer the questions posed.


    to form students' interest in the study of biology;

    to develop in students an emotional and valuable attitude towards nature, the need for a careful attitude towards it, in the protection of flora and fauna;

    continue to work on educating students in the scientific worldview.

    Planned educational results:

    subject - the formation of holistic ideas about the structure and functions of the root; the formation of systematized concepts about the internal structure of the plant root; to form the ability to understand the meaning of biological terms: root, root cap, root hairs, absorbent tissue (rhizoderm), root system, main root, lateral roots, adventitious roots, tap root system, fibrous root system; analyze the information received about the structure of the root and root systems of the plant;

    metasubject – development of the ability to work with different sources of biological information, to analyze it; development of skills for self-acquisition of knowledge; convert information from one form to another; the ability to create presentations of their educational and research work;

    personal - development of motivation for learning and cognition; formation communicative competence in communication and cooperation with classmates and the teacher in educational and teaching and research activities; awareness of the importance and necessity for nature of all types of living organisms; awareness of the need to preserve the diversity and natural habitats of living organisms; the formation of an ecological culture based on the recognition of the value of life in all its manifestations and the need for a responsible, careful attitude to the environment.


    Personal - meaning formation (what is the meaning of studying this topic); moral and ethical evaluation of digestible content.

    Regulatory - goal-setting, planning, forecasting, distinguish between the method and result of an action, make the necessary adjustments to the action, control, evaluation, volitional self-regulation and self-esteem in a situation of difficulty.

    cognitive - search and selection necessary information, structuring knowledge, semantic reading, the ability to consciously build a speech statement, logical actions (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization).

    Communicative - educational cooperation with the teacher and students, asking questions, evaluating and correcting the actions of the partner.

    Basic concepts: root, root cap, root hairs, absorbent tissue (rhizoderm), root system, main root, lateral roots, adventitious roots, tap root system, fibrous root system.

    Lesson type: combined.

    Plan for studying new material:

    organizational stage.

    Setting goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.

    Learning new material.

    Primary consolidation, assimilation and control of knowledge assimilation.

    Information about homework, instructions for its implementation.

    Reflection (summarizing the lesson).

    Preparing for the lesson: computer, projector, interactive whiteboard,basic textbook “Biology. Living organism grade 5-6, textbook for educational institutions. Authors: L.N. Sukhorukova, V.S. Kuchmenko, I.Ya. Kolesnikova Moscow, "Enlightenment", 2014, electronic supplement to the textbook, handouts, instructions for performing laboratory work.

    Homework: §31 - study, task "My biological research", p. 81.

Organizing time

Target: organization of self-assessment by students of readiness for upcoming activities in the lesson

Greeting students, checking their readiness for the lesson, fixing absentees. Checking the readiness of the classroom. Organization of attention of schoolchildren.

Perform a self-assessment of readiness: the correct choice of educational supplies (notebook, textbook, pens, pencils, ruler), independence of preparation.

Personal: mood for the lesson

Knowledge update

Target: establish the correctness, completeness and awareness of the implementation of d / h by all students; identify gaps in the knowledge and ways of students' activities and determine the causes of their occurrence; fill in the gaps found during the review

    Testing .

    Specify which leaf arrangement does NOT exist: a) alternate;b) petiolate; c) whorled; d) opposite.

    The leaf is the main organ of most plants, where: a) the transport of substances occurs; b) the formation of new cells; c) storage of new substances;d) photosynthesis.

    If three or more leaves depart from the node, then such a leaf arrangement is called: a) alternate; b) opposite;c) whorled; d) parallel.

    The order of placement of leaves on the shoot is called:a) leaf arrangement; b) stipules; c) sheet mosaic; d) leaf blade.

    Specify which function is NOT typical for leaves: a) photosynthesis; b) gas exchange;c) supply of nutrients; d) evaporation of water.

    Organization of peer review.

    Complete the task: Choose from the suggested terms and justify your choice.

Leaf blade, petiole, wood , base, stipules.

Perform individual tasks on cards.

Perform test tasks. (App for students)

Carry out peer review.

Discuss in pairs. Answer verbally.

Communicative : work in pairs (exchange opinions, learn to understand the partner’s position, including those different from their own), express their point of view, enter into a dialogue, exchange opinions.

Personal : are aware of their capabilities in teaching; are able to adequately reason about the reasons for their success or failure in learning, linking success with efforts, diligence.

Regulatory : orient in the card; control learning activities, notice the mistakes made; are aware of the rule of control and successfully use it in solving a learning problem

Setting the goal of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students

Target: formulate the theme, goals and objectives of the lesson

Teacher :

    Soap root.


    Chicory coffee.


Teacher :

    Problem statement:

?? Let's think:

    What is the function of the root in the plant organism? (Student answers)

    How do you think the structure of the root can be related to the functions it performs? (Student answers)

Let's formulate the topic of the lesson: The structure and functions of the root. Laboratory work №4. The structure of the root hair. root systems.

We formulate the goals and objectives of the lesson: study the structure of the root - root zone; consider the main types of root systems; explain the dependence of the functions of the root on its structure.

They listen carefully.

Provide expected answers.

Provide expected answers.

Formulate the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson.

Regulatory: goal setting.

General education: independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal.

Personal: meaning formation, motivation and interest in the lesson

Learning new material

Target: to ensure the perception, comprehension and primary consolidation of the studied material by students; to promote the assimilation by students of the methods that led to a certain conclusion (generalization); create meaningful and organizational conditions for students to master the methodology for reproducing the studied material.

Each pair of students for work in the lesson receives a handout with definitions of the main concepts of the lesson, photographs, drawings and illustrations on this topic, the text of the laboratory work (Appendix for students)

    Root structure.

Teacher :

    Let's define the concept of "root" using different sources for this: a textbook and a dictionary.

( Root - one of the main vegetative organs of a plant, which serves to fix it in the soil, absorb water with minerals dissolved in it and synthesize some organic compounds e.g. hormones)




Teacher :

    By definition, the root performs several functions. Let's label them:

    Absorption of water and minerals.

    Anchoring the plant in the soil.

    Synthesis of hormones.


Teacher :

    What is the structure of the root? Consider the features of its structure - pay attention to figure No. 1 " External structure root "(Appendix) and figure No. 4.13 (Textbook, 80)



Teacher :

    Consider the microscopic structure of the root zones - pay attention to the figures.


Teacher :

    Soil nutrition.


Teacher :


    Organization of laboratory work (Part 1). (App for students)

    Types of root systems.

    Frontal work with the class.

Teacher :

    The totality of all the roots of a plant is calledroot system .

    Let's define the types of roots that make up the root - pay attention to Figure No. 2 "Types of roots", and also give them a definition. (Appendix)


Teacher :

    Plants can have two types of root systems:rod and fibrous . Let's characterize each of them - we will read their features in the text of the textbook.


Teacher :

    Types of root systems.


    Rod root system.


    Fibrous root system.


    Camel thorn roots.


    Organization of laboratory work (Part 2). (App for students)

Work with textbook and dictionary. Write down in a notebook.

Collectively discuss the answers. Work with textbook.

Study drawings No. 1 and No. 4.13, p. 80. (WORKING WITH THE TEXTBOOK) (WORKING WITH THE APP)


Analyze the video.

They listen carefully.

Study drawing number 2. (WORKING WITH THE APP)

Read aloud the text of the textbook on page 81.


Study drawings.

They listen carefully.

Perform laboratory work on the topic. (Student App) (PAIR WORK)

General education: semantic reading; ability to work with information: textual (independent search for information) and illustrative (working with photographs, drawings); the ability to structure knowledge in oral writing.

Brain teaser: analysis of objects in order to highlight features; establishment of causal relationships; analysis and synthesis of information.

Communicative: the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness; argumentation of one's point of view; taking into account different opinions; cooperation with the teacher and classmates.

Personal: formation of adequate motivation for educational activities, including educational and cognitive motives; orientation to the moral norms of cooperation and their implementation.

Regulatory: the ability to control and evaluate their actions.

Primary assimilation, consolidation and control of assimilation of knowledge

Target: establish the correctness and awareness of the studied; identify gaps in the studied material; to correct the identified gaps; to ensure the consolidation in the memory of students of the knowledge and methods of action necessary for independent work on this material; provide increased understanding this material the depth of his understanding.

    Oral survey.

    In which zone of the root are the root hairs located? (Suction)

    In what zone of the root does the formation of root tissue occur? (Divisions)

    What is the core root system characterized by? (The presence of the main root)

    What characterizes the fibrous root system? (The presence a large number adventitious roots)

    Organization of mutual assistance between students.

Perform an individual task on the cards. (Appendix)

Orally answer questions.

Provide mutual assistance in completing tasks for students who have difficulties.

General education: independent search for information, setting up an experiment, the ability to structure knowledge in writing.

Brain teaser: analysis and synthesis of information.

Information about homework, briefing on its implementation

Target: ensure that students understand the purpose, content and methods of implementation homework

    §31 - study.

    Entries in a notebook - learn.

    Complete the task "My Biological Research", page 81.

Read the text of the paragraph. Analyze the received information. Work on problematic tasks using the knowledge gained in the lesson, the textbook, the Internet, reference literature, knowledge from their own life experience

General education: independent work with textbook; semantic reading; the ability to structure knowledge in writing.

Brain teaser: analysis and synthesis of information; establishment of causal relationships.

Personal: creativity orientation; the ability to cooperate.

Communicative: planning of educational cooperation (work in groups).

Reflection (summarizing the lesson)

Target: allow students to reflect on their emotional state, motivation of their activities and interaction with the teacher and classmates; ensure the assimilation of the principles of self-regulation and cooperation.

Mobilizing students to reflect on their behavior.

    Filling out self-assessment sheets. (App for students)

    Mood Barometer.

Personal: understanding of their actions; self-esteem.

Regulatory: forecasting ways of self-regulation and cooperation.

Application for students

6th grade

Lesson #8 (Student)



    Checking homework .

    Complete test tasks.

    Specify which leaf arrangement does NOT exist: a) alternate; b) petiole; c) whorled; d) opposite.

    The leaf is the main organ of most plants, where: a) the transport of substances occurs; b) the formation of new cells; c) storage of new substances; d) photosynthesis.

    If three or more leaves depart from the node, then such a leaf arrangement is called: a) alternate; b) opposite; c) whorled; d) parallel.

    The order of placement of leaves on the shoot is called: a) leaf arrangement; b) stipules; c) sheet mosaic; d) leaf blade.

    Specify which function is NOT typical for leaves: a) photosynthesis; b) gas exchange; c) supply of nutrients; d) evaporation of water.

    Complete the task.

Choose one of the following terms and justify your choice:leaf blade, petiole, wood, base, stipules.

    Individual work with cards. (Appendix)

    Lesson work


    Root - one of the main vegetative organs of a plant, which serves to fix it in the soil, absorb water with minerals dissolved in it and synthesize some organic compounds (for example, hormones).

    root cap - a cap on the root tip that protects the educational tissue located at the root tip from damage solid particles soil. Also, the root cap secretes mucus, which promotes the advancement of the root in the soil.

    absorbent tissue (rhizodermis) ) - the outer layer of cells in young roots, which serves to absorb water and substances dissolved in it from the soil. The cells of the absorbing tissue form outgrowths - root hairs.

    root hairs - outgrowths of cells of a special integumentary (absorbing) tissue of the root, due to which its absorbing surface increases many times over.

    root system is the totality of all the roots of a plant. There are taproot and fibrous root systems.

    main root - a root that develops from the germinal root. In the tap root system, it remains the largest and longest functioning root, and in the fibrous root system it is quickly replaced by adventitious roots.

    Lateral roots - roots formed on another root of any origin.

    Tap root system - the root system, in which there is a pronounced main root, from which lateral roots depart.

    fibrous root system - a root system in which the main root does not stand out among the numerous adventitious roots.

    adventitious roots - roots developing on any part of the shoot.

Figure 1. External structure of the root

Figure 2. Types of roots

LAB #4

The structure of the root hair. Root systems

Target: meet to different types root systems, the structure and functions of the root hair.

Equipment and materials: live and herbarium samples of plants with different types of root systems.

Working process

(Also use the text, pictures provided in §31 on pages 80-81, and the pictures in the appendix to complete the lab.)

Part 1.

    Consider the internal structure of the root and, using the information received, fill in the table "Functions and tissues of the root zones."


Suction zone

growth zone

division zone

root cap

    Sketch the structure of the root hair.

Part 2.

    Draw different types of root systems: taproot and fibrous (textbook - Figure 4.15, p. 81).

    Write a conclusion based on the results of your work.

    Consolidation of the studied material .

    Individual work with cards.

Card 1

    Give short answers to questions.

    In which zone of the root are the root hairs located?

    In what zone of the root does the formation of root tissue occur?

    What is the core root system characterized by?

    List the main functions of the root.

    What characterizes the fibrous root system?

    Reflection (self-assessment) .

Self-assessment sheet Class ______Student ________________________________

    What was the purpose of the lesson?

    Were you able to get the result (solution, answer)? ____________________________________________

    Correct or wrong? ___________________________________________________________

    On your own or with someone else's help? ___________________________________________

    What rating would you give yourself? ________________________________________________

Laboratory work "Rod and fibrous root systems"

  • 1. form the concepts of taproot and fibrous root systems;
  • 2. develop the skill of distinguishing between taproot and fibrous root systems;
  • 3. continue developing the skills to observe natural objects.

Equipment: herbarium specimens of plants of local flora with fibrous and tap root systems.

Work is carried out according to the instruction card on p. 90-91 of the textbook "Biology" by V.V. Pasechnik and is issued in workbook like task 63.

Consolidation of what has been learned.

  • 1Questions:
  • 1) What is the function of the root?
  • 2) What types of roots does the root system consist of?
  • 3) What is the structure of the tap root system?
  • 4) How is the fibrous root system different from the tap root system?
  • 5) What is the basis for the use of plants to fix ravines, scree, river banks?
  • 6) What is the importance of adventitious roots for increasing yield?
  • 7) What is the importance of knowledge about the structure of the root to control the growth and development of agricultural plants?
  • 2. Fill in the table.

(Students fill in the column "Definition of concepts" on their own).

Basic concepts

Definition of concepts

Underground organs of plants that absorb water and mineral salts that hold the plant in the soil

2. Root system

The root system of a plant

3. Main root

The root that goes deep into the soil

4. Lateral roots

Roots extending on the sides of the main and adventitious roots

5. Adventitious roots

Roots extending from the sides of the stem

6. Tap root system

Root system consisting of main and lateral roots

7. Fibrous root system

Root system consisting of adventitious and lateral roots

4. Homework. Study paragraph 19, complete task 64 in the workbook: what agricultural technique is shown in the figure? What is its purpose? (Level 1)

  • 2nd level. Answer the questions: 1. The total surface of the roots of land plants is approximately 150 times the surface of its aerial part. What does this mean for plants?
  • 2) Why is it believed that plants with a fibrous root system protect the soil from erosion?
  • 3) What is the difference between root and shoot? 4) What is the difference between plant nutrition and animal nutrition?
  • 3rd level:
  • 1) Model the evolutionary development of the root system.
  • 2) Only because of erosion, 7 million hectares of land annually lose their fertility. What erosion control measures would you suggest?

Plan experimental work at the school-based educational and experimental site of the municipal educational institution of the village of Akatnaya Maza for the 2009-2010 academic year

The area of ​​the school-based educational and experimental site is 0.84 ha.

The plot has a monotonous soil composition. Plot soil fertile enough.

There are the following departments at the school educational and experimental site:

  • 1. Department vegetable crops in the system of tilled crop rotation;
  • 2. Department field crops in the system of grass-field crop rotation;
  • 3. Department of ornamental plants;
  • 4. Experienced department;
  • 5. Department of Plant Biology:
    • a) a section of plant taxonomy;
    • b) plant collection site;
  • 6. Department of protected ground (greenhouses);
  • 7. Dendrological department;
  • 8. Department of primary classes.

Calendar and agrotechnical plan at the school educational and experimental site

Name of events


Cover harrowing

Small digging of the soil (8-10 cm).

Breakdown of the site into departments and plots.

Vernalization of potato tubers.

Soil preparation on plots for field crops.

Sowing of early grain crops.

Sowing of sunflower, carrots, table beet.

Sowing crops at the department of plant biology.

Soil preparation at the collection department.

Sowing of early crops in the collection department.

Sowing seeds of vegetable crops in a cold nursery.

Sowing corn.

Sowing flower seeds in beds for seedlings.

Breakdown of plots on the experimental site.

Sowing beans, chamomile.

Preparation of seeds of pumpkins, zucchini (soaking, sprouting).

Planting pumpkins, zucchini, squash.

Sowing cucumbers.

Craft holes on vegetable crop rotation and experimental (for cabbage, tomatoes).

Planting vegetables.

Flower garden breakdown.

Planting flowers on the school site, near the monument.

Care during the growing season for crops (loosening, weeding, fertilizing, watering, pest and disease control, experiments), thinning, planting, shelter from spring frosts, hilling row crops, additional artificial pollination of sunflower and corn, weed control, preparation of plots for winter crops, weed control, preparation of plots for winter crops, selection of large seeds, sowing seeds of winter rye and wheat, seedling care, harvesting of agricultural crops , the sale of the products obtained. The main tillage is fertilization, digging.

During the growing season.

Experimental work at the school educational-experimental site.

Theme of the experiment: "The effect of foliar feeding on the harvest

cabbage variety "Slava".

The purpose of the experiment: to find out the effect of foliar feeding on

harvest crops (cabbage).

Students in grade 6 are experimenting.

Link composition:

Yelesin Alyosha,

Safonova Yana,

Slavkina Ksyusha,

Ryabova Olya.

Experiment methodology.

Foliar feeding is the feeding of plants directly through the leaves. Spraying them with weak solutions containing nutrients, it has been established by experience that the nutrients applied to the leaves during foliar feeding are used not only by these leaves, but by the whole plant.

When foliar top dressing significantly increases the utilization of nutrients from fertilizers, as the latter go directly to the leaf tissue, bypassing the soil, where usually most of these nutrients are lost.

Cabbage, as a leafy crop, responds very well to nitrogen fertilizers. 150 g is taken for 10 liters of water ammonium nitrate; 15-20 days after planting seedlings in open ground produce the 1st foliar top dressing. Repeat during the summer 5-6 times at intervals of 7-10 days.

Target: study the types of root systems, get acquainted with their structure.

Equipment: herbarium specimens of plants with taproot and fibrous root systems (wild radish, shepherd's purse, colza, dandelion, beans, peas, sunflower, rye, wheat, oats, meadow bluegrass, cocksfoot, caustic buttercup, large plantain, primrose); table "Plant Organs", drawings of the textbook on p. 38.

  1. instruction card

1. Consider the root systems of the plants proposed to you. How do they differ?

2. Us. 90 read which root systems are called tap and which are fibrous.

3. Select plants with a tap root system.

4. Select plants with fibrous root systems.

5. Draw a diagram of the tap root system in your notebook. Label the main and lateral roots. Think about which root is called the main one.

6. Draw a diagram of the fibrous root system in your notebook. Label adventitious and lateral roots. Think about what roots are called adventitious.

7. Complete the chart.

Make a conclusion about the structural features of different types of root systems.

  1. Types of plant root systems
  1. Test tasks

Exercise 1. Insert missing words.

1. The totality of the roots of a plant is called ... a system.

2. The root system in which the main root can be distinguished is called ....

3. The tap root system consists of ... and ... roots.

4. If the main root cannot be distinguished in the root system, then such a system is called ....

5. The fibrous root system consists of ... and ... roots.

6. Wild radish, shepherd's purse, colza, dandelion, beans, peas, sunflowers have ... a root system.

7. Rye, wheat, oats, meadow bluegrass, cocksfoot, caustic buttercup, large plantain, primrose have ... a root system.

8. The roots that grow from the main are called ....

9. Adnexal roots are called roots that grow from ...

10. From the germinal root develops ....

Task 2. Choose the correct answer.

1. The root first appeared in:

a) angiosperms; b) mosses; c) lycopsform; d) algae.

2. The root system of plants is:

a) main and lateral roots; b) main and adventitious roots; c) adventitious and lateral roots;
d) the totality of all the roots of one plant.

3. Adventitious roots develop on:

a) main root b) stem; c) lateral roots; d) aerial roots.

4. The functions of the root are:

a) fixation in the soil; b) absorption of water and mineral salts; c) reproduction; d) all of the above.

5. The top of the root is covered with:

a) root hairs; b) skin; c) root cap; d) cuticle.

6. Immediately under the root cap, the zone begins:

a) divisions; b) absorption; c) holding; d) growth.

7. Root hair is:

a) outgrowth of the outer cell of the root; b) lateral root; c) outgrowth of stem cells; d) adventitious root.

Task 3. Is the statement true?

1. With the help of the root, the plant is fixed in the soil.

2. The root system is all the main and lateral roots of plants.

3. If the main root is clearly visible in the root system, then it is called fibrous.

4. If it is impossible to identify the main root, then the root system is called taproot.

5. Minerals dissolved in water are absorbed by the root hairs.

6. A root hair is an outgrowth of the outer root cell.

7. Nutrients can be deposited in the main root. Such a root is called a root crop.

8. The tap root system is formed by adventitious and lateral roots.

9. The fibrous root system is formed by the main and lateral roots.

10. Plants with a weak stem rise up with the help of trailer roots.

Task 4. Restore the logic circuit.

  • Minerals + ? ---> root.
  • Main root + ? ––> tap root system.
  • Adventitious roots + ? ––> fibrous root system.
  • Root cap > zone of dividing cells ––> ? ––> suction zone ––> ? .

Lab #4

The structure of the root hair. Rod and fibrous root systems»

Target: to get acquainted with different types of root systems, the structure and function of the root hair.

Equipment: microscope, magnifying glass, glass slides and coverslips, pipettes, roots of wheat seedlings, a permanent preparation of a cross section of a root, dye, live and herbarium plant samples.

Working process:

1. Examine the root of a wheat germ. Find a root cap at the tip of the root, and root hairs (in the form of pubescence) above the growth zone.

2. Examine the root hairs, draw them in a notebook.

3. Consider plants with different types of root systems. Divide them into two groups. Plants with a tap root system and fibrous.

4. Sketch schematically the tap root system. Label the types of roots that form it.

5. Draw a sketchy fibrous root system. Label the types of roots that form it.

6. Make a conclusion by answering the questions:

What is the relationship between the structure and functions of root hairs?

What are the hallmarks of root systems?