How to get rid of resin on the walls of a wooden house? Treatment of wooden surfaces: deresining

Interior made from natural wood looks very solid, presentable, soft and pleasant. Especially valuable material conifers, which also during operation contributes to the natural healing of all residents of the house. But there is one problem that arises when laying softwood - how to get rid of resin on the boards, which must be solved correctly. That is what this article will be about.

Why remove resin?

Coniferous wood species such as pine, spruce, larch are unusually beautiful, but they emit natural resins not only after sawing, but also during growth. This resin is a very viscous, fluid substance, so the process of interior decoration is much more complicated, because:

  1. Boards where the resin leaks out become extremely sticky and will quickly bond to whatever tools and materials they come into contact with.
  2. Usually, the areas where the “resin” flows out look a little darker than the whole board, so the uniformity of the coating cannot be achieved.
  3. Staining to perform with the resulting substance is impossible, and unprofitable. Paint or varnish will not harden on resin stains, respectively - there will remain convex, unprotected from the harmful effects of moisture, areas of the coating that stand out by their color.

What do you need to know about resin?

Resin removal is best done only after the board has been sanded. Although compliance with this rule will not be a guarantee that the "resin" will not prove itself again. Sometimes such a substance begins to ooze under the influence of certain factors after completion finishing works. This factor must be taken into account before giving preference to coniferous decoration of the house.

How to remove resin from the board?

In order to properly prepare all the elements for laying the floor, wall cladding or ceiling, you need to correctly get rid of the resin on the boards. This can be done in several ways.

Mechanical removal

In this case, in order to remove the resin from the boards, it is necessary to wait for the complete solidification of the fluid mass. Then, armed with a knife, remove each piece by hand.

Important! After removing all unwanted sagging, it is necessary to sand the surface of the wood with sandpaper or a special tool.


To dissolve the "resin" you can use improvised chemistry. The following tools are suitable for this purpose:

  • alcohol;
  • White Spirit;
  • turpentine;
  • refined gasoline;
  • acetone;
  • nitro solvent.

Important! The use of any of these solvents does not affect the structure and shade of softwood. But when using it, it is advisable to protect yourself with gloves, a respirator so that caustic volatile vapors do not provoke irritation of the skin and mucous membranes.

Other ways and means

You can also get rid of resin on the boards with the help of folk methods, which consist in the use of available kitchen and pharmacy solutions, powders.

The following methods effectively help to solve the problem:

  • Ammonium chloride or ammonia solution. Such a tool is diluted with acetone in a ratio of 2: 1. Apply to the surface with rubbing movements until foam is formed. Remains of foam and resin are removed after 20 minutes with a clean, damp cloth.
  • Potash and soda in equal proportions (50 g each). Both substances are mixed and poured into 1 liter hot water. To enhance the effect, you can add 250 ml of acetone.
  • Caustic soda. It is dissolved in half a liter cold water. You can also add 250 ml of a solvent such as acetone.

Important! Any of these products can only be applied to a sanded, but not painted surface. Otherwise the acetone will dissolve the paint and look narrower. finished finish will not be the most attractive way.

Safe Recipes

In order not to damage the wood either mechanically or chemically, or in the case of a small amount of resin, use the following products to get rid of the resin on the boards:

  • 25 g arboreal or any liquid soap mixed with 50 ml of ammonia and 1 liter of hot water;
  • acetic solution of concentrated acid and water in a ratio of 1:50.

Important! The last resort is also well suited to remove alkali residues after using any other substance or solution to get rid of the resin on the boards. It helps a lot, including when you wash already finished walls and it is necessary to remove the remnants of the cleaner from the joints of the crowns.

When the walls are already sheathed

If the resin began to appear from the boards after they were laid on the walls, you are unlikely to have a desire to spend a lot of time pointwise removing each piece of “resin” with solvents or a knife.

In this case, you can burn all the places where the tree sap is formed. blowtorch, after cleaning them with sandpaper suitable degree grit.


When giving preference to a coniferous board, remember that you will not be able to completely get rid of the resin on the boards. It can appear at any, the most unexpected moment for you. But it's really not like that global problem, after all, it is possible to remove the “sap”, and the beauty, environmental friendliness and benefits of such wood cannot be compared with any modern plastic or other material. Let your house be filled only pleasant aroma needles and always look cozy. And with minor resin problems, you now know how to deal with it.

Exists certain category difficult to remove stains, which include resin contamination. These stains are sticky and harden very quickly, so it is not easy to clean them, especially when it comes to old stains. Many people feel dizzy when looking at tar stains, but using the tips below, you can easily clean clothes or various surfaces from resin.

There are different types of resins, since this term refers to a whole group of substances that are solid at normal conditions and soften when heated. Cars are most often polluted with bitumen - the composition that is used when asphalting roads, and clothes can be stained on a walk with tar released from tree bark. In the latter case, the stains often go unnoticed, and when they are found, the thing is either sent to a distant shelf or thrown away. This should not be done, since tar stains can be cleaned, and by different methods.

How to clean resin from fabric

How to clean resin from wood

For the decoration of saunas and baths, wood is always used, and often at first, when heated, resin is released from it. These streaks do not look very aesthetically pleasing, so you can try to eliminate them.

You should be aware that the release of resin may not occur at once, so if pine boards new ones and resin has come out on them, then you can wait some more time, and after the resin stops standing out, you can start removing stains.

You can remove the resin from the tree with a chisel, spatula or knife, and then wipe this place with turpentine or white spirit. If there is a lot of resin, and the wooden surface is smooth, you can use a grinder to remove resin stains.

How to remove resin from metal

This problem is familiar to motorists who have had to drive on newly paved roads. After that, stains and streaks of resin (bitumen) remain on the surface of the body. If they dry out, then it is very difficult to remove them, so such pollution must be removed as quickly as possible.

  • Since dust settles on the body and various pollution, when rubbing resin stains, these particles can turn into an abrasive and dullness will remain in place of the stain. To avoid this, before starting work, the car body is thoroughly washed.
  • Next, the resin stains are applied special formulations for removing bitumen - DECABIT, Sonax, Antisilicone, etc. Some also use white spirit, solvent or diesel fuel.
  • After removing the stains, the body parts must be polished to restore their former shine.

It is important to follow the safety rules when removing any resin stains: protect your hands with gloves or a special cream, work in a well-ventilated area without possible sources of ignition.

If you ever happened to stain your favorite clothes in tar, then the memories of this event, for sure, are only negative. Yes, this is not surprising, because the resin is very easily attached to any surface, but to remove this substance, you need to try very hard, although no one can guarantee a 100% result. For example, when a newly made bench comes out with resin under the influence of the sun, you have to think about how to remove the resin from the board.

First you need to wait until the resin stops flowing out of the wood. Then, until the resin dries, and only after that you can begin to eliminate it. big chunks can be cut with a knife. Residual resin can be easily removed with sandpaper and grinder. Then you need to cover the surface of the bench with any protective agent. After such a procedure, the resin from the wood will no longer act. Nicotine tar is deposited on the lungs as a result of smoking. And how to clean the lungs from resin?

There are various decoctions with which the lungs will be completely cleansed in a fairly short time. To do this, you need to prepare decoctions using horsetail, yellow sweet clover, pine buds, pikulnik, common plantain, lungwort, thyme, tricolor or fragrant violet, elecampane, fennel or soapwort. As part of an effective remedy, a set of any 8 types of herbs is sufficient. But it is important to know how to remove resin from jeans.

To remove resin from your favorite pants, you can use the usual "freezer" of the refrigerator. Just put jeans in it and wait a couple of hours. During this time, the resin will freeze and become very brittle. As a result of normal friction, all the resin will crumble. But this method is only good when the resin is not strongly ingrained into the fabric structure. Otherwise, you will have to use the help of various chemicals. Here are some tips on how to remove resin from fabric.

To do this, you need to prepare a mixture of white clay and dry starch, taken in equal proportions, and mix them with a few drops of turpentine or ammonia. The mass as a result should turn out to be mushy. Apply it to the resin and let it dry. Then you need to remove the remnants of the "resin remover" with a clothes brush. But the most unpleasant case is when the resin gets on the head. How to remove resin from hair without damaging them? You can try to comb out the resin from the hair after applying it to them liberally. vegetable oil. After the procedure, the oil is very easily washed out with any shampoo. If the hair is stained with resin coniferous trees, it is readily soluble in pure alcohol. To do this, moisten a cotton swab in alcohol and gently remove the resin from the hair.

Coniferous species are mainly used as building timber for wooden housing construction: pine and spruce. When painting conifers, one should take into account the presence of resin in the wood, which, due to the capillary effect, tends to come to the surface. This process is natural, but often undesirable: on dyed wooden facades contrasting spots can be seen yellow color or smudges of drops of resin. What to do in this case? Can any facade paint isolate resin? These questions are often asked by our customers. This problem is actively discussed on Internet forums, but there are often conflicting and unprofessional statements. We addressed this issue to the Finnish specialists from the scientific and technical center Teknos who develop materials for coloring wood. The answer was unambiguous: if for the construction was used softwood from great content resin, then there is no such paintwork material, which would be guaranteed to exclude the manifestation of resin. As confirmation, we present a photo provided by one of the construction companies. Facade wooden house in the spring of 2015 was painted with popular material Vinha (Tikkurila). In the autumn of the same year, clearly visible yellow spots around the knots, and in some places you can notice the release of resin in the form of drip smudges.

On the facade, you can see “protrusions” of resin from under the covering paint.

Finnish woodworking factories, in order to reduce the resin content in lumber, must withstand the sawn wood for at least six months and then remove the resinous surface layer. How additional remedy special insulating primers are used, which slow down the process of resin development. Concern Teknos insulating soil is produced white color Anti Stain Aqua 5200. This primer is used for industrial painting wooden windows from larch and prevents yellowing of the finish paint. But the use of an insulating primer does not completely solve the problem of resin release, and therefore, in the production of window timber, the wood undergoes a preliminary rejection: problematic knots and places with strong pitching are cut out. Company Tikkurila produces a special varnish - Oxalacca, designed to slow down the transition of resin from knots through a layer of covering paintwork. But varnish Oxalacca recommended for use only inside the house, and not intended for use on the facade.

Finnish specialists Teknos recommends paying great attention to the quality of the wood used. If there is a possibility of a high resin content, then choose colors for painting the house, on which the resin stains will be less contrasting and less noticeable. If resin smudges form on the facade, then you should wait for the crystallization of the resin and remove it mechanically.