Finishing the garage osb. Finishing OSB - everything you need to know about this material and the specifics of working with it. Garage ceiling trim

is the second home. Here, many "men" spend all evenings and weekends. Therefore, the improvement of this additional "residential" area is an important matter. Even if in your case this is not the case, then anyway, any person wants to feel cozy and comfortable in the room. And in this situation, it is important how to sheathe the garage inside. What materials can be used? Some options will be discussed in this article.

Requirements for finishing materials

To sheathe the walls of the garage, it is very important to choose the right material. Not only the appearance, but also the safety and duration of operation will depend on this. So, the material must meet the following requirements:

  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • not afraid of temperature changes;
  • incombustibility;
  • ease of care;
  • aesthetics.

These are general material requirements. Everything else will depend on the taste and financial capabilities of the garage owner.

Plaster - the cheapest option

The use of sand-cement mortar for wall decoration in non-residential premises- This is an old and proven way. A layer of plaster will protect against excess moisture and slightly insulate the garage. In addition, cement and sand are non-combustible substances, which means that the level of fire safety increases.

Plaster mortar is being prepared in the usual way. For one part of cement, three, four or five (depending on the brand of cement) parts of sifted sand are taken. Then, using a trowel, the mixture is applied to the surface. If the walls are uneven, you can apply several layers.

To increase durability and improve appearance, all walls can be painted. For these purposes, it is better to take waterproof or facade paints. In this case, the surface can be washed.

Use of ceramic tiles

Another popular way is to use ceramic tiles. This finish is not afraid of fire, mechanical stress and chemicals. Also, the tile is easy to clean, and (subject to the installation technology) it is not afraid of water.

As a more reliable option, you can choose clinker tiles. Such material is made from special clay using special firing. As a result, the tile has all the pores closed, and it is absolutely not afraid of water. But such a finishing material is quite expensive.

Finishing the walls in the garage with tiles (plain ceramic or clinker) requires certain skills. In addition, such material is quite heavy, so only strong walls can withstand such a load. Finishing tiles can be used if the garage is built of brick or concrete.

A newly built garage will shrink, so tiling is undesirable until this process is complete.

wood finish

Quite often, wood is used to decorate the walls in the garage. Wooden panels or clapboard can be used to beautifully decorate the interior space quite quickly and without dirt. Plus, it will be relatively inexpensive.

But this material has a number of disadvantages. First, wood burns well. Therefore, this finish increases the fire hazard. Secondly, wooden structures due to temperature changes and changes in humidity, they may begin to warp. This will seriously affect the appearance.

Wood absorbs odors well. After a long period of use, the walls of the garage can start to smell very unpleasant.

But there is one alternative. The walls in the garage can be sheathed with oriented strand boards or OSB. This material is 90% wood chips, and the rest is a special waterproof resin. Thanks to this composition, the plates do not burn, are not saturated with odors and are not afraid of excessive moisture. The structure of the OSB allows you to hold the driven nails well and another plus is that there is no danger of damage by insects (which cannot be said about an ordinary tree).

The use of plastic panels

You can use modern material. Perfect for wall decoration in the garage plastic panels. This material does not burn and will not be damaged by excessive moisture. In addition, the walls can be easily washed, which is very important for maintaining cleanliness in the garage.

It is better to use as finishing panels facade materials. They are stronger and more durable. But even these panels have one significant drawback - they are fragile. Plastic can easily break from a strong impact.

When choosing a material for wall decoration in the garage, you need to weigh the pros and cons, look at the photo and choose suitable option. It is important to understand for what purposes you will use the garage. If it will be constantly carried out repairs, then it is better to choose reliable plaster or strong ceramic tiles. If the garage is only needed to store the car, then you can use wooden or plastic panels. They are not as durable and practical, but they have a more attractive appearance.


This video shows how the sheathing of the garage with a profiled sheet takes place:

A photo

Very comfortable and multifunctional material for different construction works– oriented strand boards. Since the technology for the production of these plates is not complicated, for internal finishing works the master can choose a specific option from the four types of OSB boards, or consider special types of these boards.

What are the sheets of these products made of? It's simple - wood chips are used (flat fragments are used), shavings: these materials are glued together and a really excellent finishing material is obtained. Three or four layers of wood chips or shavings - these are the indicators that can be called optimal. Mounting OSB on walls is more preferable than using the same chipboard.

However, oriented strand boards are a kind of modification of wood-fiber material, some of its modern analogue. If finances allow, it is better to choose for facing works after all, OSB (plywood or chipboard is increasingly being abandoned today).

Scope of OSB, classification of plates

Before considering the classification of slabs and deciding what is the best way to finish walls from OSB, it is important to pay attention to the characteristics of such a material.

Types of OSB boards

Here everything is as follows:

  • OSB boards of the first class - they are usually chosen for such premises where there is a low level of humidity;
  • Type two - the material can be safely chosen for dry rooms, it is even used as a structural element during construction work;
  • Type 3 OSB - these plates are used in those rooms where there is a high level of humidity;
  • The fourth type of such products is used for cladding structures that are able to cope even with significant mechanical loads. Moreover, we are talking about conditions where the level of humidity is high.

Application area

One thing can be said about the scope of application - the installation of OSB is a really relevant task, since such plates are used in many construction aspects.

It's just that this material has such a manufacturing technology, due to which all internal defects are simply excluded (at the same time, chipboard sheets they often appear - voids, uneven fillings). Due to all this, OSB is a more preferable option - it does not deform, does not shrink.

And now in detail - Where can this material be used??

  1. Often for walls OSB sheathing is very profitable solution. Due to this approach, the house receives reliable protection from dampness, while also gaining additional insulation. What is most pleasant here: there is no need for additional finishing work after OSB installation;
  2. In the construction of frame-panel houses, OSB boards are usually used, which have a high level of moisture resistance;
  3. Since the material has such a valuable quality, it makes a decent reusable formwork;
  4. It is used as a base when making external wall cladding, as well as during internal works- if wood finishing is carried out country houses, cottages (from timber, rounded logs);
  5. OSB boards are your faithful assistant if you are making a sheathing, roof rafters. This material can work even under a serious load - it will definitely withstand the weight of not only the roof itself, but also all related loads (wind, snow) - even if natural tiles(material that weighs nothing);
  6. If you need to level the floors in the house or lay them from scratch - here again you can pay attention to the OSB installation. Just such a plate - perfect option to create a very strong, even base. It is best not to find under plank floorboards, carpets or other coverings;
  7. Pay special attention to the process when it is necessary to fit the joints of the plates along the plane. If necessary, they must be equalized - without this in any way.
An interesting point - not every manufacturer can use OSB boards as underlayment layers - in the case of organizing floor coverings. And the laying of the panels is carried out so that the smooth side is located up.

What else does a master need to know?? Following:

  • It is not necessary to apply an additional protective coating in the form of paint or varnish on the plates - the material initially has excellent protection in the form of a special impregnation;
  • Processing plates is not so difficult - about the same as ordinary wood. Screws, nails on the surface are excellent. OSB boards are not afraid of rotting, fungal influences, decorative qualities such material at a height;
  • OSB panels are often used today in furniture production- it's a great alternative to natural wood massif(but in terms of cost - significantly more profitable);
  • The material does not weigh that much - therefore, it is perfect for finishing, construction, painting work and more.

How to finish your house faster

It is quite logical that any owner wants to move into his house faster - especially if the construction is carried out independently. Private cottages are located separately from neighboring buildings - so in this design you don’t have to worry about neighbors.

Here a well-founded question may arise: maybe not to make a rough sheathing - but immediately fasten the OSB finishing materials directly to the frame racks?

Is such an approach to business allowed, or is it excluded?

If you pay attention to the instructions drawn up by professionals, it will immediately become clear: this cannot be done. There will also be reasons for such a conclusion. Simply, it is important to insulate the house - only in this situation it will be comfortable in it (especially since winters in the Russian Federation are cold - almost throughout the entire territory).

Why are frame cuts required at all - lower and upper? Everything is simple here: they form spatial rigidity - together with the skin. They can also be called mandatory elements, if we consider the design of any frame structure.

A frame that does not have slopes, even with sheathing, will retain its mobility - as in the case when there are any. However, if there is no skin, you can imagine what the consequences could be.

Exterior wall cladding

For rough sheathing, a lot of different materials are used today. There is definitely a choice here - everyone will agree with this. Pay attention to at least these options:

  • Board;
  • OSB boards.

Any of these surfaces needs a fine finish: it can be cladding with plaster - with a mesh or a layer of foam. There is an opinion that even boarding can be left as a fine finish - but in this case it will be necessary to process the wood additionally. Under the boards, hydro-wind protection of the walls is also arranged.

You should consider the following: it is not recommended to finish the frame with a board - without rough, preliminary sheathing of OSB with plates. Otherwise, there is a risk that the boards will unscrew in the fall or spring. Moreover, it is important for spatial rigidity frame.

You will get fewer joints due to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bOSB sheets - which cannot be said about working with other materials. OSB trim usually made with a material whose thickness is 11-13 mm.

Let's take a closer look:

  • The OSB plates are fastened to the racks so that there is a joint in the middle. And between the plates there should be a small gap - three to five millimeters is enough;
  • The sheet completely overlaps the lower trim;
  • The upper harness is closely connected with the number of storeys of the house. It will be hidden entirely - and the edge of the OSB plate will be aligned with the edge of the strapping if the structure has only one floor;
  • When the building consists of two floors, the sheet is located as follows: it must go to the racks of both floors at once. But somewhere in the middle of the sheet, the upper trim overlaps. This condition cannot be called mandatory, but if it is met, the rigidity of the structure increases significantly, which benefits the building;
  • Sheathing with OSB boards when fastening to a window opening in two-storey houses, should be made in one piece - this is exactly what professionals advise. Then all joints can be moved to adjacent racks outside the opening racks. A window opening is simply cut through in the slab - there is nothing complicated in such work;
  • When horizontal or vertical jumpers are made in the frame, a very convenient joining of the plates is obtained. In the event that these jumpers have the same cross section as the racks - and this happens often;
  • For fastening, spiral nails are selected. Self-tapping screws are also suitable - 0.5 or 0.45 cm long. You should not refuse combined fasteners (both nails and self-tapping screws) either - such a solution is considered to be of very high quality.

Keep in mind that ground rules fastening work must be observed.


  1. It is customary to fix the finishing of OSB plates in intermediate sections every 300 mm;
  2. After 150 mm, fix the places where the plates are joined;
  3. After 100 mm, the outer edge must be stitched.

So that a crack does not go through the material due to too zealous fasteners, a distance of 1 cm is maintained from the edge of the plate to the place of fixation (maybe a little less).
  • A gap of 4-5 millimeters is left between the plates - so that they do not warp. Fasteners are driven into the rack by 4-5 cm;
  • The part of the OSB board that is vulnerable (you could say it's the "Achilles' heel" finishing material) are ends. To ensure the protection of these areas, gaps are provided, which are called expansion gaps (between the crown beam and the top edge, also between the foundation wall and the bottom edge). Here the gap will be 10 mm. And between those plates where the groove-ridge is not available, 3 mm is quite enough;
  • To process these expansion gaps, an acrylic-based sealant is used. It is important that he carefully fills all the cavities - and that this work is done evenly;
  • Wind protection, waterproofing - all these tasks will be performed by a superdiffusion membrane, which also has the property of vapor permeability (this figure is 750 g / m² or more).
Use polyethylene, various films, glassine - do not recommend the master. It’s just that these materials have a low level of vapor permeability, all excess moisture must be reliably ventilated.

Also, you should know:

  1. The superdiffusion membrane is installed depending on what is the rough lining with materials, what is fine finish. For example, the membrane is often attached close to the insulation - to the racks of the frame;
  2. They make a crate (here wooden slats are used, the cross section of which is 2 by 5 or 3 by 5 cm. Thanks to this design, the required gap will be achieved. Then it is already possible to finish the OSB surface with slabs, LSU, DSP or sheathe with boards;
  3. From the inside of the room with the help of a film, you can make a vapor barrier of the walls. The material is installed in such a way that it fits snugly enough to the insulation. For fastening, a construction stapler is used. The overlap is done by joining - 150-200 mm, the joints must be glued with adhesive tape.

For such work, you can choose the simplest adhesive tape - there is no need to use construction material. Vapor barrier adhesive tape is also suitable.
  • To perform a vapor barrier, foil polyethylene can be used, which will not thicken the wall insulation (basic). Foam material is also often used for this task - this practice is common in our time.

Finishing the structure inside

Which is better: OSB cladding or plasterboard cladding? Many people are unambiguously inclined in favor of option number one - when it comes to interior finishing work in the house. It is quite difficult to keep the frame racks in a completely even state - when work is being done, the same applies to drywall.

It's just that the sheets of this material are softer when compared with osb boards. They will easily repeat all the bumps - so then you have to work hard to get a completely flat surface - more layers for alignment will need to be applied.

OSB board in its structure is an order of magnitude tougher than drywall sheets, so that all flaws can be smoothed out to a certain extent. After that, they begin to carry out work related to the final finishing.

Watch a video about how OSB boards are used for interior decoration. This material will definitely be useful if you do not have much building experience.

OSB-3 boards and roofing

Roofing is a very popular way to use material such as OSB boards. By the way, to cover the roof with OSB-3 slabs, a material thickness of 0.18 cm is enough.

In order:

  • Both the castle and the flat edge can have products. The first option is more preferable;
  • Between load-bearing beams the distance should not be more than 609 mm - this applies to both the organization of sloping and flat roofs;
  • Are the plates capable of expanding - this has great importance. For each running meter it is customary to leave a gap: 2 mm is quite enough (believe me, this is enough);
  • When laying plates with even edges, the gap is already made a little larger - 3 mm. Leave it around the perimeter of each plate - this is the only way to achieve optimal results;
  • To fix the OSB to the roof, nails are chosen. Attached to support posts. There should be a distance between them: 10 cm or even more;
  • Finishing OSB boards are attached with nails - they should have a length that exceeds the thickness of the board by two to two and a half times (or even more) - this is quite normal.

If the interior decoration is carried out using OSB panels, the following can be noted here: a slab of polished panels will look better if appearance is very important in your space. For finishing such plates it is better not to use ceramic tiles or wallpaper - this is recommended by the manufacturers themselves. And it is best to listen to their opinion!

Every car enthusiast dreams of a garage that will become not only a reliable "home" for their favorite car, but also a warm, well-equipped workshop for work at any time of the year. Finishing the garage inside is one of the most pressing issues, since it should not only give a neat and cozy look to this room, but also correspond to the features of the building, taking into account its operational orientation.

Today, there is no shortage of finishing materials on the construction market - a very wide range with different characteristics and cost levels is presented. Therefore, from this variety it is quite possible to choose an option that is suitable in all respects for finishing a garage room. To determine which of the finishes is most suitable, it is necessary to consider the basic requirements for facing materials for such technical buildings. An important selection criterion will also be what kind of garage look you would like to get as a result.

For each of the surfaces inside the garage, you should choose a cladding that will be able to withstand a certain load, environmental influences, and the aggressiveness of the technical ones commonly used in this room.

Garage surface finish requirements can be summarized as follows:

  • Garage floors must be able to withstand high weight loads.
  • The wall decoration material is highly resistant to mechanical stress, including impacts of various strengths.
  • For facing the ceiling, a material is required that has a certain strength and resistance to various fumes.

General requirements for garage finishing materials consist of the following items:

  • Fire resistance of the cladding, as various flammable substances are usually stored in the garage room.
  • Resistance of surfaces to chemical influences.
  • Resistant to any, low or critically high levels of humidity.
  • Resistance to temperature extremes - this is especially necessary if the garage room will not have heating.
  • An important criterion is the ease of cleaning the cladding, resistance to abrasive effects, since quite strong pollution in the garage is not uncommon.
  • Long service life of the material.

In addition to those mentioned operational qualities, the finish should have at least a minimally aesthetic appearance, since it is always more pleasant to work not only in a safe, but also neatly decorated room.

Garage Finishing Materials

Based on the characteristics mentioned above, it is possible to analyze various cladding options and take into account their advantages and disadvantages.

concrete finish

Plastering walls and pouring a concrete floor screed are traditional finishes for a garage space. This approach is consistent with most of the criteria discussed above, and the material itself adheres perfectly to walls made of brick, concrete or aerated concrete blocks.

To the positive qualities of such the simplest finish include fire resistance, strength, durability, resistance to mechanical stress, ease of repair if such a need arises, the possibility of bringing to the intended form by coloring.

Of course, this method has its drawbacks:

  • These include, first of all, the complexity of mixing the solution and leveling it on the surfaces of the walls.
  • To finish the walls and floors with cement-sand plaster, you need to have some finishing skills, since small flaws in such work can appear after a few months, at the first temperature drops - this is usually manifested by the appearance of cracks, swelling, flaking or crumbling of the material.
  • In addition to the laboriousness of applying and leveling the mortar and arranging the screed, it must be taken into account that this is a rather “dirty” process that requires large-scale cleaning upon its completion.
  • Having decided to choose this type of cladding, you should immediately take into account the fact that decorative finishing of plastered surfaces will also require costs, which will extend their service life and give them an aesthetic appearance.

Self-plastering walls is not an easy task.

Plastering walls requires good work skills and a certain skill. Therefore, if you decide to try your hand at holding similar finish walls of the garage, it is recommended to first familiarize yourself with the "basics" of technology by clicking on the link to the article devoted to.

Concrete garage floor - a solid foundation

A concrete screed on the floor in the garage can play the role of the final coating, or act solid foundation for laying other material. How best to equip, including with high-quality ventilated viewing hole- read in a separate publication of our portal.

It will also be necessary to level the floor with a screed if ceramic or modular tiles are chosen as the floor covering, for the installation of which a flat, solid surface is required. However, for the wooden flooring of the garage floor, the concrete base will also not be superfluous.

The use of drywall

Instead of the “wet” plastering method, the so-called “dry plaster”, better known to everyone under the name, can be used to level the walls. GVL sheets can be fixed directly to the wall with special glue or metal carcass. The latter option is used in cases where the surface has large distortions or if it is planned to be insulated. True, this will be at the expense of free space in the garage.

To finish the walls of the garage, moisture-resistant and fire-resistant drywall is usually used, which has the designation GKLVO - it belongs to the lowest flammability group G1. Sheets of this material are painted gray green color and are marked in red.

Drywall, like all materials, has its pros and cons.

The first ones include:

- relatively small weight of sheets;

- ease of installation;

- in comparison with the "wet" method of applying plaster, the process of fixing sheets on the wall and ceiling takes place without unnecessary construction waste;

affordable price for the material itself and for installation work;

- drywall, with a certain preparation, can become flexible, and it can be sheathed not only on flat surfaces, but also on arched structures, as well as bunk ceilings of complex configurations;

- gypsum, located in the sheet structure, tends to absorb excess moisture when high humidity air, and when it is dry, give it to the environment;

- you can create partitions from drywall sheets by attaching it to the frame - this is important when it is planned to separate in the garage small room for changing clothes or for a mini-warehouse or workshop;

- on walls lined with this material, you can fix any decorative trim starting from relief plaster and ending with ceramic tiles.

The only disadvantage of finishing the walls with drywall installed on the frame is the low impact resistance of the sheets. If the sheets are veneered durable material, such as ceramic tiles, this drawback will be of little importance.

In the event that the garage is not planned to be insulated, or thermal insulation will be mounted according to outer surface walls, and the interior is finished with drywall, it is better to use the technology of its frameless installation.

Is it difficult to attach drywall to walls without a frame?

In some ways, this is even easier than installing a frame crate. - read in a special publication of the portal, which describes both the technology itself and the necessary materials.

In addition to leveling and finishing walls, drywall is perfect for ceiling cladding. With it, it is enough to simply make the ceiling plane perfectly flat and smooth. For creating suspended structure, on which the cladding will be fixed, a special metal profile is used.

Smooth ceiling in no time!

This article contains not only instructions for mounting the frame elements to the main surface of the ceiling, but also for conducting electrical wiring, as well as installing lighting fixtures embedded in plasterboard construction.

Finishing the garage with ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles almost perfectly meet the requirements that must be met when choosing a finish for a garage space.

Tiles give surfaces neatness, they are waterproof and fire resistant, and are also easy to clean both dry and with detergents, and it will not be damaged by the small abrasive particles that make up the cleaning compositions. Properly laid tiles will become a reliable surface coating that will withstand high loads.

For facing a room such as a garage, it is recommended to use clinker or porcelain stoneware variants of the finishing material, which have high strength and a matte non-slip surface. Of course, if you want to save money, you can also use ordinary ceramic tiles for walls, matching them in color to the clinker flooring. In addition, you can finish with high-quality tiles only the lower part of the walls, which is more prone to dirt and damage, and leave the top plastered and painted, choosing the paint to match the tiles.

The disadvantage of ceramic wall decoration is its rather large weight and the relatively high price of both the material itself and its installation. Therefore, before planning a purchase, it is worth getting information about the cost of a tile in the region where the garage is located and calculating its required amount.

The finishing material is mounted on well-plastered surfaces and a perfectly equipped screed, therefore, in general, such cladding and preparatory measures for it will be expensive.

Interested in installing ceramic tiles yourself?

We will try to help our reader in matters of choosing the optimal tile and calculating its required amount, with the selection of glue and with detailed description installation work. All these questions are in the publication of the portal.

Finishing the walls of the garage clapboard

Another fairly popular group of materials for decorating the walls and ceiling of the garage is lining - from natural wood or plastic (PVC).

This finishing material (according to its design data) has a number of positive qualities, which include:

- ease of mounting it on a wall or on a crate fixed on a solid surface;

- the ability to install panels both vertically and horizontally, at the request of the owner;

- the design of the crate for the lining allows you to create a gap in which, if desired, it can be installed - expanded polystyrene or mineral wool ..

The physical and technical characteristics of lining made of different materials differ significantly from each other. Therefore, before leaving your choice on one of them, you need to decide which one is more suitable for finishing the garage.

Wooden lining

Panels made from natural wood, when used as a lining of a garage room, have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of wooden panels include their following characteristics (provided that the wood has passed quality processing protective compounds- and flame retardants):

- frost resistance;

- flame retardants significantly reduce flammability to category G2;

- resistance to mechanical stress;

— durability;

— environmental cleanliness;

– a wide selection of natural calm color shades and texture drawings.

The obvious disadvantages of untreated wooden lining can be called:

- high hygroscopicity, and as a result - the likelihood of mold colonies and further destruction of wood fibers;

— susceptibility to damage by pests;

- difficulty in cleaning the surface from oil and gasoline stains;

- high combustibility of the material, determined by group G4;

- not too long service life.

Since wood is natural material, it has a higher cost than PVC panels, regardless of whether it has passed protective treatment or not.

It should be noted that if it is possible to purchase untreated wooden lining High Quality, then you can save a lot by “bringing it to mind” on your own. For this, a special impregnating composition is purchased, which includes fire retardants and antiseptic components. This tool will significantly reduce the combustibility of the material, keep it from pests, and also give it a pleasant warm shade. If a protective agent applied in two or three layers, it can even replace the varnish coating. Although, for terms of use wood paneling in the garage, a layer of varnish will also never be superfluous, as it will protect the lining from absorbing oil stains and will allow wet cleaning walls.

How to install wooden lining?

Even a novice master who has not previously performed such operations should cope with such a task. All the details are described in a special publication of our portal.

It can be immediately noted that PVC lining, also used for wall or ceiling cladding, is mounted according to the same principle.

The floor of the garage can also be covered with plank flooring. Tongue-and-groove boards are also interconnected according to the tenon-groove principle, but, of course, they have a large thickness, which can vary from 35 to 50 mm, since the maximum pressure falls on the floors, taking into account the mass of the car and dynamic loads. Boards, like wood paneling for walls, must go through a cycle pre-training. However, it should be rightly noted that a wooden garage floor cannot be considered the best flooring option.

Plastic panels

PVC panels, like any building material, have their drawbacks and advantages, which you also need to know when choosing cladding for garage walls.

First of all, it should be noted that for the conditions under consideration, it is recommended to purchase material intended for facade cladding or specifically for a garage, since it has more suitable characteristics, especially given the fact that most often this room is unheated.

So, the advantages of PVC cladding can be called the following qualities:

- plastic lining is easily cleaned from various pollution;

- the light weight of the panels simplifies their installation, which can be made on the frame crate or directly on the wall;

- low hygroscopicity, that is, the finish practically does not absorb water;

– facade panels tolerate temperature extremes well, except for extremely low ones;

- a variety of colors and patterns, including imitation of wooden texture;

- aesthetics of the material;

- does not require additional processing and coloring;

- sufficiently high strength;

- it is easy to replace single, accidentally damaged lamellas without dismantling the entire skin;

— low cost of finishing;

- the ability to independently carry out installation.

The disadvantages of plastic lining are:

- at very low temperatures, the material becomes brittle, and may break under mechanical stress.

If you plan to install the lining on the crate, you need to take into account that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garage will decrease by approximately 60 ÷ 70 mm on each side.

Installation of plastic lining - available to everyone

The most important operation is to correctly install the frame crate, and further actions are already reminiscent of playing a children's constructor. How installation work is carried out on - read in a separate publication of our portal.

Sheathing of walls and ceilings with OSB sheets

Garage walls insulated from the inside can also be sheathed with plywood, or even better - OSB (oriented strand board) sheets, consisting of several layers of thin wood shavings, which have a relatively large size.

Manufacturers use different materials as binders for chopped wood - these can be resins coniferous trees and paraffins or formaldehyde resins. In any case, the polymerization of these substances is completed 2–3 months after the sheets are made, therefore, the evaporation of harmful substances stops after about the same time, and they will no longer pose a significant danger in terms of formaldehyde emission.

Table of permissible characteristics of OSB panels (sheets):

Indicatorsunit of measurementSheet thickness in mm.
6÷10 10÷18 18:25 25÷30
Tolerances of nominal dimensions in length and±3±3±3±3
Squareness, maximum deviationsmmm2 2 2 2
Humidity% 2÷122÷122÷122÷12
Density spread within one sheet% ±15±15±15±15
Formaldehyde content according to EN-13986Class E1 maximum 8 mg/100 g;
Class E2 maximum 8÷30 mg/100 g.

OSB (in the foreign abbreviation OSB) is divided into several types and has a numerical designation from 1 to 4. For sheathing the walls and ceiling of the garage, you should choose OSB-3 or OSB-4 sheets, since their characteristics correspond to the maximum extent to the conditions of this room.

OSB-3 is the most used type of material. It has a fairly high strength and average moisture resistance, but if the sheets are used in unheated rooms, they must first be treated with moisture-repellent compounds.

OSP-4 is the most durable type, which can be used for both internal and exterior finish. The material resists well external influences and tolerates temperature fluctuations. True, the price of this type of OSB significantly exceeds the cost of all other varieties.

The positive qualities of OSB-4 also include the following advantages:

Low level moisture absorption, so the sheets do not deform, do not swell and do not become moldy under the influence of high humidity.

— Long service life.

- Light weight and in this regard - ease of installation.

- Good indicators of heat and sound insulation.

- Antiseptic additives included in OSB exclude biological decomposition, the appearance and development of microflora and insect nests.

- Affordability compared to many other types of cladding.

The disadvantages of OSB include the maximum flammability category of panels - G4, as well as the above-mentioned emission of formaldehyde, which is part of the binders. However, for garage conditions, even the E2 class will be quite acceptable.

OSB lends itself well to painting, but the panels must first be primed. In addition, walls sheathed with such material can be lined with ceramic tiles or "flexible stone" mounted on tile adhesive. Such finishing will become an additional protection against pollution for the walls and increase the overall fire safety.

Video: Another option for facing the walls of the garage - corrugated board

Floor modular covering

Modular garage floor coverings are one of the relatively new types of finishing materials that are produced in different basis- it can be plates made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and rubber.

PVC floor modules

The practicality of such a coating is undeniable, and this is especially true for PVC panels, since they are designed for heavy loads and any mechanical influences. Moreover, the modules can be laid not only in the garage itself, but also on the site in front of it, of course, if the building is located in a closed area, or the coating will have to be fixed to the surface with a special glue.

PVC modular boards are characterized by the following positive qualities:

  • The material is resistant to high and low temperatures from -30 to +50 degrees.
  • A big advantage is the complete inertness to petroleum products and technical fluids traditionally used in the garage.
  • Ease of installation and dismantling of plates - laying technology does not require special skills.
  • The garage can be used immediately after laying the coating, as it does not need any period of drying and curing (with the exception of the case of mounting the boards on an adhesive solution).
  • High coating strength - both to static, and to dynamic, and to shock loads.
  • This coverage does not require special training foundation, the main thing is that it be even, stable and durable.

  • The slabs are mounted on concrete or wooden base, and the modules can be glued to a special glue or even laid without rigid fixation.
  • Modular PVC coating is environmentally friendly pure material, so it is quite often used even in children's institutions to decorate the floors of halls or cover outdoor playgrounds.

PVC modules can have a pronounced relief or just a rough surface. In any case, it does not slip, which is very important for the floor. unheated premises at negative temperatures. Although many slabs have a textured surface, they are easy to care for using a dry or wet method cleaning.

A variety of colors of modular plates allows you to make the coating multi-colored, which makes it possible to design an exclusive garage. Bright colours, well matched to each other, will to a certain extent raise and maintain a working mood. In addition, the floor covering, made in this way, will add neatness and decorativeness to the garage room.

Rubber modules

Rubber modules have characteristics no worse than PVC plates. They are also used for flooring garages, as well as sports grounds and even for the design of garden paths. Modules can have different connections or fit like puzzles, like some models paving slabs. Material is produced different thickness, but any of them fits well even on a not quite flat surface, taking the form of small smooth depressions.

Rubber tiles, depending on its configuration, can be glued to the surface or simply laid by linking the modules together on special locking joints.

Rubber flooring has positive qualities that also meet the previously discussed requirements for garage finishing:

  • High wear resistance.
  • Environmental Safety.
  • Inert to various chemical compositions.
  • Ease of maintenance and repair.
  • The safety of the coating, as it does not slip at any temperature.
  • Principles of installation of modular floor coverings

    If it is decided to use PVC or rubber modules, it is necessary to prepare a reliable solid foundation, and most often this role is assigned to a concrete screed.

    With a new screed - everything is quite clear, but in the case when it is planned to revet the floors of a garage that is already in operation long time, then you will have to first strengthen and clean the surface well.

    • If the old screed is painted, or there are oil or gasoline stains on it, then it is not necessary to remove them - they will not interfere with the installation of modules in a “dry” way, that is, without the use of glue.
    • In order for the modules to lay flat, it is necessary to remove various protrusions from the surface, and also check for the presence of metal elements sticking out of the floor - nails, crutches, studs, pins, etc. They will need to be cut to the general level.
    • If, after the revision of the screed, significant depressions, recesses or cracks are found, then it is recommended that they be carefully repaired.
    • The next step is to clean the floor surface of construction debris and dust, and this is best done with a powerful construction vacuum cleaner.
    • Since in the garage there is always the possibility of water getting on the surface of the screed, even if there is a floor covering, the concrete surface should be treated with a water-repellent penetrating primer.

    Installation of modular coatings, both rubber and PVC, is carried out in approximately the same way. To perform this work, you only need a wooden or rubber mallet. If the modules will be mounted on glue, then you need to prepare a notched trowel.

    The laying of modular slabs starts from the corner of the garage, and a gap of 5 ÷ 12 mm must be left between the walls and slabs - it is necessary to compensate for the linear expansion of the material during temperature changes.

    This gap, upon completion of the laying of the plates, must be closed with a plinth, otherwise dust and dirt will collect in this recess. It is possible to purchase special additional elements for framing the coating along the walls and at the entrance to the garage, on which connecting locks are also provided.

    If it is decided to do with an ordinary plinth, then from the plates laid in the first row along the walls, it is necessary to cut off the edge on which the protrusions of the connecting locks are located. Such cuts are easily made with an electric jigsaw.

    The shape of the connecting locks can be different, but always the protruding parts of one module are installed accurately, without distortions, into the grooves of another, laid next to it, and then tapped from above with a rubber hammer.

    In the same way, the entire floor covering is mounted, but if the last plates do not fit in size, they can also be corrected by cutting with a jigsaw.

    Modules can be stacked in different ways:

    • Without displacement, that is, the edge of one of them is attached to the other along its entire length. If this option uses plates of two colors, then it looks like a chessboard.

    • With an offset of half the module, when the connection of two plates of the previous row is located in the middle of the edge of the next plate. That is, in this case, the principle of brickwork is used - in dressing.
    • diagonally across the room. This laying method is more complicated, and with this installation too much waste remains, since the extreme modules will have to be cut.

    Caring for similar flooring- quite simple. Regular cleaning of the floor in fashion is carried out with a vacuum cleaner, a broom, as well as with the use of ordinary wet cleaning.

    Finally, it should be noted that in our time there are quite a lot of interesting materials, and every year new ones appear, which can also be used to decorate the walls and floor of the garage. When choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account the criteria mentioned above, the appropriateness of its use in a particular region and taking into account the specifics of the garage itself. You should evaluate the availability of installation work on your own, and, of course, your financial capabilities.

    At the end of the article - another video in which the owner of the garage shares his own finishing experience:

    Video: DIY Garage Experience

    Often a garage is associated with a room that is not cleaned, constantly dirty, stinks and only true men can stay in it. But it is not always the case. Despite the dirty work, your garage can be kept clean and well maintained. Everything is achieved thanks to a good interior finish. If earlier the choice of materials was limited, today there is no shortage. There are plenty of finishing materials, which allows you to make your garage a pleasant place where you want to go.

    Besides, quality finish also performs protective functions. What exactly to choose for finishing - the decision is purely yours. This is where personal preference and budget come into play. In this article, we will look at design options and how the interior decoration of the garage takes place.

    Finishing the garage inside - is it necessary

    Many may ask why finish the garage from the inside at all. Of course, when it comes to outdoor work, everyone wants to make the garage beautiful and attractive. And the supporting structures will be reliably protected from external influence. After all, frost, rain and wind - all this negatively affects the walls of the building. But after all, nothing threatens anything inside the garage of the structure.

    In fact, interior decoration is also important. Like it or not, the walls of the garage will also be protected. This applies to dirt, moisture, mechanical damage and other factors. The second point is aesthetic beauty. It has been proven that in a comfortable environment it is better to work and be more pleasant. And since motorists spend a lot of time in the garage, this is important. Moreover, when you plan to carry out insulation, then you will have to finish the garage for sure. Finishing will protect the insulation so that it does not lose its properties. But, the question arises: what should be the finishing material for finishing the garage from the inside?

    Criteria for the choice of material for cladding

    So that all the work you have done is not in vain, you need to choose the right material for each surface in the garage. It is important that he be able to withstand a certain load, influence external environment, as well as aggressive technical substances that are typical for a garage. If you make a list of requirements, it will look like this:

    If we continue the topic general requirements to the characteristics of finishing materials, they also exist and there are many of them:

    • each material must be fireproof and not burn. Garage - a room with a high risk of fire, as it contains flammable substances;
    • the surface of the finish must be resistant to chemical attack;
    • no less important is the resistance of the material to moisture;
    • in the event that the garage is not insulated, choose materials that are resistant to temperature fluctuations;
    • in order not to change the lining after a few years, choose a high-quality and durable material. It is better to pay more, but do it once and for several decades.

    Among other things, I would like to note one more factor, it is not the main, but important - the aesthetic side. Then being inside will be pleasant not only for you, but also for other visitors.

    Garage floor installation

    Often ordinary people use the garage just to store the car. In such cases, a viewing hole is not made. In this case, the base floor can be simple soil, tightly packed. To do this, you need to make a concrete screed. Now we will look at how you can make a garage floor with your own hands.

    First you need to level the ground. In places where there are large drops, add sand or gravel. The base must be waterproofed. To do this, you will need a ruberoid. Lay it on top, laying the sheets overlapping. Then the moisture from the concrete solution will not be absorbed into the soil. A reinforcing mesh is laid on this base. So, you will make the concrete screed even stronger.

    After that, beacons are set according to the level. They will serve as a guide, and will make the floor even. Next to cook concrete mortar which is poured onto the floor. Its composition is simple:

    • sand;
    • cement;
    • rubble.

    But to get a quality product, you need to achieve the right ratio of components. To fill the floor of the garage, the proportion is suitable: 2: 1: 3 (sand, cement, crushed stone). All this is filled with water. It will take just enough to get the right consistency. The solution should not be liquid or thick.

    Advice! To prepare this amount of concrete, use a concrete mixer.

    Now you can start pouring the floor in the garage. Ideally, do everything in one go. Then the floor will not have cracks and will become monolithic. In this work, you can not do without an assistant. The thickness of the screed should be at least 10 cm. After filling, it remains to level the surface and leave everything to dry completely (about a month). You will see the process of pouring the floor in more detail in this video.

    It's all? Not at all. Leave the floor in the garage in this form is impossible. After all, concrete will absorb moisture and collapse. And the oil you spill will leave on the floor black spot. Over time, the entire floor of the garage will turn into a solid black spot. What to do? Use finishing materials.

    The simplest and cheapest of them is moisture-resistant and wear-resistant paint. trite, but concrete base will be protected. In addition, you can wash the floor in the garage. The second option is to cover the screed with marble chips. And ideally, use ceramic tiles and its varieties. Some use paving or clinker tiles. These materials are very wear-resistant and can withstand various loads.

    Garage wall decoration

    The design of the walls of the garage is more diverse, and there will be a little more work. There is only one floor in the garage and four walls. What materials are used to decorate the walls of the garage from the inside? Here are the most popular ones:

    1. Plaster
    2. Drywall.
    3. Ceramic tile.
    4. Dye.
    5. Clapboard.
    6. OSB sheets.

    Plastering the walls is somewhat reminiscent of pouring the floor. This is the so-called wet way to level the wall, protect it and prepare it for further finishing. The process is simple but laborious. It all comes down to placing beacons on the walls, preparing the plaster and the process of applying it. special tools. However, not everyone can cope with this task. This video will help you with this.

    Thanks to the plastering of the walls, you can level them and prepare them for further finishing with paint, tiles or plaster.

    Advice! Since there will be a lot of tiles on the walls, it is recommended to combine finishing options, saving money.

    For example, tiles can be laid up to the middle of the wall or less, because it is in those places that the walls are particularly affected. BUT upper part walls are painted with paint for facade work.

    But to insulate your garage, you'll be taking up valuable space. It is much more profitable to use another way to finish the garage - sheathing with plasterboard, clapboard or OSB sheets. Why? It's all about the plating technology. To complete it, you need to make a metal or wooden crate with a certain step. After that, drywall sheets, lining or OSB are attached to this crate.

    Since between the laths of the crate there will be free space, it is filled with insulation. It can be mineral wool, polyurethane foam, polystyrene or polystyrene. In this case, the thickness of the rail will be equal to the thickness of the insulation. All this is covered from above. vapor barrier film, and after that, drywall, wall paneling or OSB is fixed.

    Drywall fastening is carried out by means of self-tapping screws, butt joint. In the future, it is puttied and finished with another finishing material of your choice. The lining is fastened with a thorn-in-groove method, using nails, kleimers, staples or self-tapping screws. OSB are fixed with nails or self-tapping screws, butt joint. How this finish looks like can be seen in the photo.

    Advantage of drywall

    For the garage, a special moisture-resistant drywall is used, which is green. What is good about this material?

    1. Has a small weight.
    2. Easy installation.
    3. Affordable price.
    4. Versatility, after completion you can make any finish you want.
    5. Gypsum is able to absorb excess moisture, and when dry, give it away.

    The advantage of lining

    1. Frost resistance.
    2. Due to impregnation, it does not burn.
    3. Durability.
    4. Lack of dirt and construction debris after work.
    5. Resistance to mechanical stress.
    6. Environmentally friendly.
    7. Easy to install.
    8. Has an attractive appearance.

    Benefits of tiles

    1. Durable.
    2. Durable.
    3. Reliable.
    4. Does not burn.
    5. Lack of dirt and construction debris after work.
    6. It has high resistance to chemical and physical influences.
    7. Just take care of her.
    8. Aesthetically attractive.

    The choice can be difficult, but you must make up your mind. You like naturalness and beauty - use lining. You are an adherent of strength and reliability - you suitable tile. If you are limited in funds, then use drywall with subsequent staining. There are many options, it's up to you.

    Garage ceiling trim

    The interior decoration of the garage room with a ceiling ends. This is special section, since there is practically no physical influence on it. That is why the requirements for the finishing material for the garage ceiling are not so serious. If necessary, you can also insulate the ceiling of the garage. Then the technology of the device is similar to wall decoration. In order for the materials to harmonize with each other, sometimes the ceiling lining is made with the same material as the walls. But this is optional.

    The most common materials for finishing the garage ceiling are PVC panels and banal plastering. Why PVC? The material is quite light, easy to work with and, most importantly, it is cheap. Although the list of positives does not end there. Plastic is easy to clean and resistant to aggressive agents. He is not afraid of evaporation and temperature fluctuations. And finally, the manufacturers of finishing material have tried with colors and patterns. This cover will last a long time. If necessary, the damaged part can be easily replaced.

    Nevertheless, the owner himself has the right to decide how to sheathe the ceiling. It can be the same wooden lining, OSB or drywall. The materials are also suitable for use on the ceiling of the garage. Only here you need to take care of how to perform high-quality waterproofing of the ceiling. Without it, materials will collapse. The easiest way to make a water barrier is to cover everything with roofing felt or waterproofing film. And the condition of the roof needs to be assessed. If a roofing material damaged, then repair everything.

    Many seek to create comfort and make the finish pleasing to the eye, not only in residential areas, but also in technical ones, for example, in a garage. In addition, sometimes such a design is simply necessary, in cases where insulation or other material is hidden under the finishing layer. Since at the same time you still want to save a little, the sheathing of the walls of the garage inside is often carried out with an OSB plate - an inexpensive and very well-proven material.

    What is such a plate

    Oriented strand board, as its name implies, is a similarity to the familiar chipboard - a material obtained by gluing chips together. At the same time, the second part of the name - “oriented”, indicates that the chips in the thickness of the material are not located randomly, but in certain directions. Since the plate is multilayer, the chips are located in the inner layers in the transverse direction relative to the long side of the part, and in the outer layers - longitudinally. All varieties of smallpox can be divided into several groups:

    • OSB of the first type does not have a moisture-resistant impregnation and coating. Not suitable for decoration and is used for the manufacture of furniture.
    • OSB of the second type is also not moisture resistant, but it has greater strength than the first type.
    • The third option is OSB with a moisture-resistant coating and impregnation. It is suitable for indoor and outdoor work in the best way.
    • OSB of the fourth type is less common and has the maximum resistance to water, as well as mechanical strength. Mainly used for outdoor work.

    For finishing the garage room, it is better to choose the third type of panels. They are able to resist moisture and do not absorb it. Besides mechanical strength sheets is very high, which is quite important in this room.

    How the finish is made

    In principle, the decoration of the walls of the garage osb slabs carried out exactly according to the same technology as the design with drywall or other types of panels. You will need to assemble a crate or frame, to which the sheets will be attached. However, here it is worth paying attention to the fact that the frame in the garage space is still preferable - it will allow you to lay a heater in the wall and improve the situation with heat saving.

    There is only one nuance that sometimes does not allow the assembly of a full-fledged frame - the small dimensions of the room. If your garage is small, crate will be the preferred choice, as it "eats" a lot less space. The principles of assembling the frame and battens are no different from installing exactly the same structures under drywall sheets or decorating with plastic panels.

    What to Consider

    To make your garage look beautiful and the finish last for a long time, you need to follow some rules when installing all the components, as well as the subsequent decorative finish.

    • If the height of the sheet is not enough to cover the entire space from floor to ceiling, it is necessary to follow the principle used when attaching drywall - to mount the sheets "in a run", without creating cruciform joints.
    • Between adjacent and sheets it is necessary to leave a small compensation gap of three to four millimeters. It will allow the panels to deform slightly from moisture and change temperature conditions without allowing the sheet to warp. The gap during finishing is filled with sealant.
    • If the garage is damp, it will not be superfluous to cover all surfaces with a colorless or tinted varnish. However, it cannot simply be applied directly to an unprepared surface. First, you should walk along all the walls with medium-sized sandpaper, prime them, and only then apply varnish. This treatment will greatly improve the ability of the pox to withstand water and increase the life of the surface.

    The rest will be easy. Having mounted in a standard way crate or frame, you attach smallpox to them with long self-tapping screws. The screw heads must be sunk a couple of millimeters into the plane so that they do not interfere with further finishing, and all joints between adjacent parts are filled with acrylic sealant. It fits better than silicone, because after installation, the plates are often painted, and the paint fits better on acrylic composition. The only difficulty that you may encounter is that the sheets have large dimensions and weigh a lot, therefore, it is better to call an assistant for finishing work.